APPLICATION FOR ADMISSIONS ONU US-Japan SUMMER CAMP ADMISSIONS REQUIREMENTS To be eligible to attend Ohio Northern University’s US-Japan Summer Camp, a student must be a high school freshman-just graduated senior. Summer Term (year) ___________ PLEASE PRINT Name_____________________________________________________ □ Male ✔ □ Female Mailing Address _____________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________ State _______ Zip Code ___________ E-mail address ______________________________________________________________ Social Security Number ________-_____-_______ Date of Birth ____________________ Intended College Major: _______________________________________________________ High School _________________________________________ Graduation Year _________ ____Urban ____Suburban _____Rural ____Unknown High School Address __________________________________________________________ City __________________________________________ State _________ Zip____________ Guidance Counselor _______________________ Counselor Phone ____________________ Parent’s Name ________________________________ Telephone _____________________ Parent’s E-mail address ________________________________________________________ By signing below, I certify that the information provided on this application is complete and accurate. I further pledge my earnest effort to meet the academic requirements of the University and to comply with all rules and regulations which ONU has found to be valuable in the maintenance of its standards of life and conduct. I further understand that if I have failed to disclose any pertinent information requested, an offer of admission could be subject to further review. ______________________________________________________________________ Applicant’s Signature Date ______________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature (if applicant is under 18 years of age) Date The programs of Ohio Northern University are open to all without regard to race, religion, national or ethnic origin, gender, age, or disability. Most academic and athletic facilities are accessible to the physically disabled, as are some of the residence halls. For further information contact: The Office of Admissions Ohio Northern University Ada, OH 45810