Navier–Stokes equations with Navier boundary conditions in nearly flat domains Luan T Hoang∗ and George R Sell ∗ School of Mathematics, University of Minnesota∼lthoang/ April 9, 2007 Dynamical Systems and PDE Seminars School Mathematics, University of Minnesota L. Hoang-G. Sell (University of Minnesota) NSE with Navier boundary conditions April 9, 2007 1 / 18 Outline 1 Introduction 2 Main results 3 Settings 4 Boundary conditions 5 Non-linear estimate 6 Global sotutions L. Hoang-G. Sell (University of Minnesota) NSE with Navier boundary conditions April 9, 2007 2 / 18 Introduction Navier-Stokes equations (NSE) in R3 with a potential body force ∂u ∂t + (u · ∇)u − ν∆u = −∇p + f , div u = 0, u(x, 0) = u0 (x), ν > 0 is the kinematic viscosity, u = (u1 , u2 , u3 ) is the unknown velocity field, p ∈ R is the unknown pressure, f (t) is the body force, u0 is the initial velocity. L. Hoang-G. Sell (University of Minnesota) NSE with Navier boundary conditions April 9, 2007 3 / 18 Navier boundary conditions On the boundary ∂Ω: u · N = 0, ν[D(u)N]tan = 0, where N is the outward normal vector, [ · ]tan denotes the tangential part, D(u) = 1 ∇u + (∇u)∗ . 2 We assume: ν = 1. Note: if the bounadry is flat, say, part of x3 = const, then the condiontions become the free boundary condition u3 = 0, ∂3 u1 = ∂3 u2 = 0. Works by Temam-Ziane, primitive equations. L. Hoang-G. Sell (University of Minnesota) NSE with Navier boundary conditions April 9, 2007 4 / 18 Thin domains Ω = Ωε = {(x1 , x2 , x3 ) : (x1 , x2 ) ∈ T2 , h0ε (x1 , x2 ) < x3 < h1ε (x1 , x2 )}, where ε ∈ (0, 1], h0ε = εg0 , h1ε = εg1 , and g0 , g1 are given C 4 functions defined on T2 . The boundary is Γ = Γ0 ∪ Γ1 , where Γ0 is the bottom and Γ1 is the top. We define 1 M0 φ(x ) = h1 − h0 0 Z h1 φ(x 0 , x3 )dx3 , h0 b = (M0 u1 , M0 u2 , 0). Mu L. Hoang-G. Sell (University of Minnesota) NSE with Navier boundary conditions April 9, 2007 5 / 18 Main results Theorem (Global Existence Theorem) There are κ > 0 and ε0 > 0 such that if 0 < ε ≤ ε0 , u0 ∈ V and f : b 0 k2 2 ≤ κ 2 , ku0 k2H 1 ≤ κ2 ε−1 , kMu L 2 2 −1 b kPf kL∞ L2 ≤ κ ε , kM(Pf )k2L∞ L2 ≤ κ2 (1) then there exists a unique, globally defined strong solution u = u(t) of the Navier-Stokes equations, with u(0) = u0 : u ∈ C 0 ([0, ∞); H 1 (Ωε )) ∩ L∞ ((0, ∞); H 1 (Ωε )) ∩ L2loc ([0, ∞); H 2 (Ωε )). Also, one has ku(t)k2H 1 ≤ ε−1 M12 e −2αt + L21 , for all t ≥ 0, where M1 , L1 , α > 0. L. Hoang-G. Sell (University of Minnesota) NSE with Navier boundary conditions April 9, 2007 6 / 18 Theorem (Global Attractor) Suppose f is independent of t, and f satisfies the above condition. Then the global attractor A for the above strong solutions also attracts all Leray-Hopf weak solutions of the Navier–Stokes equations . L. Hoang-G. Sell (University of Minnesota) NSE with Navier boundary conditions April 9, 2007 7 / 18 A Green’s formula Z Z ∆u · v dx = [−2(Du : Dv ) + (∇ · u)(∇ · v )] dx Z + {2((Du)N) · v − (∇ · u)(v · N)} dσ. Ω Ω ∂Ω If u is divergence-free and satisfies the Navier boundary condition, v is tangential to the boundary then Z Z − ∆u · v dx = 2 (Du : Dv ) dx. Ω L. Hoang-G. Sell (University of Minnesota) Ω NSE with Navier boundary conditions April 9, 2007 8 / 18 Uniform Korn inequality Let H0 = {(a1 , a2 , 0) : a1 ∂1 g + a2 ∂2 g = 0}, where g = g1 − g0 . Lemma Let u ∈ H 1 (Ωε ) ∩ H0⊥ , u is tangential to the boundary of Ωε . Then C1 kukH 1 ≤ kDukL2 ≤ C2 kukH 1 , for ε ∈ (0, 1], and C1 , C2 are positive constant independent of ε. L. Hoang-G. Sell (University of Minnesota) NSE with Navier boundary conditions April 9, 2007 9 / 18 Boundary conditions Lemma Let τ be a tangential vestor field on the boundary. If u satisfies the Navier boundary conditions then ∂N ∂u ·N +u· = 0, ∂τ ∂τ ∂N ∂u ·τ =u· . ∂N ∂τ Combining with the trace theorem on the thin domain: ku3 kL2 ≤ C εkukH 1 , k∂3 u1 kL2 ≤ C εkukH 2 , L. Hoang-G. Sell (University of Minnesota) k∂3 u2 kL2 ≤ C εkukH 2 . NSE with Navier boundary conditions April 9, 2007 10 / 18 The Stokes operator Leray-Helmholtz decomposition L2 (Ωε )3 = H ⊕ H0 ⊕ H1⊥ = H1 ⊕ H1⊥ , where H1⊥ = {∇φ : φ ∈ H 1 (Ωε )}. D(A) = {u ∈ H 2 (Ωε ) ∩ H : u satisfies the Navier boundary conditions}. Let P denotes the (Leray) projection on H. Then the Stokes operator is: Au = −P∆u, u ∈ D(A). Lemma If ε is small and u ∈ D(A) then kAu + ∆ukL2 ≤ C1 (εk∇ukL2 + kukL2 ), C2 kAukL2 ≤ kukH 2 ≤ C3 kAukL2 , where C1 , C2 , C3 are independent of ε. L. Hoang-G. Sell (University of Minnesota) NSE with Navier boundary conditions April 9, 2007 11 / 18 Also, if u ∈ V = D(A1/2 ) then C1 kA1/2 ukL2 ≤ kukH 1 ≤ C5 kA1/2 ukL2 . L. Hoang-G. Sell (University of Minnesota) NSE with Navier boundary conditions April 9, 2007 12 / 18 Non-linear estimate Proposition For any ε ∈ (0, 1], u ∈ D(A) and β > 0, one has |h(u · ∇)u, Aui| ≤ β kuk2H 2 + C ε1/2 kukH 1 kuk2H 2 + Cβ ε−1 kuk2L2 kuk2H 1 , where C > 0 is independent of β and ε; and Cβ > 0 is independent of ε. L. Hoang-G. Sell (University of Minnesota) NSE with Navier boundary conditions April 9, 2007 13 / 18 Non-linear estimate Proposition For any ε ∈ (0, 1], u ∈ D(A) and β > 0, one has |h(u · ∇)u, Aui| ≤ β kuk2H 2 + C ε1/2 kukH 1 kuk2H 2 + Cβ ε−1 kuk2L2 kuk2H 1 , where C > 0 is independent of β and ε; and Cβ > 0 is independent of ε. Corollary There is ε∗ ∈ (0, 1] such that for any ε < ε∗ , u ∈ D(A) and any β > 0 we have |h(u · ∇)u, Aui| ≤ β kAuk2L2 + C ε1/2 kA1/2 ukkAuk2L2 + Cβ ε−1 kuk2L2 kA1/2 uk2 , where C > 0 is independent of β and ε; and Cβ > 0 is independent of ε. L. Hoang-G. Sell (University of Minnesota) NSE with Navier boundary conditions April 9, 2007 13 / 18 Sketch of the proof Averaging operator: Mu = M0 u1 , M0 u2 , (M0 u1 , M0 u2 ) · ψ , where ψ is determined so that Mu ∈ H1 whenver u ∈ H1 . Let v = Mu and w = u − v . Establish Ladyzhenskaya inequality for v . Establish Agmon, Poincare, Ladyzhenskaya, Galiardo-Nirengberg, Sobolev inequalities for w . hu · ∇u, Aui = hw · ∇u, Aui + hv · ∇u, Au + ∆ui − hv · ∇u, ∆ui. Integration by parts: −hv · ∇u, ∆ui = I2 + I3 , where Z ∂u dσ. I3 = (v · ∇)u ∂N Γ L. Hoang-G. Sell (University of Minnesota) NSE with Navier boundary conditions April 9, 2007 14 / 18 Proof (continued) Let b = (v · ∇)u = b1 τ1 + b2 τ2 + b3 N. |b1 τ1 · ∂N ∂u | = |b1 u · | ≤ C ε|v ||∇u||u|. ∂N ∂τ |b3 N · ∂u | ≤ C |b3 ||∇u|. ∂N Noting that v = v1 τ1 + v2 τ2 , |b3 | = |(∇u)v · N| = | − (∇N)v · u)| = |u · (v1 Hence ∂N ∂N + v2 )| ≤ ε|u||v |. ∂τ1 ∂τ2 Z I3 ≤ ε |u||v ||∇u|dσ. Γ L. Hoang-G. Sell (University of Minnesota) NSE with Navier boundary conditions April 9, 2007 15 / 18 Global sotutions b Note k(I − M)uk L2 ≤ C εkukH 1 . L2 -Estimate. b b b , Mui| b |hf , ui| = |h(I − M)Pf , (I − M)ui + hMPf b kL2 kukL2 . = C εkPf kL2 kukH 1 + kMPf Then d b k2 2 + C ε2 kPf k2 2 . kuk2L2 + 2αkA1/2 uk2L2 ≤ C kMPf L L dt b 0 k2 2 + C ε2 ku0 k2 1 . b 0 k2 2 + k(I − M)u b 0 k2 2 ≤ kMu ku0 k2L2 = kMu L H L L ku(t)k2L2 , Z L. Hoang-G. Sell (University of Minnesota) t t+1 kA1/2 uk2L2 ds ≤ C κ2 (e −2αt + 1). NSE with Navier boundary conditions April 9, 2007 16 / 18 H 1 -estmimate 1d kA1/2 uk2L2 +kAuk2L2 ≤ βkuk2H 2 +C ε1/2 kukH 1 kuk2H 2 +Cβ ε−1 kuk2L2 kuk2H 1 +k 2 dt d kA1/2 uk2L2 +(1−C ε1/2 kA1/2 ukL2 )kAuk2L2 ≤ C ε−1 kuk2L2 kA1/2 uk2L2 +C kPf k2L dt As far as 1 − C ε1/2 kA1/2 ukL2 < 1/2, say in [0, T ) then by the Uniform Gronwall Inequality one has for 1 < t < T : Z t 1/2 2 kA u(t)kL2 ≤ C ε−1 kuk2L2 kA1/2 uk2L2 +C kPf k2L2 +kA1/2 uk2L2 ds ≤ C κ2 ε− t−1 L. Hoang-G. Sell (University of Minnesota) NSE with Navier boundary conditions April 9, 2007 17 / 18 Acknowlegement. We thank Marta Lewicka for sharing her geometric point of view on the boundary condition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION. L. Hoang-G. Sell (University of Minnesota) NSE with Navier boundary conditions April 9, 2007 18 / 18