ACS Instrument Science Report 99-08 CALACS Reference Files Warren J. Hack November 11, 1999 ABSTRACT This report describes the reference files used by CALACS to calibrate ACS observations. The description of each reference file includes the selection criteria used to identify which file is appropriate for the observation and contains a detailed description of the file format and contents. 1. Introduction ACS uses detectors designed for STIS, therefore, it was natural to design CALACS based on code used for STIS data. Lessons learned from the STIS calibration pipeline software CALSTIS were applied to the creation of the ACS calibration pipeline software, CALACS. However, the larger datasets and multiple output products imposed restrictions on what could feasibly be done using the CALSTIS-model. As a result, CALACS evolved into a unique pipeline for processing ACS data. The task CALACS serves as the primary controller for the entire pipeline, although each of the processing tasks in the package could be run on the data individually as well. The primary function of the CALACS task itself will be to interpret any existing ACS association table relevent to the data, and send the data to the proper tasks in the required order for processing. In addition to working with associated data, the CALACS task processes individual exposures that are not part of any association. Many calibration steps are performed during normal pipeline processing, and Figure 1 outlines where the individual tasks within the package are called during nominal processing by CALACS. The standard calibration processing steps performed by CALACS are shown in Figure 2 for CCD data and Figure 3 for MAMA data. Each step relies on reference files to provide the calibrated values which need to be applied to the data. The calibration files used for each step are listed in Figure 2 and Figure 3 on the right side of the each step. This report describes what keywords are used to control the operation of each step in Figure 2 and Figure 3. Section 2, “Keyword Usage” on page 4, lists those keywords which are used in the selection of the reference files and are revised during 1 CALACS as they are applied to the ACS data. A complete description of the format and contents of each reference file is given Section 3, “Reference Files” on page 5. In all, this report should answer questions related to the generation of these reference files. Figure 1: Flow Diagram for ACS data shown with CALACS task names. Detector CCD ACSCCD Another Image in CR-SPLIT set? (AtoD, DQI, BLEV, Bias) MAMA Another Image in association? CRCORR ACS2D Yes ACSREJ DQI,Flat,Dark,... Cosmic Ray Rejection ACS2D Flat, Dark,... Another Set of CR-SPLIT Images? RPT CORR Yes ACSSUM DTH CORR * AcsDth is a function within the CALACS task. Yes AcsDth* 2 Figure 2: Flow diagram for CCD data in CALACS. raw file ACSCCD doNoise DQICORR doDQI BPIXTAB ATODCORR doAtoD ATODTAB BLEVCORR doBlev OSCNTAB BIASCORR doBias BIASFILE YES CRREJ? ACSREJ NO overscantrimmed image cr-combined image ACS2D doNoise Already done in ACSCCD DQICORR SKIPPED GLINCORR SKIPPED doDQI BPIXTAB doNonLin MLINTAB MAMA Only DARKCORR doDark DARKFILE FLATCORR doFlat FLATFILE SHADCORR doShad SHADFILE PHOTCORR doPhot PHOTTAB STATCORR doStat YES ACSSUM NO RPTCORR? summed, calibrated image calibrated image 3 Figure 3: Flow diagram for MAMA data in CALACS. raw file ACS2D doNoise doDQI BPIXTAB GLINCORR doNonLin MLINTAB DARKCORR doDark DARKFILE FLATCORR doFlat FLATFILE SHADCORR doShad SHADFILE PHOTCORR doPhot PHOTTAB STATCORR doStat DQICORR YES ACSSUM NO RPTCORR? summed, calibrated image calibrated image 2. Keyword Usage Processing of the images in CALACS will be controlled by the population of keywords and calibration switches in the input image headers, as it is in CALSTIS. Those keywords essential for CALACS remain a subset of those used by CALSTIS, with keywords related to spectroscopy and to binning of the images being absent. Table 1 provides a summary of those keywords which are used by CALACS, with those that are unique to ACS marked appropriately. 4 Table 1. ACS Keywords Used with Reference Files in CALACS Keyword Task(s) I/O Header APERTURE acsccd,acs2d,acssum Input Primary ATODGNA, ATODGNB, ATODGNC, ATODGND acs2d,acsccd,acsrej Input/Output SCI(Primary?) BADINPDQ acsrej Output Primary Sample of Possible Values WFC1,WFC2,WFC1-FIX, WFC2-FIX,WFC,HRC,SBC,... BINAXIS1,BINAXIS2 acsccd, acs2d,calacs Input Primary CCDAMP acsccd,acs2d,acsrej Input Primary ABCD,ABC,ABD,AC,AD,ACD, BC, BD, BCD CCDCHIP acs2d,acsccd,acsrej,acssum Input SCI,DQ,ERR 1,2 CCDGAIN acsccd,acs2d,calacs Input Primary 1,2,4,8 CCDOFSTA, CCDOFSTB, CCDOFSTC, CCDOFSTD acs2d,acsccd Input Primary CRRADIUS acsrej Output Primary CRMASK acsrej Output Primary CRSIGMAS acsrej Output Primary CRTHRESH acsrej Output Primary DETECTOR calacs,acsrej,acssum Input Primary WFC,HRC,SBC FILTER1, FILTER2 acs2d,acsccd,acssum Input Primary CLEAR1L,F555W,F775W,F625W,F550M, F850LP,CLEAR1S,POL0UV,POL60UV,... GLOBLIM acs2d Output SCI EXCEEDED, NOT-EXCEEDED, NOTAPPLICABLE, UNDETERMINED GLOBRATE acs2d Input SCI INITGUES acsrej Output Primary LTM1_1,LTM2_2 acs2d,acsccd Input/Output SCI,ERR,DQ LTV1,LTV2 acs2d,acsccd Input/Output SCI,ERR,DQ NPIX1,NPIX2 calacs(acsdth) Output SCI READNSEA, READNSEB, acs2d,acsccd,acsrej READNSEC, READNSED Input/Output SCI REJ_RATE acsrej Output Primary SCALENSE acsrej Output Primary SDQFLAGS acs2d,acsccd,acssum Input Primary STATFLAG calacs Input Primary T,F 3. Reference Files Each ACS observation requires calibrations suited to the particular observation mode used to take the data. Calibration data specific to the different modes of ACS operation are prepared and archived in the Calibration Database System (CDBS). Generic Conversion processes the raw data from the telescope and formats it for CALACS, including querying CDBS to determine which reference files apply to the specific configuration used for the observation. The input files for CALACS then contain keywords for each calibration step which record the name of the reference file that is appropriate for the observation. These keywords were listed in Figure 2 and Figure 3 along side the name of the task they control. The reference data and format for each calibration file are given in Table 2 in the order they are applied to the data by CALACS. The following sections provide a detailed description of the format of each calibration reference file. 5 Table 2. Summary of ACS Reference File Keywords Keyword Format Calibration Data ATODTAB table A-to-D Conversion BPIXTAB table Bad Pixel positions CCDTAB table CCD characteristics OSCNTAB table overscan-region specification BIASFILE image bias image subtraction CRREJTAB table cosmic-ray rejection parameters MLINTAB table MAMA linearity characteristics DARKFILE image dark image subtraction PFLTFILE image pixel-to-pixel flat-field LFLTFILE image low-order flat-field DFLTFILE image temporal change in flat-field SHADFILE image shading shutter correction PHOTTAB table photometry characteristics GEOFILE geometric distortion characteristics ATODTAB - A-to-D Conversion Table This reference file provides the actual number of counts for each detected count in the image. The conversion takes into account the gain setting, the amps used, and, typically, the exposure time of the observation. The table contains the columns described in Table 3. Table 3. Columns in A-to-D Reference Table Column Name Format Units Contents CCDAMP CH*4 CCDGAIN S CCDCHIP S CHIP to which this conversion applies REF_KEY CH*12 Usually EXPTIME REF_KEY_VALUE R Values of REF_KEY for different A-to-D conversions NELEM I Number of elements in ATOD array ATOD R[65536] Array with actual values PEDIGREE CH*67 GROUND/DUMMY/IN-FLIGHT DESCRIP CH*67 How this calibration file was produced CCDAMP keyword value electrons/DN Commanded gain Each row in the table corresponds to a separate observation mode determined by the CCDGAIN, CCDAMP and CHIP keywords from the image header. The array length NELEM is read from that row as well, and the length may differ from row to row, although the maximum length is 6 fixed. In addition, a secondary parameter could possibly affect the conversion, such as EXPTIME. The REF_KEY column specifies the keyword to check, then the table row is selected to be the one with the REF_KEY_VALUE closest to the keyword value from the image. This provides a mechanism for relating a secondary parameter to the A-to-D correction, for example EXPTIME or some temperature, should such a parameter be found to affect the correction. Once the row that best matches the observations configuration, the ATOD column contains an array of NELEM values which directly replace the pixel values in the image. The integer pixel value from the image is the array index into the ATOD array, and that value is then written out to the output image by CALACS. BPIXTAB - Bad-pixel Table This reference file, whose columns are described in Table 4, maintains a record of all known bad pixels for each ACS CCD. These pixels may change with time as some hot pixels are annealed and others appear over time, for example. Permanently bad pixels due to chip defects may be flagged during Generic Conversion, and it is the job of the BPIXTAB to maintain the list of bad pixels applicable for a given time period. The positions of the bad pixels are stored as pixel lists using the columns described in Table 4. Table 4. Columns in Bad Pixel Reference Table Column Name Format Units Contents CCDAMP CH*4 CCDGAIN S CCDCHIP S PIX1 S pixel X position of bad pixel list PIX2 S pixel Y position of bad pixel list LENGTH S pixel Number of bad pixels in this list VALUE S DQ value of bad pixels in list AXIS S Bad pixels extend along this axis CCDAMP keyword value electrons/DN Commanded gain CHIP to which this conversion applies The type of bad pixels which can be flagged are listed in Table 5. Some values will only be marked during other processing steps (such as cosmic-ray rejection), but the VALUE column in this table specifies how the pixel will be marked in the DQ array at the start of calibration processing. 7 Table 5. DQ Flag Values for Bad Pixels Flag Value Definition 0 Good Pixel 1 Reed-Solomon decoding error 2 data replaced by fill value 4 bad detector pixel or beyond aperture 8 masked by aperture feature 16 hot pixel 32 large blemish 64 reserved 128 bias level pixel 256 saturated pixel 512 bad pixel in reference file 1024 small blemish 2048 reserved 4096 reserved 8192 rejected during image combination CCDTAB - CCD Characteristics table Up to 4 amps can be used for any given observation, and each amp has its own read-out characteristics, however, only a single value for these characteristics can be commanded by the observer. This table, described in Table 6, provides the conversion from the commanded values to the calibrated values for each amp. These calibrated values are then used during processing by CALACS to insure that a pixel read-out by an amp has been properly calibrated for that amp’s read-out characteristics. The characteristics affected are read-out noise (READNSE), A-to-D gain (ATODGN), and bias level (CCDOFST). The table contains one row for each amp configuration used in the readout. This configuration is uniquely identified by the list of amps used(CCDAMP), the particular chip being read out (CCDCHIP), the commanded gain (CCDGAIN), the commanded bias level (CCDBIAS), and the bin sizes of the pixels read out (BINAXIS). Each amp can be used to read out a section of the chip or the entire chip depending on how many amps are used to read out the observation. As a result, the values AMPX and AMPY specify the boundaries between amp read-out sections when used in concert to read out a chip. For multi-amp read out of a chip, AMPX specifies the first column affected by the second amp used to read out that row, and is set to zero when only one amp is used to read out each row. Similarly, AMPY specifies the first row affected by the second set of amps used to read out the chip, and is set to zero if only 1 amp or set of amps is used to read out the chip. AMPY is always set to zero for WFC observations since each chip only has one set of amps 8 to read them out. These values are also used throughout CALACS to determine which pixels were read out by which amp and apply the corresponding read noise, gain and bias level to them. Table 6. Columns in CCD Parameters Table Column Name Format Units Contents CCDAMP CH*4 CCDAMP keyword value CCDCHIP S CHIP to which this conversion applies CCDGAIN S Commanded gain CCDBIAS R Commanded bias level CCDOFSTA S actual bias for amp 1 of CCD CCDOFSTB S actual bias for amp 2of CCD CCDOFSTC I actual bias for amp 3of CCD CCDOFSTD I actual bias for amp 4 of CCD BINAXIS1 S commanded bin size for axis 1 BINAXIS2 S commanded bin size for axis 2 ATODGNA R actual gain for amp1 used for readout ATODGNB R actual gain for amp2 used for readout ATODGNC R actual gain for amp3 used for readout ATODGND R actual gain for amp4 used for readout READNSEA R electrons calibrated value of readout noise for amp 1 READNSEB R electrons calibrated value of readout noise for amp 2 READNSEC R electrons calibrated value of readout noise for amp 3 READNSED R electrons calibrated value of readout noise for amp 4 AMPX S first column affected by second amp AMPY S first row affected by second set of amps SATURATE R PEDIGREE CH*67 How this row was created (DUMMY, GROUND) DESCRIP CH*67 When this row was created DN CCD saturation threshold OSCNTAB - Overscan region table This table, described in Table 7, has no counterpart in any previous calibration pipelines, as it describes the overscan regions for each chip along with the regions to be used for determining the actual bias level of the observation. Each row corresponds to a specific configuration as given by the amps used (CCDAMP), the chip (CCDCHIP), and the size of the image with overscan regions (NX, NY). The columns TRIMX* give the number of columns to trim off the beginning and end of each line, while the TRIMY* columns give the number of rows to trim off the top and bottom of each 9 column. These completely specify the physical overscan regions for each chip and these columns and rows will be trimmed off the image during processing. The result of trimming (TRIMX1 + TRIMX2) columns from the image (NX) should result in the desired calibrated image sizes, 4096 for a full WFC image and 1024 for a full HRC image. The same can be said for NY - (TRIMY1 + TRIMY2), which should be 2048 for a full WFC image and 1024 for a full HRC image. The columns BIASSECTA* give the range of columns to be used for determining the bias level in the leading overscan region, while the BIASSECTB* columns give the range of columns to be used to determine the bias level in the trailing overscan region. Finally, the virtual overscan starts at pixel (VX1, VY1) and extends to (VX2, VY2). All coordinates and column numbers are specified in terms of the untrimmed image. Table 7. Columns in Overscan Region Table Column Name Format Units Contents CCDAMP CH*4 CCDAMP keyword value CCDCHIP S CHIP to which this conversion applies BINX S commanded bin size for axis 1 BINY S commanded bin size for axis 2 NX S pixel number of columns in image with overscan regions NY S pixel number of rows in image with overscan regions TRIMX1 S pixel Number of columns to trim off beginning of each line TRIMX2 S pixel Number of columns to trim off end of each line TRIMY1 S pixel Number of lines to trim off beginning of each column TRIMY2 S pixel Number of line to trim off end of each column BIASSECTA1 S beginning column for leading bias sectio BIASSECTA2 S ending column for leading bias sectio BIASSECTB1 S beginning column for trailing bias section BIASSECTB2 S ending column for trailing bias section VX1 S pixels X coordinate of virtual overscan origin VX2 S pixels Y coordinate of virtual overscan origin VY1 S pixels X coordinate of top corner of virtual overscan region VY2 S pixels Y coordinate of top corner of virtual overscan region DESCRIPTION CH*67 Source and quality of specified overscan regions BIASFILE - Bias reference image For ACS science data, it will normally be the case that this correction will be performed before the data has been combined for cosmic-ray rejection. Selection of the appropriate reference image will depend on the DETECTOR, CCDAMP, and CCDGAIN keywords, as well as the 10 dimensions of the science image. The reference image, therefore, must contain the same keywords, along with the NAXIS1,NAXIS2 information in the SCI array. The reference image for this step, the BIASFILE, will have the same dimensions as a full-size science image complete with overscan regions, which would be 1062x1044 for HRC and 4144x2068 for WFC. They are not 1024x1024 and 4096x2048 since this calibration step occurs prior to trimming off the overscan regions. CALACS also assumes that CCD data will not be read-out in binned mode, and any image which does not have the same size as the full size image will be a sub-array read-out. Finally, the bias image is assumed to have already been scaled by the gain and had the overscan values subtracted from the bias image. This should result in a bias image with average pixel values less than one. The exposure time is not used by CALACS, so the EXPTIME keywords do not need to be present. However, if they are present, they should be set to 0.0. CRREJTAB - Cosmic-ray Rejection Parameter Table This table, described in Table 8, contains all the basic parameters necessary for performing cosmic-ray rejection. The appropriate row gets selected for use in the CALACS task ACSREJ first based the chip being processed (CCDCHIP), then on the number of images the original exposure was split into (CRSPLIT) and the exposure time of each CR-SPLIT image. The exposure time for each CR-SPLIT image will be compared to MEANEXP from this table and the row with the lowest MEANEXP without being less than the input image’s exposure time will be selected. Once the appropriate row has been selected, then the rest of the columns will serve as the input parameters to control the detection algorithms. The cosmic-ray rejection process requires a number of input parameters to control how the cosmic-rays are detected. The process starts by creating a first guess for the CR-combined image either by median combining or minimum value combining the input CR-SPLIT exposures, as specified by INITGUES. Determination of the sky and noise values are controlled by SKYSUB and SCALENSE values respectively. Actual detection of the cosmic-rays requires the specification of a threshold above which a pixel value is considered a cosmic-ray (CRSIGMAS and CRTHRESH) and the distance from the detected pixel which the cosmic-ray can affect other pixels (CRRADIUS). Once a pixel is determined to be affected by a cosmic-ray, the value in BADINPDQ specifies the DQ value to use to mark that pixel in the exposures DQ array, if CRMASK was set to yes. 11 Table 8. Columns in Cosmic-Ray Rejection Parameters Table Column Name Format Units Contents CRSPLIT S Number of exposures observation was split into CCDCHIP S CHIP to which this conversion applies MEANEXP R SCALENSE CH*8 multiplicative noise in percents INITGUES CH*8 Scheme of computing initial-guess image SKYSUB CH*4 Sky levels subtraction scheme CRSIGMAS CH*20 Rejection thresholds CRRADIUS R CRTHRESH R Propagation factor BADINPDQ S Data quality pset CRMASK B flag CR-rejected pixels in input files? sec average exposure time for each image pixels Radius (in pixels) to propagate the cosmic ray MLINTAB - MAMA Linearity Table This table, with the columns listed in Table 9, provides the basic parameters for determining linearity in MAMA images. Although there is only one MAMA detector within ACS, the first column specifies the detector name. The global limit given in the GLOBAL_LIMIT column refers to the total counts/sec for the entire image at which the data is affected by greater than 10% non-linearity. CALACS will attempt to correct for non-linearity up to this limit using the non-linearity constant given in the column TAU. Linearity for each pixel can be much higher, as given in the column LOCAL_LIMIT. Each pixel found to exceed this limit will be marked as non-linear in the DQ file out to a radius from the pixel given in the EXPAND column. The PEDIGREE and DESCRIPTION columns are simply used to keep track of how the parameters were derived and whether they are test parameters or whether they came from a calibration program. Table 9. Columns in MAMA Linearity Reference Table Column Name Format Units Contents DETECTOR CH*10 GLOBAL_LIMIT D c/s count rate resulting in 10% global nonlinearity LOCAL_LIMIT D c/s count rate resulting in 10% local nonlinearity TAU D s time constant in global nonlinearity expression EXPAND R pixel radius in high-res pixels PEDIGREE CH*67 How this row was created (DUMMY, GROUND) DESCRIP CH*67 When this row was created Name of MAMA detector used 12 DARKFILE - Reference Dark Image The reference file for dark subtraction, DARKFILE, gets selected based on the values of DETECTOR, CCDAMP, and CCDGAIN keywords in the input science image. This file gets applied after the overscan regions are trimmed from the input science image and therefore must have its overscan regions trimmed off as well. As with the BIASFILE, it is assumed that CCD images will not be binned, so any input image smaller than the full detector size will be assumed to be a sub-array image. For CCD data, the dark image is multiplied by the exposure time and divided by the gain before subtracting. This requires the dark image to already be scaled to an exposure time of 1 second and a gain of 1. The dark time is just the exposure time and does not include the idle time since the last flushing of the chip or the readout time. For MAMA data, the dark image is just multiplied by the exposure time before subtracting, again implying that the reference file be scaled to an exposure time of 1 second. This exposure time should be reflected in the EXPTIME keyword of the SCI array of the reference image. PFLTFILE, LFLTFILE, DFLTFILE - Flat-field images ACS can utilize up to three different flat-field images during calibration: the pixel-to-pixel file (PFLTFILE), the delta flat (DFLTFILE), and the low-order flat (LFLTFILE). The PFLTFILE represents the flat-field response for every pixel on the detector and has the same size as an overscantrimmed image (2048x4096 for each WFC chip and 1024x1024 for the HRC and SBC). A sample PFLTFILE is shown in Figure 4 for the WFC Chip 2. Similarly, the delta flat tracks time-dependent changes of the PFLTFILE should any be found during operation. This image, if ever used, will also have the same size as the PFLTFILE. Finally, the low-order flat accounts for any largescale flat-field variations across each detector. As such, this reference image usually gets stored in as a sub-sampled image and expanded when being applied by CALACS. It is unclear, however, if the DFLTFILE or LFLTFILE will ever be used for ACS, but CALACS provides the mechanism for applying them to ACS data should they be needed. All flat-field reference images will be chosen based on the detector, amp, gain, and filters used for the observation. Any sub-array science images will use the same reference file as a full-size image would, however, CALACS will extract the appropriate region from the reference file and apply it to the sub-array input image. These flat field images should all be scaled to a mean pixel value of 1. All the flat-field files which are to be applied to the science data will be multiplied together to form a single flat-field, then divided into the science data. In order to avoid any floating-point errors in this operation, none of the flat-field images should contain any pixels with a value of zero. 13 Figure 4: Test PFLAT file used for WFC Chip 2 SHADFILE - Shading-shutter correction image This reference file corrects the image for the differential exposure time across the detector that results from the shutter travel time as it opens to start the exposure. It is selected based on the values of the DETECTOR keyword in the input science image. This file can either be applied during cosmic-ray rejection, should that be done for the observation, or during the basic processing in ACS2D for single or REPEAT-OBS exposures. At present, this reference image is a sub-sampled, overscanned-trimmed image representing the change in exposure time across the detector due to the shutter opening. A sample shutter-shading correction image for the WFC Chip 2 is shown in Figure 5 with pixel values from 0 to 0.01. This reference image was not intended to illustrate the actual correction applicable to the WFC detector, but should be representative of the type of correction that will be applied. Currently, these reference files are sub-sampled by a factor of 8 for each dimension, resulting in a 128x128 HRC SHADFILE and a 256x512 WFC file. This reference image will be divided by the exposure time, have 1 added to it, then divided into the input science exposure during processing. The image header for this reference file should be the same as a science image taken with the same detector, with the keywords populated to reflect how the shutter-shading data was obtained. Future versions of these files may be delivered as mathematical models which can be applied to the data, rather than images, but the baseline version of CALACS was designed to work with images. 14 Figure 5: Test Shutter Shading Reference Image for WFC Chip 2. PHOTTAB - Photometry and Throughput Table Photometry on ACS observations requires a transformation from DN measured in the image to flux units. The STSDAS package synphot has a task called ‘phopar’ which can provide the parameters for that transformation; namely, PHOTFLAM, PHOTZPT, PHTOBW, and PHOTPLAM. The PHOTTAB table, with the columns listed in Table 10, provides the calibrated throughput for every filter combination used for ACS observations. This table gets selected by the DETECTOR, so every row in the table should be applicable to the observation. The columns FILTER1 and FILTER2 give the filter combinations used for that detector, and the row which has the same combination as used in the observation will be selected for use in CALACS. The calibrated throughputs are stored as arrays of NELEM elements in the WAVELENGTH and THROUGHPUT columns, forming what is commonly referred to as a 3-D table. Table 10. Columns in Photometry Reference Table Column Name Format Units Contents FILTER1 CH*24 Name of Filter1 used for observation FILTER2 CH*24 Name of Filter2 used for observation NELEM I Number of wavelengths in throughput array WAVELENGTH R[NELEM] THROUGHPUT R[NELEM] PEDIGREE CH*67 ““ How this row was created (DUMMY, GROUND) DESCRIP CH*67 ““ When this row was created Angstroms Wavelength which throughput is measured at Throughput for this filter combination 15 GEOFILE - Geometric Distortion Characteristics No geometric correction will be performed by CALACS, therefore this reference file will not be needed for operation of CALACS. However, off-line tasks will require some information regarding the geometric distortion of the detector used for the observation. This keyword will point to a calibration product which contains some description of the geometric distortion applicable to the detector for use by separate tasks. The format of this file has not been determined yet, and no tasks for correcting for this distortion exist yet. This keyword, therefore, serves as simply a place-holder for these future developments. 4. Summary Many parameters are required in order to calibrate ACS data, and the reference tables and images serve as the inputs which contain those parameters. These reference files are selected by the CDBS system and the keywords in the science image is populated with their filenames. CALACS then relies expects them to have the formats described here in order to operate properly. The descriptions of the reference files in this report should serve as the basis their creation during instrument calibration program as the camera becomes operational. 16