High Dynamic Range Imaging: Spatially Varying Pixel Exposures

High Dynamic Range Imaging:
Spatially Varying Pixel Exposures
Shree K. Nayar, Tomoo Mitsunaga
CPSC 643 Presentation # 2
Brien Flewelling
March 4th, 2009
HDR Imaging
Related Work
Where it Started
Sequential Images
Multiple Detectors, Adaptive Pixel Elements
HDR Imaging using Spatially Varying Pixel
The method
Image Aquisition
Image Reconstruction
Experimental Results
Conclusions and Future Work
High Dynamic Range Imaging:
The Idea
Perceptible intensity values span a range far
greater than can be sampled by a single
Using Various Techniques, Estimate the
camera response function in order to
accurately allocate bits in the grayscale to
energy levels in the scene.
Combining Information from Over
Exposure and Under Exposure
Consider the projection
of the illumination in a
scene to be a function
of energy rates.
Bright/Darker Regions
have a higher
probability of being
over/under exposed for
an arbitrary snapshot.
It is the combination of various
sampling techniques which allow us to
display these regions together.
Motivation: Why do we care?
High Dynamic Range images result in scene
representations much more like what is seen by the
human eye.
Artistic Purposes
Visual methods need good “landmarks” if they exist
in over/under exposed regions, this can be
In tracking, a region could be over exposed ore
under exposed frame to frame.
Methods: How to Extract HDRI info
Sequential Exposures:
Multiple Images at Various Shutter speeds or Iris
Solve a subset of pixel correspondences as an
array of linear systems
Solve for the camera response function
Map the results to the image
Methods: How to Extract HDRI info
Multiple Image Detectors
Use optical elements to generate mutiple images
sampled by different imagers
The images may have varying sensitivities,
resolution, or exposure times.
More Expensive but can handle moving objects
Multiple Sensor Elements
in Each Pixel
Reduces Resolution by a factor of 2
Simple Combination of neighboring elements
with different potential well depths.
Overall a disregarded approach since the
sensor cost is greater and performance gain is
not very high.
Adaptive Pixel Exposure
Vary the pixels sensitivity as a function of the
amount of time for its potential well to fill.
Feedback System
An Interesting and Promising Approach but..
Expensive for large scale chip designs
Very sensitive to motion or blur effects in low
light scenes
Related Work: Where it Started
[Blackwell, 1946] H. R. Blackwell. Contrast thresholds of the
human eye. Journal of the Optical Society of America,
36:624–643, 1946.
 Blackwell Studies the variations in perceptible
illumination that the human eye detects in a scene.
Many patents on HDR CCD sensors in the 1980’s
Sequential Methods for HDR Image Generation
Early 1990’s
Related Work: Sequential Exposures
[Azuma and Morimura, 1996], [Saito,1995],
[Konishi et al., 1995], [Morimura, 1993],
[Ikeda,1998], [Takahashi et al., 1997], [Burt and
Kolczynski,1993], [Madden, 1993] [Tsai, 1994].
[Mann and Picard,1995], [Debevec and Malik, 1997]
and [Mitsunagaand Nayar, 1999]
The final paper extends the estimation to include the
radiometric response function of the camera
Related Work: Hardware Solutions
Multiple Imagers
[Doi etal., 1986], [Saito, 1995], [Saito, 1996],
[Kimura, 1998],[Ikeda, 1998]
Adaptive Pixel Elements
[Street, 1998], [Handy, 1986], [Wen, 1989],
[Hamazaki, 1996], [Murakoshi, 1994] and
[Konishi et al.,1995]
[Brajovic and Kanade, 1996].
Spatially Varying Pixel Exposure
The SVE (Spatially
Varying Exposure
Let a 2x2 array of
pixels be subject to
exposures e0,e1,e2,e3
Let this array be
repeated in a mask for
the entire image
How Does this Increase the DR?
How Many Grays? (846)
K = # of exposure levels : 4
q = # of quantization levels per pixel: 256
R = Round off function
ek = exposure level
Spatial Resolution Reduction
Not a reduction by a factor of 2!
Low exposure level pixels could be noise
dominated for dim regions
High exposure level pixels could be saturated
in bright regions.
In general the spatial resolution is not
significantly reduced.
Image Reconstruction by Aggregation
Simple Averaging
Convolution with a 2x2
box filter
Results in a piecewise
linear function which is
like a gamma function
with gamma > 1
Overall produces good
HDR results except at
sharp edges
Image Reconstruction by Interpolation
If sharp features are important, the image brightness value
M(i,j) are scaled by their exposures to produce M’(i,j).
Remove all underexposed, and saturated pixels
Determine the ‘Off-grid’ points from the undiscarded ‘Ongrid’ points by interpolation.
The above equation is the cubic interpolation kernel which is used in
the least squares estimation for the off grid points
Solving for Offgrid Values by the
Interpolation Kernel
M: 16x1 on-grid brightness
F: 16x49 cubic
interpolation elements
Mo: 16x1 off-grid
brightness values
Experimental Results - Simulation
Future Work
Prototype was still being developed
Simulation proved useful in the estimation of
the nonlinear response function, can it be used
to estimate properties of scene objects?
Can this be used to estimate/handle motion
blur for moving objects?
What is an optimal pattern for variation of
pixel exposures?