C O LU MN SYLV ESTER EIJFFIN G ER FullProfessor in FinancialEconom ics Striving for Honor W hat w ould you prefer:striving for m oney about the importance of integrity. It fosters can be confident that the other students will and fam e,orstriving foram bition and honor? social discipline. Such a code not only protects not commit fraud or will not act contrary to the agreement with the professor. Conversely, when Perhaps,the answ er depends on the culture the rights of everyone in the community, but of the com pany or institution to w hich you also signals the importance of basic moral others are not so very particular, why would you belong.The financialcrisis of 2008 show ed obligations and strengthens habits of ethical be? Wouldn’t you feel treated unfairly when only us that the current ‘w hat’s in it form e’-culture behavior. Those who do not act honorably can you observe the rules they do not take to heart? does not fosterhonorable behavior.It should be subject to various sanctions. In the worst Therefore, a robust code of honor would be Uto- be noted, how ever, that both m oral and case, students not sticking to their words and pia for our university, in particular in light of its im m oral behavior can w ork contagiously. thereby breaking fundamental norms could ambition to transcend mere knowledge transfer. Furtherm ore,w ithin the w orld ofm orals,an even be expelled from the institution. After all, our rector Philip Eijlander recently spoke assessm ent ofthe behavior ofothers plays a Of course, a code has to be part of a process at the opening of the academic year about the part.Bad exam ple is follow ed by bad behav- of thinking about the code. As the Rotterdam university imparting to students more than just ior.W hen people becom e calculating individ- business ethicist Muel Kaptein puts it: “A code is knowledge and insight: Tilburg University wants uals,codes are needed to m aintain checks and nothing, coding is everything”. Members of the to incalculate in its students a sense of responsi- balances.W hat does that m ean forem ployees management too have to communicate about bility, the power of judgment, and wisdom. How and students ofa university? which principles everyone wants to tackle the would these aspects flourish when rooted in a When the confidence in people is high within other. Employees as well as students are part of striving for honor… an organization, the organizational processes the university community. Organizational citiz- Sylvester Eijffinger in collaboration with Annemarie Hinten-Nooijen (Academic Forum) run smootly, the results are good, and the inship can likewise be expected from students atmosphere is pleasant and dynamic. People and it is with them that this citizenship and feel they are to an increasing degree part of the the leading organizational values have to be community being constructed by the organi- discussed. In November 2009 Harry van Dalen, zation. Here at Tilburg University, our com- Johan Graafland and Philip Joos argued quite munity could be a place where people accept vigorously for ethical education in their paper their commitments to the group and where “‘Do the right thing’. Morele vorming in het well-defined governance procedures guide economieonderwijs”. It appears, however, that a behavior for the common good. The introduc- wake up call is still needed about virtues, values tion of a code of honor could further encour- and standards. age the development of this kind of university Virtue is based on the expectations of someone community. else’s virtuousness: when you expect other stu- A code of honor makes the values and stand- dents to behave more or less according to the ards of the university community more explicit. rules, you will be inclined to do so, as well. And, It defines what constitutes honorable behavior. when other students observe the rules, it is eas- It contributes to the debate on the campus ier for you to comply with them, because you Academic Forum where science meets society and life Expand your horizons,take the time to reflect www.tilburguniversity.edu/academicforum Asset Magazine 9