Table 3: Estimates of expenses by function (pg 6-7) Estimates Projections 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 $m $m $m $m $m General public services * 10,810 11,049 11,501 11,932 11,721 Defence 13,143 13,970 14,125 14,555 15,529 2,104 2,353 2,237 2,256 2,259 Education 12,342 13,160 13,928 14,776 15,674 Health * 29,734 31,365 33,033 34,514 36,095 Social security and welfare * 71,763 75,455 79,114 82,553 85,922 Housing and community amenities 1,733 1,662 1,632 1,598 1,560 Recreation and culture 2,111 2,185 2,201 2,209 2,207 Fuel and energy * 3,474 3,549 3,603 3,655 3,715 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 1,945 1,974 1,831 1,598 1,466 Public order and safety 2006-07 Mining and mineral resources (other than fuels); manufacturing and construction 1,519 1,628 1,558 1,404 1,204 Transport and communication 2,268 2,272 2,330 1,778 1,667 Other economic affairs 3,976 4,257 4,181 4,221 4,275 Other purposes 13,612 13,152 15,248 17,126 19,056 Total expenses 170,534 178,031 186,521 194,176 202,351 Table 4: General public services – summary of expenses (pg 6-9) 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 $m $m $m $m $m 781 752 842 760 765 Financial and fiscal affairs * 3,187 3,407 3,516 3,749 3,722 Foreign affairs and economic aid 2,364 2,157 2,252 2,314 2,219 General research 1,830 2,034 2,108 2,318 2,210 General services 553 580 596 594 601 2,095 2,120 2,186 2,197 2,204 10,810 11,049 11,501 11,932 11,721 Legislative and executive affairs Government superannuation benefits Total general public services * 2006-07 Table 8: Health – summary of expenses (pg 6-24) 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 $m $m $m $m $m 11,944 12,673 13,254 13,697 14,116 Hospital services 1,577 1,639 1,766 1,940 2,116 Health care agreements 7,244 7,539 7,966 8,384 8,828 Hospital services and health care agreements Pharmaceutical services and benefits 8,820 5,704 9,178 5,825 9,732 6,294 10,324 6,687 10,944 7,091 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health 231 258 266 277 289 Health services 674 900 920 897 946 Other health services 963 1,054 1,113 1,141 1,187 1,636 1,329 1,954 1,402 2,033 1,373 2,039 1,404 2,133 1,429 Medical services and benefits * Other health services General administration Health assistance to the aged Total health * 2006-07 69 75 80 86 93 29,734 31,365 33,033 34,514 36,095 Table 9: Social security and welfare – summary of expenses (pg 6-29) Assistance to the aged(a) 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 $m $m $m $m 2006-07 $m 24,851 26,323 27,767 29,310 30,950 Assistance to veterans and dependents 5,578 5,734 5,834 5,931 6,002 Assistance to people with disabilities(b) 9,625 10,117 10,405 10,883 11,448 19,914 21,054 22,048 23,107 24,153 5,569 5,695 6,382 6,497 6,440 85 90 105 119 124 5,655 2,239 5,785 2,295 6,487 2,368 6,617 2,427 6,564 2,473 Assistance to families with children * Assistance to the unemployed Assistance to the sick Assistance to the unemployed and sick Common Youth Allowance Other welfare programmes Aboriginal advancement nec General administration Total social security and welfare * 325 337 340 360 366 1,297 1,408 1,439 1,470 1,507 2,280 2,403 2,426 2,449 2,460 71,763 75,455 79,114 82,553 85,922 Table 12: Fuel and energy – summary of expenses (pg 6-41) 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 $m $m $m $m 2006-07 $m Fuel and energy * 3,474 3,549 3,603 3,655 3,715 Total fuel and energy * 3,474 3,549 3,603 3,655 3,715 Table A1: Estimates of expenses by function and sub-function (pg 6-68) Actuals 2001-02 $m Estimates 2002-03 2003-04 $m $m Projections 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 $m $m $m General public services Legislative and executive affairs Financial and fiscal affairs * Foreign affairs and economic aid General research General services Government superannuation benefits Total general public services * 778 3,567 2,151 1,698 550 1,497 10,241 781 3,187 2,364 1,830 553 2,095 10,810 752 3,407 2,157 2,034 580 2,120 11,049 842 3,516 2,252 2,108 596 2,186 11,501 760 3,749 2,314 2,318 594 2,197 11,932 765 3,722 2,219 2,210 601 2,204 11,721 Defence 12,017 13,143 13,970 14,125 14,555 15,529 545 1,311 1,856 567 1,538 2,104 574 1,779 2,353 584 1,652 2,237 588 1,668 2,256 599 1,660 2,259 4,004 1,217 3,737 2,058 5,795 567 44 134 11,761 4,162 1,360 3,975 2,140 6,115 578 2 126 12,342 4,314 1,452 4,373 2,262 6,636 622 2 134 13,160 4,574 1,492 4,712 2,389 7,101 648 2 112 13,928 4,902 1,525 5,062 2,515 7,576 655 2 116 14,776 5,282 1,539 5,425 2,647 8,072 668 2 111 15,674 11,107 1,408 6,709 11,944 1,577 7,244 12,673 1,639 7,539 13,254 1,766 7,966 13,697 1,940 8,384 14,116 2,116 8,828 8,117 5,077 202 578 1,343 1,920 1,125 65 27,614 8,820 5,704 231 674 963 1,636 1,329 69 29,734 9,178 5,825 258 900 1,054 1,954 1,402 75 31,365 9,732 6,294 266 920 1,113 2,033 1,373 80 33,033 10,324 6,687 277 897 1,141 2,039 1,404 86 34,514 10,944 7,091 289 946 1,187 2,133 1,429 93 36,095 23,218 5,499 8,915 19,774 24,851 5,578 9,625 19,914 26,323 5,734 10,117 21,054 27,767 5,834 10,405 22,048 29,310 5,931 10,883 23,107 30,950 6,002 11,448 24,153 Public order and safety Courts and legal services Other public order and safety Total public order and safety Education Higher education Vocational and other education Non-government schools Government schools Schools Student assistance General administration School education - specific funding Total education Health Medical services and benefits * Hospital services Health care agreements Hospital services and health care agreements Pharmaceutical services and benefits Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health Health services Other health services Other health services General administration Health assistance to the aged(a) Total health * Social security and welfare Assistance to the aged(a) Assistance to veterans and dependents Assistance to people with disabilities Assistance to families with children * Actuals 2001-02 $m Social security and welfare (continued) Assistance to the unemployed Assistance to the sick Assistance to the unemployed and the sick Common youth allowance Other welfare programmes Aboriginal advancement nec General administration Total social security and welfare * Estimates 2002-03 2003-04 $m $m Projections 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 $m $m $m 5,808 94 5,569 85 5,695 90 6,382 105 6,497 119 6,440 124 5,902 2,214 313 1,268 1,979 69,081 5,655 2,239 325 1,297 2,280 71,763 5,785 2,295 337 1,408 2,403 75,455 6,487 2,368 340 1,439 2,426 79,114 6,617 2,427 360 1,470 2,449 82,553 6,564 2,473 366 1,507 2,460 85,922 1,619 188 403 1,358 132 244 1,220 194 248 1,228 164 240 1,240 130 228 1,250 101 209 2,210 1,733 1,662 1,632 1,598 1,560 Recreation and culture Broadcasting Arts and cultural heritage Sport and recreation National estate and parks Total recreation and culture 1,004 704 137 190 2,036 1,040 692 147 232 2,111 1,100 685 160 239 2,185 1,128 656 153 264 2,201 1,124 662 156 267 2,209 1,130 650 160 266 2,207 Fuel and energy * 3,052 3,474 3,549 3,603 3,655 3,715 Housing and community amenities Housing Urban and regional development Environment protection Total housing and community amenities Agricultre, forestry and fishing Wool industry Grains industry Dairy industry Cattle, sheep and pig industry Fishing, horticulture and other agriculture General assistance not allocated to specific industries Rural assistance Natural resources development General administration Total agriculture, forestry and fishing 80 111 266 135 150 71 123 281 100 171 74 129 249 99 167 77 133 252 99 169 77 136 252 99 174 77 139 252 99 177 295 219 318 117 1,691 306 381 339 173 1,945 315 388 385 168 1,974 303 185 444 170 1,831 249 48 427 137 1,598 226 24 346 126 1,466 Mining and mineral resources (other than fuels), manufacturing and construction 1,686 1,519 1,628 1,558 1,404 1,204 443 174 461 18 422 1 271 21 230 6 199 6 Transport and communication Communication Rail transport Transport and communication (continued) Air transport Road transport Sea transport Other transport and communication Total Transport and Communication Other economic affairs Tourism and area promotion Vocational and industry training Labour market assistance to job seekers and industry Industrial relations Immigration Total labour and employment affairs Other economic affairs nec Total other economic affairs Other purposes Interest on Commonwealth behalf Interest on behalf of States and Territories Interest received on Commonwealth stock Public debt interest Nominal superannuation interest General revenue assistance States and Territories General capital assistance States and Territories Debt assistance Local government assistance Revenue assistance to the States and Territories Assistance to other governments General purpose inter-government transactions Natural disaster relief Contingency reserve (b) Total other purposes Total expenses Actuals Estimates 2001-02 $m 2002-03 2003-04 $m $m Projections 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 $m $m $m 163 1,596 193 78 2,647 161 1,293 229 107 2,268 166 1,359 195 129 2,272 134 1,599 194 111 2,330 108 1,138 194 101 1,778 107 1,058 194 103 1,667 142 440 134 505 126 585 130 590 131 590 118 596 1,445 621 738 3,243 513 3,899 1,592 314 740 3,151 691 3,976 1,712 300 784 3,381 750 4,257 1,712 304 696 3,302 749 4,181 1,732 304 713 3,339 751 4,221 1,787 308 725 3,416 741 4,275 5,007 4,597 4,125 3,938 3,500 3,331 31 30 19 11 1 0 0 5,038 4,987 0 4,627 5,350 0 4,144 5,209 0 3,949 5,507 0 3,501 5,591 0 3,331 5,773 4,576 1,554 1,596 1,303 1,542 387 0 0 1,394 0 0 1,454 0 0 1,508 0 0 1,564 0 0 1,620 0 0 1,679 148 443 152 478 158 380 161 371 165 384 170 393 6,561 87 64 16,736 3,638 141 -144 13,612 3,641 107 52 13,152 3,399 92 2,301 15,248 3,712 92 4,231 17,126 2,628 92 7,233 19,056 166,525 170,534 178,031 186,521 194,176 202,351