Dependency Appeal 2016‐2017 Students classified as dependent may petition to be reclassified as independent based on documented adverse family circumstances. The criteria used to determine a student’s dependency status for federal financial aid purposes are established by the U.S. Department of Education. If you can answer yes to any one of the following questions, you will automatically be considered an independent student and will not need to file an appeal: 1. Were you born before January 1, 1993? 2. At any time since you turned age 13, were both your parents deceased? Answer yes, for biological or adoptive parents, even if you are now adopted. 3. At any time since you turned age 13, were you in foster care? Answer yes even if you are no longer in foster care as of today. 4. At any time since you turned age 13, were you declared a dependent or ward of the court? Answer yes even if you are no longer a dependent or ward of the court as of today. For federal student aid purposes, a ward of the court is not someone who is incarcerated. 5. Are you or were you an emancipated minor as determined by the court in your state of legal residence? Answer no if you are still a minor and the court order is no longer in effect or the court’s decision was not in effect at the time you became an adult. 6. Are you or were you in legal guardianship as determined by a court in your state of legal residence? Answer no if the court order is no longer in effect or was not in effect at the time you became an adult. 7. At any time on or after July 1, 2015, did your high school or school district homeless liaison determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless? 8. At any time on or after July 1, 2015, did the director of an emergency shelter or transitional housing program funded by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless? 9. At any time on or after July 1, 2015, did the director of a runaway or homeless youth basic center or transitional living program determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless or were self‐supporting and at risk of being homeless? If you do not meet one of the prior conditions, but still feel there are circumstances that warrant being considered independent of your parents, you must complete this form and provide the appropriate supporting documentation required for your situation. The following are examples of some special circumstances that could be considered for an appeal and required documentation: Special Circumstance (example) Required Documentation Your parents are incarcerated Documentation of incarceration Court documentation or police reports(s) and letter from a counselor or other professional source* You have left home due to an abusive family environment. You do not know where your parents are and are unable to contact them (and you have not been adopted). Your supporting parent is deceased and you have no contact with your surviving parent. Letter from high school guidance counselor and letter from one other professional source.* Copy of death certificate and letter or document from one professional source.* *The following are suggestions for acceptable professional sources: Minister, Doctor, Attorney, Counselor/Therapist, Teacher/Professor, Employer/Supervisor, University administrator, or Caseworker. (Letters from parents, friend, or roommates are not acceptable). Any letter submitted as documentation should be on letterhead stationery, if appropriate, and should include the following: The length of time and the nature of the writer’s relationship to you The reason why you cannot provide your parent’s information on the FAFSA The writer’s signature, address and telephone number PLEASE NOTE: Upon receipt of your documentation, it may be necessary to request additional information to clarify or supplement information already submitted. You will be notified if additional information is needed. Not all situations are considered a special circumstance. The following situations, on their own, would not be considered through appeal: Your parents do not want to provide their information on your FAFSA. Your parents refuse to contribute to your college expenses. Your parents do not claim you as a dependent on their income taxes. You do not live with your parents. Dependency Appeal 2016‐2017 Student Information: Last Name First Name M.I Student Identification Number Permanent Address City State Phone Number Cell Email Address Zip Grade Level 2016/2017: (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior) ______________________________ Date of Birth Graduation Date: mm/20YY Check one: I have applied for, and was granted Independent Student Status at the University of Delaware in a previous year, and would like to RENEW my status as Independent. (Complete Sections A through E) I I am submitting the Dependency Appeal Form for INITIAL consideration during the 2016‐2017 academic year. (Complete ALL Sections) A. Current Circumstances (please explain why you feel you are independent) Page 1 of 7 Student Name: Student ID: B. Current Living Arrangements Off Campus (include copy of lease agreement). On Campus (please indicate where you will live during school breaks:) Other C. Expenses The following accounts are paid by: Me Parents Example Other (explain) Jane Doe (Aunt) Yearly Expenses Amount Tuition & Fees $11,192 Tuition & Fees $ Books & Supplies $ Rent/Room Fees $ Food/Meal Plan $ Health Insurance $ Clothing $ Car Payment $ Car Insurance $ Maintenance/Gas $ Utilities $ D. Parent Information When did you last have contact with your parents? When did you last live with your parents? Have your parents provided you with support in the last 12 months (support may include cash, housing, food, gifts, car insurance, loans, college costs, etc.)? o o Yes No Page 2 of 7 Student Name: Student ID: If yes, list the type of financial support and dollar amounts received. Type of Financial Support Amount $ $ $ Provide the address of both parents. If unknown, put NA (Not Applicable). Father: Address City State Zip Address City State Zip Mother: E. Verification Use this checklist to ensure you take all the steps needed to complete this process: Complete the IRS Data Retrieval option via the FAFSA or submit a copy of 2015 IRS federal tax transcript for student.* Complete the IRS Data Retrieval option via the FAFSA or submit a copy of 2015 IRS federal tax transcript for parents (dependent students)* Submit all pages of this verification worksheet section along with requested documentation, i.e. SNAP documentation, W‐2’s or IRS federal tax transcript when applicable. Information can be submitted via email, fax or mail using the contact information at the end of this form. *The IRS tax transcript is not a copy of your income tax return. To obtain an IRS Tax Return Transcript, go to and click on either “Get Transcript Online” or “Get Transcript by Mail”, or for a telephone request call 1‐ 800‐908‐9946. Make sure to request the “IRS Tax Return Transcript” and not the “IRS Tax Account Transcript.” You will need your Social Security Number, date of birth, and the address on file with the IRS (normally this will be the address used when your 2015 IRS tax return was filed. It takes up to two weeks for IRS information to be available for electronic IRS tax return filers and up to eight weeks for paper IRS tax return filers. If you are married and you and your spouse filed separate 2015 tax returns, you must submit tax return transcripts for both you and your spouse. Page 3 of 7 Student Name: Student ID: 1. Household Information Dependent Students: List the people that your parent(s) will support between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017. (Support includes money, gifts, loans, housing, food, clothes, care, medical and dental care, payments of college costs, etc.). Include the following: Yourself and your parent(s), even if you do not live with your parents, and Your parent(s) other children if (a) your parent(s) will provide more than half of their support from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017, or (b) the children would be required to give parental information when applying for federal student aid in 2016‐2017. Other people if they now live with your parent(s), and your parent(s) will provide more than half of their support and will continue to provide more than half of their support from July 1, 2016 through June 30,2017. Independent Students: List the people that you (and your spouse) will support between July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. (Support includes money, gifts, loans, housing, food, clothes, car, medical and dental care, payment of college costs, etc.) Include the following: Yourself (and your spouse, if you have one), and Your children, if you will provide more than half of their support from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017, and Other people if they now live with you and you provide more than half of their support and you will continue to provide more than half of their support from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. **A Student is considered Independent if any of the following is true: Born before January 1, 1993 Married Will be working on a master’s or doctorate program at the beginning of the 2016‐2017 school year Currently on active duty for other than training purposes Veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces Have children or legal dependent(s) other than a spouse An orphan or ward of the court or in foster care at any time since you turned age 13 Emancipated minor Legal guardianship Unaccompanied youth determined by your high school or HUD on after July 1, 2015 At risk of homelessness Please read guidelines above before completing. Student’s Name DOB College Name mm/dd/yyyy Self Family Members DOB (parents, siblings, spouse and dependent children) mm/dd/yyyy Relationship to Student (parents, siblings, spouse and dependent children) College Grade Level for 2016‐2017 and Expected graduation mm/20YY University of Delaware College Name College Grade Level for 2016‐2017 and Expected graduation mm/20YY Page 4 of 7 Student’s Name: ______________________________ Students ID#: _____________________________ 2. FEDERAL TAX RETURN FILING STATUS A. Parent(s) Filing Status (dependent student only) 1. My parents have already filed their 2015 return. 2. My parents will but have yet to file their 2015 return. 3. My parents, will not and are not required to file, but in 2015, they earned $ _________ from work. (attached W‐2(s), if applicable) B. Student ( & Spouse) Filing Status (all students) 1. I have already filed my 2015 return. 2. I will but have yet to file my 2015 return. 3. I will not and am not required to file, but in 2015, I earned $____________ from work (attach W‐2(s))*** ***COMPLETE INFORMATION BELOW IF YOU DO NOT HAVE W‐2(S) Complete only if the student has checked box B3 and W‐2(s) are not available Total Wages Earned: _____________________ Please indicate the reason why W‐2’s are not available: Page 5 of 7 Student’s Name: ______________________________ Students ID#: _____________________________ 3. Additional 2015 Untaxed Income Student/Spouse Calendar Year 2015 Child Support you received for all children in household. (Do not include foster care or adoption payments) $ Parents (s) $ 4. Food Stamps (SNAP) Benefit Received Please select one of the following statements: o o o I (or my spouse) received Food Stamps (SNAP) benefits during 2014 or 2015. *(attached SNAP eligibility verification letter) My parent(s) received Food Stamps (SNAP) benefits during 2014 or 2015. *(attached SNAP eligibility verification letter) Neither I or my spouse/parent(s) received Food Stamps (SNAP) benefits during 2014 or 2015. *If the original eligibility verification letter cannot be retrieved please contact assigned Case Worker to obtain a copy. 5. Child Support Paid Please select one of the following statements: o o o I (or my spouse) paid child support in 2015. *Specific Information is provided below. My parent(s) paid child support in 2015. *Specific Information is provided below. Neither I nor spouse/parent(s) paid child support in 2015. Name of Person Who paid Child Support: Name of Person to Whom Child Support Was Paid: Name of Child for Whom Support Was Paid: Age of Child for whom Support was Paid: Amount Paid in 2015: $ $ $ $ $ Page 6 of 7 Student’s Name: ______________________________ Students ID#: _____________________________ F. Third Party Documentation Please submit both of the following: 1. A letter from a Professional Source* (see chart on first page) on official letterhead documenting the existence of your adverse family circumstances. 2. A letter from another person having comprehensive knowledge regarding the existence of the adverse condition. Statement of Certification I certify that all the information furnished on this form, including personal statements and documentation, is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that if I am found to have intentionally provided any false or misleading information or documentation, my appeal will be denied, and this could affect my eligibility for financial aid in the future. Wet/Handwritten Signature is only accepted. Digital Signatures are NOT accepted. Student Signature Date Documentation can be submitted via email, fax or mail using the contact information below. Student Financial Services 30 Lovett Avenue Newark, Delaware 19716‐6390 Phone: 302 831‐2126 Fax: 302 831‐3041 Email: finaid‐ Web Address: Page 7 of 7