Graduate Education: Academic degrees: M.S. Learning Outcome 1. Develop effective oral presentation skills Where Assessed in Program of Study Coordinated by major professor and Steering Committee with filing of Program of Study (Form 3B); review by Graduate Office 2. Develop information and data analysis competence Specific objectives established in Program of Study (Form 3B) 3. Develop expository, technical and scientific writing abilities As in 1 and 2 above 4. Acquire knowledge of and access to information resources As in 1 and 2 above PAPER & BIOPROCESS ENGINEERING How assessed: Goals and Assessment Results Response to Results Methodology Required departmental Direct feedback from peers, Review seminar requirement; seminars; informal research faculty and Steering evaluate teaching role and group presentations; Committee; critiques from requirements; recommend doctoral candidacy exam; examination committees; language instruction for nonresearch capstone seminar; evaluation of teaching native speakers thesis; teaching mentors assistantship; English language standardized tests; presentations at professional meetings Coursework in statistics; Performance in Address student access to consultation with faculty coursework; adequacy of hardware and software; statistical and analytical quantitative and analytical consider need for new courses specialists; practical skills demonstrated in experience in computer reports, thesis aided analyses; thesis research Thesis proposal; written Quality of writing; Offer writing workshops and presentation of research acceptance of peercoursework focusing on project results; manuscript reviewed manuscripts; scientific writing preparation; thesis and defense of thesis dissertation ESF 797 seminar; Graded assignments; Review and upgrade library consultation with adequacy of research information search engines and departmental librarian proposal; data bases liaison; independent research; research proposal preparation; Steering 5. Ascribe to highest ethical principles in academic work Student Code of Conduct Committee Adhere to Academic Integrity policy; ethics coursework DRAFT Critiques of written reports and research; Continually emphasize that the academic enterprise depends on complete honesty; incorporate professional ethics in curriculum