College of Liberal and Applied Arts Chair Council Minutes May 10, 2010 The meeting began at 2:30pm in room 273D of the Ferguson Building. The people in attendance included the following: Dr. Rick Abel (Government) Dr. Freddie Avant (Social Work) Dr. Troy Davis (History) Ms. Dixie Groll (Assistant to Dean) Dr. John Hendricks (Communication) Mr. Perry Moon (College Council) Dr. Brian Murphy (Dean) LTC Todd Reichert (Military Science) Dr. Mark Sanders (English) Dr. Kandy Stahl (Psychology) Dr. Jerry Williams (Sociology) Dean Murphy opened the discussion by asking if any questions existed on the budget sheets for next year. In particular, he emphasized that only promotions and equity adjustments will be considered for salary increases. Chairs were reminded to rank-order faculty and staff suffering from salary compression. Dean Murphy will collate the responses and establish a college priority ranking, with both his recommendations and those of the chairs forwarded to the Provost. In the absence of a formal institutional policy on office hours, the chairs agreed a need existed to establish a College-wide expectation to provide guidance. It was decided that each department should seek to align with the Faculty Handbook’s recommended ten hours per week. Dr. Jerry Williams presented the recommendation from the ad hoc Curriculum Committee for BS degrees in the College. Three modifications were accepted unanimously: (1) special permission will be required to use ENG 133 to fulfill the 6 hour English requirement; (2) foreign language will be added as an option along with COM 111 and COM 170; and (3) the additional math requirement will be three hours rather than 3-4 hours. The chairs discussed their departmental preference under the Global and Foreign Cultural Awareness requirement in the new BA degree. As previously passed, each major was to select between two options. It was proposed that students should make the choice in lieu of a mandate by academic major. After much discussion, it was decided the issue should be revived at the next meeting. Dean Murphy distributed a form that outlined the data needed from each department in order to complete the College’s unit goal assessment plan. The form will be sent electronically to enable the data to be inserted and returned. Dr. John Hendricks presented a proposal about modifying the contents of tenure portfolios. Several suggestions were made that Dr. Hendricks will convey to the ad hoc committee reviewing the issue. A revised proposal will be submitted at the next meeting. Dean Murphy emphasized the importance of the College’s upcoming workshop in Austin and announced that a short meeting will be held with the participants to explain expectations. Mr. Perry Moon presented two proposals from the College Council. First, it was suggested the College’s workload policy should allow supervision of senior theses to count equally with supervision of mater’s theses. It was recommended that honors theses be included as well. The chairs favored the policy change but will delay a formal decision until the next meeting when Dr. Mark Sanders can be consulted. Second, it was suggested that the instruction of graduate courses should count as two courses rather than the current 1.5 in determining workload assignments. It was decided that the current budget cut-back could not support the cost at this time but the issue can be reconsidered when the fiscal climate improves. On the topic of graduate instruction, it was moved that the College should eliminate cross-listed courses beginning Spring 2011 to enhance the quality of graduate programs. The motion was supported unanimously. Dean Murphy raised the university’s goal in the strategic plan of increasing online courses by 500% within five years and encouraged departments to consider increasing the number of such courses available to students. After the expression of some internal hurdles in reaching this goal, Dean Murphy asked the chairs to forward any problems with online instruction to him as a way to open dialogue with OIT. Dean Murphy circulated the university’s energy conservation plan and reminded chairs to forward to Ms. Jane Robinson any problems its implementation may pose. Dean Murphy closed by inviting chairs to submit ideas for the August retreat. Three topics were proposed: (1) strategies for accomplishing the university’s QEP on high impact learning; (2) follow up on the Austin workshop; and (3) assessment. The meeting adjourned at 4:31. -2-