1. Mission Statement: Wayland Baptist University exists to educate students in an academically challenging, learning-focused and distinctively Christian environment for professional success and service to God and humankind. 2. Course: HLAD 4340 – H101 Long-Term Health Care Administration 3. Term: Summer 4. Instructor: Katherine Van Meerten 5. Office Phone Number and WBU Email Address: 808-477-9699/nahulu03@hotmail.com 6. Office Hours, Building, and Location: Before and After School, Mililani Campus 7. Class Meeting Time and Location: 5:30pm - 9:00 pm, Wednesdays at Mililani Campus 8. Catalog Description: Legal, social, and economic ramifications of directing a skilled, intermediate, or other long-term care facility. 9. Prerequisites: none 10. Required Textbook and Resources: BOOK Nursing Home Administration AUTHOR Allen ED YEAR PUBLISHER 6th 2012 Springer ISBN# 0826107044 REVIEW Spring 16 11. Optional Materials: 12. Course Outcome Competencies: Upon completion of this course the student should be able to: Identify the basic organizational structure of Nursing facility management Cite the requirements for Nursing Home Administrators License. Identify the key functional areas of the nursing facility. Cite the educational requirements of the nursing home administrator. Identify key requirements for Texas State Nursing Home Licensure. Cite the Federal Laws and Regulations that govern the Nursing Facility. Cite criteria required for certification of nursing facilities. Identify the nine federal core knowledge areas required for nursing facility administrators. Explain the significance of the resident assessment. Identify the six content areas “Domain of Practice” for the National Licensure Examination. Explain the requirements for Nursing facility admission as applicable to Medicaid and Medicare clients. 13. Attendance Requirements: All Wayland students are expected to attend every class meeting; the minimum percentage of class participation required to avoid receiving a grade of “F” in the class is 75%. Students who miss the first two class meetings without providing a written explanation to the instructor will be automatically dropped from the roster as a “no-show.” Students who know in advance that they will be absent the first two class meetings and who wish to remain in the class must inform the instructor in order to discuss possible arrangements for making up absences. 14. Statement on Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty: Wayland Baptist University observes a zero tolerance policy regarding academic dishonesty. Per university policy as described in the academic catalog, all cases of academic dishonesty will be reported and second offenses will result in suspension from the university. 15. Disability Statement: “In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), it is the policy of Wayland Baptist University that no otherwise qualified person with a disability be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational program or activity in the university. The Coordinator of Counseling Services serves as the coordinator of students with a disability and should be contacted concerning accommodation requests at (806) 291- 3765. Documentation of a disability must accompany any request for accommodations.” 16. Course Requirements and Grading Criteria: Students shall have protection through orderly procedures against prejudices or capricious academic evaluation. A student who believes that he or she has not been held to realistic academic standards, just evaluation procedures, or appropriate grading, may appeal the final grade given in the course by using the student grade appeal process described in the Academic Catalog. Appeals may not be made for advanced placement examinations or course bypass examinations. Appeals are limited to the final course grade, which may be upheld, raised, or lowered at any stage of the appeal process. Any recommendation to lower a course grade must be submitted through the Executive Vice President/Provost to the Faculty Assembly Grade Appeals Committee for review and approval. The Faculty Assembly Grade Appeals Committee may instruct that the course grade be upheld, raised, or lowered to a more proper evaluation. Grading Criteria: Positive Participation in Class Homework Paper Midterm Final 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Students are expected to complete all aspects of the course. If the midterm, paper or final are not completed, the student will not receive credit for the course regardless of well you did in other areas. Grading Scale: 100-90 89-80 79-70 69-60 Below 60 A B C D F 16. Tentative Schedule: (Calendar, Topics, Assignments): May 27 Introductions Syllabus review Part 1 Homework: Article Presentations June 3 Article Presentations Part 2 Homework: Article Presentations June 10 Article Presentations Part 3 Homework: Article Presentations June 17 Article Presentations Midterm exam review Discuss paper topics June 24 Midterm Homework: Article Presentations July 1 Part 4 Homework: Article Presentations July 8 Part 5 Homework assignment: Article presentation July 15 Blackboard: Paper drafts are due Article Presentations Part 6 July 22 Substitute Teacher Article Presentations Movie/Discussion: TBD July 29 Blackboard: Final review presentation Aug 5 Final Exam Final papers are due 17. Additional information as desired by the faculty member. Class Participation: Class participation is a very important part of education. This class requires active class participation. Many classes begin with a basic question that appears clear-cut, and the class participation is what helps add to the complexity that is critical for solving problems and understanding processes. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in class. Please be sure to ask if you have questions or concerns during this course. Remember that, while you are a student, you are also teaching the class that which your education and experiences have taught you. Other Important Information: 1. Homework is due at the beginning of each class. 2. Late homework will result in a lower grade. 3. Written work is graded on the basis of content first, but also on the quality of grammar and punctuation. 4. All written assignments should be 12-point type, double-spaced, and using APA Manuscript Writing Style. 5. Questions concerning grades received should be resolved within one week after the assignment has been returned. 6. Unless noted as a group assignment, all work should be original work of the individual student. 7. Academic honesty is expected of all students. Plagiarism, cheating, and other acts that lack academic honesty may result in a zero on the particular assignment. 8. Students will need to use the Internet to access some assignments. 9. Cell phones and pagers must be placed on vibrate or silent mode. Please, NO TEXTING in class. If you need to text someone, please take it outside. 10. Presentations of papers must be done on the assigned date with the class to receive credit. 11. Exams may be made up, but there is a 20-point penalty for each day it is late. 12. Always contact the professor if you need assistance. Article Presentations: In order to better understand and participate in the stages of the study of Long-Term Health Care Administration, students will be required to bring examples of relevant topics to class. The format for the articles will be described in class, and when presented they will be graded based upon quality and relevance to the topic being discussed. Students will be expected to present articles using a power point presentation and teach the class what they learned. They will be graded based upon the amount of class discussion that ensues when the summary is presented. Length of the individual presentations will be discussed when each assignment is made. Term Paper: Students will complete one research paper for this class. The paper should be a minimum of 5 pages of content, excluding coversheet, abstract and references, and should utilize at least ten primary references of high quality. Students will orally present a summary of this paper to the class. Papers must utilize APA format. Topics for papers must also be pre-approved by the professor. STATEMENTS: Course Format: This course will be taught in a hybrid format, with the majority (over 70%) of the contact hours occurring in class. There will also be Blackboard assignments and other activities outside the classroom. “This class will adhere to zero tolerance for using someone else’s work as your own.” “Students are responsible for reading, understanding, obeying, and respecting all academic policies, with added emphasis being placed upon academic progress policies, appearing in the Wayland Baptist University Academic Catalog applicable to their curriculum and/or program of study.”