Clark College Stormwater Management Program Revision March 2013 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 9.1 Table of Contents Purpose ..................................................................................................................................................2 Scope .......................................................................................................................................................2 References ............................................................................................................................................2 Responsibilities ..................................................................................................................................2 Administrative Services .............................................................................................................2 Contractors ......................................................................................................................................3 Managers/Supervisors ...............................................................................................................3 Authorized Employees ...............................................................................................................3 Employees/Students ...................................................................................................................3 Procedures ...........................................................................................................................................3 Public Education and Outreach ..............................................................................................3 Public Involvement and Participation .................................................................................4 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination .......................................................................4 Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control .................................................................6 Post Construction Stormwater Management ...................................................................6 Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping Operations ........................................6 Training .................................................................................................................................................8 Forms/Recordkeeping ....................................................................................................................8 Glossary .................................................................................................................................................9 Appendices ........................................................................................................................................ 11 Permit Timeline.......................................................................................................................... 11 3/18/2013 EHS Page 1 1.0 Purpose Meet the Phase II Western Washington Secondary Stormwater Permit requirements. 2.0 Scope The Clark College Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) applies to all employees and contractors who are involved in the production and management of waste material requiring proper disposal, and prevention measures to ensure that public health is not at risk and the environment is safeguarded from toxic chemicals. The College SWMP will also educate students and employees on waste water management in an effort to raise pollution prevention awareness in the college community. 3.0 References 3.1 Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. §1251 et seq. (1972) 3.2 CFR Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations Protection of Environment; Chapter I-Environmental Protection Agency; 3.3 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq. 3.4 Environmental Protection Agency, NPDES… 3.5 State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Chapter 43.21C RCW 3.6 Department of Ecology, WAC 173-200, 173-201a, 173-204 3.7 Phase II Western Washington Secondary Stormwater Permit 3.8 Washington State Water Pollution Control Act RCW 90.48 4.0 Responsibilities 4.1 Administrative Services 4.1.1 3/18/2013 Develop and implement specific programs and policies associated with stormwater management in accordance with the permit. EHS Page 2 4.1.2 Prepares applicable reports and maintain necessary records, or trains others to do so as appropriate. 4.1.3 Follow all applicable rules and regulations concerning environmental health and safety from the Department of Ecology, and other applicable agencies. 4.2 Contractors 4.2.1 4.3 Managers/Supervisors 4.3.1 4.4 Follow all applicable rules and regulations concerning environmental health and safety from the Department of Ecology, and other applicable agencies. Follow all applicable rules and regulations concerning environmental health and safety from the Department of Ecology, and other applicable agencies. Authorized Employees [Reserved] 4.5 Employees/Students 4.5.1 Follow all applicable rules and regulations concerning environmental health and safety from the Department of Ecology, and other applicable agencies. 5.0 Procedures 5.1 Public Education and Outreach 5.1.1 Information will be distributed to the college community using a variety of media and include the following topics: How stormwater runoff affects surface water. Proper use and application of pesticides and fertilizers. Benefits of using native and well-adapted vegetation. 3/18/2013 EHS Page 3 Alternative equipment washing practices including cars and trucks that minimize pollutants in stormwater. Benefits of proper vehicle maintenance and alternative transportations choices. Proper handling and disposal of wastes, including the location of hazardous waste collection facilities in the area. Benefits of litter control and proper disposal of pet waste. 5.1.2 5.2 Public Involvement and Participation 5.2.1 5.3 All Storm drains and drywells will be labeled with the message “DUMP NO WASTE RAIN ONLY”. If the message is worn the label will be replaced within 90 days. The Director of Facilities Services will publish a public notice in the local newspaper soliciting public review of the SWMP. The latest version of the SWMP will be available to the public on the Clark College website. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 5.3.1 Clark College will comply with local ordinances, rules, and regulations that govern non-stormwater discharges. By June 24, 2010, Clark College will develop, adopt and enforce appropriate procedures prohibiting illicit discharges and illegal dumping. These procedures will address, at the minimum: illicit connections, non-stormwater discharges and spilling, dumping, or otherwise improperly disposing of hazardous materials, pet waste, and litter. 5.3.2 The following sources may be discharged to the stormwater system: Non-stormwater discharges covered by another NPDES permit Discharges from emergency firefighting activities Rising ground waters Uncontaminated ground water infiltration 3/18/2013 EHS Page 4 Foundation drains Air conditioning condensation Irrigation water from agricultural sources that is commingled with urban stormwater Water from crawl space pumps Footing drains Flows from riparian habitats and wetlands 5.3.3 The following sources are not allowed to discharge to the stormwater system, unless stated conditions are met: Discharges from potable water sources, including: water line flushing hyperchlorinated water line flushing fire hydrant system flushing pipeline hydrostatic test water Unless the water is dechlorinated to 0.1 ppm or less, pHadjusted if necessary, and controlled to prevent resuspension of sediments in the stormwater system. Discharges from lawn watering and other landscape irrigation runoff. These discharges are reduced through limited irrigation occurring only in the summer months. Irrigation schedules and sprinkler patterns are monitored frequently to ensure landscaped areas are not overwatered. 3/18/2013 Street and sidewalk wash water, water used to control dust, and routine external building wash down that does not use detergents. EHS Page 5 Where moss accumulates, buildings and sidewalks are cleaned with a high pressure washer. A street sweeper is used to clean parking lots. Water is conserved to the maximum extent practicable, and no chemicals are used. 5.3.4 The Clark College Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan is incorporated by reference as the spill response plan. 5.3.5 Facilities Services will be trained in the prevention of spills and illicit discharges. Training will be as needed and may be presented in a variety of formats, including, but not limited to, pamphlets, classroom and online. 5.4 Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control 5.4.1 It is anticipated that all construction activities that disturb one or more acres of land and require a Grading/Tree Protection/Erosion Control Plan will be completed by a contractor. 5.4.2 The contractor will obtain and comply with the Grading/Tree Protection/Erosion Control Plan. 5.4.3 Clark College Project Managers will monitor compliance with the Grading/Tree Protection/Erosion Control Plan for their projects and promptly notify the contractor of any deficiencies. 5.5 Post Construction Stormwater Management (For New Development and Redevelopment) 5.5.1 5.6 The College will comply with applicable regulations governing post construction stormwater pollution prevention. Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping Operations 5.6.1 An Operations and Maintenance Plan is required by June 24, 2012. The plan will include the following: 3/18/2013 Stormwater collection and conveyance systems Stormwater collection and conveyance systems, including catch basins, stormwater sewer pipes, open channels, culverts, structural stormwater controls, and structural EHS Page 6 runoff treatment and/or flow control facilities will be inspected annually and maintained as needed. The Facilities Services Snow Removal plan is incorporated by reference. Deicer is stored in Facilities Services and is applied primarily on sidewalks and walkways when the temperature is predicted to drop below freezing. Facilities Services monitors parking lots daily to remove trash, litter and debris. State Vehicles Administrative Services maintains state vehicles. Vehicles are fueled off site. Most vehicle repairs occur off-site. External building maintenance Facilities Services is responsible for most exterior building maintenance. Approximately every 5 to 10 years, the exterior of the buildings are pressure washed with water. Buildings are sealed with a water based concrete sealer every 10 years. Pressure washing is done during summer months to limit the impact to the stormwater system. Facilities Services cleans exterior windows and building entrances. Neither activity is expected to impact the stormwater system. 3/18/2013 Parking lots Exterior open spaces Facilities Services maintains the open areas of the College. The Clark College Integrated Pest Management Plan is incorporated by reference. Garbage cans are readily available outside, and garbage and litter are picked up daily. Material storage areas, heavy equipment storage areas, and maintenance areas EHS Page 7 Heavy equipment is typically stored under cover and should not impact the stormwater system. Likewise, the maintenance areas are also under cover and should not impact stormwater. Most materials are stored under cover, however stockpiles of sand, bark and gravel are stored in exterior piles. Facilities Services routinely checks the stockpiles to ensure they are not impacted by storms. 6.0 Training 6.1 All employees whose job functions may impact stormwater quality will be educated in the following areas: 6.1.1 The importance of protecting water quality 6.1.2 The requirements of the Permit and the Operation and Maintenance Plan 6.1.3 Inspection Procedures 6.1.4 Ways to perform their job activities to prevent or minimize impacts to water quality 6.1.5 Procedures for reporting water quality concerns, including potential illicit discharges 7.0 Forms/Recordkeeping 7.1 Administrative Services will manage records for the following: 7.1.1 preventative maintenance and repairs to stormwater systems 7.1.2 scheduled inspections 7.1.3 spill response 7.1.4 other potential pollution incidents 3/18/2013 EHS Page 8 8.0 Glossary Best Management Practices (BMP): the schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures, and structural and/or managerial practices approved by the Department that, when used singly or in combination, prevent or reduce the release of pollutants and other adverse impacts to waters of Washington State. CWA: Clean Water Act (formerly referred to as the Federal Water Pollution Control Act or Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972) Ecology: Washington State Department of Ecology EPA: Environmental Protection Agency Illicit Discharge: any discharge to a municipal separate storm sewer that is not composed entirely of storm water except discharges pursuant to a NPDES permit (other than the NPDES permit for discharges from the municipal separate storm sewer) and discharges resulting from firefighting activities. Integrated Pest Management (IPM): Program for fertilizer and pesticide use at Clark College. Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4): a conveyance, or system of conveyances (including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, manmade channels, or storm drains): owned or operated by a state, city, town, borough, county, parish, district, association, or other public body (created by or pursuant to State Law) having jurisdiction over disposal of wastes, storm water, or other wastes, including special districts under State law such as a sewer district, flood control district or drainage district, or similar entity, or an Indian tribe or an authorized Indian tribal organization, or a designated and approved management agency under section 208 of the CWA that discharges to waters of the United States; designed or used for collecting or conveying stormwater; which is not a combined sewer; and which is not part of a Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) as defined at 40 CFR 122.2. Clark College stormwater system operates as an MS4. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES): the national program for issuing, modifying, revoking, and reissuing, terminating, monitoring and enforcing permits, and imposing and enforcing pretreatment requirements, under sections 307, 3/18/2013 EHS Page 9 402, 318, and 405 of the Federal Clean Water Act, for the discharge of pollutants to surface waters of the state from point sources. These permits are referred to as NPDES permits and, in Washington State, are administered by the Washington Department of Ecology. Point Source: pollution that can be traced back to a single origin or source. Secondary Permittee: an operator of a regulated small MS4 that is not a city, town or county. Clark College is a Secondary Permittee. Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (Small MS4): an MS4 that is not defined as “large” or “medium” pursuant to 40 CFR 122.26(b)(4) & (7) or designated under 40 CFR 122.26 (a)(1)(v). Small MS4s include systems similar to separate storm sewer systems in municipalities such as: universities, large publicly owned hospitals, prison complexes, highways and other thoroughfares. Clark College is a small MS4. WSDA: Washington State Department of Agriculture 3/18/2013 EHS Page 10 9.0 Appendices 9.1 Permit Timeline Deadline Task June 24, 2010 -prohibit illicit discharge and illegal dumping. -develop and implement an enforcement plan to ensure compliance. June 24, 2011 -begin field inspections for illicit discharge. One third of known outfalls must be inspected annually. August 20, 2011 -All stormwater inlets will be labeled. -The latest updated version of the SWMP made available to the public with a public notice. -The SWMP will be fully implemented. -A spill response plan will be developed and implemented. June 24, 2012 -Annual education program will begin. -O&M Plan will be developed and implemented. 3/18/2013 EHS Page 11