Estimation of gas composition and char conversion in a biomass FB gasifier Alberto Gómez Barea ETSI de Sevilla Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Ambiental Universidad de Sevilla España FINNISH-SWEDISH FLAME DAYS 2013 “Focus on Combustion and Gasification Research” International Flame Research Foundation Jyväskylä, Jyväskylän Paviljonki, 17.-18.4.2013 Gasification Workshop (18.4.2013 ) Contents 1. Motivation and objective 2. Background for the model development an simplification 3. Modelling 4. Results and discussion 5. Conclusions and bibliography AGB. Estimation of gas composition and char conversion in a biomass FBG Motivation for a new method • In the preliminary design of a FBG, the knowledge of the main components of the gas produced in the gasifier is a key factor • Advanced models for FBG exist but require physical and kinetic inputs difficult to estimate and sometimes are not available to industrial applications • Simple and reliable semi-empirical methods to predict gas composition and reactor performance are not common in literature, and there is a need for such modelling tools AGB. Estimation of gas composition and char conversion in a biomass FBG 1. Motivation and objective Difficulty in modelling (complex Chemestry and transport phenomena at particle level) DEVOLATILISACION Oxidant Primary light gas R-C-OP O2 Biomass O2 CO2 COMBUSTION Light gas (secondary) Q Gases CO2 condensables (Tar: CiHjOz) CO2, H2O CO, H2,CH4 (Gas) H2O Tar Secondary (Tar + soot) CiHjOz (L) Char (carbonizado) H2O H2 CO2 GASIFICATION Char (S) Char Secondary CO H2 CH4 AGB. Estimation of gas composition and char conversion in a biomass FBG 1. Motivation and objective Difficulty in modelling (complex flow pattern and transport phenomena at reactor level) N2 H2O + CO H2 + CO2 C C C Producer GAS CO, H2, CH4, CO2, N2, H2O, CxHyOz C N2 CO2 Freeboard H2O H2 CO Char particle Volatiles (H2, CO, CxHy) Boundary layer emulsion Bed Char bubble Fuel air AGB. Estimation of gas composition and char conversion in a biomass FBG 1. Motivation and objective Advanced models: concept solid solid flow to flow from gas flow to cell i-1 to cell i-1 to cell i-1 gas feed heat transfer cell i gas gas exchange gas homogenous reactions cell i emulsion phase bubble phase homogenous reactions solid homogenous reactions i-1 cell + 1 gas flow to cell i+1 AGB. Estimation of gas composition and char conversion in a biomass FBG solid recirculation solid solid flow from flow to to cell i+1 to cell i+1 solid feed solid dischar Advanced models: results measured 1.0 simulated 1.0 O2 CH4 CO 0.8 0.8 H2 H2O 0.6 Height, m Height, m CO2 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.6 measured 0.4 simulated 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.0 Concentration, mol/mol AGB. Estimation of gas composition and char conversion in a biomass FBG 900 1000 1100 Temperature, K 1200 1300 Past trials for simple modelling of FBG • Equilibrium models (EM) • Quasi-Equilibrium models (QEM) • Empirical models AGB. Estimation of gas composition and char conversion in a biomass FBG 1. Motivation and objective Air ratio Equilibrium models (EM) AGB. Estimation of gas composition and char conversion in a biomass FBG 1. Motivation and objective Equilibrium models (EM) Advantages – simple to apply – independent of gasifier design – widely used Failures – – – – overestimates yields of H2 and CO underestimates the yield of CO2 Prediction of gas nearly free of CH4 and tar no char in the gas phase over 1000 K AGB. Estimation of gas composition and char conversion in a biomass FBG 1. Motivation and objective Quasi-Equilibrium models (QEM). Concept AGB. Estimation of gas composition and char conversion in a biomass FBG 1. Motivation and objective Quasi-Equilibrium models (QEM) Advantages – Improvement of EM – Simple to apply Failures – – – – Need correlations Dependent of gasifier design Most cases do not predict tar and/or char Sometimes recommendations can avoid correlation but this make QEM non-predictive AGB. Estimation of gas composition and char conversion in a biomass FBG 1. Motivation and objective Objective To develop a model (method): – Based on QEM (simple) – With predictive capability – Free from ad-hoc correlations – Able to estimate tar and char – Based on established evidences AGB. Estimation of gas composition and char conversion in a biomass FBG 1. Motivation and objective 2. Background for the development and simplification Existing evidence for corrections • Heterogeneous or homogeneous equilibrium? – In EM no solid carbon in the gas phase over 1000 K • Steam Reforming of Methane (SRM) in equilibrium? – Steam reforming of methane is kinetically limited below 1300 K – methane in the exit stream of the gasifier ~ that formed in devolatilisation AGB. Estimation of gas composition and char conversion in a biomass FBG 2. Evidences for correction Water Gas Shift Reaction (WGSR) in equilibrium? – Equilibrium for the WGSR reached at 1273 K and residence time about 1 s – Between 1073 K and 1273 K the attainment of equilibrium has to be confirmed – This confirmation depends on the use of catalysts and steam presence: • Synthetic (Ni) vs. minerals (dolomite, olivine, etc) catalyst • Steam vs. air gasification AGB. Estimation of gas composition and char conversion in a biomass FBG 2. Evidences for correction WGSR : in equilibrium or kinetically limited? Experimental verification K cal pCO2 pH 2 ? K (T ) 0.0265 exp 3958 / T pCO pH 2O 1,6 1,5 1,4 Kequ (T ) 1,3 1,2 1,1 1,0 0,9 0,8 Kexp 0,7 0,6 690 710 730 750 770 AGB. Estimation of gas composition and char conversion in a biomass FBG 790 810 830 2. Evidences for correction Conclusions from the existing evidence for the model – Homogeneous equilibrium is enough together with a char conversion model (kinetically limited) – Modified equilibrium based on WGSR and SRMR is a convenient tool – CH4 in the exit is nearly that formed during devolatilization. Kinetic rates of SMR should be included in the model when there is in-bed catalyst – Equilibrium of WGSR is not generally attained. It is necessary to be modeled AGB. Estimation of gas composition and char conversion in a biomass FBG 2. Evidences for correction 3. Modelling Aim: Overall model Heat O2 H 2O Oxidant CO 2 N2 Tb GASIFIER Biomass CHαOβ H2 Light Gas Condensable Solid C(s) + Ash CO H 2O CO 2 CH 4 N2 C jH k O l CH α Oβ + a O 2 + b H 2O + cCO 2 + d N 2 x1 C(s) + ash (Solid) +x 2 H 2 + x 3CO + x4 H 2O + x 5CO 2 + x 6CH 4 + x 7 N 2 (Gas) x8C jH k Ol (Gas condensable ) 3. Modelling Simplifications: isolation of dominant processes D FUEL t=t0 t1→ t∞ t∞ t4 t3 FUEL PARTICLE L t2 t1 FUEL t=t0 t2 t3 t4 FUEL t=t0 Volatile release FUEL t=t0 AIR t1 AIR t1 t2 t3 AIR t4 time (a.1) Dadev,v<< 1 (b.1) Dadev,v>> 1 (c.1) Dadev,v~ 1 Nseg = segregation time / devolatilisation time AGB. Estimation of gas composition and char conversion in a biomass FBG 3. Modelling Models of simplified cases BIOMASS PYROLYSIS CHAR GASIFICATION CHAR GASIFICATION OXIDATION OF CHAR AND VOLATILES CHAR COMBUSTION FUEL BIOMASS PYROLYSIS (a.2) Nseg<< 1 + OXIDATION OF CHAR AND VOLATILES + TAR CRACKING + PYROLYSIS FUEL FUEL OXIDANT TAR CRACKING CHAR GASIFICATION OXIDANT (b.2) Nseg>> 1 AGB. Estimation of gas composition and char conversion in a biomass FBG OXIDANT (c.2) Nseg~ 1 3. Modelling Simplified model of a FB gasifier (Nseg>>1) Initial conditions for Char Reduction Zone (CRZ) FUEL PARTICLE Flamingpyrolysis zone (FPZ) FUEL CHAR GASIFICATION (CRZ) C(s)+R(g) P(g) RFPZ=(CO2+H2O)FPZ OXIDATION OF CHAR AND VOLATILES TAR CONVERSION (OZ) FUEL DEVOLATILISATION (FDZ) FUEL FLUIDISATION AGENT (a) FLUIDISATION AGENT (b) 3. Modelling Model concept adopted Discharged ashes Produced gas OVERALL MASS AND HEAT BALANCE, PSEUDO-EQUILIBRIUM IN THE GAS PHASE xCH4 ,gp WGSR FACTOR f WGSR xchar ,gp xtar ,gp METHANE CONVERSION CHAR GASIFICATION TAR CONVERSION ( X CH 4 ) ( X char ) ( X tar ) xCH 4 ,d xchar ,d xtar ,d DEVOLATILIZATION GASIFICATION AGENT FUEL 3. Modelling Steps in modelling 1. Estimation yields of light gases, char and tar from FPZ (Ideal: experiments in lab FB) 2. Estimation tar, methane and char conversion in CRZ by application kinetic models 3. QE model: - Unconverted CH4, tar and char are removed from this analysis formulation of C-H2-O2-N2 mass balances - Mass balances with corrected C-H-O inputs - two equilibrium (or approach to equilibrium) relationships (WGSR and SRMR) 4. Restoration of unconverted CH4, tar and char Application of heat balance over the corrected exit streams AGB. Estimation of gas composition and char conversion in a biomass FBG 3. Modelling Model of the flaming pyrolysis zone (FPZ) • Char, methane, and tar yield as a function of temperature (other) • Light gases from mass balances with extraassumptions to close the system: – H2 and CO consume completely the oxygen, and CH4 and tar are not converted in the OZ – Char conversion in the oxidation zone (OZ) is neglected AGB. Estimation of gas composition and char conversion in a biomass FBG 3. Modelling Char conversion model GAS PRODUCED FLY ASH (ENTRAINED SOLIDS) x3 , xch,3 , wc,ch,b ADDITIVE FUEL Control volume VOLATILES xadd wc ,ch ,b xch ,d mch ,b wc ,ch ,d mT ,b T u0 p , p H 2O CO2 CHAR BOTTOM ASH GASIFICATION (DISCHARGED SOLIDS) AGENT (a) SOLID x2 , xch,2 , wc,ch,b GAS 3. Modelling Tar and CH4 conversion sub-model Da i CSTR: X i 1 Da i i=CH 4 , Tar ki Da i ki CRZ Damköhler number (uFPZ / L f ) • Difficulties in the adequate selection of tar and methane model: – Tar: mainly depends on the biomass nature, operating conditions (T, t), presence of catalyst – Methane: The use of catalyst and the presence of steam AGB. Estimation of gas composition and char conversion in a biomass FBG 3. Modelling 4. Results and discussion The impact of the char conversion model -∙- Xch calculated with complete model Gas lower heating value (LHV), MJ/Nm3 1100 1050 Temperature (T), ºC 1000 950 Xch=0.25 0.50 900 850 0.75 800 1.00 750 700 650 600 0.2 0.22 0.24 0.26 ooo 0.28 0.3 Xch calculated with simplified model 8 7.5 7 6.5 6 5.5 1.00 0.75 0.50 Xch=0.25 5 0.2 Equivalence ratio (ER) (a) AGB. Estimation of gas composition and char conversion in a biomass FBG 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.3 Equivalence ratio (ER) (b) 4. Results and discussion The effect of air ratio (ER) 0.25 Molar fraction in wet gas (%v/v) Char conversion (Xch), kg/kg 1 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 CO 0.2 0.15 CO2 0.1 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.3 H2O 0.05 CH4 0.65 0.6 0.2 H2 0 0.2 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 Equivalence ratio, ER Equivalence ratio (ER) (a) (b) AGB. Estimation of gas composition and char conversion in a biomass FBG 0.3 4. Results and discussion The effect of Throughput 0.906 1 Char conversion (Xchar ), kg/kg Char conversion (Xch), kg/kg ER=0.30 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.92 ER=0.25 0.9 0.904 0.902 0.9 0.898 0.896 0.894 0.892 ER=0.25 0.89 0.888 0.88 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 0.886 1000 400 Throughput (Th), kg/(m 2h) AGB. Estimation of gas composition and char conversion in a biomass FBG 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Throughput (Th), kg/(m 2h) 4. Results and discussion The effect of solids removal rate, 1/τ2 1/τ2=kg/h mecahnically removed/ kg bed 1 Char residence time ( ), h 3 Char conversion (Xch), kg/kg ER=0.30 0.8 0.25 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 0 2.5 2 ER=0.20 1.5 0.25 1 0.5 0.30 0.5 1/2, h-1 1 1.5 0 0 AGB. Estimation of gas composition and char conversion in a biomass FBG 0.5 1/2, h-1 1 1.5 4. Results and discussion The effect of solids removal rate, 1/τ2 1/τ2=kg/h mecahnically removed/ kg bed Molar fraction in wet gas (%v/v) 0.25 0.2 CO 0.15 0.1 H2 CO2 H2O 0.05 CH4 0 0 0.5 -1 1/2, h AGB. Estimation of gas composition and char conversion in a biomass FBG 1 1.5 4. Results and discussion Summary and conclusions 1. A model based on QEA with predictive capability and easy to apply has been developed 2. Used as tool for design and optimisation: improves significantly equilibrium predictions 3. Valid for preliminary design 4. Details of the model efforts: • Char conversion need to be modelled taking into account entrainment and kinetics • Yields of char, methane and tar during devolatilisation depends on the fuel and shoulkd be determined in the lab WGS, tar and CH4 reforming need to be modelled with proper kinetics Kinetics of char need to be determined in the lab • • AGB. Estimation of gas composition and char conversion in a biomass FBG Bibliography Details of the model developed and comparison with measurements, in: • Gómez-Barea, A., Leckner, B. Estimation of gas composition and char conversion in a fluidized bed biomass gasifier. Fuel 2013, 107, 419–431 Extensive description of the process ocurring in a FBG and the way to model them, in: • Gómez-Barea A.. Leckner B. Modeling of biomass gasification in fluidized bed. Progr. En. Comb. Sc. 2010, 36 (4), pp. 444-509 AGB. Estimation of gas composition and char conversion in a biomass FBG