Ext Last Name, First Name 7645 Aase, Donna 2180 Abel, Nancy Abrahamson, Robert Adams, Tammy 7686 Adams-schmitt, Kristin 6067 Aepfelbacher, Lisa 2435 Afflerbaugh, Glenna Ahmad, Mubarik Akers, Matthew Albright, Timothy Allen, Justin 2753 Allen-bond, Jacqueline Allison, Michael 2580 Altschul, Eliot Amery, Paige 7511 Amundson, Kristin 2592 Anderson, Ashley 6137 Anderson, Connie Anderson, Diana 2192 Anderson, Hannah Anderson, Lori Anderson, Michele 2300 Anderson, Theresa 2392 Anisimov, Aleksandr 2450 Anitori, Roberto 7679 Anukam, Grace Aponte, Rachel 2195 Appert, Donald Appert, Linda Areco Monges, Roberto Armstrong, Sheryl 2187 Arnold, Michael Ash, Erika Asplund, Jorden Athens, William 2772 Atkinson, Patricia Atwell, Sheldon 2426 Austad, Julie Austin, Blake Ayers, Eben 2510 Azurdia, Marco 7876 Bader, Fadel 2472 Bagley, Michelle 2313 Bailey, Karl Bailey, Nancy Bailey, Scott Bain, Jillian Baker, Susan 2621 Bakic, Rachele 2284 Baldwin, Karmel 2443 Ballada, Radmila Banegas, Marti 2617 Barba, Derwin 2736 Bare, Carolyn Bare, Cheyanne 2811 Barker, Kristine 2809 Barnhill, Kayoko 2050 Barsotti, Andrew 2354 Barsotti, Christina 2157 Bartz, Richard 2744 Bateman, Jessica Batson, Kimberly Baumann, Morgaine Bazzano, Jason Page 1 Department English As A Se Bookstore Art Disability Supp Career & Academ Nursing Dental Hygiene Mathematics Custodial Servi Security & Safe English English As A Se Welding Technol Counseling & He Athletics Career & Academ Bookstore Libraries Physical Educat Enrollment Serv Phlebotomy Nursing Dental Hygiene Elearning Biology English As A Se Spanish Music Music Custodial Servi Dental Hygiene Physical Educat Disability Supp Enrollment Serv Music Economics Physical Educat Libraries Bookstore Security & Safe Nw Athletic Con Intensive Engli Clark Lib&acade Chemistry Enrollment Serv Economics Nursing Child & Family Office Of Instr Advising Libraries Career & Academ Bookstore Financial Aid Financial Aid Mathematics Mathematics Data Services Engineering It Service Cent Advising Bookstore Bookstore Biology Mail Stop [ TBG215 [ BRD017 [ FAC101 [ PUB013 [ TBG215 [ CCW224 [ HSC128 [ BHL110 [ FST034 [ GHL118 [ FHL222 [ TBG215 [ JSH211 [ GHL204 [ OSC205 [ TBG215 [ GHL121 [ CTC245 [ OSC205 [ GHL128 [ HSC128 [ CCW224 [ HSC128 [ LIB112 [ APH203 [ CTC245 [ FHL222 [ BMH116 [ BMH116 [ FST034 [ HSC128 [ OSC205 [ GHL137 [ GHL128 [ BMH116 [ SHL116 [ OSC205 [ LIB112 [ GHL121 [ GHL118 [ TBG121 [ AA5209 [ LIB112 [ APH203 [ GHL108 [ SHL116 [ CCW224 [ CFS107 [ BHL127 [ GHL137 [ LIB112 [ CTC245 [ GHL121 [ GHL215 [ GHL101 [ BHL110 [ BHL110 [ BRD017 [ APH203 [ LIB112 [ GHL108 [ GHL121 [ GHL121 [ APH203 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] Ext Last Name, First Name 2434 Beach, Jessica 2097 Bealer, Heidi 2394 Beauliere, Kay Becke, Rheannin 2814 Beckett, Ian Bedecarrax, Edmund Beebe, Jasper 2756 Beima, Carol 2102 Belden, William 2260 Bello, Chitpasong 2658 Benge, Barbara Benson, Chester 2965 Benson, Rebecca 7516 Bentea, Carmen 2276 Benton, Jennifer 6116 Berglund, Patricia Berkeley, Elizabeth Bethke, Jennifer Betschart, Loyal 2346 Biby, Howard Billington, Warren 2423 Bingham, Aaron 7501 Birk, Martha Birkes, Jacqueline 2975 Birnley, Kendra 7572 Bisbee, Nancy 2440 Black, Scott 6089 Blackhurst, Laura Blahnik, Kimberly 6045 Blakely, Randall 6111 Blakely, Randall 2239 Blakley, Edie 2909 Blocker, Louann Blocker, Sascha Boggess, Mark 7704 Bohac, Marci Bohl, Jack 2021 Boles, Melissa Boligar, Vadim 2116 Bolke, Mark 7900 Bolster, Laura Booth, Gwyn Booth, Michael Borders, Phylis Bornholdt, Bruce 7477 Bosse, Michelle 2120 Bower, Kimberly 6123 Boyd, Teresa 6101 Boydston, Lynn 7557 Boyer, Rebecca Boyer, Tammy Bramson, Loni Brandt, Martin 2043 Bratton, Amy 2032 Breece, Matthew Brehm, Alexander 2549 Bremer, Nicholas Brewer, Coralee Brewer, Kimberly Bridges, Judith Bristow, Angela 2048 Britton, Emma 2432 Britton, Emma Broberg, Alan Department Transitional St Human Resources Family Life & P Career & Academ Fine Art Divisi Economic & Comm Custodial Servi Career & Academ Office Of Vp St Financial Aid Business Techno English Risk Management Nursing Assista Credential Eval Nursing Assista Disability Supp Payroll Medical Radiogr Drama Network Technol Mathematics Mathematics Disability Supp English English It Service Cent Nursing Athletics Office Of Instr Office Of Instr Career Services Clark College F Communication S Network Technol Mathematics Meteorology Advising It Service Cent Biology English As A Se Business Techno Bookstore Enrollment Serv Paralegal Humanities Enrollment Serv Career & Academ Office Of Instr Career & Academ Libraries History Facilities Main Communication S Grounds Communication S Communications Bookstore Enrollment Serv Disability Supp Student Tutorin Advising Advising Mechatronics Mail Stop [ TBG215 [ BRD133 [ CFS107 [ TBG215 [ FAC101 [ CCE202 [ FST034 [ TBG215 [ GHL204 [ GHL101 [ SHL116 [ FHL222 [ GHL206 [ CTC245 [ GHL108 [ CTC245 [ GHL137 [ [ TBG121 [ FAC101 [ JSH211 [ BHL110 [ BHL115 [ PUB014 [ FHL222 [ FHL222 [ BRD017 [ CCW224 [ OSC205 [ CCW224 [ CCW224 [ PUB002 [ LIB112 [ FHL222 [ JSH211 [ BHL115 [ APH203 [ GHL108 [ BRD017 [ APH203 [ TBG215 [ SHL116 [ GHL121 [ PUB002 [ SHL116 [ FHL222 [ GHL128 [ CTC245 [ CTC245 [ AA5209 [ LIB112 [ FHL222 [ FST034 [ FHL222 [ FST034 [ FHL222 [ BHL203 [ GHL121 [ GHL128 [ PUB014 [ FHL222 [ SHL116 [ SHL116 [ CTC245 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] Ext Last Name, First Name 2820 Brock, Veronica 6059 Brody, Suzanne Brookes, Kristie Brosius, Beverly 2299 Brown, Amanda Brown, Jason Brown, Laurie 7703 Brown, Shannon Browne Leedy, Lorraine Bruhn, Pamela 2623 Brumbaugh, Margit Bryan, Mia Buchanan, Tina 2449 Buckley, Tommy 2323 Bundy, Barbara 7530 Burden, Robert 2907 Burke, Gena Burkman, Jack 2541 Burnett, Abigail 2321 Burney, Armetta Burns, Skye 2530 Butcher, Heather 2919 Butler, Chad Butterworth, Karin Button, Susan 2731 Byrd, Caron Byrd, Elizabeth Caggianese, Paul 7467 Caldwell, David Calhoun, Melissa 7639 Califf, Elaine 2842 Calvert, Linda Campbell, Aaron 2288 Campbell, Christy 7542 Campbell, Scotty Carlson, Jean Carlson, Tajsha 7510 Carmichael, Larry 2025 Carper, Timothy 6073 Carper, Timothy Caruso, John 2545 Casillas, Paul 7508 Cassaday, David Castaneda, Brenda 6031 Castellano, Amy Castino, Ashley 2976 Castro, Carlos Cavalli, Joseph Caviness, Theodore 2194 Cecka, Benjamin 2174 Ceriello, Michael Chaffin, Christopher Chase, David 2900 Chase, Heather 2167 Chatfield, Kathleen 2943 Cheney, Irene 2675 Cheng, Victoria 2208 Chennault, Anthony Chittor, Aruna 2664 Chmut, Inna Choi, Young Mi Chok, Tyler 2690 Choquer, Marian 2475 Christopher, Lindsay Department Health Counseling & He Athletics Enrollment Serv Libraries Facilities Main Nursing Business Techno Faculty Develop Nursing Advising Biology Disability Supp Risk Management Enrollment Serv Mathematics Enrollment Serv Clark Board Of Accounting Serv Financial Aid Health Information Tec It Service Cent Disability Supp Nursing Career & Academ Music Child & Family Health & Physic Custodial Servi Mathematics Advising Biology Accounting Serv Mathematics Nutrition Payroll Career & Academ Life Sciences D Life Sciences D English Mathematics English As A Se Science Tech En Phlebotomy Bookstore Sociology & Cri History Dental Hygiene It Infrastructu Political Scien Student Tutorin Custodial Servi Office Of Vp St Elearning Disability Supp Workforce &care Biology Engineering Financial Aid Intensive Engli Security & Safe Economic & Comm English Mail Stop [ OSC205 [ CCW224 [ OSC205 [ TBG215 [ LIB112 [ FST034 [ CCW224 [ SHL116 [ GHL206 [ CCW224 [ GHL108 [ APH203 [ PUB014 [ GHL206 [ GHL101 [ BHL115 [ GHL108 [ BRD101 [ BRD159 [ GHL131 [ OSC205 [ BRD017 [ CCE202 [ PUB014 [ CCW224 [ TBG215 [ BMH116 [ CFS107 [ OSC205 [ FST034 [ BHL115 [ GHL137 [ APH203 [ BRD159 [ BHL115 [ APH203 [ [ TBG215 [ APH203 [ APH203 [ FHL222 [ BHL110 [ TBG215 [ JSH211 [ CCW125 [ GHL121 [ FHL222 [ FHL222 [ HSC128 [ BRD017 [ FHL222 [ FHL222 [ FST034 [ GHL204 [ LIB112 [ PUB013 [ SHL116 [ APH203 [ APH203 [ GHL101 [ AA5209 [ GHL118 [ CCE202 [ FHL222 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] Ext Last Name, First Name Department Chudacoff, Ardis Student Life Ciraulo, Michael Clark Board Of Clare, Ericha Health Occupati Clark, Carly Psychology Clark, Precious Bookstore 2203 Clark, Steven Biology 2553 Clark Joslin, Wendy Libraries 2618 Clay, Janette Transitional St Cline, Andrew Payroll Cline, Jacqueline Disability Supp 6068 Cline, Valerie Nursing 7476 Close, Robert Physics 7472 Coatney, Diana Mathematics Coffey, Kimberly Communication S 2405 Coffie, Scott Elearning Coffman, Richard Geography Cole, George Political Scien 2944 Coleman, Adam Computer Techno 2848 Collins, Shayna Counseling & He 2341 Collins, Vicki Mechatronics&in Colo, Kevin Network Technol 2411 Concannon, Christopher Communications 2031 Conder, Michael Facilities Main 2378 Conway, Lisa Art 2008 Cook, Kathryn Mathematics 2217 Cook, Tim Office Of Instr Coons, David Dental Hygiene 7626 Cooper, Ray Art Corlett, Katie Disability Supp Cornett, Bill Anthropology 2784 Costa, Russell Economic & Comm 7734 Cote, Mary English Couto, Alicia Accounting Serv Cox, Tara Economic & Comm Craig, Benjamin English Craig, Cary Communication S Crampton, Lora Biology Crandall, Ann Music Crawford, Cassie Paralegal Crites, Cornelia Nursing Assista 2981 Crochet, Amanda Chemistry 2598 Crockford, Kyle Facilities Main 2566 Crone, Jason Automotive Tech Crongeyer, Tricia Child & Family Crouch, Leroy Custodial Servi Crouch, Troy Custodial Servi 2415 Cruz, Angie Counseling & He 2749 Cruz, Tina Economic & Comm 7534 Cummings, David Mathematics 2761 Cunningham, Glenda Transitional St Curtis, Jenna Disability Supp 6061 Cushwa, William Biology Czech, Benjamin Elearning Da Massa, Steven Physical Educat Dahl, Emily Disability Supp Dalke, Robyn Disability Supp 2458 Daniyelyan, Narek Office Of Instr Dannemiller, Alexander English 2215 Darley-vanis, Jill English Darling, Valeri Computer Graphi 2947 Daugherty, David Information Tec 2559 Davenport, Cheryl Libraries David, Michael Mechatronics Davidson, Adam Bookstore Mail Stop [ PUB160 [ BRD101 [ HSC128 [ FHL222 [ GHL121 [ APH203 [ LIB112 [ TBG215 [ [ PUB013 [ CCW224 [ APH203 [ BHL115 [ FHL222 [ LIB112 [ TBG121 [ FHL222 [ SHL116 [ HSC124 [ JSH211 [ SHL116 [ BHL203 [ FST034 [ FAC101 [ BHL110 [ BHL127 [ HSC128 [ FAC101 [ GHL137 [ FHL222 [ CCE202 [ FHL222 [ GHL125 [ CCE202 [ FHL222 [ FHL222 [ APH203 [ BMH116 [ SHL116 [ CCW224 [ APH203 [ FST034 [ JSH211 [ CFS107 [ FST034 [ FST034 [ GHL204 [ CCE202 [ BHL110 [ TBG215 [ PUB013 [ CCW224 [ LIB112 [ OSC205 [ GHL137 [ GHL137 [ BHL127 [ FHL222 [ FHL222 [ CCE202 [ BRD017 [ LIB112 [ CTC245 [ GHL121 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] Ext Last Name, First Name Department Davidson, Alison Biology Davidson, Ann Dental Hygiene Davidson, Lani English 2754 Davis, Dennis Elearning Davis, Richard Biology Davis, Ryan English 2672 De La Rosa Pitkin, Rosalba Office Of Diver 2329 Dean, Jennifer Libraries Deane, Denise Custodial Servi Delcambre, Sharon Physics Dell, Jeremy Music Demaray, Kayla Advising 7623 Demaris, David Mathematics 2257 Demos, Sally Libraries Dent, Rebecca Business Techno Derico, Cory Computer Aided 2691 Derrick, Marla Athletics 2979 Desoyza, Kushlani Women's Studies 2135 Devan, Jordan Registration Diehl, Shanda Planning & Effe Diggs, Brian Physics 2162 Diggs, Marylynne English 2269 Digiorgio, Andreana Business Techno Dike, Aubrey Psychology Dillmon, Todd Security & Safe 2427 Dimyan, Roxanne Libraries Dixon, Leonard Mathematics 7650 Dodge, Porter English As A Se Dolan, Amy Biology Dolder, Alison Professional Ba Dollarhide, Stephanie Security & Safe 2305 Donley, Elizabeth English 6050 Donovan, Kathryn Nursing 6091 Doolen, Ashley Pharmacy Techni Dopp, Cory Surveying & Geo Drennan, Adriana Bookstore 2582 Drennan, Lizette Financial Aid Duback, David Accounting Dubrovskaya Griswold, Anna English As A Se 7921 Dudek, Teresa English As A Se Duff, Kerry Women's Studies Duncker, Karen Office Of Vp St 2380 Dunn, Mark Athletics Dunne, Geraldine Human Developme 2505 Dupere, Kelsey Advising Durst, Katherine Art 2245 Duvic, April Music 2294 Dykes, Allie Mathematics 7829 Dynes, Tara Physical Educat Eamon, Patricia English 2261 Earhart, Marti Bookstore Eaton, Richard Computer Techno 2119 Eberle, Guisela Human Resources 2019 Ebersole, Craig Career Services Eckman, Cassie Custodial Servi 2590 Eckman, Heidi Bookstore 2295 Eddinger, Allen Mathematics Edgar, Wendy Music Edwins, Holly Emergency Medic 2037 Eggleston, Lynmara Enrollment Serv 2150 Eggleston, Lynmara Enrollment Serv 2439 Ek, David Facilities Main Ekle, Nicole American Sign L 2951 Elgort, Bruce Computer Techno Page 2 Mail Stop [ APH203 [ HSC128 [ FHL222 [ LIB112 [ APH203 [ FHL222 [ GHL214 [ LIB112 [ FST034 [ APH203 [ BMH116 [ GHL108 [ BHL115 [ LIB112 [ SHL116 [ JSH211 [ OSC205 [ FHL222 [ GHL128 [ BRD114 [ APH203 [ TBG215 [ SHL116 [ FHL222 [ GHL118 [ LIB112 [ BHL115 [ AA5209 [ APH203 [ CTC245 [ GHL118 [ FHL222 [ CCW224 [ TBG121 [ APH203 [ GHL121 [ GHL101 [ SHL116 [ TBG215 [ TBG215 [ FHL222 [ GHL204 [ OSC205 [ GHL108 [ GHL108 [ FAC101 [ BMH116 [ BHL110 [ OSC205 [ FHL222 [ GHL121 [ SHL116 [ BRD133 [ PUB002 [ FST034 [ GHL121 [ BHL110 [ BMH116 [ TBG121 [ PUB014 [ PUB014 [ FST034 [ FHL222 [ SHL116 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] Ext Last Name, First Name 2011 Elhart-johnson, Evalinn Ellerbroek, Lori Ellertson, Amanda Ellertson, Daniel Ellett, Michael 2810 Elliott, Mark 6114 Elliott, Mark Ellis, Amy Ellis, Stefannie 2350 Emel, Joanne 7600 Emenegger, Judy Eng, Belinda 2279 Engel, Rebecca 2355 England, Dolly England, Michael English, Lynne 2954 Erickson, Hannah 2762 Ernst, Anne 7519 Erskine, Isaac Escamilla, Patrick 2191 Estes, Margaret Etter, Joan Eustice, Carole 2669 Evens, Mary 6117 Evens, Mary Everhart, Joanne 2716 Ewing, Angela 2193 Ewing Johnson, Amy Eyler, Tracy Fairchild, Johnathan Falkenberg, Sabine Fancher, Jason Fankhauser, Amy 2322 Farron, Nichola 7628 Fasold, Shannan 2491 Fattaleh-diggs, Nadine 7579 Faulhaber, Edwin Faulkner, Matthew 2640 Favara, Melissa Fay, Heidi Fayre, Marico 2404 Feider, Darci 2317 Ferguson, Karen Fielding, Kelly Finley, Gregory 2161 Finley, James Fisette, Karyn-lynn Fisher, Aiden 2199 Fisher, Anita Fisher, Ben 2054 Fisher, Wende Fitts, Karen 2626 Fjeldheim, Michael Fleskes, Deborah Fletcher, La Rae Flick, Jonathan Flick, Tami 7643 Flora, Megan 7503 Foeller, Andrew 2560 Fordyce, Jami Foreman, Cynthia 2442 Forrest, Nicholas Forrest, Shawn 2633 Forsyth, Van Department Business Techno Nursing Humanities Bookstore Athletics Mathematics Mathematics American Sign L Paralegal Office Of Instr Business Techno Bookstore American Sign L Human Resources Business Admini Economic & Comm Communications Workforce & Car Mathematics Sociology & Cri Advising Nursing Business Techno Business Techno Business Techno Disability Supp Accounting Serv Dental Hygiene Child & Family Student Success Disability Supp History Bookstore Office Of Instr Human Developme Chemistry Humanities Surveying & Geo English Pharmacy Techni Art Student Life Human Resources Psychology Business Admini English English Bookstore History Child & Family Advising English Facilities Serv Physical Scienc Family Life & P Security & Safe Security & Safe Nursing Career & Academ Enrollment Serv Economics Political Scien Custodial Servi History Mail Stop [ SHL116 [ CCW224 [ FHL222 [ FHL222 [ OSC205 [ BHL115 [ BHL115 [ TBG215 [ SHL116 [ BHL127 [ SHL116 [ GHL121 [ FHL222 [ GHL214 [ SHL116 [ CCE202 [ BHL203 [ TBG215 [ BHL115 [ FHL222 [ GHL137 [ CCW224 [ SHL116 [ SHL116 [ SHL116 [ PUB013 [ BRD159 [ HSC128 [ CFS107 [ [ PUB013 [ FHL222 [ GHL121 [ BHL127 [ GHL108 [ APH203 [ FHL222 [ APH203 [ FHL222 [ CCW125 [ FAC101 [ PUB160 [ BRD133 [ FHL222 [ SHL116 [ FHL222 [ FHL222 [ GHL121 [ FHL222 [ CFS107 [ GHL108 [ FHL222 [ FST034 [ APH203 [ CFS107 [ GHL118 [ GHL118 [ CCW224 [ TBG215 [ PUB002 [ SHL116 [ FHL222 [ FST034 [ FHL222 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] Ext Last Name, First Name Foster Corley, Camala Fowell, Kristopher Fowler, Candi 2825 Fox, Heather Franckiewicz, Elishah 2957 Franks, Sara Frederick, Robert Frederiksen, Linda 2953 Freed, Kira Friedman, Adam Fritchey, Sharon 2247 Frost, Marina 7825 Fuller, Joyce 2128 Funderburg, Deema 2748 Fykerud, Neil 2381 Gallagher, Carrie Gallagher, Mark 7813 Gallaher, Matthew 6121 Gallow, Sara Garcia, Arielissy Gardiner, Jaron 7773 Gardner, Kenzo 2464 Gardner, Rosemary 2600 Garner, Billie Garrett, Maureen Garris, Larisa Garrison, Travis Gaylord, Fellene Gebe, Andrew Gehrz, Andrea Ghormley, Peter 2677 Gibert, Lisa Gibson, John 2711 Gibson, Michael Gifford, Kenneth 2927 Giha, Joshua Gilley, Damien 6066 Givens, Randall Glaeser, Rachel 7716 Glenney, Gary Glenney, Judith Godsil, Roger 2235 Godson, Michael 2948 Godwin, Deena Godwin, Kael Gold, Lana Gold, Ted Golder Knudson, Michelle 2410 Gonser, Donald 2309 Goodlad, Alexa Goodpaster, Kaili Goodrich, Pamela Gordon, Haley 2463 Governale, John Grady, Damon 2735 Graham, Kendra Grajczyk, Rosa Grant, Brian 2971 Grant, Zachary 2584 Graves, Mallory Graves, Stephen Gray, Katharine Gray, Zyon 2787 Grecco, P Department Office Of Instr Nursing Divisio Student Tutorin Payroll English Bookstore Cuisine Libraries Advising Art Security & Safe Mathematics Physical Educat Payroll Service Transitional St Human Resources Economic & Comm English English As A Se Student Tutorin Business Admini English As A Se Off Vp Administ Facilities Main Custodial Servi Bookstore Physical Educat Computer Techno Bookstore Disability Supp Security & Safe Clark College F Music Financial Aid Custodial Servi Data Services Art Nursing Biology Mathematics Physical Educat Mechatronics Automotive Tech Communication S Planning & Effe Women's Studies Event Services Event Services Diesel Technolo Advising Financial Aid Health Informat Event Services Psychology Security & Safe Financial Aid Chemistry Custodial Servi Libraries Financial Aid Economic & Comm Security & Safe Security & Safe Clark College F Mail Stop [ CTC245 [ CCW224 [ TBG215 [ [ FHL222 [ GHL121 [ GHL140 [ LIB112 [ GHL108 [ FAC101 [ GHL118 [ BHL110 [ OSC205 [ BRD150 [ TBG215 [ BRD133 [ CCE202 [ FHL222 [ CTC245 [ FHL222 [ SHL116 [ TBG215 [ BRD159 [ FST034 [ FST034 [ BRD017 [ OSC205 [ SHL116 [ GHL121 [ PUB014 [ GHL118 [ [ BMH116 [ GHL215 [ FST034 [ BRD017 [ FAC101 [ CCW224 [ APH203 [ BHL115 [ OSC205 [ CTC245 [ JSH211 [ FHL222 [ BRD114 [ FHL222 [ PUB160 [ BRD101 [ JSH211 [ GHL108 [ GHL101 [ TBG121 [ BRD159 [ FHL222 [ GHL118 [ GHL101 [ APH203 [ FST034 [ LIB112 [ GHL101 [ CCE202 [ GHL118 [ GHL118 [ CCF039 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] Ext Last Name, First Name Department Green, Karen Counseling & He Greene, David Bookstore Gregor, Christine Biology 2397 Gregor, Garrett Mathematics Gregori, Victoria Disability Supp 7651 Gregory, Debra English As A Se Gregory, Jean Dental Hygiene 2385 Gress, Karina Chemistry 2297 Grey, Gothard Physics 7502 Groat, David Mathematics 2406 Gruhler, Sarah Student Life 2304 Guerra, Aaron Cuisine Guerra, Michael English Guier, Tina Child & Family 2403 Guillen, Natalie Payroll Service 2503 Guillen, Natalie Payroll Service 2154 Haakonstad, Trisha Career Services 6040 Haakonstad, Trisha Career Services 2816 Hafer, William Computer Techno Hafso, Ernest Custodial Servi Hagen, Audrea Disability Supp 2197 Hagen, Karen Clark College F 2644 Haigh, Sandra Biology 6119 Haigh, Sandra Biology 2224 Hale, Marilyn Business Techno Halferty, Peggy Child & Family 2639 Halsinger, Kathrena Art 2335 Hamideh, Adnan Business Admini 2465 Hamllik, William Grounds 2316 Haney, Tonia Automotive Tech Hardin, Carol Nw Athletic Con 2643 Harper, Eric Athletics 2903 Harrington, Amy Human Resources 2382 Harris, Degundrea Office Of Vp St Harris, Noah Security & Safe Harris-shaw, Bobbie Disability Supp Harteloo, Debby Bookstore Hartling, Anita Disability Supp 2029 Harwood, Erin Science Tech En Harwood, Travis Biology Harwood, Warren Computer Aided 2488 Hasart, Lisa Purchasing & Ce 2237 Hass-deurwaarder, Kimberly Office Of Instr Hattershide, Jonni Bookstore Hayden, Nadine Nutrition Haye, Teresa Child & Family Hayes, Stephen Art 7533 Haynes, Carolyn Mathematics Hays, Gary Economic & Comm Hazel, Teresa Health Occupati Hazelbaker, Chato Communications 2663 Healy, Linda Advising Hearn, Dorothy Disability Supp Heaton, Theresa Off Vp Administ Heck, Cindy Planning & Effe Heikkinen, Dennis Custodial Servi Helmer, Douglas Larch Correctio 6060 Hendrickson, Deborah Nursing 2476 Herman, Rebecca Dental Hygiene Hernandez, Daniel Custodial Servi Hernandez-meza, Alma Child & Family Heron, Elizabeth Art Heron, Jason Data Services Herrboldt, Alexander Student Tutorin Mail Stop [ GHL108 [ GHL121 [ APH203 [ BHL110 [ PUB013 [ TBG215 [ HSC128 [ APH203 [ APH203 [ BHL115 [ PUB160 [ SHL116 [ FHL222 [ CFS107 [ BRD150 [ BRD150 [ PUB002 [ PUB002 [ SHL116 [ FST034 [ PUB013 [ [ APH203 [ APH203 [ SHL116 [ CFS107 [ FAC101 [ SHL116 [ FST034 [ JSH211 [ TBG121 [ OSC205 [ BRD133 [ GHL204 [ GHL118 [ GHL137 [ GHL121 [ PUB013 [ JSH211 [ APH203 [ JSH211 [ BRD150 [ BHL118 [ BRD017 [ APH203 [ CFS107 [ FAC101 [ BHL115 [ CCE202 [ TBG121 [ BRD017 [ GHL108 [ PUB013 [ BRD159 [ BRD114 [ FST034 [ SHL116 [ CCW224 [ HSC128 [ FST034 [ CFS107 [ JSH211 [ BRD017 [ TBG215 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] Ext Last Name, First Name Herz, Jason Hesse, Cynthia 2911 Hill, Amanda 2089 Hill, Eric Hillman, Aubrey Hillman, Mechele Hissman, Patti Ho, Hsiaochi 2046 Hobart, Leila Hoff, Jeanne Holdsworth, M Holmes, Alyssa Hooper, Jacob 2581 Hopkins, Nicole 2717 Hopkins, Nicole 6078 Horn, Jerry 2293 Horning, Joy 2924 Hottle, Grant Howard, Christina 2936 Howard, Genevieve 2918 Hoyt, Garrett Hoyt, Matthew 2452 Hsu, Carol Hudgin, Kathryn Hudson, Jolleen 2417 Hughes, Dwight 2456 Hughes, Robert 2767 Hukill, Kelsey 2088 Huneidi, Tahnya Hutchinson, Tammy 2495 Huynh, Nguyen 2188 Inouye, Richard Inouye, Susan Irons, Sara 2196 Isley, Sandra 7541 Ivy-ellingson, Carol Jack, Deborah 2792 Jackson, James 2934 Jackson, Miles Jacky, Donna Jacky, Germaine 2969 Jacky, Kate 2259 Jacob, Christopher Jacobs, Brett Jacobs, Roberta Janson, Sean Jarvie, John Jarvis, Megaera Jarzombek, Lila 2065 Jasurda, Megan Jaynes, Christopher 2535 Jenkins, Debra 2459 Jenkins, Joseph 2039 Jenkins, Lora 7624 Jensen, James 2055 Jimerson, Lori 6063 Jochim, Elizabeth 2481 Johnson, Andrew Johnson, Anne 2146 Johnson, Brandon 2391 Johnson, Carolyn Johnson, Codee Johnson, Rebecca 7752 Johnson, Susan Page 3 Department Network Technol English Athletics Bookstore Art Facilities Serv Paralegal It Service Cent Economic & Comm Health & Physic Physical Educat Security & Safe Event Services Transitional St Transitional St Nursing Divisio Social Sciences Art Biology Workforce &care Health & Physic Student Tutorin Engineering Student Success Disability Supp Network Technol Computer Techno Clark College F Communications Paralegal International P Music Music Child & Family Accounting Serv Mathematics Business Admini Nw Athletic Con Social Sciences Disability Supp Payroll Financial Aid Athletics Athletics Mathematics Athletics History Bookstore Art Disability Supp Chemistry Early Childhood Advising Financial Aid Addiction Couns Purchasing & Ce Nursing Business Techno Bookstore It Service Cent Career Services Facilities Serv It Service Cent Mathematics Mail Stop [ JSH211 [ FHL222 [ OSC205 [ GHL121 [ FAC101 [ FST034 [ SHL116 [ BRD017 [ CCE202 [ OSC205 [ OSC205 [ GHL118 [ FAC101 [ TBG215 [ TBG215 [ CCW224 [ FHL222 [ FAC101 [ APH203 [ SHL116 [ OSC205 [ FHL222 [ APH203 [ [ PUB013 [ JSH211 [ SHL116 [ [ BHL203 [ SHL116 [ GHL215 [ BMH116 [ BMH116 [ CFS107 [ BRD159 [ BHL115 [ GHL108 [ TBG121 [ FHL222 [ PUB013 [ [ GHL101 [ OSC205 [ OSC205 [ BHL115 [ OSC205 [ FHL222 [ GHL121 [ FAC101 [ GHL204 [ APH203 [ FHL222 [ GHL108 [ GHL131 [ FHL222 [ FST034 [ CCW224 [ SHL116 [ GHL121 [ BRD017 [ GHL108 [ FST034 [ BRD017 [ BHL115 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] Ext Last Name, First Name 2764 Johnston, Catherine 2579 Jones, Kelly 2303 Jones, Philip Jones, Selena Josephson, Alec 2255 Kachenkov, Sergey Kalich, Venita 2130 Kamara, Yusufu Kaneen, Christian 2340 Kao, Kang-ling 7784 Karlsson, Chad 7653 Karr, Shula 7546 Kashyap, Divya 2395 Kaufman, Terri 2267 Kay, Gary 2091 Kay, Naomi 2071 Keane, Catharine 2509 Keely, Sally Keller, Danielle Kellermeier, John Kelley, Shannon Kelly, Terri 2931 Kemmer, Jeri Kendall, Steven 2419 Kennedy, Darcy Kent, Leigh 2052 Kent, Timothy Kernion, Harold Kerr, Tanya Kharchevnikova, Irina Kheirabadi, Masoud 2383 Khormaee, Izadpour 2282 Kibota, Travis Killingsworth, Debbie 2571 Kimball, Charla 7540 Kincaid, Jason King, Cheyanne 2937 King, Heather 2093 King, Jenefer 2013 King, Jennifer King, Kandice Kinnaman, Elizabeth Kinnes, Aaron 2910 Kirk, Alex 2081 Kirsch-daggett, Patti Kiser, Kimberly Kissinger, Marilyn 2416 Kititeekakul, Lachata 7917 Klang, Charles Kleiser, Kathleen 2274 Kleiva, Rebecca 2477 Klug, Molly 2800 Knight, June 2101 Knight, Robert Knopf, Dawn 2904 Knowles, Monica 6130 Koering, Anne Kolb, Richard Konen, Cheryl Konrad, Stephen 2126 Korpi, Raymond 6118 Korpi, Raymond 2285 Kosloski, David Koss, Scott Department English As A Se Career Services Biology Art Business Admini Libraries Physical Educat Economics Machining Techn Student Tutorin Mathematics English As A Se Business Admini Enrollment Serv Enrollment Serv Elearning Career Services Mathematics Disability Supp Women's Studies English Sociology & Cri Transitional En Computer Aided Chemistry Office Of The P Surveying & Geo Communication S Office Of The P Economic & Comm Geography Engineering Biology English Accounting Serv Mathematics Financial Aid Business & Heal Medical Radiogr Life Sciences D Clark College F Communication S Athletics Advising Corporate & Con Mathematics Early Childhood Financial Aid Mathematics Nursing Financial Aid Advising It Infrastructu Office Of The P English Bookstore Mechatronics Facilities Main Business Admini Management Transitional En Transitional En Communication S Computer Scienc Mail Stop [ TBG215 [ GHL108 [ APH203 [ FAC101 [ SHL116 [ LIB112 [ OSC205 [ SHL116 [ JSH211 [ TBG215 [ BHL115 [ AA5209 [ SHL116 [ GHL128 [ PUB014 [ LIB112 [ PUB002 [ BHL110 [ PUB013 [ FHL222 [ FHL222 [ FHL222 [ TBG215 [ JSH211 [ APH203 [ BRD101 [ APH203 [ FHL222 [ BRD101 [ CCE202 [ FHL222 [ APH203 [ APH203 [ TBG215 [ GHL125 [ BHL110 [ GHL101 [ TBG121 [ TBG121 [ APH203 [ PUB002 [ FHL222 [ OSC205 [ OSC205 [ [ BHL115 [ CFS107 [ GHL101 [ BHL115 [ CCW224 [ GHL131 [ GHL108 [ BRD017 [ BRD101 [ FHL222 [ GHL121 [ CTC245 [ FST034 [ SHL116 [ SHL116 [ TBG215 [ TBG215 [ FHL222 [ APH203 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] Ext Last Name, First Name Department Kotsakis, Ted Machining Techn 2064 Kozhemyakin, Polina Advising Kraft, Tiffany English 2525 Kraley, Shon Economics Kreier, Amber Custodial Servi 2746 Krieger, Alison Transitional St 7526 Krishna, Murali Mathematics Krivoruk, Zinaida English Kroesen, Guruhans Physical Educat 7535 Krohnert, Cheryl Career & Academ Kroll, Catherine Addiction Couns Krupp, Stefanie Biology Kuehl, Samantha Custodial Servi 2231 Kuhn, John Welding Technol 7842 Kuhn, John Welding Technol Kunis, Hope Bookstore Kurilenko, Viktoriya Elearning Kyllingstad, Kirsten Disability Supp La Grande, Suzanne Communication S 7568 Labrasca, John Astronomy Lacey, Deanna Accounting Serv 7566 Lajoy, Ronald Psychology Lamb, Erielle Surveying & Geo 7718 Lampros, Molly Communication S 7761 Landrum, Cynthia History Lane, Daniel Security & Safe Langley, Nicole Libraries Larios, Sandy Bookstore Lashchuk, Teresa Nursing Lassner, Michael Mathematics Latham, Christian Biology Lattin, Zachary Disability Supp Laughlin, Chad Welding Technol Lave, Barbara Business Techno Lavios, Odetta Education 2221 Lea, Jennifer Business Divisi 2905 Leavitt, Todd It Service Cent 2906 Lee, Gayle Transitional St 2319 Lee, Kimberlie Clark College F 7722 Lee, Lindsey Physical Educat Lee-lopez, Maria Spanish 2806 Lelo, Samantha Student Life Lemmond, Julie Business Admini 2292 Leon Guerrero, Roslyn Office Of Diver 7621 Leonard, Karen Human Developme Leoni, Christopher Communication S 2941 Levie, Jacqueline Communications 2387 Lewis, Christine Accounting Serv 6142 Lewis, Christopher Mechatronics Lindsay, Becky Elearning Linn, Dawn Bookstore 2964 Lisenbee, Brianna Career Services Liu, Jing Engineering 2236 Lloyd, Dennis Diesel Technolo 2594 Logston, Alan It Service Cent Lohr, Angela Humanities 2789 Longfellow, Krista Payroll Lorentzen, Gary Communication S Love, Marcus Computer Aided 2551 Loveridge, Michaela Automotive Tech 6115 Luchini, Kenneth Mechatronics 6047 Lucia, Dianne Nursing 2278 Ludwig, Donald Sociology & Cri 2338 Ludwig, Michael Dental Hygiene Mail Stop [ JSH211 [ GHL108 [ FHL222 [ SHL116 [ FST034 [ TBG215 [ BHL115 [ CTC245 [ OSC205 [ TBG215 [ FHL222 [ APH203 [ FST034 [ JSH211 [ JSH211 [ GHL121 [ LIB112 [ PUB013 [ FHL222 [ APH203 [ GHL125 [ FHL222 [ APH203 [ FHL222 [ FHL222 [ GHL118 [ LIB112 [ GHL121 [ CCW224 [ BHL115 [ APH203 [ PUB013 [ JSH211 [ SHL116 [ FHL222 [ SHL116 [ BRD017 [ TBG215 [ [ OSC205 [ FHL222 [ PUB160 [ SHL116 [ GHL214 [ GHL108 [ FHL222 [ FHL222 [ BRD159 [ CTC245 [ LIB112 [ GHL121 [ GHL108 [ APH203 [ JSH211 [ BRD017 [ FHL222 [ [ TBG215 [ JSH211 [ SHL116 [ CTC245 [ CCW224 [ FHL222 [ HSC128 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] Ext Last Name, First Name 7619 Ludwig, Michael Lumiere, Alexander 7767 Luna, Christopher 2493 Lundberg, Luanne 2374 Lunde, Terry Lundgren, Kacey Lundy, Anita 2264 Luther, Marianne 2513 Luther, Sarah 7523 Lyubar, Olga Maahs, Kelly 2115 Macias, Nicholas 6086 Mackay, Robert 2446 Mackewich, Carole 7638 Mackey, James 2558 Mackey, Kitty Macmillan, Christian 2249 Madore, Edward 2327 Maduta, John Madvig, Charles 2179 Magdaleno, Jodi 2681 Magdaleno, Mark Maguire, Lynda Malcolm, Vickie 2471 Mallory, Michelle 7715 Manchester, Kaye Mangin, Susan Manley, Lauren Manuel, James Mardesich, Laurie 2229 Marinova, Silvia 6064 Marks, Angie 2970 Marley, Patricia 2668 Marquez, Korene 7635 Marsh, Jamey Marshall, Donna Marshall, Heidi 2358 Marshel, Kimberly 2760 Martin, Alexandra 7699 Martin, Christopher 2228 Martin, Helen Martin, Jennifer Martin, Kimberly 2507 Martin, Rebecca 2591 Martinez, Elizabeth Martinez, Kay 2389 Martins-read, Priscila 6152 Maruca, Nichole 2166 Maruyama, Mika Mash, Bobbi Mash, Terry 2424 Mason, Michael Massey, Katie 2325 Masson, Maria Mathews, Laura 2926 Mathur, Kanchan Mattox, Phillip Mattsson, Monte Maves, Robert Maxwell, Susan Maxwell, Thomas 2263 May-varas, Samuel 7513 Mayhew, Frederick 2164 Mcafee, Heather Department Dental Hygiene Disability Supp English Career & Academ Clark College F Counseling & He Career & Academ Counseling & He Mathematics Business Techno Disability Supp Engineering Physics Counseling & He Mathematics Libraries Diesel Technolo Computer Techno Advising Athletics Child & Family Athletics Economic & Comm Custodial Servi Family Life & P Business Admini Computer Aided Economic & Comm Music Career Services Business Techno Nursing Credential Eval Clark Lib&acade Biology Child & Family Physical Educat Credential Eval Transitional St Computer Graphi Business Techno Mathematics Libraries Biology Bookstore Custodial Servi Intensive Engli Enrollment Serv Psychology Nursing Career & Academ It Service Cent Disability Supp Human Resources Bookstore Mathematics Sociology & Cri Biology Physical Educat Planning & Effe English English As A Se Paralegal Geography Mail Stop [ HSC128 [ PUB014 [ FHL222 [ AA5209 [ [ GHL137 [ TBG215 [ HSC124 [ BHL110 [ SHL116 [ PUB013 [ APH203 [ CCW224 [ GHL108 [ BHL115 [ LIB112 [ JSH211 [ JSH211 [ GHL108 [ OSC205 [ CFS107 [ OSC205 [ TBG232 [ FST034 [ CFS107 [ SHL116 [ JSH211 [ CCE202 [ BMH116 [ GHL108 [ SHL116 [ CCW224 [ GHL128 [ FHL222 [ APH203 [ CFS107 [ OSC205 [ GHL108 [ TBG215 [ JSH211 [ SHL116 [ BHL110 [ LIB112 [ APH203 [ GHL121 [ FST034 [ AA5209 [ CTC245 [ FHL222 [ HSC128 [ TBG215 [ BRD017 [ PUB013 [ BRD133 [ BRD017 [ BHL110 [ FHL222 [ APH203 [ OSC205 [ BRD114 [ FHL222 [ TBG215 [ SHL116 [ TBG121 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]