College of Liberal and Applied Arts Chair Council Minutes September 7, 2011


College of Liberal and Applied Arts

Chair Council Minutes

September 7, 2011

The meeting began at 2:30pm in room 273D of the Ferguson Building. People in attendance included the following:

Dr. Rick Abel (Government)

Dr. Ron Anderson (Psychology)

Dr. Freddie Avant (Social Work)

Dr. Jennifer Biesel (History)

Dr. John Hendricks (Communication)

Dr. Brian Murphy (Dean)

Dr. Jeana Paul-Urena (Modern Languages)

LTC Todd Reichert (Military Science)

Dr. Mark Sanders (English)

Dr. Owen Smith (College Council)

Dr. Jerry Williams (Sociology)

Dean Brian Murphy reminded the chairs that departmental policies for writing enhanced courses are due by September

30, 2011. He distributed the policy developed by the Department of History as an example. Dean Murphy informed the chairs that a mid-year stipend may be available for faculty and staff based on merit. This one-time stipend should be viewed as a “bonus” since it will not be added to base pay. For staff, the evaluations completed in January will be used to establish a performance ranking. Previous faculty evaluations, however, cannot be used since they only assess performance as “satisfactory” or “unsatisfactory” without any further calibration. For that reason, chairs are requested to complete a new evaluation of individual faculty performance for the previous academic year (Fall 2010 through Spring

2011). The usual three criteria (teaching, scholarship, service) should constitute the basis of the evaluation. Unlike previous years, faculty should be assigned a ranking (unsatisfactory, fully acceptable, commendable, or outstanding) in order to differentiate performance. Each chair is requested to arrange a meeting within the next week with Dean Murphy in which the individual rankings will be reviewed.

Dean Murphy discussed several committees that will be created to deal with specific topics: a committee for the annual

Honors Banquet will be formed in January; each department was asked to forward the name of a faculty representative by

Friday (September 9) to serve on a committee arranging an alumni mentoring event; each department was requested to nominate a faculty representative by the following week to serve on a strategic planning committee; and two additional committees (outreach and community building) will be selected at the next Chair Council. The upcoming Chair Council will also review how scholarships can be better coordinated to ensure the recruitment of superior students.

Dean Murphy distributed a proposed course schedule of class times. He noted that departments have deviated from the uniform course schedule and this situation has caused difficulty for many students in arranging their schedules and final exams. The chairs concurred that the proposed schedule would work but that further discussion was needed on the evening times. An email discussion will seek to resolve this dilemma. Dean Murphy further noted that the allocation of classrooms would be a topic for future discussion since the current allocation no longer reflects priorities and needs.

Dean Murphy called attention to the difficulty in dealing with one credit hour courses as they impact the workload policy. It was agreed that future one-hour courses would be handled in one of two ways, allowing an instructor to cumulate three one-hour courses over and above the normal teaching load and receive a course reassignment during the semester immediately following the third.

As discussed previously, Dean Murphy informed the chairs that the College would be converting final degree plans to

FileMaker Pro for advising purposes only. The software will be purchased later in the semester. Dean Murphy inquired if the chairs had any questions or comments about the calendar for this year’s tenure and promotion process. He discussed the upcoming deadlines to ensure appropriate action is being taken to meet university policy.

Dean Murphy notified the chairs that HEAF and professional development allocations had been received for the College.

The amount in both budgets remained unchanged from the previous year. The chairs elected to continue the previous formula for distributing professional development monies in which each full-time faculty member on tenure or tenure track receives an equal allotment. Dean Murphy requested each chair to send him the current roster of eligible faculty in the

department. In terms of HEAF monies, it was decided that a process similar to last year would be followed. Specifically, each department will receive a base amount for its discretionary use. The larger pot of money will be allocated based according to need in two categories: classrooms and computers. Each department will present its “needs” list for consideration by the group.

Several recent complaints have been made about staff taking classes in a manner inconsistent with university policy.

Dean Murphy read the university’s policy on the matter and requested chairs to ensure that it is enforced appropriately.

Dean Murphy asked for input on the College’s traditional “donut Friday” gathering. The problem is that attendance diminished significantly last year and much waste resulted. It was decided that the event would rotate among departments in alphabetical order, with the Dean’s Office hosting the year’s kick off celebration.

The meeting concluded with several announcements:

The Department of Modern Languages and the Communication Studies program will merge in Spring


The renovated television and radio stations will have a ribbon-cutting on September 22;

 The College’s conference on transatlantic relations will take place on October 3-4 at the University of St.


The College will have an interactive television system installed in mid-September for classroom usage.

The meeting adjourned at 4:02 pm.

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