Building up Society

Full Professor in Financial Economics
Building up Society
A silver jubilee, marking 25 years of change,
attitude. In that context, the world of academia
the ability to apply their knowledge and insight
is a fitting moment for reflection. What has
and the world of taxation have something in
creatively and responsibly.
changed in the past quarter century? Where
common. When everything becomes settled up
The motto of Tilburg University is Understand-
does Asset Magazine stand as it celebrate
with all the trimmings in the tax system, citizens
ing Society. By focussing even more intently on
its 25th anniversary? Furthermore, what
start calculating. Tightening up and remunerat-
contemporary issues in society from an inter-
opportunities and challenges lie ahead as
ing the individual for every single action stimu-
disciplinary point of view, Asset Magazine can
Asset progresses towards its golden jubilee?
lates individualization. The same holds true for
become an even stronger vehicle for under-
It would appear that with respect to Tilburg
the university: when you remunerate academ-
standing society and can thereby contribute sig-
University’s profile as an institution aiming to
ics particularly for their individual performances,
nificantly to building up society. Furthermore, by
contribute to the understanding and building
and when you strictly concern and weigh every
asking questions like what justice can mean for
of society, Asset Magazine has a significant
single task they do and measure everything in
economics or what students of economics think
role to play.
parameters, the contribution to the common
about Understanding Society, what dreams,
good decreases markedly. Do we appoint new
ambitions and wishes students and professors
With the foundation of CentER, 23 years ago,
colleagues explicitly because of their excellent
have, the magazine contributes to the creation
Tilburg University started to strengthen its hand
soft skills and their contribution to the common
of a real universitarian community - people with
within the international research world. From
good or not?
a common bond intent on endeavors that may
a relatively ‘provincial’ institution, it became an
Within this context, Asset Magazine is a means
not always have clear-cut benefits in the strictest
internationally well-established university with
for involving the common good. The magazine
sense of the word. Making that vision a reality
solid links to the international publications in the
is a window that provides a view of an ever-
would indeed be a glorious path for Asset Mag-
field and internationally top-ranked institutes.
changing societal landscape to the university
azine to follow towards a golden jubilee!
Moving beyond the boundaries of the region
community while simultaneously letting in the
it originally served to take a position in the
fresh air of interesting debate and views to our
international research community prompted
academic edifice. Students who make a maga-
Tilburg University to raise its game, resulting in
zine are examples of people contributing to
high positions in the university rankings. Tilburg
the common good; of people who know that
University was on the map.
becoming a creative and competent craftsman
The flip other side of the growing success was
or craftswoman is more than a story of return
the development of measuring everything at
and output, which is one of the ways in which
the university. Journal publications and cita-
universities are judged. In fact universities are
tions became the leading criteria for valuing
also communities (lat. universitas) of teachers
academics. And valuing through the use of such
and students where young people get initiated
parameters makes people rethink their behavior
into a discipline such as economics. And society
in order to maximize their results, creates calcu-
increasingly demands of university graduates
lating behavior, and fosters an individualistic
not only knowledge and expertise, but also
Sylvester Eijffinger
in collaboration with Annemarie Hinten-Nooijen
(Academic Forum)
Academic Forum
where science meets society and life
Expand your horizons, take the time to reflect
Asset Magazine
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06-01-12 14:21