000786 REPORT TO EXECUTIVE MAYOR 17 MARCH 2009 1 2 ITEM NUMBER: L I CITY OF CAPE TOWN IISIXEKD SASEKAPA STAO KAAPSTAD MC 54/03/09 PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT POLICY FOR CITY OF CAPE TOWN BELEID OOR OPNBARE BETROKKENHEID VIR DIE STAD KAAPSTAD UMGAQO-NKQlIBO WESIXEKO SASEKAPA OJONGENE NOBANDAKANYO 3 RECOMMENDATION FROM THE: CORPORATE SERVICES AND HUMAN RESOURCES PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE: 03.03.2009 RECOMMENDED that: (a) the comments of Councillor 0 Kinahan as contained in Annexure "An to the minutes be considered; (b) the role assigned to the Communications Department in sections 1 & 2 on pages 4 and 6 of the policy be applied equally to section 3 on page 8, section 7 on page 9 and section 5 on page 11; (c) the Portfolio Committees and Sub-councils be given the opportunity in March or May to comment on the key performance indicators (KPI) as listed in section 3 of the policy. These KPI's should be included in the contracts entered into with management; (d) the maximum time period afforded the public to comment on by-laws be stipulated in the policy; (e) the words "when and where required" be added to items 2 and 4 on page 6 and item 8 on page 7 of the policy; (f) the word "TARPAC" in item 7 on page 11 of the policy be deleted and be replaced with the words "Budgetary Advisory Committee"; (g) the words "public engagement tools" be inserted next to the words "refer to section 7" in items 4, 5 & 12 on pages 6 & 7 of the policy. 000787 ECONOMIC, SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT & TOURISM PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE: 05.03.2009 Concern was expressed as who would be responsible for the covering of certain costs, viz catering expenses. It was pointed by both Ald. J Bredenhand & Cllr B Maboee that as Subcouncils did not have the financial resources available to meet such public participation costs had the necessary budgetary provision been made. The relevant official reported that catering would be undertaken only if necessary and with the Subcouncil paying for processes initiated by them. It was also indicated that the relevant department would absorb the costs for processes initiated by them. The Chairperson in conclusion requested that the foregoing concern be noted by the appropriate officials. RECOMMENDED that a) the Public Engagement Policy & Procedure Guidelines as outlined in the annexure of the report, be adopted; b) the establishment of a public participation working committee to monitor, review & asses the City's public engagement strategies, process & compliance with this policy be endorsed; and that it report thereon to Council annually in terms of section 8, clause 4.1 of the draft policy. SAFETY & SECURITY PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE: 05.03.2009 It was proposed that the following recommendation be incorporated to the recommendations as set out on page 381 of the report: The public engagement process needs a sectoral mechanism as well for sectoral public participation. The proposal was duly supported. RECOMMENDED that: (a) the public engagement policy and Procedure Guidelines as outlined in the Annexure attached to the report be supported. (b) the establishment of a public partiCipation working committee to monitor, review and assess the City's public engagement strategies, processes and compliance of the Policy be endorsed and a report thereon be submitted to Council annually as stated in Section 8 clause 4.1 of the draft policy. 000788 (c) the public engagement process needs a sectoral mechanism as well for sectoral public participation. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE: 03.03.2009 RECOMMENDED that: (a) Council adopts the Public Engagement Policy and Procedure Guidelines as outlined in the Annexure subject to the following amendments; Section 2 paragraph 9: delete "for 21days " and replace with "at least 21 days" Section 3 paragraph 3: delete "for 21days " and replace with "at least 21 days" (b) the establishment of a public participation working committee to monitor, review and asses the City's public engagement strategies, processes and compliance with this Policy be endorsed and report to Council annually, as stated in Section 8, clause 4.1 of the draft policy. TRANSPORT, 05.03.2009 ROADS & STORMWATER PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE: The committee expressed concern that not enough time is allowed in order for communities to respond properly and thus requested that response times be longer. The committee further requested that policies be written in simple understandable language as well as be available in English, Afrikaans and Xhosa. RECOMMENDED that: (a) taking the above comments into consideration, the public engagement policy and procedure guidelines as outlined in the Annexure to the report be adopted; (b) the establishment of a public participation working committee to monitor, review and assess the City's public engagement strategies, processes and compliance with this policy be endorsed and reported on to Council annually, as stated in Section 8, clause 4.1 of the draft policy. 000789 COMMUNITY SERVICES PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE: 05.03.2009 The Portfolio Committee nominated Councillor M Davids to serve on the adhoc committee mandated to finalise the policy. RECOMMENDED that the Public Engagement Policy for the City of Cape Town and the nomination of Councillor M Davids to serve on the ad-hoc committee mandated to finalise the policy be noted. HOUSING PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE: 02.03.2009 UTILITY SERVICES PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE: 02.03.2009 FINANCE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE: 02.03.2009 RECOMMENDED that: Policy and Procedure (a) Council adopts the Public Engagement Guidelines as outlined in the Annexure; (b) the establishment of a public participation working committee to monitor, review and asses the City's public engagement strategies, processes and compliance with this Policy be endorsed and to report to Council annually, as stated in Section 8, clause 4.1 of the draft policy. HEALTH PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE: 03.03.2009 RECOMMENDED that the Public Engagement Policy for the City of Cape Town be noted. REPORT To ALL PORTFOLIO COMMITTEES CIT! OF CAPE TOWN IISlmo SASEKAPA I STAD KAAPSTAD 1 ITEM NUMBER: 2 SUBJECT r.ORHR nR/n~Jml PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT POLICY FOR THE CITY OF CAPE TOWN LSU6268 2 ONDERWERP BELEID OOR OPENBARE BETROKKENHEID VIR DIE STAD KAAPSTAD LSU6268 2 ISIHLOKO UMGAQO-NKQUBO WESIXEKO SASEKAPA OJONGENE NOBANDAKANYO LOLUNTU LSU6268 3 PURPOSE To obtain approval for the adoption of the Public Engagement Policy 4 STRATEGIC INTENT • Good Governance and Regulatory Reform The public participation policy, once approved by Council, will direct the manner and process by which the City performs its obligations regarding Public Participation as required in terms of legislation. It will create mechanisms for the alleviation of duplicated public engagement practices, which currently exist in the City, and strive to meet the objective of empowering communities to engage in public participation with the City in an informed fashion. PPPclicy-pc report1 g>=eb [Template updated July 2008J Page 1 of 6 5 FOR DECISION BY 0007Q!.. Council 6 EXECUTNESUMMARY The City does not have a public engagement policy which outlines the processes in terms of which it can engage with its communities. The attached policy seeks to remedy this by outlining key operational imperatives and creating a menu of processes which may be selected depending on the nature of the public participation required by the instant circumstances. It creates an integrated and uniform approach to public participation, and clearly defines the various roles, responsibilities and functions of the various stakeholders in the process, locating the ultimate responsibility for public participation within the Public Participation Unit, of the Department: Governance and Interface. 7 RECOMMENDATIONS Not Delegated: for Decision by Council: That Council: 1. Adopt the public engagement policy and Procedure Guidelines as outlined in the Annexure hereto and, 2 endorse the establishment of a public participation working committee to monitor, review and asses the City's public engagement strategies, processes and compliance with this Policy, and to report thereon to Council annually, as stated in Section 8, clause 4.1 of the draft policy PPPolicy-pc report19Feb [Template updated July 2008] Page 2 of 6 7 AANBEVELINGS OB079i Nie gedelegeer nie: vir besluit deur die Raad: Oat die Raad: 1. Die beleid oor openbare betrokkenheid en keuselyste goedkeur soos in die aangehegte bylae uiteengesit en 2 Die stigting van 'n werkskomitee vir openbare deelname onderskryf vir die monitering, hersiening en evaluering van die Stad se openbarebetrokkenheidstrategiee, -prosesse en nakoming van hierdie beleid, en 'n jaarlikse verslag daaroor aan die Raad uit te bring, soos gemeld in deel 8 van die konsepbeleid. 7 IZINDULLILO Azigunyaziswanga: iSiggibo seseBhunga: Ukuba iBhunga: 1. Maliwamkele umgaqo-nkqubo ojongene nobandakanyo loluntu kunye noludwe lweenkqubo ezichazwe kwiSongezelelo esiqhotyoshelwe apha yaye, 2 maliqinisekise ukumiselwa kwekomiti esebenzayo yothatho-nxaxheba loluntu ngenjongo yokubek'esweni, ukuphengulula nokuhlola izicwangciso-qhinga zeSixeko zobandakanyo loluntu, iinkqubo nokuthotyelwa kwalo Mgaqo-nkqubo, neza kwenza ingxelo kwiBhunga rhoqo ngonyaka. Njengoko kuchaziwe kwiCandelo 8, isolotya 4.1 loyilo lomgaqo-nkqubo. 8 DISCUSSION/CONTENTS When the Public Engagement Policy was tabled at all portfolio committees in October last year, the Corporate Services and Human Resources Portfolio Committee resolved that an ad hoc committee of councillors be appointed to consider and finalise the policy. The Forum of Chairpersons of Sub-Councils similarly nominated five sub-council chairpersons with the same brief. It was therefore prudent to combine these committees for the purposes of executing their respective mandates. An ad-hoc committee was consequently convened under the chairpersonship of the Mayco member for Corporate Services and Human Resources, Councillor B Walker. PPPO:ICY-PC report19Feb [Template updated July 2308] Page 3 of 6 Oua79~ Other members of the committee were, The Speaker Cllrs:D Qually G Siljeur J P Smith B Watkyns, G Twigg, o Kinahan, and S Pringle. After numerous meetings and vigorous scrutiny, the ad-hoc committee has now finalised the policy and resolved that it be re-tabled at all portfolio committees. Thereafter it will be tabled at Mayco and then submitted to Council for consideration and adoption, at its meeting on 25 March. It will then be implemented in accordance with an agreed implementation and roll out plan, during the month of April. It must also be mentioned that the policy served at all sub-councils and portfolio committees during October last year, and all comments made have been considered and, where appropriate, included in the policy. By way of briefly recapping its content, it can be mentioned that there are two fundamental aspects of the policy. The first sets out the general governing provisions for the conduct of any public participation process, while the second provides a set of PROCEDURE GUIDELINES which may be used for a given public partiCipation process based on the type of process required. The policy lists 6 categories of processes which are used by the City. It is also proposed that a working group be established, which will be charged with the monitoring and supervision of all public participation processes. Implementation of the policy will result in a uniform approach to public partiCipation in the City as well as a reduction in costs to the City through the obviation of unnecessary duplication by departments through the conduct of public participation. The policy also lays the framework for structured public partiCipation through the creation of monitoring and review mechanisms, the formulation of an annual plan, the proviSion for the actual costing for each exercise and the clarification of the various roles and functions of different departments and within the political structures of Council. DPPclicy-pc report19Feb [Template updated July 2008] Page 4 of 6 000794 In terms of section 17(2) of the Local Government Municipal Systems Act, 2000 "a municipality must establish appropriate mechanisms, processes and procedures to enable the local community to participate in the affairs of the municipality". The policy fulfils this statutory requirement. 8.1 Constitutional and Policy Implications In terms of section 152( 1)( e) one of the objectives of local government, is to encourage the involvement of communities and community organizations in local government 8.2 Environmental Implications No environmental implications 8.3 Legal Implications Section 16 of the Local Government Municipal Systems Act, requires that local government develop a culture of community participation, and build the capacity of its communities. Section 17 states that local government must create mechanisms, processes and procedures for public participation. Section 18 requires local government to create effective tools for communicating with the community. Various other legislative instruments governing local government, as well as National and Provincial Acts require public participation. 8.4 Staff Implications No Staff implications 8.5 Risk Implications No risk implications PPPolicy-pc -eport19Feb ;Tempiate updated July 2C08] Page 5 of 6 000795 8.6 Other Services Consulted EMT- Stride subcommittee, FOCOS chairpersons and sub-council manager's sub-committee, The Office of the Speaker, The ad hoc committee on the Public Engagement Policy ANNEXURES: A,Public Engagement Policy and Procedure Guidelines ~. exPU\ M " ~-y fv1€:1\1 (~ FOR FURTHER DETAILS CONTACT: I I NAME I CONTACT NUMBERS I IRWIN ROBSON I 021 400 1434 . Irwin.robson@capetown.Qov.za GOVERNANCE and INTERFACE I E-MAIL ADDRESS I DIRECTORA TE ! ~ LEGALLY COMPLIANT D LEGAL COMPLIANCE NON-COMPLIANT (Author to obtain signature before submission to Executive Support) COMMENT: Comment: DIRECTOR~ ADV Brent Gerber DATE 2--u PPPolicy-pc report19,ceb [Ter:1plate updated July 2008J I , J-/~ 7 .. ...L-.---I,~ _ _ _ __ Page 60f6 000796 ANNEXURE A1 PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT POLICY CITY OF CAPE TOWN 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Policy is to help people to understand and encourage them to contribute to the decision-making processes of the Municipality. 2. OUTCOMES TO BE ACHIEVED Everyone will have the opportunity to influence how the Council functions through effective and meaningful public engagement processes, leading to more relevant policies in the governance of the City. 3. PRINCIPLES Public engagement processes should be flexible, appropriate, informed, inclusive and responsive. 4. MECHANISMS AND PROCESSES FOR PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT The City has set up a system of Sub-councils and ward forums which are the mechanisms referred to in the Procedure Guidelines. 5. PROCEDURE GUIDELINES Procedure Guidelines for public engagement are attached per Annexure A. 6. LANGUAGE Public Engagement is conducted in terms of Council's Language Policy. 7. APPLICATION The policy applies to the processes and sequence of activities as outlined in the Procedure Guidelines. 1 000797 ANNEXURE A. PROCEDURE GUIDELINES 1. THE DEVELOPMENT AND AMENDMENT OF POLICY AND BY-LAWS STEPS 1. 2. 3. A motivated proposal may originate within Council's structures or externally. The proposal is referred to the Office of the Speaker in consultation with the Executive Mayor or his/her nominee for agreement on legal compliance and the way forwa rd. The Draft Engagement and Communication Plan is developed between the Mayor's nominee and Communications Dept. RESPONSIBLE PERSON NOTES Line Department Office of the Speaker Executive Mayor or Nominee Manager: Public Participation Unit (MPPU) Manager: Implementation . and Co-ordination Manager: Sub-councils Line Department Legal Department I 4. 5. The public is notified of the intention to commence the By-law / policy process, and its context. The motivated proposal and draft engagement plan is submitted to the relevant Committee of Council to commence the drafting process. . Communication Dept. Identifjed Sponsor Communications Line Department : 2 U00798 Line Department 6. The draft By-law/Policy is submitted to the Office of the Speaker to ensure legal compliance. i 7. Manager: Public Participation Unit (MPPU) The Engagement and Communication Plan is finalised. Manager: Implementation and Co-ordination . Manager: Sub-councils line Department legal Department Communication Dept. Every Engagement Plan will at least contain a budget as to cost, a determined time-frame for completion, the appropriate mechanisms for communication with the Community, and the Process Plan for feedback to the Community on the results of the Public Participation Process. The draft By-laws may contain options on which the public will be allowed to express an . opinion I 8. The draft By-law/Policy document is submitted to the relevant Committee of Council together with a summary and motivation. Line Department 9. Portfolio Committee(s) refer the Draft to geographic, sectoral or other bodies, for at least one of the following: 1) noting, or 2) comment, or 3) consultation, or 4) debate, or 5) recommendations. Portfolio Committee(s) 110. Repeat step 2 above, where required. The Portfolio Committee must also provide a concise . summary of the policy or By-law in all three official languages and give directives (with reasons) as to the date by which it requires the matter to be re-tabled for consideration. Office of the Speaker . Exec. Mayor or Nominee I 3 I 0007, 11. The Public Engagement and Communication Processes are formally launched. ( Relevant structure/ person of Council The draft document is distributed to Councillors, ward forum members, organisations on each Sub-council database and organisations operating across the City, for preliminary consideration and perusal. Communications Manager: Public Pa rticipation Manager: Sub-councils Other methods of distribution will be used where appropriate. I 12. The advert for the Subcouncil meeting must include a footnote advising the public of hearings to be held where appropriate. A variety of communication methods can be used. Manager Sub-councils I I I---- I 13. The By-law/Policy is then tabled and/or considered at Subcouncils, depending on the directives issued by the Portfolio Committee. Manager: Sub-councils 14. Feedback from Subcouncils is submitted to IDL (Inter Directorate Liaison). IDL gives consolidated feedback to line Department. The receipt of all comments submitted is acknowledged. Manager: Sub-councils IDL / Line Department 15. The Draft By-laW/Policy feedback and line department comments are re-submitted to the Portfolio Committee. line Department 4 16. 17. 18. The By-law/Policy is resubmitted to the Office of the Speaker for final legal scrutiny. Line Department The By-law/Policy is submitted to MAYCO for approval, and/or Council for adoption and thereafter to the Office of the Speaker for proclamation /promulgation. Line Department The Public Engagement Process is evaluated and all internal stakeholders are invited to rate the process and comment if they wish to do so. Public Participation Unit (PPU) 000800 i ! Use different methods to provide feedback to the Community. Portfolio Committees All relevant stake holders are required to sign off on the report. Report back to all stakeholders on outcomes. 19. A review of the effectiveness of each engagement process is conducted by the Office of the Speaker in consultation with the Executive Mayor or his/her nominee. I Public Participation Unit (PPU) 5 000801 2. DEVELOPMENT, IMPLEMENTATION AND REVIEW OF THE INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN (IDP) AND ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM June - September STEPS 1. Agree on Public Engagement Plan and Communication Plan, and the requisite process to be followed. RESPONSIBLE PERSON IDP Process Manager NOTES Consider the local circumstances, including Travel. Manager: Subcouncils Manager: Public Participation Communications 2. Capacity building and awareness sessions with Ward Forums, Subcouncils and Sector Organisations, when and where reg.uired. Office of the Speaker Director: Governance & Interface Initiatives such as "Imagine Cape Town" and "Helen's Hints" sms cam paign can be considered. IDP Process Manager 3. Annual Public Perception Survey and summary of conclusions for submission to line management to influence decision-making. 4. Advertisement is placed for a maximum Q.eriod of 30 days before the formal launch of the Public Engagement Process, when and where reauired. 5. Interactive engagements to be arranged in such a manner to ensure substantive participation. Manager: Strategic Information (SDIG) Perception Survey needs to be planned in such a manner to ensure that results are available during strategiC review (end December). The Report would need to be available by October of the previous year, and commissioned by February of that year. IDP Process Manager Refer to Section 7. "Public Engagement Tools". Manager: Sub-councils IDP Process Manager Refer to Section 7, "Public Engagement Tools". Manager: Sub-councils 6. Analysis and user friendly reporting of operational and statistical data. Manager: StrategiC Information (SDIG) All City data to be reflected sectorally and geographically. IDP Process Manager 6 000802 7. Submit revised draft document to Portfolio Committee(s), MAYCO and Council with recommendations to approve the document for consultation with the public. 8. Advertisement is placed 30 days before the formal launch of the Public Engagement Process, when and where required. IDP Process Manager IDP Process Manager Manager: Sub-councils Communications 9. Formally launch the Public Engagement process. The document to be made available for public comment for at least 21 days. IDP Process Manager Manager: Sub-councils Communications Political structures 10. Acknowledge receipt and respond to all public comments. IDP Process Manaqer 11. Summary of inputs and revised/amended document to be submitted to the relevant committee(s) with recommendations to MAYCO and Council. IDP Process Manager 12. Publish the document. IDP Process Manager Adverts will be part of the monthly adverts advising of meetings of Subcouncils. In media and on the City web etc, Smart Cape access, sms messaging and radio programmes and other print and electronic media such as CDs or taped versions, where appropriate. Copies of advertisements to be submitted to Sub-council Managers for information and distribution to organisations on database. Copies of the document will be em ailed to all stakeholders on the City database as well as neighbouring municipalities and Provincial Government Departments. Interactive engagement with stake holders mentioned above. Refer to Section 7, "Public Engagement Tools". Manager: Sub-councils 13. Compile report on the Public Engagement Process conducted. Public Participation Unit (PPU) Use different methods to provide feedback to the Community. All relevant stake holders are required to sign off on the report. Report back to all stakeholders on outcomes. 7 000803 3. TO CONSULT WrrH THE PUBLIC AND RECEIVE COMMENT ON THE FOLLOWING: Municipal Entity Business plan and SDBIP's STEPS 1. Agree on Pu blic Engagement Plan and the requisite process to be followed. RESPONSIBLE PERSON IDP Process Manager Manager: Subcouncils Manager: Public Participation 2. Advertisement is placed 30 days before the formal launch of the Public Engagement Process. IDP Process Manager Manager: Subcouncils Relevant officials at the various venues IDP Process 3. Formally launch the public Manager engagement process. The document to be made available • Communications for public comment for at least 21 days. 4. Acknowledge receipt of all public comments and respond to participants. NOTES I . This could include Sub-council meetings, public hearings, briefing sessions, or public meetings based on the desired outcome. Every public participation plan will consider the local circumstances of those who experience difficulty in attendina meetinas. Adverts will be part of the monthly adverts adviSing of meetings of Sub-counclls. In media and on the City web etc, Smart Cape access, sms messaging and radio programmes and other print and electronic media such as CDs or taped versions, where appropriate. Copies of advertisements to be submitted to Sub-council managers for information and distribution to organisations on database. People who are unable to Write are assisted by officials at the venue as per the advert. Copies of the document will be emailed to all stakeholders on the City database as well as neighbouring municipalities and Provincial Government Departments. IDP Process Manager Manager: SubI councils 8 OnORl4. 5. Summary of inputs and IDP Process Manager revised/amended document to be submitted to the relevant committee with recommendations. 6. Publish the document. 7. Compile report on the Public Engagement Process conducted. IDP Process Manager I Public • Participation Unit (PPU) Communications Use different methods to provide feedback to the Community. All relevant stake holders are required to sign off on the report. Report back to all stakeholders on outcomes. 4. MECHANISMS FOR MUNICIPAL SERVICE DELIVERY. LOCAL GOVERNMENT MUNICIPAL SYSTEMS ACT 32 OF 2000 (577-80: SYSTEMS ACT) ; AND 4.1 ESTABLISHMENT OF INTERNAL MUNICIPAL SERVICE DISTRICTS (585) Section 1 I The advert notifies the public to inspect the approved Budget and is also displayed for at least 21 days at all Sub-council offices, some administration buildings, all libraries and on the City's website Copies placed on website, libraries and Council buildings, email to stakeholders and place advertisements in local newspapers to inform the public where the document can be accessed. Line department Public Participation Unit (PPU) I 1. A Municipality must review and decide on the appropriate mechanism to provide a municipal service in the Municipality or part of the Municipality - (e) when requested by the local community thro ugh mechanisms, processes and procedures established in terms of Chapter 4 [Section 77(e}]. 2. If a Municipality decides in terms of sub section 2 (b) to explore the possibility of providing the municipal service through an external mechanism, it must (a) give notice to the local community of its intention to explore the provision of the municipal service through an external mechanism; (b) assess the different service delivery options in terms of section 76 (b), taking into account - (iii) the views of the local 9 000805 community; and (v) the views of organised labour (Section 78[3J). 3. Before a Municipality enters into a service delivery agreement with an external service provider, it must establish a programme for community consultation and information dissemination regarding the appointment of the external service provider and the contents ofthe service delivery agreement. The contents of the service delivery agreement must be communicated to the local community through the media [section 80 (2)]. 4. Establishment of Internal Municipal Service Districts Before establishing an internal municipal service district, the municipality must (a) consult the local community on the following matters: (i) the proposed boundaries of the service district; (ii) the proposed nature of the municipal service that is to be provided; (iii) the proposed method of financing the municipal service; and (iv) the proposed mechanism for the provision of the municipal service; and (b) obtain the consent of the mCljority of the members of the local community in the proposed service district that will be required to contribute to the provision of the municipal service (Section 85). 10 5. THE BUDGET 000806 The Budget related By-laws, Policies and budget documents are prepared and processed in terms of the Municipal Finance Management Act 56 of 2003, Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000, Municipal Property Rates Act 6 of 2004, Municipal Structures Act 117 of 1998 as amended Act no. 33 of 2000 and the Constitution of the RSA no. 118 of 1996. 5.1 BUDGET RELATED BY-LAWS (STATUTORY) STEPS 1. 2. i Prepare an advert which is placed in all of the major and community newspapers. The advert invites public comments via the City Manager's office and is also displayed for at least 30 days at all Sub-council offices, some administration buildings, all libraries and on the Citys website. RESPONSIBLE PERSON ISL (Inter Service Liaison this is an internal unit of Council) ISL and relevant officials at the various venues NOTES It is recommended that notice of processes be given in the monthly accounts sent to ratepayers and other service users. 3. People who are unable to write are ISL and relevant officials at assisted by officials at the venue as per the various venues the advert. 4. Comments are collected from the Office ISL of the City Manager and logged in a register kept by ISL indicating contact details, summary of comments and dates received and responded. ISL / Revenue / relevant The By-law gives 5. Input is also solicited from relevant officials who implement the policies in Service Directorate effect to the Communications policy. terms of clarity, application and uniformity. 6. Sub-councils are included in the Public ISL / Subcouncil Managers Engagement Process in that the reports appear on their agendas. It is expected that Sub-councils solicit input from Ward Forums which comment to be routed via the City Manager's Office. ISL 7. Prepare and submit a report to the Tariff and Budget Advisory Committee, Finance Portfolio Committee, MAYCO and Council reflecting process, full details iro comments received and action taken. I l 11 5.2. DRAFT BUDGET 000807 The Draft Budget includes the following: • • • • All relevant budget information including Tariffs, Fees and Charges; Budget related policies which lead to the setting of a rate, tariff, charge or fee: o These policies include the Rates Policy and Tariff Policy (incorporating individual policies for Electricity, Water & Sanitation and Solid Waste). Other Budget related policies which include: o Credit Control and Debt Collection Policy (incorporating Property Rates and Services, Housing, Indigent and Property Management). o Grants-in-Aid Policy. The Integrated Development Plan. ISL co-ordinate and drive all the budget related Public Engagement Processes whilst the IDP deals exclusively with the Integrated Development Plan Public Engagement Process. The Public Engagement in respect ofthe Draft Budget consists of a March/April and a May/June process. March I April Process The Executive Mayor tables the Draft Budget at the March Council meeting and it is then subject to the Public Engagement process which includes: 1. 2. i 3. 4. I Preparing an advert which is placed in all ofthe major and community newspapers. The advert invites public comments via the City Manager's office and is also displayed for at least 30 days at all Subcouncil offices, some administration buildings, all libraries and on the City's website. People who are unable to write are assisted by officials at the venue as per the advert. Comments are collected from the Office ofthe City Manager and logged in a register kept by ISL indicating contact details, summary of comments, dates received and when responded. IDP also collect comments from feedback boxes at the various venues and forward budget related comments to ISL for processing whilst ISL refer service related responses to IDP. ISL solicit responses from relevant Services for inclusion in a Inter Service Liaison (ISL) i I ISL and relevant officials at the various venues ISL and relevant officials at the various venues ISL / IDP i Office of the City Manager acknowledges receipt of comments. I 12 f"\ ,,,,\ "'\ t"'I ,... t"'I corporate report and in response toU U , 'ouo individuals. S. Input is also solicited from relevant officials who implement the policies, tariffs, fees and charges, in terms of clarity, application and uniformity. ISL / Revenue / relevant Service Directorate 6. Sub-councils are included in the Public Engagement Process in that the reports appear on their agendas and public are invited to make representation at the Sub-council meetings. These comments are for recording only and not debated. It is expected that Sub-councils solicit input from Ward Forums which comment to be routed via the City Manager's Office for processing by ISL. ISL/ lOP / Sub- council Managers 7. Prepare a report to the Tariff and Rating Political Advisory Committee (TARPAC), MAYCO and Council reflecting process, full details iro comments received and action taken. ISL I This is in conjunction with the lOP process. May I June Process Council has to approve the Draft Budget (incorporating the lOP) for implementation with effect from 1 July. The Public Engagement Process serves to notify the community that they can inspect the approved Budget at the identified venues. 8. Prepare an advert which is placed in all of the major and community newspapers. Inter Service liaison (ISL) 9. The advert notifies the public to inspect the approved Budget and is also displayed for at least 30 days at all Sub-council offices, some administration buildings, all libraries and on the City's website. ISL and relevant officials at the various venues 10. Feedback is provided to relevant officials who implement the policies, tariffs, fees and charges in terms of clarity, application and uniformity. ISL / Revenue / relevant Service Directorate I 13 I 11. All comments received are responded to after Council approval reflecting resolution and actions taken where relevant. 12. Where required conduct post Public Engagement Process capacity building through ward forums and other structures on request from SCM. 5.3 IISL .." 000809 i • PPU I TARIFFS AND CHARGES PROCESS GUIDELINES FOR ANNUAL TARIFF REVIEW STEP 1 2 3 4 ACTION RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL As part of the annual budget process, services are requested to draft reports and • accompanying schedules reflecting any changes (ie. Increases, decreases, deletions, additions, etc.) to their previous year's tariffs for their service and submit these to the Tariff Team for perusal. These reports and schedules are to be sent to the Tariff Team, on the template provided, for checking (compliance with guidelines / laws, calculations, contents of reports including motivation) prior to submission to the respective Portfolio Committees. December / January Service Mid. January begin. February - see calendar on the Cityweb for dates of meetings also see Web for format of report . Tariff Team . Services are to ensure that the reports and schedules reach Executive Support at least 2 weeks prior to the Portfolio Committee Meeting. All signatures are to be obtained by • the author of the report before submission to I Executive Support. Executive Support will then ensure that your report is submitted to the relevant Portfolio Committee and thereafter MAYCa. Begin. February Service An advert is prepared by the Tariff Team together with the lOP Office in terms of the following legislation: The Municipal Systems Act and the Municipal Finance Management Act, advising the public ofthe City of Cape Town's 6 7 TIMELINES I intention. This advert is emailed to the Legal Advisors to . February / March End February / March March Executive Support Tariff Team / lOP Tariff Team I ensure legal compliance. 14 oea810 8 The advert is emailed to the translator's office for translation and publication in the local and community newspapers. 9 The advert should advise the public of the City of Cape Town's intention to increase/decrease, delete or change the tariffs for that financial year and welcome any objections by them. (Objections only apply to rates and related tariffs, although comments are welcome with regards to any of the other tariffs.) March Tariff Team 10 The Ta riff Team will then liaise with Communications Directorate to do radio adverts in terms of the Municipal Systems Act (usually as . part of the Mayor's radio talks). April Tariff Team / IDP 11 The abovementioned advert and Council report/resolution is then distributed to the various old Administrations, Sub-council/Area Managers and Libraries for display, together with a display register for the responsible official to sign, ensuring that the aforementioned ! documents are available each and every day i until the objection period ends. Objections/comments are then received by the City Manager's Office. These are collected and logged by the Tariff Team for onward submission to the relevant officials in the services for consideration and action where relevant. These officials are to provide the Tariff Team with copies of responses regarding the : comments/objections received. The Tariff Team then compiles a Corporate Report for submission to Council for consideration. Once the prescribed objection/comment period has expired, signed copies of the display registers are collected from the various ! representatives. The Tariff Team then compiles a tariff book reflecting the previous year's approved tariffs and the proposed new year's tariffs, including any changes recommended by the Portfolio and Mayoral Committees, for consideration and approval by Council. (Check Minutes of Council : Meetin~ for these.) An email with the approved tariff book is sent to the Billing Team in order for them to populate : the billing system. April Tariff team / IDP April Tariff Team / IDP / Services April / May Tariff Team / IDP 12 13 ! 14 15 ! i May Tariff Team End May Tariff Team I 15 000811 16 • 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S An advert is prepared by the Tariff Team in terms of the following legislation: The Municipal Systems Act and the Municipal Finance Management Act, advising the public of the approved tariffs. This advert is emailed to the Legal Advisors to ensure legal compliance. The advert is emailed to the Translator's Office for translation and publication in the local and community newspapers. Once the advert has been translated into the three official languages, copies of these and the Council Resolution are emailed to the Provincial Minister of Finance, Economic Development and Tourism for information. The abovementioned advert and Council Report / Resolution is then distributed to the various old Administrations, Sub Council I Area Managers and Libraries for display, together with a display register for the responsible official to sign, ensuring that the aforementioned documents are available each and every day until the display period ends. Once objections/comments have been addressed at the June Council Meeting, the Tariff Team prepares and makes the tariff book available on the Cityweb and the Internet. The Billing Team should be informed of any changes which have resulted from objections made. Thereafter, an email is sent to the E-nform Team for them to notify all concerned that the tariff book is available on the Cityweb. All affected services are notified to commence with the implementation of their tariffs and to populate the billing system accordingly. Services must ensure that front line staff have access to or copies of the relevant tariffs and that they are implemented as per approved tariffs only. Confirm with internal audit to verify implementation of the approved tariffs as from 1 July. End May Tariff Team I I End May Tariff Team End May Tariff Team End May / Begin. June Tariff Team End May Tariff Team End June Tariff Team End June Tariff Team End June Tariff Team May / June Service / Tariff Team / FMF I End June Manager: Inter-services Liaison I 16 6. NATIONAUPROVINCIAL REQUIRED BY LAW 1. Receive request from Provincial/National Department 2. Obtain approval from the Executive Mayor for authority to proceed 3. Schedule first meeting of stakeholders 4. Process planning 4.1 Formulate participation plan 4.2 Identify project champion 4.3 Determine desired outcomes Agree on timeframes 4.4 for completion 4.5 Agree on the role and functions of all roleplayers 5. Submit to Manager Sub-councils and follow steps 4 to 16 of procedure guideline 1 above. 6. Compile report on the public engagement process. 7. Conduct pre and post public engagement process capacity building through ward forums and other structures on request from SCM. INITIATE~~~g~SES WHICH ARE NOT Line Department/ Public Participation Unit (PPU) All processes initiated at the instance of Provincial and National Departments shall clearly identify the City as the executing agency in respect of these processes, and the Provincial or National department(s) as the principal stakeholder. Line Department/PPU Line Department/PPU Line Department/PPU/ Province/National Line Department/PPU PPU PPU 17 000813 7. PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT TOOLS x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x · Phone in Written Submission FI ers Posters x x x x x x x x x x x x x • Email to Community x x x Market Research x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x · Or ! x x x Internet & E-mail Website Cell hones Questionnaires Radio Interviews • Press Releases i C3 Notifications · Sectoral En a ement Radio Ads x x x x x 8. ROLES AND FUNCTIONS OF DEPARTMENTAL STAKEHOLDERS 1. The City of Cape Town will conduct Public Engagement through its Political Structures, Line Departments, Directorates and Consultants. 2. The Public Participation Unit will: 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Provide assistance and support to stakeholders during each Public Participation Process and in terms of the approved Public Participation Plan. Maintain a database of stakeholders; Maintain, monitor and manage the Public Engagement Web Portal on the City's Website; Act as the link between line departments and Sub-councils in the planning and execution of all administrative Public Engagement Processes; Capacitate stakeholders where required; 18 000814 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Be responsible for conducting training for holding successful public hearings in terms of a set of uniform guidelines; Co-ordinate and monitor all Public Participation Processes; Manage the annual review of all Public Participation Processes conducted; Compile an annual report on Public Participation; 2.9.1 The annual review and report will be completed and approved at the end of the calendar year. This will allow the City to determine the quality and quantity of processes conducted during the year and to create the necessary interventions where required. 2.10 Draft an annual programme and calendar for all Public Participation Processes for approval by the Office ofthe Speaker, Sub-councils, MAYCO and Council 2.11 Compile an annual programme for capacity building of communities. 3. Sub-council managers will, after consultation with their respective chairpersons of SUb-councils, be responsible for: 3.1 the actual implementation of all administrative Public Engagement Processes within their areas of jurisdiction, excluding those processes for which consultants have been appointed; 3.2 updating the electronic database of organizations within their jurisdictional areas of operation including the regular review and update of, or deletion from such databases, 3.3 Arranging and booking venues for meetings, including all logistical arrangements relating thereto, 3.4 Arranging and the provision of all catering requirements, 3.5 Arranging and the provision oftransport where required and directed by the Sub-council, 3.6 Arranging and the provision of all recording and other audio and visual equipment including loud hailing, 3.7 Facilitating meetings, and providing all logistical support for the recording of the discussions conducted, including taking minutes, attendance registers, and interpreters where required, 3.8 All other arrangements as may be required in order to conduct and record the proceedings at any public meeting or hearing. 4. A Public Participation Working Committee is hereby established, whose primary objective will be to continuously monitor, review and assess the City's public participation strategies, processes and compliance with this Policy, and to report thereon to Council annually. 4.1 The Committee will be chaired by the Office of the Speaker or his/her nominee, and have the follOWing officials who will serve thereon: Public Participation Su b-cou ncils Implementation and Co-ordination 19 000815 Representatives from the different line departments as identified by the Executive Directors The Legal Department Communication. 4.2 The further terms of reference of this committee will be determined by the Office of the Speaker. 20 ANNEXURE B 000816 PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT POLICY SUPPLEMENTARY EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM PURSUANT TO COMMENTS FROM PORTFOLIO COMMITTEES 9 March 2009 The City's Draft Public Engagement Policy served before, and was endorsed by all Portfolio Committees during the March cycle of meetings. In respect of four Portfolio Committees, certain additional comment was offered, resulting in the following amendments to the Policy Document: THE CORPORA TE SERVICES AND HUMAN RESOURCES PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE The recommendations of this Committee have been accommodated in the Policy on pages 6, 7, 8, 9 and 11 where the changes are indicated in bold, underlined and italics. THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE This Committee recommended the insertion of the words "at least" under item 9 on page 7 and item 3 on page 8 of the Policy, indicated in bold, underlined and italics. SAFETY AND SECURITY PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE This Committee recommended that the Public Participation process needs a sectoral mechanism as well. This matter is covered under Item 9 on Page 3 of the Policy document. GENERAL COMMENTS The Corporate Services and Human Resources Portfolio Committee further recommended that "The comments of Gllr 0 Kinahan as contained in an email dated3March2009.be considered". These comments have been discussed with Cllr Kinahan and he has indicated that his views are adequately accommodated in the Policy. This Committee further requested that Portfolio Committees and Subcouncils be given an opportunity to comment on Key Performance Indicators emanating from the process outlined in the grid on Page 8 of the Policy. This request will be accommodated in the Terms of Reference of the Committee to be formed, which will monitor and assess Public PartiCipation for the City. The Community Services Portfolio Committee has recommended that Cllr M. David be nominated to serve on the ad hoc committee which formulated the Public PartiCipation policy and which is referred to in the report. This request will be tabled at the Committee should it be required to meet in future. The amended Policy reflecting the changes outlined above, is attached as Annexure A 1. =====~====:::==== THIS CITY WORKS FOR YOU ESI SIXEKO SISEBENZELA WENA HIERDIE STAD WERK VIR JOU