Council will m meet on Tuesda ay, March 20, 2

Council will meet
m on Tuesdaay, March 20, 2012
at 5:30 p.m. in Dicke H
Hall 230.
utes of Februarry 21, 2012 meeeting
orts from Consttitutional Com
a. Bu
udget & Appro
b. Academic
c. Sttudent Activitiees
d. Peersonnel
orts from Operaational Commiittees
a. Athletics
b. In
nformation Tecchnology
c. Cu
ultural & Speccial Events
d. In
nternational Afffairs
e. Reeligious Affairrs
f. Geeneral Educatio
Other Reports
a. Vice-President
Acadeemic Affairs
ncial Affairs
Univeersity Advanceement
Admissions and Fin
nancial Aid
Student Affairs
b. Deans
Arts and
a Sciences
ness Administraation
c. Student
d. Health
Servicees Advisory Co
Presiident Commentts/Questions
nished Businesss
Academic Affairs (Crediit for Internatio
onal Baccalaurreate (IB) Diplooma) (Attachm
ment A)
New Business
Personnel (Curriculum Vitae
Required for Applicatioons) (Attachmeent B)
Personnel (Parallel Rights for Faculty Not
N Recommennded for Tenurre/Four-Year C
(Attachmeent C)
Academic Affairs (Undeergraduate Finaal Examinationn Schedule) (Atttachment D)
ons for At-Larg
ge University Governance
Poositions (Attachhment E)
Budget and Appropriations – Ron Beaschler
Academic Affairs – John Lomax No report other than the item of new business.
Student Activities – Jenny Walton
Personnel – Kay Zekany No report other than the items of new business.
Committee on Athletics – Tom Simmons
Information Technology – Scott Walthour
Cultural and Special Events – Nils Riess
International Affairs – Clyde Picket/Julie Hurtig The Multicultural Fair will be held next Tuesday, March 27.
Religious Affairs – Rory Stauber
General Education – Julie Hurtig If you are interested in teaching a section of an extradisciplinary course this next
fall, please contact Julie Hurtig so that we can add the course offerings to the dynamic list before advanced registration
advising in April. Directions will be sent out to all faculty on how to submit their course to the committee for
tags. The Taskstream portfolio is up and running with spring semester roster information; please ask students to submit
their materials to the portfolio as it is appropriate in your courses that are tagged for general education. Institutional
Research will be working with the general education committee to develop a report that identifies how many tags a
student has completed to assist students and their advisors in advanced registration.
Student Senate – Eric Ambos Student Senate has recently been asked to address parking concerns that exist in the
Lakeview/University Terrace parking lot that reduce vision of oncoming traffic. The Secretary of Campus
Improvement will be meeting with George Sleesman in the coming weeks to discuss the issue. Also, the recipients of
the Continuous Achievement Scholarship have been selected and will receive recognition on Honors Day.
Health Services Advisory Committee – Roger Young
Attachment A
1. International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma
A student may receive 15 hours of credit for the completion of the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma.
In addition, a student may receive credit for individual scores ranging from 5 to 7 on the higher level IB
examinations, for a total of no greater than 30 hours of AP, IB, CLEP, PEP, or institutional examination
Rationale: Currently, students receive credit for individual IB higher level examinations with scores ranging
from 5-7. (See the registrar’s website.) No consideration is given for students who complete the
International Baccalaureate diploma. The diploma does not necessarily require the individual examinations.
The College of A&S dean’s office identified various Ohio and aspirational school policies for IB diplomas
and recommended the above policy.
Attachment B
We recommend adding Curriculum Vitae to the list of items required in a complete application package for promotion, tenure, or
four-year renewable contract.
2. Documentation supporting the general University criteria: effective teaching, scholarly activity, service to the University, and
professional growth. The complete file must include, but is not limited to, the following information:
A. Current Curriculum Vitae. Education (degrees, post-doctoral work, graduate work, workshops, seminars, etc.).
B. Teaching service at ONU (terms, courses, credit hours, number of students, number of student credit hours) and at other
institutions, including dates and rank(s).
C. Evidence of effectiveness in teaching. This should include any peer evaluations that have been reduced to writing, together with
summaries of all student evaluations. Summaries of student evaluations should not be prepared by the faculty member who is
submitting the application. Student evaluations must be provided for all courses taught in the previous two years; additional
evaluations may be provided at the discretion of the faculty member.
D. Other assigned responsibilities at the University.
E. Memberships and participation in professional organizations (meetings attended, papers given, offices held, etc.).
F. Research, publications, performances, exhibitions, etc., (including dates, places, etc.). These may include but are not limited to the
following: publication of paper or article in a professional/refereed journal, magazine or government publication; presentation of
professional paper at a regional, state, or national meeting or seminar; publication or review of a book; receiving a research grant or
support from industry or a government agency; serving on a national or regional review body for grants and awards; serving as a
referee for journal or magazine publications; juried exhibitions; guest performances in regional or national groups; or activities
recognized or encouraged by the relevant departments or college.
G. Honors, grants, and awards, if any.
H. Work experience that is relevant to the teaching duties of the person or his/her professional standing. If current outside
employment/service is relied upon to demonstrate professional growth, the relationship of the work/service to the professional work
of the professor at the University should be described, together with an estimate of the time dedicated to the outside
I. Contributions to departmental, college, University governance (committee membership, chairing committees, etc.). These may
include but are not limited to the following: committee membership, attendance and participation; participation in university, college
or department sponsored activities such as science fair, parents’ day, scholars’ day, homecoming, advising professional and social
organizations; aiding in the recruitment of prospective students; obtaining an equipment grant or support from industry or
government agencies; any other activity which benefits the university community; or activities recognized or encouraged by the
relevant departments or college.
Attachment C
We recommend updating Sections 2.4 and 2.8 so that the description of faculty rights in the tenure, four-year contract and promotion
decision-making processes be parallel when not recommended. Faculty should be notified of a denial in a timely manner in all three
processes and have the same rights to submit supporting materials accordingly.
2.4 Tenure and Nontenure Track
4. The procedure leading to the awarding of tenure are as follows:
G. In the event a candidate for tenure is not recommended at the department level, the college/library level, by the
dean/director, by the Vice President for Academic Affairs or by the President so that the candidacy is not recommended
favorably, the candidate shall receive notice of the unfavorable recommendation within five working days of the
completion of the review process at that level by the appropriate faculty member or administrative officer. The candidate
shall have the right to receive a written statement of reasons upon which the adverse decision was based. This statement
may be requested from the administrative officer who notifies the faculty member that tenure has not been granted and is to
be received by the faculty member within ten working days from the time of the request.
H. A faculty member has the right to submit materials at any and all steps in the recommendation and review procedure
specified above to all committees or persons making recommendations on the tenure decision. Within ten days of receipt of
new materials, a committees or persons making an unfavorable recommendation must reconsider their recommendation. A
candidate shall have the opportunity to submit new materials once at each decision level. The unfavorable
recommendation may be changed or reaffirmed following this review. A candidate may withdraw the tenure application at
any level of the review process.
I. A faculty member who believes that a denial was (a) in violation of the principles of academic freedom as defined in the
Handbook, or (b) in violation or disregard of any established standards for tenure, shall have the right to appeal the
decision to the Undergraduate Faculty Promotion and Tenure Appeals Committee according to Bylaw 5, Section 2F of the
Faculty Constitution, or, when appropriate, according to the Promotion and Tenure Appeals Procedure established for the
College of Law. A written report of action taken in the appeals process, including any recommendation and any supporting
documents, shall be filed with all parties concerned including the President.
J. The President will evaluate any report filed pursuant to I. above and render a decision which shall be final and binding
on all parties.
8. The procedures leading to the awarding of the initial four-year contract are as follows:
F. In the event a candidate for the contract is not recommended at the department level, the college/library level, by the
dean/director, by the Vice President for Academic Affairs or by the President so that the candidacy is not recommended
favorably, the candidate shall receive notice of the unfavorable recommendation within five working days of the
completion of the review process at that level by the appropriate faculty member or administrative officer. The candidate
shall have the right to receive a written statement of reasons upon which the adverse decision was based. This statement
may be requested from the administrative officer who notifies the faculty member that the contract has not been granted
and is to be received by the candidate within ten working days from the time of the request for the written statement.
G. A faculty member has the right to submit materials at any and all steps in the recommendation and review procedure
specified above to all committees or persons making recommendations on the contract decision. Within ten working days
of the receipt of the new material, committees or persons making unfavorable recommendations must reconsider their
recommendation. A candidate shall have the opportunity to submit new materials once at each decision level. The
unfavorable recommendation may be changed or reaffirmed following this review. A candidate may withdraw the contract
application at any level of the review process.
H. A faculty member denied a four-year contract has the right to appeal the decision to the Undergraduate Faculty
Promotion and Tenure Appeals Committee according to Bylaw 5 , Section 2F of the Faculty Constitution, or, when
appropriate, according to the Promotion and Tenure Appeals Procedure established for the College of Law. A report of
action taken in the appeals process, including any recommendation and any supporting documents, shall be filed with all
parties concerned including the President.
I. The President will evaluate the report filed pursuant to H above and render a decision which shall be final and binding
on all parties.
2.8 Rank and Promotion
1. The procedure for Promotion in rank shall be as follows: …
F. In the event a candidate for promotion is not recommended at any level of consideration so that the candidacy is not
acted upon favorably, the candidate shall have the right to receive a statement of reasons upon which the decision was
F. In the event a candidate for promotion is not recommended at the department level, the college/library level, by the
dean/director, by the Vice President for Academic Affairs or by the President so that the candidacy is not recommended
favorably, the candidate shall receive notice of the unfavorable recommendation within five working days of the
completion of the review process at that level by the appropriate faculty member or administrative officer. The candidate
shall have the right to receive a written statement of reasons upon which the adverse decision was based. This statement
may be requested from the administrative officer who notifies the faculty member that tenure has not been granted and
is to be received by the faculty member within ten working days from the time of the request.
G. A faculty member has the right to submit materials at any and all steps in the recommendation and review procedure
specified above to all committees or persons making recommendations on the tenure decision. Within ten days of receipt
of new materials, committees or persons making an unfavorable recommendation must reconsider their
recommendation. A candidate shall have the opportunity to submit new materials once at each decision level. The
unfavorable recommendation may be changed or reaffirmed following this review. A candidate may withdraw the
tenure application at any level of the review process.
HG. A faculty member who believes that a denial of promotion was in violation or disregard of any established standards
or procedures for promotion at Ohio Northern University, or in violation of the principles of academic freedom shall have
the right to a hearing by the Undergraduate Faculty Promotion and Tenure Appeals Committee according to Bylaw 5,
Section 2.F of the Faculty Constitution, or when appropriate, according to the Promotion and Tenure Appeals Procedure
established for the College of Law. Following its hearing of any such case, the Undergraduate Promotion and Tenure
Appeals Committee (see also Appendix 9) shall file a report, including its recommendations and any supporting
documents, with all parties concerned including the President.
IH. The President shall evaluate any report filed pursuant to subparagraph 1.G. above, and render a decision which shall
be final and binding on all parties.
Attachment D
Academic Affairs Committee
The committee recommends the modification of the undergraduate final examination schedule as follows:
Common Exam 1
Common Exam 3
Common Exam 5
Common Exam 7
Common Exam 9
Time 1
Time 5
Time 9
Time 13
Time 17
Time 2
Time 6
Time 10
Time 14
Time 18
Time 3
Time 7
Time 11
Time 15
Time 19
Common Exam 2
Common Exam 4
Common Exam 6
Common Exam 8
Common Exam 10
Time 4
Time 8
Time 12
Time 16
It must be noted that evening examination times (namely Time 4, Time 8, Time 12, and Time 16) would be
used only for evening classes.
Rationale: There are too many courses that require common examinations. In the current schedule, there
truly is no dedicated common exam slot, let alone multiple common exam slots. While we thought we might
be able to minimize the conflicts, it just is not working and is instead creating a situation that is adverse to
the students. Students are left negotiating with their faculty to see which final examination they should
attend and when. The only way to incorporate common exam slots without extending finals week was to
reduce from 2.5 hour examinations to 2 hour examinations. Students can still request to have no more than 2
final examinations on one day if they are scheduled for more than 2.
Attachment E
Faculty At-Large Positions, April 2012 Elections
University Council
(1 position, one-year term)
Rob Alexander
At-large member
Alisa Agozzino
Nathaniel Bird
Randy Ewing
Tom Finn
Christina Liebrecht
David Mikesell
Sue Montenery
Brian Myers
Kristie Payment
Ed Potkanowicz
Sandy Schroeder
Srinivasa Vemuru
(3 positions, two-year term)
Other Committees
Committee on Athletics
John Armstrong
Russ Crawford
Jim Geistman
Firas Hassan
Rich Miller
(1 position, three-year term)
Religious Affairs Committee
Al Cohoe
Firas Hassan
Jennifer Kline
Paul Nutter
(1 position, three-year term)
Undergraduate Faculty Promotion and Tenure (2 positions, two-year term)
Appeals Committee
David Bright
Jay Mager
JoAnn Scott
Jonathan Smalley
Srinivasa Vemuru
Kate Witte
Faculty Grievance Committee
Ahmed Abdel-Mohti
Toni Clarke
Mark Cruea
Kristen Finley Sobota
Jim Geistman
Jed Marquart
Mohammad Khasawneh
Rich Miller
(3 positions, two-year term)
Review Committee on Dismissal of Faculty
Khalid Al-Olimat
Sandy Hrometz
Karen Kier
David Kinder
Matthew Kutch
Lou Lobenhofer
Bill Mancuso
Deirdre Myers
Ray Person
Ken Reid
David Retterer
Yousif Rojeab
(5 positions, two-year term)
Hearing Committee on Dismissal of Faculty
John Armstrong
David Bright
Kevin Hill
Jennifer Kline
Jed Marquart
Deirdre Myers
Matthew Phillips
Kelly Reilly Kroustos
David Sawyers
JoAnn Scott
Amy Stockert
(5 positions, two-year term)
University Board of Appeals
Laurie Bell
John Berg
Jed Marquart
Brian Myers
Susan Schertzer
Hui Shen
(2 positions, one-year term)
Tuition Exchange
Alisa Agozzino
Joanne Brant
Mark Cruea
Firas Hassan
Ron Kieffer
Megan Kraynok
David Mikesell
Deirdre Myers
Sarah Waters
(1 position, two-year term)
Honorary Degree (College Nominated)
(2 positions, two-year term)
(Arts & Sciences and Business)
Brian Hofman (A&S)
Christopher Spiese (A&S)
Terry Keiser (A&S)
Tammy Schakett (CBA)