the Lt to FOURTH ANNUAL CATALOGUE OF OFFICERS AND STUDENTS OF Jdj[,Lc!; iLl CORVALLIS, OREGON, i868-i I SA AMERICA N OB OFFICE I)T'[iO 1Of 1KV ){OOI J1NOIXfl KVDI1[1W. NOO-flIO iInIV 698 I-999 'NDfE[}IO 'SITIYAIO) L{(11J )onIyj4y ([\T fl)TL1() r[y1NNV ii1Iao1 CORVALLIS COLLEGE. STUDENTS. OTtCERS O' E BOAE.D. Bv. A. B. SEARS, President. B. B. BIDDLE, JIoi. R. S. STBAI1Al, Vice presdeUt. S. T. BBOWI, A. CAUTRORN, Treasurer. Collector. CONYERENC VIS1Tfl B. B. BAXTER. COBtMITT Rz'r. C. B. IL NEWTON. Rav.J.W.8TT. COLLEGE AGEN'. Bar. B. F. BURCB. BOABDIG gOUSE. YOUNG LADIES' RaY. W. A. FINLEY. YOUNG J1YPIO1t CLASS. SecretarY. BOA1DG ROUSE. GENTL-'5 JOSBI Ii EMERY. IkCULTY. RaY. W. A. FINLEY, A. 1'., President and Professor of Languages RaY. JOSEPB EMERY, professor of Mathematics. B. S. WILLIAM W. MORELAND, Primary Department. Mas. FANNIE ARMSTRONG, Music Departmeflt. Corvallis. Edwin W. I3iddle Cottage Grove. Corvallis. Corvallis. Cottage Grove. Corvallis. James K. P. Currin' Louis F. Horning Charles J. Mulkey Robert M. Veatch. Alice E. l3ddte. FBESIIMA? CLASS. Thomas C. Alexanthr George F. Burkhart'. Edward E. Davis Hugh MeN. Finley. J. 1). Fountain Henry A. Fuller William H. Holder. Kleber F. Osburn. W. R. Privett James 0. Writaman Benton County Lebanon. Harrisburg. Corvallis. Harrisburg. Folk County. Corvallis. Benton County. Linn County J3enton County. Lizzie flutterfleld Avie E. Canterbury Corvallis. Corvallis. Corvallis. Emma Cauhorn Arvilla J. Davis Henrietta Dobse Mary J. Harris Ross Jacobs Fannie J. Kendall Lorra 0. St. Clair Mahala Stewart Harrisburg. Corvallis. Bentun County. Corvallis, Benton County. Corvallis. Corvallis. 2 grulLuratCoItee Studants. CORVALLIS COLLEGE CORVALLIS COLLEGE. St PREPARATORY J5EPSXTM}NT. George W. Avery James C. Avery Isaac W. Berry' Sanjoel H. Bureb Charles W. flutter Abbott L. Canterbury I). Carroll' W. U. Chapman' L(ôss F. French IL Obrissioger I?rnnklio Crablree John B. Eglio Gilbert Gaylord. Jerome Gaylord Stephen Gaylord William IV. Harris L. 0. leon' Samuel G. Irvin. I5FInC JItCObs Zephin Job Simon U. Kline Aloozo J. Locke' Alfred Locke William Mobley John \Y, Moore Medford A. Moore Logan I'. Mulkey Most!s James L. Osbura Veedius M. l'reston it. D, Handle' Frank I'. Robertson. John Smith Andrew .1. Smith' Leander Stannus Corcallk. Corvallis. Jackson Co. Polk County. Corvallis, Corvallis. Union County. Josepbin Co. Corvallis. Lina County. Lian County. flinton County. Corvallis. Corvallis. CorralliR. Benton Count,. Baker Co. Corvallis. Corvallis. Corvallis, Corvallis. Heutun (Jou ii tY. fenton County. Corvallis. Lane County. I ane County. Corvallis, Corvallis. fenton County. Corvalli,i. Vhulomatb. Gorvauis. Ilenton County. Polk County. Benton County Corvallis. Corvallis. Corvallis. Benton County. Brownsville. Linn County. Multoornab Co. ConaThe. Liun County. Wayrnan St. Clair Jehiel Stewart*. Newton A. Thompson. Henry C. Tyler. James K. P. Weatherford* William H. Wheeler. W. H. Wilmot*. Franklin E. Wrenn. 'William B, Yotea ..................... Maggie Butterfield. Cora L. A. Couch. Flora L. Canterbury. Mary T. Chenoweth. Annie S. Dobse. Mattie J. Graham. Anna Hamilton Fannie Hamilton Dorena Jacobs JennieF. Locke. ITelen ft. Milhiuni. Clara A. Itead, alsmissed) Ella Stannus ..... Melissa Stewart,. Abigail Tharp. Alice K Wrenn Miss Caroline Harris, (Music only) Miss Maria Murray, (Music only). Corvallis. Harrisburg. Benton (ounty. Corva1lis. Corvallis. Corvallis. Corvallis. Corvallis. Corvallis. Beoton County. Lane County. l3entot' County. Benton County. Corvallis. Yaquina. Corvallis. PRITMAZY DEP&RTMET. Napoleon Avery Able Butler F'antley w. Canterbury Frank 0. Cauthorn. B. M. Chrissinger Churles Dolme ien3nmin C. Eglin Corvallis. .Corvaflis. Corvallis. Corvallis. .Linn County. Corvallis. Corvallis. CORVALLIS COLLEGR Vrjlijo G. Emery.. Corvallis. Corvallis. Corvallis. Corvallis. Corvallis. Corvallis. Corvallis. Corvallis. Corvallis. Dallas. Benton County Corvallis. ,Corvalli.s. .Benton County. Norton Gaylord William H. Graham Charles B. Johnson Willie Y. Masters. Frank McConnell.. Johnson M. Porter.. Louis N. Smith. Lafayette Stewart Johunte H. Whitley Annie C. Cauthorn Elizabeth Gaylord. Hettie Morebouse... Amanda L. Price. Nettle 0. Robertson. Oorvalli. COURSE OF STUDY. PRIMARY DEPARTMZN'r. Orthography (Ssnder A WillMental Arithmetic. son). Pirst Leesons iu Geography. Reading (Wilison). Object Lessons. Writing. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. Reading (Wilson's Series). Arithmetic (Thompson inson). SffMMARY. Junior Class Freshman Class. Preparatory Classes Primary Classes Total Rob- English Grammar (Ke r I & 6 20 62 Natural Philosophy (Quakenboe.) Astronomy (Matthon). Latin Reader. Greek Reader. Latin (Cmsar's Corn., 4 books). Greek Testament. Quackenbos). History of the United States, Writing (Spencerian system), Latui, first book (MOlintok & Phyielogy, first Crooks). lesons(Cuttr) BlementaryAigobrn. (Davies). Greek, first book. Book-Keeping (}'ultou A Eastman). 110 COLLEGIAPE DEPARTMENT. Algebra FaECRMIN CLAS5FIJu'r 'FiRM. Dsvk !tou.-do,i Fhysiokgy Composition *nd Rhetoiio (Yuft.,r L&tin Greeic Vetoplso ') 5ECO) PSdtSt. Algebra (completed) Geometry (five books). !Jourdon Le,j.,,Ir. * r CORVALLIS COLLEGE. 1:1 and has suStained a good moral character. It will be conferred only on those who apply br IL at least a week before commencement, and pr's-ide for the payment of the custnmry fee. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. FEMALE DEPAXTMET. .tDMISMION. EX.tMINtTION. ET(. must satCandidates for admission, if from another Institution, withdrawal from respect to their honorable isfy the Faculty with the same, the Freshman Class under fourteen None is iii be tdinitti'd into advanced class without a correspondyears ci age nor into any the studies previously ing age. Candidates will be eumined on they propose to enter. purund by the class which of the Public examinations of the classes are made at the doe, the examination, from year, and no student who absents himself session, will l,e permitted to or fails to roaster the studies 0t the proceed with his class, loting ladies will be admitted into all the College Classes, and will be entitled to the sense honors and diplomas as are conferred upon young gentlemen. In addition to the thorough mental discipline that this arrange. meut will give them, competent instructors wilt be secured for the departments of Music, Painting, Drawing. etc. LOCATION The College is located in Corvallis, Bento County, Oregon. To these who have once visited Corvallis, there is flu need of men- tioning that our city, in point of climate and natural scenery, is unsurpassed in the State. Cors-sillis is justly noted for the onlubrity an'I lieahthfulucss of 1t climate. CIENTIFI 0 COIJICSE. The full Collegiate Course abov e prescribed, is earnestly recointhe Ancient Lenmended as best for all, l,ut if any prefer to omit Scientific Course, embracing the regnages, they can pursue the mainiflg studies in the foregoing scbeme. SE$1ONS5. The School Year i divided into three eesions of fourteen weeks each. There is one vacation of ten weeks. MERIT AND DEMERIT. REF.$. Bacholor of Arts, and Master The degree of Itachetor of Science, conferred by the College. of Arts, are the regular degrees szitisfacThe first natijed is granted to those who complete. in a tory manner, the scientific course. those, anly. who The degree of Bachelor f Artø is conferred on Classical and Scientific. pursue the full course, course, on in The degree of Master of Arts may be c,,nfcrred,more, who has of three years standing, or every Bachelor of Arts occupation, graduation, in some literary been engaged, since his A daily record of the merit and demerit of each pupil i' kept, which is at all times subject to the examination of parents and guardians. EXPEN$FS. TUITiON PER SESSION, Primary Dep't $ 6 00 Preparatory "(Engliah)$8 00 & 10 00 CORVALLrS OOLLEG& 14 TUITION, PER SESSION, Preparatory" (Classical) Collegiate " (Irregular) (Regular) EXTRAS, Music, (Piano) Modern Languages, eaoh.. Graduating Fee, Classinal Course. Scientific Course. $12 00 13 00 15 00 8 00 10 00 5 00 PAYMENT. When payment is Tuition is payable m all eases in advance. additional will the session, ten per cent. delayed until the close of be charged. into the classNo one living out of the county will be admitted es until tuition fees are paid. Special eondition to Clergym eu enteriuj Pupils can enter at any time, and pay from the iiu fsence of deduction is madc for ab No to the close of the seeeios. sickness less than two weeks, and then. oni y in cases of Payment required in U. S. Goaz Cone. HOARDING. not approved by the No pupil will be allowed to board at a place from one boardwill be allowed to change Faculty; and no pupil ing house to another without permission. Young Ladies' Young Ladles will be required to board at thewho can receive they have near relatives Boarding house, unless entire responsibility of them, and who are willing to assume the their government. Boarding four dollars per week. at half this Young men, by renting rooms, can board themselves amount. LITEHAEV OCIETt. connection with There is a Literary Society (the Adeiphian) in Declamation and the College, which meets weekly for Debate, Composition. GOVERNMENT. The disoipline of the Institution will be mild, but firm. Our rules are snoh as we believe best caloulated to develop the mental whose inand moral faculties. No pupil who is idle or vicious, or All pupils be permitted to remain. fluence is detrimental, will over fourteen years of age will be required to sign the laws before entering the classes. i.xt*rior RCIE5m. The public duties of each day are opened with appropriate reliAttendance upon these, and also at some place of gious exercises. worship on the Sabbath, is required of all pupils. C1NDA] FO 1S69-7O. First Session begins September 8, 1869. First Session ends December 16, 1869. Second Session begins December 20, 1869. Second Session ends March 23, 1870. Third cssion begins March 27, 1870.1870. Annual Examination begins June 2?, June 30, 1870. Commencement Exercises, Thursday, COX.GJ IAW5'4. Believing that the perfection of government consists in teaching ethers te govern themselves, the Trusteee publish the following which students will be re rules, snore to indicate the principles qnired to observe than to constitute a code of statutes Students will be required to abstain from all obscene and pro- fane language. They will be expected to maintain a gentlemanly deportment towards the teachers and one another. No student shall play at cards os billiards, or frequent places of gambling or drinking, or buy, keep, or use in his room or elsewhere, any intoxicating liquors. 1(1 CORVALLIS COLL1GE. 4. No ono can remain a member of the lustitution who is idle or vicious, or whose influence is considered jetrjntental to the liecipline or reputation of the College. i. Young ladies boarding in the village or vicinity, who are under the care of the Faculty, will not be permitted to receive the viSits of young geutlenien, without the written conSent of their parents. under such restrictions as the Faculty may require. 6. All students will he required to practice punctuality and diligence, and to yield prompt and cheerful obedience to such additional regulations as the Faculty msy from time to time find it expedient to adopt. ('OLL]3(E ].113fl.A1tY A n Donations to the Library and Cabinet of Natural Curiosities are solicited from friends throughout the State. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. The Legislature, at its last session, by the passage of the following bill, designated CORVALLIS COLLEGE as the Agricultural Col- lege of the State AN ACT to secure the Location of the Lands Donated by Congress to the State for an Agricultural College, Red to establish snob Iollege. 1k ( 1(31 ii'- !yihtiic .1 se,,,b1j of chc Si0 Ic of (Jieiou .1. C. Avery SECTIOS 1. That .1. F. Miller, J. II. Douthit. aud with powerare hereby euntituied a Board ,f Commissioners, State is entitled by To locate all the lands to which this an Agricultural act of Congress, for the purpose of establishing made, to report the same College; and, as soon as such locations are to the Secretory of State and To take into consideration th further organication ot ueh Colliar eating of a plan for the permanent cstnbliehmenl the Act of Congress ut lege, in accordance with the requtreitietits making such donation. and report (he same to th overnor by the first (lay ot .ugust, 1S70 that To till all vacancies in the Collage, by appuinunant, ut this may occur lii au semi atoriul district uniter i he ir visions Act. the ConvAtus SEc. 2. That, until cititer provisions are made, COL.KGs: is hereby de-signatod anti adopted its the Agricultural Col- of this Act lege, in which all students sent under the provisions halI he instructed in all the arts, sciences, and other studies, in of Congress muting accordance with the ucquirunients iii the Act such donation. Sec. 3. lah State Senator is hereby s.uthoriceml uiud euulsdwereul to select otto student, not less thaui sitecn years ot age, who by shall be received by the Faculty nt said College, and instructed them in the manner provided in this Act, for the pacs ut two years, unless such student shall he dischargeil for misconduct be binding until the !'r.,ciikd, however, That this Act shall umot Trustees of said College shall adopt a resuhction, and tile a earthtied copy thereof with the Secretary of State. assenting ta, and agreeing tin their part to faithtully carry itut the provisions of this act. Sgc. 4. lJpoi the certificate of the Prasiden of the Corvallis College that any student so appointed is in attendance at school,. it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State, at the middle of eaàh 4 4 18 CORVALLiS COLLEGE. ii quarter, to draw his warrant upon the State Treasurer in favor of the said College for the sum of 1i.2ö for each student so attending. And it shall be the duty of the State Treasurer to pay such warrants out of any funds in his hando not otherwise appropriated, and a separat o account of such funds shalt be kept, and designated the agricult nra! eulli funds.'' Sec. 2. A fonts ,tuid out in aceordance with the provisions of the foregoing Ifsections, with interest thereon at ten per cent, per sunum, shalt be refunded to the State Treasurer from the first juiciest that shall accrue from the proceeds of the sale of any lands l,n'Ieil for said College. Sec. 6. The Board of Commissioners hereby created shall make ill liii. report o required by Is V intl shall ch receiVe ii salary II live ,li,Ilur p er lay for the titimber of days actually employed, to tie pu id upon the sworn totctnent of such Cotnmissioner. Wic eaes, It appesis that, unluss all uricuItura1 college is provideul by law sessioll if (ho Legislature, (he grant by Congios will be itt this clieretutre this Act dial I take effect from the date if its passage. Approved Oct,,ber 27, A. D. 1868. ThL Trustees of the College met on the 31st lay of October, A. I). 1868, wheui the following preamble and resolution, accepting the donation undo iv the Legislative Assembly, were read, and, on motion, adopted WILKItCAS, The Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon did. on the twenty-6tth of October, 'e. D. 1868, pass an Act entitled An Act to secure the location of the lands donated to the State 1 fu,m' an Agricultitrum I College, and to establish such College, the same having been approved October 27th ; and WHeREAS. Said Legislative Assembly did designate and adopt CORVALLIS COLLiuSE as the Agricultural College, in which till stu- tents sent under the provisions of said Act should be instructed ifi ill t'me arts, sciences, null other studies, in accordance with the requirements wi the Act of Congress making such donation therefore, 1k it resolce,/ b,i tI' 7',,mstc,uu, of Vorrutije U,,Uee. That said Act, with all its privileges and requirements. is hereby accepted, sod we promise on our port faithfully to carry citit the provisions of said Act. W. B. BRYAN, President pcu frau. B. it. DJIIIILP:, Secretary. ('lie Board, at a suluseilUent tneeLing, uppoiuitell It tomutittet' for tlt pit rputse ol preparing a Cov,a'i thldy in Agriettl (U re and fit Mechanic Arts, uid eutmiutittee ti report lit the next nssion of the Board of Trustees. 1 itt 484k