TA J5 0 G UR JGO CO if }TALL 4 i8Y4--I872. SALEM. OREGON: M. WAITE. 1300K IkNI) 1013 PRINTEB. S7. EVENTH JANNUAL FATALOGUE OF THE OFFiCERS AND STUDENTS OF CORVALLIS COLLEGE, CORVALLIS, OREGON. 1871-187. SALEM, OREGON: E. M. WAITE, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER. - 18Z2. Board of Trutacs1 HON. J. C.. AVERY REV. B. F. BUROII B. R. BIDDLE, E5Q S. T. BROWN, Esq REV. B. R. BAXTER R. W. BROOK, ESQ........ JAS. A. CATJTHORN, ESQ. 7 B. F. ORABTREE, ESQ..... J. R CARD WELL, M. D A. CAUTHORN, ESQ SILAS J DAY, E5Q. REV. JOSEPH EMERY. J. L. FERGUSON, Es J. P. FRIEDLY, ESQ CIIAS. GAYLORD, ESQ II. C. KINNEY, ESQ. JOSEPH LIGGETT, ESQ A. N. LOCKE, ESQ REV. R. C. MARTIN. R. A. MCFARLAND, E5Q.. REV. C. H. E. NEWTON... J. M. OSBURN, ESQ . Corvallis. . Independence. . Corvallis. . . Corvallis. Dixie. Brownsville. Corvallis. Scio. Portland. Corvallis. Jacksonville. Corvallis. Lafiyette. Corvallis. Corvallis. Salem. Corvallis. Corvallis. Junction City. Albany. Umatilla. Corvallis. CORVALLIS COLLEGE. COEVALTIS COLLEG 4 REV. R. C. OGLESBY J. S. PALMER, ESQ Ev. A. E. SEARS G. B. SMITH, Es REV. J. W. STAHL How. R. S. STAHAN 'W. A. WILLIS, ESQ HoN. A. J. THAYER REV. W. A. FINLEY (ex-offlcio).. Dallas. Corvallis. Dixie Corvallis. Offi". Harrisburg, OITICERS OP TRE BOARD, Corvallis. .. Roseburg. Corvallis. Corvallis. REV. B. F. BUROH, President. J. A. (JATJTIIORN, HoN. R. S. STRAHAN, Secret ary. Vice President. JOS. LIGGETT, A. CAUTHORN, Collector. Treasurer. Pfl&NOIAL AND AUDITING GOMIiUTTEE. J. P. FRIEDLY, HON. R. S. STBAIIAN, JAS. A. (JATJTHORN. OONI'ERENOE VISITING COMMITTEE. REV. J. W. STAHL, REV. R. C. MARTiN. JAS. K. P. CURRIN, ESQ. COLLEGE AGENTS. REV. B. F. BUROH, REV. B. R. BAXTER. BOARDING ROUSE. MRS W. A. FINLEY. YOUNG GENTLEMEN'S BOARDING ROUSE. MRS. A. FULLER. CORVALLIS COLLEGE. co1VALS eOLLEG Aiun ct Aiun%n VacUltt 1870. M., D. D., REV. W. A. FINLEY, A. D 1oSS0B O LGtAG pRESIDT Rv., JOSEPH EMERY, PBOLSOE O1 )EMATICS. fl. MeN. FINLEY, PBOrESS0B O IWIED1&TE B., DEP'r PEOE. P. BUTAN, DEP&UTM4T o MUBIC. Miss CLARA A. WATT, M. E. L., TkCaER 01? FBBL0U .O1( POftTLAN JAS. K. P. CUKRIN,B. S ROBT. MeC. YEATCH, s. S ALICE E. BII)1)LE, B. S.. Cottage Grove. Cottage Grove. Corvallis. 4874. GEO. F. BETRKHART, B. S Lebanon. H. MeN. FINLEY, A. B. Oorvaffis. JAS. D. FOUNTAIN, i. s... Jacksonville. W. B. PRIYETT, 13. S. Corvallis. MARY J. HARRIS, B. S. FANNIE J. KENDOLL, B. S Corvallis. Corvallis. COEVALLIS COLLEGE. 10 (ORVALLI5 COLLEGE. (Jurrin Geo., Elliot Elbert W Fuller Reuben A Henderson S. L Horning Thomas D. Job Zcphin Johnson Charles E Moore Franklin N. Pugh Jas. A Right John R Rounds llezekiah K. St. Clair Mary C Wrenn Alice M Wooddy Claiborne A.. Yates Wm. E. Clackamas County. Ben ton County. Corvallis. " Liun County. Corvallis. Benton County. Corvallis. Linn County. Junior Preparatory Department. Brock (ieo. A Bunnell Alexander Carter Orville E Cleek Smith Emery Willie G Elliot Marion II Graham Win. H Hamilton Milton Hedgpeth Joel C Hodges Leander M. ilolgate Willie Lian County. Portland. Corvallis. Linn County. Corvallis. Benton County. Corvallis. Polk County. Corvallis. 11 Bunnell Ida E. Burnett Emma A. Portland. Corvallis. Briggs Miss Viola (Music only). . . . Butterfield Miss Ella " " .Bumbarger Miss Loniza.. " " .... " Crystal Miss Belle. Clark Miss Jennie Clark Miss Lulu Cauthorn C. Annie Dubrille Miss Maggie Dallas, " . . Corvallis. Beuton County. Corvallis. Emery Prof. J. French only.... Finley Mrs. S. E.....Music and French. Grear Miss Fannie Glass Miss Estella Hodges Mary E. Music only " " Holgate Mrs. E. Howe Mr. Geo. James Miss Triphosa Jackson Isaac Kennedy Mr. Wm Lovelady Miss Fannie Lee Miss Addie Lewis Miss Lou (blind) Liggett Charles Wilbur McConnell Frank Mason Miss Lou Mason Miss Ella Meets Miss Mary French only.... 3 " Music only Dallas. " " " Benton County. Music only .. . . Dallas. " " " " " " .... . . " " Corvallis. " Music only " " 12 COaVALLIB COLLI. Music only. . 13 IQORVALLI S COLLER. . . Corvallis. Markham Mrs. Linn County. Moore Mary E J Corvallis. Moore Martha . Bentun County. Neugass Bertie Osburn Mary L. Ownbey Grace A. Osburn James L Corvallis. Ownbev Robert D. . Music only Dallas. Pitman Miss Ettie Mrs. L........ Richardson Rubell Mr. Claude Butte yule. Richardson Miss Nettie.. Corval1 Rees David C '' Rutan Willie Music only Scovell Miss Mary St.Clair Wayrnan Portland. Stewart Lafayette Corvallis. Scott Fred. Gertrude L. French only. . Sprenger Dallas. Stewart Miss Mahala. Music only Millic County. Scriber Miss Yamhill Portland. Simms Susan S Corvallis. Mezeldus Music only . .. . Scott Dallas. Annie " Tyler Mrs. " County. Benton Teal Mr. Chas. Music only .. . . Corvallis. Vineyard John W Woodward Mrs. E. Piimary Department. Burnett Ida H Corvallis. Bunnell Oscar Eglin Geo. W. Portland. Benton County. Eglin James Emery Jas. McO Hodges Julia A. C. Corvallis. Hodges Jesse 0- Holgate Arthur... Jacobs Edie. ICeeton Jeirnie. Keeton John..... Liggett Minnie.. Lewis Mark A... Moore Lillie B Newhouse James. Osburn David A. '' Ben ton County. Corvallis. Benton County. '' Rutan Georgie.. Right Mary A. Corvallis. Scott Melvurn Scott Oceana. Strahan Fannie.. Taylor Jessie Portland. '' OorvaIIj 15 CORVALLIS COLLEGE. i RXMARY Seniov Class and Jirnior Class. Sophomore Freshman Class Preparatory Classes Prniary Classes Tot 5 13 21 84 22 4PARTMNT. Sanders & Wilison. Wilison. Orthography. Reading Writing. Mental Arithmetic. First Lessons in Geography Object Lessons. REPARATORY 4PARTMNT. Willson'S Series. Thompson & Robinson. Ken & Quo.ckenbos. Reading Arithmetic. English Grammar history of the United States Writing Latin, first book Greek, first book Natural Philosophy Spencerian System. McClintOCk & Crook's. Quackenbos. Mattison. Astronomy Latin Reader Greek Reader Latin Greek Testament. Physiology, first lessons. Elementary Algebra Book-Keeping. . Ccesar's Coin. fo'ar books . . Cutter. Davies Fviton & Eastman. CORVALLIB COLLEGE. CORVALLIS 16 COLLEGE. The Satires and Epistles of Horace. Lath' Greek Political Economy. Homer's odyssey. THIRD TERM. 'OLLEGIATE EPARTMNT. PRESEMAN CLASS. ?LRST 5RM. Daeies Bourdor. Composition and Rhetoric Latin Greek Q'uackenbos. SaUu.ri. Xenoplien's Anabasis. Brnrdon. Davi& Legendre. Russell. Oiyid and VirgiL Herodof u-s. Fiske. Wrtyland. Robinson. Cicero's De Senect'ate et AmiciUa. Kenophon's Memorabilia. Sheppard. JUNIOB OLASS PIEST TERM. Loomis. . Whately. Tacit us. Analytical Geometry Rhetoric. Latin.... SECOND TEL Algebra, (completed) Geometry, (tive books) Elecution Latin Greek Classical Literature Latin Greek Geometery, (completed) General History Classical Literathxe Surveying and Navigation Latin.. Greek Constitutional Text Book .Cuffer. Algebra Physiology 17 Sophocle's Electra. Greek SECOND TERM. Loomis. Calculus Chemistry Logic Porter. W7Iately. Latin.. THIRD TERM. THI5D TXUII. Virgil. Homer's Iliad. Dasie.s' Legendre. Anderson. FLeke. Olmstead. Mechanics Botany Physical Geography Greek Wood. Warren. Demosthenes' De Corona. B}EIOR OLABS. SOPHOMORE CLASS. Y11T IKRM. PIRST TERM. Leqendre cud Loomis. lianc Trigonometry sad Distences Mensuration of Surfaces, Heights The Odes and Epodes of Horace. Homers Odysse. Latin Greek Zoology Spherical Trigonometry Mensuration of Solids Legendre and Loomis Wayland and Rivers. Paley. Hart. Moral Science Natural Theology American Literature Agassiz. SECOND S'ERS. Olm8f Natural Philosophy SECOND TERM. Astronomy English Literature Olmetead. Hart. CORVALLIS COLLEGE. Goology and Mineralogy Mental Phuloaopliy Analogy of Religion Criticism Law of Nations. Evidences of christiauity 1)eelamation and in Composition, There will be weekly exercises Original Addreses )liscciiancoi Infoation. AdmisBion, Examination, Etc. Candidates for admission, if from another institution, must satisfy the Faculty with respect to their honorable withdrawal from the same. None will he admitted into the Freshman Class under fourteen years of age; nor into any advanced class without a corresponding Candidates will be examined on the studies previously pursued by the class which they propose to enter Public examinations of the classes are made at the close of the year, and no student who absents himself from the examination, or fails to master the studies of the session, will be permitted to proceed with his class. Scientific Course. The full Collegiate Course above prescribed is earnestly recommended as best for all, but if any prefer to omit the Ancient Lanage. guages, they can pursue the Scientijic Course, embracing the remaining studies in the foregoing scheme. Degrees. The degrees of Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts, and Master of Arts are the regular degrees conferred by the College. The first named is granted to those who complete, in a satisfactory manner, the Scientific Course. The degree of Bachelor of Arts is conferred on those only who pursue the full course, Classical and Scientific. The degree of Master of Arts may be conferred, Sin course, on every Bachelor of Arts of three years' standing, or more, who has 4 80 OOtVALLIS COLLEQJ, OORVAI.tlS COLLEUE. 20 occupation, graduation, in some literary conferred since his It will be been engaged, sustained a good moral character. week before Commenceand has apply for it at least a the customary fee. only on those who provide for the payment of ment, and Female Department. classes and will all the College admitted into conferred upon Young ladies will be honors and diplomas as are to the seine be entitled that this arrangemental discipline young gentlemen. for the thorough instructors will be secured In addition to the competent give them, ment will Drawing, etc. departments of Music, Painting, Location, To County, Oregon. Corv.11i. Benton The College is located in Corvlljs, there is no need of mentionscenery, is unsurthose who have once visited of climate and natural the slubrity and city, in point ing that our Corvallis is justly noted for passed in the State. healthfulness of its climate. Sessions, sessions of fourteen weeks Year is divided into three The School vacation of ten weeks. each, There is one Merit and Demerit. is kept, ud demerit of each pupil parents and of the merit A daily record to the examination of which is at all times subject guardians. Expenses. TtJVrsoN 19fl $555105. $ (3 00 $8 00 & 10 00 12 00 , 13 00 . 15 00 Primary Department (English) Dcp't Preparatory (Classical) Collegiate (Irreilar) " t.ftegnlar) " .. i 'e.*s 21 SXTRAL .Music (Piano) Modern Languages, each Graduating Pee, Classical Course Scientific Course.. $17 50 8 00 10 00 5 00 Payment. Tuition is payable in all cases in advance. When payment is delayed until the close of the session, ten per cent, additional will be charged. No one living out of the county will be admitted into the classes until tuition fees are paid. Special conditions to Clergymen. Pupils in the Preparatory Department can enter at any time, and pay from the time of entering to the close of the sessiofl. No deduction is made for absence of less than two weeks, and then only in cases of sickness. Pupils in the Collegiate Course will in all cases, be charged from ide beginning of the sessionprovided they are advanced with their classes. Payment required in U. S. GOLD COIN. Funds. The parent of each minor in the male department is expected to name some member of the Faculty as the guardian of his son while attending College, with whom his funds shall be deposited, and to whom he shall be accountable for their proper use. The funds for young ladies must be deposited with the keeper of the boarding house. Most of our difficulties arise from the improper use of money injudiciously intrusted to pupils. All persons are forbidden to trust a minor without the consent of his or her guardian. Boarding. No pupil will be allowed to board at a place not approved by the Faculty; and no pupil will be allowed to change from one boarding place to another without permission. (OJ.VALLIS GOLLEGE. 00jVALLIS OOLLllG o Young Ladies' board at th -who can receive required to relatives responsItY of Young ladies will be have near unless they Boarding House, willing to assume the entire who are them, and er week. at half this their government. board themselves Boarding four dollars p rooms, can Young men, by renting amount. an, and Gamma Literary Societies Societies tthe Adolph weekly for De- which met There are two Literary the College, connection with CompOsitiofl. Clii) in bate, Declamation, and GoveTnmeflt. .ild, but firm. Our will be m I develop the mental The discipli of he institution calculated to believe best ricious, or whose inrules are such as we pupil who is idle or All pupils over nd moral faculties. No be permitted to remain laws before enteT detrimental, will tinence is be required to sign the fourteen years of age will jug the clas5e apptopflate reliEe1igioas Exercises. opened with each day are at some place of duti es of The publiC these and also upon oOi5 exercises. Attendance required of all pupils. abbath is orship0ntbuS Caleflaft! fo 1872'7 4th, 1872. First Session begins September5th, 1872. ends December 9th, 1872. Second Session begins December ends March 20th, 1873. 24, 1873. Third Session begins MarchJune 20th, 11373. amnuttion begins Annual ex June 26th, 1873. OomlnenCemexit, Thursday, College Laws. elieViUg that the perfection of gOver1ant con5i5 teackliig 23 others to govern thenmselves, the Trustees publish the following rules, more to indicate the principles which students will be required to observe than to constitute a code of statutes: 1. Students will be required to abstain from all obscene and profane language. . They will be expected to maintain a gentlemanly deportment towards teachers and one another. No student shall play at cards or billiards, or frequent places of gambling or drinking, or buy, keep or use in his room or elsewhere, any intoxicating liquors. No one can remain a member of this Institution who is idle or vicious, or whose inlluence is considered detrimental to the discipline or reputation of the College. Young ladies boarding in the village or vicinity, who are under the care of the Faculty, will not be permitted to receive the visits of young gentlemen without the written consent of their parents, under such restrictions as the Faculty may require. All students will be required to practice punctuality and diligence, and to yield prompt and cheerful obedience to such additional regulations as the Faculty may from time to time find it expedient to adopt. College Library and Cabinet. Donations to the Library and Cabinet of Natural Curosities are solicited from friends throughout the State. CORVALLIS COLLEGE. 24 cORV.ALB COLLG of the folof 1868, by the passage Agricultural the The Legislature, at the session COLLEGT designated CoB'VALLIS lowing bill, College of the State: by Congress to Location of the Lands Donated College. secure the An ACT to College, and to es ablish5 anAgriCM1t1 the State for Ass emlfly of t1e Skzte qf Oregon Be it enacted by the Legi.Shltivhi C. Avery Miller, J. H. Douthit, and J. with power--Scrios 1. That J. F. constituted a Board of Commissioners,is entitled by act of are hereby which this State To locate all the lands toestablishing an Agricultural College; the Congress, for the purpose of made, to report the same to such locations are and as soon as and perSecretary of State. further organization consideration the College, such To take into establishment of Congress making fecting of a plan for the permanent requirements of the Act of first day with the Governor by the in accordance and report the same to the such donation, that may of August, 1870. by appointment, the College vacancies in provisions of this Act. 3. To fill all let under the Senatorial dlstr occur in any the Corvallis other provisions are made, adopted as the Agricultural ColSic. 2. That until provisions of this Act shall College is hereby designated and seut under the lege, in which all students sciences and other studies, in accord making such be instructed in all the arts, of the Act of Congress the requirements ance with donation. 25 Szc. 3. Each State Senator is hereby authorized and empowered to select one student, not less than sixteen years of age, who shall be received by the Faculty of said College, and instructed by them in the manner provided in this Act, for the tpace of two years, unless such student shall be discharged for misconduct; Provided, however, That this act shall not be binding until the Trustees of said College shall adopt a resolution, and file a certified copy thereof with the Secretary of State, assenting to and agreeing on their part to faith. fully carry out the provisions of this Act. Sec. 4. Upon the certificate of the Prident of the Corvallis College that any student so appointed is in attendance at school, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State at the. middle of each quarter, to draw his warrant upon the State Treasurer in favor of said College for the sum of 11 25 for each student so attending. And it shall be the duty of the State Treasurer to pay such warrants out of any funds in his hands not otherwise appropriated, and a separate account of such funds shall be kept, and designated the Agricultural College Funds." Szc. 5. All funds paid out in accordance with the provisions of the foregoing sections, with interest thereon at ten per cent, per annum, shall be refunded to the State Treasurer from the first interest that shall accrue from the proceeds of the sale of any lands located 4- for said College. Szc. 6. The Board of Commissioners hereby created shall make all the reports required by law, and shall each receive a salary of five dollars per day for the number of days actually employed, to be paid upon the sworn statement of such Commissioner. WHSBEAS, It appears that unless an Agricultural College is provided by law at this session of the Legislature, the grant by Congress will be lost, therefore this Act shall take effect from the date of its passage. Aprzovn, October 27, A. D. 1868. The Trustees of the College met on the 31st day of October, A. D. 1868, when the following preamble and resolution, accepting the CORVALLIS COLLEGE. 27 CORVALLIS COLL 26 Legislative Assembly donation made by the tion, adopted: Wusiuc.&a, The Legisl Oc on the twenty-fifth of the locatic Act to secure Agricultural College and been approved October WUEBSAS, Said Legis as the pro dents sent under CoRvLtx.Is COLLEOE all the arts, sciences, an quirerneut3 of the Act of fore Be U resolVed by he with all its privilege s an promise on our part faiti B. R. Bmin, &creta The Board at a subse the purpose of preparing Mechanic Arts, said corn Board of Trustees. were read, arid on mo- y of the State of Oregon did, "An 1868, pass an Act entitled for an to the State s donated having such College, the seine bly did designate and adopt sttiral College, in which all in d Act should be instructed the reaccordance with as, in eking such donations; thereThat said Act, and we hereby accepted, a is of aaii Act. out the provisions BRYAN, Prwidt'nt pro em. orvallLi CoUege, for eting, appointed a committee and the of study in Agncult0 the report at the next session of Agcuiti1 ouie. "Chemietry is the corner-stone of Scientific Agrlculture."Da. JOHN A. WABDR. "Without a knowledge of Physics, of Chemistry, and of Agricul-. tural Geology, in the widest signification, is no understanding of Plant and Animal life to be gained. The Natural Sciences can never be learned thoroughly, that is, so that practical application of them can be made in life, from books or lectures. The student will grasp, understand, and assimilate mentally what he has learned, and read only when he makes Chemical Experiments, Physical Experiments, dissects Plants, and investigales and observes for himself." The work laid down in the following course is designed at once to supplement and explain the lectures delivered from time to time on the various branches of Agriculture, and to afford such general education as is absolutely necessary to progress in any direction, and which must, for the present, be provided for students here since they do not bring it with them. Students desiring to remain but a single year and pursue special branches during that time, will be allowed to do so. Apparatus. The College is provided with a new and splendid Apparatus, for illustrating the principles of Physical Science. Course of Study. FIRST YEAIi.FirSt Term.Chemical Physics and Inorganic Chemistry, Structural and Physiological Botany. First five books of Davies' Legendre. Second Term.Organic Chemistry. How Crops Grow. English Language. 5 CORVALLiS COLLEGE. COLLO (ORVA1' Third T Al1alieue Earths, Co11eCt10 SeCOiLd Earths, etc Eng1u ngflege. Geometii prewing. Tr1U ._Gei1e1 omy: how Plants Feed. o1ogY Third DeteCüOfl of the AllUdi, Systematic Botany ; 1iCut5O Terfl1._Qt YiB'°'t Separation of the E1emeflt SiCOD Detection and ology. iudySi. ,_Qutett 29 knClysiS contUfl1e AppoL veving and Chain of ZooGenera1 PrinciP1 PrinCiPl of Geology. DaWiI opogtaPhi fls.0e0bogy of Oregon. ud Vegetable EconAnimal Phyiii- Vegetabk EconoiflY. 1intO niology. -a. An Act to Permanently Locate the Agricultural College of Oregon. Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon: SEcTIoie 1. That Corvallis College, in Benton County, is hereby Agricultural College of tie signated and permanently adopted as the th e State of Oregon, in which nfl students seut under the provisions of law shall be instructed in accordance withthe requirements of the Act of Congress approved on the 2d day of July, 1862, granting public lands to the several States and Territories which might provide Colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic atts, and the Acts amendatory thereof. Ssc. 2. The following persons, to wit: J. C. Avery, L.F. Grover and N. H. Cranor, are hereby constituted a Board of Commissioners to propose a plan for the instruction and education of the students in said Agricultural College, and to prepare rules, regulations, and by-1an' for the government of the same, all of which shall be submitted to the Legislative Assembly at its next regular session for its adoption or rejection, anil in the mean time the said College shall be governed by and under the provisions of the Act of the Legislative Assembly, approved the 27th day of October, 1868. in relation to said College. shall, by SEC. 3. That the Board of Trustees of Corvallis College resolution, accept the provisions of this Act, and agree to be bound by the same within thirty days after its passage, and cause a copy of said resolution to be filed with the Secretary of State; and upon :dUIlH ._LALr' $ CORVALLIS COLLEGE. CORVALLIS COLL with to forward to the Secretary of the State of Oregon a copy of the foregoing preambles and resolutions. B. S. STRAHAN, Prerident. Attest: B. B. BIDDLE, &crekn,j. Filed in office of Secretary of the State, N 0vember 2, 1870. to have rejected its they shall be leemed to do so, their failure law permanently PTOVISIODS. there is no provision of Act shall take efInasmuch as Oregon, this Ssc. 4. College of approval by the Governor locating the Agricultural from and after its in force fect an4 be Arvcotan October 21, 1S70. as follows: College Trustees of Corvallis College, Acceptance of of Trustees of Corvallis BentOn the Board in thd city of Corvallis. A special meeting of eambles College Building the following pr in the was held 1870, at which October 2fl, County, Oregon, adopted were unanimously Assembly of the State of and resolutions Legislative "Art Act to By the Act of the Session, entitled Sixth Biennial Oregon," it is proviat the College of Oregon, passed Agricultural locate the College, in Beaten County, permanently that Corvallis other things, adopted as the Agricultural ded among under the designated and permanently which all students sent requireis hereby Oregon, in with the College of the State of instructed in accordance of July, 1862, provisions of law shall be approved on the 24 day Act of Congress and Territories which meats of an and the mclands to the several States of agriculture granting public colleges for the benotit might provide the Legislative ebanie arts; and provided by said Act of of Trustees of is further WIISREM, It Oregon, that "the Board provisions of accept the. Assembly of the State of should, by resolution, thirty days after Corvallis College bound by the saute, within agree to he to he tiled with the said Act and copy of said resolution they shall be avd cause a to do so, its passage, their failure Stateand upon it therefore Secretary of its provisions;" be CoUege, That said Corvallis deemed to have rejected Thustees of hoard of As- (ho Legislative provisions of said Act of by the same. accept the be bound Board does directed forthand they do agree to sembly afoesaid, of the Board is hereby the Secretary Iksotved, That Resoh'cd by Site 31 Since the above acceptance, the Trustees of the College have pnrched an Expenment0j Farni, COnsistingof thirty-five acres of good land, well improved on whii 1'nxgj0ci Ajriculture, by the pupils of this Dept1Jent ha5 been carried onsince April 12th, 1871. i11eJudjp good orchard, neat dwelling house, The cost of barn, etc., $4,500. As soon as arms and accoutrements are received from the Executive, means will be taken to carry out the provisions of the Act of Congress in relation to Military Instruction and Discipline. Attendance. Students in this department are required to present certificates of appointment and take their places in the class by the first week in October. Tuition. Tuition is charged, in all cases, from date of appointment. ci CORVALLIS OOLLBG .32 it. ata1ue of Payton J. A Pugh J. A. StSts. Bryson J. Cochran W. T Crawtbrd T. Lint' County. Lane " C' ii......................Lane YamhUl Crawford W. (1. . (to fill vacancy). . Coos . Currin G Dodson IL F .Marioi EdmestOn 3. E.. .(to fill vacancy).. . Eglin J. B....................Olackam Fountain P. L....................Douglas Fuller B. A....................Joseplicie Grimes G. A....................Umatilla Hedgpcth J. C......................Polk ilerrin W. F....................Jackson Irvin S. G ...................Washington L.....................Baker B.....................IAiui Ligget.t L. N ...................Marion Locke A. 3 ......................Wasco Kennedy 3. Mc Call it W ...................Yamhill Lane (to fill vacancy) Moore F. N Motley it. T......................Benton : 'C 'C . ....................Grant lion 0. 33 From County Appointect. 2Vam8. Prom County 4ppoiitea. Narita. CO1IVALLIS COLLEGE. C' U U 'C 'C 'C U 'C C' C' Multnomah County. Coos and Curry Marion Rees D. C.. Smith D. D. Multnomah Vineyard J. W.. . (to fill vacancy). . Marion Wooddy C. A Multnomah Recapitulation. Baker County Benton County. 1 Clackarnas Qoun ty Coos and Curry Counties 1 Douglas County Grant County Jackson County Josephene County Lane County Linn County: Marion County. Multnomah County Polk County. 1 LTmatifla County 1 Union County Washington County. Wasco County Yamhill County 1 Total. 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 3 3 1 1 1 2 27 -