HUMAN RESOURCES ATTENDANCE SUPPORT 416 POLICY It is the policy of the Board to promote regular attendance at work through an approach that is consistent with employee wellness. The Board takes a comprehensive approach in responding to personal illness, injury and medical disability. Administrative Detail 1. It is the responsibility of the appropriate Superintendent to administer this policy in accordance with the Attendance Support Handbook. 2. It is the responsibility of School Administrators and Supervisors to communicate the contents of this policy to their staff annually. 3. The collection, control, use and necessary disclosure of personal information provided for the purpose of determining eligibility for sick leave benefits or for providing employees with disability management services shall be in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information Act, the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act and other applicable legislation. 4. The appropriate Superintendent shall review this policy on a regular basis or as required by legislative change. 5. This policy operates in conjunction with, but does not supercede, the Ontario Human Rights Code, the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act. 6. The Attendance Support Policy does not impact existing benefits and rights accorded under the various Collective and Employment Agreements. 7. The Attendance Support Policy is intended to provide a comprehensive approach to employee attendance by incorporating existing services such as the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and the Workplace Early Intervention Program (WEIP). Adopted 2008 06 1 HUMAN RESOURCES A. ATTENDANCE SUPPORT PROCEDURES MANUAL 416-A RATIONALE Regular attendance at work depends on medical fitness for duty, organizational health and employee engagement. The Board has developed the Attendance Support Policy and Procedures to prevent or reduce absenteeism and to support employees when their absence rate exceeds the threshold set by the Board. B. OBJECTIVES The objectives of the Attendance Support Policy are to articulate the Board’s expectations with respect to attendance at work, provide fair and equitable access to sick leave benefits, establish board-wide consistent standards and procedures regarding attendance, and compliance with Collective and Employment Agreements. C. PROCEDURES The Attendance Support Procedures are built upon the foundation established in the Attendance Support Policy. The procedures have been separated into eight main components: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. Prevention; Reporting Absences; Communicating with Supervisor; Communicating Expectations; Monitoring Attendance; Managing Attendance; Referral to WEIP and/or EAP for assistance, and Documentation. Prevention UGDSB will offer to assist employees who experience difficulty in achieving regular attendance. 2. Reporting Absences a) Employees are expected to make every reasonable effort to attend work as scheduled. The Board recognizes that there Adopted 2008 06 1 HUMAN RESOURCES ATTENDANCE SUPPORT PROCEDURES MANUAL 416-A will be times when employees are unable to attend work due to unexpected personal illness or injury. 3. b) Employees are required to report all absences in accordance with reporting regulations as per their Collective Agreements, working conditions, documents, or in accordance with Human Resources Attendance Reporting Procedures. c) If the absence is due to personal illness or non-occupational injury, this must be indicated to the supervisor. Employees are not required to provide a diagnosis or any other personal health information directly to their supervisor. Employees should also indicate the expected duration of the absence (if possible). d) If the illness or injury is work-related the employee is required to report this to their supervisor. Communicating with Supervisor Once a period of absence commences, the employee and supervisor are required to maintain regular contact. The schedule for contact should be determined based on how long the absence is expected to last. For absences expected to be 5 days or less, the requirement for subsequent contact will be established by the supervisor. 4. Communicating Expectations a) The Board will periodically communicate to Supervisors a threshold for average expected short-term absences (total number of days lost due to sick leave absences of 5 days or less). b) Supervisors are expected to communicate these Board expectations to their staff. c) Employees who expect that they will be unable to meet the Board’s expectations due to a current medical condition should communicate this to their supervisor. Employees are Adopted 2008 06 2 HUMAN RESOURCES ATTENDANCE SUPPORT PROCEDURES MANUAL 416-A not required to provide a diagnosis or any other personal health information directly to their supervisor. 5. Monitoring Attendance a) 6. Principals/Supervisors are expected to regularly examine their employee attendance records. During the review of attendance records, Principals/Supervisors should identify cases which may necessitate a meeting with the employee. Following are examples of cases that should be discussed: i) when absences can be reliably predicted (e.g. Mondays and Fridays); ii) when rationale for the absences is of concern, or iii) when sick leave usage is above the Board average. b) Not all such cases require attention. If the Principal/ Supervisor has current medical restrictions and limitations from the WEIP that support the pattern or volume of sick leave use, a meeting is not required. c) If the employee indicates that they had a medical condition, or a number of illnesses/injuries supporting the past pattern of absence, but they currently have no disability, the supervisor should indicate that they expect an improvement in attendance. Managing Attendance a) Principals/Supervisors are expected to meet with employees who have an unexplained pattern of absence or have sick leave usage that exceeds the Board threshold. This is a non-disciplinary meeting. Represented employees may invite a union or employee representative to participate in this meeting. b) The purpose of the meeting is to confirm that the employee’s use of sick leave is appropriate and to determine a path forward. The employee is not required to provide a Adopted 2008 06 3 HUMAN RESOURCES ATTENDANCE SUPPORT PROCEDURES MANUAL 416-A diagnosis or any other personal health information directly to their supervisor. 7. 8. Referral to WEIP for Assistance a) It is important to reassure the employee that the Board is interested in assisting them to improve their health and attendance. b) If the employee indicates they have a medical condition that supports their past pattern of absence and they expect this to continue, the Supervisor should refer the employee to the WEIP. c) The WEIP will provide the Supervisor with further information on how to support the employee. Documentation The outcome of the meeting should be documented through a referral to WEIP (if required) with copies to all involved parties, including the employee representative. D. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. The following parties have duties and responsibilities to ensure the success of the policy: employees, School Administrators/ Supervisors, Human Resources Department, and Superintendents. 2. Details relating to these duties and responsibilities will be specified in the Attendance Support Handbook. Adopted 2008 06 4