Board of Trustees Finance and Administration Committee
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Cleon Thompson Center, Room 304
Mr. Shortt called the Board of Trustees (BOT) Finance and Administration Committee meeting to order at 10:45 a.m.
Roll Call: Karen Cession
Members Present: Mr. Michael Shortt
Dr. William Harris
Mr. Pradeep Sharma
Dr. Randy W. Mills, Vice Chancellor, ex-officio
Members Absent: Mr. Osyris Uqoezwa
A quorum was established.
Staff Present: Mr. Frank Lord
Ms. Rochelle Blakeney
Ms. Rosalba Ledezma
Mr. Donald Pearsall
Mr. Jonathan Smith
Mr. Wilbourne Rusere
Adoption of the agenda
Mr. Shortt moved and Dr. Harris seconded the motion to adopt the agenda. The motion passed.
Approval of the minutes
Mr. Shortt moved and Mr. Sharma seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the June 11,
2015 meeting. The motion passed.
Finance and Administration Update
Dr. Mills provided the following updates:
State Appropriations withhold for 2014-2015:
o OSBM/State proclaimed a reversion of funding in February, WSSU’s share negotiated through UNC GA was $300 thousand. o $400 million surplus in State revenue resulted in the reversion being eliminated. o Closed out the year with slight carryforward.
State Appropriations for 2015-2017: o Legislature Approved budget—2015-16 budget essentially flat---must still go through UNC Board of Governors:
WSSU Performance-based metrics: Ties for best in system.
o Meets standards in Retention, Graduation, Degree Efficiency, and
Cost per Degree
Increased Carryforward limits from 2.5% to 5.0% o New authority limited to R&R and Planning funds
$750 one-time bonus for permanent state employees
Limits use of state funds for Advancement to $1 million for campuses o WSSU is approximately $150K above.
o Significant management flexibility reduction for the System in 16-17 ($45.6 million).
Facilities Update
Consent Agent Action: Resolution for Action: North Entry Parking and Bridge –
Acquisition by Deed of NCDOT Land o The North Carolina Department of Transportation has approved the disposal of a small parcel of land (0.218 acre), surplus right of way land adjacent to the eastbound on-ramp to US 421/Business 40 at MLK, Jr. Dr. o WSSU wishes to acquire this parcel for the completion of a roadway as part of the project to construct the parking lots. o The acquisition will be processed through the State Property Office.
Consent Agenda Action: Resolution for Action: North Entry Parking and Bridge – Storm water Retention System Easement o The project will construct a storm water retention system o City of Winston Salem has required an easement for this infrastructure. o The easement will be processed through the State Property Office.
Quarterly Project Report provided in Board materials o North Entry Parking & Bridge
Bidding phase in process for the construction of a bridge over the railroad and two surface lots to provide 195 parking spaces.
Construction contract to be awarded in October; completion of work in
Summer 2016 o Sciences Building
Awaiting appropriation of construction funds. o Hauser Hall for Music
Design work is in early phase. o Physical Plant for Art + Visual Studies
Design work is in early phase.
o Residence Hall Phase II
Construction documents completed. Bidding phase started.
Will seek financing later this Fall semester to align construction schedule for occupancy in advance of Fall 2017 semester.
Hosted S&P on Sept 15 for credit rating review o Bowman Gray Stadium
Environmental assessment field work completed. Report being finalized to submit to NC DENR Brownfields Program. Brownfields Agreement required by State Property Office as a condition of the acquisition.
Financing and acquisition are anticipated not earlier than Fall 2016.
Capital Bond Project---being worked in Legislature o Primary purpose is to generate support for Capital Projects Bond proposal which includes WSSU’s General Sciences building project ($53 million) as one of 10
STEM projects. o Also includes $1.16 million in R&R funds for each year of the six-year plan.
Ms. Ledezma took a few moments to explain the policies and resolutions (North Entry Parking and Bridge Project Acquisition by Deed of NCDOT Land and North Entry Parking and Bridge
Storm Water Retention System Easement) that were being presented to the board for approval and the impact that those policies would have on the university.
Ms. Ledezma also gave a status report on all of the current capital projects. This report can be found in the September 17, 2015 meeting materials.
Mr. Rusere presented the financial report. This report can be found in the Finance and
Administration board materials.
Mr. Shortt moved and Dr. Harris seconded the motion to adjourn. The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted:
Karen Cession
Jerry M. Shortt
BOT Interim Committee Chair