Ohio Northern University Faculty 2011 - 2012 Minutes of the March 27, 2012 Meeting President DiBiasio called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m. in the Activities Room of McIntosh Center. It seems that additional chairs had been placed at the end of the rows such that there was little space between them and the walls which meant that late-comers had to choose between sniggling down those side aisles and strolling down the wider center aisle. Some even had to sit precariously close to the front. John Lomax offered the invocation. The minutes for the January 2012 meeting, action on which was postponed at the February meeting, were approved. Following a motion to approve the minutes of the February 2012 meeting, President DiBiasio called for the vote before asking if there were any additions or corrections to be made. Motion passed; thus Scott Gerber was unable to indicate that he had included the office of President in his list of academic officers that had been appointed without faculty input during the discussion of last month’s resolution. In unfinished business, the postponed resolution from the February meeting was brought to the floor. Michael Milks distributed the following modified version of the resolution: WHEREAS there are few decisions more crucial to the academic health of an institution a university than the appointment of the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs; WHEREAS Article II of the Faculty Constitution of Ohio Northern University enumerates the chief academic officers of the University and Provost is not among those officers; WHEREAS the newly appointed Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs is presumed to be in immediate succession to the President of the University in the event of incapacitation or removal of the President, and exercises all of the ordinary powers of the President whenever the President is not on campus; and WHEREAS the 1966 Statement on Government of Colleges and Universities of the AAUP articulates the foundational principles best practices of faculty participation and requisite input in the selection and retention of academic administrators; and WHEREAS many faculty have felt disenfranchised by the University Administration’s unilateral creation of the new constitutional office of Provost and the unilateral appointment of a David Crago as Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs without open and adequate discourse, without a thorough national search, and without an opportunity for faculty input and careful deliberation; BE IT RESOLVED that the faculty expresses its profound considerable concern about this egregious evisceration of faculty governance continuing pattern of diminished faculty engagement in University shared governance, and reaffirms its sincere desire to actively participate with the ONU Administrators and the Board of Trustees in open and honest discourse on all important matters so as to better strengthen academic programming and to further enhance the learning environment for the students at Ohio Northern University. Motion (Michael Milks, John Lomax) to accept the modification. Discussion followed with Bill Theisen, Pat Croskery, John Lomax, Kevin Hill, Michael Milks, Scott Gerber and Ray Person offering comments. The motion on accepting the modification passed with a majority voice vote. John Lomax called the question on the now modified resolution. Motion passed. Ballots were distributed, collected, and counted by representatives from the Department of Philosophy and Religion. Motion failed by a vote of 54 For and 93 Against. President DiBiasio announced a few items before opening the floor to questions. a. He indicated that he has received about three dozen comments concerning The Sustainable Program and Financial- Based Review report during the review period and that they will be considered in developing the workplan. Ohio Northern University Faculty 2011 - 2012 b. He noted that work on strategic planning for the university is continuing based on the input received from the mission, vision and values workshop. c. He has been “on the road” with various alumni groups. d. He offered his appreciation for the ONU community response to the fire at the United Methodist Church. In response to a question from the floor, President DiBiasio indicated that approximately $7 million has been recovered of the $10 million in investment funds that had been lost from one of our investment firms. Sherry Young, Chair of University Council, reported that the council has been handling several matters from the Personnel Committee, including a recommendation regarding tenure/promotion files. She noted the fine response for nominees for the Faculty At-Large Positions for the April elections that were distributed with the agenda. Additional nominees from the floor were Michele Musser for Faculty Grievance Committee, Michele Musser for Hearing Committee of Dismissal of Faculty, and Sarah Waters for Religious Affairs Committee. Reports (or the lack thereof) from Constitutional and Operational committee liaisons indicate that they are all doing appropriately good work. While not really a report, but more of an announcement, Tom Simmons informed us that wrestler Kyle Kwiat had won the national title at the 174-pound weight class at the NCAA Division III Championships. There was no new business brought forth. There were several announcement made about upcoming events, but since these minutes will be distributed after they have occurred it doesn’t seem necessary to list them here. A motion to adjourn was accepted by the President at 11:42 a.m. Submitted by, __________________________ Jonathan Smalley Secretary