Program Plan Update UCCS South Hall College of Education College of Letters, Arts and Sciences University of Colorado Colorado Springs June 8, 2012 Table of Contents Page Acknowledgements ............................................................................................ 3 Executive Summary ........................................................................................... 4 Description of Academic Programs .................................................................... 6 Relationship to the facilities Master Plan ........................................................... 7 Justification ........................................................................................................ 9 Existing Conditions .................................................................................. 9 Current Program Enrollment ...................................................... 9 Assessment of Space Functionality ........................................... 9 Current Space Utilization ......................................................... 10 Facilities Condition Index ......................................................... 10 Specific Health/Life Safety Deficiencies ................................... 10 Changes and Projections ...................................................................... 10 Enrollment Projections ............................................................. 10 New Academic Programs ........................................................ 11 Changes to Class Sizes ........................................................... 12 Total Space Requirements .................................................................... 12 Planned Program Space Utilization ......................................... 12 Room Areas needed by Function .................................... 12 Total asf and gsf Needed ......................................................... 12 Alternatives ........................................................................................... 14 Implementation and Design Criteria ................................................................. 15 Spatial Relations ................................................................................... 15 Diagrammatic Plans................................................................. 15 Site Improvements ................................................................................ 15 Design Requirements ............................................................................ 15 New Utilities ............................................................................. 15 Building Systems ..................................................................... 16 Planned Green Building Goals......................................... 17 Architectural Design Features.................................................. 17 Health, Life Safety and Code Issues........................................ 17 Project Schedule, Cost Estimates and Financial Analysis ............................... 20 Project Schedule and Phasing .............................................................. 20 Cost Estimates ...................................................................................... 20 Financing Explanation ........................................................................... 20 Third Party Review........................................................................................... 20 Appendices ...................................................................................................... 21 Appendix A – Proposed Site Location and Rendering Appendix B – Floor Plans Appendix C – All Campus Space Needs Analysis for the Year 2012 Appendix D – Program Space Requirements 2 of 30 Acknowledgements University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Pamela Shockley-Zalabak, Chancellor Peg Bacon, Interim Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Brian Burnett, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance LaVonne Neal, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Education Thomas Christensen, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences Gary Reynolds, Executive Director of Facilities Services Bennett, Wagner & Grody, Architects Martha Bennett, AIA, Bennett, Wagner & Grody Architects, Denver, CO Update Pamela Shockley-Zalabak, Chancellor Mary Snyder, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Education Thomas Christensen, Ph. D., Dean of the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences Brain Burnett, Ph.D., Vice Chancellor of Administration and Finance Gary Reynolds, Executive Director of Facilities Services 3 of 30 Executive Summary Project Description The objectives of this Program Plan are to provide additional and new space for the College of Education and the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences and secondarily through backfilling vacated space, provide additional space for the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences and the College of Business. The plan provides additional classrooms, learning labs, conference rooms, specialty observation rooms and faculty, staff, student assistant offices and support spaces for the College of Education. A number of the proposed new spaces do not exist in the College’s current location in Columbine Hall. Analysis shows that the College of Education has only about 1/3rd of the space for a department serving its current student population. In the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences the Humanities programs include English (literature and composition), History, Languages and Cultures, and Philosophy. These programs have seen a huge increase in student demand in recent years. Degrees awarded in the Humanities are up 182% over the last 10 years. The Writing Program within the English Department is particularly noted for the strength of their student assessment which has resulted in significant improvements in the program. History has a strong Masters Degree program. Languages and Cultures have expanded language offerings with a very popular program on Japanese as well as restructuring the Spanish language major. Philosophy has incorporated Religious Studies which has been a popular area of study for many students. The Program Plan proposes that approximately 36,000 assignable square feet (asf) be provided for the College of Education and certain departments within the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences in a new academic building of approximately 65,000 gross square feet (gsf). Strategic Connection In 2005 the Seven Year Growth Plan was completed and approved by the Board of Regents on June 4, 2005. Key assumptions pertinent to this Program Plan included in the Seven Year Growth plan are: • • • The student body headcount will grow during the years from 2006 to 2012 to 9,100 students The student FTE will grow to 7,874 during this same period That a significant investment in capital additions will be necessary to accommodate a growing student body and the growing educational enterprise on the campus. This plan contemplated approximately $139,500,000 in new construction over the next seven years. Following the Seven Year Growth Plan, a Facilities Strategic Plan Update (FSPU) was developed and approved by the Board of Regents on December 5, 2006. The FSPU looked forward to two timeframes of 6 years and 15 years and included guiding principles and sustainability goals. The 6 year plan and the 15 year plan in the FSPU and the current draft of the master plan identify potential locations for academic buildings including placement of an academic building on the site proposed by this Program Plan. In the spring of 2007 the Board of Regents provided all campuses with defined areas of Student Success, Quality/Excellence, Resource Development, Planning and Management. The university’s strategic plan, Coming of Age in the 21st Century: UCCS Strategic Plan 2007 – 2012 was prepared following these defined areas. The UCCS strategic plan was approved by the Board of Regents on June 28, 2007. The university’s pending strategic plan entitled, “2020 – Our Commitment to the Future”, has the following key elements that support this program plan: Foster academic programs that serve diverse communities and develop intellectually curious graduates who are globally and culturally competent. 4 of 30 Cultivate an environment that sustains and extends quality research, scholarship and creative work. Provide a transformative educational experience that engages students both in and out of the classroom. Provide an infrastructure of innovative technology, effective facilities and collaborative learning spaces, blending virtual and physical resources to enhance and advance the educational experience. The education of our teachers is undergoing a serious change as the teaching profession adapts to the learning styles of the latest generation, a generation of visual and multi-media learners. Educating the next generation of teachers requires significantly different types of learning environments that are flexible, computer-centric and adaptable. South Hall will provide these new types of learning spaces that are critical to the continued growth and strengthening of the College. The entire College of Education and certain departments in the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences will move to South Hall. Some of these departments will relocate from Columbine Hall while others will relocate from Dwire Hall. The relocation of these programs will provide additional expansion space for College of Letters, Arts and Sciences and the College of Business. Enrollment Projections Student enrollment and credit hour production have increased significantly for the College of Education and the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences. Since occupying Columbine Hall the College of Education enrollment has increased 40% with student credit hours in the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences increasing 57% in the last ten years. Projections indicate that enrollment increases will continue with an increase of approximately 20% between now and 2020, a projection that is consistent with the strategic plan, “2020 – Our Commitment to the Future.” Project Cost Estimate It is estimated that a 65,000 gsf general academic building will cost approximately $30.9 million in 2012 dollars. Backfill Projection The College of Education will vacate approximately 6,675 nsf and the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences will vacate approximately 6,761 nsf in Columbine Hall. The College of Letters, Arts and Sciences will also vacate approximately 4,816 nsf from Dwire Hall. LAS departments expected to backfill the vacated space are those with the most enrollment pressure such as English, History, Philosophy, and others as noted in the body of the report. The majority of the vacated space can be reoccupied with minimal cost with more extensive costs for remodeling the area vacated by Psychology. Operating Costs Operating Costs for the new facility are estimated at approximately $300,000/yr in 2012 dollars. 5 of 30 South Hall Program Plan Description of the Academic Programs College of Education The College of Education (COE) consists of four academic departments and maintains licensure programs in all departments. Moreover, initial teacher licensure is offered at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Certification programs for school principals, counselors, reading specialists, and linguistically diverse education teachers are offered at the graduate level. The College of Education’s (COE) 66 full and part time faculty supports five degree programs (4 Masters; 1 Ph.D.), 12 licensure and certification programs. They are also active as scholars in their fields and are organically linked to the community by teaching at 14 Professional Development Schools (PDS) in the Pikes Peak area while supervising student internships and field experiences. Since the construction of Columbine Hall in August 1997, enrollment in COE has increased by 40%, largely due to the increased number of students in licensure programs at both initial and advanced levels. In 2001, COE was organized into two departments and effective March 2004; COE revised its organizational structure resulting in the establishment of four departments: the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, the Department of Counseling and Human Services, the Department of Special Education, and the Department of Leadership, Research, and Foundations. During the past five years, COE has significantly increased grants and contracts and added new programs, all of which requires additional space for research assistants, graduate assistants, and on campus support staff, including the United States Air Force Academy counseling program and a proposed Bachelor’s in Inclusionary Early Childhood Education. College of Letters, Arts and Sciences The College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences (LAS) is the largest college on the UCCS campus with over half of the campus’ students majoring in departments within LAS and about 2/3 of the student credit hours on campus offered through LAS. The College’s 350 full and part time faculty support 24 undergraduate degrees, 9 graduate degrees and over 25 academic minors. They are also active as scholars in their fields and in working with our community. The College has departments spread throughout the campus with faculty, offices or laboratories housed in University Hall, Campus Services (maintenance) Building, Dwire Hall, Centennial Hall, Osborne Center for Science and Engineering, Engineering Building, Columbine Hall, and the Eagle Rock Fine Arts modular building. In the last ten years the College has grown substantially. Student credit hours have increased 52% from 91,599 in 2000-01 to a 2010-11 level of 139,086. The number of degrees awarded to LAS students has increased about 55% from 489 in 2000 to 758 in 2010. Although campus construction in the last ten years has assisted the Science programs in LAS, the Social Science and Humanities programs have seen very little increase in the space available to meet their needs. The construction of a new classroom/office building, and the reallocation of space in Columbine Hall 6 of 30 after the construction, promises to meet some of the needs of the Social Sciences and Humanities programs. The Social Science programs include Communication, Economics, Geography, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology and Womens & Ethnic Studies. The Anthropology Department will not be discussed since they recently moved into renovated space in Centennial Hall. The Social Science departments include Geography which was recognized by the CCHE as a “program of excellence”, Psychology with an internationally recognized Ph.D. program with an emphasis in Aging, and Political Science and Sociology which are strongly contributing to the new and growing bachelor degree program in Criminal Justice. The Social Science programs have seen steady growth (27% increase in degrees awarded over the last 10 years.) The Humanities programs include English, History, Languages and Cultures, and Philosophy. These programs have seen a huge increase in student demand in recent years. Degrees awarded in the Humanities are up 182% over the last 10 years. The Rhetoric and Writing Program within the English Department is particularly noted for the strength of their student assessment which has resulted in significant improvements in the program. The History department has a strong Masters degree program. Languages and Cultures has expanded language offerings with a very popular program on Japanese as well as restructuring the Spanish language major. Philosophy has incorporated Religious Studies which has been a popular area of study for many students. Relationship to the Facilities Master Plan The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (UCCS) is one of the fastest growing campuses in Colorado. When the campus opened in 1965, it was a non-residential campus on 80 acres with a student head count of 1,282. Today the campus has 545 acres and supports a student body of approximately 9,300 students. As the campus continues to grow and change from a commuter oriented campus to a hybrid of commuter and residential campus the stress on educational and support facilities will continue to increase. In addition, in 1965 the population of El Paso County (Colorado Springs metropolitan area) was less than 100,000 people; today the county population is nearly 600,000 people. UCCS also serves the State of Colorado, one of the fastest growing states in the country. This program plan supports and provides justification for the design and construction of a new general classroom and office facility on the University of Colorado Colorado Springs campus. The plan includes general classrooms of various sizes, specialty teaching spaces, seminar rooms and office space. The addition of this facility will continue to allow the student body to grow as outlined in the university’s pending Master Plan while providing a quality learning environment and adequate faculty support space. As discussed in the section Justification, the university continues to remain substantially short of office and educational support space as recommended by CCHE. The future quality of the educational experience at UCCS will depend upon “staying ahead of the curve” in order to ensure that student crowding and faculty constraints do not diminish the ability of the university to meet its role and mission as set forth in Colorado Revised Statutes Section 2. 23-20-101 (1) (c) revised, Senate Bill 11-204, approved June 10, 2011. The Colorado Springs campus of the University of Colorado shall be a comprehensive baccalaureate and specialized graduate research university with selective admission standards. The Colorado Springs campus shall offer liberal arts and sciences, business, engineering, health sciences, and teacher preparation undergraduate degree programs, and a selected number of master’s and doctoral degree programs. 7 of 30 Recent Historical Context In 2005 the Seven Year Growth Plan was completed and approved by the Board of Regents on June 4, 2005. Key assumptions included in this plan were: 1. The student body headcount will grow during the years from 2006 to 2012 to 9,100 students 2. The student FTE will grow to 7,874 during this same period 3. The College Opportunity Funds (COF) value will remain at $2,400 and will increase only by the number of students attending UCCS each year 4. The Fee for Service contract with the CU system is equitably distributed across all three campuses 5. The Plan assumes a constant level of financial support 6. Tuition increases will contemplate a linear structure in FY06 and FY07 with 6%-7% increases in years 3 through 7. 7. Indirect Cost Revenues or Facility & Administration reimbursements will increase by 5% each year 8. Other sources of General Funds increase by the rate of growth of students 9. The operations base costs increase by 5% 10. Financial aid will increase by no less than the minimum 20% of increases on undergraduate resident student rates above inflation 11. That a significant investment in capital additions will be necessary to accommodate a growing student body and the growing educational enterprise on the campus. This plan contemplates approximately $139,500,000 in new construction over the next seven years. Following the Seven Year Growth Plan, a Facilities Strategic Plan Update (FSPU) was developed and approved by the Board of Regents on December 7, 2006. The FSPU looked forward to two timeframes of 6 years and 15 years and included guiding principles and sustainability goals. Recently, the Chancellor has led the campus through a new strategic planning effort entitled, “2020 – Our Commitment to the Future”, which is pending Board of Regents approval. Key goals include: • • • • Foster academic programs that serve diverse communities and develop intellectually curious graduates who are globally and culturally competent. Cultivate an environment that sustains and extends quality research, scholarship and creative work. Provide a transformative educational experience that engages students both in and out of the classroom. Provide an infrastructure of innovative technology, effective facilities and collaborative learning spaces, blending virtual and physical resources to enhance and advance the educational experience. Throughout this past decade it has become clear that there are several common themes that remain valid today: 1. The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs is to be a comprehensive research university that uses a selective enrollment process and with selected and targeted graduate programs. 2. UCCS is to provide an excellent educational experience as a regional university serving metropolitan, southern Colorado region needs, as well as State wide needs. 8 of 30 3. The campus is to continue to grow in support of the growing population of the region and the State and as “… the number-one comprehensive regional university in the United States…” 4. Recent strategic and facilities plans acknowledge and include strategies and plans for facilities to accommodate increasing enrollments, expanding and increasing academic programs, and increasing research and community service. This Program Plan directly supports these vision, mission, goals and master plans of the University. Justification Existing Conditions Current Program Enrollment As of Fall of 2011, the Colleges involved in this program had the following enrollments: Undergraduate Graduate Certificate Master’s Degree Ph.D. College of 0* 18 340 15 Education College of 5183 0 223 19 Letters, Arts, and Sciences *Colorado law provides that students wanting to be a professional educator major in a discipline of study such as history, biology, etc. and supplement this area of study with educational licensure studies from the College of Education. Thus, outside of the COE there are currently 450 students working toward teacher licensure requirements at UCCS. Assessment of Space Functionality Colleges of Education and Letters, Arts and Sciences All College of Education and LAS programs have seen significant growth over the past 10 years. This has put considerable strain on the facilities. Many full and part time instructional faculty share offices which are often only about 80 to 90 square feet in size. This makes it very difficult to provide confidentiality when meeting with students during normal office hours or to schedule office usage. It also provides minimal space for files, bookshelves, etc. which contain materials useful in teaching and in reference. A survey in late Spring of 2012 showed that 86 full and part time LAS faculty were sharing offices in Columbine Hall, for an average of only 50 nsf per person. Both colleges continue to hire additional faculty to meet increases in student demand which is only making the need for office space more difficult. Several of the potentially impacted programs have seen particularly large growth. Over the past 10 years, student credit hour production in English is up 69%, History and Communication are both up 44% and Women’s and Ethnic Studies is up 53% over this same time period. This growth in student demand requires increased staffing (and increase office space) as well as increases in classroom space. The Need for Specialty Spaces The vision for the College of Education is to be an Education college for the 21st Century. The College of LAS partners with the College of Education to actualize this vision as LAS faculty teach the content area curriculum and COE faculty teach the instructional strategies. The combined visions guide the way that 9 of 30 COE faculty and staff are transforming curricula and instruction in all courses to spark the genius of preservice and in-service administrators, counselors, and teachers. The COE is using “Culturally Responsive Teaching and Counseling” tenets as the framework for redesigning curricula and instruction. Research indicates that to connect with all learners teaching spaces should be: (1) more communal (e.g. configure desks for group discussions), (2) provide areas for diverse experiences (e.g. computer research, reading labs, language labs, etc.), (3) provide areas for symbolic curriculum (e.g. posters, pictures, charts, graphs, etc.), (4) provide spaces for societal curriculum (e.g. digital audio and visual equipment, etc.). Education space transformation should align with curriculum and instruction to enhance students’ outcomes. Current Space Utilization As the campus continues to move forward with its strategic plan of student body head count and FTE increases, the deficit in key areas of the learning and support environment will continue to deteriorate. While the demand for general classroom space generally is being met, some of the largest overall campus space deficits directly affect the learning experience with a deficit in academic offices (faculty offices) of 18.1%, administrative offices and services 33.6% and the library 8.7%. This Program Plan starts to address some of these deficits. Facilities Condition Index The goal of this program plan is to provide additional space for the expanding student body and required faculty and support staff. It also includes important new space that is not available to the programs in their current location. While, in some cases, the poor condition of a facility may a play a role in moving programs to new locations, in this case the driving goal is to create additional and new types of learning spaces to meet the rising demand resulting from new programs, increasing enrollment and pedagogical changes. Specific Health/Life Safety Issues There are no health or life safety issues being addressed by this Program Plan. Changes and Projections Enrollment Projections Projections can be determined by looking at historical data and recognizing that the number of high school graduates in Colorado is projected to continue to increase over the next several years. The combined student credit hour production of the Colleges of Education and Letters, Arts and Sciences is provided in the following graph (measured in Full Time Equivalent Students). It is evident that substantial growth in enrollment occurred over time with a leveling off during the major tuition increases of several ago, and then renewed growth in recent years. 10 of 30 LAS and Education Student Credit Hour Production 5000 Student Credit Hours (in FTE) 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 1995 2000 2005 Year 2010 2015 While total student credit hour production is important, it is also useful to consider the awarding of degrees as well. The table below shows the considerable growth in degrees awarded by the College of Education, the Humanities Departments, and the Social Science Departments. College of Education LAS: Humanities LAS: Social Sciences TOTAL AY 1997 108 85 327 520 AY 2002 125 82 386 593 AY 2011 170 161 432 813 The number of degrees awarded by the departments that will be impacted by this project have increased over 56% since 1997 when Columbine Hall opened. Based on the historical data, we project an increase in student credit hours and degrees awarded of another 20% between now and 2020. This is consistent with campus projections in the pending Strategic Plan. New Academic Programs During the 2007-08 academic year the College of Education added a new doctorate program in the Department of Leadership, Research, and Foundations. The College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences recently added a new B.A. degree in Women’s and Ethnic Studies in 2008. We have also developed new interdisciplinary minors in Sustainable Development and Pre-Law. In the next few years, we will be exploring a new M.A. degree in Humanities and one in Spanish. All of these programs are in departments that will be impacted by this building project. 11 of 30 Changes to Class Size It is not expected that class sizes will change significantly as a result of this program plan. Total Space Requirements Planned Programmed Space Utilization Room Areas Needed by Function Room areas to be located in South Hall are identified in Appendix D by college and department. Total asf and gsf Needed The College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences will see a net increase of space between the construction of the new building, space available in Columbine Hall after the College of Education moves out, and space lost when LAS departments move out of Dwire Hall. We estimate that change of space to be: New space in South Hall for LAS: Vacated space in Columbine Hall: Potential Space lost in Dwire Hall: Total space gained by LAS: 14,800 nsf 6,761 nsf -4,816 nsf 16,745 nsf The LAS departments which will move into this space currently occupy approximately 23,180 square feet, so this will represent a 72% increase in space. Given that the college had a deficit in space needs even after the construction of Columbine Hall, this project will get us closer to meeting our space needs. In addition to meeting unmet needs from 1997, the College has seen significant growth. Student credit hour production in LAS has increased 56% since the construction of Columbine Hall, and degrees awarded in the LAS departments that will gain space have increased 44% in that same time period. This increased student demand has required comparable increases in the number of faculty and in our need for faculty office space. Most of the departments that will benefit from this project are currently in Columbine Hall which was opened in Fall, 1997. The offices in Columbine Hall are all much smaller than other buildings on campus. Window offices are typically 110 square feet. Interior offices are typically just under 90 square feet. These offices are frequently shared by two people. Some of these spaces were designed as storage closets and have been converted to offices due to a critical space need. To see the impact of this project, we can consider a few examples of departments that will benefit from either newly constructed space or filling in vacated space. The Psychology Department is nationally recognized for a Ph.D. program with a focus on Psychology of Aging (geropsychology). It is also one of our largest undergraduate programs. The 23 full time faculty and staff, along with 12 part time faculty and staff, and over 50 graduate students and research associates currently share 29 offices and approximately 3,700 ASF in research space. A recent accreditation review for the Ph.D. program noted the lack of space for the program with some concern. Psychology teaches almost 10,000 student credit hours each year to undergraduates from many disciplines including over 500 Psychology majors. In addition, they teach almost 900 student credit hours to about 53 graduate students. The Psychology faculty have won awards for Outstanding Teaching, Outstanding Research, Fulbright Fellowships, and numerous other recognitions. They serve the Pikes Peak region in many ways including 12 of 30 innovative collaborations around their geropsychology focus such as an Aging Center clinic in the community and a cooperative project involving a senior living center. The English Department consists of 38 full and part-time (all greater than half-time) faculty and staff who currently share 26 offices. They teach over 14,000 student credit hours each year to students from all colleges at UCCS. Over 380 students are majoring in English this year. The number of students receiving degrees in English has increased by a factor of 1.6 since they moved into Columbine Hall in 1997. During this time, four faculty from English have won awards recognizing their outstanding teaching, several have won prestigious, competitive fellowships, and many have served the campus on important committees and organizations including President of our Faculty Assembly. Despite the cramped spaces, this department has excelled in teaching, scholarly work and in service to our campus and community. The History Department has 18 full and part-time faculty and staff sharing 10 offices. They teach over 4,900 student credit hours each year with students in both an undergraduate B.A. degree and a graduate (M.A.) degree. The number of students receiving degrees in History has increased by a factor of 1.5 since the department moved into Columbine Hall in 1997. The department is noted for the rigor of their courses with a heavy emphasis on writing. The faculty have won awards for outstanding teaching and research. Their service to the campus, community and their profession is also excellent. These three departments are typical of the excellence found within the LAS departments that will benefit from this construction project. They demonstrate the critical need for additional space to just meet the current needs of our faculty who are often forced to share space in a 90 square foot office presently. The tremendous growth in student demand since the construction of Columbine Hall has forced us to add new faculty with no new space to accommodate them. The College of Education is currently in 6,675 nsf and will expand into 21,285 nsf in South Hall. This is a 290% increase. Backfill Analysis When the College of Education and the Department of Psychology vacate Columbine Hall, approximately 13,400 nsf will be available to be reallocated to other LAS units. The departments remaining in Columbine Hall have experienced minimal or no new space assignments in the last decade despite significant growth in faculty, staff and students. Based on an analysis of department size, growth expectations, and current space deficit, we anticipate that the vacated space will be reallocated in approximately the following manner: 13 of 30 Department Reallocated ASF Communication 1,230 English Geography & Environmental Studies 2,000 1,300 History Humanities Program 1,050 200 Philosophy 1,060 Political Science 820 Sociology 1,790 Visual and Performing Arts 1,250 Women’s and Ethnic Studies 970 College of Letters, Arts and Sciences 750 Classrooms 980 TOTAL 13,400 In addition, the relocation of LAS departments will vacate approximately 4,816 nsf in Dwire Hall. The College of Business will be able to expand into this space to help balance the continued strong growth in student demand for their programs. The majority of the backfill space in Columbine Hall and Dwire Hall will require minimal renovation since it is already office space. Approximately 700 square feet of the Education Dean’s suite will need to be subdivided for offices, although most existing walls will remain since the building has a modular design. The current research space for Psychology and Education in Columbine Hall will require more extensive renovation for use as offices and classrooms. Alternatives Alternative #1 An alternative would be to not accommodate student demand by capping admissions into these programs. This would fail to serve the needs of our students as well as the needs of our community, region and state. This would be inconsistent with the previously approved Board of Regent strategic plan and the pending Strategic Plan, which call for expanding our student enrollments. Alternative #2 An alternative would be to reduce some departments in either, the College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences or the College of Education, in order to allow growth in other departments. Given that we have seen growth in all programs in recent years, this would not serve the needs of a significant number of our students. Since this would be a zero-sum alternative, the campus would not expand as called for in the previously approved Board of Regent strategic plan or the pending Strategic Plan. Alternative #3 An alternative would be to reduce programs in other colleges in order to allow programs in the College of Education and LAS to grow. The other UCCS colleges and schools: Nursing, Business, Engineering, and Public Affairs, all have substantial demand from students and from the needs of our community for an 14 of 30 educated work force in a wide range of disciplines. Reductions in these programs would not serve our students or community. Since this alternative is also a zero-sum option, the campus would not expand as called for in the previously approved Board of Regent strategic plan or the pending Strategic Plan. Implementation and Design Criteria Spatial Relationships Diagrammatic Plans Site information and general layouts of floors and are provided in Appendices A & B. Site Improvements The current site is undeveloped land, as shown in Appendix A. Site improvements will include development of the immediately surrounding undeveloped land as well as connecting elements to the Main Campus. Landscaping, walkways, accessories and pedestrian lighting will be integrated according to the UCCS Campus Design Guidelines and standards. Design Requirements New Utilities The campus uses Colorado Springs Utilities (CSU) as its source of electricity, natural gas, water and sanitary sewer. The individual utilities are discussed below: Electricity CSU provides the distribution system and transformer for each building. The Owner provides the secondary metered connection. The CSU high voltage (12.5 kVa) electrical distribution is located immediately north of the proposed site, approximately 80 feet away. Natural Gas Medium pressure natural gas (5 psia) is available approximately 250 feet away and will provide base energy to fire boilers for heat and hot water generators for domestic hot water. Water Two water connections will be required; one for domestic water and one for fire service. Sanitary Sewer A CSU 8” sanitary sewer system is located approximately 250 feet away. The size of the line may need to be increased to accommodate South Hall. The impact on this line will be determined during the design process. 15 of 30 Building Systems Structural Systems Soil conditions at UCCS are challenging and often dictate the design of the foundation systems. Appropriate geotechnical studies will be completed to provide the necessary data for proper design. Superstructure systems that may be considered include: • • Braced steel frame Load Bearing Masonry with structural steel roof and floor structure Mechanical Systems The proposed mechanical systems for South Hall are designed to balance the requirements of building function, first cost, sustainability, operating costs and system reliability. High efficiency boilers and hot water generators will be used for the primary heat source. Energy efficient chillers will be used for the primary cooling source, with consideration for heat rejection recovery for reheat box coil input. Typical of simple classroom/office building systems, air handling systems will be variable air volume (VAV), providing efficient heating, cooling and ventilation. Direct digital controls (DDC) will provide control of the primary and secondary systems allowing the implementation of many energy conservation strategies. Plumbing Systems Water service will be sized per code requirements. Backflow prevention, water metering, and a circulating domestic hot water system will be provided. A sanitary waste line will be sized per code requirements and connected to CSU’s main line. Fire Protection The building will be serviced by a fire service line. Appropriate pressure analysis will be completed to determine if a fire pump is needed. A standard wet-pipe fire protection system will be designed to provide coverage per NFPA 13 based on the occupancy designations. Electrical & Lighting Systems Power requirements will be determined upon completion of the design. 10 V-A/sf is a typical load for a classroom/office building resulting in an estimated demand of 650 kVa. Service equipment will be rated 480Y/277 V, 3-phase, 4-wire with properly sized service. Colorado Springs Utilities will provide the transformer sized for the project. General lighting will be a 277 V, electronic ballast, T8 or T5 lamp fluorescent system. Day lighting control and setback control will be considered. Specialty lighting will use compact fluorescent where feasible and LED lighting will be used for exit signs. Lighting dimming and switchology will be used where appropriate to support A/V technology. 16 of 30 Planned Green Building Goals This facility will be designed to meet LEED Gold standard. Architectural Design Features From UCCS Campus Design Guidelines – 2007 From the earliest days of UCCS’s existence on the Central Campus (Cragmor Campus), the designs for its buildings have followed the traditions set by two buildings. The brick of Dwire Hall, the first UCCS building to be built on the campus, began the use of reddish brick on all of its academic buildings and become the “brick style.” The stucco and more romantic forms of the old Cragmor Sanatorium, now beautifully restored and renamed Main Hall, have been inspirations for the Summit and Alpine Villages and the recently completed UCCS Recreation Center. This is the “stucco style.” Recently, a third style has emerged in the glass enclosed pavilion which connects the brick of the University Center and the Kraemer Family Library. This style was – “the glass style” – was created in response to the request from students that a special image emerged for this building. This was followed by Cragmor Hall, which carries on that style. Now, the addition of Dwire Hall is a mix of the “glass style” and the “brick style.” The guidelines recommend that academic buildings built on the Central Campus should continue in the “brick style.” It recommends that pre-cast concrete with integral color may be used as a second material on brick buildings. Window frames should be bronze or black anodized aluminum. The use of flat roofs should be continued on academic buildings. The “glass style” may be used occasionally to provide accents and visual interest on future buildings. The type and location of South Hall suggests that as an academic building it should have a brick exterior with accents that complement Cragmor Hall and the Campus Services Building that are nearby. The use of glass as an accent would provide cross campus connection and integration into the fabric of the campus and create a relationship to nearby historic Cragmor Hall. This exterior design will be in concert with the recommendations of the UCCS Campus Design Guidelines. The final size and massing of the building will be in concert with the site and configured to take advantage of the site shape and other design guideline recommendations. The location of South Hall places it in an urban landscape environment. This suggests that the landscape needs to be carefully considered to “create visual impact and continuity” to set the building in the context of UCCS. The urban landscape will consider plant materials that will survive in the micro-climate of the UCCS location including ground cover, tree and shrub species and traffic impact. The landscape environment will be used to frame and enhance both distant and near views and to create exterior spaces at various scales. Landscape elements will include natural and local materials to control grades, erosion and create exterior areas. Furnishings such as benches, tables, umbrellas, bollards, trash receptacles, etc. will be consistent with the vocabulary of existing site accessories. Health, Life Safety and Code Issues As noted previously in this document, the safety considerations of students and instructors in the visual and performing arts are key considerations in the need for this facility. The specific needs of those functions must be considered as fundamental requirements in its design. 17 of 30 The project should comply with the following codes and all related codes and standards, which by reference and mention are incorporated therein. Standards: The following approved building codes and standards have been adopted by State Buildings Programs (SBP) as the minimum requirements to be applied to all state-owned buildings and physical facilities including capital construction and controlled maintenance construction projects, which by reference and mentioned are incorporated into this project. The 2009 edition of the International Building Code (IBC) (as adopted by the Colorado State Buildings Program as follows: Chapter 1 as amended, Chapters 2-35 and Appendices C and I) The 2009 edition of the International Mechanical Code (IMC) (as adopted by the Colorado State Buildings Program as follows: Chapters 2-15 and Appendix A) The 2009 edition of the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) (as adopted by the Colorado State Buildings Program) The 2011 edition of the National Electrical Code (NEC) (National Fire Protection Association Standard 70) (as adopted by the Colorado State Electrical Board) The 2009 edition of the International Plumbing Code (IPC) (as adopted by the Colorado Examining Board of Plumbers as follows: Chapter 1 Section 101.2,102, 105, 107, Chapters 2-13 and Appendices B, D, E, F and G) The 2009 edition of the International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC) (as adopted by the Colorado Examining Board of Plumbers as follows: Chapter 1 Section 101,102, 105, 107, Chapters 2-8 and Appendices A, B, and C) The National Fire Protection Association Standards (NFPA) (as adopted by the Department of Public Safety/Division of Fire Safety as follows with editions shown in parentheses: NFPA-1 (2006), 11 (2005), 12 (2005), 12A (2004), 13 (2002), 13D (2002), 13R (2002), 14 (2003), 15 (2001), 16 (2003), 17 (2002), 17A (2002), 20 (2003), 22 (2003), 24 (2002), 25 (2002), 72 (2002), 409 (2004), 423 (2004), 750 (2003) and 2001 (2004)) The 2007 edition of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (as adopted by the Department of Labor and Employment/Boiler Inspection Section as follows: sections I, IV, VIII-Divisions 1 and 2 and 3, X and B31.1) The 2007 edition of the National Boiler Inspection Code (NBIC) (as adopted by the Department of Labor and Employment/Boiler Inspection Section) The 2006 edition of the Controls and Safety Devices for Automatically Fired Boilers CSD-1 (as adopted by the Department of Labor and Employment/Boiler Inspection Section) The 2007 edition of the Boiler and Combustion Systems Hazards Code, NFPA 85 (as adopted by the Department of Labor and Employment/Boiler Inspection Section) The 2007 edition of ASME A17.1 Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators 18 of 30 (as adopted by the Department of Labor and Employment/Conveyance Section and as amended by ASME International) The 2005 edition of ASME A17.3 Safety Code for Existing Elevators and Escalators (as adopted by the Department of Labor and Employment/Conveyance Section and as amended by ASME International) The 2005 edition of ASME A18.1 Safety Standard for Platform Lifts and Stairway Chairlifts (as adopted by the Department of Labor and Employment/Conveyance Section and as amended by ASME International) The current edition of the Rules and Regulations Governing the Sanitation of Food Service Establishments (as adopted by the Department of Public Health and Environment/Colorado State Board of Health) The 2003 edition of ICC/ANSI A117.1, Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities (as adopted by the Colorado General Assembly as follows: CRS 9-5-101, as amended, for accessible housing) Note: Additional codes, standards and appendices may be adopted by the state agencies and institutions in addition to the minimum codes and standards herein adopted by State Buildings Programs. 1. The 2009 edition of the IBC became effective on July 1 of 2010. Consult the state electrical and plumbing boards and the state boiler inspector and conveyance administrator and the Division of Fire Safety for adoption of current editions and amendments to their codes. 2. Projects should be designed and plans and specifications should be reviewed based upon the approved codes at the time of A/E contract execution. If an agency prefers to design to a different code such as a newer edition of a code that State Buildings Programs has not yet adopted, the agency must contact SBP for approval and then amend the A/E contract with a revised Exhibit C, Approved State Building Codes. Please note that the state plumbing and electrical boards enforce the editions of their codes that are in effect at the time of permitting not design. 3. The state’s code review agents, or the State Buildings Programs approved agency building official, shall review all documents for compliance with the codes stipulated herein. Note: The Department of Public Health and Environment, Division of Consumer Protection will review drawings for food service related projects. 4. This policy does not prohibit the application of various life safety codes as established by each agency for specific building types and funding requirements. NFPA 101 and other standards notwithstanding, approved codes will supersede where their minimum requirements are the most restrictive in specific situations. If a conflict arises, contact State Buildings Programs for resolution. 5. It is anticipated that compliance with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities (ADAAG) and Colorado Revised Statutes Section 9-5-101 will be met by compliance with the 2009 International Building Code and ICC/ANSI A117.1. However, each project may have unique aspects that may require individual attention to these legislated mandates. 6. The 2006 edition of the International Building Code (IBC) is to be applied to factory-built nonresidential structures as established by the Division of Housing within the Department of Local Affairs. A. Appendices Appendices are provided to supplement the basic provisions of the codes. Approved IBC Appendices are as follows: 19 of 30 1. Mandatory IBC Appendix Chapter C - Agricultural Buildings IBC Appendix Chapter I - Patio Covers 2. Optional Any non-mandatory appendix published in the International Building Code may be utilized at the discretion of the agency. Use of an appendix shall be indicated in the project code approach. B. 1. Amendments International Building Code, Chapter 1 as amended Project Schedule, Cost Estimates and Financial Analysis Project Schedule and Phasing This project will be constructed in a single phase. A specific schedule for design and construction has not been set, thus cost estimates are provided in the next section for various time frames. It is anticipated that design and construction would take approximately 24 months. Cost Estimates It is estimated that a 65,000 gsf general academic building will cost approximately $30.1 million in 2012 dollars. Financing Explanation South Hall is a basic classroom and office facility with a few specialty lab areas. This Program Plan addresses fundamental and basic core needs of the university as it continues to grow its programs and to meet the needs of an expanding enrollment. As a facility that is core to the vision and mission of the university it is recommended that the project be fully State funded from the capital construction fund. Third Party Review The Program Plan was originally reviewed by Bennett, Wagner, Grody architects for space allocation, alignment with the university’s strategic plan, code citations, project costs and schedule. It has not had a third party review as part of this update. 20 of 30 Appendices APPENDIX A – Proposed Site Location South Hall 21 of 30 Appendix A (cont’d) – Artist Concept Rendering 22 of 30 APPENDIX B – Proposed Building Floor Plans – First Floor 23 of 30 APPENDIX B (cont’d) – Proposed Building Floor Plans – Second Floor 24 of 30 APPENDIX B (cont’d) – Proposed Building Floor Plans – Third Floor 25 of 30 APPENDIX B – Proposed Building Floor Plans – Fourth Floor 26 of 30 Appendix C – All Campus Space Needs Analysis for Fall 2011 (9,321 Headcount students) Space Type Academic Space Classroom and Teaching Labs Open Labs Research Labs Academic Offices Physical Education & Recreation Other Academic Space Academic Space Subtotal Existing ASF 16.2% -11.9% 9.1% -18.1% -151.9% 0.0% -17.9% Academic Support Space Library 98,032 Administrative Offices & Service 55,774 Assembly & Exhibit-Gallery & Theater 20,751 Other Admin. Dept. Space 35,614 Physical Plant 12,396 Athletics - Dept. Athletics 26,396 Academic Support Space Subtotal 248,963 106,596 (8,564) 74,511 (18,737) 37,764 (17,013) 35,614 0 37,992 (25,596) 95,523 (69,127) 388,000 (139,037) -8.7% -33.6% -82.0% 0.0% -206.5% -261.9% -55.8% Auxiliary Space Student Union Residence Life Auxiliary Space Subtotal 75,523 240,920 316,443 -20.7% -33.5% -30.2% Campus Wide Total 62,592 180,440 243,032 826,030 27 of 30 105,400 37,700 37,680 97,155 107,842 7,996 393,773 Percent Difference 20,392 (4,024) 3,788 (14,860) (65,034) 0 (59,738) Inactive/Conversion Space 125,792 33,676 41,468 82,295 42,808 7,996 334,035 Guideline Surplus/ ASF Deficit - (12,931) (60,480) (73,411) - 1,098,216 (272,186) -33.0% Appendix D – Program Space Requirements College of Education Space Requirements Approximate space needs - Projected through 2012 Department # Occupants Area/Room Qty Chair Office Faculty office Instructor Office Admin Asst. Office Research Asst. Office Observable Lab Rooms Seminar/Conference Room Storage/Work Room SUBTOTAL 1 1 1 1 1 10 15 1 160 130 130 130 130 150 225 120 1 5 1 1 1 5 1 1 160 650 130 130 130 750 225 120 2295 Chair Office Faculty Office Instructor Office Admin Asst. Office Research/Student Asst. Seminar/Conference Room Math and Science Labs Reading and Literacy Lab 1 1 1 1 2 160 130 130 130 130 225 600 600 1 11 2 1 1 1 2 2 160 1430 260 130 130 225 1200 1200 Storage/Work Room SUBTOTAL 1 120 1 120 4855 Chair Office Faculty Office Admin Asst. Office Research Asst. Office Seminar/Conference Room Dedicated Classroom Dedicated Seminar Classroom Storage/Work Room SUBTOTAL 1 1 1 1 15 30 20 1 160 130 130 130 225 450 300 120 1 12 1 1 1 2 2 1 160 1560 130 130 225 900 600 120 3825 Chair Office Faculty Office Instructor Office Admin Asst. Office Research Asst. Office Seminar/Conference Room Classrooms with Movable Chairs Storage/Work Room SUBTOTAL 1 1 1 1 4 15 160 130 130 130 130 225 1 8 1 1 2 1 160 1040 130 130 260 225 25 1 600 120 1 1 600 120 2665 Room/Space Total Area Counseling Curriculum and Instruction Leadership SPED 28 of 30 Teacher Education Director Office Storage/Work Room SUBTOTAL 1 1 150 120 1 1 150 120 270 Exec. Director Office Coordinator Office Technology Director Office Support Staff Office Admin. Asst. Office Student Asst. Office Reception/Conference Room Work/Copier Space SUBTOTAL 1 1 1 1 1 3 15 1 150 130 150 130 130 130 225 120 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 150 130 150 130 390 130 225 120 1425 Director Office Assistant Office SUBTOTAL 1 1 130 130 1 1 130 130 260 Dean Office Assoc. Dean Office Exec. Asst. Office Financial Asst. Office Student Svc. Mgr. Office Student Asst. Office Reception Area Conference Room Lg. Conference Room Professional Library Acad. Advising Classroom Faculty/Staff Lounge Mailroom Work/Copier Space SUBTOTAL 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 200 130 130 130 130 130 100 250 600 1000 300 450 120 120 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 200 130 130 130 130 390 100 250 600 1000 300 450 120 120 4050 28 1 600 130 130 1 7 1 600 910 130 1640 Extended Studies DAEGU English Village College of Education Main Office 20 OTHER Innovative Technology Lab Current Adjunct Mailroom SUBTOTAL TOTAL SPACE REQUIREMENTS 21285 29 of 30 Appendix D (cont’d) – Program Space Requirements College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences: Departments of Psychology; Languages and Cultures Gerontology Center, Language Technology Center Space Requirements Approximate space needs - Projected through 2012 # Total Department Room/Space Occupants Area/Room Qty Area Psychology Chair Office Faculty office Instructor Office Lecturer Office Research Faculty Office Admin Asst. Office Research Asst. Office Student Asst. Office research/observation spaces Storage/Work Room SUBTOTAL 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 2 160 130 130 150 130 130 150 130 1 18 2 3 3 3 4 1 160 2340 260 450 390 390 600 130 various 1 various 120 1 4470 120 9310 Chair Office Faculty Office Instructor Office Lecturer Office Admin Asst. Office Research/Student Asst. Storage/Work Room SUBTOTAL 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 160 130 130 150 130 130 120 1 6 8 3 1 1 1 160 780 1040 450 130 130 120 2810 Admin Asst. Office Research Asst. Office SUBTOTAL 1 1 130 130 1 1 130 130 260 Director Office Admin Asst. Office Computer Lab Tutor/Group Study SUBTOTAL 1 1 various various 130 130 600 1140 1 1 1 1 130 130 600 1140 2000 Conference Room Mailroom SUBTOTAL 1 1 300 120 1 1 300 120 420 65 14800 Languages and Cultures Gerontology Center Language Technology Center Shared Spaces TOTAL SPACE REQUIREMENTS 30 of 30