Student Congress General Meeting #2

Student Congress
General Meeting #2
September 17, 2013
-Start Time: 9:02pm
-Board and Committee:
Academic Affairs Board:
-Talked about zero credit classes
-Writing assessments on how to assess different assessments in writing.
-Getting feedback from departments.
-Talked about what are major issues at hope that professors think
academic affair boards needs to talk about.
Assessment Committee:
-Met last week.
-Met with SALT. Will Re-evaluate salt.
-How it can be more effective.
Curriculum Committees:
-Meeting Thursday to discuss two new Kinesiology courses proposals.
-Task Force Updates:
CPP (Campus Protection Program): Patrick Robbey
- Met with director of campus safety.
-A preliminary meeting to know what they will be dealing with this
-Head of transportations discuss issues that go through the year. Talked about shuttle, parking, and emergency notification systemThree areas that they will focus on.
Internal Strengthening: Irene Mendoza
-Working on nametags.
-Next week Tuesday they will have them.
-Bring a five dollar deposit for name tags either next meeting or drop
into student congress office on an envelope.
-Will get five dollars back just an incentive.
-Contacts going around so we can know how to contact one another.
Campus Relations: Forrest VanderBorgh & Regina Sanchez
- Big Goal and little Goals:
-Big goal: get to know another student organization. Ex: Greek Life.
Work to establish a good relationship with president Knapp
-Smaller Goal: to get a good description of what Stand UP really is.
Done to unify the whole campus community.
Community Service: Marianna
-Relay for Life had an information meeting.
-Sending out a link to register for Relay for Life.
-Please everyone Sign up.
-An excellent opportunity for us to all bond.
-Will be making it a competition of who can raise the most money.
Questions about Task forces:
-If you are already Part of a team for Relay for Life?
-Welcome to register for both.
-But no pressure to do both.
-Dates For Relay for Life?
-15th and 16th of November.
-Old Business:
Bike Rack: Tim Cook
-Pressing issue of active space for people to lock up bikes. -Decided to
illustrate the amount of bikes that are not locked up by a legitimate bike
rack. Took pictures for evidence.
-Decided that because of the complaints we should purchase new bike
-20 dollars per bike. Pretty conservative approach.
-Cost upper end: 3,000 dollars for around 100 bike rides.
-Focus on the library, VanZoren, Lubbers, Cook, Science Center.
-Physical plant will be taking care of cost.
-Side of science center closest to the chapel really needs a bike rack.
-Proposal has been made. Has to be a motion for table discussion
-Ashley moves to table to discussion
-Patrick seconds.
-Come back next week with changes of more details and specifics of how
bike racks will be installed.
Appropriations: Divya Dhaliwal
-Application will be sent out, please give back to her when finished with
New Business:
-Kollen Representative: Hope Daniels
-Approached about Wi-Fi in Kollen Hall being very slow.
-Perhaps ask CIT to help improve speed of Wi-Fi in Kollen.
-People have called CIT but nothing has happened.
-RA’s have not been able to help.
-Every Hall as a technician person that would be able to help you
more personally.
-Forrest VanderBorgh, Megan Bailey, and Tyson Walton will go talk
to CIT about issues of web with the slowness of Wi-Fi not only for
Kollen Hall but other Halls experiencing same issue.
-Question about Implicating Student Congress members to make it
mandatory to attend 3 out of 6 events (ex: Relay for Life, Dance Marathon,
etc.) throughout the year.
-Something that is being talked about.
-Might have non-negotiable events you will have to attend.
-Also will be a requirement that in order to put in your resume that
you were part of student congress you must attend a certain amount
of events through Student Congress.
-We should have more specifics of these requirements soon.
-Anytime you are absent need to talk to Hannah McShane about it.
Homework is not an acceptable excuse. At least a 24 hour in
advance notice.
-No lights that shine in the American Flag.
-Against the federal law.
-Jay Glover and Jimmy Champain will write a proposal to try and
get lights.
-Hope is a home for all:
-Important to respect everyone in our family.
-In order to remain civil it is important to treat everyone with respect.
-We are always congress members in and out of meetings.
-Actions outside and inside with congress will matter.
-A cultural movement. Changing the way we view diversity.
-Something through office multicultural education trying to change the
view of how diversity is seen at Hope College.
-President Knapp, students, Dean frost will be speaking.
-Would love to see Student Congress members be there:
-Kickoff event: Tuesday 24th
-Time: 7-8:30pm
-Place: Maas Auditorium
-Quote of the Meeting: Hannah McShane
-Dr. Seuss:
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive
who is Youer than You.
End Time: 9:46pm