SIXTH ANNUAL CATALOGUE op OFFICERS AND STUDENTS op CORVALLIS COLLEGE, OR,yALLIS, REGON 87o--.87I. SALEM, OREGON: B. M. WAITE, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER. 1871. OF TRUSTEES. lioN. .1. 0. AVEIRY Rv. B. F. BIJROH B. R. RIDDLE, Es S. T. BROWN, ESQ. vWM. B. BRYAN, ESQ Corvallis. Independence. Corvallis. Lebanon. Dixie. Brownsville, Corvallis. Scio. REV. B. R. BAXTER frR. W. BROOK, E5Q JAS. A. CAUTHORIN, Esq p D. F. CRABTREE, ESQ R. CARDWELL, M. D.............Portland. Corvallis. CAUTHORN, ESQ k JacksonyiUe. SILAS J. DAY, E5Q Corvallis, v. JOSEPH EMERY Lafayette. J. L. FERGUSON, ESQ Corvallis, P. FRIEDLY, ESQ VCHAS. GAYLORD, ESQ Saletn kR. C. KINNEY, ESQ Corvallis. /JOSEPH LIGGETT, E5Q A. N. LOCKE, EsQ REV. R. C. MARTIN R. A. M0FARLAND, E5Q... REV. 0. IL E. NEWTON.... Lancaster. Albany, Umatilla. 4 CORVALLIS COLLEGE. CORVALLIS COLLEG* RiIv. R. C. OGLESBY HENRY PIN KSTON, ESQ Riv. A E. SEARS G. B SMITH, ESQ Riv. J. W. STAHL HON. B. S. STRAHAN W. A. WILLIS, EsQ lION. A. J. THAYER CYRUS WESTLAKE, ESQ . Dallas. Roseburg. Dallas. Corvallis. Harrisburg. . Corvallis. Roseburg. Corvallis. Albany. iiv. W. A. FINLEY (ex officio).........Corvallis. 5 OFFICERS OF THE BOARD. REV. A. E. SEARS, Pi'esident. B. B. RIDDLE, HON. R. S. STRAHAN, Secretary. Vice President. S. T. BROWN, A. CAUTHORN, Collector. Treasurer. FINANCIAL AND AUDITING COMMITTEE. A. HOLDER, HoN. B. S. STRAHAN, JAS. A. CAUTHORN. CONFERENCE VISITING COMMITTEE. REV. R. C. MARTIN, REV. B. R. BAXTER, REV. J. W. STAHL COLLEGE AGENTS. REV. B. F. BURGH, REV. B. B BAXTER. YOUNG LADIES' BOARDING HOUSE. MRS. D. F. CBABTREE. YOUNG GENTLEMEN'S BOARDING HOUSES. REV. JOSEPH EMERY, JOSEPH LIGGETT. 6 CORVALLIS COLLEGR. CORVALLIS COLLEGR. 7 J:;%AcULTY. L.UMNI. lv. W. A. FINLEY, A. M., Preezde,it and Professor of Languages. 1870. REV. JOSEPH EMERY, Professor of .2Jfathemat ice. W. W. MORELAND, B. S., Professor of JVatura Science.,. JAS. K. P. OURRIN W. T. JOHNSON, A. B., ALICE E. BIDDLE Gommercial Department. MASTER JACOB BRENNER, Afusic Department. BOOK PQR TLA Cottage Grove. ROBERT McC. ITEATCH Corvallis. COTVVALLIS 8 9 'OLTEGE. OIVALLJS OOLLEG. French H. Chrissinger Charles N. Clark...., William T. Cochran William H. Privett Mary J. Harris Fannie J. Kendoli Benton County. Linn County. Corvallis. Linu County. ' " Benton County. '' Sophomore and Junior Class. Franklin Orabtree John B. Elgin Samuel CL Irvin Leauder N. Liggett Alonzo J. Locke James K. P. Weatherford Rosa Jacobs Melissa Stewart TAnn County. Benton County. Corvallis. Daniel L. Carroll..... Umatilla. Lirn County. Jerome Gaylord George A. Grimes William F. Herrin Oscar L. Ison Isaac Jacobs Kieber F. Oshurn Frank P. Robertson. Corvallis. Linn County. Jacksonville. Baker County. Corvallis. Benton County. Corvallis. George W. Sperry..................Linn County. Corvallis. Albany., Emmet H. Taylor William B. Westlake .Tohn F. Westlake Flora L. Canterbury Cora L. A. Conch. Annie S. Dhse Arvilla J. Davis Clai'a M. Thayer Corvallis. Linn County. Corvallis. Harrisburg. Corvallis. Corvallis. Senior Preparatory Department Lane County. James A. Beatty Joseph Beatty Brownsville. John Il. Bryson Polk County. Samuel B. Burch Corvallis. Frank 0. Cauthorn Brownsville. Robert M. Chrissinger .............Linn County. Linu County. Freshman Olass. George C. Blakely . Linu County. Pleasant L. Fountain ............Josephine County. Senior Olass, George F. Burkh art [-Jugli MoN. Finley .Jame D. Fountain . Edward E. Davis*....................I-Iarrisburg. TUDENTS, Thomas 0. Alexander. . Union County. *Expeuled for druukennes. 2 - ,- '-''' -. .'. - - 11 CORVALLIS OOLLEO E. 10 CORVALLIS COLLEGE. Thos. 3. Cline .. John M. Cochran Geoige W. Cooper Thomas IL Cooper Zopliar Davis Henry F. Dodsoli Elms ii. Harris John H. I-iaskins James B. Iiornmg Franklin Jack S. Thomas Jeffreys Charles E. Johnson Joseph B. Kennedy William H. Kinder Alfred 1. Locke Robert W. McCall Medford A. Moore Rudolph T. Motley Moses Neugas John A. Fayton C. Clyde i'ennington Albany. Lane County. Linn County. Benton County. H arriSl)Urg. Grant County. Corvallis. Monroe. Benton County. Linn County. Folk County. Corvallis. Linn County. Ben ton County. McMinnville. Lane County. Benton County. Corvallis. Baker CQunty. Liun County. Benton County. Yamhill County. Albany. George M. Porter Sylvander S. Simms Dalazon 1). Smith John Scott...................Beriton County. Corvallis. Granville Q. Stewart Linn County. Logan B. Thompson Linn County. William E. Yate, .. LaneS County. Celestia Blachly .. Linn County. Corvallis. Corvallis. Rachel M. Crabtree Mary A. Eglin Hattie M. Harris Monroe. Corvallis. Liun County. Corvallis. . Florence E. 1-laskins Sarah L. Kline Irne Maley Maria E. Murray Liiin County. Idilla R Fenington Emma A. Tl'ayer. Corvallis, Clara B. Wrenn Miss Cora Bayley, (music only) Miss Belle Wilson Master Lafayette Wilson, (music only) '. Junior Preparatory Department Napoleon Avery James G. Cherry Benjamin C. Eglin Willie G. Emery Stepheu Gaylord George W. Harris Leander M. Hodges Thomas Horning Jesse J. Houck Zephin Job Charles Horning Charles Wilbur Liggett Clifford Liggett Frank B. McConnell Corvallis. Folk County. Corvallis. Corvallis. Benton County. Corvahlis Benton County. Corvallis. Corvallis. Corvallis. CORVALLIS COLLEGE. CORVALLiS COLLEGE. 12 Franklin N. Moore James L. Osbitru John R. Right I-lezekiah N. Rounds Richard J. Savage Wayman St. Clair Lafhyette Stewart William D. Washburn Addie Allen Mary C. Crabtree Mary E. I-lodges Casa Lewis Ora Lewis Mary A. Moore Lane County. Benton County. Corvallis. Benton County. Salem. Corvallis. '' Brownsville. Philomath. Linn County. Benton County. Benton County. Lane County. Corvallis. Gertrude T. Sprenger Nettie 0. Robertson James MoO. Emery Arthur J. Friedley Norton Gaylord Jesse G. I-lodges George horning Jacob .J. Keiter Mark A. Lewis Boise L. Manning rIllIonipSon R. Manning Benton County. David A. Osburn... Johnnie P. Perham Corvallis. Ben ton County. Johnson M. Porter Charles T. Rounds Stanton Stryker Eddie Thayer ' Calvin W. Yates Lavina A. Eglin Corvallis. Linn County. Corvallis. Benton County. .Corvallis. Benton County. Corvallis. Maggie E. Friedley Lizzie Gaylord Julia A. C. Hodges Edie Jacobs Sallie C. Manning Bertie Neugass Mary L. Osburn Fannie Strahan Benton County. Corvallis. Summary, Primary Department. Cary C. Barker George F. Eglin 1) Corvallis. Benton County. Corvallis. Benton County. Corvallis. Benton County. Monroe. .. Benton County. Corvallis. 'C 'Senior Class Sophomore and Junior Class Freshman Class lreparatory Classess Primary Classes Total 7 8 23 78 27 143 14 SECOND ERM. Algebra (completed) FOURSE OF Geometry (five books Elocution TUDY. PRIMARY DEPARTMENL Orthography (Sanders & Mental Arithmetic. First Lessons in G-eograWillsoii). phy. Reading (Wilison). Object Lessons. Writing. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. Latin Greek Classical Literature COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT. FRESHMAN CLASS-FIRST TERM. Da'viee' Bourdon. Cutter. Quacicenbos. . Sallus& Xen op hen's Anabasis Bourdon. Davies' Legendre. Russell. Ovid and Virgil. Herodotus. Fiske. THIRD TERM. Virgil. Latin Greek Geometry (comp1 eted) Reading (Willson's series). Astronomy (Mattison). Arithmetic (Thompson & Latin Reader. Greek Reader. Robinson). English CTranimar (Ken Latin (Cmsar's Corn, four books). & Quackenbos). History of the United Greek Testament. Physiology, first lessons States. Writing (Spencerian Sys- (Cutter). Elementary Algebra (Datem). Latin, first book (McClin- vies). Book-Keeping (Fulton & tock & Crook's). Eastman). Greek, first book. Natural Philosophy (Quackenbos). Algebra Physiology Composition and Rhetoric Latin Greek 15 00EV ALLIS COLL}.GE. CORVALLIS COLLEGS. Homer's iliad. Davies' Legendre Anderson. Fiske. General History Classical Literature SOPHOMORE CLASS-FIRST TEEM. Legendre and Loomis. Plane Trigonometry Mensuration of Surfaces, heights and Distances " The Odes and Epodes of Horace. Latin Homer's Odyssey.. Greek Agassiz. Zoology SECOND TERM. Legendre and Loomis. Spherical Trigonometry Mensuration of Solids The Satires and Epistles of Horace. Latin Homer's Odyssey. Greek Wayland. Political Economy THIRD TEEM. Robinson. Surveying and Navigation (j'icero'e Dc Senectute el Amicitia. Latin Xenophon's Memorabilia Greek Sheppard Constitutional Text Book lB CORVALLIS COLLEGE, CORVALLIS COLLEGE. 17 JUNIOR CLASSFIRST TERM. Loomis. Analytical Geometry Rhetoric Latin Greek Whately. Tacit us. Sophocle's Electra. 1 ISCELLANEOUS JNFORMAT10 SECOND TERM. Loomis Porter. Whately. Juvenal. Calculus Chemistry - Logic Latin THIRD TERM. Olmstead. Wood. Mechanics Botany Physical Geography Demosthenes' De Corona. Greek SENIOR CLASSFIRST TERM. Olmstead. Natural Philosophy Moral Science Natural Theology Wayland and Rivers. Paley. SECOND TERM. Astronomy English Literature Geology and Mineralogy Mental Philosophy Olmstead. Shaw. Hitchcock. Up/vim. THIRD TERM. Analogy of Religion Criticism Law of Nations Butler. Kames. Vattel. Paley. Evidences of Christianity There will be weekly exercises in Composition, IeclamatiOn and Original Addresses. Admission, Examination, Etc. Candidates for admission, if from another institution, must satisfy the faculty with respect to their honorable withdrawal front the same. None will be admitted into the Freshman Class tinder fourteen years of rge; nor into any advanced class without a corresponding age. Candidates will be examined on the studies previously pursued by the class which they propose to enter. Public examinations of the classes are made at the close of the year, and no student who absents himself from the examinatk,n, or fails to master the studies of the session, will be permitted to proceed with his class. Scientific Course. The full Collegiate Course above prescribed is earnestly recommended as best for all, but if any prefer to omit the Ancient Languages, they can pursue the Sciin the entific Course, embracing the remaining studies foregoing scheme. 3 13 CORVALLIS COLLEGE. CORVALLIS COLLEGE. Degrees. 19 The degrees of Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts, and Master of Arts are the regular degrees conferred by the College. The first named is granted to those who complete, in a satisftctory manner, the Scientific Course. there is no need of mentioning that our city, in point of climate and natural reenery, is unsurpassed in the State. Corvallis is justly noted for the salubrity and The degree of Bachelor of Arts is conferred on those only who pursue the full course, Classical and Scien- The School Year is divided into three sessions of fourteen weeks each. There is one vacation of ten tific. The degree of Master of Arts may be conferred, in course, on every Bachelor of Arts of three years standing, or more, who has been engaged, since his graduation, in some literary occupation, and has sustained a good moral character. It will be conferred only on those who apply for it at least a week beibre Commencement, and provide for the payiiierit of the custoinary fee. Female Department. Young ladies will be admitted into all the College Classes and will be entitled to the same honors and diplouas as are conferred upon young gentlemen. lii addition to the thorough mental discipline that this arrangement will give them, competent instructors will be secured for the departments of Music, Painting, Prawing, etc. Location. The College is located in Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon. To those who have once visited Corvallis, healthfulness of its climate. Sessions, weeks. Merit and Demerit. A daily record of the merit and deincrt of each Pupil is kept, w Itichi is at all times subject to the examination of parents and guardians. Expenses. TUITION PER SESSION, Primary Dep't Preparatory (English) " (Classical) " Collegiate (Irregular) " (Regular) " $ 0 00 $3 00 & 10 00 12 00 13 00 15 00 EXTRAS, Music, (Piano) Modern Languages, each Graduating Fee, Classical Course " " Scientific Course 17 50 8 00 10 00 5 00 Payment. Tuition is payable in all cases in advance. When payment is delayed until the close of the session, ten per cent. additional will be charged, 20 CORVALLIS GOLLEGE. No one living out of the county will be admitted into the classes until tuition fees are paid. Special conditions to Clergymen. Pupils in the Preparatory Department can enter at any time, and pay from the time of enterLnq to the close of the session. No deduction is made for absence of less titan two weeks, and then only in cases of sickness. Pupils in the Collegiate Course will, in. all ca8es. be charged from the beinniny of the scssion provided they are advanced with their classes. Payment requited in U. S. GOLD CoIN. Funds. The parent of each minor in the male department is expected to itame some member of the Faculty as the guardian of his son while attending College, with whom his funds shall be deposited. and to whom he shall be accountable for their proper use. The fiutd for oung ladies must be depossted with the keeper of the boarding house. Most of our difficulties arise frcm the improper use of money injudiciously intrusted to pupils. All persons are forbidden to trust a minor without the consent of his or her guardian. Boarding. No pupil will be allowed to board at a place not approved by the Faculty; and no pupil will be allowed to change from one boarding place to another without permission. Young ladies will be required to board at the Young COTWALLIS COLLEGE. 21 Ladies Boarding Bouse, unless they have near relatives who can receive them, and who are willing to assume the entire responsibility of their government. Boarding four dollars per week. Young men, by renting rooms, can board themselves at half this amount. Literary Sooiety. There is a Literary Society (the Adelpitian) in connection with the College, which meets weekly fhr De. bate, Declamation, and Composition. Government. The of' the institution will be mild, but Our rules are such as we believe best calculated to develop the mental and moral facultk,s. No pupil who is idle or vicious, or whose influence is detrimental, will IJe permitted to remain. All pupils over fiurteen years of age vihl be required to sign the laws before entering the classes. firm. Beligious Exercises, The public duties of each day are opened with appropriate religious exercises. Attendance upon these and also at some place of worship on the Sabbath i required of all pupils. Oalendar for 1871--72. First Session begins September 13, 1871. First Session ends December 16, 1871. Second Session begins December 18,1871, 22 CORVALLiS COLLEGE. COIiVALLIS COLLEGE. Second Scsion ends Mmcli 21, 1872. Third Session begins Maceli 25, 1872. A tin nal Exam lilation begins Jit tie 21. 1872. Comuienceineut Exercises, Tb ursday, June 27,1872. College Laws. Belic ing flint the perkction of government consists in tencilitig <titers to govern themselves, the Trustees publMi the following rules, more to in(heate the primepics hich students will be required to observe than to constitute a code of statutes Students vihl he required to abstain fromall obscene and profinie iauguage. They will he expected to maintain a gentlemanly (Jeportitient towards teachers ajid one another. No sthdent shall play at Cards or billiards, or frequent places of gambling or citinking, or buy, keep, or use in his room or elsewhere, any thtoxicating liquors. 1'o one can remain a member of this Institution who is idle or vicious, or whose influence is considered detrimental to the discipline or reputation of the College. Young ladies, boarding in the village or vicinit, who are iindei the care of the Faculty, will not be permitted to receive the visits of young gentlemen, GRICULTURAL 23 OLLEGE. The Legislature, at its last session, by the passage of the following bill, designated C0uvALLIS COLLEGE as the Agricultural College of the State: AN ACT to secure the Location of the Lands Donated by Congress to the State for an Agricultural College, and to establish such College. Be it enacted by the Lgis?ative A.ssernly of the State of Oregon: Sxc'rioN 1. That J. F. Miller, J. H. Douti1it, and J. C. Avery are hereby constituted a Board of Corniii issioners, with powerTo locate all the lands to which this State is entitled by act of Congress, for the purpose of establish-. imig an Agricultuial College ; and as soon as such locations are made, to report the same to the Secretary of State. adopt. To take into consideration Ihe further organization and perfhcting of a plait for the permanent es tttbhishinent of such College, in accordance with the requirements of the Act of Congress making such (10nation, and report the same to the Governor by the first day ot August, 1870. To fill all vacancies in the College. by appointment, that may occur iii any senatorial district under College Library and Cabinet. Donations to the Library and Cabinet of Natural Curiosities are solicited from friends tliroughont the State. cOuVAL[,IS COLLEGE is hereby designated and adopted as the Agricultural College, in whtitli all students seut under the provisions of' this Act shall be instructed iii without tlb written consent of their pfrents, under such restrictions as the Faculty may require. All students will be required to practice punettiahit and diligence, and to yield proitipt and cheerful obedience to such additional regulations as time Faculty may from time to time find it expedient to the provisions of' this act. SEc. 2. That until other provisions are made, the 25 CORVALLIS COLLEGE. CORVALLIS COLLEGE. all the arts, sciences, and other studies, in accordance with the requirements of the Act of Congress making such donation. Sm. 3. Each State Senator is heneby authorized and empowered to select one student, not less thaii sbteen ears of age, who shall be received by the Faculty of said College, and instructed by them in the College is provided by law at this session of the Legislature, the grant by Congrebs will be lost, therefore this Act shall take effect from the date of its passage. Approved October 27, A. D. 1868. year, unless stich stu(lent shall be discharged for mis- Legislative Assembly were read, and on motion, 24 manner provided in this Act, for the space of two conduct; P'avided, however, That this act shall not be binding until the Trustees of said College shall adopt a resolut on, and file a certified copy thereof with the Secretary of State, assenting to and agreeing on their part to faithfully carry out the provisions of this Act. Sic. 4. Upon the certificate of the President of the Corvallis College that any student so appointed is in attendance at school, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State; at the middle of each quarter, to draw his warrant upon the State Treasurer in fitvor of said College for time sum of 11 2.5 for each student so attending. And it shall be time duty of the State Treasjirer to pay such warrants out of ammy funds in his hands not otherwise appropriated, and a separate account of such f\mnds shall be kept, and designated the "Agricultural College Funds." SEc. 5. All funds paid out in accordance with the provisions of tIme foregoing sections, with interest there- on at ten per cent, per annum, shall be refunded to the State Treasurer from the first interest that shall accrue from the proceeds of the sale of any lands located for said College. SEC. 0. The Board of Commissioners hereby creat&j shall make all the reports required by law, and shall each receive a salary of five dollars per day for the number of days actually employed, to be paid upon the sworn statement of such Commissioner. WuEREAS, It appears that, unless an Agricultural The Trustees of the Coflege met on the 31st day of October, A. D. 1.868, when the following preamble and resolution, accepting th donation made by the adopted: WHEREAS, The Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon did, on the twenty-fifth of October, A.D. 1868, pass an Act entitled "An Act to secure the location of the lands donated to the State for an Agricultural College, and to establish such College, the same having been approved October 27th; and WHEREAS, Said Legislative Assembly did designate and adopt CORVALLIS COLLEGE as the Agricultural Col- lege, in which all students sent under the provisions of said Act should be instructed in all the arts, sciences, and other studies, in accordance with the requirements of the Act of Congress making such donations; therefore Be 'it resolved by the Trustees of Corva.11s College, That said Act, with all its privileges and requirements is hereby accepted, and we promise on our part faithfully to carry out the provisions of said Act. W. B. BRYAN, President pro tern. B. B. BIDDLE, Secretary. The Board, at a subsequent meeting, appointed a committee for the purpose of preparing a course of study in Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, said committee to report at the next session of the Board of Trustees. 4 26 CORVALLIS COLLEGE. CORVALLIS COLLEGE. '27 Oourse of' Study. FIRST YER.--Fir8t Term .Chemi cal Physics and Inorganic Chemistry, Structural and Physiological Botany. First five books of Davies' Legendre. Second Term.Organic Chemistry. GRICUL.TURAL OUISE. "Chemistry is the corner-stone of Scientific Agriculture.DiI. JOHN A. WARDER. " Without a knowledge of Physics, of Chemistry, and of Agricultural Geology, in the widest signifieation, is no understanding of' lant and Animal life to be gained. The Natural Sciences can never be Iearne thorougly that is, so that practical application of them can be made in life, from books or lectures. The stu- dent will grasp, understand, and assimilate mentally what lie has learned, and read only when lie makes U1iemical Jperiments, Physical Experiment, dissects Plants, and inestiyates and observes for himself." The work laid down in the following course is designed at once to supplement and explain the lectures delivered from time to time on the various branches of' Agriculture, and to afford such general education as is absolutely necessary to progress in any direction, and which must, for the present., be provided for students here, since they do not bring it with them. Students desiring to remain but a single year and pursue special branches during that. time, will be allowed to do so. Apparatus. The Cuilege is provided with a new and splendid Apparatus, for illustrating the Principles of Physical Science. Grow. English Language. How Crops Third Term.Qualitative Analysis. Detection of the Alkalies, Alkaline Earths, Earths, etc. Systematic Botany; Excursions and Collections. English Language. SECOND YEAR.First Term.Qnalitati ye Analysis continued. Detection and Separation of tile Elements. Chain Surveying and Mensuration. Geometrical Drawing. General Principles of Zoology. Second Term.Gen eral Principles of Geology. Vegetable Economy: I-low Plants Feed. Topograph- caI Drawig. Animal Physiology. Third ferm.Geology of Oregon. Economy. Entomology. Vegetable 28 CORVALLIS COLLEGE. PPENDIX Au Act to Permanently Locate the Agricultural CORVALLIS COLLEGE. 29 resolution to be filed with the Secretary of State; and upon their failure to do so, they shall be deemed to have rejected its provisions. SEC. 4. Inasmuch as there is no provision of law permanently locating the Agricultural College of Oregon, this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its approval by the Governor. Approved October 21, 1870, Oollege of Oregon. Be it enacted by the LegLslative Assembly of the &ate of Oregon: SECTION 1. That Corvallis College, in Benton County. is hereby designated and permanently adopted as the Agricultural College of the State of Oregon in which all students sent under the provisions of law shall be instructed hi accordance with the requir- inents of the Act of Congress approved on the 2d day of July, 1862, granting public lands to the several States and Territories which might provide Colleges for the benefit of agriculture arid the mechanic arts, and the Acts amendatory thereof. SE0. 2. The following persons, to wit : J; C. Avery, L; F. Grover arid . El. Cranor, are hereby constituted a Bpard of Commissioners to propose a plan for ti-ic instruction and education of the students in said Agricultural College, and to prepare rules regulations, and by-laws, for the government of the same, all of which shall be submitted to the Legislative Assembly at its next regular session for its adoption or rejectimi, and in the mean time the said College shall be go erned by and under the provisions of the Act of the Legislative Assembly, approved the 27th day of October 1868, in relation to said College. SEC. 3. That the Board of Trustees of Corvallis ollege shall, by resolution, accept the provisions of this Act, and agree to be bound by the same within thirty days ufter its passage, arid cause a copy of said POR I LA Acceptance of Trustees of Corvallis College, as follows: A special meeting of the Board of Trustees of Corvalhis College was held in the College Building in the city of Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, October 29, 1870, at which the following preambles and resolutions were unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, By an Act of thc Legislative Assembly of the State cf Oregon, passed at the Sixth Biennial Session, entitled "An Act to permanently locate the Agricultural College of Oregon," it is provided among other things, that Corvallis College, in Benton County, is hereby designated arid permanently adopted as the Agricultural College of the State of Oregon, in which all students sent under the provisions of law shall be instructed in accordance with the requirements of an Act of Congress approved on the 2d day of July, 1862, granting public lands to the several States and Territories which might provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts; and, WHEREAS, It is further provided by said Act of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon, that "the Board of Trustees of Corvallis College should, by resolution, accept the provisions of said Act and agree to he bound by the same, within thirty days after its passage, and cause a copy of said resolution to be filed with the Secretary of Stateand upon their failure to 31 CORVALLIS COLLEGE. CORVALLIS COLLEGE. 30 do so, they shall be deemed to have rejected its provisions ;" be it therefore Resolved bt the Board of Trustees of Uorvallis College, That said Board does accept the provisions of said Act of the Legislative Assembly aforesaid, and they do agree to be bound by the same. Resolved, That the Secretary of the Board is hereby directed forthwith to forward to the Secretary of the State of Oregon a copy of the foregoing preambles and resolutions. R. S. STR AllAN, President. Attest: B. R. B1DDLE, Secretary. Filed in office of Secretary of the State November 2, 1870. Since the above acceptance, the Trustees of the College have purchased an Experimental Farm, consisting of thirty-five acres, on which work has been prosecuted since April 12th. The cost of farm, including good orchard, neat dwelling house, barn, etc., $4,500. As soon as arms and accoutrements are received from the Executive, means will be taken to carry out the provisions of the Act of Congress in relation to Military Instruction and Discipline. Attendance. Students in this department are required to present certificates of appointment and take their places in the class by the first week in October. Tuition. Tuition is charged, in all cases, from date of appointment. ATAL.OGUE OF JTUDENTS. Names. T. C. Alexander J. A. Beatty 0-. C. Blakely S. B. Burch D. L. Carroll C. N. Clark J. N. Cochran E. E. 1)avis H. F. Dodson J. B. Eglin P. L. Fountain W. F. Herrin 0. L. Ison J. R. Kennedy N. Liggett A. J. Locke H. W. McCall A. Moore H. T. Motley J. A. Payton H. J. Savage D. 1). Sni ith lOom County Appointed. Washington County. Marion Linn Polk TJuion Umatilla Lane Linu Grant Ciackamas Douglas Jackson Baker Coos and Curry Marion Wasco Yamhill Lane Benton Muitnomab Josephine Muitnomab 4' PORTLAN Total Yamhill County Wasco County Washington County Union County Umatilla County Polk County Multnomah County Marion County Linn County Lane County Josephine County Jackson County Grant Cornity Douglas Counties Curry and Coos County Clackamas County Benton County Baker Recapitulation. 32 COLLEGR. CORVALLIS