Theory and Applications of Categories, Vol. 30, No. 28, 2015, pp. 9851000. SKEW-MONOIDAL REFLECTION AND LIFTING THEOREMS In memory of Brian Day STEPHEN LACK AND ROSS STREET This paper extends the Day Reection Theorem to skew monoidal categories. We also provide conditions under which a skew monoidal structure can be lifted to the category of Eilenberg-Moore algebras for a comonad. Abstract. 1. Introduction In the rst part of the paper, we squeeze some more results out of Brian Day's PhD thesis [2]. The question with which the thesis began was how to extend monoidal structures along dense functors, all at the level of enriched categories. Brian separated the general problem into two special cases. The rst case concerned extending along a Yoneda embedding, which led to promonoidal categories and Day convolution [3]. The second case involved extending along a reection into a full subcategory: the Day Reection Theorem [4]. While the thesis was about monoidal categories, we can, without even modifying the biggest diagrams, adapt the results to skew monoidal categories. Elsewhere [5, 8] we have discussed convolution. Here we will provide the skew version of the Day Reection Theorem [4]. The beauty of this variant is further evidence that the direction choices involved in the skew notion are important for organizing, and adding depth to, certain mathematical phenomena. In the second part of the present paper, the skew warpings of [5] are slightly generalized to involve a skew action; they can in turn be seen as a special case of the skew warpings of [6]. Under certain natural conditions these warpings can be lifted to the category of Eilenberg-Moore coalgebras for a comonad. monoidal structures. In particular, this applies to lift skew For idempotent comonads, we compare the result with our skew reection theorem. Both authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the Australian Research Council Discovery Grant DP130101969; Lack acknowledges with equal gratitude the support of an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship Received by the editors 2015-03-10 and, in revised form, 2015-07-09. Transmitted by R.J. Wood. Published on 2015-07-12. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classication: 18D10; 18A40, 18D15, 18D20. Key words and phrases: skew monoidal category, reective subcategory, warping, comonad. c Stephen Lack and Ross Street, 2015. Permission to copy for private use granted. 985 STEPHEN LACK AND ROSS STREET 986 2. Skew monoidal reection Recall from [9, 5, 8] the notion of involves a functor (left) skew monoidal structure ⊗ : X × X −→ X , an object I ∈ X, on a category X. It and natural families of (not necessarily invertible) morphisms αA,B,C : (A ⊗ B) ⊗ C → A ⊗ (B ⊗ C), satisfying ve coherence conditions. ρA : I → A ⊗ I, It was shown in [1] that these ve conditions are independent. Recall, also from these references, that an A λA : I ⊗ A → A, opmonoidal structure on a functor L : X → consists of a natural family of morphisms ¯ ψX,Y : L(X ⊗ Y ) → LX ⊗LY and a morphism normal when ψ0 ψX,Y ψ0 : LI → I¯ satisfying three axioms. We say the opmonoidal functor is is invertible. We say the opmonoidal functor is strong when ψ0 and all are invertible. However, in this paper, a limited amount of such strength, in which ψ are invertible, will be important. ¯ ᾱ, λ̄, ρ̄) are skew monoidal ¯ I, (X , ⊗, I, α, λ, ρ) and (A , ⊗, only certain components of Suppose categories. Suppose L a N : A → X is an adjunction with unit η : 1X ⇒ N L and invertible counit ε : LN ⇒ 1A . Suppose X is skew monoidal. There exists a skew monoidal structure on A for which L : X → A is normal opmonoidal with each ψX,N B invertible if and only if, for all X ∈ X and B ∈ A , the morphism 2.1. Theorem. L(ηX ⊗ 1N B ) : L(X ⊗ N B) → L(N LX ⊗ N B) (2.1) is invertible. In that case, the skew monoidal structure on A is unique up to isomorphism. Proof. Suppose A opmonoidal with the has a skew monoidal structure ψX,N B ¯ ᾱ, λ̄, ρ̄) ¯ I, (⊗, for which L is normal invertible. We have the commutative square ¯ LX ⊗LN B ψ −1 L(X ⊗ N B) ¯ LηX ⊗1 L(ηX ⊗1) / ¯ LN LX ⊗LN B / L(N LX ψ −1 ⊗ N B) in which the vertical arrows are invertible. The top arrow is invertible with inverse ¯ . εLX ⊗1 So the bottom arrow is invertible. Conversely, suppose each L(ηX ⊗ 1N B ) is invertible. Wishing L to become opmonoidal with the limited strength, we are forced (up to isomorphism) to put ¯ = L(N A ⊗ N B) A⊗B and I¯ = LI , SKEW-MONOIDAL REFLECTION AND LIFTING THEOREMS and to dene the constraints ᾱ, λ̄, ρ̄ by commutativity in the following diagrams. L((N A ⊗ N B) ⊗ N C) Lα Lλ L(ηI ⊗1) / LN A L(η⊗1) / εA L(1⊗η) L(N LI ⊗ N A) / L(N L(N A ⊗ N B) ⊗ N C) L(N A ⊗ (N A ⊗ N C)) L(I ⊗ N A) 987 ᾱ / L(N A ⊗ N L(N B εA LN A Lρ λ̄ L(N A ⊗ I) A ⊗ N C)) L(1⊗ηI ) / /A ρ̄ L(N A ⊗ N LI) The denitions make sense because the top arrows of the squares are invertible (while the bottom arrows may not be). Now we need to verify the ve axioms. The proofs all proceed by preceding the desired diagram of barred morphisms by suitable invertible morphisms involving only εA , LηX , ηN A , or L(ηX ⊗ 1N B ), then manipulating until one can make use of the corresponding unbarred diagram. The biggest diagram for this is the proof of the pentagon for ᾱ. Fortunately, the proof in Brian Day's thesis [2] of the corresponding result for closed monoidal categories has the necessary Diagram 4.1.3 on page 94 written without any inverse isomorphisms, so saves us rewriting it here. (The notation is a little dierent with ψ in place of N and with some of the simplications we also use below.) It remains to verify the other four axioms. The simplest of these is λ̄LI ρ̄LI = = = = = = = = λ̄LI ρ̄LI εLI LηI λ̄LI L(1 ⊗ ηI )LρN LI LηI λ̄LI L(1 ⊗ ηI )L(ηI ⊗ I)LρI λ̄LI L(ηI ⊗ I)L(1 ⊗ ηI )LρI εLI LλN LI L(1 ⊗ ηI )LρI εLI LηI LλI LρI 1LI L(λI ρI ) 1LI . For the other three, to simplify the notation (but to perhaps complicate the reading), we write as if N were an inclusion of a full subcategory, choose L so that the counit is an STEPHEN LACK AND ROSS STREET 988 identity, and write XY for X ⊗Y. Then we have λ̄B ⊗C ¯ ᾱLI,B,C L(η(LI)⊗B ¯ 1C )L((ηI 1B )1C ) = = = = = = λ̄B ⊗C ¯ L(1ηBC )LαLI,B,C L((ηI 1B )1C ) λ̄B ⊗C ¯ L(1LI ηBC )L(ηI 1BC )LαI,B,C λ̄B ⊗C ¯ L(ηI 1BC )L(1I ηBC )LαI,B,C LλBC LαI,B,C L(λB 1C ) ¯ C )L(η(LI)B 1C )L((ηI 1B )1C ) (λ̄B ⊗1 ¯ C on right cancellation. λ̄B ⊗C ¯ ᾱLI,B,C = λ̄B ⊗1 ¯ λ̄C )ᾱA,LI,C (ρ̄A ⊗1 ¯ C ) = 1A⊗C of the axiom (1A ⊗ ¯ , yielding the axiom For the proof we can look at Diagram 4.1.2 on page 93 of [2]. The required commutativities are all there once we reverse the direction of the right unit constraint which Day calls r instead of ρ. For the nal axiom, we have ᾱA,B,LI ρ̄A⊗B = ¯ = = = = ᾱA,B,LI L(ηAB 1LI )L(1AB ηI )LρAB L(1A ηBLI )LαA,B,LI L(1AB ηI )LρAB L(1A ηBLI )L(1A (1B ηI ))LαA,B,I LρAB L(1A ηBLI )L(1A (1B ηI ))L(1A ρB ) ¯ B . 1A ⊗ρ̄ L is dened by ψ0 = 1 : LI → I¯ and ψX,Y = L(ηX ⊗ ηY ) : L(X ⊗ Y ) → L(N LX ⊗ N LY ). The three axioms for opmonoidality are easily checked and we have each ψX,N B = L(1N LX ⊗ ηN B )L(ηX ⊗ 1N B ) invertible. The desired opmonoidal structure on 3. A reective lemma In this section we state a standard result in a form required for later reference. For the sake of completeness, we include a proof. Assume we have an adjunction L a N: A → X with unit η : 1X ⇒ N L and counit the counit ε is invertible. ε : LN ⇒ 1A . Assume 3.1. Lemma. For Z ∈ X , the following conditions are equivalent: N is fully faithful; that is, equivalently, (i) there exists A ∈ A and Z ∼ = N A; (ii) for all X ∈ X , the function X (ηX , 1) : X (N LX, Z) → X (X, Z) is surjective; (iii) the morphism ηZ : Z → N LZ is a coretraction (split monomorphism); (iv) the morphism ηZ : Z → N LZ is invertible; (v) for all X ∈ X , the function X (ηX , 1) : X (N LX, Z) → X (X, Z) is invertible. SKEW-MONOIDAL REFLECTION AND LIFTING THEOREMS Proof. 989 (i) ⇒ (ii) ∼ = X (X, Z) 1 / X (X, N A) X (ηX ,1) X (X, Z) o X (N LX, Z) o ∼ = ∼ = / A (LX, A) N X (N LX, N A) (ii) ⇒ (iii) Take X = Z and obtain ν : N LZ → Z with X (ηZ , 1)ν = 1Z . (iii) ⇒ (iv) If νηZ = 1 then (ηZ ν)ηZ = 1ηZ , so, by the universal property have ηZ ν = 1. (iv) ⇒ (v) The non-horizontal arrows in the commutative diagram X (ηX ,1) X (N LX, Z) X (1,ηZ ) / X (ηX ,1) X (N LX, N LZ) i of ηZ , we X (X, Z) /X 6 X (1,ηZ ) (X, N LZ) ∼ = N A (LX, LZ) are all invertible, so the horizontal arrows are invertible too. (v) ⇒ (i) (v) ⇒ (ii) ηZ . Clearly and the invertible and we already have (ii) ⇒ (iii) ⇒ (iv), so take A = LZ 4. Skew closed reection The Reection Theorem [4] also deals with closed structure. If, for objects Y isomorphism and Z the functor X (− ⊗ Y, Z) is representable, say via a natural X (X ⊗ Y, Z) ∼ = X (X, [Y, Z]), [Y, Z] a left internal hom. Recall from Section 8 of [8] that Z , so that − ⊗ Y has a right adjoint, then X becomes left skew closed. we call the representing object if this exists for all Suppose L a N : A → X is an adjunction with unit η : 1X ⇒ N L and invertible counit ε : LN ⇒ 1A . Suppose X is skew monoidal and left internal homs of the form [N B, N C] exist for all B, C ∈ A . The morphisms (5.7) are invertible for all X ∈ X and B ∈ A if and only if the morphisms 4.1. Theorem. η[N B,N C] : [N B, N C] → N L[N B, N C] (4.2) are invertible for all B, C ∈ A . In that case, the skew monoidal structure abiding on A , as seen from Theorem 2.1, is left closed. Also, the functor N is strong left closed. STEPHEN LACK AND ROSS STREET 990 Proof. Consider the following commutative diagram. A (L(N LX ⊗ N B), C) ∼ = A (L(η⊗1),1) / A (L(X ⊗ N B), C) X (N LX ⊗ N B, N C) ∼ = X (X ⊗ N B, N C) X (N LX, [N B, N C]) ∼ = / X (ηX ,1) ∼ = X (X, [N B, N C]) Invertibility of the arrows (5.7) is equivalent to the invertibility of the top horizontal arrows. This is equivalent to invertibility of the bottom horizontal arrows. By Lemma 3.1, this is equivalent to invertibility of the arrows (4.2). For the penultimate sentence of the Theorem, we now have the natural isomorphisms: ¯ C) ∼ A (A⊗B, = X (N A ⊗ N B, N C) ∼ = X (N A, [N B, N C]) ∼ = X (N A, N L[N B, N C]) ∼ = A (A, L[N B, N C]) [B, C] = L[N B, N C] ∼ N [B, C] = N L[N B, N C] = [N B, N C]. yielding the left internal hom Our notation for a right adjoint to X ⊗− for A. For the last sentence, we have is X (X ⊗ Y, Z) ∼ = X (Y, hX, Zi) . The right internal hom hX, Zi may exist for only certain objects Z. In general, the existence of right homs in a left skew monoidal category does not give a left or right skew closed structure. When they do exist, we can reinterpret a stronger form of the invertibility condition (5.7) of Theorem 2.1. Suppose L a N : A → X is an adjunction with unit η : 1X ⇒ N L and invertible counit ε : LN ⇒ 1A . Suppose X is skew monoidal, and left internal homs of the form [Y, N C] and right internal homs of the form hX, N Ci exist. The invertibility of one of the following three natural transformations implies invertibility of the other two: 4.2. Theorem. L(ηX ⊗ 1Y ) : L(X ⊗ Y ) → L(N LX ⊗ Y ) ; (4.3) η[Y,N C] : [Y, N C] → N L[Y, N C] ; (4.4) hηX , N Ci : hN LX, N Ci → hX, N Ci . (4.5) SKEW-MONOIDAL REFLECTION AND LIFTING THEOREMS 991 Proof. Consider the commutative diagram (4.6). Invertibility of any one of the horizontal families in the diagram implies that of the other two. Invertibility of the arrows (4.3) is equivalent to the invertibility of the top horizontal family. By Lemma 3.1, invertibility of the middle horizontal family is equivalent to invertibility of the arrows (4.2). By the Yoneda Lemma, invertibility of the bottom horizontal family is equivalent to invertibility of the arrows (4.5). A (L(N LX ⊗ Y ), C) ∼ = A (L(η⊗1),1) / A (L(X ⊗ Y ), C) X (N LX ⊗ Y, N C) ∼ = ∼ = X (X ⊗ Y, N C) X (ηX ,1) X (N LX, [Y, N C]) / X (Y, hN LX, N Ci) X (1,hηX ,1i) / ∼ = (4.6) X (X, [Y, N C]) ∼ = ∼ = X (Y, hX, N Ci) 5. An example This is an example of the opposite (dual) of Theorem 2.1 which we enunciate explicitly as Proposition 5.1 below. Instead of a reection we have a coreection. To keep using left skew monoidal categories we also reverse the tensor product. For a monoidal functor R: X → A , we denote the structural morphisms by ϕ0 : I → RI and ϕX,Y : RX ⊗ RY → R(X ⊗ Y ) . Suppose R ` N : A → X is an adjunction with counit ε : N R ⇒ 1X and invertible unit η : 1A ⇒ RN . Suppose X is left skew monoidal. There exists a left skew monoidal structure on A for which R : X → A is normal monoidal each ϕN A,Y invertible if and only if, for all A ∈ A and Y ∈ X , the morphism 5.1. Proposition. R(N A ⊗ εY ) : R(N A ⊗ N RY ) → R(N A ⊗ Y ) (5.7) is invertible. µ : U → O. For an object A of the slice category Set/U , u ∈ U . We have an adjunction Consider an injective function we write Au for the bre over R ` N : Set/U → Set/O (N A)i = P Au and (RX)u = Xµ(u) with invertible unit. The ith comP ponent of the counit εX : N RX → X is the function µ(u)=i Xµ(u) → Xi which is the identity of Xi when i is in the image of µ. dened by µ(u)=i STEPHEN LACK AND ROSS STREET 992 Let C be a category with dening the tensor X ⊗Y obC = O. Then Set/O becomes left skew monoidal on by (X ⊗ Y )j = X Xi × C (i, j) × Yj i and the (skew) unit I by Ij = 1. The associativity constraint α : (X⊗Y )⊗Z → X⊗(Y ⊗Z) is dened by the component functions X Xi × C (i, j) × Yj × C (j, k) × Zk → i,j X Xi × C (i, k) × Yj × C (j, k) × Zk i,j induced by the functions C (i, j) × C (j, k) → C (i, k) × C (j, k) (a : i →Pj, b : j → k) to (b ◦ a : i → k, b : j → k). Dene λY : I ⊗ Y → Y to have j -component i C (i, j) × Yj → Yj whose restriction to the ith injection Pis the second projection onto Yj . Dene ρX : X → X ⊗ I to have j -component Xj → i Xi × C (i, j) equal to the composite of Xj → Xj × C (j, j), x 7→ (x, 1j ), with the j th injection. taking This provides an example of Proposition 5.1. In fact, it satises the stronger condition of the dual to Theorem 4.2. To see that R(X ⊗ εY ) : R(X ⊗ N RY ) → R(X ⊗ Y ) is invertible, since N is fully faithful, we need to prove G(X ⊗ εY ) : G(X ⊗ GY ) → G(X ⊗ Y ) G = N R is the idempotent comonad generated by the reection. (GX) = Uj × Xj where Uj is the bre of µ over j ∈ O. Since µ is injective, Uj ∼ = Uj ⊗ Uj , so is invertible where Notice that G(X ⊗ GY )j = Uj × (X ⊗ GY )j X = Uj × Xi × C (i, j) × (GY )j i = X ∼ = X Uj × Xi × C (i, j) × Uj × Yj i Uj × Xi × C (i, j) × Yj i = Uj × (X ⊗ Y )j = G(X ⊗ Y )j . SKEW-MONOIDAL REFLECTION AND LIFTING THEOREMS The resultant left skew structure on Set/U 993 has tensor product ¯ v = R(N A ⊗ N B)v (A⊗B) = (N A ⊗ N B)µ(v) X = (N A)i × C (i, µ(v)) × (N B)µ(v) i ∼ = X Au × C (µ(u), µ(v)) × Bv . u Of course we can see that this is merely the left skew structure on Set/U arising from u ∈ U and whose morphisms u → v are µ(u) → µ(v) in C ; that is, the category arising as the full image of the functor the category whose objects are the elements morphisms µ: U → C . As an easy exercise the reader might like to calculate the monoidal structure ¯ RX ⊗RY → R(X ⊗ Y ) on R and check that these components are not invertible in general while, of course, they are for X = N A. 6. Skew warpings riding a skew action We slightly generalize the notion of skew warping dened in [5] to involve an action. This is actually a special case of skew warping on a two-object skew bicategory in the sense of [6]. Let C denote a left skew monoidal category. A left skew action of C on a category A is an opmonoidal functor C −→ [A , A ] , X 7→ X ? − (6.8) where the skew monoidal (in fact strict monoidal) tensor product on the endofunctor category [A , A ] is composition. The opmonoidal structure on (6.8) consists of natural families αX,Y,A : (X ⊗ Y ) ? A −→ X ? (Y ? A) and λA : I ? A −→ A (6.9) subject to the three axioms (6.10), (6.11), (6.12). α?1 (X ⊗ (Y ⊗ Z)) ? A / (X α ((X ⊗ Y ) ⊗ Z) ? A α /X ? ((Y ⊗ Z) ? A) 1?α / ⊗ Y ) ? (Z ? A) α X ? (Y ? (Z ? A)) (6.10) STEPHEN LACK AND ROSS STREET 994 / α (I ⊗ Y ) ? A & λ?1 Y ?A x (6.11) λ /X α (X ⊗ I) ? A I ? (Y ? A) O ? (I ? A) ρ?1 X ?A A category A A / 1 equipped with a skew action of C T : A −→ C ; (b) an object K of X ?A skew C -actegory. on A consists of the following data: A; (c) a natural family of morphisms v0 : T K −→ I ; (d) a morphism (6.12) 1?λ is called a skew left warping riding the skew action of C (a) a functor vA,B : T (T A ? B) −→ T A ⊗ T B in C; and, (e) a natural family of morphisms kA : A −→ T A ? K ; such that the following ve diagrams commute. vA,B ⊗1 T (T A ? B) ⊗ T C / O (T A ⊗ T B) ⊗ T C vT A?B,C T A ⊗ (T B ⊗ T C) T (T (T A ? B) ? C) T (vA,B ?1) αT A,T B,T C O 1⊗vB,C T ((T A ⊗ T B) ? C) (6.13) T A ⊗ T (T B ? C) 4 * T αT A,T B,C vA,T B?C T (T A ? (T B ? C)) vK,B TK 7 ⊗ TB & I ⊗ TB T (T K ? B) T (v0 ?1B ) T (I ⊗ B) v0 ⊗1T B T λB / λT B TB (6.14) SKEW-MONOIDAL REFLECTION AND LIFTING THEOREMS vA,K T (T A ? K) / O TA ⊗ TK T kA TA / ρT A vA,B ?1K T (T A ?O B) ? K / 1T A ?kB v0 ?1K TK O? K TA ⊗ I (T A ⊗ T B) ? K / 1K αT A,T B,K (6.16) T A ? (T B ? K) / I ?K kK K (6.15) 1⊗v0 kT A?B TA ? B 995 / λK (6.17) K 6.1. Example. A skew warping on a skew monoidal category (in the sense of [5]) is just the case where A =C with tensor as action. Just as in Proposition 3.6 of [5], we obtain a skew monoidal structure from a skew warping. A skew left warping riding a left skew action of a left skew monoidal category C on a category A determines left skew monoidal structure on A as follows: 6.2. Proposition. ¯ = T A ? B; (a) tensor product functor A⊗B (b) unit K ; (c) associativity constraint vA,B ?1C T (T A ? B) ? C −→ (T A ⊗ T B) ? C αT A,T B,C −→ T A ? (T B ? C) ; (d) left unit constraint v ?1 λ 0 B B T K ? B −→ I ? B −→ B ; (e) right unit constraint k A A −→ TA ? K . ¯ K) −→ (C , ⊗, I). There is an opmonoidal functor (T, v0 , vA,B ) : (A , ⊗, 6.3. Example. Skew warpings are more basic than skew monoidal structures in the following sense. Just pretend, for the moment, that we do not know what a skew monoidal (or even monoidal) category is, except that we would like endofunctor categories to be examples. For any category A, the endofunctor category C = [A , A ] acts on A by evaluation; as a functor (6.8), the action is the identity. A left skew warping riding this action could be taken as the denition of a left skew monoidal structure on A. STEPHEN LACK AND ROSS STREET 996 7. Comonads on skew actegories C, For a left skew monoidal category left skew C -actegories let CatC denote the 2-category whose objects are as dened in Section 6. A morphism is a functor F: A → B equipped with a natural family of morphisms γX,A : X ? F A −→ F (X ? A) (7.18) such that (7.19) and (7.20) commute. γ (X ⊗ Y ) ? F A α X ? (Y ? F A) 1?γ / / X ? F (Y ? A) I ? FA γ / F ((X ⊗ Y ) ? A) / γ (7.19) Fα F (X ? (Y ? A)) F (I ? A) λ & (7.20) Fλ FA strong Such a morphism is called when each γX,A is invertible. A 2-cell ξ : (F, γ) C in Cat is a natural transformation ξ : F ⇒ G such that (7.21) commutes. X ? FA 1?ξA γX,A X ? GA γX,A / / ⇒ (G, γ) F (X ? A) (7.21) ξX?A G(X ? A) CatC . As usual with actions, there is another way to view the 2-category as the homcategory of a 1-object skew bicategory ΣC Regard C in the sense of Section 3 of [6]. A left skew C -actegory is an oplax functor A : ΣC → Cat. A morphism (F, γ) : A → B C in Cat can be identied with a lax natural transformation between the oplax functors. The 2-cells are the modications. C We are interested in comonads (A , G, γ, δ, ε) in the 2-category Cat . These are objects C of the 2-category Mnd∗ (Cat ) as dened in [7]. Alternatively, they are oplax functors ΣC → Mnd∗ (Cat). For later reference, apart from the conditions for being a comonad on A and the conditions (7.19) and (7.20), we require commutativity of (7.22). γ X ? GA 1?δ X ? G2 A γ / G(X ? GA) / Gγ / G(X ? A) δ γ / G(X ? A) 1?ε G2 (X ? A) The Eilenberg-Moore coalgebra construction adjoint to the 2-functor X ? GA (A , G, δ, ε) 7→ A G & ε (7.22) X ?A is the 2-functor right Cat → Mnd∗ (Cat) taking each category to that category equipped with its identity comonad. SKEW-MONOIDAL REFLECTION AND LIFTING THEOREMS 997 For each comonad (A , G, γ, δ, ε) in the 2-category CatC , the EilenbergMoore coalgebra category A G becomes a left skew C -actegory with skew action 7.1. Proposition. a γX,A X?a X ? (A −→ GA) = (X ? A, X ? A −→ X ? GA −→ G(X ? A)) . This provides the Eilenberg-Moore construction in the 2-category CatC (in the sense of [7]). ΣC → Mnd∗ (Cat) Mnd∗ (Cat) → Cat. Proof. Compose the oplax functor with the Eilenberg-Moore 2-functor Let U: A G → A denote the underlying functor corresponding to (A , G, γ, δ, ε) (A, a) 7→ A. Suppose (T, K, v, v0 , k) is a skew left warping riding the C -actegory A . Suppose (A , G, γ, δ, ε) is a comonad in the 2-category CatC for which all morphisms of the form γT A,K and γT A,T B?K are invertible. Then (T U, (GK, δK ), v, v00 , k0 ) is a skew left warping riding the C -actegory A G of Proposition 7.1, where v00 = v0 ◦ T εK and 0 = γT−1A,K ◦ GkA ◦ a. k(A,a) 7.2. Proposition. 0 : (A, a) → (T A ? GK, γT A,GK ◦ (1 ? δK )) is a Gk(A,a) coalgebra morphism. This uses the rst diagram of (7.22), naturality of δ with respect to kA , and the coassociativity of the coaction a : A → GA. It remains to verify the ve axioms (6.13), (6.14), (6.15), (6.16), (6.17). Since only v is Proof. First we need to see that involved in (6.13), it follows from axiom (6.13) for the original skew warping. For (6.14), we have the diagram T (T εK ?1) T (T GK ? B) vGK,B T GK ⊗ T B which uses naturality of T εK ⊗1 v / T (v0 ?1) T (T K ? B) / / T (I ⊗ B) vK,B TK ⊗ TB v0 ⊗1 /I ⊗ TB λT B / T λB TB and axiom (6.14) for the original skew warping. The next diagram proves (6.15). TA Ta / T GA T GkA / T G(T A ? K) T εT A?K 1 v T (T A ? K) 4 T εA T kA TA ρT A Precomposing the next diagram with / TA ⊗ I o T γ −1 / T (T A ? GK) vA,GK T (1?εK ) T A ⊗ T GK vA,K ( 1⊗v0 1⊗T εK TA ⊗ TK 1 ? b : T A ? B → T A ? GB proves (6.16). Take note STEPHEN LACK AND ROSS STREET 998 here of which components of γ are required to be invertible. γ T A ? GB 1?GkB / G(T A ? B) GkT A?B / G(T (T A ? B) ? K) 1 t γ G(T (T A ? B) ? K) o T A ? G(T B ? K) G(1?kB ) γ t G(T A ? (T B ? K)) / γ −1 T A ? G(T B ? K) vA,B ?1 (T A ⊗ T B) ? GK Gα γ −1 T (T A ? B) ? GK G(vT A,B ?1) G((T A ⊗ T B) ? K) o γ 1?γ −1 / α T A ? (T B ? GK) Then δK GK 1 / ' G2 K GkGK / G(T GK GεK GK GkK / ? K) G(T K ? K) T GK ? GK T εK ?1 γ −1 / T K ? GK v0 ?1 G(v0 ?1) G(I ? K) o # / G(T εK ?1) 1 γ −1 γ I ? GK GλK GK 1 / λGK GK yields (6.17), which completes the proof. Under the hypotheses of Proposition 7.2, the functor U : A G → A preserves the tensor products obtained from the skew warpings via Proposition 6.2 and becomes opmonoidal when equipped with the unit constraint εI : GI → I . 7.3. Corollary. Since C is an object of CatC with its own tensor product as skew action, and since it supports the identity skew warping, for any comonad (C , G, γ, δ, ε) in the 2-category CatC , Corollary 7.3 applies to give a skew monoidal structure on C G with U : C G → C opmonoidal. 7.4. Corollary. 7.5. Remark. If the comonad of Corollary 7.4 is idempotent and then (G, γ) is strong in CatC U: CG → C is a coreection and the dual of Theorem 2.1 applies. The same skew G monoidal structure on C is obtained as in Corollary 7.4. The point is that the diagram (7.23) commutes by G applied to the right-hand diagram of (7.22) and a counit property of the comonad. So Theorem 2.1 appears to be a stronger result than Corollary 7.4 in the SKEW-MONOIDAL REFLECTION AND LIFTING THEOREMS 999 idempotent comonad case. G(1⊗εY ) G(X ⊗ GY ) GγX,GY / G(X ⊗ Y ) 4 GεX⊗Y GG(X ⊗ Y ) 1 / (7.23) δX⊗Y GG(X ⊗ Y ) 8. The example of Section 5 without injectivity Let C be a category with object set O and morphism set E, and let ξ: U → O be a Composition with ξ induces a comonadic functor N = ξ! : Set/U → Set/O; write R = ξ ∗ for the right adjoint, given by pullback. The ∗ comonad G = N R = ξ! ξ is given by − ×O U . The category structure on C induces a skew monoidal structure on Set/O , with tensor product X ⊗ Y given by: X (X ⊗ Y )j = Xi × C (i, j) × Yj function (not necessarily injective). i and so X ⊗− X ×O E ×O −. The unit I is the terminal object 1 : O → O. G and X ⊗ − involving products in Set/O, it is clear that we isomorphisms γX,Y : X ⊗ GY ∼ = G(X ⊗ Y ), compatible with the comonad is given by From the formulas for have natural structure, in the sense that the diagrams (7.22) commute. Almost as easy is compatibility with the associativity map and left unit constraint in the sense of diagrams (7.19) and (7.20). C with object-set O, giving rise to the skew monoidal category Set/O, and the comonad G = ξ! ξ ∗ on Set/O as required by Corollary 7.4. This gives rise ∗ 0 to a skew monoidal structure on Set/U , with unit ξ I ; in other words with unit I equal to the terminal object 1 : U → U . It is clear from the construction that this tensor product So we have a category preserves colimits in each variable. So from the general theory, it must correspond to some category A with object-set U . ∗ Since ξ : Set/U → Set/O is opmonoidal, ξ is the object part of a functor ∗ Since ξ preserves the tensor, the functor F is fully faithful. Thus A must in fact be obtained from ξ: U → C F : A → C. via the factorization into a bijective- on-objects functor followed by a fully faithful functor. References [1] Jim Andrianopoulos, Remarks on units of skew monoidal categories, arXiv:1505.02048v1. 986 [2] Brian J. 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Advances in Math. 986 Department of Mathematics, Macquarie University NSW 2109, Australia Email:, This article may be accessed at THEORY AND APPLICATIONS OF CATEGORIES (ISSN 1201-561X) will disseminate articles that signicantly advance the study of categorical algebra or methods, or that make signicant new contributions to mathematical science using categorical methods. The scope of the journal includes: all areas of pure category theory, including higher dimensional categories; applications of category theory to algebra, geometry and topology and other areas of mathematics; applications of category theory to computer science, physics and other mathematical sciences; contributions to scientic knowledge that make use of categorical methods. Articles appearing in the journal have been carefully and critically refereed under the responsibility of members of the Editorial Board. Only papers judged to be both signicant and excellent are accepted for publication. 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Gavin Seal, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne: Clemens Berger, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis: Richard Blute, Université d' Ottawa: Lawrence Breen, Université de Paris 13: Ronald Brown, University of North Wales: ronnie.profbrown(at) Valeria de Paiva: Ezra Getzler, Northwestern University: getzler(at)northwestern(dot)edu Kathryn Hess, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne: Martin Hyland, University of Cambridge: Anders Kock, University of Aarhus: Stephen Lack, Macquarie University: F. William Lawvere, State University of New York at Bualo: Tom Leinster, University of Edinburgh: Ieke Moerdijk, Radboud University Nijmegen: Susan Nieeld, Union College: Robert Paré, Dalhousie University: Jiri Rosicky, Masaryk University: Giuseppe Rosolini, Università di Genova: Alex Simpson, University of Ljubljana: James Stashe, University of North Carolina: Ross Street, Macquarie University: Walter Tholen, York University: Myles Tierney, Rutgers University: R. J. 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