Speech by the Executive Mayor, Alderman 26 September 2013

Speech by the Executive Mayor, Alderman
Patricia de Lille, at the full Council meeting on
26 September 2013
Good morning, goeie dag, molweni, as salaam alaikum,
Mr Speaker, I would like to spare a moment to think of the family of
Saskia Michaels, the little girl from Mitchells Plain who remains missing
and the little girl who went missing last year.
I went out to Tafelsig almost two weeks ago to help the community
search for Saskia and experienced first-hand the pain and trauma that
they are going through.
While we have yet to find her, I would like her family to know that this
Council has them in their thoughts, as we do for all victims of tragedy.
I would like to remind Councillors and the public that we have offered a
R50 000 reward for any information that helps us find these girls.
And let me also take this moment to thank the brave men and women of
our emergency services.
Their professional spirit and commitment to duty have helped all those
people who have lost so much in the recent floods in Cape Town.
The City of Cape Town has spent more than R15,9 million to help alleviate
the suffering of its most vulnerable citizens caused by the storms of
August and September. Since August, 204 206 residents have been
affected by flooding caused by the severe weather.
Our Disaster Risk Management Centre, with the assistance of the South
African Social Security Agency through disaster relief agencies, has to
date helped distribute thousands of blankets, meals, food parcels, flood
kits and baby packs to flood victims and street people since August. Flood
relief provided includes:
blankets provided: over 78 000
meals served: over 218 000
food parcels issued: 373
and flood kits provided: 1 410
Mr Speaker,
A few months ago, the Council approved a new External Relations policy.
At its heart, this policy was intended to address the fact that we had been
unfocused in our attempts to promote our city as a place for investment
and business.
We had yet to learn one of the key lessons for local government in the
21st Century: that cities must take the lead in driving economic growth
and creating opportunity.
And so we crafted an approach that aimed at capitalising on the fact that
growth will be driven by cities in this century.
And we decided to be more proactive in how we chose to present our city.
Instead of a scattered approach that saw us spending fortunes on
attending conferences and going on fact-finding missions, we made
In doing so, we have reduced the amount spent on overseas travel by
almost two-thirds in the past financial year.
And where we do travel, we have a structured agenda designed to bring
returns for the city – a multiplier effect on our original investment.
Last week, I led a small delegation to the United States of America in
order to attract new business here.
The short trip zeroed in on those places and bodies that were most
interested in some kind of investment or trade relationship with our city.
We began by signing a co-operation agreement with Miami Dade County,
the city government seat of the Miami metropolitan area.
The co-operation agreement emphasises key economic relationships
between the two cities. The agreement is focused on the following:
1) Establishing a co-operation agreement between the two cities
2) Supporting programmes of mutual cultural exchange
3) Supporting the establishment of a South African trade office in
4) Engaging and persuading the various stakeholders of the
importance of a direct air service between Miami and Cape Town.
Cape Town is an important new South African market not currently served
by any direct flight from the United States.
A direct flight could create an access point for 39 markets and provide a
direct link between the international hub of Miami (servicing South,
Central and North American markets) and Africa according to a feasibility
study undertaken by Miami International Airport.
It would be the fastest flight between South Africa and the United States.
Our discussions with the aviation authorities in Miami confirmed that they
are more than willing to give a gate to a flight between Cape Town and
They have committed to exploring the feasibility of an American airline
buying that gate.
From our side, we have undertaken to meet with the Minister of Public
Enterprises, Malusi Gigaba, to put pressure on South African Airways
(SAA) to re-establish that connecting flight.
As SAA undergoes its most recent turn-around strategy, we cannot see
why it would not be enticed by a route that has demonstrated profits and
appeal to travellers.
Even though we are one of the world’s greatest tourism destinations, we
could have even greater tourism revenue if we are able to re-establish a
direct link between the North American market and Cape Town.
We also engaged with Enterprise Florida, an organisation that has as its
mandate the establishment of investment ties between the State of
Florida and other regions.
We have committed to sending over a business delegation in January that
can interact with Florida-based companies and explore the possibilities for
new business and trade ventures.
In Washington DC, we gave an investment presentation to the US-SA
Business Council at the US Chamber of Commerce, which is a body that
directly promotes investment from US companies into South Africa.
Our presentation focused on making the business case for investing in
Cape Town instead of elsewhere in South Africa to American companies
that had demonstrated an investment interest.
As confirmed by our Ambassador to the US, Mr Ebrahim Rasool, it was a
highly successful engagement, which has directly resulted in follow-ups in
terms of a book of investment opportunities in Cape Town that will be
shared with interested US companies through our contacts at the US
Chamber of Commerce.
And in New York, apart from meeting Mayor Michael Bloomberg and
sharing in a knowledge transfer with that City and addressing the African
Private Sector Forum as the Mayor of Cape Town, we were able to secure
two conferences for Cape Town next year – thereby further cementing our
position as the events capital of the region.
We will be following up on these business opportunities and reporting
back to Council as we progress further.
But let me say that in terms of immediate results, our approach of
assuming direct responsibility for promoting the city is paying off.
It is just another way in which we are reshaping the way we understand
the role of cities in South Africa, giving us a competitive advantage over
our domestic competitors and helping us compete internationally.
Mr Speaker, this trip comes on the back of some good news for Cape
Town in the tourism sector.
While it is true that we are trying to reposition ourselves as a place for
the private sector to invest and for business to flourish, we cannot forget
the foundation for our city’s appeal.
Time after time, we win awards either as the best tourism destination in
Africa or one of the best tourism destinations in the world.
This is due to the fact that we have a unique natural beauty and appeal,
being the place where two oceans meet at the foothills of the iconic table
Add to this the diversity of our tourism package, including world-class
beaches, majestic winelands and our unique bio-diversity, and you have a
package that helps sell itself.
Indeed, as the former US Ambassador to South Africa, Donald Gips said,
Cape Town almost has it too good in that it is difficult to convince people
that anyone works in a place so beautiful.
But it is precisely because we have such name recognition that we are
able to sell the city to the private sector.
And so, in terms of our tourism numbers, I am pleased to report to this
Council that tourism to Cape Town has increased in recent times.
The first phase of a study commissioned by the City of Cape Town has
revealed that direct spend on tourism in Cape Town has grown at 5,6%
per annum between 2009 and 2012.
The research conducted by Grant Thornton shows that the city’s tourism
industry generated R14,6 billion in 2012, up from R12,4 billion in 2009. In
2010, the tourism industry’s contribution to the local economy peaked at
R16 billion, mainly due to the impact of the 2010 FIFA World Cup™.
Indeed, speaking of tourism, we must not neglect to commend the impact
of one of Cape Town’s signature features, the V&A Waterfront.
According to its research, published recently, the V&A Waterfront has
contributed a total of R198 billion to the South African economy since
Last year, the total contribution was R28,91 billion.
I think that we owe a great vote of thanks to the V&A Waterfront Holdings
(limited) and all that they have done to help make Cape Town the global
destination that it is and for the direct and indirect employment that they
These numbers come at a time when the City has achieved a great deal in
terms of our direct provision of services.
Last year, we began a project with Eskom of electrifying those areas
within Eskom’s supply area that had been under-serviced as part of our
efforts to build a Caring City that invests in infrastructure even where
other government agencies have a direct mandate in order to help those
who need it most.
As part of the City of Cape Town’s commitment to redress and to building
an Inclusive and Opportunity City, this administration has embarked on a
major roads upgrade project focusing on, amongst other types, the
improvement of concrete roads.
Last year we completed some work in Heideveld, Hanover Park, Retreat,
and Gugulethu; and this year we are working on two contracts in
Gugulethu Phase 4, one contract in Bonteheuwel, and two contracts in
Two further contracts are due for award in Manenberg shortly and one in
Heideveld. Two tenders are due to be advertised for Gugulethu in
The budget allocation available for the concrete roads projects and the
areas to be targeted are as follows:
In the 2013/14 financial year, R102 million is to be spent largely in
Gugulethu, Manenberg, Heideveld and Bonteheuwel.
In the 2014/15 financial year, R107 million is to be spent largely in
Gugulethu, Manenberg, Bonteheuwel, Hanover Park and Heideveld.
In the 2015/16 financial year, R65 million is to be spent largely in
Gugulethu, Hanover Park, Bonteheuwel, Manenberg, Parkwood and
This is just another way in which we are using all of our resources to
transform this city and correct the spatial legacy of Apartheid through our
redress and reconciliation programme.
And because reconciliation has at its heart the idea that you have to bring
people together, we have taken this to be a deliverable not only spatially
and socially but digitally as well.
Indeed, one of our key capital projects is the roll-out of a fibre optic
network that will increase broadband capacity in the city, thereby giving
Cape Town a competitive advantage in terms of Information,
Communication and Technology Infrastructure.
Given that internal broadband distribution has been a major stumbling
block to South Africa’s development in recent times, such an investment
will be a distinguishing feature for Cape Town.
We have already completed the first phase of our broadband project,
linking municipal facilities and providing key access points for the public.
The high capacity of the network has allowed high-bandwidth services,
such as distributed use of highly sophisticated City resource management
systems, and video conferencing, to be introduced.
The next phase involves using the network backbone we have already
established to bring in third party licensed network operators.
In terms of these commercial interests, the City is currently in
negotiations with a range of Internet Service Providers.
By offering competitive tariffs, the City is enabling smaller operators to
enter the market, generating competition and stimulating economic
growth in the private sector.
Third Party Infrastructure lease agreements are now in the final stages of
being approved by the City’s Legal Services section which will expedite
the City’s fibre optic roll-out as this revenue stream continues to escalate.
The City is also investigating how to broaden affordable network access to
residents in under-served areas in Cape Town.
In this regard, the City has recently concluded a feasibility study, funded
by a grant of $315 000 from the United States Trade and Development
Association (USTDA).
This grant enabled the appointment of a number of international and local
specialists with the necessary experience to conduct an evaluation of the
suitability of the City of Cape Town’s fibre optic backbone as a basis for
creating an affordable Wi-Fi network in Khayelitsha and Mitchells Plain to
reach businesses and households in those areas.
In this regard, the City is pleased to announce that we have undertaken
to fund the Proof of Concept (POC) phase, set to begin in December 2013
and run for six months.
During this stage the City will experiment with different technologies in
providing Wi-Fi to disadvantaged areas and the provision will be free to
the affected areas.
Depending on the outcome of the POC, the City intends to partner with
licensed third party service providers to render affordable internet directly
into the homes of residents in these areas using wireless technology.
I undertake to update Council on this important project that is helping us
bring people closer together.
Mr Speaker, I would also like to take this opportunity to launch our
programme for Transport Month, which begins in October.
Our campaign this year is focusing on pedestrian safety.
We will be visiting a number of schools to address this critical issue and
our Mayoral Committee Member: Transport for Cape Town, Councillor
Brett Herron, has formed a Road Safety Task Team to prepare the City’s
first Road Safety Strategy.
I urge all of you to take copies of the materials that will be distributed to
all Councillors by Transport for Cape Town today back to your
In conclusion, the City has just emerged from a hard winter.
The recent flooding in Cape Town has shown just how vulnerable many of
our communities are to the extreme weather patterns we are sometimes
subjected to in this part of the world.
But that makes it more important than ever to ensure that we maintain
the highest levels of service delivery and ensure that we generate the
economic growth that will help us continue to roll out the highest level of
services in the country.
Every service we provide, from emergency services to our road network,
is dependent on the revenue generated by people and businesses and the
commercial activity that creates jobs for people allowing them to
contribute financial resources to the city.
That is why we need to plan for tomorrow by doing everything we can to
promote Cape Town and everything we have to offer.
Because in a competitive world, good things do not come to those who
You have to go out and create opportunity – for our city, for our
residents, and for our future.
Thank you, baie dankie, enkosi.