Brief History of Solid State Physics Along with astronomy, the oldest subfield of what we now refer to as Physics. Pre-­‐scien>fic >mes: stones, bronzes, iron, jewelry...Lots of empirical knowledge but, prior to the end of the 19th century, almost no understanding. Crystals: periodic structures of atoms and molecules. A common no>on in crystallography and mineralogy well before the periodic structure was proven by X-­‐rays (1912). Special branch of mathema>cs: group theory. Early discoveries MaOhiessen Rule Agustus MaOhiesen (1864) ρ (T ) = ρ0 purity-dependent + ρin (T ) material- but not purity-dependent ρin (T ) ∝ T (for T > 50 ÷ 70 K) Interpreta>on ρ0 : impurities, defects... ρin : lattice vibrations (phonons) In general, all sources of scattering contribute: ρ =∑ n ρ n Wiedemann-­‐Franz Law Gustav Wiedemann and Rudolph Franz (1853) thermal conductivity = const for a given T electrical conductivity Ludvig Lorentz (1872) thermal conductivity = const electrical conductivity i T π 2 ⎛ kB ⎞ "Lorentz number"= ⎜ ⎟ 3 ⎝ e ⎠ 2 Ltheor = 2.45i10 −8 WiOhm/K 2 Lexp i10 8 WiOhm/K 2 0 C 100 C Ag 2.31 2.37 Au 2.35 2.40 Cd 2.42 2.43 Cu 2.23 2.33 Pb 2.47 2.56 Pt 2.51 2.60 W 3.04 3.20 Zn 2.31 2.33 Ir 2.49 2.49 Mo 2.61 2.79 Hall Effect Edwin Hall (1879, PhD) Drude model Paul Drude (1900) Drude model dp p = −eE − ev × B − dt τ j ne2τ dc conductivity: σ = = E m VH 1 Hall constant: RH = =− jiB en 1 ⎛ kB ⎞ Lorentz number= ⎜ ⎟ 3⎝ e ⎠ 2 π 2 ⎛ kB ⎞ as compared to the correct value ⎜ ⎟ 3 ⎝ e⎠ 2 Assump>ons of the Drude model Maxwell-­‐Boltzmann staLsLcs 1 3 m v 2 = kBT 2 2 m 2 v ≈ const(T ) Wrong. In metals, electrons obey the Fermi-­‐Dirac sta>s>cs 2 Classical dynamics (second law) Quantum mechanics was not invented yet... ScaOering mechanism: collisions between electrons and laRce Wrong. QM bandstructure theory: electrons are not slowed down by a periodic array of ions; instead, they behave of par>cles of different mass Yet, σ =ne2τ / m does not contain the electron velocity The formula still works if τ is understood as phenomenological parameter Great predic>on of the Drude model j ne2τ dc conductivity: σ = = E m VH 1 Hall constant: RH = =− jiB en By measuring these two quanLLes one can separate the T dependences of the relaxaLon Lme and the electron number density Metals and insulators ρ −RH n = −1 / eRH T Metals: number density is T independent relaxa>on >me is T dependendent Insulators: free carriers freeze out as T goes down Sommerfeld theory of metals Arnold Sommerfeld (PhD, 1928) free electrons obeying Fermi-­‐Dirac sta>s>cs independence of n from T linear dependence of the specific heat in metals at low temperatures $ correct value of the Lorentz number $ below room T, the Lorentz number becomes T dependent ☐ origin of scaOering ☐ posi>ve value of the Hall constants in certain metals ☐ positive magnetoresistance (an increase of the resistivity with B) ☐ f (E) 2 k 2F EF = 2m 4 3 3 π k F = ( 2π ) n 3 Metals: EF = 1 ÷ 10 eV kBT kF EF Fermi sphere EF / kB = 10 4 ÷ 10 5 K Quantum-­‐mechanical theory electron dynamics Felix Bloch (1928, PhD) interference of electron waves scaOered by ionsenergy bands Posi>on of the chemical poten>al is determined by the number of the electrons µ µ µ insulator metal allowed forbidden E If a band is less than half ful leffec>ve carriers are electrons RH<0 If a band is more than half fulleffec>ve carriers are “holes” Holes=posi>vely charged electronsRH>0 phase shic between incoming and reflected waves 2ka a 2π a 2ka = π N ⇒ λ = =N k 2 Shroedinger equa>on with a periodic poten>al energy ⎡ 2 2 ⎤ ⎢ − 2m ∇ + U ( r ) ⎥ψ = Eψ ⎣ ⎦ U ( r + n1a1 + n2 a 2 + n3a 3 ) = U ( r ); n1,2,3 = 0, ±1, ±2... a1 a2 Symmetries of lafce determine proper>es of the eigenstates Bloch Theorem ψ k ( r ) = eikir uk ( r ) uk ( r + a ) = uk ( r ) E (k) = E (k + b) b i = ( 2π ) 3 a j × ak V a3 pseudo (crystal momentum) k and k + b are equivalent a1 a2 Bravais lafces in 3D: 14 types, 7 classes Ag,Au,Al,Cu,Fe,Cr,Ni,Mb… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Cubic ✖3 Tetragonal✖2 Hexagonal✖1 Orthorhombic✖4 Rhombohedral✖1 Monoclinic✖2 Triclinic✖1 Ba,Cs,Fe,Cr,Li,Na,K,U,V… α − Po He,Sc,Zn,Se,Cd… Auguste Bravais (1850) S,Cl,Br F Sb,Bi,Hg 17 Lafce dynamics Classical thermodynamics: specific heat for a system of coupled oscillators (Dulong-­‐Pe>t law) CV = 3kB n Experiment: marked devia>ons from the Dulong-­‐Pe>t law CV Albert Enstein: quantum monochroma>c oscillators modern language: op>cal phonons Paul Debye: quantum sound waves modern language: acous>c phonons “Black-­‐body radia>on” 3 Dulong-­‐Pe>t CV ∝T T 3 room T T Max Born: modern theory of lafce dynamics Important consequence: electrons are not slowed down because of scaOering at sta1onary ions. But they are slowed down by scaOering from vibra>ng ions. This is why relaxation time depends on T! X-­‐ray scaOering from crystals: confirma>on of periodicity Max von Laue (Nobel Prize 1914) Bragg’s law William Lawrence Bragg and William Henry Bragg ( 1913) Discovery of superconduc>vity -­‐1911 Kamerlingh Onnes Meissner-­‐Ochsenfeld effect (1933) Walther Meissner Co. Scien>fic American Superfluidity (mo>on without fric>on) in He-­‐4 Pyotr Kapitsa (1937) John F. Allen and Don Misener (1937) T < Tλ = 4.2 K @1 atm Richard Feynman: ver>ces (1955) Lev Landau: phenomenological two-­‐fluid model (1941) Nikolay Bogolyubov: canonical transforma>ons (1947-­‐1948) He-­‐4 atoms are bosons Bose-­‐Einstein condensa>on into the lowest energy state. T > Tλ T < Tλ Electrons are fermions. How to make bosons out of fermions? Pair them! Two types of interac>on among electrons in metals: i) Coulomb repulsion ii) Phonon-­‐mediated aOrac>on Herbert Froelich Leon Cooper Normal metals: Coulomb repulsion dominates Superconductors: phonon-­‐mediated aOrac>on dominates below the cri>cal temperature Cooper pairs Bardeen-­‐Cooper-­‐Schrieffer Theory of Superconduc>vity (1957) John Bardeen Robert Schrieffer Leon Cooper High-­‐temperature superconduc>vity 1986 Alexander Müller Georg Bednorz non-­‐phonon mechanism Field-­‐effect transistor first patent: Lilienfeld (1925) working device: John Bardeen, Walter BraOain, William Shockley (Nobel Prize 1956) Integer Quantum Hall Effect (1980) 2 von Klitzing constant R K = h / e Value 25 812.807 4434 Standard uncertainty 0.000 0084 Rela>ve standard uncertainty 3.2 x 10-­‐10 Klaus von Klitzing (Nobel Prize 1985) Theore>cal explana>on: Robert Laughlin Frac>onal quantum Hall effect (1982) Dan Tsui, Horst Stormer, Robert Laughlin: Nobel Prize, 1998 Robert Laughlin Dan Tsui Horst Stormer quantization of ρ xy in fractions of h / e2 1/ 3,1/ 5,5 / 2... Each plateau is a new elementary excita>on with a frac>onal electric charge! Solid statenanoscience 2D: electron gases, graphene Nobel Prize 2010 Konstan>n Novoselov Andre Geim 1D: carbon nanotubes and quantum wires