Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Exhibit 7 - Department of the Interior (DOI) NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References The following identifies both the data fields obtained from each Bureau’s financial and personnel systems and fields added for analysis purposes. Not all of the data fields were used for analysis in this report; however the fields include information that would potentially be needed for future analysis. The use of each field and applicable formulas are also identified below. The Federal Personnel/Payroll System (FPPS) is hosted on the National Business Center’s (NBC) mainframe computer. Under the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) and the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) ePayroll and Human Resources Line of Business (HRLoB) initiatives, DOI’s NBC was designated as a Human Resource Federal Shared Service Center to the Department of the Interior and other federal agencies. As such, NBC provides comprehensive payroll solutions through FPPS, comprehensive payroll operations services, and analytical and reporting tool (e.g., DataMart) and other related human resources management (HRM) systems and services. 1 7.1 Bureau of Land Management (BLM) BLM financial data from FY 2005 through FY 2008 was pulled from the MIS system for sub activities 2810, 2821, 2822, 2823, 2824, and 2881. The regular hours (hours code 010) were pulled for budget object classes (BOC) of 111A and 1113A. In FY 2009 BLM migrated to a different financial system and data was pulled from FBMS for budget activities LF100, LF200, LF 310, and LF320. The regular hours (hours code 010) were pulled for budget object classes (BOC) of 111A and 1113A. Personnel data was pulled from the FPPS system. Employee Name – Identifies the employee name from the financial system. Total Number of Hours – This field sums the total number of hours billed by the employee to the fire program during the file’s fiscal year. Bureau – This field identifies that the personnel information is pertinent to the Bureau of Land Management only. Sub Bureau – This field identifies the sub bureau within the Bureau of Land Management where the employee is assigned (e.g., Idaho State Office). Organization – This field refers to the employee’s office within each sub bureau. Series – This field identifies the employee’s Pay Plan, Occupational Series, and Grade in concatenated form (e.g., GS-1801-09). 1 U.S. Department of the Interior, National Business Center Website: http://www.nbc.gov/ . NWFF Page Ex7.1 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Grade – This field defines the grade of the employee under the corresponding Pay Plan. This data field was further categorized into the GS Grade Categories identified below for analysis purposes. GS Grade Categories GS 1,2,3, or 4 GS 5,6, or 7 GS 8,9, or 10 GS 11 or 12 GS 13 or Higher Non-GS Pay Plan Step – This data field identifies the employee’s step within the grade. Location – Identifies the city and state where the employee works. Name – This field identifies the employee’s first, last, and middle name (if applicable) as it appears in the FPPS system. Pay Plan – This data field identifies the applicable pay plan for the employee’s position. Federal work is generally classified under the General Schedule (GS) or the Federal Wage System (FWS). Occupational SeriesR3– This field identifies the exact occupational group to which the employee’s position has been classified. A position’s series is a subdivision of an occupational group or job family consisting of positions similar, as to specialized line of work and qualifications requirements. An occupational group is the major category of white collar occupations, embracing a group of associated or related occupations (e.g., the Accounting and Budget Group, GS-0500). Position Title – Identifies the official title of the employee’s position. Duty Station – These data fields identify the city and county where the employee’s permanent duty station is located. Salary – This field identifies the amount of the employee’s salary as an annual, monthly, daily, of hourly amount as indicated by the salary rate code. Salary Rate – Pay basis that the identified salary is based on (e.g., per annum, per hour, etc.) NWFF Page Ex7.2 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Work Schedule – This field identifies when an employee is scheduled to work. The following definitions reflect the different work schedules for BLM employees: • Full Time – A regularly scheduled tour of duty which requires the employee to be in a leave and/or duty status for 80 hour each biweekly pay period • Intermittent – Work based on sporadic and unpredictable requirements which prevent advance scheduling of a regular tour of duty. Employees work on an as-needed basis, are paid only for those hours work, and are not entitled to earn or use leave. • Part Time – A regularly scheduled tour of duty which generally requires an employee to be on duty no less than 16 hours and no more than 32 hours per week. • Seasonal Employment2 – Annually recurring periods of work of less than 12 months each year. Seasonal employees are permanent employees who are placed in nonduty/nonpay status and recalled to duty in accordance with pre-established conditions of employment. Position Supervisory Status – This data field identifies whether a position is considered supervisory or not. Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) – This field indicates whether the position is covered by the minimum pay and overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Veterans Preference – This field identifies an employee's veterans preference used for appointment purposes and is also used in determining retention rights for reduction in force actions and procedural rights in appeal cases, and in other areas where veteran’s preference is pertinent. This field was not used for purposes of this study. Retirement Plan – This field identifies the type of retirement/social security coverage held by the employee of record. Individual Position Number – This field identifies the personnel position number. Specifically, it identifies, by number, the position occupied by the employee. Unfortunately this field was determined to not be a unique identifier for the purposes of this study. Birthdate and Employee Age – This field identifies an employee’s date of birth. This field also used to calculate the employee’s age which was pre-populated in the FPPS system. Retirement Eligibility Date – The date the FPPS system has identified the employee will be eligible to retire based upon the employee’s age, creditable service, retirement plan, etc. Unlike the FS PERHIS system, this field was populated for all BLM employees and verification of the data revealed that the dates were accurate. Service Computation Date (SCD) – The date, either actual or constructed by crediting service, used to determine benefits that are based on how long the person has been in the Federal Service. This date was used as the primary means of calculating each employee’s length of service and subsequently, their retirement eligibility. Position Tenure –This field identifies if a position is considered permanent or temporary. A position coded with a “P” is a permanent position and a position coded with a “T” if it is a temporary position. In the event that this field was not populated for some positions, the retirement plan was used to determine the employee’s tenure. Employees enrolled under FICA were identified as temporary and employees enrolled under one of the CSRS or FERS retirement systems were identified as permanent. NWFF Page Ex7.3 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Special Employment Program – Identifies if an employee is in a special employment program (e.g., Students in the Student Career Experience Program (SCEP)). Appointment Type – This field contains codes for each employee’s appointment type. This field was not used during this analysis. Employee Age – (See Birthdate above) Education Level 1 and 2 – These fields indicate the highest academic level of education attained by the employee. Date On-Duty at Bureau – This field identifies the date an employee entered on duty in the Agency. Date Entered Current Position – This field identifies the date employee brought on board or moved to a new personnel office. Employee Common ID – This field identifies the employee’s common ID within the FPPS system. This ID was not used as a unique identifier during this study. BLM staff provided employee names, which were used to cross reference data between the financial and personnel data. Basic Pay - This data field lists the amount the employees is scheduled to earn prior to any allowance, adjustment, or differential (i.e., base salary). Phase 1 or Phase 2 Identification – This field clearly identifies whether an employee billed 51% or more of their hours to fire for the file year being analyzed or whether they billed less than 51% of their hours to fire. Those employees who billed 51% or more of their time to fire are considered “in-scope” of Phase 1 of this study and those who billed less than 51% will be covered by Phase 2. The following table defines the phase divisions for different work schedules or appointment types: NWFF Page Ex7.4 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Appointment Type / Work Schedule Full Time Full Time Seasonal: 18/8 Appointment 13/13 Appointment NWFF 51% Annual Workload Division Annual Scheduled Work Hours 2 080 H M 1,440 Hours 1,039 Hours th 1 060 H More than 734 Hours More than 529 Hours Note: HRM data did not identify which category the employee fell into (i.e., 18/8 or 13/13), so all Full Time Seasonal employees who billed more than 529 base 8 hours were considered in-scope for Phase 1. Part Time and Part Time Seasonal Intermittent and Intermittent Seasonal 16-32 Hours per Week 832-1664 Hours per Year Assumption: Employees can enter intermittent status after they have completed guaranteed seasonal pay periods. Employees may have billed hours to fire program codes under another status in the system, but the HRM data reflects the employee’s status nd as of August 2 in the fiscal year. More than 424 Hours More than 529 Hours (Consistent with Full Time Seasonal) Specific Formula Used to Categorize the Phase The Employee Belongs In: =IF(ISBLANK(WORK SCHEDULE), "Unknown", IF(WORK SCHEDULE="Full-Time", IF(TOTAL HOURS <1060, "Less than 51%", "Over 51%"), IF(ISERROR(TOTAL HOURS >529), "No Hours", IF(OR(TOTAL HOURS ="Unknown", TOTAL HOURS ="No Hours"), "No Hours", IF(AND(WORK SCHEDULE="Full-Time Seasonal", TOTAL HOURS >529), "Over 51%", IF(AND(WORK SCHEDULE="Full-Time Seasonal", TOTAL HOURS <530), "Less than 51%", IF(AND(OR(WORK SCHEDULE="Part-Time Seasonal", WORK SCHEDULE="Part-Time"), TOTAL HOURS >424), "Over 51%", IF(AND(OR(WORK SCHEDULE="Part-Time Seasonal", WORK SCHEDULE="Part-Time"), TOTAL HOURS <425), "Less than 51%", IF(AND(OR(WORK SCHEDULE="Intermittent Seasonal", WORK SCHEDULE="Intermittent"), TOTAL HOURS >529), "Over 51%", IF(AND(OR(WORK SCHEDULE="Intermittent Seasonal", WORK SCHEDULE="Intermittent"), TOTAL HOURS <530), "Less than 51%", "CHECK END")))))))))) Functional Position Title – This field was added to the analysis to group position titles by removing the specialized identification included within parentheses within the official position title (e.g., the standard title of Forestry Tech (Hotshot)was identified as a Forestry Tech in the functional group data field, as well as correcting spelling errors. Law Enforcement Identification – Law Enforcement Employees are considered outside of the scope of this study for both phases. Law Enforcement positions were identified using the following criteria: • Official Position Title included “Law Enforcement”, “LE&I, or “LEO” in title (including student trainee); • Employees were a part of a Law Enforcement specific organization. NWFF Page Ex7.5 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI • Position’s Occupational Series was in a law enforcement specific occupation in the corresponding 1800 position series’. Position Category - This field further categorizes the identified Functional Position Titles into the following analysis categories. A full listing of what specific positions can be found in which categories can be found in Attachment Ex7.2. Position Category Direct Fire Support Fire Program Management Administrative and Business Management Functions Copy of Grade – this field contains a copy of the employee’s grade formatted as a number for calculation purposes. Grade Category – See Grade above. Age Category – This field further categorizes the employee’s age into ranges. SCD Year – This field identifies the four digit year taken directly from the employee’s SCD. Number of Years of Service – This formula first checks to verify if the SCD is known for the employee. If it is unknown, the formula populates the cell with the word “Unknown”: If SCD is known, the formula calculates the number of years of service as one plus the file year minus the SCD year. Specific Formula Used to Calculate the Number of Years of Service: =IF (SCD YEAR="Unknown", "Unknown", FILE YEAR – SCD YEAR+1) Categories of Service - This data field further categorizes the calculated number of years of service into the following categories for analysis purposes: Categories of Service Less than 5 5 to 10 Years of Service 11 to 15 Years of Service More than 15 Years of Service Unknown NWFF Page Ex7.6 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Specific Formula Used to Categorize the Number of Years of Service: =IF(NUMBER OF YEARS OF SERVICE = "Unknown", "Unknown",IF(NUMBER OF YEARS OF SERVICE < 5, "LESS THAN 5", IF(NUMBER OF YEARS OF SERVICE <=10, "5 TO 10 YEARS OF SERVICE", IF(NUMBER OF YEARS OF SERVICE<=15, "11 TO 15 YEARS OF SERVICE", IF(NUMBER OF YEARS OF SERVICE >15, "MORE THAN 15 YEARS OF SERVICE",""))))) 6c Identification - This data field was added to identify the population of employees under the 6c retirement benefit. The formula determines if an employee is under a 6c retirement benefit using the retirement plans of FERS & FICA Special, CSRS – Special, and FICA &CSRS – Special (Partial). If an employee is under the benefit, the field is populated with a “Yes”, otherwise it is populated with a “No.” Number of Years from Age 57 – This data field was added to analyze the effect that the mandatory retirement age of 57 has on the population of employees under the 6c benefit. The formula initially determines if an employee is under a 6c retirement benefit (Retirement Plans of FERS & FICA Special, CSRS – Special, and FICA &CSRS – Special (Partial)). If an employee is not 6c, the employee is identified as “Not 6c” in this field. If the 6c employee’s age is unknown, then the field is populated as “unknown.” If the 6c employee has already reached the age of 57, the field is identified as “Over 57.” Otherwise, the formula calculates the difference between the employee’s age and 57. Specific Formula Used to Calculate Number of Years from 57: =IF(6C IDENTIFICATION = "No", "Not 6c", IF(57-EMPLOYEE AGE<0, "Over 57",57EMPLOYEE AGE +1)) Year of Mandatory Separation (6c Employees Only) – This field identifies the year employees under the 6c retirement benefit will reach mandatory separation requirements. The calculation formula initially checks if an employee is covered by the 6c retirement benefit. If covered, the formula then calculates the year of mandatory separation as the year the employee reaches the age of 57. Specific Formula Used to Calculate Number of Years from 57: =IF(NUMBER OF YEARS FROM 57="Not 6c","N/A",IF(NUMBER OF YEARS FROM 57 = "Over 57", FILE YEAR , FILE YEAR+NUMBER OF YEARS FROM 57)) Year the Employee is Eligible for Voluntary Retirement – This field identifies the four digit year taken directly from the employee’s Retirement Eligibility Date. NWFF Page Ex7.7 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Retirement Categories – This data field further categorizes the calculated year of retirement eligibility into the following categories for analysis purposes: Retirement Categories Currently Eligible for Voluntary Less than 5 Years till Eligible 5 to 10 Years till Eligible 11 to 20 Years till Eligible 21 to 30 Years till Eligible More than 30 Years till Eligible Specific Formula Used to Categorize Retirement Categories: =IF(YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY ="N/A", "N/A", IF(YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY <FILE YEAR , "Currently Eligible for Voluntary", IF(OR(YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY ="CHECK", YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY ="Other", YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY ="Unknown"), "Unknown", IF((YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))>30, "More than 30 Years till Eligible", IF((YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))<5, "Less than 5 Years till Eligible", IF(AND((YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))>=5, (YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))<=10), "5 to 10 Years till Eligible", IF(AND((YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))>=11, (YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))<=20), "11 to 20 Years till Eligible", IF(AND((YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))>=21, (YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))<=30), "21 to 30 Years till Eligible", "Unknown")))))))) BLM Region – This field identifies the BLM region for the identified location. This field was not used for analysis purposes of this study, but has been populated for future use. NWFF Analysis Region – This field identifies the wildland fire geographic area (i.e., GACC) that corresponds to the identified location and BLM Region. The NWFF Geographic Area Assignment Crosswalk can be found in Attachment Ex7.1. NWFF Page Ex7.8 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI 7.2 Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Employee Name – Identifies the employee name from the financial system. Total Number of Hours – This field sums the total number of hours billed by the employee to the fire program during the file’s fiscal year. Position Number Base – This field identifies the personnel position number. Specifically, it identifies, by number, the position occupied by the employee. This field is not a unique identifier for the purposes of this study. Employee Name Whole – This field identifies the employee’s first, last, and middle name (if applicable) as it appears in the FPPS system. Bureau – This field identifies that the personnel information is pertinent to the Bureau of Indian Affairs only. Sub Bureau – This field identifies the code for the sub bureau within the BIA where the employee is assigned. Organization – This field refers to the employee’s office within each sub bureau. Note: the Organization codes were not provided for all years of data, but the description of the organization was provided for each year. Additionally, the organization code provided in the financial data was populated for those employees that were not found in the HMR data. Pay Plan – This data field identifies the applicable pay plan for the employee’s position. Federal work is generally classified under the General Schedule (GS) or the Federal Wage System (FWS). Note, the pay plan provided in the financial data was populated for those employees that were not found in the HRM data. Occupational SeriesR3– This field identifies the exact occupational group to which the employee’s position has been classified. A position’s series is a subdivision of an occupational group or job family consisting of positions similar, as to specialized line of work and qualifications requirements. An occupational group is the major category of white collar occupations, embracing a group of associated or related occupations (e.g., the Accounting and Budget Group, GS-0500). Grade – This field defines the grade of the employee under the corresponding Pay Plan. This data field was further categorized into the GS Grade Categories identified below for analysis purposes. Note, the pay plan provided in the financial data was populated for those employees that were not found in the HRM data. Grade GS 1,2,3, or 4 GS 5,6, or 7 GS 8,9, or 10 GS 11 or 12 GS 13 or Higher Non-GS Pay Plan NWFF Page Ex7.9 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Salary Rate – Pay basis that the identified salary is based on (e.g., per annum, per hour, etc.) Basic Pay - This data field lists the amount the employees is scheduled to earn prior to any allowance, adjustment, or differential (i.e., base salary). Retention Allowance – Identifies the incentive paid to retain the employee (up to 25% of base pay). Relocation Bonus – Lump sum dollar amount paid to a current employee to compensate them for relocation. Recruitment Bonus – This field corresponds to the lump sum dollar amount paid to newly appointed employees as an incentive for the employee to work for the agency. Position Title – Identifies the OPM official title of the employee’s position. Work Schedule – This field identifies when an employee is scheduled to work. The following definitions reflect the different work schedules for BIA employees: • Full Time – A regularly scheduled tour of duty which requires the employee to be in a leave and/or duty status for 80 hour each biweekly pay period • Intermittent – Work based on sporadic and unpredictable requirements which prevent advance scheduling of a regular tour of duty. Employees work on an as-needed basis, are paid only for those hours work, and are not entitled to earn or use leave. • Part Time – A regularly scheduled tour of duty which generally requires an employee to be on duty no less than 16 hours and no more than 32 hours per week. • Seasonal Employment2 – Annually recurring periods of work of less than 12 months each year. Seasonal employees are permanent employees who are placed in nonduty/nonpay status and recalled to duty in accordance with pre-established conditions of employment. Note: the work schedule and position tenure provided in the financial data was populated for those employees that were not found in the HRM data. Position Tenure –This field identifies if a position is considered permanent or temporary. A position coded with a “P” is a permanent position and a position coded with a “T” if it is a temporary position. Note: the work schedule and position tenure provided in the financial data was populated for those employees that were not found in the HRM data. Location – Identifies the city and state where the employee works. Position Supervisory Status – This data field identifies whether a position is considered supervisory or not. Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) – This field indicates whether the position is covered by the minimum pay and overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Veterans Preference – This field identifies an employee's veterans preference used for appointment purposes and is also used in determining retention rights for reduction in force actions and procedural rights in appeal cases, and in other areas where veteran’s preference is pertinent. This field was not used for purposes of this study. NWFF Page Ex7.10 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Retirement Plan – This field identifies the type of retirement/social security coverage held by the employee of record. Service Computation Date (SCD) Retire – The date, either actual or constructed by crediting service, used to determine benefits that are based on how long the person has been in the Federal Service. This date was used as the primary means of calculating each employee’s length of service and subsequently, their retirement eligibility. Note: This field was not populated for all employees in the data. Birthdate and Employee Age – This field identifies an employee’s date of birth. This field also used to calculate the employee’s age which was pre-populated in the FPPS system. Retirement Eligibility Date – The date the FPPS system has identified the employee will be eligible to retire based upon the employee’s age, creditable service, retirement plan, etc. Indian Preference Indicator – This field identifies if the employees is subject to Indian Preference. This field was not used for purposes of this study. Employee Age – (See Birthdate above) Years of Service – This field is prepopulated in the FPPS system based upon the Date Service Computation Leave field. Verification of this field revealed that the years of service were correct and were used to calculate Retirement Eligibility and LOS categories. Service Computation Date (SCD) Leave – The date, either actual or constructed by crediting service, used to determine benefits that are based on how long the person has been in the Federal Service. This date is used to calculate the number of years of employee service. Special Employment Program – Identifies if an employee is in a special employment program (e.g., Students in the Student Career Experience Program (SCEP)). The FPPS system uses codes to identify these programs. Date On-Duty at Bureau – This field identifies the date an employee entered on duty in the Agency. Date Entered Current Position – This field identifies the date employee brought on board or moved to a new personnel office. Education Level – These fields indicate the highest academic level of education attained by the employee. Phase 1 or Phase 2 Identification – This field clearly identifies whether an employee billed 51% or more of their hours to fire for the file year being analyzed or whether they billed less than 51% of their hours to fire. Those employees who billed 51% or more of their time to fire are considered “in-scope” of Phase 1 of this study and those who billed less than 51% will be covered by Phase 2. The following table defines the phase divisions for different work schedules or appointment types: NWFF Page Ex7.11 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Appointment Type / Work Schedule Full Time Full Time Seasonal: 18/8 Appointment 13/13 Appointment NWFF 51% Annual Workload Division Annual Scheduled Work Hours 2 080 H M 1,440 Hours 1,039 Hours th 1 060 H More than 734 Hours More than 529 Hours Note: HRM data did not identify which category the employee fell into (i.e., 18/8 or 13/13), so all Full Time Seasonal employees who billed more than 529 base 8 hours were considered in-scope for Phase 1. Part Time and Part Time Seasonal Intermittent and Intermittent Seasonal 16-32 Hours per Week 832-1664 Hours per Year Assumption: Employees can enter intermittent status after they have completed guaranteed seasonal pay periods. Employees may have billed hours to fire program codes under another status in the system, but the HRM data reflects the employee’s status nd as of August 2 in the fiscal year. More than 424 Hours More than 529 Hours (Consistent with Full Time Seasonal) Specific Formula Used to Categorize the Phase The Employee Belongs In: =IF(ISBLANK(WORK SCHEDULE), "Unknown", IF(WORK SCHEDULE="Full-Time", IF(TOTAL HOURS <1060, "Less than 51%", "Over 51%"), IF(ISERROR(TOTAL HOURS >529), "No Hours", IF(OR(TOTAL HOURS ="Unknown", TOTAL HOURS ="No Hours"), "No Hours", IF(AND(WORK SCHEDULE="Full-Time Seasonal", TOTAL HOURS >529), "Over 51%", IF(AND(WORK SCHEDULE="Full-Time Seasonal", TOTAL HOURS <530), "Less than 51%", IF(AND(OR(WORK SCHEDULE="Part-Time Seasonal", WORK SCHEDULE="Part-Time"), TOTAL HOURS >424), "Over 51%", IF(AND(OR(WORK SCHEDULE="Part-Time Seasonal", WORK SCHEDULE="Part-Time"), TOTAL HOURS <425), "Less than 51%", IF(AND(OR(WORK SCHEDULE="Intermittent Seasonal", WORK SCHEDULE="Intermittent"), TOTAL HOURS >529), "Over 51%", IF(AND(OR(WORK SCHEDULE="Intermittent Seasonal", WORK SCHEDULE="Intermittent"), TOTAL HOURS <530), "Less than 51%", "CHECK END")))))))))) Functional Position Title – This field was added to the analysis to group position titles by removing the specialized identification included within parentheses within the official position title (e.g., the standard title of Forestry Tech (Hotshot)was identified as a Forestry Tech in the functional group data field, as well as correcting spelling errors. Law Enforcement Identification – Law Enforcement Employees are considered outside of the scope of this study for both phases. No law enforcement positions were identified for BIA. NWFF Page Ex7.12 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Position Category - This field further categorizes the identified Functional Position Titles into the following analysis categories. A full listing of what specific positions can be found in which categories can be found in Attachment Ex7.3. Position Category Direct Fire Support Fire Program Management Administrative and Business Management Functions Copy of Grade – this field contains a copy of the employee’s grade formatted as a number for calculation purposes. Grade Category – See Grade above. Age Category – This field further categorizes the employee’s age into ranges. Categories of Service - This data field further categorizes the calculated number of years of service into the following categories for analysis purposes: Categories of Service Less than 5 5 to 10 Years of Service 11 to 15 Years of Service More than 15 Years of Service Unknown Specific Formula Used to Categorize the Number of Years of Service: =IF(NUMBER OF YEARS OF SERVICE = "Unknown", "Unknown",IF(NUMBER OF YEARS OF SERVICE < 5, "LESS THAN 5", IF(NUMBER OF YEARS OF SERVICE <=10, "5 TO 10 YEARS OF SERVICE", IF(NUMBER OF YEARS OF SERVICE<=15, "11 TO 15 YEARS OF SERVICE", IF(NUMBER OF YEARS OF SERVICE >15, "MORE THAN 15 YEARS OF SERVICE",""))))) 6c Identification - This data field was added to identify the population of employees under the 6c retirement benefit. The formula determines if an employee is under a 6c retirement benefit using the retirement plans of FERS & FICA Special, CSRS – Special, and FICA &CSRS – Special (Partial). If an employee is under the benefit, the field is populated with a “Yes”, otherwise it is populated with a “No.” Number of Years from Age 57 – This data field was added to analyze the effect that the mandatory retirement age of 57 has on the population of employees under the 6c benefit. The formula initially determines if an employee is under a 6c retirement benefit (Retirement Plans of FERS & FICA Special, CSRS – Special, and FICA &CSRS – Special (Partial)). If an employee is not 6c, the employee is identified as “Not 6c” in this field. If the 6c employee’s age is unknown, then the field is populated as “unknown.” If the 6c employee has already reached the NWFF Page Ex7.13 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI age of 57, the field is identified as “Over 57.” Otherwise, the formula calculates the difference between the employee’s age and 57. Specific Formula Used to Calculate Number of Years from 57: =IF(6C IDENTIFICATION = "No", "Not 6c", IF(57-EMPLOYEE AGE<0, "Over 57",57EMPLOYEE AGE +1)) Year of Mandatory Separation (6c Employees Only) – This field identifies the year employees under the 6c retirement benefit will reach mandatory separation requirements. The calculation formula initially checks if an employee is covered by the 6c retirement benefit. If covered, the formula then calculates the year of mandatory separation as the year the employee reaches the age of 57. Specific Formula Used to Calculate Number of Years from 57: =IF(NUMBER OF YEARS FROM 57="Not 6c","N/A",IF(NUMBER OF YEARS FROM 57 = "Over 57", FILE YEAR , FILE YEAR+NUMBER OF YEARS FROM 57)) Year the Employee is Eligible for Voluntary Retirement - The following sections outline the formula used to calculate the year that BIA employees will become eligible for voluntary retirement. This data field was used to analyze and forecast retirement eligibility percentages and anticipated attrition for the future BIA workforce. Explanation of the Formula Calculations: Formula first checks if the number of years of service is known for the employee. If it is unknown, then voluntary retirement eligibility is not able to be calculated for the employee. Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) – PERHIS Codes 1, 7, C, D, & R 2 o The formula checks if the employee is enrolled in the CSRS retirement system. If the employee is under the CSRS system, the formula checks to verify at least one of the following conditions can be calculated: The employee has served a minimum of 5 years AND the employee is at least 62 years old The employee has served a minimum of 20 years AND the employee is at least 60 years old The employee has served a minimum of 30 years AND the employee is at least 55 years old o If none of the conditions above can calculated (i.e., an error is returned) the retirement eligibility date cannot be calculated and it is coded as “Unknown.” o If one of the three conditions listed above is true for the employee, then the employee is currently eligible for retirement under the CSRS retirement system. o If none of the three conditions are true, the formula then calculates the year that the employee is eligible for voluntary retirement by adding the minimum of the following conditions to the applicable File Year currently being analyzed: 2 US Office of Personnel Management, CSRS Retirement and FERS Retirement Guidance, http://www.opm.gov/retire/index.aspx NWFF Page Ex7.14 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI o o o o The higher of the difference between the employee’s age and 55 vs. the difference between the years of service and 30 The higher of the difference between the employee’s age and 60 vs. the difference between the years of service and 20 The higher of the difference of the employee’s age from 62 vs. the difference between the number of years of service and 5 − Special Law Enforcement and Firefighter Coverage (6c) – PERHIS Codes 6, E, M,& T3 The formula checks if the employee is enrolled in the 6c retirement benefit. If the employee is under 6c, the formula then checks if the employee’s age is known. If unknown, retirement eligibility is unable to be calculated. The formula checks if the employee meets any of the following conditions: The employee has served a minimum of 20 years AND the employee is at least 50 years old The employee has served a minimum of 25 years The employee is at least 57 years old If one of the three conditions listed above is true for the employee, then the employee is currently eligible for retirement under 6c coverage. If none of the three conditions is met for the employee, then the formula determines the year the employee is eligible for retirement by adding the minimum of the following conditions to the applicable File Year being analyzed: The difference between the number of years of service and 25 The difference between 70 and the sum of the employee’s years of service and their age Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS) 2– PERHIS Codes 2, I, K, L, & N o The formula checks if the employee is enrolled in the FERS retirement plan. If the employee is under FERS, the formula then checks if the employee’s age is known. If unknown, an employee is assumed to be eligible for voluntary retirement after 30 years of service. The year the employee is eligible is calculated by adding the different between 30 and the number of years of service added to the applicable File Year being analyzed. o The formula then checks to verify at least one of the following conditions can be calculated: The employee has served a minimum of 5 years AND the employee is at least 62 years old The employee has served a minimum of 20 years AND the employee is at least 60 years old The employee has served a minimum of 30 years AND the employee is at least 55 years old o If none of the conditions above can calculated (i.e., an error is returned) the retirement eligibility date cannot be calculated and it is coded as “Unknown.” o If one of the three conditions listed above is true for the employee, then the employee is currently eligible for retirement under the FERS retirement system. o If none of the three conditions are true, the formula then calculates the year that the employee is eligible for voluntary retirement by adding the minimum of the following conditions to the applicable File Year currently being analyzed: The greater of the following: 3 US Office of Personnel Management, CSRS and FERS Handbook. Chapter 46 - Special Retirement Provisions for Law Enforcement Officers, Firefighters, Air Traffic Controllers, and Military Reserve Technicians. NWFF Page Ex7.15 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI − − − − − − − If the employee was born prior to 1953, the formula returns the difference between 55 and the employee’s age. If the employee was born prior to 1970, the formula returns the difference between 56 and the employee’s age. If the employee was born after 1969, then the formula returns the difference between 57 and the employee’s age. The difference between 30 and the number of years of service The greater of the difference between the employee’s age and 60 vs. the difference between the years of service and 20 The higher of the difference of the employee’s age from 62 vs. the difference between the number of years of service and 5 The formula then checks for enrollment in other retirement plans, and signals the reviewer to “check” each employee under another plan. Specific Formula Used to Calculate Voluntary Retirement Eligibility: =IF(NUMBER YEARS SERVICE="Unknown", "Unknown", IF(OR(RETIREMENT PLAN CODE=1, RETIREMENT PLAN CODE=7, RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="C", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="D", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="R"), IF(ISERROR(OR(AND(NUMBER YEARS SERVICE>=5, EMPLOYEE AGE>=62), AND(NUMBER YEARS SERVICE>=20, EMPLOYEE AGE>=60), AND(NUMBER YEARS SERVICE>=30, EMPLOYEE AGE>=55))), "Unknown", IF(OR(AND(NUMBER YEARS SERVICE>=5, EMPLOYEE AGE>=62), AND(NUMBER YEARS SERVICE>=20, EMPLOYEE AGE>=60), AND(NUMBER YEARS SERVICE>=30, EMPLOYEE AGE>=55)), "Currently Eligible for Voluntary", (FILE YEAR +1)+MIN(MAX(55-EMPLOYEE AGE, 30-NUMBER YEARS SERVICE), MAX(60-EMPLOYEE AGE, 20-NUMBER YEARS SERVICE), MAX(62-EMPLOYEE AGE, 5-NUMBER YEARS SERVICE)))), IF(OR(RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="T", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="M", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="E", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE=6), IF(EMPLOYEE AGE="Unknown", "Unknown", IF(OR( AND(NUMBER YEARS SERVICE>=20, EMPLOYEE AGE>=50), NUMBER YEARS SERVICE>=25, EMPLOYEE AGE >=57), "Currently Eligible for Voluntary", (FILE YEAR +1)+MIN(25-NUMBER YEARS SERVICE, 70-(NUMBER YEARS SERVICE+EMPLOYEE AGE)))), IF(OR(RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="I", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="K", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="L", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="N", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE=2), IF(EMPLOYEE AGE="Unknown", (FILE YEAR+1)+(30-NUMBER YEARS SERVICE), IF(ISERROR(OR(AND(NUMBER YEARS SERVICE>=5, EMPLOYEE AGE>=62), AND(NUMBER YEARS SERVICE>=20, EMPLOYEE AGE>=60), AND(NUMBER YEARS SERVICE>=30, EMPLOYEE AGE>=55))), "Unknown", IF(OR(AND(NUMBER YEARS SERVICE>=5, EMPLOYEE AGE>=62), AND(NUMBER YEARS SERVICE>=20, EMPLOYEE AGE>=60), AND(NUMBER YEARS SERVICE>=30, EMPLOYEE AGE>=55)), "Currently Eligible for Voluntary", (FILE YEAR+1) + MIN(MAX(IF(BIRTH YEAR<1953, 55-EMPLOYEE AGE, IF(BIRTH YEAR<1970, 56-EMPLOYEE AGE, IF(BIRTH YEAR>1969, 57-EMPLOYEE AGE, "CHECK AGE"))), 30-NUMBER YEARS SERVICE), MAX(60-EMPLOYEE AGE, 20-NUMBER YEARS SERVICE), MAX(62-EMPLOYEE AGE, 5NUMBER YEARS SERVICE))))), IF(ISERROR(OR(RETIREMENT PLAN CODE=5, RETIREMENT PLAN CODE=3, RETIREMENT PLAN CODE=4, RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="G", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="J", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="P", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="W", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE=”X”)), "Unknown", IF(OR(RETIREMENT PLAN CODE=5, RETIREMENT PLAN CODE=3, RETIREMENT PLAN CODE=4, RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="G", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="J", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="P", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE="W", RETIREMENT PLAN CODE=”X”), "Other", "CHECK")))))) NWFF Page Ex7.16 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Retirement Categories – This data field further categorizes the calculated year of retirement eligibility into the following categories for analysis purposes: Retirement Categories Currently Eligible for Voluntary Less than 5 Years till Eligible 5 to 10 Years till Eligible 11 to 20 Years till Eligible 21 to 30 Years till Eligible More than 30 Years till Eligible Specific Formula Used to Categorize Retirement Categories: =IF(YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY ="N/A", "N/A", IF(YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY <FILE YEAR , "Currently Eligible for Voluntary", IF(OR(YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY ="CHECK", YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY ="Other", YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY ="Unknown"), "Unknown", IF((YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))>30, "More than 30 Years till Eligible", IF((YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))<5, "Less than 5 Years till Eligible", IF(AND((YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))>=5, (YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))<=10), "5 to 10 Years till Eligible", IF(AND((YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))>=11, (YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))<=20), "11 to 20 Years till Eligible", IF(AND((YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))>=21, (YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))<=30), "21 to 30 Years till Eligible", "Unknown")))))))) BIA Region – This field identifies the BIA region for the identified location. This field was not used for analysis purposes of this study, but has been populated for future use. NWFF Analysis Region – This field identifies the wildland fire geographic area (i.e., GACC) that corresponds to the identified location and BIA Region. The NWFF Geographic Area Assignment Crosswalk can be found in Attachment Ex7.1. NWFF Page Ex7.17 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI 7.3 Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) Social Security Number (SSN) – This field was used as the unique identifier for each employee. SSN is the only unique identifier consistent across various information systems, and was needed to tie information from different information sources together for analysis purposes. Employee Name – Identifies the employee name from the financial system. Total Number of Hours – This field sums the total number of hours billed by the employee to the fire program during the file’s fiscal year. Bureau – This field identifies that the personnel information is pertinent to the Fish and Wildlife Service only. Sub Bureau – This field identifies the code for the sub bureau within the FWS where the employee is assigned. Organization – This field refers to the employee’s office within each sub bureau. Pay Plan – This data field identifies the applicable pay plan for the employee’s position. Federal work is generally classified under the General Schedule (GS) or the Federal Wage System (FWS). Occupational SeriesR3– This field identifies the exact occupational group to which the employee’s position has been classified. A position’s series is a subdivision of an occupational group or job family consisting of positions similar, as to specialized line of work and qualifications requirements. An occupational group is the major category of white collar occupations, embracing a group of associated or related occupations (e.g., the Accounting and Budget Group, GS-0500). Grade – This field defines the grade of the employee under the corresponding Pay Plan. This data field was further categorized into the GS Grade Categories identified below for analysis purposes. GS Grade Categories GS 1,2,3, or 4 GS 5,6, or 7 GS 8,9, or 10 GS 11 or 12 GS 13 or Higher Non-GS Pay Plan Salary Rate – Pay basis that the identified salary is based on (e.g., per annum, per hour, etc.). Basic Pay - This data field lists the amount the employees is scheduled to earn prior to any allowance, adjustment, or differential (i.e., base salary). Retention Allowance – Identifies the incentive paid to retain the employee (up to 25% of base pay). NWFF Page Ex7.18 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Relocation Bonus – Lump sum dollar amount paid to a current employee to compensate them for relocation. Recruitment Bonus – This field corresponds to the lump sum dollar amount paid to newly appointed employees as an incentive for the employee to work for the agency. Position Title – Identifies the OPM official title of the employee’s position. Work Schedule – This field identifies when an employee is scheduled to work. The following definitions reflect the different work schedules for FWS employees: • Full Time – A regularly scheduled tour of duty which requires the employee to be in a leave and/or duty status for 80 hour each biweekly pay period • Intermittent – Work based on sporadic and unpredictable requirements which prevent advance scheduling of a regular tour of duty. Employees work on an as-needed basis, are paid only for those hours work, and are not entitled to earn or use leave. • Part Time – A regularly scheduled tour of duty which generally requires an employee to be on duty no less than 16 hours and no more than 32 hours per week. • Seasonal Employment2 – Annually recurring periods of work of less than 12 months each year. Seasonal employees are permanent employees who are placed in non-duty/non-pay status and recalled to duty in accordance with pre-established conditions of employment. Position Tenure –This field identifies if a position is considered permanent or temporary. A position coded with a “P” is a permanent position and a position coded with a “T” if it is a temporary position. Location – Identifies the city and state where the employee works. Position Supervisory Status – This data field identifies whether a position is considered supervisory or not. Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) – This field indicates whether the position is covered by the minimum pay and overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Veterans Preference – This field identifies an employee's veterans preference used for appointment purposes and is also used in determining retention rights for reduction in force actions and procedural rights in appeal cases, and in other areas where veteran’s preference is pertinent. This field was not used for purposes of this study. Retirement Plan – This field identifies the type of retirement/social security coverage held by the employee of record. Birthdate – This field identifies an employee’s date of birth. Retirement Eligibility Date – The date the FPPS system has identified the employee will be eligible to retire based upon the employee’s age, creditable service, retirement plan, etc. Unlike the FS PERHIS system, this field was populated for all FWS employees (when applicable) and verification of the data revealed that the dates were accurate. Sex – This field identifies whether an employee is a male or female. NWFF Page Ex7.19 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Years of Service – This field is prepopulated in the FPPS system for the FY 2009, 2008 and 2007 data based upon the Date Service Computation Leave field. Verification of this field revealed that the years of service were correct and were used to calculate Retirement Eligibility and LOS categories. The number of years of employee service was calculated for FY 2005 and 2006 by subtracting the SCD Leave year from the Analysis File Year. Appointment Type – This field contains codes for each employee’s appointment type. This field was not used during this analysis. Duty Station – These data fields identify the city and county where the employee’s permanent duty station is located. Service Computation Date (SCD) Leave – The date, either actual or constructed by crediting service, used to determine benefits that are based on how long the person has been in the Federal Service. This date is used to calculate the number of years of employee service. Special Employment Program – Identifies if an employee is in a special employment program (e.g., Students in the Student Career Experience Program (SCEP)). The FPPS system uses codes to identify these programs. Date On-Duty at Bureau – This field identifies the date an employee entered on duty in the Agency. Date Entered Current Position – This field identifies the date employee brought on board or moved to a new personnel office. Education Level – These fields indicate the highest academic level of education attained by the employee. Phase 1 or Phase 2 Identification – This field clearly identifies whether an employee billed 51% or more of their hours to fire for the file year being analyzed or whether they billed less than 51% of their hours to fire. Those employees who billed 51% or more of their time to fire are considered “in-scope” of Phase 1 of this study and those who billed less than 51% will be covered by Phase 2. The following table defines the phase divisions for different work schedules or appointment types: NWFF Page Ex7.20 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Appointment Type / Work Schedule Full Time Full Time Seasonal: 18/8 Appointment 13/13 Appointment Annual Scheduled Work Hours 2 080 H 1,440 Hours 1,039 Hours NWFF 51% Annual Workload Division M th 1 060 H More than 734 Hours More than 529 Hours Note: HRM data did not identify which category the employee fell into (i.e., 18/8 or 13/13), so all Full Time Seasonal employees who billed more than 529 base 8 hours were considered in-scope for Phase 1. Part Time and Part Time Seasonal Intermittent and Intermittent Seasonal 16-32 Hours per Week 832-1664 Hours per Year Assumption: Employees can enter intermittent status after they have completed guaranteed seasonal pay periods. Employees may have billed hours to fire program codes under another status in the system, but the HRM data reflects the employee’s status nd as of August 2 in the fiscal year. More than 424 Hours More than 529 Hours (Consistent with Full Time Seasonal) Specific Formula Used to Categorize the Phase The Employee Belongs In: =IF(ISBLANK(WORK SCHEDULE), "Unknown", IF(WORK SCHEDULE="Full-Time", IF(TOTAL HOURS <1060, "Less than 51%", "Over 51%"), IF(ISERROR(TOTAL HOURS >529), "No Hours", IF(OR(TOTAL HOURS ="Unknown", TOTAL HOURS ="No Hours"), "No Hours", IF(AND(WORK SCHEDULE="Full-Time Seasonal", TOTAL HOURS >529), "Over 51%", IF(AND(WORK SCHEDULE="Full-Time Seasonal", TOTAL HOURS <530), "Less than 51%", IF(AND(OR(WORK SCHEDULE="Part-Time Seasonal", WORK SCHEDULE="Part-Time"), TOTAL HOURS >424), "Over 51%", IF(AND(OR(WORK SCHEDULE="Part-Time Seasonal", WORK SCHEDULE="Part-Time"), TOTAL HOURS <425), "Less than 51%", IF(AND(OR(WORK SCHEDULE="Intermittent Seasonal", WORK SCHEDULE="Intermittent"), TOTAL HOURS >529), "Over 51%", IF(AND(OR(WORK SCHEDULE="Intermittent Seasonal", WORK SCHEDULE="Intermittent"), TOTAL HOURS <530), "Less than 51%", "CHECK END")))))))))) Functional Position Title – This field was added to the analysis to group position titles by removing the specialized identification included within parentheses within the official position title (e.g., the standard title of Forestry Tech (Hotshot)was identified as a Forestry Tech in the functional group data field, as well as correcting spelling errors. Identification of Out of Scope Employees – Law Enforcement Employees are considered outside of the scope of this study for both phases. Law Enforcement positions were identified using the following criteria: • Official Position Title included “Law Enforcement”, “LE&I, “LEO”, or some form clearly identifying the position as Law Enforcement or Investigation in the title (including student trainee). NWFF Page Ex7.21 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Position Category - This field further categorizes the identified Functional Position Titles into the following analysis categories. A full listing of what specific positions can be found in which categories can be found in Attachment Ex7.4. Position Category Direct Fire Support Fire Program Management Administrative and Business Management Functions Copy of Grade – this field contains a copy of the employee’s grade formatted as a number for calculation purposes. Grade Category – See Grade above. Birth Year – This field contains the four digit year taken directly from the employee’s birth date for calculation purposes. Employee Age – This field calculates the employee’s age based upon the Birth Year by subtracting the Employee’s Birth Year from the Analysis File Year and adding one. Age Category – This field further categorizes the employee’s age into ranges. Categories of Service - This data field further categorizes the calculated number of years of service into the following categories for analysis purposes: Categories of Service Less than 5 5 to 10 Years of Service 11 to 15 Years of Service More than 15 Years of Service Unknown Specific Formula Used to Categorize the Number of Years of Service: =IF(NUMBER OF YEARS OF SERVICE = "Unknown", "Unknown",IF(NUMBER OF YEARS OF SERVICE < 5, "LESS THAN 5", IF(NUMBER OF YEARS OF SERVICE <=10, "5 TO 10 YEARS OF SERVICE", IF(NUMBER OF YEARS OF SERVICE<=15, "11 TO 15 YEARS OF SERVICE", IF(NUMBER OF YEARS OF SERVICE >15, "MORE THAN 15 YEARS OF SERVICE",""))))) 6c Identification - This data field was added to identify the population of employees under the 6c retirement benefit. The formula determines if an employee is under a 6c retirement benefit using the retirement plans of FERS & FICA Special, CSRS – Special, and FICA &CSRS – Special (Partial). If an employee is under the benefit, the field is populated with a “Yes”, otherwise it is populated with a “No.” Number of Years from Age 57 – This data field was added to analyze the effect that the mandatory retirement age of 57 has on the population of employees under the 6c benefit. The NWFF Page Ex7.22 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI formula initially determines if an employee is under a 6c retirement benefit (Retirement Plans of FERS & FICA Special, CSRS – Special, and FICA &CSRS – Special (Partial)). If an employee is not 6c, the employee is identified as “Not 6c” in this field. If the 6c employee’s age is unknown, then the field is populated as “unknown.” If the 6c employee has already reached the age of 57, the field is identified as “Over 57.” Otherwise, the formula calculates the difference between the employee’s age and 57. Specific Formula Used to Calculate Number of Years from 57: =IF(6C IDENTIFICATION = "No", "Not 6c", IF(57-EMPLOYEE AGE<0, "Over 57",57EMPLOYEE AGE +1)) Year of Mandatory Separation (6c Employees Only) – This field identifies the year employees under the 6c retirement benefit will reach mandatory separation requirements. The calculation formula initially checks if an employee is covered by the 6c retirement benefit. If covered, the formula then calculates the year of mandatory separation as the year the employee reaches the age of 57. Specific Formula Used to Calculate Number of Years from 57: =IF(NUMBER OF YEARS FROM 57="Not 6c","N/A",IF(NUMBER OF YEARS FROM 57 = "Over 57", FILE YEAR , FILE YEAR+NUMBER OF YEARS FROM 57)) Year the Employee is Eligible for Voluntary Retirement – This field identifies the four digit year taken directly from the employee’s Retirement Eligibility Date. Retirement Categories – This data field further categorizes the calculated year of retirement eligibility into the following categories for analysis purposes: Retirement Categories Currently Eligible for Voluntary Less than 5 Years till Eligible 5 to 10 Years till Eligible 11 to 20 Years till Eligible 21 to 30 Years till Eligible More than 30 Years till Eligible Specific Formula Used to Categorize Retirement Categories: =IF(YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY ="N/A", "N/A", IF(YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY <FILE YEAR , "Currently Eligible for Voluntary", IF(OR(YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY ="CHECK", YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY ="Other", YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY ="Unknown"), "Unknown", IF((YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))>30, "More than 30 Years till Eligible", IF((YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))<5, "Less than 5 Years till Eligible", IF(AND((YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))>=5, (YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))<=10), "5 to 10 Years till Eligible", IF(AND((YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))>=11, (YEAR NWFF Page Ex7.23 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))<=20), "11 to 20 Years till Eligible", IF(AND((YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))>=21, (YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))<=30), "21 to 30 Years till Eligible", "Unknown")))))))) Geographic Area – This field identifies the GA area for the identified Location. This field was used for all DOI bureaus for analysis purposes across bureaus and with FS data. FWS Region – This field identifies the FWS region for the identified Location. This field was not used for analysis purposes in this study, but has been populated for future use. NWFF Analysis Region – This field identifies the wildland fire geographic area (i.e., GACC) that corresponds to the identified location and FWS Region. The NWFF Geographic Area Assignment Crosswalk can be found in Attachment Ex7.1. NWFF Page Ex7.24 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI 7.4 National Park Service (NPS) BLM financial data was pulled for FY 2005 through FY 2009 from the Federal Financial System (FFS). The codes for straight time hours and overtime hours from the FFS system can be seen in Attachments Ex7.6 and Ex7.7. Personnel data was pulled from the FPPS system. (Note: Late in the study it was determined that data included Overtime Hours although only Straight Time was requested. The decision was made to move forward with the data because the impact would not be significant to the findings of the study.) Employee Name – Identifies the employee name from the financial system. Total Number of Hours – This field sums the total number of hours billed by the employee to the fire program during the file’s fiscal year. Bureau – This field identifies that the personnel information is pertinent to the National Park Service only. Sub Bureau – This field identifies the sub bureau within the NPS where the employee is assigned (e.g., Southeast). Organization – This field refers to the employee’s office within each sub bureau. Pay Plan – This data field identifies the applicable pay plan for the employee’s position. Federal work is generally classified under the General Schedule (GS) or the Federal Wage System (FWS). Occupational SeriesR3– This field identifies the exact occupational group to which the employee’s position has been classified. A position’s series is a subdivision of an occupational group or job family consisting of positions similar, as to specialized line of work and qualifications requirements. An occupational group is the major category of white collar occupations, embracing a group of associated or related occupations (e.g., the Accounting and Budget Group, GS-0500). Grade – This field defines the grade of the employee under the corresponding Pay Plan. This data field was further categorized into the GS Grade Categories identified below for analysis purposes. Grade GS 1,2,3, or 4 GS 5,6, or 7 GS 8,9, or 10 GS 11 or 12 GS 13 or Higher Non-GS Pay Plan Name – This field identifies the employee’s first, last, and middle name (if applicable) as it appears in the FPPS system. Position Title – Identifies the OPM official title of the employee’s position. NWFF Page Ex7.25 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Location – Identifies the city and state where the employee works. Duty Station – These data fields identify the city and county where the employee’s permanent duty station is located. Salary – This field identifies the amount of the employee’s salary as an annual, monthly, daily, of hourly amount as indicated by the salary rate code. Salary Rate – Pay basis that the identified salary is based on (e.g., per annum, per hour, etc.) Work Schedule – This field identifies when an employee is scheduled to work. The following definitions reflect the different work schedules for NPS employees: • Full Time – A regularly scheduled tour of duty which requires the employee to be in a leave and/or duty status for 80 hour each biweekly pay period • Intermittent – Work based on sporadic and unpredictable requirements which prevent advance scheduling of a regular tour of duty. Employees work on an as-needed basis, are paid only for those hours work, and are not entitled to earn or use leave. • Part Time – A regularly scheduled tour of duty which generally requires an employee to be on duty no less than 16 hours and no more than 32 hours per week. • Seasonal Employment2 – Annually recurring periods of work of less than 12 months each year. Seasonal employees are permanent employees who are placed in nonduty/nonpay status and recalled to duty in accordance with pre-established conditions of employment. Position Supervisory Status – This data field identifies whether a position is considered supervisory or not. Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) – This field indicates whether the position is covered by the minimum pay and overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Retirement Plan – This field identifies the type of retirement/social security coverage held by the employee of record. Individual Position Number – This field identifies the personnel position number. Specifically, it identifies, by number, the position occupied by the employee. Unfortunately this field was determined to not be a unique identifier for the purposes of this study. Birthdate – This field identifies an employee’s date of birth. Retirement Eligibility Date – The date the FPPS system has identified the employee will be eligible to retire based upon the employee’s age, creditable service, retirement plan, etc. Unlike the FS PERHIS system, this field was populated for all NPS employees (when applicable) and verification of the data revealed that the dates were accurate. Service Computation Date (SCD) – The date, either actual or constructed by crediting service, used to determine benefits that are based on how long the person has been in the Federal Service. This date was used as the primary means of calculating each employee’s length of service and subsequently, their retirement eligibility. Data Source – This field is system specific and was not used for analysis purposes. NWFF Page Ex7.26 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Position Tenure –This field identifies if a position is considered permanent or temporary. A position coded with a “P” is a permanent position and a position coded with a “T” if it is a temporary position. Employee Age – This field identifies an employee’s age. The field was not populated for all employees and some ages did not match the employee’s birthdate. As a result, each employee’s age was calculated in an analysis field below. Phase 1 or Phase 2 Identification – This field clearly identifies whether an employee billed 51% or more of their hours to fire for the file year being analyzed or whether they billed less than 51% of their hours to fire. Those employees who billed 51% or more of their time to fire are considered “in-scope” of Phase 1 of this study and those who billed less than 51% will be covered by Phase 2. The following table defines the phase divisions for different work schedules or appointment types: Appointment Type / Work Schedule Full Time Full Time Seasonal: 18/8 Appointment 13/13 Appointment Annual Scheduled Work Hours 2 080 H 1,440 Hours 1,039 Hours NWFF 51% Annual Workload Division M th 1 060 H More than 734 Hours More than 529 Hours Note: HRM data did not identify which category the employee fell into (i.e., 18/8 or 13/13), so all Full Time Seasonal employees who billed more than 529 base 8 hours were considered in-scope for Phase 1. Part Time and Part Time Seasonal Intermittent and Intermittent Seasonal 16-32 Hours per Week 832-1664 Hours per Year Assumption: Employees can enter intermittent status after they have completed guaranteed seasonal pay periods. Employees may have billed hours to fire program codes under another status in the system, but the HRM data reflects the employee’s status nd as of August 2 in the fiscal year. More than 424 Hours More than 529 Hours (Consistent with Full Time Seasonal) Specific Formula Used to Categorize the Phase The Employee Belongs In: =IF(ISBLANK(WORK SCHEDULE), "Unknown", IF(WORK SCHEDULE="Full-Time", IF(TOTAL HOURS <1060, "Less than 51%", "Over 51%"), IF(ISERROR(TOTAL HOURS >529), "No Hours", IF(OR(TOTAL HOURS ="Unknown", TOTAL HOURS ="No Hours"), "No Hours", IF(AND(WORK SCHEDULE="Full-Time Seasonal", TOTAL HOURS >529), "Over 51%", IF(AND(WORK SCHEDULE="Full-Time Seasonal", TOTAL HOURS <530), "Less than 51%", IF(AND(OR(WORK SCHEDULE="Part-Time Seasonal", WORK SCHEDULE="Part-Time"), TOTAL HOURS >424), "Over 51%", IF(AND(OR(WORK SCHEDULE="Part-Time Seasonal", WORK SCHEDULE="Part-Time"), TOTAL HOURS <425), "Less than 51%", IF(AND(OR(WORK NWFF Page Ex7.27 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI SCHEDULE="Intermittent Seasonal", WORK SCHEDULE="Intermittent"), TOTAL HOURS >529), "Over 51%", IF(AND(OR(WORK SCHEDULE="Intermittent Seasonal", WORK SCHEDULE="Intermittent"), TOTAL HOURS <530), "Less than 51%", "CHECK END")))))))))) Functional Position Title – This field was added to the analysis to group position titles by removing the specialized identification included within parentheses within the official position title (e.g., the standard title of Forestry Tech (Hotshot)was identified as a Forestry Tech in the functional group data field, as well as correcting spelling errors. Identification of Out of Scope Employees – Law Enforcement Employees are considered outside of the scope of this study for both phases. In addition, NPS has a Structural Fire group unique to the Bureau and is considered outside the scope of Wildland Fire. Law Enforcement and Structural Fire positions were identified using the following criteria: • Official Position Title included “Law Enforcement”, “LE&I, “LEO”, or some form clearly identifying the position as Law Enforcement or Investigation in the title (including student trainee). • Official Position Title included Structural Fire or other identifying wording in the title (including student trainee). Position Category - This field further categorizes the identified Functional Position Titles into the following analysis categories. A full listing of what specific positions can be found in which categories can be found in Attachment Ex7.5. Position Category Direct Fire Support Fire Program Management Administrative and Business Management Functions Copy of Grade – this field contains a copy of the employee’s grade formatted as a number for calculation purposes. Grade Category – See Grade above. Birth Year – This field contains the four digit year taken directly from the employee’s birth date for calculation purposes. Employee Age – This field calculates the employee’s age based upon the Birth Year by subtracting the Employee’s Birth Year from the Analysis File Year and adding one. Age Category – This field further categorizes the employee’s age into ranges. SCD Year – This field identifies the four digit year taken directly from the employee’s SCD. Number of Years of Service – This formula first checks to verify if the SCD is known for the employee. If it is unknown, the formula populates the cell with the word “Unknown”: If SCD is known, the formula calculates the number of years of service as one plus the file year minus the SCD year. NWFF Page Ex7.28 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Specific Formula Used to Calculate the Number of Years of Service: =IF (SCD YEAR="Unknown", "Unknown", FILE YEAR – SCD YEAR+1) Categories of Service - This data field further categorizes the calculated number of years of service into the following categories for analysis purposes: Categories of Service Less than 5 5 to 10 Years of Service 11 to 15 Years of Service More than 15 Years of Service Unknown Specific Formula Used to Categorize the Number of Years of Service: =IF(NUMBER OF YEARS OF SERVICE = "Unknown", "Unknown",IF(NUMBER OF YEARS OF SERVICE < 5, "LESS THAN 5", IF(NUMBER OF YEARS OF SERVICE <=10, "5 TO 10 YEARS OF SERVICE", IF(NUMBER OF YEARS OF SERVICE<=15, "11 TO 15 YEARS OF SERVICE", IF(NUMBER OF YEARS OF SERVICE >15, "MORE THAN 15 YEARS OF SERVICE",""))))) 6c Identification - This data field was added to identify the population of employees under the 6c retirement benefit. The formula determines if an employee is under a 6c retirement benefit using the retirement plans of FERS & FICA Special, CSRS – Special, and FICA &CSRS – Special (Partial). If an employee is under the benefit, the field is populated with a “Yes”, otherwise it is populated with a “No.” Number of Years from Age 57 – This data field was added to analyze the effect that the mandatory retirement age of 57 has on the population of employees under the 6c benefit. The formula initially determines if an employee is under a 6c retirement benefit (Retirement Plans of FERS & FICA Special, CSRS – Special, and FICA &CSRS – Special (Partial)). If an employee is not 6c, the employee is identified as “Not 6c” in this field. If the 6c employee’s age is unknown, then the field is populated as “unknown.” If the 6c employee has already reached the age of 57, the field is identified as “Over 57.” Otherwise, the formula calculates the difference between the employee’s age and 57. Specific Formula Used to Calculate Number of Years from 57: =IF(6C IDENTIFICATION = "No", "Not 6c", IF(57-EMPLOYEE AGE<0, "Over 57",57EMPLOYEE AGE +1)) Year of Mandatory Separation (6c Employees Only) – This field identifies the year employees under the 6c retirement benefit will reach mandatory separation requirements. The calculation formula initially checks if an employee is covered by the 6c retirement benefit. If covered, the formula then calculates the year of mandatory separation as the year the employee reaches the age of 57. NWFF Page Ex7.29 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Specific Formula Used to Calculate Number of Years from 57: =IF(NUMBER OF YEARS FROM 57="Not 6c","N/A",IF(NUMBER OF YEARS FROM 57 = "Over 57", FILE YEAR , FILE YEAR+NUMBER OF YEARS FROM 57)) Year the Employee is Eligible for Voluntary Retirement – This field identifies the four digit year taken directly from the employee’s Retirement Eligibility Date. Retirement Categories – This data field further categorizes the calculated year of retirement eligibility into the following categories for analysis purposes: Currently Eligible for Voluntary Less than 5 Years till Eligible 5 to 10 Years till Eligible 11 to 20 Years till Eligible 21 to 30 Years till Eligible More than 30 Years till Eligible Specific Formula Used to Categorize Retirement Categories: =IF(YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY ="N/A", "N/A", IF(YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY <FILE YEAR , "Currently Eligible for Voluntary", IF(OR(YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY ="CHECK", YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY ="Other", YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY ="Unknown"), "Unknown", IF((YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))>30, "More than 30 Years till Eligible", IF((YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))<5, "Less than 5 Years till Eligible", IF(AND((YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))>=5, (YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))<=10), "5 to 10 Years till Eligible", IF(AND((YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))>=11, (YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))<=20), "11 to 20 Years till Eligible", IF(AND((YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))>=21, (YEAR ELIGIBLE FOR VOLUNTARY -(FILE YEAR +1))<=30), "21 to 30 Years till Eligible", "Unknown")))))))) NPS Region – This field identifies the NPS region for the identified location. This field was not used for analysis purposes of this study, but has been populated for future use. NWFF Analysis Region – This field identifies the wildland fire geographic area (i.e., GACC) that corresponds to the identified location and NPS Region. The NWFF Geographic Area Assignment Crosswalk can be found in Attachment Ex7.1. NWFF Page Ex7.30 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI 7.5 Attachments for Exhibit 7 Attachment Ex7.1 – NWFF Geographic Area Assignment Crosswalks Attachment Ex7.2 – Number of BLM Positions/Employees in Each Position Analysis Category for the Corresponding Position Title Attachment Ex7.3 – Number of BIA Positions/Employees in Each Position Analysis Category for the Corresponding Position Title Attachment Ex7.4 – Number of FWS Positions/Employees in Each Position Analysis Category for the Corresponding Position Title Attachment Ex7.5 – Number of NPS Positions/Employees in Each Position Analysis Category for the Corresponding Position Title Attachment Ex7.6 – Straight Time Hours Codes for the Federal Financial System (FFS) Attachment Ex7.7 – Overtime Hours Codes for the Federal Financial System (FFS) NWFF Page Ex7.31 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Attachment Ex7.1 –NWFF Geographic Area Assignment Crosswalks State ALABAMA ALASKA ARIZONA ARKANSAS CALIFORNIA COLORADO CONNECTICUT DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA DELAWARE FLORIDA GEORGIA HAWAII IDAHO ILLINOIS INDIANA IOWA KANSAS KENTUCKY LOUISIANA MAINE MARYLAND MASSACHUSETTS MICHIGAN MINNESOTA MISSISSIPPI MISSOURI MONTANA NEBRASKA NEVADA NWFF NWFF Geographic Area SOUTHERN ALASKA SOUTHWEST SOUTHERN MANUAL ROCKY MOUNTAIN EASTERN WO EASTERN SOUTHERN SOUTHERN NORTHERN CA MANUAL EASTERN EASTERN EASTERN ROCKY MOUNTAIN SOUTHERN SOUTHERN EASTERN EASTERN EASTERN EASTERN EASTERN SOUTHERN EASTERN NORTHERN ROCKIES ROCKY MOUNTAIN WEST BASIN BLM Region Eastern States Alaska Arizona Eastern States California Colorado Eastern States WO Eastern States Eastern States Eastern States N/A Idaho Eastern States Eastern States Eastern States New Mexico Eastern States Eastern States Eastern States Eastern States Eastern States Eastern States Eastern States Eastern States Eastern States Montana/Dakotas Wyoming Nevada BIA Region Eastern Alaska Manual - Western or Navajo Eastern Pacific Manual - South West or Navajo Eastern WO Eastern Eastern Eastern N/A Northwest Midwest Eastern Midwest Southern Plains Eastern Eastern Eastern Eastern Eastern Midwest Midwest Eastern Eastern Rocky Mountain Great Plains Western Page Ex7.32 FWS Region Region 4 Region 7 Region 2 Region 4 Region 8 Region 6 Region 5 Region 9 Region 5 Region 4 Region 4 Region 1 Region 1 Region 3 Region 3 Region 3 Region 6 Region 4 Region 4 Region 5 Region 5 Region 5 Region 3 Region 3 Region 4 Region 3 Region 6 Region 6 Region 8 NPS Region Southeast Alaska Intermountain Midwest Pacific West Intermountain Northeast National Capital Northeast Southeast Southeast Pacific West Pacific West Midwest Midwest Midwest Midwest Southeast Southeast Northeast Northeast Northeast Midwest Midwest Southeast Midwest Intermountain Midwest Pacific West Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI State NEW HAMPSHIRE NEW JERSEY NEW MEXICO NEW YORK NORTH CAROLINA NORTH DAKOTA OHIO OKLAHOMA OREGON PENNSYLVANIA PUERTO RICO RHODE ISLAND SOUTH CAROLINA SOUTH DAKOTA TENNESSEE TEXAS UTAH VERMONT VIRGINIA WASHINGTON WEST VIRGINIA WISCONSIN WYOMING NWFF NWFF Geographic Area EASTERN EASTERN SOUTHWEST EASTERN SOUTHERN NORTHERN ROCKIES EASTERN SOUTHERN NORTHWEST EASTERN SOUTHERN EASTERN SOUTHERN ROCKY MOUNTAIN SOUTHERN SOUTHERN EAST BASIN EASTERN SOUTHERN NORTHWEST EASTERN EASTERN ROCKY MOUNTAIN BLM Region Eastern States Eastern States New Mexico Eastern States Montana/Dakotas Eastern States Eastern States New Mexico Oregon/Washington Eastern States N/A Eastern States Eastern States Montana/Dakotas Eastern States New Mexico Utah Eastern States Eastern States Oregon/Washington Eastern States Eastern States Wyoming BIA Region Eastern Eastern Southwest Eastern Eastern Great Plains Eastern Manual - Eastern OK and S th Pl i Northwest Eastern N/A Eastern Eastern Great Plains Eastern Southern Plains Manual - Western or Navajo Eastern Eastern Northwest Eastern Midwest Rocky Mountain Page Ex7.33 FWS Region Region 5 Region 5 Region 2 Region 5 Region 4 Region 6 Region 3 Region 2 Region 1 Region 5 Region 4 Region 5 Region 4 Region 6 Region 4 Region 2 Region 6 Region 5 Region 5 Region 1 Region 5 Region 3 Region 6 NPS Region Northeast Northeast Intermountain Northeast Southeast Midwest Midwest Intermountain Pacific West Northeast Southeast Northeast Southeast Midwest Southeast Intermountain Intermountain Northeast Northeast Pacific West Northeast Midwest Intermountain Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI City ADA ARCO BOISE BRUNEAU BURLEY CHALLIS DRIGGS DUBOIS EAST FALLS EMMETT FORT HALL HAMMETT HORSESHOE BEND IDAHO FALLS MALAD CITY MARSING MIDDLETON MOUNTAIN HOME NEW PLYMOUTH POCATELLO SHOSHONE SODA SPRINGS TWIN FALLS ALTURAS ARCATA CEDARVILLE CRESCENT CITY DEL NORTE DOYLE FOLSOM NWFF State IDAHO IDAHO IDAHO IDAHO IDAHO IDAHO IDAHO IDAHO IDAHO IDAHO IDAHO IDAHO IDAHO IDAHO IDAHO IDAHO IDAHO IDAHO IDAHO IDAHO IDAHO IDAHO IDAHO CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA NWFF Geographic Area EAST BASIN EAST BASIN EAST BASIN EAST BASIN EAST BASIN EAST BASIN EAST BASIN EAST BASIN EAST BASIN EAST BASIN EAST BASIN EAST BASIN EAST BASIN EAST BASIN EAST BASIN EAST BASIN EAST BASIN EAST BASIN EAST BASIN EAST BASIN EAST BASIN EAST BASIN EAST BASIN NORTHERN CA NORTHERN CA NORTHERN CA NORTHERN CA NORTHERN CA NORTHERN CA NORTHERN CA City FORT ORD HOLLISTER KLAMATH LEE VINING LITCHFIELD MARKLEEVILLE MCCLELLAN AFB MENDOCINO MINERAL MODOC MONO ORICK PLACERVILLE RAVENDALE REDDING REQUA SACRAMENTO SHASTA SUSANVILLE TULELAKE UKIAH WHISKEYTOWN WHITEHORN BONNERS FERRY COEUR D ALENE COTTONWOOD SALMON AGOURA ALPAUGH APPLE VALLEY Page Ex7.34 State CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA IDAHO IDAHO IDAHO IDAHO CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA NWFF Geographic Area NORTHERN CA NORTHERN CA NORTHERN CA NORTHERN CA NORTHERN CA NORTHERN CA NORTHERN CA NORTHERN CA NORTHERN CA NORTHERN CA NORTHERN CA NORTHERN CA NORTHERN CA NORTHERN CA NORTHERN CA NORTHERN CA NORTHERN CA NORTHERN CA NORTHERN CA NORTHERN CA NORTHERN CA NORTHERN CA NORTHERN CA NORTHERN ROCKIES NORTHERN ROCKIES NORTHERN ROCKIES NORTHERN ROCKIES SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI City AUBERRY BAKER BAKERSFIELD BARSTOW BENTON BISHOP CALABASAS CORONA DANVILLE DEATH VALLEY EL CENTRO FRESNO HATHAWAY PINES INDEPENDENCE INYO INYOKERN JAMUL KELSO KERN KERNVILLE KINGS CANYON NATL PK LANCASTER LOMPOC MALIBU MANZANITA LAKE MARIPOSA MARTINEZ MODESTO MORENO VALLEY NWFF State CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA NWFF Geographic Area SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA City State NEEDLES NEWBURY PARK NORTON AF BASE OAKLAND OLANCHA ONYX PAICINES PALM DESERT PALM SPRINGS PASO ROBLES POINT REYES STATION PORTERVILLE RIDGECREST RIVERSIDE SAN BERNARDINO SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO SAN LUIS OBISPO SEQUOIA NATIONAL PARK TAFT THOUSAND OAKS THREE RIVERS TOPAZ TULARE TWENTYNINE PALMS VENTURA WOODFORDS YOSEMITE NATL PARK YUCCA VALLEY CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA Page Ex7.35 NWFF Geographic Area SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA SOUTHERN CA Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Attachment Ex7.2 – Number of BLM Positions/Employees in Each Position Analysis Category for the Corresponding Position Title (FY 2009 Only) NOTE: Some management specialist positions graded GS 12 and above were identified to be Fire Program Management positions. These positions included the following position titles: Natural Resources Management Specialist, Fire Management Specialist, Fuels Management Specialist, Lead Rangeland Management Specialist, Rangeland Management Specialist, Range Management Specialists, Smoke Management Specialists, Supervisory Rangeland Management Specialists, etc. Position Functional Title ACCOUNTANT ACCOUNTING TECH ADMIN AND SAFETY ASSISTANT ADMIN MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST ADMIN OFFICER ADMIN SERVICES MANAGER ADMIN SUPPORT ASSISTANT ADMIN SUPPORT CLERK ADMIN SUPPORT SPECIALIST ADMINISTRATIVE PROGRAM SPECIALIST ADMINISTRATIVE TECH AFM RENEWABLE RESOURCES AFM, NON-RENEWABLE RESOURCES AFM, SUPPORT SERVICES AFOM FOR RENEWABLE RESOURCES AIR OPERATIONS SPECIALIST AIRCRAFT ATTENDANT AIRCRAFT ATTENDANT SUPERVISOR AIRCRAFT ATTENDANT TRAINING LEAD AIRCRAFT DISPATCHER AIRCRAFT FRONT LOADER AIRPLANE FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR AIRPLANE PILOT NWFF Direct Fire Fire Program Management Support Administrative & Business Management Functions 14 12 1 1 25 1 50 7 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 8 1 1 2 1 2 4 Page Ex7.36 Total Number of Positions 14 12 1 1 25 1 50 7 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 8 1 1 2 1 2 4 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Position Functional Title AIRSPACE COORDINATOR ARCHEOLOGIST ARCHEOLOGY AID ARCHEOLOGY TECH ARCHITECT ASSET MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST ASSET MANAGER ASSISTANT AVIATION MANAGER ASSISTANT CASUAL PAYMENT CENTER OPERATIONS MANAGER ASSISTANT CENTER MANAGER ASSISTANT DIRECTOR ASSISTANT DISTRICT MANAGER ASSISTANT FIELD MANAGER ASSISTANT FIRE MANAGEMENT OFFICER ASSISTANT GACC MANAGER ASSISTANT INTERAGENCY AVIATION MANAGER ASSISTANT STATE AVIATION MANGER ASSISTANT UNIT AVIATION MANAGER ASSOCIATE DISTRICT MANAGER ASSOCIATE FIELD MANAGER ASSOCIATE STATE DIRECTOR AUDIO VISUAL PRODUCTION SPECIALIST AUTOMATED LAND AND MINERAL AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC AVIATION GROUP MANAGER AVIATION MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST AVIATION MANGER AVIATION SAFETY MANAGER AVIATION TRAINING MANAGER BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE STAFF NWFF Direct Fire Fire Program Management Support 1 75 7 38 1 Administrative & Business Management Functions 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 15 39 1 1 1 2 9 11 4 7 1 5 1 11 1 1 1 1 Page Ex7.37 Total Number of Positions 1 75 7 38 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 15 39 1 1 1 2 9 11 4 7 1 5 1 11 1 1 1 1 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Position Functional Title BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE AID BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE TECH BIOLOGIST BOTANIST BRANCH CHIEF BRANCH MANAGER BUDGET ANALYST BUDGET OFFICER BUDGET TECH BUILDING MANAGER BUSINESS MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SUPERVISORY CADASTRAL SURVEY ASSISTANT CARPENTER CARTOGRAPHER CARTOGRAPHIC AID CARTOGRAPHIC TECH CASUAL PAYMENT CENTER OPERATIONS MANAGER CH, PREPAREDNESS/SUPP CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER CHIEF OF STAFF CLERICAL ASSISTANT CLERK COLLECTIONS AND BILLING TECH COMMUNITY PLANNER COMPLIANCE SPECIALIST COMPUTER ASSISTANT CONCESSIONS MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT CONTACT REPRESENTATIVE CONTRACT SPECIALIST NWFF Direct Fire Fire Program Management Support 8 63 25 27 1 1 Administrative & Business Management Functions 27 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 13 2 13 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 4 1 19 39 Page Ex7.38 Total Number of Positions 8 63 25 27 1 1 27 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 13 2 13 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 4 1 19 39 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Position Functional Title CONTRACTING OFFICER COOK COOK LEADER COOK SUPERVISOR CUSTODIAL WORKER DATA ANALYST DATA RECORDS ADMINISTRATOR DATA STEWARD DEPUTY ASSISTANT DIRECTOR DEPUTY ASSISTANT FIELD MANAGER DEPUTY PROJECT MANAGER DEPUTY STATE DIRECTOR DEPUTY STATE FIRE MANAGEMENT OPERATIONS OFFICER DISPATCHER DISTRICT MANAGER DISTRICT RANGELAND MANAGEMENT SPEC DISTRICT RANGER DIVISION CHIEF DUPLICATING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR ECOLOGIST ECONOMIST ECOSYSTEM PLANNER EDUCATION TECH ELECTRICIAN ELECTRONIC FORMS MANAGER ELECTRONIC MECHANIC ELECTRONIC MECHANIC SUPERVISOR ELECTRONICS ENGINEER ELECTRONICS TECH ENGINE CREW LEADER NWFF Direct Fire Fire Program Management Support 1 6 1 1 1 Administrative & Business Management Functions 2 1 2 2 2 1 7 1 2 31 1 1 4 2 18 3 1 2 1 1 6 1 1 27 1 Page Ex7.39 Total Number of Positions 1 6 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 7 1 2 31 1 1 4 2 18 3 1 2 1 1 6 1 1 27 1 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Position Functional Title ENGINEER - VARIOUS ENGINEERING & GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES MANAGER ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR HELPER ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SUPERVISOR ENGINEERING TECH - VARIOUS ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING COORDINATOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SPECIALIST EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY ASSISTANT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY MANAGER EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY SPECIALIST EQUAL EMPLOYMENT SPECIALIST EQUIPMENT SPECIALIST ESR SPECIALIST EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT FACILITY MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST FACILITY OPERATIONS SPECIALIST FIELD MANAGER FILE CLERK FINANCIAL ASSISTANT FINANCIAL PROCESSING ASSISTANT FINANCIAL SERVICES SUPERVISOR FINANCIAL SUPPORT SPECIALIST FINANCIAL SYSTEMS ANALYST FINANCIAL TECH FIRE & AVIATION SPECIALIST FIRE & MITIGATION EDUCATION SPECIALIST FIRE BUSINESS MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT FIRE ECOLOGIST NWFF Direct Fire Fire Program Management Support 27 1 Administrative & Business Management Functions 63 1 7 29 1 1 13 1 3 1 2 6 1 1 1 1 61 1 3 1 1 1 6 9 2 28 1 15 Page Ex7.40 Total Number of Positions 27 1 63 1 7 29 1 1 13 1 3 1 2 6 1 1 1 1 61 1 3 1 1 1 6 9 2 28 1 15 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Position Functional Title FIRE FINANCIAL INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST FIRE LOGISTICS DISPATCHER FIRE MANAGEMENT OFFICER FIRE MANAGEMENT PLANNER FIRE MANAGEMENT SCIENTIST FIRE MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST FIRE MITIGATION AND EDUCATION SPECIALIST FIRE OPERATIONS SPECIALIST FIRE PROGRAM ASSISTANT FIRE SUPPORT ASSISTANT FIRE USE SPECIALIST FISCAL SERVICES SPECIALIST FOIA SPECIALIST FOOD SERVICE WORKER FORESTER FUEL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM LEADER FUEL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM SUPERVISOR FUEL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM WORKER FUELS MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST GACC MANAGER GENERAL SUPPLY SPECIALIST GEODETIC TECH GEOGRAPHER GEOLOGIST GIS AID GIS COORDINATOR GIS SPECIALIST GRANTS & AGREEMENTS SPECIALIST GREAT BASIN SUPPORT GROUP LEADER GROUP MANAGER NWFF Direct Fire Fire Program Management Support Administrative & Business Management Functions 1 42 62 2 2 74 26 1 1 7 15 4 9 2 6 99 5 1 17 17 3 2 1 1 4 21 1 3 59 8 1 1 Page Ex7.41 Total Number of Positions 1 42 62 2 2 100 1 1 7 15 4 9 2 6 99 5 1 17 20 2 1 1 4 21 1 3 59 8 1 1 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Position Functional Title HAZARDOU MATERIALS & SAFETY SPECIALIST HAZARDOUS FUELS SPECIALIST HEAVY EQUIPMENT MECHANIC HEAVY EQUIPMENT MECHANIC SUPERVISOR HELIUM PAYMENT TECH HUMAN RESOURCE CLERK HUMAN RESOURCE SPECIALIST HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICER HUMAN RESOURCES SPECIALIST HYDROLOGIC TECH HYDROLOGIST ILLUSTRATOR INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT MECHANIC INDUSTRY ECONOMIST INFORMATION RECEPTIONIST INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGER INSTRUCTIONAL SYSTEMS SPECIALIST INTELLIGENCE IMAGERY & SPACIAL ANALYST INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST IT SPECIALIST JOINT FIRE SCIENCE PROGRAM MANAGER LABORER LAND & MINERALS ASSISTANT LAND LAW EAMINER LAND SURVEYOR LAND SURVEYOR TEAM LEAD LANDS AND MINERALS ASSISTANT LEAD ADMIN SUPPORT ASSISTANT LEAD AIR ATTACK MANAGER NWFF Direct Fire Fire Program Management Support 1 Administrative & Business Management Functions 1 5 1 1 1 4 27 3 38 5 18 1 6 1 7 1 3 1 3 101 1 1 1 8 30 1 1 1 1 Page Ex7.42 Total Number of Positions 1 1 5 1 1 1 4 27 3 38 5 18 1 6 1 7 1 3 1 3 101 1 1 1 8 30 1 1 1 1 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Position Functional Title LEAD ARCHEOLOGIST LEAD BIOLOGICAL TECH LEAD ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR LEAD FORESTER LEAD GIS SPECIALIST LEAD HUMAN RESOURCES SPECIALIST LEAD IT SPECIALIST LEAD LABORER LEAD LAND LAW EXAMINER LEAD LAND SURVEYOR LEAD MAINTENANCE MECHANIC LEAD MATERIALS HANDLER LEAD NATURAL RESOURCE SPECIALIST LEAD PRINTING SPEICALIST LEAD PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST LEAD RANGE/FORESTRY TECH LEAD RANGELAND MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST LEAD RECREATION & WILDERNESS SPECIALIST LEAD WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST LEGAL ASSISTANT LEGAL INSTRUMENTS EAMINER LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS SPECIALIST LIBRARIAN LIBRARY TECH LOGISTICS COORDINATOR LOGISTICS SPECIALIST MAIL AND FILE CLERK MAINTENANCE HELPER MAINTENANCE MECHANIC MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR NWFF Direct Fire Fire Program Management Support 2 2 Administrative & Business Management Functions 3 1 1 3 7 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 200 1 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 1 1 2 9 2 Page Ex7.43 Total Number of Positions 2 2 3 1 1 3 7 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 200 4 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 1 1 2 9 2 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Position Functional Title MAINTENANCE WORKER MANAGEMENT ANALYST MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT MANAGEMENT SUPPORT SPECIALIST MATERIALS HANDLER METEOROLOGIST MONUMENT MANAGER MOTOR VEHICLE ASSISTANT MOTOR VEHICLE OPERATOR NATIONAL AVIATION OPERATIONS OVICER NATIONAL GAS PIPELINE PROJECT MANAGER NATIONAL RADIO PROGRAM MANAGER NATIVE AMERICAN COORDINATOR NATURAL AREA MANAGER NATURAL RESOURCE OFFICER NATURAL RESOURCE SPECIALIST NATURAL RESOURCE STAFF ADMINISTRATOR NATURAL RESOURCE TECH NEPA SPECIALIST OFFICE AUTOMATION ASSISTANT OFFICE AUTOMATION CLERK OPERATIONS MANAGER OPERATIONS SUPPORT ASSISTANT OUTDOOR RECREATION PLANNER OUTDOOR RECREATION TECH PARK MANAGER PARK RANGER PARTNERSHIP COORDINATOR PHYSICAL SCIENTIST PLANNER NWFF Direct Fire Fire Program Management Support 48 Administrative & Business Management Functions 33 11 3 35 8 3 1 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 142 5 1 1 1 7 1 1 41 1 2 29 1 3 1 Page Ex7.44 Total Number of Positions 48 33 11 3 35 8 3 1 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 142 5 1 1 1 7 1 1 41 1 2 29 1 3 1 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Position Functional Title PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST PRINTING SERVICES SPECIALIST PROCUREMENT ANALYST PROCUREMENT PROPERTY TECH PROCUREMENT TECH PRODUCTION ACCOUNTABILITY TECH PROGRAM ANALYST PROGRAM MANAGER PROGRAM SUPPORT ASSISTANT PROJECT MANAGER PROPERTY AND FLEET MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT PROPERTY DISPOSAL TECH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST PROPERTY MANAGEMENT TECH PROPERTY UTILIZATION SPECIALIST PUBLIC AFFAIRS SPECIALIST PUBLIC CONTACT REPRESENTATIVE PUBLIC INFORMATION ASSISTANT PURCHASING & PROPERTY MANGEMENT TECH PURCHASING AGENT RANGE ASSISTANT RANGE CLERK RANGE MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST RANGE/FORESTRY AID RANGE/FORESTRY TECH RANGELAND MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST REALTY SPECIALIST REALTY TECH RECORDS ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT NWFF Direct Fire Fire Program Management Support Administrative & Business Management Functions 21 2 3 4 1 8 1 15 6 1 6 1 3 15 3 1 46 5 1 1 32 3 1 1 561 1,177 118 3 32 3 4 Page Ex7.45 Total Number of Positions 21 2 3 4 1 8 1 15 6 1 6 1 3 15 3 1 46 5 1 1 32 3 1 1 561 1,177 121 32 3 4 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Position Functional Title RECORDS ADMINISTRATOR RECORDS MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT RECORDS MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST RECORDS SUPERVISOR RECREATION AID RECREATION ASSISTANT RECREATION TECH REGIONAL SOIL, AIR & WATER SPECIALIST REHABILITATION MANAGER REMOTE SENSING UNIT MANAGER RESEARCH TECH RESOURCE ADVISORY COUNCIL MANAGER RESOURCE ASSISTANT RESOURCE COORDINATOR RESOURCE GROUP SUPERVISOR RESOURCE HELICOPTER SPECIALIST RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLANNING TEAM LEAD RESOURCE SPECIALIST RESOURCE SUPPORT TECH ROADS AND RIGHT-OF-WAY SPECIALIST SAFETY & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH MANAGER SAFETY & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH SPECIALIST SECRETARY SECURITY GUARD SENIOR CORRESPONDENCE MANAGEMENT ANALYST SILVICULTURAL PRESCRIPTION SMALL ENGINE MECHANIC SMOKE MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST SOIL CONSERVATIONIST SOIL SCIENTIST NWFF Direct Fire Fire Program Management Support Administrative & Business Management Functions 3 2 1 1 4 1 16 1 2 1 1 1 12 3 1 1 1 1 4 2 7 12 36 7 1 1 3 1 2 6 Page Ex7.46 Total Number of Positions 3 2 1 1 4 1 16 1 2 1 1 1 12 3 1 1 1 1 4 2 7 12 36 7 1 1 3 1 2 6 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Position Functional Title SPEC ASST TO DIR, NSTC STAFF ASSISTANT STATE AVIATION MANAGER STATE AVIATION OFFICER STATE DIRECTOR STATE FUELS MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST STATE TRAVEL PROGRAM SPECIALIST STUDENT TRAINEE STUDENT TRAINEE (ADMINISTRATIVE) STUDENT TRAINEE (SUPPORT) SUPERVISORY ACCOUNTANT SUPERVISORY ADMIN SUPPORT ASSISTANT SUPERVISORY ADMIN SUPPORT SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY AIR OPERATIONS SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY ARCHEOLOGIST SUPERVISORY BUDGET ANALYST SUPERVISORY BUDGET OFFICER SUPERVISORY CARTOGRAPHER SUPERVISORY CONTRACT SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY CURRICULUM DEVELOPER SUPERVISORY ELECTRONICS TECH SUPERVISORY ENGINEER SUPERVISORY ENGINEER - VARIOUS SUPERVISORY ENGINEERING TECH SUPERVISORY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY EQUIPMENT SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY ESR SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY FACILITY OPERATIONS SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY FINANCIAL SYSTEMS ANALYST SUPERVISORY FIRE MANAGEMENT OFFICER NWFF Direct Fire Fire Program Management 1 Support Administrative & Business Management Functions 2 3 1 3 2 1 51 6 13 5 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Page Ex7.47 Total Number of Positions 1 2 3 1 3 2 1 51 6 13 5 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Position Functional Title SUPERVISORY FIRE MANAGEMENT SCIENTIST SUPERVISORY FIRE MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY FISCAL ANALYST SUPERVISORY FORESTER SUPERVISORY FUELS MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY GEOGRAPHER SUPERVISORY GIS SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY HUMAN RESOURCE SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY INVENTORY & PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SUPERVISORY IT SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY LAND LAW EAMINER SUPERVISORY LAND SURVEYOR SUPERVISORY LAND USE PLANNING COORDINATOR SUPERVISORY LAND USE SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY LANDS, MINERALS, & RECREATION SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY LEGAL ASSISTANT SUPERVISORY LIBRARIAN SUPERVISORY LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY MANAGEMENT ANALYST SUPERVISORY MATERIALS HANDLER SUPERVISORY MINERALS RESOURCE SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY NATURAL RESOURCE SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY OPERATIONS SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY OUTDOOR RECREATION PLANNER SUPERVISORY PHYSICAL SCIENTIST SUPERVISORY PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR SUPERVISORY PROCUREMENT ANALYST SUPERVISORY PROGRAM COORDINATOR SUPERVISORY PROPERTY MANGEMENT SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY PUBLIC AFFAIRS SPECIALIST NWFF Direct Fire Fire Program Management 21 10 Support 4 Administrative & Business Management Functions 1 3 3 1 1 4 5 1 11 1 8 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 35 1 3 5 2 3 1 1 7 Page Ex7.48 Total Number of Positions 4 31 1 3 4 1 4 5 1 11 1 8 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 35 1 3 5 2 3 1 1 7 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Position Functional Title SUPERVISORY RANGE/FORESTRY TECH SUPERVISORY RANGELAND MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY REALTY SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY SECURITY GUARD SUPERVISORY SUPPLY SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY SUPPLY SYSTEMS ANALYST SUPERVISORY TELECOMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY TRAINING SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY WILD HORSE & BURRO SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY WILDLAND FIRE OPERATIONS SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY WILDLAND FIREFIGHTER SUPERVISORY WILDLAND OPERATIONS SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST SUPEVISORY PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR SUPPLY AND EQUIPMENT SPECIALIST SUPPLY CLERK SUPPLY SPECIALIST SUPPLY SYSTEMS ANALYST SUPPLY TECH SUPPORT SERVICES ASSISTANT SUPPORT SERVICES MANAGER SURFACE PROTECTION SPECIALIST SURVEYING AID SURVEYING TECH SYSTEMS ACCOUNTANT SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS EDITOR TECHNICAL WRITER EDITOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS MANAGER NWFF Direct Fire 479 Fire Program Management Support Administrative & Business Management Functions 9 3 4 1 2 1 1 3 1 6 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 15 5 3 1 3 12 2 2 1 2 1 Page Ex7.49 Total Number of Positions 479 9 3 4 1 2 1 1 3 1 6 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 15 5 3 1 3 12 2 2 1 2 1 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Position Functional Title TELECOMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST TRACTOR OPERATOR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST TRAINING COORDINATOR TRAINING OPERATIONS SPECIALIST TRAINING SPECIALIST TRAINING TECH TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANT UNIT AVIATION MANAGER UNIT AVIATION OFFICER VISUAL INFORMATION ASSISTANT VISUAL INFORMATION SPECIALIST VOUCHER EXAMINER WAREHOUSE WORKER WEBMASTER WEED MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST WILD HORSE & BURRO SPECIALIST WILDLAND FIRE & AVIATION LIAISON WILDLAND FIRE OPERATIONS OFFICER WILDLAND FIRE OPERATIONS SPECIALIST WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST WRITER - EDITOR Grand Total NWFF Direct Fire Fire Program Management Support 28 Administrative & Business Management Functions 1 1 3 1 12 2 1 15 1 1 5 3 3 1 3 3 1 1 1 92 3,081 Page Ex7.50 470 1,265 7 929 Total Number of Positions 28 1 1 3 1 12 2 1 15 1 1 5 3 3 1 3 3 1 1 1 92 7 5,745 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Attachment Ex7.3 – Number of BIA Positions/Employees in Each Position Analysis Category for the Corresponding Position Title (FY 2009 Only) NOTE: All Fire Program Managers were considered Fire Program Management positions. Some management specialist positions graded GS 12 and above were identified to be Fire Program Management positions. These positions included the following position titles: Natural Resources Management Specialist, Fire Management Specialist, Fuels Management Specialist, Lead Rangeland Management Specialist, Rangeland Management Specialist, Range Management Specialists, Smoke Management Specialists, Supervisory Rangeland Management Specialists, etc. Position Functional Title ACCOUNTING TECH ADMIN OFFICER ADMIN SUPPORT ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FIRE OPERATIONS ASSISTANT FIRE MANAGEMENT OFFICER AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC FOREMAN AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC HELPER AVIATION MANAGER AVIATION PROGRAM MANAGER BUDGET ANALYST BUDGET ASSISTANT BUDGET OFFICER BUDGET TECH CIVILIAN PAY CLERK CIVILIAN PAY TECH CONSERVATION AGRONOMIST CONTRACT SPECIALIST DEPUTY FIRE OPERATIONS DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT ECOLOGIST EDITORIAL ASSISTANT ELECTRONICS TECH ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SPECIALIST NWFF Direct Fire Program Fire Management 1 3 1 1 Support 1 1 1 1 1 3 9 Page Ex7.51 Administrative & Business Management Functions 2 2 3 1 3 1 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Total Number of Positions 2 2 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 3 9 1 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Position Functional Title FIRE & FUELS MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST FIRE COMMUNICATION & EDUCATION SPECIALIST FIRE LOGISTICS DISPATCHER FIRE MANAGEMENT OFFICER FIRE MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST FIRE PROGRAM MANAGER FIRE SUPPORT CLERK FISCAL ASSISTANT FORESTER FUELS & BUDGET PROGRAM SUPPORT ASSISTANT GEOGRAPHER HEAVY EQUIPMENT MECHANIC HEAVY MOBILE EQUIPMENT REPAIRER LEAD RANGE/FORESTRY TECH MANAGEMENT ANALYST MATERIALS HANDLER METEOROLOGIST MOTOR VEHICLE OPERATOR NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGER NATURAL RESOURCE OFFICER NATURAL RESOURCE SPECIALIST OFFICE AID OFFICE AUTOMATION ASSISTANT OFFICE AUTOMATION CLERK PROGRAM SUPPORT ASSISTANT PROGRAM SUPPORT CLERK RANGE CONSERVATIONIST RANGE/FORESTRY AID RANGE/FORESTRY CLERK RANGE/FORESTRY TECH RANGELAND MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST REGIONAL AVIATION MANAGER SECRETARY NWFF Direct Fire Program Fire Management 1 6 10 Support 1 14 9 5 1 1 61 1 2 1 25 333 3 Page Ex7.52 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 12 67 Administrative & Business Management Functions 1 1 3 8 1 1 5 3 8 Total Number of Positions 1 1 6 14 19 5 1 1 61 1 1 2 1 25 1 4 1 1 1 1 12 1 3 8 1 1 1 67 5 333 3 3 8 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Position Functional Title SMALL ENGINE MECHANIC HELPER SMALL ENGINE REPAIRER SOIL CONSERVATION TECH SOIL CONSERVATIONIST STAFF ASSISTANT STAFF SUPPORT ASSISTANT STUDENT TRAINEE STUDENT TRAINEE (ADMINISTRATIVE) SUPERVISORY EQUIPMENT SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY FORESTER SUPERVISORY RANGE/FORESTRY TECH SUPERVISORY SOIL CONSERVATIONIST SUPERVISORY WILDLAND FIRE OPERATIONS SPECIALIST SUPPLY SPECIALIST SUPPLY TECH TOOLS AND PARTS ATTENDANT TRAINING SPECIALIST VISUAL INFORMATION SPECIALIST VOUCHER EXAMINER WILDLAND FIRE MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST WILDLAND FIRE OPERATIONS SPECIALIST WILDLAND FIRE PREVENTION TECH WILDLAND FIRE PROGRAM MANAGER WILDLAND URBAN INTERFACE SPECIALIST Grand Total NWFF Direct Fire Program Fire Management Support 1 1 1 3 5 59 15 536 Page Ex7.53 1 7 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Administrative & Business Management Functions 1 1 1 4 8 1 129 33 5 1 1 70 Total Number of Positions 1 1 1 3 1 7 5 1 1 15 59 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 5 2 1 8 1 768 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Attachment Ex7.4 – Number of FWS Positions/Employees in Each Position Analysis Category for the Corresponding Position Title (FY 2009 Only) NOTE: Some management specialist positions graded GS 12 and above were identified to be Fire Program Management positions. These positions included the following position titles: Natural Resources Management Specialist, Fire Management Specialist, Fuels Management Specialist, Lead Refuge Management Specialist, Refuge Management Specialist, Range Management Specialists, Smoke Management Specialists, Supervisory Rangeland Management Specialists, etc. Position Functional Title ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATIVE TECHNICIAN ADMINISTRATOR ARCHEOLOGIST ARCHITECT ASSISTANT FIRE MANAGEMENT OFFICER BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE AID BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE TECH BIOLOGIST BOTANIST BUDGET ANALYST BUDGET TECH BUDGET TECHNICIAN CLERK CONTRACT SPECIALIST DISPATCHER ECOLOGIST ELECTRONIC MECHANIC ENGINEER (VARIOUS) ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR ENTOMOLOGIST EQUIPMENT MECHANIC EXTERNAL AFFAIRS ASSISTANT FACILITY OPERATIONS SPECIALIST FIRE MANAGEMENT OFFICER NWFF Direct Fire Program Fire Management 11 6 2 1 5 40 42 2 Administrative & Business Management Functions 18 14 4 1 7 3 6 1 1 7 1 3 54 1 3 65 Page Ex7.54 Support 1 1 Total Number of Positions 18 14 4 1 2 1 11 5 40 42 2 7 3 6 1 1 6 7 1 3 54 1 3 1 1 65 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Position Functional Title FIRE MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST FIRE PREVENTION TECH FIRE PROGRAM ASSISTANT FIRE PROGRAM SPECIALIST FIRE PROGRAM TECH FORESTER GENERAL SERVICES ASSISTANT HEAVY EQUIPMENT MECHANIC INTERPRETER IT SPECIALIST LABORER LEAD MAINTENANCE WORKER LEGAL INSTRUMENTS EXAMINER MAINTENANCE HELPER MAINTENANCE MECHANIC MAINTENANCE WORKER MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT METEOROLOGIST NATIONAL FIRE MANAGEMENT TRAINING SPECIALIST NATIONAL SMOKE MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR NATURAL RESOURCE PLANNER OFFICE ASSISTANT OFFICE AUTOMATION CLERK PARK RANGER PRESCRIBED FIRE SPECIALIST PRESCRIBED FIRE TRAINING COORDINATOR PROGRAM ANALYST PROGRAM ASSISTANT PROGRAM MANAGER PROGRAM OPERATIONS ASSISTANT PUBLIC AFFAIRS SPECIALIST REALTY SPECIALIST REFUGE CLERK NWFF Direct Fire Program Fire Management 29 30 1 2 8 Support 4 6 1 5 5 1 1 3 13 15 4 1 35 1 20 5 1 Page Ex7.55 Administrative & Business Management Functions 1 1 1 1 2 5 1 10 1 1 5 1 1 Total Number of Positions 59 1 4 2 8 6 1 1 1 5 5 1 1 3 13 15 1 4 1 1 1 2 5 35 20 1 5 10 2 1 5 1 1 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Position Functional Title REMOTE SENSING SCIENTIST RESOURCE CONTAMINANTS SPECIALIST SECRETARY SMALL CRAFT OPERATOR STATISTICIAN STUDENT TRAINEE SUPERVIORY FIRE MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY BIOLOGIST SUPERVISORY BUDGET ANALYST SUPERVISORY FIRE MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR SUPERVISORY FIRE MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY GENERAL SERVICES ASSISTANT SUPERVISORY PARK RANGER SUPERVISORY PRESCRIBED FIRE SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY PROGRAM ANALYST SUPERVISORY SECRETARY SUPERVISORY WILDLIFE REFUGE SPECIALIST TRACTOR OPERATOR TRAINING SPECIALIST WILDLAND URBAN INTERFACE COORDINATOR WILDLIFE REFUGE MANAGER WILDLIFE REFUGE SPECIALIST RANGE/FORESTRY TECH LEAD RANGE/FORESTRY TECH SUPERVISORY RANGE/FORESTRY TECH RANGE/FORESTRY AID Grand Total NWFF Direct Fire Program Fire Management 1 7 1 1 1 3 19 12 251 36 56 70 593 Page Ex7.56 Support 1 1 Administrative & Business Management Functions 5 1 1 3 1 10 1 3 3 1 2 29 160 1 188 102 Total Number of Positions 1 1 5 1 1 7 1 3 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 3 6 19 1 2 29 12 251 36 56 70 1,043 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Attachment Ex7.5 – Number of NPS Positions/Employees in Each Position Analysis Category for the Corresponding Position Title (FY 2009 Only) NOTE: Some management specialist positions graded GS 12 and above were identified to be Fire Program Management positions. These positions included the following position titles: Natural Resources Management Specialist, Fire Management Specialist, Fuels Management Specialist, Lead Rangeland Management Specialist, Rangeland Management Specialist, Range Management Specialists, Smoke Management Specialists, Supervisory Rangeland Management Specialists, etc. Position Functional Title ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ADMINISTRATIVE PROGRAM SPECIALIST ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT AID ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT CLERK ADMINISTRATIVE TECHNICIAN AIRPLANE PILOT ANIMAL CARETAKER ANIMAL PACKER ARCHEOLOGIST ARCHEOLOGY AID ARCHEOLOGY TECH ASSISTANT CENTER MANAGER ASSISTANT FIRE MANAGEMENT OFFICER AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC AUTOMOTIVE WORKER AVIATION MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST AVIATION MANAGER AVIATION OPERATIONS & SAFETY SPECIALIST BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE AID BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE TECH BIOLOGIST BOTANIST BUDGET ANALYST BUDGET ASSISTANT BUDGET TECH NWFF Direct Fire Program Fire Management Support Administrative & Business Management Functions Total Number of Positions 12 1 1 24 3 5 12 1 1 24 3 5 2 1 2 23 1 29 2 6 1 1 4 1 1 6 254 29 8 12 1 6 2 1 2 23 1 29 2 6 1 1 4 1 1 6 254 29 8 12 1 6 Page Ex7.57 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Position Functional Title BUILDING REPAIRMAN CARPENTER CARPENTRY HELPER CARPENTRY WORKER CARTOGRAPHER CARTOGRAPHIC TECH CENTER MANAGER CHIEF OF SCIENCES & RESOURCE MANAGEMENT CLERK COMMUNICATIONS ASSISTANT COMMUNICATIONS CLERK COMMUNICATIONS OPERATOR COMMUNICATIONS TECHNICIAN COMPUTER ASSISTANT CONCESSIONS MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST CONSTRUCTION CONTROL TECHNICIAN CONTRACT SPECIALIST COOK CULTURAL RESOURCES PROGRAM MANAGER CULTURAL RESOURCES SPECIALIST DATA MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST DISPATCHER ECOLOGIST ECONOMIST EDUCATION PROGRAM SPECIALIST EDUCATION TECH ELECTRICAL WORKER ELECTRICIAN ELECTRICIAN SUPERVISOR ELECTRONIC MECHANIC ELECTRONICS TECH ELECTRONICS WORKER ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR NWFF Direct Fire Program Fire Management Support Administrative & Business Management Functions Total Number of Positions 1 6 1 7 1 6 1 6 1 7 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 7 2 1 2 1 9 1 2 1 1 29 35 5 3 2 1 8 1 4 4 1 34 1 1 1 1 1 7 2 1 2 1 9 1 2 1 1 29 35 5 3 2 1 8 1 4 4 1 34 Page Ex7.58 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Position Functional Title ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SUPERVISOR ENGINEERING TECH - VARIOUS ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION SPECIALIST ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SPECIALIST EXHIBITS SPECIALIST EXOTIC PLANT MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ASSISTANT FACILITIES SERVICES ASSISTANT FACILITY MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST FACILITY MANAGER FACILITY OPERATIONS SPECIALIST FEE COLLECTION MANAGER FIRE AND AVIATION BUSINESS MANAGER FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT OFFICER FIRE AND COMMUNICATION EDUCATION SPECIALIST FIRE CHIEF FIRE COMMUNICATION & EDUCATION SPECIALIST FIRE ECOLOGIST FIRE LOGISTICS DISPATCHER FIRE MANAGEMENT OFFICER FIRE MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST FIRE MONITORING PROGRAM SPECIALIST FIRE PROGRAM ASSISTANT FIRE PROGRAM CLERK FIRE PROGRAM MANAGER FIRE PROGRAM PLANNER FIRE PROGRAM PLANNING MANAGER FIRE PROTECTION SPECIALIST FIRE PRVENTION AND EDUCATION SPECIALIST FIRE SCIENCE PROGRAM LEADER FIRE USE MANAGER FORESTER FORESTRY WORKER NWFF Direct Fire Program Fire Management Support Administrative & Business Management Functions Total Number of Positions 5 5 2 1 4 4 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 5 13 2 3 2 6 54 35 1 44 12 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 4 4 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 5 13 2 3 2 6 22 1 54 13 44 12 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 Page Ex7.59 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Position Functional Title FUELS MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST GENERAL EQUIPMENT REPAIRER GEOGRAPHER GEOLOGIST GIS SPECIALIST GUIDE HEALTHCARE TECHNICIAN HEAVY EQUIPMENT MECHANIC HEAVY EQUIPMENT MECHANIC LEADER HEAVY EQUIPMENT MECHANIC SUPERVISOR HELICOPTER PILOT HELICOPTER PROGRAM MANAGER HIGH VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL WORKER HISTORIAN HOUSING MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICER HUMAN RESOURCES SPECIALIST HYDROLOGIC TECH HYDROLOGIST INFORMATION RECEPTIONIST INSTRUMENT MECHANIC IT SPECIALIST LABORER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT LEAD BIOLOGICAL TECH LEAD BIOLOGIST LEAD DISPATCHER LEAD ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR LEAD PARK GUIDE LEAD PARK RANGER LEAD RANGE/FORESTRY TECH LEAD RESTORATION WORKER NWFF Direct Fire Program Fire Management 7 Support Administrative & Business Management Functions Total Number of Positions 5 12 1 10 2 5 1 5 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 9 3 3 2 1 21 81 2 5 1 2 2 2 3 81 1 1 10 2 5 1 5 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 9 3 3 2 1 21 81 2 5 1 2 2 2 3 81 1 Page Ex7.60 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Position Functional Title LEAD TRAILS WORKER LEAD VISITOR USE ASSISTANT LIBRARY TECH MAIL AND FILE CLERK MAINTENANCE ASSISTANT MAINTENANCE ENGINEER MAINTENANCE MECHANIC MAINTENANCE MECHANIC HELPER MAINTENANCE MECHANIC LEADER MAINTENANCE MECHANIC SUPERVISOR MAINTENANCE WORKER MAINTENANCE WORKER LEADER MAINTENANCE WORKER SUPERVISOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST MARINE MACHINERY REPAIRER MASON MASONRY WORKER MATERIALS HANDLER MEDICAL RECORDS TECHNICIAN METEOROLOGIST MOBILE EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR MOBILE EQUIPMENT SERVICER MOTOR VEHICLE OPERATOR MOTOR VEHICLE OPERATOR SUPERVISORY MUSEUM CURATOR NATIONAL BURNED AREA REHABILITATION COORDINATOR NATIONAL FIRE MANAGEMENT OFFICER NATIONAL FIRE OPERATIONS PROGRAM LEADER NATIONAL WILDLAND FIRE TRAINING PROGRAM MANAGER NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGER NATURAL RESOURCE PROGRAM MANAGER NATURAL RESOURCE SPECIALIST OFFICE ASSISTANT NWFF Direct Fire Program Fire Management Support Administrative & Business Management Functions 5 1 1 1 1 1 21 2 3 6 120 10 4 3 1 2 7 2 4 6 1 2 17 1 3 1 2 1 1 3 3 4 1 Page Ex7.61 Total Number of Positions 5 1 1 1 1 1 21 2 3 6 120 10 4 3 1 2 7 2 4 6 1 2 17 1 3 1 2 1 1 3 3 4 1 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Position Functional Title OFFICE AUTOMATION ASSISTANT OFFICE AUTOMATION CLERK OFFICE SUPPORT CLERK OPERATOR, GENERAL PAINTER PARK DISPATCHER PARK GUIDE PARK MANAGER PARK ORIENTATION SPECIALIST PARK RANGER PERMITS PROGRAM MANAGER PEST CONTROL WORKER PEST CONTROL WORKER HELPER PHYSICAL SCIENTIST PLUMBER PRESCRIBED FIRE FUELS TECHNICIAN PRESCRIBED FIRE SPECIALIST PRESERVATION SPECIALIST PROCUREMENT TECH PROGRAM ANALYST PROGRAM ASSISTANT PROGRAM MANAGER PROJECT CLERK PROJECT MANAGER PUBLIC AFFAIRS ASSISTANT PUBLIC AFFAIRS SPECIALIST PURCHASING AGENT RANGE/FORESTRY AID RANGE/FORESTRY TECH RESOURCE MANAGEMENT BIOLOGIST RESOURCE MANAGEMENT OPERATIONS COORDINATOR RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST RESOURCE PROGRAM MANAGER NWFF Direct Fire Program Fire Management Support Administrative & Business Management Functions Total Number of Positions 1 2 5 2 1 2 5 2 2 3 37 12 2 590 1 3 11 16 1 1 7 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 3 126 499 1 1 7 2 2 3 37 12 2 590 1 3 11 16 1 1 7 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 3 126 499 1 4 1 3 2 Page Ex7.62 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Position Functional Title RESTORATION PROGRAM MANAGER RESTORATION WORKER REVENUE AND FEE BUSINESS MANGER REVENUE AND FEE BUSINESS MANGER SUPERVISOR SAFETY & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH MANAGER SAFETY & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH SPECIALIST SANITARIAN SCIENCE COMMUNICATIONS LIAISON SECRETARY SECURITY ASSISTANT SENIOR VISITOR USE ASSISTANT SIGN PAINTER SIGN PAINTER HELPER SMALL CRAFT OPERATOR SMOKE MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST SOCIAL SCIENCE PROGRAM SPECIALIST STUDENT TRAINEE STUDENT TRAINEE (ADMINISTRATIVE) STUDENT TRAINEE (SUPPORT) SUPERVISORY BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE TECH SUPERVISORY BOTANIST SUPERVISORY COMMUNICATIONS OPERATOR SUPERVISORY CONCESSIONS MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY CONTRACT SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY DISPATCHER SUPERVISORY ECOLOGIST SUPERVISORY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY EXHIBIT SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY FACILITY OPERATIONS SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY FIRE MANAGEMENT OFFICER SUPERVISORY FIRE MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY GIS SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY IT SPECIALIST NWFF Direct Fire Program Fire Management Support Administrative & Business Management Functions Total Number of Positions 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 10 1 1 4 1 5 1 1 14 3 10 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 1 6 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 10 1 1 4 1 5 1 1 14 3 10 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 1 6 1 1 Page Ex7.63 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Position Functional Title SUPERVISORY NATURAL RESOURCE SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY PARK RANGER SUPERVISORY PHYSICAL SCIENTIST SUPERVISORY RANGE/FORESTRY TECH SUPERVISORY RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY REVENUE AND FEE BUSINESS MANAGER SUPERVISORY SUPPLY SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY TELECOMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY TRAFFIC CONTROL AID SUPERVISORY VISITOR USE ASSISTANT SUPERVISORY WILDFIRE SUPPRESSION SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY WILDLAND FIRE OPERATIONS SPECIALIST SUPERVISORY WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST SUPPLY TECH TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS MANAGER TELECOMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST TRACTOR OPERATOR TRAFFIC CONTROL AID TRAILS LABORER TRAILS MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT TRAILS WORKER TRAILS WORKER SUPERVISOR TRAINING SPECIALIST TREE CLIMBER TREE FALLER TREE WORKER TRUCK DRIVER UTILITY SYSTEMS REPAIR/OPERATOR UTILITY SYSTEMS REPAIR/OPERATOR FOREMAN UTILITY SYSTEMS REPAIR/OPERATOR SUPERVISOR VEGETATION MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST VISITOR USE ASSISTANT NWFF Direct Fire Program Fire Management Support Administrative & Business Management Functions 4 115 1 101 5 2 1 2 1 6 1 2 1 1 7 1 5 8 2 21 1 17 3 1 1 2 2 2 7 1 1 1 67 Page Ex7.64 Total Number of Positions 4 115 1 101 5 2 1 2 1 6 1 2 1 1 7 1 5 8 2 21 1 17 3 1 1 2 2 2 7 1 1 1 67 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Position Functional Title VISUAL INFORMATION SPECIALIST VOUCHER EXAMINER WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLAN OPERATOR WELDER WILDERNESS ASSISTANT WILDLAND FIRE MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST WILDLAND FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION SPECIALIST WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST WOODWORKER Grand Total NWFF Direct Fire Program Fire Management Support Administrative & Business Management Functions Total Number of Positions 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 9 2 16 7 3,221 1 1 1 9 2 1,741 Page Ex7.65 124 16 7 1,012 344 Final Report Exhibit 7 – NWFF Personnel Data Analysis Details and References – DOI Attachment Ex7.6 – Straight Time Hours Codes for the Federal Financial System (FFS) File Included in a Separate Attachment Attachment Ex7.7 – Overtime Hours Codes for the Federal Financial System (FFS) File Included in a Separate Attachment NWFF Page Ex7.66 Final Report