M as t er o f Bus... progr a m p lan s s tud...

A message from Dean Bailey
News from the School of Business and Economics
Dr. Jessica Bailey
January 28, 2013
Last week’s AACSB Deans’
Conference in San Antonio TX was
a wonderful opportunity for
networking and gaining additional
knowledge of the new
Accreditation Standards to be voted
on at the ICAM meeting this coming
April. The number of standards has
been reduced from twenty-one to
fifteen, as the organization moves to
include more international
institutions. Most importantly, this
new direction for AACSB will allow
business schools to exercise more
flexibility in defining their missions
and visions, while establishing and
improving their impacts,
engagements, and innovations.
The School of Business and
Economics is already well into
preparation for its next
Maintenance Visitation planned for
late 2014 or early 2015. To that
end, the SBE has reinforced its
tenure and promotion criteria and
refined its assessment processes.
We continue to hire doctorallyqualified faculty and experienced
professionals to deliver our
programs, all of whom meet our
benchmarks of high quality.
As we transition from the old
standards to the new, we will be
challenged to re-think our
curricula and re-classify our faculty
so as to broaden the reach and
appeal of our programs. The SBE
is committed to maintaining the
incomparable standards of AACSB
and continuing to offer AACSB
accredited programs to our
In this issue:
A message from Dean Bailey
MBA Trip to Shanghai, China
Honoring Student Achievement
Coming Soon
Student Profile
Dr. Herring in Canada
Lincoln Financial Group Partnership 3
Volume 4, Issue III
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
p r o g r a m p l a n s s t u d y a b ro a d t r i p t o S h a n g h a i
The SBE will be offering a Study Abroad program for its
graduate students, led by Dr. Craig Richardson, MBA
Program Coordinator. Fourteen MBA students will
study Global Economic Development in Shanghai
CHINA for ten days and nine nights (June 14 – June 24),
including an overnight trip to Suzhou and a migrant
village. This will mark the first occasion in which the
SBE has conducted an overseas study abroad program
designed for graduate students. The program will
Shanghai, China (Ctrl-Click below to get a flavor of
include a city tour of Shanghai, presentations by guest
the experience that students will share in China)
lecturers, and planned interactions with government
Shanghai, China Video1
Shanghai is the choice for this program because of its long history and tremendous influence
on foreign relations, fashion and the economy. Boasting a population of 23 million people, the
city has developed into a major financial and logistics hub and is a showplace of the latest in
modern transportation. This study abroad program will enable SBE graduate students to view,
first-hand, one of the world’s most exciting and competitive metropolises.
Dr. Craig Richardson, who will be leading the group, has much experience in world travel.
This will be his fourth trip to China; he has led student groups to Europe and China in the past.
He developed the SBE’s course in Global Economic Development, which he will teach in
conjunction with the trip.
Visits during the 10-day program will include a Welcome
Dinner featuring a Chinese Acrobatic Show; a City tour,
including the Museum of City Planning and the Pearl Tower; a
tea ceremony and visit to the China museum; company visits
to Coca Cola and Volkswagen; an opportunity to meet with
Communist Party officials; a trip to the Yu yuan Garden
(famous for its small shops and beauty); the famous Bund and
Nanjing Road (a 3.4 mile pedestrian shopping street); the
Shanghai Port; a visit to see the marriage market; a small manufacturing factory; and an overnight
trip to Suzhou and Migrant Village.
Guest lectures include an orientation with a 1 1/2 hour Chinese class; a discussion of China’s
model of communism; the growth of the Chinese economy; demographic shifts; Americans in
China; and doing business in China.
Video by Maurice dusault
Honoring our Student Achievers: National Organizations that encourage and give
recognition of scholastic excellence by SBE students1
The WSSU Lambda Epsilon student chapter of
Beta Alpha Psi (BAP) was chartered in 2005 to
Beta Gamma Sigma (BGS) is the
international honor society serving business
Omicron Delta Epsilon is the International
Economics Honor Society recognizing scholastic
recognize scholastic and/or professional
excellence in the business information fields.
The WSSU chapter is one of 300 on college
programs accredited by AACSB
International - The Association to Advance
Collegiate Schools of Business. Membership
attainment, outstanding achievement, the
establishment of closer ties between students
and university campuses with more than
300,000 members initiated since the BAP
in Beta Gamma Sigma is the highest
recognition a business student anywhere in
formation in 1919.
the world can receive in a business program
accredited by AACSB International.
This honor society was established in 1963
as a result of a merger of Omicron Delta Gamma
BGS was chartered at Winston-Salem
State University in May, 2000. Membership
invitations are limited to students ranking in
(founded in 1915 at the University of Wisconsin
and Harvard University) and Omicron Chi
Epsilon (founded in 1956 at City College of New
Undergraduate accounting, finance and
information systems majors who maintain a
GPA o f 3 .0 o r a b o v e a r e e lig ib le f o r
membership. BAP complements members’
formal education by providing networking
opportunities among students, faculty and
professionals in the community.
Bryant Clinton serves as student President.
Drs. George Heilman and Godwin Seshie serve
as faculty advisors for Beta Alpha Psi. Additional
information is available at www.bap.org or by
contacting Bryant Clinton at
bclinton108@rams.wssu.edu, Dr. Heilman at
heilmang@wssu.edu or Dr. Seshie at
the top seven (7) percent of the junior class,
the top ten (10) percent of the senior class
and the top twenty (20) percent of the
master’s programs. There is no higher
honor than to graduate “Beta Gamma
Dean Jessica Bailey serves as President
of Beta Gamma Sigma and Dr. Thomas O.
Jones is its Faculty Advisor. Additional
information is available at the BGS website
at www.betagammasigma.org or by
contacting Dr. Jones at jonesto@wssu.edu.
and faculty and the encouragement of economics
as a career field by students who major in
Omicron Delta Epsilon publishes The
American Economist, an outlet for essays and
papers written by graduate and undergraduate
students and a means of acquainting economists
and undergraduates who are considering a career
in economics of current developments in pure
and applied economics.
Candidates for election must have an overall
“B” average; twelve credits of economics at a “B”
average or better and a class standing in the
upper one-third. Contact faculty advisor, Dr.
Nikolaos Karagiannis for additional information
at karagiannisna@wssu.edu.
Information for these articles comes directly from organizational websites including www.bap.org, www.betagammasigma.org and www.omicrondeltaepsilon.org.
Enactus Video
Please Ctrl-Click link
Written by Johnene Benson, Senior Management major and Enactus President
“Enactus, formerly Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE), is an international organization that brings together student, academic and business leaders
who are committed to the power of entrepreneurial action to enable progress around the world. Enactus has chapters at 1,600 universities in 39 countries.
These chapters have 62,000 students who have performed 7.3 million project volunteer hours 1.”
At Winston-Salem State University, SIFE was initiated in January of 1998 under the leadership of Dr. Robert Herring, with a mission to give back
to the community and use knowledge to inspire others to grow. Action plans for community outreach projects were developed upon educational topics
such as entrepreneurship, financial literacy, success skills, business ethics , market economics and environmental sustainability. In
September 2012, the name SIFE switched to Enactus and a new team of 18 students are currently under the leadership of Mr.
Melvin Williams, Faculty Advisor (williamsmt@wssu.edu) and President, Johnene Benson (jbenson109@rams.wssu.edu).
The Enactus team has recently raised money for the victims of Hurricane Sandy, provided gifts for a teenage girl that
was added to the Salvation Army Angel Tree for this past Christmas and they have partnered with Duke Energy to host a
workshop called, "Project Energy," to offer tips to help the community spend less money on their electric bills. In addition to
educating the Winston-Salem community, they plan to complete four more projects this year and showcase how strong and
effective their team was this year at the Enactus Regional Competition on March 20th in Charlotte, NC.
Enactus organizational information and video courtesy www. enactus.org
Student Profile
Dr. Robert A. Herring, III teaches Quality Management to students
in St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada
Dr. Robert Herring, III
attended the 2012 OBTC
Conference for
Business Plan Competition
Management Educators,
Saturday, February 16
which was held at Brock
University at St.
10:00 am-3:00 pm
Catherines, Ontario,
The Enterprise Center
Canada. He participated
(1922 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive)
in several activities. The
Please join us in
first of these was the preconference “T-Group,”
support of our
an interpersonal communication skills workshop. He co-presented a
student competitors
teaching session on “Teaching
Damien C. Shell
students how to learn the basic
greenebp@wssu.edu if you
quality management tools using
plan to attend.
examples from their personal
In addition to managing his
busy schedule as a Senior Business experiences.” In a session presenting
Management major, Damien Shell a variety of classroom experiential
has worked since 2006 at Russell exercises, he co-presented “Nerf
Funeral Home as a Funeral
Ball Leadership.” In addition, he coDirector Assistant and Office
presented a special “round table”
Personnel staff member. There, he session on “How can faculty members deal with stress.”
handles documentation
responsibilities; supervises the day
Did you receive more than one copy of Focus?
Please let us know by replying to greenebp@wssu.edu.
and its equipment needs; and
Next day and previous issues are available at
provides exemplary service to
wssu.edu/school-business-economics/newsletter.aspx Ctrl-Click
approximately 400 families per
on the links, above
This competition is open to any
customer service also served him
undergraduate or graduate
SBE Partnership with
well at his previous position at the
student (individual or teams
Lincoln Financial Group
from any academic discipline/ Fulton Family YMCA where he
major) who attends WSSU full
to member inquiries and helped to
Lincoln Financial Group (LFG), headquartered in
time during the 2012-2013
develop both the mental and
academic year. This includes
Greensboro NC, will participate in the next Career Fair held
physical well-being of young
those who graduated in
participants in sports and summer at WSSU during the spring of 2013. This is part of a
December of 2012.
6th Annual School of Business
and Economics’
Important Dates:
January 25, 2013:
Team Registration (Intent to
Compete) via email to
February 4, 2013:
Executive Summary
(1-2 pages) due
February 8, 2013:
Business Plan Due by 3:00
(5 bound copies)
February 16, 2013:
(10:00 am-3:00 pm) BUSINESS PLAN
Since his time at Atkins High
School and proceeding to WSSU,
Damien has taken on a variety of
leadership roles. He was the
President of the Student
Government Association and a
member of the Superintendent's
Student Advisory Council at
Atkins. At WSSU, he serves the
School of Business and Economics
as the President of both the
Society for Human Resource
Management and the Student
Advisory Council. As a volunteer,
he supported the excellent work
of both the Urban League and the
YMCA in our community.
comprehensive strategy of the SBE to work more closely
with the firm for the benefit of our students, particularly
the finance majors. Members of the SBE family will be
visiting the Greensboro offices of LFG Wednesday, January
30 to further our relationship as business partners.
Winston-Salem State University
School of Business and Economics
R.J. Reynolds Center
601 South Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive
Winston-Salem, NC 27110
FOCUS is published weekly by the School of Business and Economics at Winston-Salem
State University. For information concerning the newsletter, or to contribute an article,
please contact Ben Greene at (336) 750-2330 or by forwarding an e-mail to