Convergence Analysis of the Gauss– Newton-Type Method for Lipschitz-Like Mappings M. H. Rashid, S. H. Yu, C. Li & S. Y. Wu Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications ISSN 0022-3239 Volume 158 Number 1 J Optim Theory Appl (2013) 158:216-233 DOI 10.1007/s10957-012-0206-3 1 23 Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer Science +Business Media New York. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be selfarchived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your article, please use the accepted manuscript version for posting on your own website. You may further deposit the accepted manuscript version in any repository, provided it is only made publicly available 12 months after official publication or later and provided acknowledgement is given to the original source of publication and a link is inserted to the published article on Springer's website. The link must be accompanied by the following text: "The final publication is available at”. 1 23 Author's personal copy J Optim Theory Appl (2013) 158:216–233 DOI 10.1007/s10957-012-0206-3 Convergence Analysis of the Gauss–Newton-Type Method for Lipschitz-Like Mappings M.H. Rashid · S.H. Yu · C. Li · S.Y. Wu Received: 30 January 2011 / Accepted: 6 October 2012 / Published online: 20 October 2012 © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2012 Abstract We introduce in the present paper a Gauss–Newton-type method for solving generalized equations defined by sums of differentiable mappings and set-valued mappings in Banach spaces. Semi-local convergence and local convergence of the Gauss–Newton-type method are analyzed. Keywords Set-valued mappings · Lipschitz-like mappings · Generalized equations · Gauss–Newton-type method · Semi-local convergence 1 Introduction The generalized equation problem, defined by the sum of a differentiable mapping and a set-valued mapping in Banach spaces, was introduced by Robinson [1, 2] as Communicated by Nguyen Don Yen. M.H. Rashid · C. Li () Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, P.R. China e-mail: M.H. Rashid e-mail: Present address: M.H. Rashid Department of Mathematics, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi 6205, Bangladesh S.H. Yu Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004, P.R. China e-mail: S.Y. Wu Department of Mathematics, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan e-mail: Author's personal copy J Optim Theory Appl (2013) 158:216–233 217 a general tool for describing, analyzing, and solving different problems in a unified manner. This kind of generalized equation problems has been studied extensively. Typical examples are systems of inequalities, variational inequalities, linear and nonlinear complementary problems, systems of nonlinear equations, equilibrium problems, etc.; see, for example, [1–3]. The classical method for finding an approximate solution is the Newton-type method (see Algorithm 3.1 in Sect. 3), which was introduced by Dontchev in [4]. Under some suitable conditions, around a solution x ∗ of the generalized equation, it was proved in [4] that there exists a neighborhood U (x ∗ ) of x ∗ such that, for any initial point in U (x ∗ ), there exists a sequence generated by the Newton-type method that converges quadratically to the solution x ∗ . Generally, for an initial point, near to a solution, the sequences generated by the Newton-type method are not uniquely defined and not every generated sequence is convergent. The above convergence result established in [4] guarantees the existence of a convergent sequence. Therefore, from the viewpoint of practical computations, this kind of Newton-type methods would not be convenient in practical applications. This drawback motivates us to propose a (modified) Gauss–Newton-type method (see Algorithm 3.2 in Sect. 3), which indeed is an extension of the famous Gauss–Newton method for solving nonlinear least square problems and the extended Newton method for solving convex inclusion problems; see, for example, [5–11]. Usually, one’s interest in convergence issues about the Gauss–Newton-type method is focused on two types: local convergence, which is concerned with the convergence ball based on the information in a neighborhood of a solution, and semilocal analysis, which is concerned with the convergence criterion based on the information around an initial point. There has been fruitful work on semi-local analysis of the Gauss–Newton-type method for some special cases such as the Gauss–Newton method for nonlinear least square problems (cf. [6, 8, 10]), and the extended Gauss– Newton method for convex inclusion problems (cf. [12]). However, to the best of our knowledge, there is no study on semi-local analysis for the general case considered here, even for the Newton-type method. Our purpose in the present paper is to analyze semi-local convergence of the Gauss–Newton-type method. The main tool is the Lipschitz-like property for setvalued mappings, which was introduced in [13] by Aubin in the context of nonsmooth analysis, and studied by many mathematicians; see, for example, [14–18] and the references therein. Our main results are the convergence criteria established in Sect. 3, which, based on the information around the initial point, provide some sufficient conditions ensuring the convergence to a solution of any sequence generated by the Gauss–Newton-type method. As a consequence, local convergence results for the Gauss–Newton-type method are obtained. This paper is organized as follows. The next section contains some necessary notations and preliminary results. In Sect. 3, we introduce a Gauss–Newton-type method for solving the generalized equation, and establish existence results of solutions of the generalized equation and convergence results of the Gauss–Newton-type method for Lipschitz-like mappings. In the last section, we give a summary of the major results to close our paper. Author's personal copy 218 J Optim Theory Appl (2013) 158:216–233 2 Notations and Preliminary Results Throughout the whole paper, we assume that X and Y are two real or complex Banach spaces. Let x ∈ X and r > 0. The closed ball centered at x with radius r is denoted by Br (x). Let F : X ⇒ Y be a set-valued mapping. The domain dom F , the inverse F −1 and the graph gph F of F are, respectively, defined by dom F := x ∈ X : F (x) = ∅ , F −1 (y) := x ∈ X : y ∈ F (x) for each y ∈ Y and gph F := (x, y) ∈ X × Y : y ∈ F (x) . Let A ⊂ X. The distance function of A is defined by dist(x, A) := inf x − a : a ∈ A for each x ∈ X, while the excess from the set A to a set C ⊆ X is defined by e(C, A) := sup dist(x, A) : x ∈ C . Recall from [19] the notions of pseudo-Lipschitz and Lipschitz-like set-valued mappings. These notions were introduced by Aubin in [13, 20], and have been studied extensively. In particular, connections to linear rate of openness, coderivative and metrically regularity of set-valued mappings were established by Penot and Mordukhovich; see, for example, [21, 22] and the book [19] for details. Definition 2.1 Let Γ : Y ⇒ X be a set-valued mapping, and let (ȳ, x̄) ∈ gph Γ . Let rx̄ > 0, rȳ > 0 and M > 0. Γ is said to be (a) Lipschitz-like on Brȳ (ȳ) relative to Brx̄ (x̄) with constant M iff the following inequality holds: e Γ (y1 ) ∩ Brx̄ (x̄), Γ (y2 ) ≤ My1 − y2 for any y1 , y2 ∈ Brȳ (ȳ). (b) Pseudo-Lipschitz around (ȳ, x̄) iff there exist constants rȳ > 0, rx̄ > 0 and M > 0 such that Γ is Lipschitz-like on Brȳ (ȳ) relative to Brx̄ (x̄) with constant M . The following lemma is useful and its proof is similar to that for [19, Theorem 1.49(i)]. Lemma 2.1 Let Γ : Y ⇒ X be a set-valued mapping, and let (ȳ, x̄) ∈ gph Γ . Assume that Γ is Lipschitz-like on Brȳ (ȳ) relative to Brx̄ (x̄) with constant M. Then dist x, Γ (y) ≤ M dist y, Γ −1 (x) for any x ∈ Brx̄ (x̄) and y ∈ B rȳ (ȳ) satisfying dist(y, Γ −1 (x)) ≤ 3 (1) rȳ 3. Author's personal copy J Optim Theory Appl (2013) 158:216–233 219 Proof Let x ∈ Brx̄ (x̄) and y ∈ B rȳ (ȳ) be such that dist(y, Γ −1 (x)) ≤ 3 show that (1) holds. To do this, let 0 < ≤ rȳ 3 rȳ 3. We have to and ỹ ∈ Γ −1 (x) be such that 2rȳ . ỹ − y ≤ dist y, Γ −1 (x) + ≤ 3 (2) Then x ∈ Γ (ỹ) and ỹ − ȳ ≤ ỹ − y + y − ȳ ≤ rȳ , that is, ỹ ∈ Brȳ (ȳ). Thus, by the assumed Lipschitz-like property of Γ , we have e Γ (ỹ) ∩ Brx̄ (x̄), Γ (y) ≤ Mỹ − y. Since x ∈ Γ (ỹ) ∩ Brx̄ (x̄), it follows from the definition of excess that dist x, Γ (y) ≤ e Γ (ỹ) ∩ Brx̄ (x̄), Γ (y) ≤ Mỹ − y. This together with (2) implies that dist x, Γ (y) ≤ M dist y, Γ −1 (x) as 0 < ≤ rȳ 3 is arbitrary. This completes the proof. We end this section with the following known lemma in [23]. Lemma 2.2 Let φ : X ⇒ X be a set-valued mapping. Let η0 ∈ X, r > 0 and 0 < λ < 1 be such that dist η0 , φ(η0 ) < r(1 − λ) (3) and e φ(x1 ) ∩ Br (η0 ), φ(x2 ) ≤ λx1 − x2 for any x1 , x2 ∈ Br (η0 ). (4) Then φ has a fixed point in Br (η0 ), that is, there exists x ∈ Br (η0 ) such that x ∈ φ(x). If φ is additionally single-valued, then the fixed point of φ in Br (η0 ) is unique. 3 Convergence Analysis of the Gauss–Newton-Type Method Let f : Ω ⊆ X → Y be Fréchet differentiable with its Fréchet derivative denoted by ∇f , and let F : X ⇒ Y be a set-valued mapping with closed graph, where Ω is an open set in X. The generalized equation problem considered in the present paper is to find a point x ∈ Ω satisfying 0 ∈ f (x) + F (x). Fixing x ∈ X, by D(x) we denote the subset of X defined by D(x) := d ∈ X : 0 ∈ f (x) + ∇f (x)d + F (x + d) . Recall that the Newton-type method introduced in [4] is defined as follows. (5) Author's personal copy 220 J Optim Theory Appl (2013) 158:216–233 Algorithm 3.1 (The Newton-type method) Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. Select x0 ∈ X and put k := 0. If 0 ∈ D(xk ) then stop; otherwise, go to Step 3. Choose dk ∈ D(xk ) and set xk+1 := xk + dk . Replace k by k + 1 and go to Step 2. The Gauss–Newton-type method we propose here is given in the following: Algorithm 3.2 (The Gauss–Newton-type method) Step 1. Select η ∈ [1, ∞[, x0 ∈ X and put k := 0. Step 2. If 0 ∈ D(xk ) then stop; otherwise, go to Step 3. Step 3. Choose dk ∈ D(xk ) such that dk ≤ η dist 0, D(xk ) . (6) Step 4. Set xk+1 := xk + dk . Step 5. Replace k by k + 1 and go to Step 2. We remark that in the case where F := 0, Algorithm 3.2 is reduced to the famous Gauss–Newton method, which is a well known iterative technique for solving nonlinear least square (model fitting) problems and has been studied extensively; see, for example, [5–10]; while in the case where F := C, where C is a closed convex cone, this algorithm is reduced to the extended Newton method for solving convex inclusion problems, which was presented and studied by Robinson in [11]. The Gauss– Newton method for solving convex composite optimization problems was studied in [12, 24, 25] and the references therein. 3.1 Linear Convergence Let x ∈ X and define the mapping Qx by Qx (·) := f (x) + ∇f (x)(· − x) + F (·). Then D(x) = d ∈ X : 0 ∈ Qx (x + d) . (7) Moreover, the following equivalence is clear for any z ∈ X and y ∈ Y : z ∈ Q−1 x (y) ⇐⇒ y ∈ f (x) + ∇f (x)(z − x) + F (z). (8) In particular, x̄ ∈ Q−1 x̄ (ȳ) for each (x̄, ȳ) ∈ gph(f + F ). (9) Let (x̄, ȳ) ∈ gph(f + F ) and let rx̄ > 0, rȳ > 0. Throughout the whole paper, we assume that Brx̄ (x̄) ⊆ Ω ∩ dom F and that the mapping Qx̄−1 (·) is Lipschitz-like on Brȳ (ȳ) relative to Brx̄ (x̄) with constant M, that is, −1 e Q−1 x̄ (y1 ) ∩ Brx̄ (x̄), Qx̄ (y2 ) ≤ My1 − y2 for any y1 , y2 ∈ Brȳ (ȳ). (10) Author's personal copy J Optim Theory Appl (2013) 158:216–233 221 Let ε0 > 0 and write rx̄ (1 − Mε0 ) r̄ := min rȳ − 2ε0 rx̄ , . 4M (11) rȳ 1 . , ε0 < min 2rx̄ M (12) Then r̄ > 0 ⇐⇒ The following lemma plays a crucial role in convergence analysis of the Gauss– Newton-type method. The proof is a refinement of the one for [26, Lemma 1]. Lemma 3.1 Suppose that Q−1 x̄ (·) is Lipschitz-like on Brȳ (ȳ) relative to Brx̄ (x̄) with constant M and that rȳ 1 . (13) sup ∇f (x) − ∇f (x̄) ≤ ε0 < min , 2rx̄ M x∈B rx̄ (x̄) 2 Let x ∈ B rx̄ (x̄). Then Q−1 x (·) is Lipschitz-like on Br̄ (ȳ) relative to B rx̄ (x̄) with con2 stant M 1−Mε0 , 2 that is, −1 e Q−1 x (y1 ) ∩ B rx̄ (x̄), Qx (y2 ) ≤ 2 M y1 − y2 for any y1 , y2 ∈ Br̄ (ȳ). 1 − Mε0 Proof Note that (12) and (13) imply r̄ > 0. Now let y1 , y2 ∈ Br̄ (ȳ) and x ∈ Q−1 x (y1 ) ∩ B rx̄ (x̄). 2 (14) It suffices to show that there exists x ∈ Q−1 x (y2 ) such that x − x ≤ M y1 − y2 . 1 − Mε0 To this end, we shall verify that there exists a sequence {xk } ⊂ Brx̄ (x̄) such that y2 ∈ f (x) + ∇f (x)(xk−1 − x) + ∇f (x̄)(xk − xk−1 ) + F (xk ) (15) xk − xk−1 ≤ My1 − y2 (Mε0 )k−2 (16) and hold for each k = 2, 3, 4, . . . . We proceed by induction on k. Write zi := yi − f (x) − ∇f (x) x − x + f (x̄) + ∇f (x̄) x − x̄ for each i = 1, 2. Note by (14) that x − x ≤ x − x̄ + x̄ − x ≤ rx̄ . It follows from (14) and the relation r̄ ≤ rȳ − 2ε0 rx̄ (thanks to (11)) that Author's personal copy 222 J Optim Theory Appl (2013) 158:216–233 zi − ȳ ≤ yi − ȳ + f (x) − f (x̄) − ∇f (x̄)(x − x̄) + ∇f (x) − ∇f (x̄) x − x ≤ r̄ + ε0 x − x̄ + x − x rx̄ ≤ r̄ + ε0 + rx̄ ≤ rȳ . 2 That is zi ∈ Brȳ (ȳ) for each i = 1, 2. Define x1 := x . Then x1 ∈ Q−1 x (y1 ) by (14), and it follows from (8) that y1 ∈ f (x) + ∇f (x)(x1 − x) + F (x1 ), which can be rewritten as y1 + f (x̄) + ∇f (x̄)(x1 − x̄) ∈ f (x) + ∇f (x)(x1 − x) + F (x1 ) + f (x̄) + ∇f (x̄)(x1 − x̄). This, by the definition of z1 , means that z1 ∈ f (x̄) + ∇f (x̄)(x1 − x) + F (x1 ). Hence −1 x1 ∈ Q−1 x̄ (z1 ) by (8), and then x1 ∈ Qx̄ (z1 ) ∩ Brx̄ (x̄) thanks to (14). By the assumed Lipschitz-like property of Q−1 x̄ (·) and noting that z1 , z2 ∈ Br̄ (ȳ), from (10) we infer (z that there exists x2 ∈ Q−1 2 ) with x̄ x2 − x1 ≤ Mz1 − z2 = My1 − y2 . Moreover, by the definition of z2 and noting x1 = x , we have −1 x2 ∈ Q−1 x̄ (z2 ) = Qx̄ y2 − f (x) − ∇f (x)(x1 − x) + f (x̄) + ∇f (x̄)(x1 − x̄) , which, together with (14), implies that y2 ∈ f (x) + ∇f (x)(x1 − x) + ∇f (x̄)(x2 − x1 ) + F (x2 ). This shows that (15) and (16) are true for the constructed points x1 , x2 . We assume that x1 , x2 , . . . , xn are constructed such that (15) and (16) are true for k = 2, 3, . . . , n. We need to construct xn+1 such that (15) and (16) are also true for k = n + 1. For this purpose, we write zin := y2 − f (x) − ∇f (x)(xn+i−1 − x) + f (x̄) + ∇f (x̄)(xn+i−1 − x̄) for each i = 0, 1. Then, by the inductive assumption, n z − zn = ∇f (x̄) − ∇f (x) (xn − xn−1 ) 0 1 ≤ ε0 xn − xn−1 ≤ y1 − y2 (Mε0 )n−1 . (17) Author's personal copy J Optim Theory Appl (2013) 158:216–233 Since x1 − x̄ ≤ rx̄ 2 223 and y1 − y2 ≤ 2r̄ by (14), it follows from (16) that xn − x̄ ≤ n xk − xk−1 + x1 − x̄ k=2 ≤ 2M r̄ n rx̄ (Mε0 )k−2 + 2 k=2 ≤ By (11), we have r̄ ≤ rx̄ (1−Mε0 ) , 4M 2M r̄ rx̄ + . 1 − Mε0 2 and so xn − x̄ ≤ rx̄ . (18) 3 xn − x ≤ xn − x̄ + x̄ − x ≤ rx̄ . 2 (19) Consequently, Furthermore, using (14) and (19), one has, for each i = 0, 1, n z − ȳ ≤ y2 − ȳ + f (x) − f (x̄) − ∇f (x̄)(x − x̄) i + ∇f (x) − ∇f (x̄) (x − xn+i−1 ) rx̄ 3rx̄ + ≤ r̄ + ε0 x − x̄ + x − xn+i−1 ≤ r̄ + ε0 2 2 = r̄ + 2ε0 rx̄ . It follows from the definition of r̄ in (11) that zin ∈ Brȳ (ȳ) for each i = 0, 1. Since assumption (15) holds for k = n, we have y2 ∈ f (x) + ∇f (x)(xn−1 − x) + ∇f (x̄)(xn − xn−1 ) + F (xn ), which can be written as y2 + f (x̄) + ∇f (x̄)(xn−1 − x̄) ∈ f (x) + ∇f (x)(xn−1 − x) + ∇f (x̄)(xn − xn−1 ) + F (xn ) + f (x̄) + ∇f (x̄)(xn−1 − x̄), that is, z0n ∈ f (x̄) + ∇f (x̄)(xn − x̄) + F (xn ) by the definition of z0n . This, together n with (8) and (18), yields xn ∈ Q−1 x̄ (z0 ) ∩ Brx̄ (x̄). By using (10) again, there exists an −1 n element xn+1 ∈ Qx̄ (z1 ) such that xn+1 − xn ≤ M z0n − z1n ≤ My1 − y2 (Mε0 )n−1 , (20) where the last inequality holds by (17). By the definition of z1n , we have n −1 xn+1 ∈ Q−1 x̄ z1 = Qx̄ y2 − f (x) − ∇f (x)(xn − x) + f (x̄) + ∇f (x̄)(xn − x̄) , Author's personal copy 224 J Optim Theory Appl (2013) 158:216–233 which, together with (8), implies y2 ∈ f (x) + ∇f (x)(xn − x) + ∇f (x̄)(xn+1 − xn ) + F (xn+1 ). This, together with (20), completes the induction step, and the existence of sequence {xn } satisfying (15) and (16) is established. Since Mε0 < 1, we see from (16) that {xk } is a Cauchy sequence, and hence it is convergent. Let x := limk→∞ xk . Then, taking limit in (15) and noting that F has closed graph, we get y2 ∈ f (x) + ∇f (x)(x − x) + F (x ) and so x ∈ Q−1 x (y2 ). Moreover, n x − x ≤ lim sup xk − xk−1 n→∞ ≤ lim n→∞ = k=2 n (Mε0 )k−2 My1 − y2 k=2 M y1 − y2 . 1 − Mε0 This completes the proof of the lemma. For convenience, we define, for each x ∈ X, the mapping Zx : X → Y by Zx (·) := f (x̄) + ∇f (x̄)(· − x̄) − f (x) − ∇f (x)(· − x), and the set-valued mapping φx : X ⇒ X by φx (·) := Q−1 x̄ Zx (·) . (21) Then Zx x − Zx x ≤ ∇f (x̄) − ∇f (x)x − x for any x , x ∈ X. (22) Our first main theorem, which provides some sufficient conditions ensuring the convergence of the Gauss–Newton-type method with initial point x0 , is as follows. Theorem 3.1 Suppose that η > 1 and Q−1 x̄ (·) is Lipschitz-like on Brȳ (ȳ) relative to Brx̄ (x̄) with constant M. Let (23) ε0 ≥ sup ∇f (x) − ∇f x , x,x ∈B rx̄ (x̄) 2 and let r̄ be defined by (11). Let δ > 0 be such that r (a) δ ≤ min{ r4x̄ , 3εr̄ 0 , 5εȳ0 , 1}, (b) ε0 M(1 + 2η) ≤ 1, (c) ȳ < ε0 δ. Author's personal copy J Optim Theory Appl (2013) 158:216–233 Suppose that 225 lim dist ȳ, f (x) + F (x) = 0. x→x̄ (24) Then there exists some δ̂ > 0 such that any sequence {xn } generated by Algorithm 3.2 with initial point in Bδ̂ (x̄) converges to a solution x ∗ of (5). Proof By assumption (b), we obtain η q := 1 ηMε0 1+2η ≤ = . 1 1 − Mε0 1 − 1+2η 2 Take 0 < δ̂ ≤ δ be such that dist 0, f (x0 ) + F (x0 ) ≤ ε0 δ for each x0 ∈ Bδ̂ (x̄) (25) (noting that such δ̂ exists by (24) and assumption (c)). Let x0 ∈ Bδ̂ (x̄). We will proceed by induction to show that Algorithm 3.2 generates at least one sequence and any sequence {xn } generated by Algorithm 3.2 satisfies the following assertions: xn − x̄ ≤ 2δ (26) xn+1 − xn ≤ q n+1 δ (27) and for each n = 0, 1, 2, . . . . For this purpose, we define rx := 3 ε0 Mx − x̄ + Mȳ for each x ∈ X. 2 By assumptions (b) and (c), we see that 3Mε0 ≤ 1 and ȳ < ε0 δ. It follows that 3 rx < (3Mε0 δ) ≤ 2δ 2 for each x ∈ B2δ (x̄). (28) Note that (26) is trivial for n = 0. Firstly, we need to show that x1 exists and (27) holds for n = 0. To complete this, we have to prove that D(x0 ) = ∅ by applying Lemma 2.2 to the mapping φx0 with η0 := x̄. Let us check that both assumptions (3) and (4) of Lemma 2.2 hold with r := rx0 and λ := 13 . Since x̄ ∈ Q−1 x̄ (ȳ) ∩ Bδ (x̄) by (9), according to the definition of the excess e and the mapping φx0 in (21), we obtain dist x̄, φx0 (x̄) ≤ e Q−1 x̄ (ȳ) ∩ Bδ (x̄), φx0 (x̄) −1 (29) ≤ e Q−1 x̄ (ȳ) ∩ Brx̄ (x̄), Qx̄ Zx0 (x̄) (note that Bδ (x̄) ⊆ Brx̄ (x̄)). By the choice of ε0 , we see that Zx (x) − ȳ = f (x̄) + ∇f (x̄)(x − x̄) − f (x0 ) − ∇f (x0 )(x − x0 ) − ȳ 0 ≤ f (x̄) − f (x0 ) − ∇f (x0 )(x̄ − x0 ) Author's personal copy 226 J Optim Theory Appl (2013) 158:216–233 + ∇f (x0 ) − ∇f (x̄)x̄ − x + ȳ ≤ ε0 x̄ − x0 + x̄ − x + ȳ. (30) Note that x0 − x̄ ≤ δ̂ ≤ δ, 5δε0 ≤ rȳ by assumption (a) and ȳ < ε0 δ by assumption (c). It follows from (30) that, for each x ∈ Bδ (x̄), Zx (x) − ȳ ≤ ε0 x̄ − x0 + x̄ − x + ȳ ≤ 5δε0 ≤ rȳ . 0 In particular, Zx0 (x̄) ∈ Brȳ (ȳ) and Zx0 (x̄) − ȳ ≤ ε0 x̄ − x0 + ȳ. Hence, by (29) and the assumed Lipschitz-like property, we have dist x̄, φx0 (x̄) ≤ M ȳ − Zx0 (x̄) ≤ Mε0 x0 − x̄ + Mȳ 1 = 1− rx0 = (1 − λ)r, 3 that is, assumption (3) of Lemma 2.2 is checked. To fulfill assumption (4) of Lemma 2.2, let x , x ∈ Brx0 (x̄). Then we have x , x ∈ Brx0 (x̄) ⊆ B2δ (x̄) ⊆ Brx̄ (x̄) by (28) and assumption (a), and Zx0 (x ), Zx0 (x ) ∈ Brȳ (ȳ) by (30). This, together with the assumed Lipschitz-like property, implies that e φx0 x ∩ Brx0 (x̄), φx0 x ≤ e φx0 x ∩ Brx̄ (x̄), φx0 x ∩ Brx̄ (x̄), Q−1 = e Q−1 x̄ Zx0 x x̄ Zx0 x ≤ M Zx0 x − Zx0 x . Applying (22), we get Zx x − Zx x ≤ ∇f (x̄) − ∇f (x0 )x − x ≤ ε0 x − x . 0 0 Combining the above two inequalities yields 1 e φx0 x ∩ Brx0 (x̄), φx0 x ≤ Mε0 x − x ≤ x − x = λx − x . 3 This means that assumption (4) of Lemma 2.2 is also checked. Thus Lemma 2.2 is applicable and there exists x̂1 ∈ Brx0 (x̄) satisfying x̂1 ∈ φx0 (x̂1 ). Hence 0 ∈ f (x0 ) + ∇f (x0 )(x̂1 − x0 ) + F (x̂1 ) and so D(x0 ) = ∅. Below we show that (27) also holds for n = 0. Note by (23) that ε0 ≥ sup ∇f (x) − ∇f (x̄) x∈B rx̄ (x̄) 2 and note also that r̄ > 0 by assumption (a). Therefore assumption (13) is satisfied by (12). Since Q−1 x̄ (·) is Lipschitz-like on Brȳ (ȳ) relative to Brx̄ (x̄), it follows from Author's personal copy J Optim Theory Appl (2013) 158:216–233 227 Lemma 3.1 that the mapping Q−1 x (·) is Lipschitz-like on Br̄ (ȳ) relative to B rx̄ (x̄) with constant M 1−Mε0 2 for each x ∈ B rx̄ (x̄). In particular, Q−1 x0 (·) is Lipschitz-like on 2 Br̄ (ȳ) relative to B rx̄ (x̄) with constant 2 M 1−Mε0 as x0 ∈ Bδ̂ (x̄) ⊂ Bδ (x̄) ⊂ B rx̄ (x̄) by 2 assumption (a) and the choice of δ̂. Furthermore, assumptions (a) and (c) imply that r̄ ȳ < ε0 δ ≤ , 3 (31) r̄ dist 0, Qx0 (x0 ) = dist 0, f (x0 ) + F (x0 ) ≤ ε0 δ ≤ . 3 (32) and (25) implies that Thus Lemma 2.1 is applicable and hence by applying it we have dist x0 , Qx0 −1 (0) ≤ M dist 0, Qx0 (x0 ) 1 − Mε0 (noting that x0 ∈ B rx̄ (x̄) as observed earlier and 0 ∈ B r̄ (ȳ) by (31)). This, together 2 3 with (7), yields dist 0, D(x0 ) = dist x0 , Q−1 x0 (0) ≤ M dist 0, Qx0 (x0 ) . 1 − Mε0 (33) According to (6) in Algorithm 3.2 and using (32) and (33), we have x1 − x0 = d0 ≤ η dist 0, D(x0 ) ≤ ηM ηMε0 δ dist 0, Qx0 (x0 ) ≤ < qδ. 1 − Mε0 1 − Mε0 This shows that (27) holds for n = 0. We assume that x1 , x2 , . . . , xk are constructed such that (26) and (27) hold for n = 0, 1, . . . , k − 1. We show that there exists xk+1 such that assertions (26) and (27) hold for n = k. Since (26) and (27) are true for each n ≤ k − 1, we have the following inequality: xk − x̄ ≤ k−1 di + x0 − x̄ ≤ δ i=0 ≤ k−1 q i+1 + δ i=0 δq + δ ≤ 2δ. 1−q This shows that (26) holds for n = k. Now with almost the same argument as we did for the case where n = 0, we can show that assertion (27) holds for n = k. The proof is complete. In particular, in the case where x̄ is a solution of (5), that is, ȳ = 0, Theorem 3.1 is reduced to the following corollary, which gives a local convergent result for the Gauss–Newton-type method. Author's personal copy 228 J Optim Theory Appl (2013) 158:216–233 Corollary 3.1 Suppose that η > 1, 0 ∈ f (x̄) + F (x̄), and Q−1 x̄ (·) is pseudo-Lipschitz around (0, x̄). Let r̃ > 0, and suppose that ∇f is continuous on Br̃ (x̄) and (34) lim dist 0, f (x) + F (x) = 0. x→x̄ Then there exists some δ̂ > 0 such that any sequence {xn } generated by Algorithm 3.2 with an initial point in Bδ̂ (x̄) converges to a solution x ∗ of (5). Proof Since Q−1 x̄ (·) is pseudo-Lipschitz around (0, x̄), there exist constants r0 , r̂x̄ and M such that Q−1 x̄ (·) is Lipschitz-like on Br0 (ȳ) relative to Br̂x̄ (x̄) with constant M. Then, for each 0 < r ≤ r̂x̄ , one has −1 e Q−1 x̄ (y1 ) ∩ Br (x̄), Qx̄ (y2 ) ≤ My1 − y2 for any y1 , y2 ∈ Br0 (0), that is, Q−1 x̄ (·) is Lipschitz-like on Br0 (0) relative to Br (x̄) with constant M. Let ε0 ∈ 1 . By the continuity of ∇f , we can choose rx̄ ∈ ]0, r̂x̄ [ ]0, 1[ be such that Mε0 ≤ 1+2η rx̄ such that 2 ≤ r̃, r0 − 2ε0 rx̄ > 0 and ∇f (x) − ∇f x . ε0 ≥ sup x, x ∈B rx̄ (x̄) 2 Then rx̄ (1 − Mε0 ) r̄ = min r0 − 2ε0 rx̄ , > 0, 4M and rx̄ r̄ r0 > 0. , min , 4 3ε0 5ε0 Thus we can choose 0 < δ ≤ 1 such that rx̄ r̄ r0 , . δ ≤ min , 4 3ε0 5ε0 Now it is routine to check that inequalities (a)–(c) of Theorem 3.1 are satisfied. Thus we can apply Theorem 3.1 to complete the proof. 3.2 Quadratic Convergence In the following theorem we show that, if the derivative of f is Lipschitz continuous around x̄, then any sequence generated by Algorithm 3.2, with initial point near x̄, is quadratically convergent. Theorem 3.2 Suppose that Q−1 x̄ (·) is Lipschitz-like on Brȳ (ȳ) relative to Brx̄ (x̄) with constant M and ∇f is Lipschitz continuous on B rx̄ (x̄) with Lipschitz constant L. Let 2 η > 1 and let 2 rx̄ (1 − MLrx̄ ) . r̄ := min rȳ − 2Lrx̄ , 4M Author's personal copy J Optim Theory Appl (2013) 158:216–233 229 Let δ > 0 be such that r ȳ , 6r̄, 1}, (a) δ ≤ min{ r4x̄ , 11L (b) (M + 1)L(ηδ + 2rx̄ ) ≤ 2, 2 (c) ȳ < Lδ4 . Suppose that (24) holds. Then there exists some δ̂ > 0 such that any sequence {xn } generated by Algorithm 3.2 with an initial point in Bδ̂ (x̄) converges quadratically to a solution x ∗ of (5). Proof By assumption (b), one sees q := LηMδ ≤ 1. 2(1 − MLrx̄ ) Select a δ̂ ∈ ]0, δ] with Lδ 2 dist 0, f (x0 ) + F (x0 ) ≤ 4 for each x0 ∈ Bδ̂ (x̄) (noting that such δ̂ exists by (24) and assumption (c)). Let x0 ∈ Bδ̂ (x̄). As in the proof for Theorem 3.1, we use induction to show that Algorithm 3.2 generates at least one sequence and any sequence {xn } generated by Algorithm 3.2 satisfies the following assertions: xn − x̄ ≤ 2δ (35) 2n 1 δ dn ≤ q 2 (36) and for each n = 0, 1, 2, . . . . For this purpose, we define rx := Due to η > 1 and δ ≤ 9 MLx − x̄2 + 2Mȳ 10 rx̄ 4 for each x ∈ X. in assumption (a), it follows from assumption (b) that 9(M + 1)Lδ = (M + 1)L(δ + 8δ) ≤ ML(ηδ + 2rx̄ ) ≤ 2. This gives MLδ ≤ 2 9 2 and Lδ ≤ , 9 and so ȳ < Lδ 2 2 r̄ ≤ · 6r̄ = 4 9·4 3 (37) Author's personal copy 230 J Optim Theory Appl (2013) 158:216–233 thanks to assumption (c). Combining the first inequality in (37) and assumption (c) implies that 9 1 2 2 rx < 4MLδ + MLδ ≤ 2δ 10 2 for each x ∈ B2δ (x̄). (38) Note that (35) is trivial for n = 0. To show that the point x1 exists and (36) holds for n = 0, it suffices to prove that D(x0 ) = ∅. We will do that by applying Lemma 2.2 to the mapping φx0 with η0 := x̄. To do this, let us check that both assumptions (3) and (4) of Lemma 2.2 hold with r := rx0 and λ := 49 . Noting that x̄ ∈ Q−1 x̄ (ȳ) ∩ Bδ (x̄) and by the definition of the excess e, we obtain dist x̄, φx0 (x̄) ≤ e Q−1 x̄ (ȳ) ∩ Bδ (x̄), φx0 (x̄) −1 = e Q−1 x̄ (ȳ) ∩ Bδ (x̄), Qx̄ Zx0 (x̄) . (39) Letting x ∈ B2δ (x̄) ⊆ B rx̄ (x̄), we conclude from the assumed Lipschitz continuity of 2 ∇f that Zx (x) − ȳ = f (x̄) + ∇f (x̄)(x − x̄) − f (x0 ) − ∇f (x0 )(x − x0 ) − ȳ 0 ≤ f (x) − f (x̄) − ∇f (x̄)(x − x̄) + f (x) − f (x0 ) − ∇f (x0 )(x − x0 ) + ȳ ≤ L x − x̄2 + x − x0 2 + ȳ. 2 (40) Therefore, we have 2 2 Zx (x̄) − ȳ ≤ L x̄ − x0 2 + ȳ ≤ Lδ + Lδ ≤ rȳ 0 2 2 4 2 because x0 − x̄ ≤ δ̂ ≤ δ, 11Lδ ≤ rȳ and δ ≤ 1 by assumption (a) and ȳ < Lδ4 by assumption (c). Hence, by (39) and the assumed Lipschitz-like property, we have ML dist x̄, φx0 (x̄) ≤ M ȳ − Zx0 (x̄) ≤ x̄ − x0 2 + Mȳ 2 4 rx0 = (1 − λ)r, = 1− 9 that is, assumption (3) of Lemma 2.2 is satisfied. Next, we show that assumption (4) of Lemma 2.2 is satisfied. To do this, let x , x ∈ Brx0 (x̄). Then we have x , x ∈ Brx0 (x̄) ⊆ B2δ (x̄) ⊆ Brx̄ (x̄) by (38) and Zx0 (x ), Zx0 (x ) ∈ Brȳ (ȳ) by (40). This, together with the assumed Lipschitz-like property, implies that Author's personal copy J Optim Theory Appl (2013) 158:216–233 231 e φx0 x ∩ Brx0 (x̄), φx0 x ≤ e φx0 x ∩ Brx̄ (x̄), φx0 x ∩ Brx̄ (x̄), Q−1 = e Q−1 x̄ Zx0 x x̄ Zx0 x ≤ M Zx0 x − Zx0 x . By the choice of x0 , (22) yields Zx x − Zx x ≤ ∇f (x̄) − ∇f (x0 )x − x 0 0 ≤ Lx̄ − x0 x − x ≤ Lδ x − x . It follows from the second inequality in (37) that 4 e φx0 x ∩ Brx0 (x̄), φx0 x ≤ MLδ x − x ≤ x − x = λx − x . 9 This means that assumption (4) of Lemma 2.2 is also satisfied. Thus Lemma 2.2 is applicable to getting the existence of a point x̂1 ∈ Brx0 (x̄) such that x̂1 ∈ φx0 (x̂1 ), that is, D(x0 ) = ∅. Below we show that assertion (36) holds also for n = 0. Since ∇f is Lipschitz continuous on B rx̄ (x̄) with the Lipschitz constant L, we have 2 Lrx̄ ≥ sup ∇f (x) − ∇f (x̄). (41) x∈B rx̄ (x̄) 2 It is clear that r̄ > 0 by assumption (a). Therefore (12) and (41) imply that assumption (13) is satisfied with ε0 := Lrx̄ . By the choice of δ̂ and assumption (a), one has x0 ∈ Bδ̂ (x̄) ⊂ Bδ (x̄) ⊂ B rx̄ (x̄). Since Q−1 x̄ (·) is Lipschitz-like on Brȳ (ȳ) relative to Brx̄ (x̄), 2 it follows from Lemma 3.1 that Q−1 x0 (·) is Lipschitz-like on Br̄ (ȳ) relative to B rx̄ (x̄) 2 M . The remainder of the proof is similar to the corresponding with constant 1−MLr x̄ part of the proof of Theorem 3.1 and so we omit it. Consider the special case where x̄ is a solution of (5) (that is, ȳ = 0) in Theorem 3.2. The following corollary describes the local quadratic convergence of the Gauss–Newton-type method. The proof is similar to that we did for Corollary 3.1. Corollary 3.2 Suppose that η > 1, 0 ∈ f (x̄) + F (x̄), and Q−1 x̄ (·) is pseudo-Lipschitz around (0, x̄). Let r̃ > 0, and suppose that ∇f is Lipschitz continuous on Br̃ (x̄) with Lipschitz constant L and (34) holds. Then there exists some δ̂ > 0 such that any sequence {xn } generated by Algorithm 3.2 with initial point in Bδ̂ (x̄) converges quadratically to a solution x ∗ of (5). Remark 3.1 For the case where η = 1, the question whether the results are true for the Gauss–Newton-type method is a little bit complicated. However, from the proofs of the main theorems, one sees that all the results in the present paper remain true provided that, for any x ∈ Ω with D(x) = ∅, there exists d̄ ∈ D(x) such that d̄ = mind∈D(x) d. The following proposition provides some sufficient conditions Author's personal copy 232 J Optim Theory Appl (2013) 158:216–233 ensuring the existence of such d̄ ∈ D(x). Thus, by Proposition 3.1, Theorems 3.1 and 3.2 as well as Corollaries 3.1 and 3.2 are true for η = 1 provided that X is finite dimensional, or X is reflexive and the graph of F is convex. Proposition 3.1 Suppose that X is finite dimensional, or X is reflexive and the graph of F is convex. Then there exists d̄ ∈ D(x) such that d̄ = mind∈D(x) d for any x ∈ Ω with D(x) = ∅. Proof Let x ∈ Ω be such that D(x) = ∅. By assumption, D(x) is closed. Hence the conclusion holds trivially, if X is finite dimensional. Below we consider the case where X is reflexive and the graph of F is convex. Then the set-valued mapping T (·) := f (x) + ∇f (x)(· − x) + F (·) has closed convex graph. Hence D(x) = T −1 (0) is weakly closed and convex. This means that D(x) is weakly compact; hence the conclusion follows. 4 Concluding Remarks We have established semi-local convergence and local convergence results for the Gauss–Newton-type method with η > 1 under the assumptions that Q−1 x̄ (·) is Lipschitz-like and ∇f is continuous. In particular, if ∇f is additionally Lipschitz continuous, we further show that the Gauss–Newton-type method is quadratically convergent. As noted in Remark 3.1, our results are also true for η = 1 in some special cases. The Gauss–Newton-type method and the established convergence results seem new for the generalized equation problem (5). Acknowledgements The authors thank the referees and the associate editor for their valuable comments and constructive suggestions which improved the presentation of this manuscript. 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