1278 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, VOL. 34, NO. 8, AUGUST 2015 LASIC: Layout Analysis for Systematic IC-Defect Identification Using Clustering Wing Chiu (Jason) Tam, Student Member, IEEE, and Ronald D. (Shawn) Blanton, Fellow, IEEE Abstract—Systematic defects within integrated circuits (ICs) are a significant source of failures in nanoscale technologies. Identification of systematic defects is therefore very important for yield improvement. This paper discusses a diagnosis-driven systematic defect identification methodology that we call layout analysis for systematic IC-defect identification using clustering (LASIC). By clustering images of the layout locations that correspond to diagnosed sites for a statistically large number of IC failures, LASIC uncovers the common layout features. To reduce computation time, only the dominant coefficients of a discrete cosine transform analysis of the layout images are used for clustering. LASIC is applied to an industrial chip and it is found to be effective. In addition, detailed simulations reveal that LASIC is both accurate and effective. Index Terms—Clustering, layout analysis, systematic defects, test data mining, yield learning. I. I NTRODUCTION EFECTS caused by random contaminants were the main yield detractor in integrated circuit (IC) manufacturing before the nanoscale era [1]. However, as CMOS technology continues to scale, the process complexity increases tremendously, which results in design-process interactions that are difficult to predict and control. This, in turn, translates into an increased likelihood of failure for certain layout features that are sensitive to particular process corners. Unlike random contaminations, the defects that result from design-process interactions are systematic in nature, i.e., they can lead to an increase in likelihood of failure in locations with similar layout geometries (note that it does not mean that they must lead to a drastic yield loss). Since a product IC typically contains a diverse set of layout features, it is difficult to use test structures to completely characterize the designprocess interactions because of their limited volume [1], [2]. In other words, conventional test structures, while still very useful in characterizing the process and understanding defects, have somewhat diminished in applicability [1], [2]. To address these issues, volume diagnosis is increasingly deployed to improve/supplement yield-learning [3]–[14]. D Manuscript received May 29, 2014; revised November 10, 2014; accepted January 16, 2015. Date of publication February 24, 2015; date of current version July 24, 2015. This work was supported by the Semiconductor Research Corporation under Contract 1644.001. This paper was presented at the International Test Conference [3] in 2010. This paper was recommended by Associate Editor L.-C. Wang. At the time this research was conducted, the authors were with the Advanced Test Chip Laboratory, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890 USA (e-mail: blanton@ece.cmu.edu). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCAD.2015.2406854 Volume diagnosis refers to the process of performing softwarebased diagnoses of a large amount of IC test fail data, which is further analyzed for a variety of purposes. For example, on-going diagnoses are used to identify systematic defects [3]–[7] and derive design-feature failure rates [8], [9]. In [10] and [11], the effectiveness of design for manufacturability (DFM) is evaluated using volume diagnosis results. Diagnosis is also used as a part of a yield-monitoring vehicle for estimating defect density and size distributions (DDSDs) [12]. In [13]–[15], diagnosis is used to monitor and control IC quality. Finally, in [16], volume-diagnosis is a key part of a methodology for evaluating test metrics and fault models without performing conventional test experiments. Yield learning based on volume diagnosis has several advantages. First, since no manufacturing process is perfect, defects inevitably occur. Therefore, test must be applied to the manufactured ICs to screen out failures to ensure that bad parts do not escape to customers. The fail data generated by test can be directly used in software-based diagnosis. In other words, an abundant amount of fail data is continuously being generated. Thus, no additional effort is required to generate the fail data, and intrusion into the fabrication and test process is minimized. Second, unlike test structures, software-based diagnosis consumes only CPU cycles and therefore does not consume extra silicon real estate. The cost to perform volume diagnosis is therefore comparatively lower. Third, volume diagnosis is performed on the actual product ICs, which contain the diverse geometries that may render conventional test structures inadequate. Thus, using volume diagnosis can complement existing yield-learning techniques to help improve yield even further. This paper is a step in this direction. Specifically, this paper attempts to identify systematic defects for yield improvement using volume diagnosis. By clustering layout images of diagnosis-implicated regions, layout-feature commonalities (if any) that underlie the failures are identified. Features present in large clusters can then be analyzed further to confirm the existence of a systematic issue, or alternatively physical failure analysis (PFA) can be performed on one or more of the actual failing chips that have the failing feature. The methodology developed in this paper is called layout analysis for systematic IC-defect identification using clustering (LASIC). A. Prior Work Because of the potential yield benefits that can be derived from systematic defect identification, a tremendous amount c 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. 0278-0070 See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information. © 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. TAM AND BLANTON: LASIC of research effort has focused on this area. This is evident in several recently published papers on this topic. Turakhia et al. [4] analyze design layout to identify locations that marginally pass the DFM constraints. The resulting layout locations are used as starting points for identifying systematic issues. References [8] and [17] compute expected failure rates for layout features that are assumed to be difficult to manufacture. This information is combined with volume diagnosis data to identify outliers (i.e., systematic defects). Jahangiri and Abercrombie [18] used criticalarea analysis [19] to compute the expected failure rate for each net. The presence of systematic issues is investigated by comparing the observed failure rates with those predicted by critical-area analysis. Huisman et al. [5] applied clustering techniques to test-response data collected from a large number of failing ICs to identify common failure signatures, which may indicate the presence of systematic issues. References [20] and [21] performed extensive lithography simulation on the entire layout to identify hotspots. Layout snippets1 containing these hotspots are extracted and clustered with the goal of formulating DFM rules. References [22] and [23] extracted layout features (such as the number of vertices in a polygon, minimum-line width, and spacing, etc.) of suspect defect locations identified by brightfield inspection. These locations are clustered based on the features for characterizing each location. The resulting clusters are then used to eliminate suspect locations that are likely not to result in a killer defect to better direct scanning electron microscope (SEM) review. B. Our Contribution Undeniably, all of the aforementioned work has a certain degree of success in systematic defect identification, as evidenced by their experiment results. Nonetheless, many of the past approaches [4], [5], [8], [17], [18] fall short of automatically extracting similar layout features that may be a significant source of yield loss. In addition, the approach that uses critical area [19] requires a full-chip analysis, which is time-consuming to achieve. The approach in [5] used clustering but at a high level of abstraction by analyzing scan-based test responses. Clustering failed ICs into groups based on test responses provides a very useful starting point for identifying systematics that are location-based but this alone may not pinpoint the layout features that are potentially problematic. LASIC attempts to address the aforementioned limitations by clustering portions of layout believed to be the failing location. It should be clear, however, that the work yet-to-be-described complements the existing approaches [4], [5], [8], [17], [18]. For example, suppose the critical-area/DFM-based approaches of [4] and [18] are used to identify nets with unexpectedly high failure rates. Layout images of these nets can be (automatically) extracted and clustered to identify commonalities. In addition, the layout features extracted using LASIC can be used as the inputs for [8] and [17]. In fact, LASIC can be applied independently 1 A layout “snippet” refers to a single region within a single layer of a design’s layout that can be easily described by two x - y coordinates that indicate the upper-right and lower-left corners, respectively. 1279 or used as a post-processing step for any systematic-defect identification method whose output is a set of candidates that are suspected to be the locations of systematic defects. References [20] and [21] resemble LASIC but there are several important differences. First, [20] and [21] rely on simulation, which can be inaccurate and too conservative, i.e., it is likely to identify features that may never cause an IC to fail. Fixing most (if not all) of the hotspots might result in over-correction which can adversely affect chip area and performance. Relying on simulation alone also means that systematic defects that have failing mechanisms that are not modeled will be missed. In contrast, LASIC uses diagnosisimplicated layout locations that are generated by diagnosing actual IC failures, and therefore does not suffer from these limitations. In addition, [20] and [21] require the entire design to be simulated. This limits the scalability of the methodology, especially when many different process corners are considered. LASIC, on the other hand, may apply process simulation (which is not required) to very small portions of the design for validation purposes only. Since only small portions of the design are analyzed, a comprehensive and accurate analysis (e.g., Monte Carlo analysis across process corners) can be easily afforded. Most importantly, LASIC has the capability to provide failure rates for problematic layout features. In contrast, the identification of layout hotspots via process simulation (which likely does not account for resolution enhancement techniques, dummy fill, etc.) does not quantify the likelihood of a hotspot actually leading to failure. References [22] and [23] also closely resembled LASIC but again there are several subtle but important differences. First, LASIC analyzes layout images while the approach in [22] and [23] extracts user-defined layout features. In other words, LASIC makes no assumption on the importance of certain layout features but instead automatically discovers the important layout features. Second, analyzing layout snippets as images has the added advantage that features from multiple layers can be easily represented in a single image. Third, a vast number of image processing techniques are immediately available for analysis of layout. Finally, [22] and [23] use bright-field inspection to find potential defect locations, but these locations have not yet been shown to cause failure, which results in another source of uncertainty. LASIC instead uses diagnosis-implicated regions that are generated by diagnosing actual ICs that are known to have failed. However, because diagnosis is not perfect, LASIC too will also have to deal with some level of uncertainty. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II describes the details of LASIC. This is followed by a silicon experiment involving an industrial design and a simulation experiment involving eight benchmarks [24], [25] presented in Section III. Finally, the conclusions are presented in Section IV. II. S YSTEMATIC D EFECT I DENTIFICATION In this section, the details of LASIC are described. We begin by giving an overview, which is then followed by detailed descriptions of each step in LASIC. 1280 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, VOL. 34, NO. 8, AUGUST 2015 A. Overview LASIC consists of four steps: 1) volume diagnosis; 2) layout snippet extraction; 3) snippet clustering; and 4) validation. Volume diagnosis is simply applying diagnosis to a sufficiently-large number of IC failures. The outcome of diagnosis is a set of candidates, where each candidate consists of the suspect net or cell where the defect is believed to reside. A layout region (i.e., a region involving one or more layers in the layout that contains the features of interest, for example, a net and its surrounding nets) is extracted for each candidate. LASIC then partitions the extracted layout region into one or more layout snippets, each of which is saved as an image. Clustering, such as K-means [26], is then applied to group similar snippet images together to identify any commonalities. Finally, the identified layout feature is simulated using a process simulator (such as the lithography tool Optissimo [27]) to confirm the existence of a systematic defect. As mentioned earlier, validation could take on other forms such as PFA. B. Diagnosis Our goal is to identify yield-limiting layout features. One possible approach is to grid the entire layout into many small regions (i.e., layout snippets) and then perform clustering on the resulting snippet images. The result of clustering can then be overlaid with volume-diagnosis data to identify any systematic issues. This approach is possible but inefficient since many layout features will be easily manufacturable. In other words, for the aforementioned approach, computational resources are spent on clustering a large number of “healthy” snippets, which is not the focus here.2 Therefore, to narrow down the scope of investigation and to save computing resources, clustering is limited to the layout regions implicated by diagnosis of failed ICs since these regions are likely to contain any systematic defects that may exist. A variety of diagnosis approaches have been proposed (see [28]–[33]) and the question considered here is which one is the most suitable for LASIC. A diagnosis approach that can exactly pinpoint the x-y-z location of the defect would be ideal. However, this requirement is unrealistic because diagnosis is not perfect and a diagnosis outcome typically consists of multiple candidate locations. Diagnostic resolution [34] is a measure of the effectiveness of a diagnosis methodology to logically localize the fault. A higher diagnostic resolution is desired since there is less uncertainty concerning the failure location. Diagnostic resolution is often used as a metric for comparing different techniques and evaluating the merit of a particular diagnostic approach. The diagnosis approach adopted here is called DIAGNOSIX [29] since it uses a layout-based approach that can distinguish logically-equivalent faults, leading to an improved diagnostic resolution. High diagnostic resolution equates to fewer snippets used for the clustering step, resulting in a higher confidence. It should be emphasized, however, that other diagnosis techniques can and have been used instead of DIAGNOSIX. 2 Identification of easy-to-manufacture features, however, may be useful for forming a set of allowable patterns for DFM objectives. Fig. 1. Flow diagram of the Carnegie Mellon layout analysis tool (LAT). C. Layout Snippet Creation An in-house layout analysis tool (LAT) is used to extract layout snippets of diagnosis-implicated regions [35]. LAT makes use of three open-source C++ libraries, namely, the OpenAccess library (OA) [36], the computational geometry algorithm library (CGAL) [37], and the Cairo library [38]. The OA library performs design-format conversion and provides high-performance database operations. The CGAL library contains geometric algorithms suitable for layout analysis. The Cairo library is used for image rendering and generation. Fig. 1 illustrates the flow implemented by LAT. Each candidate reported by diagnosis is retrieved from an annotated layout database to find its layout geometries, which are further processed to create snippet images. 1) Database Preparation: Since the typical description of a design layout is graphic data system (GDS) [39], the GDS-to-OA translator provided in the OA package is used to convert GDS to the format of the OA database. In addition, since GDS typically consists of purely geometric information, the resulting OA database will not contain any logical connectivity information, or any net, or cell names. Thus, the converted database is further processed to add this information. This is a one-time task whose cost is amortized over repeated use of the annotated OA database to extract snippet images for each chip failure of interest. 2) Candidate Geometry Processing: The input to LAT is a set of candidates that have been identified by diagnosing a failed IC. Since the database has been annotated with connectivity information, the polygons associated with a given candidate can be easily accessed. Clearly, different candidates consist of different polygons that reside in various layers, thus making their comparison nontrivial. Fig. 2 illustrates this diversity. Fig. 2(a) shows a net that is relatively long that spans two layers (highlighted with a dashed boundary), while Fig. 2(b) shows a short net that resides in only one layer. If only a single snippet image is extracted for each net, then they would either have a very different scale (with a fixed image dimension) or have a very different image dimension (with a fixed scale). In either case, it is difficult to directly compare these two nets. Although nets are used as examples here, the argument also applies to other types of diagnosis candidates, such as a cell defect. TAM AND BLANTON: LASIC 1281 Fig. 2. Diagnosis-implicated layout region for (a) long net that spans two layers and (b) a short net that spans only one layer. Both nets of interest are identified with a dashed boundary. Fig. 4. Fig. 3. Snippets of a net polygon with (a) vertical alignment and (b) horizontal alignment. To overcome this challenge, the layout region implicated by a candidate is split into smaller regions of fixed scale and dimension that are called layout snippets. This standardizes the scale and the dimension of the layout regions for easy comparison. Unfortunately, snippet alignment remains an issue, as illustrated in Fig. 3. Alignment here refers to the proper choice of the snippet-center location to facilitate snippet comparison. Fig. 3(a) shows three different snippets generated with different vertical alignment while Fig. 3(b) shows three different snippets generated with different horizontal alignment. Clearly, all the snippets appear dissimilar, although the same polygon of interest (highlighted with a dashed boundary) is partially captured by all. It is also clear that there are two degrees of freedom while aligning the snippets since a one-layer snippet is a 2-D object. To address the snippet alignment issue, a snippet center is required to be on the center line of each polygon that belongs to the candidate. (The extraction of the polygon center line will be described in detail in the next section.) For example, if the center line of a candidate polygon is a horizontal line, as shown in Fig. 3(a), then the snippet center is required to be vertically aligned with this center line. The rationale for aligning in this manner stems from the fact that a systematic defect is likely caused by layout features that are difficult to manufacture. These features are defined by the polygons that make up the candidate as well as its neighboring polygons. Since we do not have prior knowledge of which polygons in the neighborhood play a role in the systematic defect, it is best to center the candidate polygons in the snippet and to ensure that the radius of influence is carefully chosen. Requiring the snippet center to align with the center line of a candidate polygon, however, only restricts one degree of freedom. The snippet center can be in an arbitrary position Illustration of splitting of (a) layout region into (b) layout snippets. along the center line and therefore may still cause a misalignment issue. This is illustrated in Fig. 3(b). Specifically, despite the vertical alignment of the snippet center with the horizontal center line, horizontal misalignment of the snippet still occurs. Thus, the snippet center is further restricted to specific points on the center line of the candidate polygon as shown in Fig. 4. Again, the candidate polygon is highlighted with a dashed boundary. The lines inside the polygon are the center lines. There are three types of locations that can serve as a snippet center: 1) endpoints (represented as dots) of the center line; 2) projection points (represented as triangles) from the center-line endpoints of the neighboring polygons onto the center line of the candidate polygon; and 3) midpoints (represented as crosses) between the first two types of points. (If there is no projection point, a midpoint will still be calculated between the endpoints of the candidate center line.) The rationale behind restricting the snippet center in this way stems from the fact that these locations define a layout feature or a layout-feature interaction. Clearly, the endpoints define the center line, which captures the topology of the routing polygon. Projection points from neighboring polygons define the interactions between the neighbors and the candidate. The midpoints are of interest because they aid the capture of the layout pattern between the first two types of points. Here is another interpretation of the rationale: if we imagine moving the snippet center along the center line of a candidate polygon, starting at one of its endpoints, then the projection points define changes in neighborhood (i.e., the entrance or exit of a neighboring polygon) and the midpoints define the layout patterns before and after the neighborhood change. 3) Center Line Extraction: The image scale, dimension, and alignment requirements have motivated the use of the straight-skeleton algorithm [40] provided by the CGAL library. A straight skeleton of a polygon is defined as “the union of the pieces of angular bisectors traced out by the polygon vertices” when the polygon is being shrunk [40]. Fig. 5(a) illustrates the straight skeleton (shown in dotted lines and built using the CGAL library) of a polygon. A vertex that belongs to both the polygon and the straight skeleton is called a contour vertex, while a vertex that belongs only to the straight skeleton is called a skeleton vertex. For LASIC, however, only the skeleton vertices are of interest since they alone define the center line of the polygon as illustrated in Fig. 5(b). The skeleton vertices therefore form the endpoints of the center line. 1282 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, VOL. 34, NO. 8, AUGUST 2015 Fig. 5. Illustration of (a) a straight skeleton of a polygon and (b) the center line of the same polygon. Use of the straight-skeleton algorithm allows the center line of a polygon to be extracted. Center lines are extracted for both the candidate polygon and its neighboring polygons, as shown in Fig. 4. The center-line endpoints for the candidate polygon are immediately available after the center-line extraction (they are in fact the skeleton vertices). The projection points can be easily calculated once the center lines of the neighbors are determined. The midpoints can then be dynamically calculated after all the projection points are determined. If the extracted center line of the candidate polygon has multiple line segments as shown in Fig. 5, then each line segment will be processed separately to extract the projection points and the midpoints. 4) Snippet Image Generation: The layout snippets are saved as images using the Cairo library, which is an opensource graphics library that is widely used for image rendering. The Cairo library is platform-independent and is capable of producing an image in a variety of formats. C++ code using the OA library has also been written to support the GDS format as well. For clustering, the portable network graphics image format is used. Once the yield-limiting layout features are identified, the corresponding layout snippet can be saved in the GDS format for further analysis (e.g., lithography simulation). It should be noted that the size of the layout snippet can be easily adjusted to satisfy the requirements of the subsequent analysis, if needed. After the images are generated, the discrete cosine transform (DCT) [41] is performed on each image. Let A be a matrix of pixel values that represent a snippet image, B be the coefficient matrix after the DCT, and D be the DCT matrix. Then, the image A can be written as A = D’BD. The advantage of using DCT representation lies in the fact that the dominant DCT coefficients are concentrated around the upper-left corner of B. In other words, the image matrix A can be approximated using only the dominant coefficients. This approximation is a widely used technique in image processing; in fact, it is the method used in the original JPEG standard [42]. For LASIC, this approximation provides tremendous speed-up because only the dominant coefficients are kept for subsequent analysis. For an image A that has 100-by-100 pixels, only ∼150 DCT coefficients are needed to ensure accuracy for the analysis. Comparing with the original data size of a 10,000-pixel image (10 kilobytes), the approximation (150 bytes) has a reduction of 98.5%. It should be emphasized that DCT is not the only suitable transform, other transforms, such as the wavelet transform [43], can also be easily used. In fact, more general dimensionality reduction techniques (e.g., principal component analysis [44]) can be used as well. D. Clustering Clustering, a form of unsupervised learning [44], represents a class of data exploratory techniques that partitions objects into groups based on their similarity. Similar objects are ideally put in the same cluster while dissimilar objects are placed in different clusters. The goal of clustering is to discover structure in the data by exploring similarity within the data. Employing clustering involves the following [45]. 1) Representation of the object, which can involve feature extraction or selection. 2) A measure of similarity between objects. 3) Selection and application of a clustering algorithm. Object representation is accomplished using the process described in the previous section. More specifically, the objects to be clustered are center-aligned snippet images of fixed dimension and scale, each of which is represented as a subset of its DCT coefficients. There are a number of advantages of using this type of representation. First, it allows direct comparison of snippet images (e.g., two images can be compared using their selected DCT coefficients). Second, it is easy to include geometries from different layers in the same image by appropriately setting color transparency values (also called the alpha channel) of the layers involved. This is important when the goal is to identify a systematic defect caused by layout features that span multiple layers (e.g., a bridge induced by chemical-mechanical polishing (CMP) [46]). Third, other image processing techniques (such as the distance transform [47]) can be readily applied if desired. Before a clustering technique can be applied, a similarity definition is required. Suppose the DCT coefficients of the two images are represented as two vectors X and Y, and let xi in X (yi in Y) be a component index in a vector, then a common metric for comparing/clustering the two vectors is the summation of the Euclidean distances for each vector component (xi − yi )2 . i Two images are similar if they have a very small (total) Euclidean distance in terms of their selected DCT coefficients. Conversely, two images are dissimilar if they have a large Euclidean distance. It should be noted that Euclidean distance is chosen because of its popularity. Other distance functions, such as the cosine distance [48], can also be easily used and has been explored as well. It is found that they generally give similar results. Having defined the object representation and the similarity metric, the third step is to choose a suitable clustering algorithm. Data clustering is an extensively researched field and there are many clustering algorithms available [45]. The K-means algorithm [26] is one of the most popular approaches because of its ease of implementation and high speed. Other approaches include mixture resolving [44] and various graphtheoretic approaches [49], [50]. Due to its simplicity, the K-means algorithm is employed which we describe next. Let x1 , x2 , . . . , xN denote the N data points to be clustered, K be the desired number of clusters, µ1 , µ2 , . . . , µK be the TAM AND BLANTON: LASIC 1283 cluster centers, and rij denote the potential assignment of the ith data point to the jth cluster where 1 if the ith data point is assigned to the jth cluster rij = 0 if otherwise. The objective of K-means is to minimize the following cost function [44]: N K rij × dist(xi , µj ) C= i=1 j=1 where dist(xi , µj ) is the distance function that measures similarity of data point xi and the cluster center µj . The total Euclidean distance defined earlier is used. From the expression of the cost function C, it is clear that the goal is to choose cluster centers (i.e., µj , 1 ≤ j ≤ K) and data-point assignments (i.e., rij ) such that the distance sums (from the data points to their assigned cluster centers) is minimized. This problem is NP-hard [51], so an approximate heuristic is typically used to find a solution. From the cost-function expression, it is also clear that the choice for K determines the number of clusters. It is nontrivial to choose an optimal K. In general, K is chosen empirically or by heuristics that penalize data fragmentation. For LASIC, K is chosen by using a simple heuristic min K subject to rij dist(xi , µj ) < T ∀i, j. In other words, we choose the smallest K such that all the data-point-to-cluster-center distances are smaller than a predefined threshold T (for some T > 0). Intuitively, as long as each data point is reasonably close to its cluster center, increasing K is halted to avoid fragmentation of the data. To improve efficiency, binary search is used to search for K. A hard limit is also used to restrict K to a reasonably small value. Finding a better and more efficient heuristic for identifying the optimal value of K is an open problem in the machine-learning community. There are several options for employing K-means for the problem addressed in this paper. The simplest approach is to create snippet images for each candidate of interest and provide the resulting images directly to the K-means algorithm. Unfortunately, this naïve approach unintentionally causes the layout features from a single candidate that occupy a large layout region to adversely bias the cluster centers, regardless of the presence of systematic defects. Fig. 6 illustrates this situation. Specifically, Fig. 6(a) shows seven snippet images extracted from a long net while Fig. 6(b) shows three snippet images extracted from a short net. It is clear that there exists similarity for the images within the following groups: a1 –a7 and b1 –b3 . In other words, snippet images derived from the same net tend to be strongly correlated (if not identical) and have a small distance between each other. This is especially the case for a long net. If these images are provided as input to the K-means algorithm, then images a1 –a7 may form a cluster center, regardless of whether a systematic defect is present in a1 –a7 . The same problem may occur for images b1 –b3 as well. A novel approach described here is to: 1) perform K-means on the snippet images for each candidate first; 2) select representative snippet images from each candidate using the Fig. 6. Illustration of (a) correlated snippet images resulting from splitting a long net, and (b) the snippet image from a short net. resulting clusters based on the cluster centers; and 3) perform K-means again on the representative snippet images from all the candidates. This approach identifies unique representative layout features from each candidate so that repeating/similar features from the same candidate will not bias the overall clustering process. In addition, this approach has the advantage that the number of images to be clustered (in the second pass) is substantially reduced, thereby achieving a faster runtime. Using again the nets of Fig. 6, only snippet images {a1 –a4 , b1 –b2 } will be used as input to the second pass of the K-means algorithm. The two-pass K-means algorithm is implemented in MATLAB [52]. Unfortunately, the distance metric adopted and many other commonly used distance metrics (e.g., cosine distance) are not rotation- or reflection-invariant with respect to the image orientation. Fig. 7 illustrates this problem. It may or may not be clear that the eight snippets shown are exactly the same, since they are shown with different orientations. The ideal distance metric should give a distance of zero between any two of these images, but this is not the case because the Euclidean metric is not immune to orientation. One possible solution is to define the distance metric to be the minimum distance between two images A and B under all orientations of B (note that, we do not need to consider all orientations of A). This is the approach adopted in [20] and [21] for performing hotspot analysis. This method is accurate, but would tremendously increase runtime (by up to a factor of 8×) since the distance-metric evaluation is a core step in all clustering algorithms [45]. A faster approach is to generate the clusters first using the current distance metric, and then merge the resulting clusters afterwards using the images at the cluster centers only, taking into account all possible orientations of the cluster centers. This is advantageous since the cluster centers are only used for the more expensive distance metric calculation. The number of cluster centers is typically far less than the number of images. This is a heuristic, however, which means it is possible that two or more of the images in the merged cluster have a distance that is larger than the threshold used in the second K-means pass since only the cluster centers are considered during the merging process. To merge the clusters, the clustering outcome is represented using a graph, where each vertex represents the snippet image closest to the cluster center and an edge exists between two vertices (i.e., images), if and only if the minimum distance between the two images, including their eight rotated and 1284 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, VOL. 34, NO. 8, AUGUST 2015 Fig. 7. Illustration of eight different orientations of a single layout pattern. Fig. 8. Overall flow of the snippet image clustering process. reflected representations, is less than a certain threshold. (This threshold should be chosen to have a similar value as the threshold used in the second K-means pass.) Clearly, two clusters should be merged if an edge exists between their corresponding vertices in the graph. Thus, the cluster-merging problem is equivalent to identifying the connected components of the graph, i.e., clusters in the same connected component should be merged. This problem can be easily solved by using a depth-first search in linear time [53]. It is possible that merged clusters have elements (i.e., snippets) that have a distance greater than the threshold but we have not found this to be an issue in this paper. Fig. 8 illustrates the overall flow for clustering which typically only takes a few minutes of compute time for processing. E. Simulation Validation After clustering, each snippet image is assigned a label to indicate its cluster. For example, suppose 100 snippet images are grouped into six clusters, implying that each snippet image will be labeled with an integer from 1 to 6. The clusters formed are sorted according to their sizes (i.e., the number of data points assigned to a cluster) in decreasing order. The resulting order is called the rank of the cluster. Specifically, the largest cluster has rank one, the second largest cluster has rank two, and so on. The dominant clusters are of particular interest because they represent substantial commonalities in layout features among the observed failures and are likely to contain systematic defects (if any). Snippet images in the same cluster exhibit some degree of similarity and can be manually inspected. However, a more effective approach is to choose a few representatives from each cluster for further analysis. This is achieved by sampling several snippet images closest to the cluster centers. In this paper, lithography simulation of the layout snippets is performed to identify any lithographyinduced hotspots. Hotspot investigation is performed since sub-wavelength lithography is ubiquitously deployed in nanoscale technologies and is a major source of systematic issues. The software tool Optissimo [27] is used to perform the simulation. Analysis does not have to be limited to lithography, however, for example, CMP simulation (using CMP analyzer [54] for instance) can be used to identify any yield-limiting hotspots induced by CMP. In fact, simulators for any yield-loss mechanism can be employed to investigate the existence of any systematic issues that may explain a large cluster of failures. Of course, each source of failure may require a different radius of influence for constructing the snippet images. As stated earlier, although a simulation-based approach is invoked in this paper for validating the existence of a systematic defect, other more comprehensive and conclusive methods can also be used including PFA. Once the systematic defects are identified and understood, it is possible to tune the manufacturing process to minimize their occurrences to improve yield. In addition, it is possible to describe yield-limiting layout features directly using design rule check tools such as calibre pattern matching [55]. These rules can then be applied to the current design in production to estimate the failure rate of these features by noting their frequency of occurrence in diagnosis-implicated regions to understand their yield impact. However, the details of this analysis are beyond the scope of this paper. If the systematic defects identified have a significant yield impact, then the corresponding DFM rules can be provided to the designers so that the systematic defects can be mitigated in future designs [10], [56]. III. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS In this section, experimental results involving both test data from actual chip failures and simulation data are presented. A. Silicon-Data Experiment An experiment was carried out using an industrial test chip from LSI Corporation to study the effectiveness of LASIC. The test chip, fabricated using 130-nm technology, consists of 384 64-bit arithmetic logic units (ALUs). Each ALU has TAM AND BLANTON: LASIC Fig. 9. Illustration of clustered snippet images from (a) one cluster and (b) second cluster. approximately 3,000 gates and is tested using approximately3 230 tests that achieve ∼100% stuck-at fault coverage. In this paper, 6,980 failing ICs are used. Removal of non-ALU failures, multiple-ALU failures, and failures with massive failing bits lead to 738 unique failing ICs that are used for further analysis in LASIC. These failing ICs are successfully diagnosed using DIAGNOSIX [29] resulting in 2,168 diagnosis candidates. LASIC is applied to all 2,168 diagnosis candidates. In addition, in order to validate LASIC, two additional ICs with preexisting PFA results are also included in this experiment. Both ICs have two diagnosis candidates, both of which are included in the experiment. LAT (described in Section II-C) is applied to the 2,172 diagnosis candidates using a 2-by-2 µm area for defining the snippet size. Both the width and height of the snippet size are more than 15× larger than the minimum feature size (0.13 µm) and therefore should be sufficient for capturing all optical interactions [57]. To ensure accuracy, each snippet image is chosen to have a resolution of 100-by-100 pixels. Figs. 8 and 9 show LASIC-generated snippet images with this resolution. It is clear that the layout features are sharply represented with this resolution. A total of 291,249 snippet images are generated for the 2,172 diagnosis candidates. Column 5 of Table I shows the number of extracted snippet images for each layer (column 1). The two-pass K-means clustering approach described earlier is applied to the snippet images for each layer separately since, in this paper, we are investigating lithography issues which is a function of one layer only. T 1 (column 2) and T 2 (column 3) are the thresholds for choosing K for the first-pass and secondpass K-means, respectively. T 1 and T 2 indirectly specify the desired cluster size and are empirically chosen. T 3 (column 4) is the threshold used when merging the clusters and is chosen to have the same value as T 2 . Column 6 of Table I shows the number of snippet images selected by the first-pass of K-means. After the execution of the second-pass, the clusters are merged taking into account the different orientations of the cluster centers. The number of clusters before and after the merges are given in columns 7 and 8, respectively, of Table I. In addition, cluster size (i.e., the number of data points assigned to a cluster) is measured for all clusters and their minimum, maximum, and average values are recorded in columns 9–11, respectively. Cluster size is a measure of the 3 The number of tests varies slightly for each ALU. 1285 importance of a cluster (e.g., a cluster with 20 data points is not as important as a cluster with 200 data points). Table I reveals that the clustering outcome via the layers consists of a small number of clusters. This is expected because most of the images contain a single via in the center of the image. Occasionally, neighboring vias are included in the image, and sometimes the difference is large enough to result in an extra partition. On the other hand, snippet images in the contact layer are partitioned into many more clusters. This too is expected since contacts are more densely placed than vias in general and therefore the same 2-by-2 µm bounding box captures a more diverse set of images in the contact layer. A similar trend is observed for the polysilicon and metal layers. In other words, a more densely routed layer results in more clusters since denser routes result in a more diverse set of snippets. The irregular geometries in the metal-1 layer also contribute to more clusters. As a result, it is worth exploring different bounding-box sizes for each layer. It is also informative to inspect the images in the same cluster as well as the images that are in different clusters. The clusters for metal-1 are chosen for illustration purposes since metal-1 contains a diverse set of geometries. Fig. 9(a) shows four snippet images from a cluster in metal-1, while Fig. 9(b) shows four snippet images from another metal-1 cluster. Fig. 9 shows that geometries in the same cluster resemble each other but are not exactly the same while geometries in different clusters exhibit substantial differences. This example clearly demonstrates that LASIC is able to group images with similar layout features together for further analysis. The layout snippets that correspond to the snippet images are fed to Optissimo [27] for lithography simulation. The size of the snippets has been increased to ensure accurate simulation.4 Since the LSI test chip for this experiment is implemented in 130-nm technology, the lithography parameters are chosen to coincide with that technology, as shown in Table II. (A more detailed explanation of the parameter values chosen is given in [58].) For this part of the experiment, focus is again placed on the metal-1 layer only. Fig. 10 shows an example of a lithography-induced hotspot (i.e., insufficient contact coverage) identified by the Optissimo simulation on one of the layout snippets. The simulation result for the contact layer is also shown so that the hotspot can be revealed. There are altogether 20 hotspots identified in the metal-1 layer. These hotspots may cause systematic defects. More conclusive analysis such as PFA can be used to inspect the corresponding areas in the corresponding failing ICs to determine if these hotspots are yield-limiting. If they are found to be causing significant yield loss, the process can be adjusted to improve yield. In addition, DFM rules can be formulated to prevent occurrence of these hotspots in future designs. For example, the insufficient coverage of the contact in Fig. 10 can be resolved by increasing the metal-1-to-contact enclosure requirement. 4 The snippet size for an accurate simulation may not be the same as the image size used in clustering. For example, CMP depends on a much larger area depending on the type of model used for identifying CMP-susceptible geometries and metal densities. 1286 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, VOL. 34, NO. 8, AUGUST 2015 TABLE I S UMMARY OF THE T WO -PASS K-M EANS C LUSTERING O UTCOME FOR E ACH L AYER FOR 738 IC FAILURES TABLE II P ROCESS PARAMETERS U SED FOR L ITHOGRAPHY S IMULATION Fig. 11. (a) SEM image of a poly-to-active bridge and (b) its corresponding layout snippet with its lithography simulation result. Fig. 12. (a) SEM image of a bridge in the metal-2 layer and (b) its corresponding layout snippet with its lithography simulation result. Fig. 10. Illustration of a hotspot (insufficient contact coverage) identified through lithographic simulation of a layout snippet. To validate LASIC, the clustering outcomes of the two ICs that have PFA results are examined in detail. Both ICs have snippet images of their corresponding defect locations (as identified by PFA) in highly-ranked clusters. Specifically, the first PFA result is a bridge between a polysilicon gate and its active region. The snippet image corresponding to this defect belongs to the second largest cluster (with size 348) in the polysilicon layer (the maximum cluster size in the polysilicon layer is 439). Fig. 11 shows the SEM image of the PFA result and its corresponding layout region. The lithography simulation from Fig. 11(b) does not show any abnormalities, indicating that the systematic issue, if any, is likely due to other reasons. The second PFA result is a bridge between two nets in metal-2, and its SEM image and layout region are shown in Fig. 12. The snippet image corresponding to this defect belongs to a cluster that is in the top 10.6% of all clusters. These results are strong evidence that LASIC is able to identify systematic defects since PFA is a time-consuming process [6] and therefore is selectively performed on certain ICs when systematic issues are suspected. In other words, because failures due to random defects are typically not selected to undergo PFA, we believe this is strong evidence that LASIC can identify systematic defects. From the clustering outcome in Table I, it is clear that other highly-ranked clusters are also present, suggesting the possible presence of additional systematic defects. Unfortunately, this TAM AND BLANTON: LASIC 1287 TABLE III C HARACTERISTICS OF THE D ESIGNS , T ESTS , AND D EFECTS U SED IN THE S IMULATION E XPERIMENTS cannot be confirmed since further PFA results are unattainable. In addition, the point should be made that large cluster sizes are not indicative of the existence of a systematic defect. Deeming a cluster large or small should not be based on raw element count but instead be based on a normalization that depends on the total number of similar snippets within the design. B. Simulation-Data Experiment In this section, two sets of simulation experiments are conducted to examine how LASIC performs under the presence of: 1) a single type of systematic defect and 2) multiple types of systematic defects. In both experiments, the defect simulation framework SLIDER (simulation of layout-injected defects for electrical responses) [59] is used to generate populations of virtual IC failures. SLIDER achieves fast and accurate defect simulations using mixed-signal simulation. Specifically, SLIDER injects defects at the layout-level and extracts a circuit-level netlist of the defect-affected region(s). This ensures that the defects are accurately represented. Circuit-level simulation is performed using the extracted netlist of the defect-affected region(s) to ensure accuracy while logic-level simulation is performed for the rest of the circuit to keep the runtime tractable. By using a mixed-signal simulator (such as Cadence AMS designer [60]), appropriate signal conversion can be automatically performed at the interface that connects the digital and analog domains. SLIDER can generate defects that follow a given DDSD distribution (i.e., random defects). It can also generate defects that share a common layout pattern (i.e., systematic defects). These two defect-generation modes are particularly useful for the validation of LASIC. 1) Experimental Setup: Table III summarizes the characteristics of the designs, tests, and defects injected for both experiments. In both experiments, eight benchmark circuits [24], [25] are used whose names are shown in column 1 of Table III. These circuits are placed and routed using Cadence First Encounter. The technology used is the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation 180-nm CMOS process from the publicly-accessible Metal Oxide Semiconductor Implementation Service webpage [62]. The tests for these circuits are generated using Synopsys Tetramax [63] and have a 100% fault coverage. The corresponding number of gates, layout area, and number of tests for each circuit are shown in columns 2–4 of Table III, respectively. Five different systematic populations and one random population, each consisting of 100 defective chips, are generated for use in both experiments. Both the systematic and random populations are generated using the systematic- and random-defect generation modes of SLIDER, respectively. This process is repeated four times to inject four different types of defects (namely, metal-2 bridge, metal-2 open, metal-3 bridge, and metal-3 open). Since LASIC uses logic-level diagnosis as the starting point, two different defects are treated the same way if they both affect the same net. Therefore, it is important to know the number of distinct nets (Ndistinct ) that are actually affected by the defects. These counts are summarized in columns 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14 of Table III. Column 5 reveals that the number of distinct nets in the random population is more than 100. Interestingly, the number of distinct nets in all the systematic populations is less than 100, as shown in columns 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14 of Table III. The former happens since a random defect can occur anywhere in the circuit and can affect multiple nets. The latter occurs since, as shown in Fig. 7, snippets from the same net tend to be correlated and this phenomenon also results in systematic defects being injected along the same net. In addition, it is of interest to understand the amount of overlap between the random and systematic defects in terms of the number of common nets that they both affect since this too will affect the accuracy of LASIC. For example, a random defect affecting the same net as a systematic defect can “improve” the accuracy of LASIC since the affected net also contains the layout pattern of the systematic defect. Therefore, the number of common nets (Noverlap ) between each of the five systematic populations and the random population is recorded in columns 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15, respectively. Note that the entries in columns 5–15 are fractional because, as mentioned above, the experiment is performed four times to inject four different types of defects and therefore the counts are averaged over the defect types. From Table III, it is clear that as the circuit size increases, the chance of random and systematic defects affecting the same net decreases, as expected. It is also clear that the amount of overlap is less than 20% in general (except for the smaller circuits C5315 and C6288). This is desirable since this prevents random defects from affecting the accuracy of LASIC in systematic defect identification. In both experiments, the systematic defects are carefully generated so that their underlying layout pattern is not a common layout pattern. Otherwise, the pattern will be found in 1288 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, VOL. 34, NO. 8, AUGUST 2015 a dominant cluster regardless of whether a systematic issue is present. Specifically, we identify layout patterns that occur at least N times (N >> 100) for each metal layer of interest, and randomly select instances of the pattern for defect injection. 2) Single Systematic Defect Identification: In the first experiment, failure populations are created by randomly sampling from the “random” population and the “systematic 1” population, described in the experimental setup. This process is repeated to generate failure populations with a different proportion of random and systematic defects. For example, in the first iteration, the population has 100 systematic defects and 0 random defects; in the second iteration, the population has 90 systematic defects and 10 random defects; in the third iteration, the population has 80 systematic defects and 20 random defects, and so on. The goal is to evaluate how much random “noise” can be tolerated by LASIC. The experiment is performed using the eight benchmark circuits in Table III. The experiment is performed four times to inject four types of defects into these circuits: 1) metal-2 bridge; 2) metal-2 open; 3) metal-3 bridge; and 4) metal-3 open. The results are averaged over the eight circuits. In addition, to isolate the noise that can happen due to inaccuracies/ambiguities in diagnosis, this experiment is performed under two scenarios: ideal diagnosis and “real” diagnosis. Ideal diagnosis here means that the outcome of diagnosis correctly pinpoints the site of the injected defect with no ambiguity, while real diagnosis can be inaccurate (i.e., diagnosis outcome does not contain the injected-defect net) and/or low in resolution (i.e., additional nets are reported along with the net with the injected defect). Since virtual failure data is used, ideal-diagnosis results can be easily obtained by just finding the net whose geometry overlaps with the actual defect location. Real-diagnosis results are obtained by applying a commercial diagnosis tool to the virtual failure data, which results in inaccuracies/ambiguities due to the inherent limitation of logic-level diagnosis. This can be viewed as another source of noise in the data. Comparing the two scenarios allows us to understand how LASIC performs under the ideal and real scenarios. The cluster that contains the underlying pattern of the injected systematic defect is deemed the correct cluster. For each scenario, the averaged rank of the correct cluster is plotted against the percentage of systematic defects injected. The data is summarized in Fig. 13(a) and (b) for the ideal and real diagnoses, respectively. It is clear from Fig. 13 that the average rank of the correct cluster decreases (which of course is desirable since a lower rank means the layout geometry associated with the injected defect resides in a larger cluster) as the percentage of systematic defects increases for both ideal and real diagnoses. It is also evident that the technique is effective for both ideal and real diagnoses because the correct cluster is present in the top 40 ranked clusters (top 3%) even when the population only consists of 20% systematic defects. In addition, there is a steep increase in the average rank of the correct clusters when the proportion of the systematic defect decreases from 10% to 0%. This is expected since the “correct pattern” becomes a random pattern when there is no systematic defect present and therefore the correct pattern should go into a cluster of very small size with a very low rank. The performance of LASIC is expectedly somewhat worse for real diagnosis due to inherent Fig. 13. LASIC evaluation for (a) ideal and (b) real diagnoses. TABLE IV M ULTIPLE S YSTEMATIC D EFECT C REATION FOR LASIC E VALUATION ambiguities/inaccuracies associated with logic diagnosis. The ranks of the correct clusters increase by a factor of ∼2.4 on average in the real diagnosis scenario. 3) Multiple Systematic Defect Identification: By focusing on one systematic issue at a time, the previous experiment evaluates the performance of LASIC in the presence of random defects and diagnosis inaccuracy. However, in practical situations, there may be multiple systematic issues present in different proportions. To understand the effectiveness of LASIC in practice, all the five different systematic populations described in the experimental setup are used. Precaution has been taken to ensure that the underlying patterns are different for the five systematic populations to mimic the presence of five different systematic issues for each benchmark circuit. The random population is also included to mimic the presence of random defects. The defects from these populations are randomly sampled and mixed in different proportions. Table IV summarizes the amount of sampling from each population for each scenario. The same sampling procedure is performed for each benchmark circuit. Column 1 shows the name for each defect population, namely systematic 1–5 and random, corresponding to the five systematic populations and the one random population. The remaining four columns define the four different scenarios considered in this experiment. Each numeric entry in Table IV defines the amount of sampling from the corresponding population (row) in the corresponding scenario (column). For example, in the scenario “Dom1,” 70 defects are sampled from the first systematic population, 70 defects are sampled from the random population, and 20 defects are sampled from each of the four remaining systematic populations. Four different scenarios are considered in this experiment that includes the following. 1) “Equal” (column 2) where the number of defects from each systematic population is equal. TAM AND BLANTON: LASIC Fig. 14. LASIC evaluation for multiple systematic defects for (a) metal-2 bridge, (b) metal-3 bridge, (c) metal-2 open, and (d) metal-3 open. 2) “Linear” (column 3) where the number of defects is linearly decreasing for each systematic population. 3) “Dom1” (column 4) where one systematic population contributes substantially more defects than the rest. 4) “Dom2” (column 5) where two of the systematic populations contribute substantially more defects than the rest. In each scenario, 70 random defects are included to mimic the presence of random defects (row 7 of Table IV). LASIC is applied to each of the four scenarios for each benchmark circuit. Here, the goal is to evaluate whether LASIC is able to identify all five systematic defect types. Therefore, the number of systematic issues correctly identified is plotted against the number of top-ranked clusters considered, which is varied from 5 to 55. In contrast to the previous experiment, only real diagnosis is used in this experiment in order to mimic how LASIC would be deployed in practice. Again, the experiment is repeated four times to inject four types of defects into the benchmark circuits: 1) metal-2 bridge; 2) metal-3 bridge; 3) metal-2 open; and 4) metal-3 open. The results for each of the four defect types are averaged over the eight circuits and are shown in Fig. 14(a)–(d). It is clear from Fig. 14 that the number of systematic issues correctly identified increases rapidly to the ideal value of five as the number of top-ranked clusters considered increases. As demonstrated in Fig. 14, LASIC is able to identify over 90% (i.e., 4.5/5.0) systematic defects in the top 55 clusters for all defect types considered under all four scenarios. The results clearly show that LASIC is effective even when there are multiple systematic-defect types and random defects present. IV. C ONCLUSION In this paper, we described LASIC, a comprehensive methodology for identifying yield-limiting layout features. 1289 LASIC identifies systematic defects by extracting and clustering snippet images of the diagnosis-implicated layout regions. Further analyses, such as lithography simulation or PFA, can be used to confirm the systematic issues. Silicon experiment results have demonstrated that LASIC is effective in grouping snippet images with similar features to identify systematic defects. Moreover, several lithographic hotspots have been identified within the dominant clusters. Simulation experiments using SLIDER accurately quantify the effectiveness and accuracy of LASIC for failure populations affected by either single or multiple systematic-defect types. LASIC resolves the missing link in many systematic-defect identification methodologies by providing an automatic method of discovering failure-causing layout features. LASIC can be integrated into existing systematic-defect identification methodologies or used independently. Integration into existing approaches can be easily achieved by using LASIC as a post-processing step to automatically identify and extract layout features that are problematic. Finally, LASIC is also scalable since the number and size of the snippets is independent of the design but instead depends on the failed-chip population size and the resolution of diagnosis. V. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank the LSI Corporation for providing design and fail data. R EFERENCES [1] C. Schuermyer, K. Cota, R. Madge, and B. Benware, “Identification of systematic yield limiters in complex ASICS through volume structural test fail data visualization and analysis,” in Proc. Int. Test Conf., Austin, TX, USA, 2005. 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Wing Chiu (Jason) Tam (S’03) received the B.S. degree from National University of Singapore, Singapore, and the M.S. degree from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, in 2003 and 2008, respectively. He was at Advanced Micro Devices and Agilent Technology, Singapore, from 2003 to 2006. He is currently a Practicing Engineer with Nvidia, Santa Clara, CA, USA. Ronald D. (Shawn) Blanton (S’93–M’95–SM’03– F’08) received the B.S. degree in engineering from Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI, USA, the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA, and the Ph.D. degree in computer science and engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, in 1987, 1989, and 1995, respectively. He is currently a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, where he also serves as the Director of the Center for Silicon System Implementation, and the Founder and the Leader of the Advanced Chip Testing Laboratory. His current research interests include test and diagnosis of integrated heterogeneous systems.