Document 10388044

Graduate Program in Environmental and Resource Engineering Option in Construction Management and Wood Products
Table 1. Outcomes Assessment Program, including learning objectives, methods of delivery, assessment tools, results, and actions
taken, for the Graduate Program in Environmental and Resource Engineering Option in Construction Management and Wood
Products Engineering.
Means by which each
objective/ outcome is
Tools utilized to assess
each learning
Data Collection
1. Will possess comprehensive
knowledge of an area of study
within the construction process
and/or the engineering and
scientific concepts of wood
utilization with concern for the
broad environmental
implications of construction
and/or wood utilization.
1. Graduate coursework
and a plan of study
developed with guidance
by a steering committee
2. guidance by a major
professor and steering
committee on an
independent research
project (MS/PhD) or
coursework practicum
3.. preparation of a
written document (thesis,
dissertation or practicum)
4. oral thesis defense (MS
and PhD), or presentation
of practicum (MPS).
1. Successful completion
of coursework; grade in
coursework; successful
delivery of seminar
2. Successful or
unsuccessful preparation
of a written thesis (MS,
PhD) or practicum (MPS)
3. Successful or
unsuccessful oral
examination of the thesis
or practicum
4. Steering Committee
Evaluation Survey to
assess the program’s
effectiveness at preparing
the student for degree
1.Grade Report
2. review of thesis
pass/fail rates for the
3.Completion and
Discussion of a
Steering Committee
Evaluation Survey to
determine the
program’s effectiveness
at preparing the student
for degree completion
(Appendix 8; report
To be determined
To be determined
2. Will have the ability to
examine and evaluate such
knowledge and deliver their
assessment of such knowledge
in written, oral manner with a
high degree of professionalism.
As in 1.
As in 1.
As in 1.
As in 1.
As in 1.
Action(s) taken
in response to
the results