Level -1 CSC Trigger Simulation Level-1 Darin Acosta University of Florida May 2001 US CMS DOE/NSF Review: May 8-10, 2001. D. Acosta, UF 1 Simulation Strategy Studies have been carried out using the objectoriented software framework of CMS • Geant3 for hit generation • “ORCA” for detector and trigger simulation Entire L1 CSC Trigger scheme coded in C++ • Perfect agreement achieved between simulation and hardware for millions of events (MPC, SR, SP) Trigger rate, efficiency, and P T resolution studied for L = 1034 cm-2s -1 • Pile-up includes 17.3 minimum bias collisions per beam crossing and neutron hits from much earlier crossings • Aim for single muon rate <10 kHz with >90% efficiency US CMS DOE/NSF Review: May 8-10, 2001. D. Acosta, UF 2 Signal MB Geant3 HEPEVT ntuples CMSIM MC Prod. Pythia 6 ORCA Production Scheme Zebra files with HITS Objectivity Database ORCA ooHit Formatter Mirrored Db’s Catalog import Objectivity Database US CMS DOE/NSF Review: May 8-10, 2001. D. Acosta, UF HLT Grp Databases HLT Algorithms New Reconstructed Objects Objectivity Objectivity ytivitcejbO Database Database esabataD 3 (CERN, US, Italy,…) ORCA Objectivity Database ORCA Digitization (merge signal and MB) ORCA Prod. Catalog import CSC Muon Trigger Scheme On-Chamber Trigger Primitives Strip LCT + Motherboard card LCT Strip FE cards 3-D Track-Finding and Measurement Port Card Sector Receiver Sector Processor OPTICAL FE SR PC SP LCT 3µ / port card TMB FE 2µ / chamber Wire LCT card Wire FE cards RIM RPC Interface Module Combination of all 3 Muon Systems US CMS DOE/NSF Review: May 8-10, 2001. D. Acosta, UF 3µ / sector In counting house RPC 4µ CSC Muon Sorter DT 4µ 4µ Global µ Trigger Global L1 4µ 4 Geometric Coverage ME4 descoped US CMS DOE/NSF Review: May 8-10, 2001. D. Acosta, UF 5 CSC PTT Resolution • Track segment in ME1 required to have a reasonable measurement (resolution worse than 70% otherwise) • Track segments in three CSC stations required for optimum PT resolution and rate reduction (implemented in Sector Processor prototype) PT < 35 GeV 1.2 < |η| < 2.0 US CMS DOE/NSF Review: May 8-10, 2001. D. Acosta, UF 6 CSC Trigger Efficiency vs. PTT Trigger threshold defined at 90% efficiency Sharper turn-on for better PT resolution Require ME1 for good PT resolution 1.2 < |η| < 2.4 US CMS DOE/NSF Review: May 8-10, 2001. D. Acosta, UF 7 CSC Trigger Efficiency vs. η Loose: 2 or more stations including ME1 in endcap, but any two in DT/CSC overlap region ~90% efficiency Tight: 3 or more stations including ME1 in endcap and MB1 in DT/CSC overlap ~70% efficiency but better PT resolution Significant acceptance loss when 3 stations are required and no ME4 ME4/2 ME4/1 US CMS DOE/NSF Review: May 8-10, 2001. D. Acosta, UF 8 CSC Single Muon Rate Weighted minimum bias sample used to estimate rate for L = 1034 Require “tight” track conditions ( ε ≈ 70%) to get acceptable rate from standalone CSC trigger 5 kHz rate for threshold set at 25 GeV US CMS DOE/NSF Review: May 8-10, 2001. D. Acosta, UF 9 CSC Rate with Neutrons Previous study did not include effect of punchthrough or neutron hits Had used weighted events with muons But no significant change in rate or efficiency (< 10%) is seen when effects are included So real muons dominate the trigger rate US CMS DOE/NSF Review: May 8-10, 2001. D. Acosta, UF 10 CSC Rate without ME4 Trigger rate for “loose” condition increases by ~50% if ME4 is removed because of fewer 3-station tracks ⇒ worse PT resolution Trigger rate for “tight” condition stays about the same because 3-station tracks already required US CMS DOE/NSF Review: May 8-10, 2001. D. Acosta, UF 11 Global Muon Trigger Efficiency Recover some inefficiency by combining DT and CSC (loose) with the RPC muon system in an optimized way (see next slide) US CMS DOE/NSF Review: May 8-10, 2001. D. Acosta, UF 12 Global Muon Trigger Rate Algorithm Efficiency Ghosts Rate PT>25 OR 97.6% 1.6% 23 kHz AND 89.7% 0.07% 7.2 kHz optimized 96.1% 0.18% 8.1 kHz Uses “loose” criteria for CSC trigger The GMT optimized algorithm gives an efficiency close to the “OR” of RPC and CSC, but a rate close to the “AND” of the two. Optimized ⇒ RPC coincidence required in certain regions, choose lowest PT reported by RPC and DT/CSC when matched US CMS DOE/NSF Review: May 8-10, 2001. D. Acosta, UF 13 Conclusions The previous simulations are the most detailed done to date of the CMS muon trigger • FE amplifier response/noise is in, neutrons are in, etc. • Trigger logic mostly validated against current hardware designs (some updates needed) But we need detailed validation against real data • Testbeam and cosmic ray data This requires physicist support! • Postdocs, students It’s important to design a highly efficient L1 CSC Trigger • L2 and L3 algorithms use L1 candidates as seeds. If L1 misses the muon, physics may be lost… • Must have ME1, and re-scoping ME4 helps at high luminosity • RPC noise/trigger rate may be unacceptably large to help GMT US CMS DOE/NSF Review: May 8-10, 2001. D. Acosta, UF 14