Theory and Applications of Categories, Vol. 29, No. 7, 2014, pp. 198214. A GALOIS THEORY FOR MONOIDS Dedicated to Manuela Sobral on the occasion of her seventieth birthday ANDREA MONTOLI, DIANA RODELO AND TIM VAN DER LINDEN We show that the adjunction between monoids and groups obtained via the Grothendieck group construction is admissible, relatively to surjective homomorphisms, in the sense of categorical Galois theory. The central extensions with respect to this Galois structure turn out to be the so-called special homogeneous surjections. Abstract. Introduction B on a monoid X can be dened as a monoid homomorphism EndpX q is the monoid of endomorphisms of X . These actions An action of a monoid B Ñ EndpX q, where were studied in [15], where it is shown that they are equivalent to a certain class of split epimorphisms, called Schreier split epimorphisms in the recent paper [13]. Some properties of Schreier split epimorphisms, as well as the closely related notions of special Schreier surjection and Schreier reexive relation, were then studied in [2] and [3], where the foundations for a cohomology theory of monoids are laid. of the category of groups, such as the Many typical properties Split Short Five Lemma or the fact that any internal reexive relation is transitive, remain valid in the category of monoids when, in the spirit of relative homological algebra, those properties are restricted to Schreier B Ñ EndpX q factors AutpX q of automorphisms of X , the corresponding split epimorphism is called homogeneous [2]. Some properties of homogeneous split epimorphisms and of the related notions of special homogeneous surjection and homogeneous reexive relation split epimorphisms and Schreier reexive relations. When an action through the group were also studied in [2] and [3]. The rst and the second author were supported by the Centro de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra (CMUC), funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the program COMPETE and by the Portuguese Government through the FCTFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia under the project PEst-C/MAT/UI0324/2013 and grants number PTDC/MAT/120222/2010 and SFRH/BPD/69661/2010. The third author is a Research Associate of the Fonds de la Recherche ScientiqueFNRS. He would like to thank CMUC for its kind hospitality during his stays in Coimbra. Received by the editors 2014-02-05 and, in revised form, 2014-04-25. Transmitted by Walter Tholen. Published on 2014-05-01. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classication: 20M32, 20M50, 11R32, 19C09, 18F30. Key words and phrases: categorical Galois theory; homogeneous split epimorphism; special homogeneous surjection; central extension; group completion; Grothendieck group. c Andrea Montoli, Diana Rodelo and Tim Van der Linden, 2014. Permission to copy for private use granted. 198 A GALOIS THEORY FOR MONOIDS 199 The aim of the present paper is to approach the concept of homogeneous split epimorphism from the point of view of categorical Galois theory [6, 7]. classical junction instance Grothendieck group Recall that the group completion construction [10, 11, 12] gives an adbetween the categories Mon of monoids and Gp of groups, which is relevant for in K -theory, where it is used in the denition of K0 . We prove that this ador junction is admissible in the sense of categorical Galois theory, when it is considered with respect to the class of surjective homomorphisms both in Mon and in Gp. We further show that the central extensions with respect to this adjunction are the special homogeneous surjections. This gives a positive answer to the question whether homogeneous split epimorphisms can be characterised in a way which does not refer to the underlying split epimorphism of sets. The paper is organised as follows. In Section 1 we recall some basic notions of categorical Galois theory. In Section 2 we prove that the Grothendieck group adjunction is part of an admissible Galois structure (Theorem 2.2). In Section 3 we recall the denitions of Schreier split epimorphism and homogeneous split epimorphism, special Schreier surjection and special homogeneous surjection together with some of their properties. In Section 4 we show that the central extensions with respect to the Galois structure under consideration are exactly the special homogeneous surjections (Theorem 4.3). 1. Galois structures We recall the denition of extension Galois structure and the concepts of trivial, normal and central arising from it, as introduced in [6, 7, 8]. For the sake of simplicity we restrict ourselves to the context of Barr-exact categories [1]. pC , X , H, I, η, , E , F q Γ 1.1. Definition. A Galois structure consists of an adjunction ,2 I C lr K X H with unit η : 1C ñ HI and counit : IH ñ 1X as well as classes of morphisms E in C and F (1) E and F contain all isomorphisms; (2) E and F are pullback-stable; (3) E and F are closed under composition; (4) H pF q E ; (5) I pE q F . We will follow [7] and call the morphisms in E between Barr-exact categories in X and such that: F fibrations. C and X, ANDREA MONTOLI, DIANA RODELO AND TIM VAN DER LINDEN 200 1.2. Definition. A trivial extension is a bration square ηA A f ,2 B ,2 ηB p is a trivial extension. in C such that the HI pAq pq HI f HI pB q is a pullback. A central extension is a bration bration f: AÑB f whose pullback p pf q along some A normal extension is a bration such that its kernel pair projections are trivial extensions. It is well known and easy to see that trivial extensions are always central extensions and that any normal extension is automatically central. Given an object B in C we consider the induced adjunction pE Ó B q lr IB K ,2 HB pF Ó I pB qq, pE Ó B q for the full subcategory of the slice category pC Ó B q determined B B by morphisms in E ; similarly for pF Ó I pB qq. Here I is the restriction of I , and H sends a bration g : X Ñ I pB q to the pullback where we write ,2 H A pq pX q HB g B of H pg q along ηB ,2 HI pq H g pB q ηB . 1.3. Definition. A Galois structure ble when all functors H B Γ pC , X , H, I, η, , E , F q is said to be admissi- are full and faithful. [9, Proposition 2.4] If Γ is admissible, then I : C Ñ X preserves pullbacks along trivial extensions. In particular, the trivial extensions are pullback-stable, so that every trivial extension is a normal extension. 1.4. Proposition. 2. The Grothendieck group of a monoid pM, , 1q is given by Ñ GppM q which is universal The Grothendieck group (or group completion) of a monoid a group GppM q together with a monoid homomorphism with respect to monoid homomorphisms from we have GppM q M M to groups [10, 11, 12]. More precisely, GpFpM q , NpM q A GALOIS THEORY FOR MONOIDS 201 GpFpM q denotes the free group on M and NpM q is the normal subgroup generated 1 (from now on, we simply write m1 m2 instead by elements of the form rm1 srm2 srm1 m2 s of m1 m2 ). This gives us an equivalence relation on GpFpM q generated by rm1 srm2 s rm1m2s with equivalence classes rm1srm2s rm1m2s. Thus, an arbitrary element in GppM qan equivalence class of wordscan be represented by a word of the form where rm1srm2s1rm3srm4s1 rmnsιpnq or rm1s1rm2srm3s1rm4s rmnsιpnq, where ιpnq 1, n P N, m1 , . . . , mn P M and no further cancellation is possible. Let Mon and Gp represent the categories of monoids and of groups, respectively. The group completion of a monoid determines an adjunction Gp ,2 A) Mon lr K Gp, ( Mon Mon is the forgetful functor. To simplify notation, we write GppM q instead of MonGppM q when referring to the monoid structure of GppM q. The counit is 1Gp and the unit is dened, for any monoid M , by where ηM : M Ñ GppM q : m ÞÑ rms. 2.1. Remark. It is well known that in general ηM is neither surjective nor injective. For example: The additive monoid of natural numbers is such that fact, ηM is injective whenever The monoid M M ηN : N Ñ Z is an injection. In is a monoid with cancellation. pt0, 1u, , 1q has a trivial Grothendieck group and therefore ηM is surjective. The product N M, for M as above, is such that GppN M q Z (in fact, it is not dicult to see that the group completion functor preserves products) and ηNM : N M Ñ Z is neither surjective nor injective. By choosing the classes of morphisms E and F to be the surjections in Mon and Gp, respectively, we obtain a Galois structure ΓMon pMon, Gp, Mon, Gp, η, , E , F q. Since this is the only Galois structure we shall consider in detail, without further mention we take all normal, central and trivial extensions in this paper with respect to ΓMon . ANDREA MONTOLI, DIANA RODELO AND TIM VAN DER LINDEN 202 2.2. Theorem. The Galois structure ΓMon is admissible. Proof. For any monoid M, we must prove that the functor MonM : pF Ó GppM qq Ñ pE Ó M q is fully faithful. Given a morphism α : pA, f q Ñ pB, g q in pF Ó GppM qq, its image through MonM is dened by the universal property of the front pullback below: M GppM q A πA MonM M ,2 pαq A α !) GppM q B !),2 πB B B) pq ( MonM f f pq g MonM g | | M ηM ,2 | | GppM q. β : pA, f q Ñ pB, g q such p q β paq by induction on M First we prove that Mon is faithful. Consider morphisms α, M M that Mon α Mon β . For any a A, we prove that α a p q pq P n (supposing that no cancellations are the class f paq. If f paq rms, then pm, aq P M GppM q A and the length possible) of the word that represents MonM pαqpm, aq MonM pβ qpm, aq pq pq p q rms1, then f pa1q rms and we nd αpa1q pq αpaq β paq. 1 1 1 1 Suppose that αpa q β pa q for those a P A which have f pa q represented by a word of length n 1 or smaller. Suppose that f paq is represented by a word of length n, n ¥ 2. implies that α a β a . If f a 1 β a as in the previous case; hence It can be written as the product (= concatenation) of a word of length one and a word of n 1. 1 f pa 1 aq, length By the surjectivity of and for some f, their corresponding classes can be written as P A. Then 1 1 αpaq αpa1 qαpa 1 aq β pa1 qβ pa1 aq β paq a1 f p a1 q by the induction hypothesis. Now we have to show that by induction in the case when MonM is full. The proof goes in two steps: M is a free monoid (Lemma 2.3 below), then from the free case to the general case (the subsequent Lemma 2.4). rst a proof an extension A GALOIS THEORY FOR MONOIDS 2.3. Lemma. Proof. Let 203 The functor MonM is full for all free monoids M . M be a free monoid. To simplify notation, we identify the classes in with their representatives. Consider group surjections f and g GppM q B) as in Diagram ( and a monoid homomorphism γ : pM GppM q A, MonM pf qq Ñ pM GppM q B, MonM pgqq. We dene a group homomorphism α : pA, f q Ñ pB, g q as follows. For any a P A, we dene αpaq by decomposing a into a product of elements in the image of πA . The main diculty lies in proving that the result is independent of the chosen decomposition. pm, aq P M GppM q A and we dene αpaq πB pγ pm, aqq. 1 1 If f paq rms , then f pa q rms and we dene αpaq πB pγ pm, a1 qq1 . ιpnq 1 Suppose that a a1 a2 an such that f pai q rmi s, with mi P M , and n is the smallest number for which such a decomposition in GppM q exists. Then we must put αpaq πB pγ pm1 , a1 qqπB pγ pm2 , a2 qq1 πB pγ pmn , an qqιpnq ; (C) ιpnq 1 the case a a1 a2 an can be treated similarly. If f paq rms To prove that That is to say, if for some M then α is a homomorphism, ιpkq 1 a x1 x such 2 xk agree with Since m P M, it now suces to show that it is well dened. that f pxi q rlis, with li P M , then (C) must πB pγ pl1 , x1 qqπB pγ pl2 , x2 qq1 πB pγ plk , xk qqιpkq . is free, and hence the group GppM q is free, if the words rm1srm2s1 rmnsιpnq and rl1srl2s1 rlk sιpkq are both of minimal length, then k n and li mi . Thus we only have to prove the result for decompositions of equal length mapping down to the same word in GppM q. We do this by induction on 1. n. a x1 and f pa1q rm1s f px1q for some m1 P M . 1 Then obviously αpa1 q αpx1 q. The same happens if a1 a x1 and f pa1 q rm1 s f px1 q for some m1 P M . More generally, let a, x P A be such that f paq rms f pxq for some m P M . Then f px1 aq r1s, so αpaq πB pγ pm, aqq πB pγ pm, xqqπB pγ p1, x1 aqq αpxqαpx1 aq Case n Suppose that which implies that a1 αpx1 aq αpxq1 αpaq. 204 ANDREA MONTOLI, DIANA RODELO AND TIM VAN DER LINDEN This formula will be useful in the sequel of the proof. Case n 2. Now consider a A such that a1 a2 1 a x1 x2 1 and f ai f xi with mi M . Then α xi 1 ai α xi 1 α ai by the formula above. Hence x2 1 a2 implies α x1 1 α a1 α x2 1 α a2 , so that P p q rmis 1 p q P p q p q p q x 1 a1 p q p q p q p q αpa1 qαpa2 q1 αpx1 qαpx2 q1 . 1 1 The case in which a1 a2 a x1 x2 and f pai q rmi s f pxi q is similar. 1 1 Case n 3. Suppose a1 a 2 a3 a x1 x2 x3 such that f pai q rmi s f pxi q, with mi P M . Then 1 1 1 x 1 a1 a2 a3 x2 x3 gives 1 1 1 αpa2 a 1 x1 q αpa3 q αpx2 q αpx3 q rm2s1rm3s. Similarly, 1 1 1 a1 a 2 x 1 x 2 x 3 a3 because they both map to the same word gives because they both map to αpa1 qαpa2 q1 αpx1qαpa3x3 1x2q1 rm1srm2s1. As a consequence, the equality 1 1 a3 x 3 x 2 a2 a1 x 1 rm2s of length one gives 1 1 αpa3 x 3 x2 q αpa2 a1 x1 q 1 1 αpx2 q1 αpx3 qαpa3 q1 and thus so that αpx1 q αpa1 qαpa2 q αpa1 qαpa2 q1 αpa3 q αpx1 qαpx2 q1 αpx3 q. 1 1 1 1 Again, the case a1 a2 a3 a x1 x2 x3 can be treated analogously. Case n ¥ 4. Suppose that the result holds for all decompositions which map down to ιpnq 1 words of minimal length n 1 or shorter in GppM q. Suppose that a1 a2 a3 an a ιpnq 1 x1 x2 x3 xn such that f pai q rmi s f pxi q, with mi P M . Then px1 1a1a2 1qa3 aιnpnq x2 1x3 xnιpnq 1 rmn sιpnq , so by the induction hypothesis we nd both map to rm2 s 1 1 ιpnq αpa2 a αpx2q1αpx3q αpxnqιpnq. 1 x1 q αpa3 q αpan q 1 1 Furthermore, αpa2 a1 x1 q αpa2 qαpa1 q αpx1 q as shown above (case n 3) so that αpa1 qαpa2 q1 αpa3 q αpan qιpnq αpx1 qαpx2 q1 αpx3 q αpxn qιpnq . ιpnq 1 1 The case a1 a2 a3 an a x1 1x2x3 1 xιnpnq being similar, this concludes the proof. above the word A GALOIS THEORY FOR MONOIDS 2.4. Lemma. 205 The functor MonM is full for all monoids M . Proof. As in the previous lemma, we simplify notation by identifying the classes in GppM q with their representatives. Consider group surjections ism f B) as well as a group homomorph- g and as in Diagram ( γ : pM GppM q A, MonM pf qq Ñ pM GppM q B, MonM pgqq. We cover the monoid M with the free monoid FpM q on M , then apply the Grothendieck group functor to obtain the following commutative diagram with exact columns: Kerp_rM q ,2 Np_M q ηFpM q 2, GpFpM q FpM q ,2 rM M We pull back rM . ,2 qM GppM q. MonM pf q, MonM pg q and the morphism γ between them along the surjection We thus obtain a diagram FpM q GppM q A rM GppM q 1A ,2 ,2 M pq γ rM FpM q GppM q B p p qq rM MonM f rM GppM q 1B ,2 ,2 M pq ,2 A $, GppM q B πB ,2 pgq x x ,2 ,2 M rM B f MonM x x FpM q g ,2 ηM x x GppM q. qM ηF pM q, the left hand side triangle of this diagram can also be obtained ηM rM by taking the pullbacks of FpM q GppM q A ,2 η Fp M q f g and GppM q 1A pγ q rM ,2 qM ηF pM q : along GpFpM q GppM q A FpM q GppM q B ,2 ηFpM q GppM q 1B pq f qM p qq MonM f rM pMonM pgqq rM x x FpM q ,2 Since the functor arrow above. It ,2 A pA β $, πA MonM f pMonM pgqq rM Since GppM q A γ $, p ηM _ ηFpM q ,2 $, pM q GppM q B ,2 GpF ,2 B pB f pq g qM g x x GpFpM q qM ,2 Gp x x pM q. MonFpM q is full by Lemma 2.4, we nd a morphism β given by the dotted suces to show that β keeps the elements of the kernel NpM q (of qM , ANDREA MONTOLI, DIANA RODELO AND TIM VAN DER LINDEN 206 thus also) of pA pB and xed, because then it induces the needed the universal property of The group GpFpM q. in NpM q pA α : pA, f q Ñ pB, gq by as a cokernel of its kernel. is generated by words rm1srm2srm1m2s1 as a normal subgroup of Hence it suces to prove for elements of the type GpFpM q GppM q A prm1srm2srm1m2s1, 1q that β prm1 srm2 srm1 m2 s1 , 1q prm1 srm2 srm1 m2 s1 , 1q P GpFpM q GppM q B. Since f is a surjection, there exists an element aPA such that prM GppM q 1Aqprm1srm2s, aq pm1m2, aq prM GppM q 1Aqprm1m2s, aq. For some b P B we have γ pm1 m2 , aq pm1 m2 , bq, so using the commutativity of the second diagram, we see that pγ qprm srm s, aq prm srm s, bq rM 1 2 1 2 and pγ qprm m s, aq prm m s, bq. rM 1 2 1 2 On the other hand, using the commutativity of the third diagram we nd β prm1 srm2 s, aq β pηFpM q GppM q 1A qprm1 srm2 s, aq pηFpM q GppM q 1B qprM pγ qprm1srm2s, aqq prm1srm2s, bq and, similarly, β prm1 m2 s, aq prm1m2s, bq, for some b P B as above. Since β is a group homomorphism, we obtain β prm1 srm2 srm1 m2 s1 , 1q β prm1 srm2 s, aqβ prm1 m2 s, aq1 prm1srm2s, bqprm1m2s1, b1q prm1srm2srm1m2s1, 1q which concludes the proof. 2.5. Remark. We can restrict the group completion to commutative monoids: it is easily seen that then ΓMon restricts to an admissible Galois structure ΓCMon pCMon, Ab, CMon, Gp|CMon, η1, 1, E 1, F 1q induced by the (co)restriction | Gp CMon ,2 CMon lr K Ab, CMon A) to commutative monoids and abelian groups. of the adjunction ( We end this section with an example showing that the adjunction ( A) is not semi- left-exact [5]: it is not admissible with respect to all morphisms, instead of just the surjections [4]. A GALOIS THEORY FOR MONOIDS 2.6. Example. Consider where ηN2 : A is the subgroup of Z 2 N2 Ñ Z2 with morphisms generated by f 207 and g as in Diagram ( B), p1, 1q, f is determined by f p1, 1q p1, 1q and Z3 Ñ Z2 : pk, l, mq ÞÑ pk, lq. M 2 2 3 2 Then N Z A 0 while N Z Z N Z, so that the functor Mon g: 2 2 it maps, for instance, both A 2 zero morphism 0 . ÑN Z is not faithful: Ñ B : p1, 1q ÞÑ p1, 1, 0q and p1, 1q ÞÑ p1, 1, 1q to the 3. Schreier split epimorphisms and homogeneous split epimorphisms In this section we recall some denitions and results from [2] and [3]. category Mon of monoids. 3.1. Definition. Consider a split epimorphism N ,2 k ,2 X lr f s pf, sq with its kernel: ,2 ,2 such that x n sf pxq. D) Y. It is called a Schreier split epimorphism when, for any nPN We work in the ( x P X, there exists a unique Note that when we say split epimorphism we consider the chosen splitting as part of the structure; and for the sake of simplicity, we take canonical kernelsso of N is a subset X. 3.2. Definition. The split epimorphism (D) is said to be right homogeneous when, y P Y , the function µy : N Ñ f 1 py q dened through multiplication on the right by spy q, so µy pnq n spy q, is bijective. Similarly, by duality, we can dene 1 py q : n ÞÑ spy q n a left homogeneous split epimorphism: now the function N Ñ f must be a bijection for all y P Y . A split epimorphism is said to be homogeneous when for every element it is both right and left homogeneous. [2, Propositions 2.3 and 2.4] Consider a split epimorphism pf, sq as in (D). The following statements are equivalent: 3.3. Proposition. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) pf, sq is a Schreier split epimorphism; there exists a unique function q : X Ñ N such that q pxqsf pxq x, for all x P X ; there exists a function q : X Ñ N such that q pxqsf pxq x and q pn spy qq n, for all n P N , x P X and y P Y ; pf, sq is right homogeneous. ANDREA MONTOLI, DIANA RODELO AND TIM VAN DER LINDEN 208 Y and N , an action of Y on N is a monoid homowhere EndpN q is the monoid of endomorphisms of N . 3.4. Definition. Given monoids morphism ϕ: Y Ñ EndpN q, Actions correspond to Schreier split epimorphisms via a semidirect product construction: 3.5. Semidirect products. It is shown in [13] that any Schreier split epimorphism (D) corresponds to an action ϕ of Y N on dened by ϕpy qpnq y n q pspy q nq for y PY and n P N. Thus pf, sq is isomorphic, as a split epimorphism, to N where N ϕ Y product of sets x1,0y ϕ Y ,2 N is the semidirect product of N Y N lr πY x0,1y and ,2 Y, Y with respect to ϕ: the cartesian equipped with the operation px1, y1q px2, y2q px1 ϕy px2q, y1y2q, ϕpy1q P AutpN q. See [13], [2] or Chapter 5 in [3] for more details. 1 where ϕy1 3.6. Proposition. [2, Proposition 3.8] A Schreier split epimorphism (D) is homogeneous if and only if the corresponding action ϕ : Y Ñ EndpN q factors through the group AutpN q of automorphisms of N . 3.7. Lemma. [2, Lemma 4.1] Consider the morphism of Schreier split epimorphisms N lr 2, u r q k ,2 X lr f s ,2 ,2 Y u v 1 f1 lr q 1 1 N ,2 1 ,2 X rl 1 ,2 ,2 Y 1 k s r of u to N . Then the left hand side square consisting and their kernels, and the restriction u 1 of the functions q and q also commutes: q 1 u u rq . This lemma has the following useful consequence. Given a morphism of Schreier split epimorphisms as in Lemma 3.7, r preserves the action of the object Y on N : for all y P Y and n P N , the homomorphism u 3.8. Corollary. rpy nq vpyq urpnq. u Proof. rpy nq urq pspy q nq q 1 upspy q nq q 1 puspy q upnqq q 1 ps1 v py q urpnqq vpyq urpnq u A GALOIS THEORY FOR MONOIDS 209 We now extend these concepts to surjections which are not necessarily split. 3.9. Definition. Given a surjective homomorphism π1 Eqpg q lr ,2 ∆ π2 g ,2 X g of monoids and its kernel pair E) ,2 ,2 Y, ( g is called a special Schreier surjection when pπ1 , ∆q is a Schreier split epimorphism. It is called a special homogeneous surjection when pπ1 , ∆q is a homogeneous split epimorphism. As a consequence of Theorem 5.5 in [2], if g is a special Schreier surjection, then its kernel is necessarily a group. 3.10. Remark. The name Schreier extension was used in [16, 14] to describe a dierent, but closely related concept. 3.11. Remark. A special Schreier (resp. homogeneous) surjection which is a split epimorphism is always a Schreier (resp. homogeneous) split epimorphism. Yet a Schreier (resp. homogeneous) split epimorphism is not necessarily a special Schreier (resp. homogeneous) surjection. Indeed, according to Proposition 3.1.12 in [3], a Schreier (resp. homogeneous) split epimorphism is a special Schreier (resp. homogeneous) surjection if and only if its kernel is a group. In fact, by Proposition 2.3.4 in [3], taking the kernel pair of a Schreier split epimorphism pf, sq as in (D), we do obtain a Schreier split epimorphism pπ1, xsf, 1X yq. Nevertheless, the split epimorphism pπ1, ∆q need not be Schreier. As a consequence of Theorem 5.5 in [2] and of the remark above we have: A surjective homomorphism g as in (E) is a special Schreier (resp. special homogeneous) surjection if and only if the kernel pair projection π1 is a special Schreier (resp. special homogeneous) surjection. 3.12. Corollary. [3, Proposition 7.1.4] Special Schreier and special homogeneous surjections are stable under products and pullbacks. 3.13. Proposition. 3.14. Proposition. [3, Proposition 7.1.5] Given any pullback X f g Y h ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 X1 1 f Y1 with g and h surjective homomorphisms, if f is a special Schreier (resp. special homogeneous) surjection, then so is f 1 . [2, Proposition 3.4] Any split epimorphism (D) such that Y is a group is a homogeneous split epimorphism. 3.15. Proposition. ANDREA MONTOLI, DIANA RODELO AND TIM VAN DER LINDEN 210 3.16. Remark. According to the proposition above and to Remark 3.11, a split epimorphism ( its kernel D) N such that Y is a group is a special homogeneous surjection if and only if X is a group. Furthermore, in that case also is a group [3, Corollary 2.2.5]. Conversely, every surjective homomorphism between groups is a special homogeneous surjection. 4. Normal extensions and central extensions In this section we characterise the trivial split extensions, the central and the normal ΓMon . extensions in the Galois structure The central extensions turn out to be precisely the special homogeneous surjections, while a split epimorphism of monoids is a trivial extension if and only if it is a special homogeneous surjection. This gives a characterisation which does not refer to the underlying split epimorphism of sets: Denition 3.2 in terms of elements, Proposition 3.3 where the splitting q is a function rather than a morphism of monoids. 4.1. Lemma. Any morphism of homogeneous split epimorphisms and their kernels N ,2 r u ,2 k f X lr u N 1 2, 1 2, X 1 lr k ,2 ,2 s f1 ,2 ,2 s1 Y ηY GppY q factors into the composite N ,2 ,2 k f X lr ηY ,2 ,2 s f2 Y ηY N 2, 2 2, X 2 lr 2 2, ,2 GppY q k s u r N1 ,2 u k1 ,2 X 1 lr f1 s1 ,2 ,2 GppY q of morphisms of homogeneous split epimorphisms and their kernels, where ϕ is as in Proposition 3.6 and X 2 N ϕ GppY q for ϕ : GppY q Ñ AutpN q, the unique group homomorphism satisfying ϕ ϕηY . X N ϕ Y for ϕ : Y Ñ AutpN q. By adjointness, ϕ gives rise to a unique group homomorphism ϕ : GppY q Ñ AutpN q ϕηY ϕ. Note that ϕ is necessarily given by Proof. As mentioned above, we have this monoid morphism for which and 1 ιpnq ϕpry1 sry2 s1 ryn sιpnq q ϕy1 ϕ y2 ϕyn P AutpN q ( 1 ιpnq ϕpry1 s1 ry2 s ryn sιpnq q ϕ y1 ϕy2 ϕyn P AutpN q. ( F) G) A GALOIS THEORY FOR MONOIDS 211 Via the functoriality of the semidirect product construction this already yields the upper ηY 1N ηY . This leaves us with nding u : X 2 Ñ X 1 . 1 The needed morphism u : N ϕ GppY q Ñ N ψ GppY q, where ψ is the action for 1 1 r is a morphism of GppY qwhich X N ψ GppY q, is induced once we prove that u part of the diagram, where actions. More precisely, we have to show that u rpϕz pnqq ψz purpnqq for all z P GppY q and n P N . extends to all elements of and ( G). ϕ ϕηY tell us precisely ηY pyq of GppY q, so it suces to check that it Corollary 3.8 and the fact that that this equality holds for generators GppY q. z F) This needs a straightforward verication based on ( Consider a split epimorphism pf, sq as in (D). The following statements are equivalent: 4.2. Proposition. (i) (ii) f is a trivial extension; f is a special homogeneous surjection. Proof. (i) ñ (ii) If f is a trivial extension, then by denition the diagram f X lr ,2 ,2 s Y ηX H) ηY ( p q,2 ,2 GppX q lr GppY q Gppsq Gp f is a pullback. By Remark 3.16, the group homomorphism surjection; hence so is (ii) f Gppf q is a special homogeneous by Proposition 3.13. ñ (i) Given a split epimorphism pf, sq which is a special homogeneous surjection, H) is a pullback. we have to show that the square ( Taking kernels we obtain the morphism of special homogeneous surjections and their kernels N ,2 η X in [3], the square ( X lr ηX K 2, 1 k where, in particular, the kernel ,2 k N of f ,2 ,2 s Y ηY p q,2 ,2 ,2 GppX q lr GppY q Gppsq f Gp f is a group by Remark 3.11. H) is a pullback precisely when η X By Theorem 2.3.7 is an isomorphism. ANDREA MONTOLI, DIANA RODELO AND TIM VAN DER LINDEN 212 Lemma 4.1 gives us the diagram of solid arrows N ,2 k ,2 X lr ηY N ,2 η X k2 ,2 X 2 lr LR ηX g f ,2 ,2 s f2 s2 ,2 ,2 Y ηY GppY q pq ,2 ,2 K 2, 1 ,2 GppX q lr GppY q. k Gppsq On the other hand, since X2 Gp f is a group (thanks to Remark 3.16), the universal property GppX q makes ηY induce a unique group homomorphism g : GppX q Ñ X 2 gηX ηY . Note that this g is actually a morphism of split epimorphisms: of f 2 gηX f 2ηY ηY f Gppf qηX Gppf q by the universal property of ηX , while gGppsqηY gηX s ηY s s2 ηY 2 and thus gGppsq s . Finally, we have ηX g 1GppX q since ηX gηX ηX ηY so that such that f 2g ηX . On the other hand, using Lemma 2.1.6 in [3]which says that Schreier split epimorphisms are strongly split epimorphisms, that is, the kernel and the section are jointly strongly epimorphicfrom gηX k 2 gηX ηY k gηX k ηY k k2 and gηX s2 gGppsq s2 we conclude that gηX 1X 2 . In particular, the arrow η X is an isomorphism, hence the square ( H) is a pullback. 4.3. Theorem. are equivalent: For a surjective homomorphism of monoids g , the following statements (i) g is a central extension; (ii) g is a normal extension; (iii) g is a special homogeneous surjection. Proof. Consider a surjective homomorphism and its kernel pair (E). Then extension ô ô ô (1.2) (4.2) (3.12) π1 is a trivial extension π1 is a special homogeneous surjection g is a special homogeneous surjection. g is a normal A GALOIS THEORY FOR MONOIDS 213 A normal extension is always a central extension by denition. To prove that (i) implies (iii), let us suppose that g is a central extension. Then there exists a bration p such that p pg q is a trivial extension, which makes it a normal extension by Proposition 1.4, hence a special homogeneous surjection by (ii) ñ (iii). Since p is a surjective homomorphism, we can apply Proposition 3.14 to conclude that g is a special homogeneous surjection, too. 4.4. What about special Schreier surjections? A natural question that arises is, whether the special Schreier surjections admit a similar characterisation. More precisely, A) factorise in such a way that the special Schreier surjections become does the reection ( the central extensions with respect to this new adjunction? As explained in the proof of Proposition 4.2, any split epimorphism of groups is necessarily special homogeneous, which implies that so are the central extensions. Hence we would need a reective subcategory of X Mon in which all spit epimorphisms are Schreier split epimorphisms. By Corollary 3.1.7 X is contained in the category of groups, which in [3] though, this would mean that defeats the purpose. References [1] M. Barr, Exact categories, Exact categories and categories of sheaves, Lecture Notes in Math., vol. 236, Springer, 1971, pp. 1120. [2] D. Bourn, N. Martins-Ferreira, A. Montoli, and M. Sobral, isms between monoids, Schreier split epimorph- Semigroup Forum, published online, DOI 10.1007/s00233- 014-9571-6, 2014. Schreier split epimorphisms in monoids and in semirings, Textos de Matemática (Série B), vol. 45, Departa- [3] D. Bourn, N. Martins-Ferreira, A. Montoli, and M. Sobral, mento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra, 2014. [4] A. Carboni, G. Janelidze, G. M. 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CMUC, Universidade de Coimbra, 3001501 Coimbra, Portugal Departamento de Matemática, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, Campus de Gambelas, 8005139 Faro, Portugal Institut de Recherche en Mathématique et Physique, Université catholique de Louvain, chemin du cyclotron 2 bte L7.01.02, B1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium Email: This article may be accessed at THEORY AND APPLICATIONS OF CATEGORIES (ISSN 1201-561X) will disseminate articles that signicantly advance the study of categorical algebra or methods, or that make signicant new contributions to mathematical science using categorical methods. 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