CATALOGUE OF CORVALLIS C U I iT'fl J_d \j CoRvLTIs, OREGON. SEPTEMBER, i866-J[JLY, 1867. 'I SECOND ANNUAL CATALOGUE OF OFFICERS AND STUDENTS OF CORVALLIS COLLEGE, L- CORVALLIS, ORLGON 1866-1867. PORTLAND, ORECON: A. C. WALlING & CO., BOOK \NE) JOB PRINTERS. 1867. BOARD OP TRUSTEES. Rev. B. F. Bureh, Independence. Robt. Xinne, Esq., Lafayette. R. Biddle, Esq., Corvallis. A. N. Locke. Esq., Corvallis. S. T. Brown, Esq., It. A. McFarland, Esq., Liun County Wm. B. Bryan, Esq., Rev. H. C. Martin, Monroe. M. Canterbury, M.D., E. T. Perkins, Req., Corvallis. F. Crabtreo, Req., Linn County. Harry Pincston, Req., Rooeburg. Silas Day, Esq., Jacksonville. Jackson Ruder, Eoq., Jacksonville. J. L. Ferguson, Esq., Laflyette. A. Roberts, Faq., I'ortlnnd. J. P. Friedley, Esq., Corvallis. Rev. A. E. Sears, Lafayette. W. B. Jlaiuilton, Esq., (I. B. Sneitli, Req., Corvallis. A. Holder, Fsq., Rev. C. II. N. Newton, Jacksonville. Rev. Joe. Kolsay, W. A. Willis, Eoq., Roseburg. Rev. W. A. Finley, (r qfflcis) Corvallis. Officers of the Board. Rev. JAMES KELSAY, President. B. R. BIDDLE, Esq., Seo'y. M. CANTERBURY, M. D., Treas. Rev. W. A. FINLEY, Assiotan Tress. Conference Visiting Committee. Rev. A. E. Sears. Rev. C. H. E. Newton. Rev. J. W. Stahl. Examining Committee. Hon. E. Woodward. M. Canterbury, M. I). Prof. 0. S. Frambes. STUDENTS. FACULTY. Collegiate Department. HES!)vMeE. wAMES. Rev. W. A. FINLEY, A. M., President, and Professor of Languages. IL N. ARMSTRONG, Esq., Professor of Mathematics. MISS FRANKIE HAMILTON, Chas. A. llacken,toa l',rtlzuid. Edwia IV Diddle, Corvallis. Geo. F. Burkliart, Jas. C. Canterbury, Franklin I). horning, ,Jas. B. Johnson Chas. F. Mulkey, Ezra C. Wyatt, Linu Cninty. Corvallis. Benton County. Corvallis. Benton County. Primary Department. MISS H. F. STEVENS, Preparatory Department. and MISS FANNIE MULKEY, Music Department. Thos. Alexander, Geo. W. Avery, Jas. C. Avery Jas. R. Baldwin, George Diddle, L. Abbott Canterbury, Ross F. Chenoweth, 'Lindus Chenoweth, French M. Chrissinger Jno. W. Collins Francis M. Cook, Wm. B. Dixon, John B. Elgin, Sigmund Fox, Henry A. Fuller, Gilbert Gaylord, Jerome Gaylord, Benton County. Corvallis. Ynquina. Corvallis. Liars County. l'enton County. Corvallis. Yaquina. Benton County. 'orva1lis. Polk County. Corvallis. 6 COBXALLIS COLLEGE. CO1tVAI.1,TS COLLFSGE. aAMF.S ItESISIENCE. Chas. A. Graves, Corvallis. Joo. N. Hamilton, Ananias harris Win. W. Harris Elias H. Harris Wm. H. Holder, Robt. J. Horning, Benton County. , Corvallis. Benton County. Aquila. Hubbard, Moses hurt, Willie Hurt, Isaac Jacobs Corvallis. Thomaa Kelsay, 5' Simon L. Kline, Christopher Ledgorwood Thos. C. Mubloy, Logan P Mulkey Walter S. Norton Klober F. Osborne, V. M. Preston, Roseburg. Walla Walla. Corvallis. Benton County. Corvallis. Jas.W. Rayburn Wm. F. ltayburn - Peter Roberts, John Scott Alexander Smith, Portland. Benton County. " John Smith, Jehial Stewart, Wns. E. Thornton, ',Vm. II. Wheeler, Benj. F. Willis, Josephus Wilson, La Fayette Y. Willson, Walter II. Wrezn F. Emmett Wrenn, Matilda J. Amen, Alice F. Riddle, Mary V. Briggo Jane Butterfield, Lizzie Butterfield Maggie Butterfield, Ella Butterfield, Annie F. Canterbury * Deceased.......... Corvallis. Linn County. Roseburg. Benton County Corvallis. Benton County. Corvallis. Corvallis. . S . 7 NAMES flES1fleNCE. Emma Cauthorn, Mary T. Cheuoweth Martha Clarke, Mary N. Cool Henrietta Pobse, Annie . Dohse, Ella H. Dorr Annie E. Finley Louiza Friedlev, Serepta Fuller, Lizzie Fuller, Maggie A. Graham, Martha Graham, Eudora Hamilton, Annie A. hamilton Fannie B. Jlamilton Caroline Harris Mary H. Ilaskins, Matilda J. II iH Cynthia A. horning, Rebecca J. Hubbard, Frances J. Irwin Dorena Jacobs, Rosa Jacobs, Sarah Kline, Vie. La Due, Alice F. Newhouso, Sarah A. Perkins, Clara A. Rend Sarah F. Roberta Roselle J. Russell Mahala Russell, Ella Stannu Lorra 0. St. Clair Mahala Stewart..... 011ie C. Taupert, Charlotts A. Thompson, Clemmie M. Tuller Edith M. Tuller, Mary E. Wheeler, Belle Wreen Alice Wrenn Clara B. Wrvnn Corvallis. - Benton County. Corvallis. Santa Clara, Cal. l3enton County. Corvallis. Ynquina. Benton County. Corvallis. Monroe. Ben ton Coun tv. Corvallis. Linn County. Corvallis. hlenton County. Portland. Corvallis. llenton County. Corvallis. Harrisburg. Corvallis. - -. lion County. Corvallis. . Benton County. CORVALLIS COLLEGE. 8 RESII)ENCE. NAMES. Corvallis. Miss Frankie Avery, (Music only) Mrs. S. E. Finley, Miss Frankie hamilton Miss Annie Irvin, Miss Alice Johnson, Miss Fannie Mulkey, Mrs. Maria C. North.°' Primary Department. Napoleon Avery Wm. II. Bernard, Jobnnis Butterfield, Fantley W. Canterbury Robt. M. Chrissinger, Chas. Dohse, Benj. C. Elgin Stephen Gaylord, Milton Hamilton Benj. W. harris, Thos. H. horning Robt. A. Irwin, Jas. C. Irwin Richard S. Irwin Zephin Job, Wm. W. Lceper, Moses Neugass Jas. Osborne Johnson Porter, Frank P. Robertsn, Corvallis. - Linn County. Corvallis Benton County. Corvallis. NAMES 5tESl1flNC}:. Nettle Bryant..............................................................Benton County. Clara Bernard,O Jcnnie Canterbury, Annie C. Caulliorn Mary A. Eglin, Fanny Elliott, Celia Friendley, Lizzie IIanilton Emma M. Hanslin, Ida Harris Olive horns, Jenelo Hurt, Pauline Kline Isadora Lecper, Flora Lehman Fannie Odeneal, Nettic 0. Robertson, Mary L. Scott Sarah C. Scott, Mary C. St. Clair Belle Wilson, Mary H. Wrono Corvs Ills. Benton County. Corvallis. Portlaiul. Corvallis. Mouton County. Corvallis. Bnton County. Corvallis. Benton County. * Deceased. Benton County. Corvallis. Benton County. Corvallis. Benton County. Hezekiah Rounds Marion Scott, Columbus Scott, James Scott Wayxnan St. Clair Alfred Titus George Titus Offerton Willson Benton County. Corvallis. Flora Bryant Benton County. * Deceased. CORVALLIS COLLEGE. Corvallis. Mobs Females 86 81 Total 167 C011VAL11S COLLEGE. II Ssiplioiiiojc Class.-..I5irst 'l'ezin. Geometry Completed Latin Dories' J.eje,idrc. Viva ('uijoiirioi (ha? I/(h)(He. (I reck / 'ieee L'onbpoeiliii a nil i/care's ()l,ce /. Plane Trigonoiiiet ry Meneura tion of So rtaccs, Jjejgh t s ant iSlet niece COURSE OF STUDY. . Legend1, iiii 1 1. va IC. do. Literature of the Nliietceiitb Century C/err/and. Sccond Term. Spherical Trigononie try Mensuration of Solids Latin PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Orthography, Reading, (Wilisnu) CIero 's Toccatas Dinp fa / Iioo. U reek Xenopleon's Jhm'aa h d10. Greek Mental Arithmetic, First Lessons in Geography, Object Lessons. Wri1in, I egen i/hr an ,l L o',m Ic. do. do. Epinde o/ Navigation and Surveying (Jeneral history Analytical Geometry. ReacTing, (Wilison's serieS) Astronomy. (Brockelsby) Arithmetic, (Thomson) Latin Reader, English Grammar, (Clarke) Greek Reader, IIistor of the United States, Latin, (Camar's Corn,' four Books) Writing, (Spencorian System) Greek Testament, Latin,lst Book,(McClint'k A Crook's) Physiology, first lessons, (Cutter) Greek, ist Book, do. Elementary Algebra, (Davies) Natural Philosophy, (Parker) Book-Keeping, Fulton A Easton. Looni hi H Rhetoric Political Text ItoolLatin It 7aeituc. Greek ''op/h or/ce' Flee/re,. Second 'l'erm. Mechanics Ol,n n/cit. Chemistry... J',,rtc r. Looic............... Natural Philosophy Dai'(es' Bourdsit. j CaUse. liionsoji. ..&illset. Xenop/ios's Anabasi. I Qlworcd. Moral Science Astronomy lVoglosel. S'sell's 0mm/ed. Pale/I. Evidences of Christianity Natural Theology Patcy. Second Term. Second Term. Compendium English Literature Classical Literaturc Wnylaad. L'oehii,e5 and Dcn,octJ,eses Dc Corona. Senior Class--First 'i'erm, Freshman ClassFirst Term. Greek lh/iOtcle/J. Political Economy Greek COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT. Geometi, (fivo Books) Latin J'anl. flvelee. Willsen. Junior Class--F/rst Term. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. Algebra Physiology Elocution,, Latin Greek. . 'l. Davies' Legendre. Virgil. Ilerodofss. Cleretasd, Fiske, Criticism ...... Mental Philosophy Geology and Mineralogy Botany International Law Arn ices. / j) ii a ii JII(el,eoek. lVcmod. YoUr!. There will be weekly exercises iii Compieit ion, Deelimnomtiin and Original Adilrecas. COlivALJ;js COLLECE. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION.. Admissioii, Examination, Etc. Candidates for admission, if from another Institution, must satisfy the Faculty with respect to their honorable withdrawal from the same. None will be admitted into the Freshman Class under fourteen years of age; nor into an advanced class without a corresponding age. Candidates will be examined on the studies previously pursued by the class which they propose to enter. Public examinations of the classes are made at the close of the year. and no student who absents himself from the examination, or fails to master the studies of the session, itl be permitted to proceed with his clitss. The ilrst named is granted to those who complete, in a satisfactory manner, the Scientific course. The degree of Bachelor of Arts is conferred on those, only, who pursue the fill co e, Classical and Scientific. The degree of Master .of Arts may be conferred, in course, on every Bachelor of Arts of three years' standing, or more, who has been engaged, since his graduation, in some literary occupation, and has sustained a good moral character, it will be conferred only oti those who apply for it at least a week before commencement, and Provide for the piLyment of the customary fee. F'emale l)epartmciit. Young ladies will be admitted into all the College Classes, and will be entitled to (lie same honors and diplomas as are conferred upon young gentlemen. In addition to the thorough mental discipline that this arrangement will give them, Competent instructors will be secured for the departments of Music, I'ainting, Drawing, ete, Location. Scientific Course. The full Collegiate Course above prescribed, is earnestly recommended as best for all, but if any prefer to Omit the Ancient Languages, they can pnrsue the Scion- tifie Course, embracing the remaining studies in the foregoing scheme. The College is located in Corvallis, Ben ton County, To those who have once visited Corvallis, there is no need of mentioning that our city, in point of climate and natural scenery, IS Unsurpassed in the State. Corvallis is justly noted for the salubrity and healthfulness of its climate. Oregon. Degrees. The degree of Bachelor of Science, Bachelor ôfArts, and Master of Arts, are the regular degrees conferred by the College. Sessions. The School year is divided into two sessions of twenty weeks each. There is one vacation of twelve weeks. CORVALLIS COLLEGE. CORVALIJS COLLEcE. Merit and Deinerjt. change from one boarding house to another Without P'.niSsion. Boarding can be had in good Ihtuilie, at four doflar5 A daily record of the merit and dencrit of cad! pupil is kept, which is at all times subject to the examination of pa1eiits. Expenses. per week, Young men, by renting rooms, can board themselves at half this amon n t. TUITION PER SESSION, (of five months.) Primary Department, Preparatory Preparatory Collegiate Collegiate (English) (Classical) (Irregular) (Regular) $10 00 12 50 15 00 16 00 18 00 EXTfl AS. Musie, (Piano) - -. - Use of Piano (for 1)etiee) Modern Languages, each. Incidental Expenses - - - $25 00 3 00 10 00 1 00 Payment. Tuition is payable in all cases quarterly, in advance, viz one half at the beginning, and the remainder at the middle of the session. No one living out of the county will be admitted into the classes until tuition fees are paid. Speevd conditions to Cleigymen Pupils can enter at any time, and pay from the time of entering to (lie close of the session. No deduction is made for absence of less than two weeks, and then only in eases of sickness; Payment required IN U. S. GOLD COIN. Boarding. No pupil will be allowed to board at a place not approved by the Faculty; and no one will be allowed to Co%'crflmncnt. The discipline of the Institution will be mild, but firm. Our rules are such as we believe best calculated to (10velop the mental and moral fhcu lt.ies. No pupil who is idle or vicious, or whose influence is detrimental, will b0 permitted to remain, All pupils over fourteen years of age will be required to sign the laws before entering the classes. Religious Exercises. The public duties of each day aue opened with hppro priate religious exercises. Attendance upon these, and also at some place of worship on the Sabbath, is expected of all Pupils, Calendar for 18G7..8. First Session begins September 9th, 1867. First Session ends January 24th, 1 868. Second Session begins February 3d, 1868. Annual Examination begins June 18th, 186S. Second Session ends June 20th, 1868. College Laws. Believing that the perfection of government consists in teaching others to govern themselves, the trustees. publish the following rules, more to indicate the piuxCIPLES which students will be required to observe than to constitute a code of statutes: i6 COIWALLIS COLLEGE. Students will be required to abstain from all obscene and profane language. They will be expected to maintain a gentlemanly deportment towards the teachers and one another. No student shall play at cards or billiards, or frequent places of gambling or drinking, or buy, keep, or use in his jooin or elsewhere, any intoxicating liquors, No one can remain a member of the Institution who is idle or vicious, or hose influence is considered detrimental to the discipline or reputation of the College. Young ladies boarding in the village oi' vicinity, who are under the care of the Faculty, wi]l not be permitted to receive the visits of young gentlemen, with- out the written consent of their parents, under such restrictions as the Faculty may require. All students will be required to practice puncutal- ity and diligence, and to yield prompt and cheerful obedience to such additional regulations as the Faculty may from time to time find it expedient to adopt. L p.