HHMI Faculty Research Award (FRA) Cover Sheet Title Thermally reversible polymers for patterning self-oscillating gels Name of PI Matthew Smith Department of PI Engineering Name(s) of collaborators NA Undergraduates Minchul Kim plus 1 more student to be determined Associated with Project: (Give names if known or simply numbers if students are not yet identified) Projected start date Projected end date Total Budget Requested January 2014 December 2014 $14,850 ABSTRACT (keep the abstract under ½ of a page) Self-oscillating hydrogels, have gained increasing attention for their unique biomimetic qualities, namely the direct conversion of chemical energy to mechanical work. These gels display swell-deswell (mechanical) oscillations driven by the Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction, which is catalyzed by metal ions such as ruthenium. The intrinsic oscillations that characterize these materials are made possible by direct incorporation of the metal catalyst into the polymer network, causing the BZ reaction to occur only within the gel. The ability to precisely pattern arrays of reactive BZ patches suggests a promising avenue for arranging reactive patches much like modular building blocks to form composite actuators with the ability to perform complex functions. Key challenges to producing functional devices are developing effective BZ gel materials with robust patterning processes. Herein we propose developing a printable self-oscillating gel based on thermally reversible synthetic polymers. Patternable, self-oscillating hydrogels such as those proposed here hold potential for advancing the state of the art in smart materials for biomimetic soft robotics, signal amplification in chemomechanical sensors, and chemical encryption. 1 Project Description 1.1 Significance of Work The significance of this work is, first, to develop a new patternable, self-oscillating (autonomous) gel material with the potential for advancing the state of the art in smart materials for biomimetic sensing and actuating applications. This work will provide the preliminary results required to successfully pursue external funding. Second, the proposed line of research presents a unique opportunity for engineering students and specifically those pursuing the chemical engineering emphasis. Students will gain a distinctive interdisciplinary perspective because the proposed project spans topics including chemical synthesis, material science and engineering, and engineering mechanics. This broad exposure will prepare engineering students for the multifaceted science and technology challenges they will face as STEM researcher leaders. 1.2 Objectives Hydrogels are a class of soft matter consisting of lightly cross linked polymer networks that swell in aqueous environments. A particular subset of these materials, self-oscillating hydrogels, have gained increasing attention for their unique biomimetic qualities, namely the direct conversion of chemical energy to mechanical work (See Ref. 1 for a useful review of these materials). These gels display swell-deswell (mechanical) oscillations driven by the BelousovZhabotinsky (BZ) reaction, which is catalyzed by metal ions such as iron or ruthenium. The intrinsic oscillations that characterize these materials are made possible by direct incorporation of the metal catalyst into the polymer network, causing the BZ reaction to occur only within the gel (Fig. 1). The chemical wave length of the oscillating reaction is approximately 1mm. As a result homogeneous gels whose maximum dimension is less than 1mm display uniform swelldeswell oscillations, while those with dimensions above 1mm exhibit traveling waves. Traveling wave behavior is useful, for example, for mass transport applications or for chemomechanical sensors.2,3 However, we wish to significantly expand the current realm of functional design possibilities by considering composite gels composed of arrays of sub-millimeter BZ-gel patches Figure 1 (a) Ruthenium tris(bipyridine) complex covalently bound to a cross linked polyacrylamide polymer network. (b) Gels with length scales around 1mm display swell-deswell oscillations that are nearly in phase with oscillations in the oxidation state of the ruthenium catalyst. 2 fixed in a non-oscillating gel matrix (Fig. 2a). These patches have the potential to form networks of coupled oscillators in which the patches can achieve a range of synchronous behavior. The control afforded by precise patterning suggests a promising avenue for designing and arranging reactive patches much like modular building blocks to form composite actuators with the ability to perform complex and cooperative functions. In addition, we envision the potential for modifying the supporting matrix to enjoy a third level of responsiveness such as thermal or photo sensitivity which would enable multi-positioning of the autonomously oscillating devices (Fig. 2b) or an external switch for locally turning synchrony on or off. Key challenges to producing functional devices are developing effective BZ gel materials with robust patterning processes and characterizing the coupled oscillatory response Figure 2 (a) Example of a patterned array. Reactive BZ patches are fused with a non-reactive gel. The spacing across various geometric and chemical regimes. between patches effects overall synchrony between the We recently demonstrated a facile route to individual oscillators. If they are spaced closely then the patches have potential to oscillate in concert. (b) A basic patterned composite gels composed of ruthenium conceptual actuator design. The top responsive layer functionalized and non-functional gelatin.4 A could be used to position the arch in the up or down chief advantage of gelatin for patterning is its position and the patches will oscillate near that stable ability to be melted, printed, and then solidified in configuration. Alternately, the top layer could be used to balance the arch near its point of instability so that place by cooling. Unfortunately these materials patches could drive periodic up and down motions. also suffer from several disadvantages. (1) Swelldeswell amplitudes are limited by the high cross link density (physical and chemical) in gelatin. (2) The peptide bonds in gelatin appear to be unstable in the harsh BZ environment with material properties deteriorating after several hours. (3) Polymer network composition cannot be easily modulated to vary material properties. A primary objective of the proposed research is to determine viable alternatives to gelatin that share its thermogelling properties but that exhibit greater chemical stability, allow for more control of material properties (e.g. tailoring cross link density or network architecture), and potentially allow for coupling with other kinds of responsive gels (e.g. thermally responsive). Once a new patternable gel material is identified, and its thermogelling and self-oscillating properties characterized, a host of new experiments and design efforts can proceed. The proposed effort will be used to produce preliminary data that will be used to apply for external funding. 1.3 Methods Starting January 2014, one student will search the literature for polymers that exhibit thermogelling properties and assess their suitability for the proposed project. At the same time a second student will begin to refine the Smith lab process for synthesizing a vinyl functionalized ruthenium catalyst. Once a subset of polymer candidates is identified, both students will be 3 required to produce a set of mock figures for a future publication. These figures will then serve to guide our approach to synthesizing, characterizing, and comparing the alternate selfoscillating gel materials. In this way the students will be trained in how to develop and enact a focused research effort. During the summer the second student will continue synthesis and characterization work on the ruthenium catalyst and will also be involved in the polymerizations involving the catalyst. The first student will work to synthesize the alternate polymers and test their suitability for patterning. Factors indicating material suitability will include the temperature at which gelation occurs, continued ability to gel after incorporation of ruthenium complexes, the ability to chemically fix the material after gelation, and the ability of the material to form composite sheets layer by layer (that is, will gelled and melted polymer solution fuse upon printing). If a successful candidate is identified then the students will attempt to incorporate a ruthenium complex into the polymer and catalyze the BZ reaction. The students will continue working into Fall 2014 and present their findings at a regional undergraduate conference. The initial search for suitable materials will focus on polymers with constituent monomers that can be readily purchased and easily produced through free radical polymerization. This will hopefully enable straight forward synthesis of the polymers and accelerate the material characterization phase. Particular attention will be paid to polymers exhibiting lower critical solution temperatures, such as, poly(2-dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate) and poly(Nisopropylacrylamide).5 However, other polymers such as those that have upper critical solution temperatures will also be considered.6 Various routes to thermal gelation will be explored including using the thermally gelling polymer as the sole constituent or grafting thermally gelling polymer chains onto a secondary polymer backbone. Preliminary characterization of gelation will be performed using simple tube inversion tests. If a suitable polymer is identified a vinyl functionalized ruthenium complex will be used to incorporate the catalyst during radical polymerization. The gel will be permanently fixed by introducing a small fraction of primary amine pendants via a monomer such as aminopropyl methacrylamide and then crosslinking with glutaraldehyde. Swell-deswell oscillations will be monitored under a stereomicroscope, time lapse images will be recorded, and the images analyzed using the image analysis toolbox in MatLab. Oscillation amplitude and period will be recorded and compared to current results in the self-oscillating gel literature. 1.4 Expected Outcomes This project will provide essential training for engineers with a chemical emphasis as it will require them to consider factors in polymer synthesis, concepts in rheology, and challenges inherent in materials processing. These students will also be well trained in research methodology, experiment design, laboratory skills, data collection and analysis, and the effective reporting of results. This training will enable them to effectively perform research as soon as they enter graduate school and will facilitate them quickly moving into research leadership positions within their groups. In addition, it is expected that we will identify and characterize a suitable thermogelling polymer and observe swell-deswell oscillations when the ruthenium complex is incorporated into the polymer network and the gel immersed in BZ solution. This initial effort will provide the necessary preliminary data and proof of concept to allow us to pursue multi-responsive autonomous actuator design, which will be the subject of an external grant proposal. 4 1.5 Potential Difficulties It may be that none of the polymer systems we identify prove suitable for the intended application. For example, the polymers may not form robust enough gels or they may not gel after we incorporate the ruthenium or primary amine co-monomers. However, there are numerous thermally gelling systems reported in the literature that appear to have robust material properties. We believe it is likely we will be able to identify one or more satisfactory materials. In the event that we cannot produce a suitable synthetic polymer system we will also consider other biopolymer based gels such as chitosan. These biopolymers could constitute the primary polymer system or they could potentially be used as a temporary support matrix. 1.6 Connection to other HHMI Programs Students will be trained in research methodology including literature searches, experiment design, data collection and analysis, and the reporting of results. The current returning student to the Smith lab is a junior engineering major. Every effort will be made to recruit a sophomore engineer with a chemical emphasis who has not yet had a research experience. This will enable a new student to engage in STEM research for the first time. In addition it will provide the junior student with an opportunity to mentor an inexperienced researcher in the standard practices of the Smith lab. In addition, these students will be required to produce an attractive self-guided 510 minute PowerPoint presentation describing self-oscillating gels and how they work. The presentation will feature animation and video that is at a suitable level for middle and high school students. This presentation will be used for high school visit days at Hope and made publicly accessible online. The sophomore student will be encouraged to pursue another summer of research and participate in the training of a novice researcher the following year. As a result both students will progress toward becoming future research leaders by honing their ability to mentor and train other researchers and by refining their ability to increase the accessibility of scientific knowledge through communication with the non-specialist. 1.7 Plans for External Funding To Continue Work The Smith group plans to apply for an NSF RUI to support this work under the Materials Engineering and Processing program in January 2015. 1.8 Timeline January 14 April 7-May 12 May 12-July 18 July18-January15 Literature search begins. Each pertinent paper will be summarized on one PowerPoint slide. Purchase chemicals and supplies and begin preliminary polymer synthesis Begin summer research. Students synthesize polymers. Test gelation. Synthesize self-oscillating gels and characterize swell-deswell amplitudes. Students will make an internal oral presentation of their results and prepare a poster for a regional conference. Students will present at a regional undergraduate conference. NSF RUI proposal will be prepared. 5 2 Bibliography/References 1. Yoshida, R. “Self-Oscillating Gels Driven by the Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction as Novel Smart Materials,” Advanced Materials, 2010, 22(31), 3463-3483. 2. Murase, Y., Maeda, S., Hashimoto, S., Yoshida, R. “Design of a Mass Transport Surface Utilizing Peristaltic Motion of a Self-Oscillating Gel,” Langmuir, 2009, 25, 483-489. 3. Kuksenok, O., Yashin, V. V., Balazs, A. C. “Mechanically induced chemical oscillations and motion in responsive gels,” Soft Matter, 2007, 3, 1138-1144. 4. Smith, M. L., Slone, C., Heitfeld, K., Vaia, R. A. “Designed Autonomic Motion in Heterogeneous Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ)-Gelatin Composites by Synchronicity,” Advanced Functional Materials, 2013, 23(22), 2835-2842. 5. Liu, R., Fraylich, M., Saunders, B. R., “Thermoresponsive copolymers: from fundamental studies to applications,” Colloid and Polymer Science, 2009, 287, 627-643. 6. Seuring, J., Agarwal, S. “Polymers with Upper Critical Solution Temperature in Aqueous Solution,” Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2012, 33, 1898-1920. 6 4 Biographical Sketches Matthew L. Smith A. Professional Preparation Cedarville University Cedarville University Cornell University Mechanical Engineering Mathematics Theoretical & Applied Mechanics B.S., 2003 B.A., 2003 Ph.D., 2009 B. Appointments Assistant Professor or Engineering, Hope College, 2012-Present. NRC Research Associate, Air Force Research Lab, Wright-Patt. AFB, OH, 2010-2012 C. Selected Publications (* denotes non-Hope undergraduate author) 1. M. R. Shankar, M. L. Smith, V. P. Tondiglia, K. M. Lee, M. E. McConney, D. H. Wang, L. S. Tang, T. J. White, “Contactless, Photoinitiated Snap-through in Azobenzenefunctionalized Polymers,” Accepted, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2. J. J. Wie, K. M. Lee, M. L. Smith, R. A. Vaia, T. J. White, “Torsional Mechanical Responses in Azobenzene Functionalized Liquid Crystalline Polymer Networks,” Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 9303-9310. 3. M. L. Smith, C. Slone*, K. Heitfeld, R. A. Vaia, “Designed Autonomic Motion in Heterogeneous Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ)-Gelatin Composites by Synchronicity,” Advanced Functional Materials, 2013, 23(22), 2835-2842. 4. H. Koerner, R. Strong*, M. L. Smith, H. Wang, L.-S. Tan, K. M. Lee, T. White, R. A. Vaia, “Polymer Design for High Temperature Shape Memory: Low Crosslink Density Polyimides,” Polymer, 2013, 54(1), 391-402. 5. M. L. Smith, K. Heitfeld, C. Slone*, R. A. Vaia, “Autonomic Hydrogels through Postfunctionalization of Gelatin,” Chemistry of Materials, 2012, 24(15), 3074-3080. 6. M. L. Smith, G. Yanega, A. Ruina, “Elastic Instability Model of Rapid Beak Closure in Hummingbirds,” Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2011, 282, 41-51. 7. K. M. Lee, M. L. Smith, H. Koerner, N. Tabiryan, R. A. Vaia, T. J. Bunning, T. J. White, “Photodriven, Flexural-Torsional Oscillation of Glassy Azobenzene Liquid Crystal Polymer Networks,” Advanced Functional Materials, 2011, 21(15), 2913-2918. D. Selected Presentations 1. M. L. Smith, C. Slone, K. Heitfeld, R. A. Vaia, “Hybrid BioGels: Amplification and Synchronicity through Composite Design.” US-Japan Workshop on Advances in Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Materials, Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 2012 (poster). 2. M. L. Smith, C. Slone, K. Heitfeld, R. Kramb, R. A. Vaia, “Coupling Chemomechanical Oscillators: Patterning BZ Hydrogels.” Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, December 2011 (oral presentation). 8 3. M. L. Smith, K. M. Lee, H. Koerner, R. A. Vaia, T. J. Bunnung, T. J. White, “Tuning the Photoinduced Motion of Azobenzene Liquid Crystal Polymer Cantilevers.” ASME Applied Mechanics and Materials Conference, Chicago, Illinois, May 2011 (oral presentation). 4. M. L. Smith, K. Heitfeld,R. Kramb, M. Tchoul, D. Gallagher, R. Vaia, “Chemomechanical Characterization of Autonomic Polyacrylamide Gels,” American Physical Society March Meeting, Dallas, Texas, March 2011 (oral presentation). 5. M. L. Smith, S. Goyal, T. J. Healey, “Modeling the Effects of Chirality on DNA Supercoiling.” 52nd Annual Biophysical Society Meeting, Long Beach, California, February 2008 (poster presentation). E. Collaborators and other Affiliations Professor M. Ravi Shankar (University of Pittsburgh) Dr. Timothy White (Air Force Research Lab, Wright-Patt. AFB, OH) F. Graduate and Postgraduate Advisors Graduate Thesis Advisor, Timothy Healey (Cornell University) Postdoctoral Advisor, Richard Vaia (Air Force Research Lab, Wright-Patt. AFB, OH) G. Undergraduate Students Supervised: 2 at Hope, 4 additional prior to employment at Hope 9 5 Current and Pending Support Current: Hope College Dean’s start-up funding. Pending: MSGC Faculty Research Seed grant. $5000 with $5000 matching from the Dean of Natural and Applied Sciences at Hope College. 10