ANNEXURE 2.4 City of Cape Town 2011/2012 to 2013/14 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description Fund Source description 2013/2014 Original Budget 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Increase/ Decrease Motivation Total Project Cost City Manager City Manager C14.21001 Office Equipment 100 000 1 EFF 100 000 100 000 0 1 EFF 72 360 72 360 0 Total for City Manager 172 360 172 360 0 Total for City Manager 172 360 172 360 0 1 EFF 150 000 150 000 0 1 EFF 324 000 324 000 0 474 000 474 000 0 4 NT NDPG 0 11 300 000 11 300 000 4 NT USDG 8 000 000 0 250 000 250 000 0 33 300 000 33 300 000 0 C14.21001-F1 C14.21002 New Office Equipment Furniture, Fitting, Tools & Equipment C14.21002-F1 New Furniture 72 360 Deputy City Manager Executive Support C14.24001 Office Equipment C14.24001-F1 C14.24002 New Office Equipment 150 000 Furniture, Fittings, tools & Equipment C14.24002-F1 New Furniture 324 000 Total for Executive Support Governance & Interface C11.00069 Lentegeur Pub Space & Civic Office Upgra C11.00069-F1 C12.25001 Sub Council offices C12.25001-F1 C12.25005 Sub Council offices 2 000 000 -8 000 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. Ward Forum Project C12.25005-F1 C14.25000 Lentegeur Pub Space & Civic Office Upgra Replacement of IT Equipment 250 000 1 EFF Ward Allocations C14.25000-F1 Ward Allocations Deputy City Manager 25 402 226 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 33 300 000 3 AFF:WardAllocation 1 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description C14.25001 Fund Source description 2013/2014 Original Budget 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Increase/ Decrease Furniture, Fittings, tools & Equipment C14.25001-F1 Replacement of Furniture Motivation Total Project Cost 1 307 621 1 307 621 1 307 621 0 42 857 621 46 157 621 3 300 000 1 EFF 40 000 40 000 0 1 EFF 112 868 112 868 0 152 868 152 868 0 1 EFF 100 000 100 000 0 1 EFF 100 000 100 000 0 1 EFF 100 000 100 000 0 300 000 300 000 0 77 158 77 158 0 77 158 77 158 0 1 EFF 61 444 61 444 0 1 EFF 60 000 60 000 0 121 444 121 444 0 30 000 30 000 0 30 000 30 000 0 1 EFF Total for Governance & Interface Ombudsman C12.26001 Office Equipment C12.26001-F1 C14.26001 Office Equipment- Computers 40 000 Furniture & Equipment C14.26001-F1 New Furniture 112 868 Total for Ombudsman Forensic Services C12.27003 Furniture,fittings tools and equipment C12.27003-F1 C14.27001 Furniture and Equipment C14.27001-F1 C14.27002 Furniture,fittings tools and equipment 100 000 New Furniture 100 000 Computer Equipment C14.27002-F1 Additional Computers 100 000 Total for Forensic Services IDP, Performance and Participation C12.28001 Furniture, Fittings, Tools & Equipment C12.28001-F1 Computers 77 158 1 EFF Total for IDP, Performance and Participation Internal Audit C12.31001 Furniture & Equipment C12.31001-F1 C12.31002 Furniture & Equipment 61 444 Computer Hardware C12.31002-F1 Computer Hardware 60 000 Total for Internal Audit Risk Management C14.11131 Computer Equipment C14.11131-F1 Replacement of Computers Total for Risk Management Deputy City Manager 30 000 1 EFF 2 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Increase/ Decrease 44 013 091 47 313 091 3 300 000 1 EFF 100 000 100 000 0 1 EFF 40 000 40 000 0 140 000 140 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 3 000 000 3 000 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 3 430 000 3 430 000 0 1 EFF 3 500 000 3 500 000 0 1 EFF 11 002 600 11 002 600 0 3 AFF: Electricity 500 000 500 000 0 1 EFF 100 000 100 000 0 1 EFF 13 179 000 13 179 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 50 000 000 50 000 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 12 000 000 12 000 000 0 1 EFF 15 055 800 15 055 800 0 Fund Source description Total for Deputy City Manager 2013/2014 Original Budget Motivation Total Project Cost Utility Services Utility Services Support C12.82001 Computer Equipment C12.82001-F1 C12.82002 Computer Equipment 100 000 Furniture,Fitttings and Equipment C12.82002-F1 Furniture,Fitttings and Equipment 40 000 Total for Utility Services Support Cape Town Electricity C07.01225 SCADA System: Remote Terminal Units C07.01225-F2 C07.01390 Scada Engineering WAN 2 018 415 HV-Substation ventilation pressure Syst 663 800 Main Subst MV Switchgear Replacement 55 778 397 Retreat Area Office 71 803 290 132kV line Refurb (shield/earth wires) C08.84055-F2 C09.84043 32 254 555 Retreat Area Office C08.84049-F2 C08.84055 MV Circuit Breaker Replacement Main Subst MV Switchgear Replacement C08.84043-F1 C08.84049 24 545 707 HV-Substation ventilation pressure Syst C08.84035-F1 C08.84043 HV Switchgear Replacement Scada Engineering WAN C08.84024-F2 C08.84035 9 776 377 MV Circuit Breaker Replacement C08.84009-F1 C08.84024 SCADA W integration (RTU) HV Switchgear Replacement C08.84007-F1 C08.84009 8 655 918 SCADA W Integration (RTU) C07.01390-F2 C08.84007 SCADA System RTUs 132kV line Refurb (shield/earth wires) 12 000 000 Stikland Main Substation C09.84043-F1 Utility Services Stikland Main Substation 15 055 800 3 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description C09.84065 Fund Source description 0 3 AFF: Electricity 15 239 280 15 239 280 0 3 AFF: Electricity 2 000 000 2 000 000 0 1 EFF 46 930 220 46 930 220 0 1 EFF 5 000 000 5 000 000 0 1 EFF 90 042 750 90 042 750 0 200 000 200 000 0 1 EFF 23 138 460 23 138 460 0 1 EFF 3 000 000 3 000 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 4 000 000 4 000 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 6 000 000 6 000 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 300 000 300 000 0 Protect Comm Wide Area Network Expansion 3 AFF: Electricity 500 000 500 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 540 000 540 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 1 500 000 1 500 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 2 500 000 2 500 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 2 000 000 2 000 000 0 C09.84065-F3 New Building Complex Bloemhof Asbestos Roofing Replacement C09.84066-F2 5 500 000 Substation Protection Replacement 4 000 000 Optic Fibre Installations 6 000 000 PAX and PABX Installations 300 000 500 000 PQ System Expansion 540 000 Prepayment Vending System Upgrading C14.41914-F2 Prepayment Vending System Upgrading 1 500 000 Computer Equipment Additional C14.84001-F1 C14.84002 Steenbras Rehabilitation of existing str PQ System Expansion C14.01591-F2 C14.84001 53 567 160 Protect Comm Wide Area Network Expansion C14.00375-F2 C14.41914 Kraaifontein Reinforcement PAX and PABX Installations C14.00374-F2 C14.01591 400 000 3 AFF: Electricity Optic Fibre Installations C14.00373-F2 C14.00375 HV - Switch/ Stat battery replacement Substation Protection Replacement C14.00372-F2 C14.00374 102 204 450 Steenbras Rehabilitation of existing str C12.84063-F1 C14.00373 Koeberg Rd Switching Station Ph 2 Kraaifontein Reinforcement C12.84056-F2 C14.00372 5 000 000 HV - Switch/ Stat battery replacement C12.84037-F2 C12.84063 132kV OH Insulator Replacement Koeberg Rd Switching Station Ph 2 C10.84050-F1 C12.84056 46 930 220 132kV OH Insulator Replacement C10.84035-F1 C12.84037 Plattekloof - N1 Reinforcement Computer Equipment Additional 2 500 000 Computer Equipment Replacement C14.84002-F1 Utility Services Computer Equipment Replacement Total Project Cost 18 333 834 Plattekloof - N1 Reinforcement C10.84032-F1 C10.84050 Asbestos Roofing Replacement Motivation 231 263 619 2 359 080 1 EFF C10.84035 Increase/ Decrease 2 359 080 New Building Complex Bloemhof C10.84032 2013/2014 Proposed Budget New Building Complex Bloemhof C09.84065-F1 C09.84066 2013/2014 Original Budget 2 000 000 4 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description C14.84003 35 000 000 35 000 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 250 000 250 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 35 000 000 35 000 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 8 500 000 8 500 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 4 000 000 4 000 000 0 500 000 500 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 1 000 000 1 000 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 26 930 800 26 930 800 0 3 AFF: Electricity 2 600 000 2 600 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 5 000 000 5 000 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 1 100 000 1 100 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 1 000 000 1 000 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 2 500 000 2 500 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 2 500 000 2 500 000 0 35 000 000 Safety Equipment 250 000 System Equipment Replacement: South 35 000 000 Test EquipmenT 8 500 000 Capital Metering Replacement 4 000 000 Computer Equipment 500 000 1 EFF HV Substation Ground Surfacing 1 000 000 Vehicles: Replacement 26 930 800 Mechanical Plant: Additional 2 600 000 Vehicles: Additional 5 000 000 Mechanical Plant: Replacement 1 100 000 Office Equipment & Furniture 1 000 000 Security Equipment C14.84039-F1 C14.84040 3 AFF: Electricity Office Equipment & Furniture C14.84038-F1 C14.84039 System Equipment Replacement: North Security Equipment 2 500 000 Tools & Equipment C14.84040-F1 Utility Services Tools & Equipment Total Project Cost 40 000 000 Mechanical Plant: Replacement C14.84027-F1 C14.84038 0 Vehicles: Additional C14.84021-F1 C14.84027 40 000 000 Mechanical Plant: Additional C14.84018-F1 C14.84021 40 000 000 Vehicles: Replacement C14.84016-F1 C14.84018 3 AFF: Electricity HV Substation Ground Surfacing C14.84012-F2 C14.84016 0 Computer Equipment C14.84011-F2 C14.84012 1 000 000 Capital Metering Replacement C14.84010-F2 C14.84011 1 000 000 Test Equipment C14.84008-F1 C14.84010 System Equipment Replacement: East Motivation 1 000 000 3 AFF: Electricity System Equipment Replacement: South C14.84007-F2 C14.84008 Communication Equipment Safety Equipment C14.84006-F1 C14.84007 Increase/ Decrease System Equipment Replacement: North C14.84005-F2 C14.84006 2013/2014 Proposed Budget System Equipment Replacement: East C14.84004-F2 C14.84005 2013/2014 Original Budget Communication Equipment C14.84003-F1 C14.84004 Fund Source description 2 500 000 5 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description C14.84041 0 Service Connections (Tariff): North Service Connections (Tariff): East Service Connections (Tariff): South Facilities Alterations & Upgrading Prepayment Meter Replacement Substation Fencing - South Substation Fencing - North Substation Fencing - East Firlands Main Substation - Phase 1 ES contingency provision - Insurance 4 PRIVATE SECTOR FIN 4 000 000 4 000 000 0 4 PRIVATE SECTOR FIN 2 800 000 2 800 000 0 4 PRIVATE SECTOR FIN 3 000 000 3 000 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 7 500 000 7 500 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 10 000 000 10 000 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 4 000 000 4 000 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 4 500 000 4 500 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 3 500 000 3 500 000 0 400 000 400 000 0 1 000 000 1 000 000 0 4 000 000 2 800 000 3 000 000 7 500 000 10 000 000 4 000 000 4 500 000 3 500 000 400 000 1 EFF 1 000 000 2 REVENUE: INSURANCE Serv Conn (Quote): North 35 500 000 C14.84111-F1 Serv Conn (Quote): North 4 PRIVATE SECTOR FIN 12 500 000 12 500 000 0 C14.84111-F2 Conn Infr (Quote): North 3 BICL Elec Serv Gen 23 000 000 23 000 000 0 C14.84112 Serv Conn (Quote): East 25 000 000 C14.84112-F1 Serv Conn (Quote): East 4 PRIVATE SECTOR FIN 7 000 000 7 000 000 0 C14.84112-F2 Conn Infr (Quote): East 3 BICL Elec Serv Gen 18 000 000 18 000 000 0 Utility Services Total Project Cost 1 500 000 ES contingency provision - Insurance C14.84099-F1 C14.84111 1 500 000 Firlands Main Substation - Phase 1 C14.84074-F1 C14.84099 1 500 000 Substation Fencing - East C14.84069-F2 C14.84074 1 EFF Substation Fencing - North C14.84068-F2 C14.84069 0 Substation Fencing - South C14.84066-F2 C14.84068 1 000 000 Prepayment Meter Replacement C14.84061-F2 C14.84066 1 000 000 Facilities Alterations & Upgrading C14.84055-F1 C14.84061 Tools & Equipment Motivation 1 000 000 1 EFF Service Connections (Tariff): South C14.84048-F1 C14.84055 Office Furniture Service Connections (Tariff): East C14.84047-F1 C14.84048 Increase/ Decrease Service Connections (Tariff): North C14.84046-F1 C14.84047 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Tools & Equipment C14.84042-F2 C14.84046 2013/2014 Original Budget Office Furniture C14.84041-F2 C14.84042 Fund Source description 6 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description C14.84113 Fund Source description 2013/2014 Original Budget 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Increase/ Decrease Serv Conn (Quote): South Motivation Total Project Cost 21 500 000 C14.84113-F1 Serv Conn (Quote): South 4 PRIVATE SECTOR FIN 6 000 000 6 000 000 0 C14.84113-F2 Conn Infr (Quote): South 3 BICL Elec Serv Gen 15 500 000 15 500 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 34 500 000 34 500 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 37 800 000 37 800 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 40 000 000 40 000 000 0 1 EFF 50 000 000 50 000 000 0 1 EFF 16 300 000 16 300 000 0 1 EFF 13 100 000 13 100 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 500 000 500 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 15 000 000 15 000 000 0 4 NT USDG 5 000 000 6 000 000 6 000 000 1 000 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 4 NT USDG 4 000 000 5 000 000 5 000 000 1 000 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 3 AFF: Electricity 3 500 000 3 500 000 0 4 DME - INEP 17 543 860 17 543 860 0 3 AFF: Electricity 30 000 000 30 000 000 0 3 AFF: Electricity 20 000 000 20 000 000 0 C14.84114 System Infrastructure: North C14.84114-F3 C14.84115 500 000 Street Lighting: City Wide 15 000 000 Street Lighting: City Wide USDG Funding High Mast Lighting Festive Lighting: City Wide 3 500 000 Electrification (INEP) 17 543 860 Electrification (AFF) C14.84385-F2 C14.84386 Informal Settlements: Area Lighting Electrification (INEP) C14.84384-F2 C14.84385 13 100 000 Festive Lighting: City Wide C14.84262-F1 C14.84384 MV Switchgear Refurbishment: South High Mast Lighting C14.84261-F2 C14.84262 16 300 000 Street Lighting: City Wide MIG Funding C14.84260-F1 C14.84261 MV Switchgear Refurbishment: East Street Lighting: City Wide C14.84259-F1 C14.84260 50 000 000 Informal Settlements: Area Lighting C14.84258-F1 C14.84259 MV Switchgear Refurbishment: North MV Switchgear Refurbishment: South C14.84122-F1 C14.84258 System Infrastructure: South 40 000 000 MV Switchgear Refurbishment: East C14.84121-F1 C14.84122 37 800 000 MV Switchgear Refurbishment: North C14.84120-F1 C14.84121 System Infrastructure: East System Infrastructure: South C14.84116-F3 C14.84120 34 500 000 System Infrastructure: East C14.84115-F3 C14.84116 System Infrastructure: North Electrification (AFF) 30 000 000 Electrification - Backyarders C14.84386-F1 Utility Services Additional Electrification 20 000 000 7 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Increase/ Decrease 896 341 850 898 341 850 2 000 000 107 832 210 107 832 210 0 80 000 000 50 000 000 1 EFF 365 800 365 800 0 1 EFF 157 500 157 500 0 4 500 000 4 500 000 0 63 600 000 63 600 000 0 1 EFF 1 250 000 1 250 000 0 1 EFF 400 000 400 000 0 1 EFF 1 000 000 1 000 000 0 1 EFF 500 000 500 000 0 79 000 000 0 338 605 510 229 605 510 38 681 000 0 0 45 000 000 500 000 500 000 Fund Source description Total for Cape Town Electricity 2013/2014 Original Budget Motivation Total Project Cost Solid Waste Management C14.85001 Solid Waste Management Infrastructure 157 832 210 C14.85001-F1 Replacement:Solid Waste Management Infra 1 EFF C14.85001-F2 Solid Waste Management Infrastructure 4 NT USDG C14.85002 Purchase of Furniture - Rates C14.85002-F1 C14.85003 Replacement: Purchase of Furniture-Rates 365 800 Purchase of Furniture - Tariffs C14.85003-F1 C14.85004 Replace:Purchase of Furniture-Tariffs 157 500 Plant & Vehicles 68 100 000 C14.85004-F1 Replacement: Plant & Vehicles 1 EFF C14.85004-F2 Replacement: Plant & Vehicles 3 AFF: Solid Waste C14.85005 Waste Info & Infrastructure C14.85005-F1 C14.85006 Additional: Trunk Radios 400 000 Replacement: Shipping Containers 1 000 000 Mechanical Equipment C14.85008-F1 C14.85009 1 250 000 Shipping Containers C14.85007-F1 C14.85008 Replacement: Waste Info & Infrastructure Trunk Radios C14.85006-F1 C14.85007 -30 000 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. Additional: Mechanical Equipment 500 000 Rehabilitation of Landfill Sites C14.85009-F2 Rehabilitation of Landfill Sites 2 REVENUE Total for Solid Waste Management 0 -79 000 000 In terms of GRAP 19.66 the expenditure will no longer reflect on the Capital Budget. A "N"-project will be created on the Operating Budget. -109 000 000 Water & Sanitation C05.01268 Development of Additional Infrastructure C05.01268-F2 Development of Additional Infrastructure 1 EFF C05.01268-F3 Development of Additional Infrastructure 3 AFF: Water C05.01300 77 066 138 -38 681 000 Overall project funding (EFF + CRR ) aligned to revised project programme based on current progress to date. Individual. Budget aligned to available funding. 45 000 000 Overall project funding (EFF + CRR ) aligned to revised project programme based on current progress to date. Individual. Budget aligned to available funding. Aandrag Supply System C05.01300-F2 Utility Services Aandrag Supply System 500 000 1 EFF 8 0 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description C06.00571 Increase/ Decrease Klipheuwel WWTW - Upgrade Retreat Rising Main - Rehab Mitchells Plain WWTW 300 000 300 000 0 1 EFF 1 000 000 1 000 000 0 1 EFF 9 100 000 9 100 000 0 12 599 815 Bellville Wastewater Treatment Works 290 395 153 Bellville WWTW - EFF 1 EFF 5 000 000 5 000 000 0 C06.30170-F3 Bellville WWTW-USDG 4 NT USDG 3 000 000 3 000 000 0 1 EFF 22 000 000 60 000 000 1 EFF 6 000 000 6 000 000 0 1 EFF 2 000 000 2 000 000 0 1 EFF 10 000 000 10 000 000 0 1 EFF 5 000 000 5 000 000 0 1 EFF 14 500 000 14 500 000 0 1 EFF 5 000 000 5 000 000 0 1 EFF 5 000 000 5 000 000 0 1 EFF 5 000 000 5 000 000 0 1 EFF 2 500 000 2 500 000 0 1 EFF 2 500 000 2 500 000 0 1 EFF 1 000 000 1 000 000 0 Northern Area Sewer Thornton C07.00407-F1 C08.00214 Cape Flats Collector Sewer 19 109 000 Ruyterwacht Midblock Water Pipes 7 972 700 Pump Station & Rising Main Du Noon 7 670 000 Rehab Outfall Sewers Pentz Sandrift m/qu 15 001 519 Cape Flats #1 Rehabilitation 5 000 000 Cape Flats #2 Rehabilitation C10.82002-F1 C10.86018 7 172 808 Cape Flats #1 Rehabilitation C10.82001-F1 C10.82002 Design of Sand Trap Philipi sewer Browns Rehab Outfall Sewers Pentz Sandrift m/qu C09.86015-F1 C10.82001 84 970 163 Pump Station & Rising Main Du Noon C09.86014-F1 C09.86015 Main Rd Upgrade M/Berg to Clovelly Rehab Ruyterwacht Midblock water Pipes C09.86008-F1 C09.86014 9 836 967 Cape Flats Collector Sewer C09.86001-F1 C09.86008 Trappies Sewerage System Design of Sand Trap Philipi sewer Browns C08.86045-F1 C09.86001 33 100 791 Main Rd Upgrade M/Berg to Clovelly Rehab C08.86038-F1 C08.86045 De Grendel Reservior Trappies Sewerage System C08.11114-F1 C08.86038 143 967 255 38 000 000 Project delayed due to an appeal. Construction of project delayed and will be re-phased to 2013/14 financial years. De Grendel Reservior C08.00214-F1 C08.11114 Northern Area Sewer Thornton Cape Flats #2 Rehabilitation 5 000 000 Gordons Bay WWTW-Improvements C10.86018-F1 Utility Services Gordons Bay WWTW-Improvements Total Project Cost 12 253 535 C06.30170-F1 C07.00407 Motivation 450 000 1 EFF Mitchells Plain WWTW C06.30148-F1 C06.30170 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Retreat Rising Main - Rehab C06.01639-F2 C06.30148 2013/2014 Original Budget Klipheuwel Wastewater Treatment Works C06.00571-F1 C06.01639 Fund Source description 1 500 000 9 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description C10.86030 Wildevoelvlei WWTW-Upgrade dewatering Zandvliet WWTW-Extension (USDG) Remove midblock water network-Bishop Lav Philippi Collector Sewer Motivation Total Project Cost 500 000 500 000 500 000 34 950 000 54 050 000 2 000 000 2 000 000 0 4 NT USDG 10 000 000 10 000 000 0 30 000 000 0 1 EFF 4 NT USDG 0 83 710 000 19 100 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 8 242 198 1 EFF Philippi Collector Sewer C11.86060-F3 C11.86063 Increase/ Decrease Remove midblock water network-Bishop Lav C10.86132-F1 C11.86060 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Zandvliet WWTW-Extension C10.86033-F3 C10.86132 2013/2014 Original Budget Wildevoelvlei WWTW-Upgrade dewatering C10.86030-F1 C10.86033 Fund Source description 11 000 000 Potsdam WWTW - Extension 121 927 391 C11.86063-F1 Potsdam WWTW - Extension (EFF) 1 EFF 30 000 000 C11.86063-F3 Potsdam WWTW - Extension (USDG) 4 NT USDG 48 300 000 58 300 000 1 EFF 250 000 250 000 300 000 000 21 000 000 74 000 000 9 000 000 -65 000 000 Existing Contract WSC1/2006 - delays due to Environmental Impact Assessment process. Alternative site requested by landowner being investigated, requiring specialist studies to be reviewed. Process for compliance with NEM Waste Act addressed with DEA&DP. DEA&DP requested that Revised Draft EIR (including alternative site) be circulated for public review, comments from I&AP to be incorporated and considered for Final EIR to be submitted to DEA&DP for ROD (programmed for May 2012). Environmental Authorisation required before proceeding with land acquisition and design. 0 25 100 000 25 100 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 1 EFF 45 000 45 000 0 1 EFF 300 000 300 000 0 1 EFF 30 000 000 40 000 000 54 000 000 10 000 000 Corporate tender could not be utilised resulting in a delay as new tender procedure had to be followed and rephasing of the project. 1 EFF 47 300 000 0 1 000 000 -47 300 000 EIA and conceptual design phase of the project are much more complex than anticipated, which caused delays hence progress is slower than anticipated. C11.86074 Replacement of Plant & Equipment- BW C11.86074-F1 C11.86077 Replacement of Plant & Equipment- BW 250 000 Bulk Water Augmentation Scheme C11.86077-F1 Bulk Water Augmentation Scheme (EFF) 1 EFF C11.86077-F2 Bulk Water Augmentation Scheme (CRR) 3 AFF: Water C11.86077-F4 Bulk Water Augmentation Scheme (USDG) 4 NT USDG C12.86032 Tools & Sundry Equipment 45 000 Hout Bay Outfall-Refurbish equipment 300 000 Contruction of new Head Office C12.86074-F1 C12.86075 58 360 441 -279 000 000 Project will be funded from the Capital replacement reserve and USDG NT funding. Hout Bay Outfall C12.86057-F1 C12.86074 0 Tools & Sundry Equipment C12.86032-F1 C12.86057 10 000 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. Contruction of new Head Office Northern Regional Sludge Facility C12.86075-F1 Utility Services Northern Regional Sludge Facility 10 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description C12.86079 1 EFF 6 000 000 6 000 000 0 1 EFF 1 000 000 1 000 000 0 1 EFF 6 000 000 6 000 000 0 4 NT USDG 15 500 000 0 0 -15 500 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 4 NT USDG 0 35 650 000 50 650 000 35 650 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 4 000 000 4 000 000 0 2 000 000 1 EFF 200 000 200 000 0 1 EFF 2 000 000 2 000 000 0 1 EFF 107 500 107 500 0 1 EFF 2 500 000 2 500 000 0 1 EFF 300 000 300 000 0 6 000 000 Bellville WWTW -Upgrade clarifiers 1 000 000 Bellville WWTW -Replacement blowers 6 000 000 Macassar WWTW Extention (USDG) Cape Flats III Zevenwacht Reservior & appurtenant works 4 500 000 3 BICL Sewer:Hel New Rest Reticulation Rectification 4 NT USDG 0 5 000 000 2 000 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. Rising Main to Melkbos (New Works) 200 000 Penhill Sewer Installation 2 000 000 Specialised Equipment (Electrical) 107 500 Metering Equipment (Revenue) C14.86004-F1 C14.86005 19 900 000 14 400 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. Specialised Equipment (Electrical) C14.86003-F1 C14.86004 14 400 000 Penhill Sewer Installation C14.86001-F1 C14.86003 4 NT USDG 0 Rising Main to Melkbos (New Works) C14.86000-F1 C14.86001 4 200 000 1 000 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. New Rest Reticulation Rectification C13.86073-F1 C14.86000 2 000 000 Zevenwacht Reservior & appurtenant works C13.86061-F1 C13.86073 1 000 000 Cape Flats III C13.86053-F1 C13.86061 45 000 000 6 400 000 Project delayed due to change in specifications. Project re-phased 4 NT USDG Macassar WWTW Extention (MIG) C13.86052-F1 C13.86053 Bellville WWTW -Replacement MCC Metering Equipment (Revenue) 2 500 000 Furniture & Equipment (IT) C14.86005-F1 Utility Services Furniture & Equipment (IT) Total Project Cost 6 400 000 Bellville WWTW -Replacement blowers C13.86003-F1 C13.86052 Macassar WWTW Extention (USDG) Motivation 0 1 EFF Bellville WWTW -Upgrade clarifirs C13.86002-F1 C13.86003 Completion of Langa Collector Sewer Increase/ Decrease Bellville WWTW -Replacement MCC C13.86001-F1 C13.86002 EAM Depot Realignment - 5 Nodal System Macassar WWTW Extention (USDG) C12.86096-F1 C13.86001 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Completion of Langa Collector Sewer C12.86084-F1 C12.86096 2013/2014 Original Budget EAM Depot Realignment - 5 Nodal System C12.86079-F1 C12.86084 Fund Source description 300 000 11 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description C14.86006 1 EFF 2 500 000 2 500 000 0 1 EFF 500 000 500 000 0 45 000 000 0 1 EFF 276 000 276 000 0 1 EFF 30 000 30 000 0 1 EFF 100 000 100 000 0 1 EFF 28 500 000 28 500 000 0 1 EFF 20 000 000 20 000 000 0 1 EFF 400 000 400 000 0 1 000 000 0 500 000 500 000 4 NT USDG 4 000 000 0 4 NT USDG 5 000 000 5 000 000 2 500 000 Refurbishment of Labs 500 000 Cape Flats III 4 NT USDG Furniture Fittings Tools Equipment (EAMS 0 -45 000 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 276 000 Furniture, Fittings, Tools & Equip WDM 30 000 Furniture, Fittings, Tools & Equip WWTW 100 000 Informal Incremental Areas Upgrade 28 500 000 Infrastructure Replace/Refurbish - WWT 20 000 000 Master Planning -EFF 400 000 New Rest Reticulation Rectification 4 NT USDG Plant & Equipment additional 0 -1 000 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 500 000 1 EFF Pump Stn Rehab ( Citywide) C14.86020-F1 C14.86021 Laboratory Equipment - Scientific Ser Pump Stn Rehab ( Citywide) 0 0 -4 000 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. Pumpstation and Rising Main Du Noon C14.86021-F1 Utility Services Pumpstation and Rising Main Du Noon Total Project Cost 15 543 093 Plant & Equipment additional C14.86019-F1 C14.86020 0 New Rest Reticulation Rectification C14.86018-F1 C14.86019 15 543 093 Master Planning -EFF C14.86017-F1 C14.86018 15 543 093 Infrastructure Replace/Refurbish - WWT C14.86016-F1 C14.86017 1 EFF Informal Incremental Areas Upgrade C14.86015-F1 C14.86016 0 Furniture, Fittings, Tools & Equip WWTW C14.86013-F1 C14.86015 5 500 000 Furniture, Fittings, Tools & Equip WDM C14.86012-F1 C14.86013 5 500 000 Furniture Fittings Tools Equipment (EAMS C14.86011-F1 C14.86012 Replacement of Vehicles Motivation 5 500 000 1 EFF Cape Flats III C14.86010-F1 C14.86011 IT Equipment Replacement Refurbishment of Labs C14.86009-F1 C14.86010 Increase/ Decrease Laboratory Equipment - Scientific Ser C14.86008-F1 C14.86009 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Replacement of Vehicles C14.86007-F1 C14.86008 2013/2014 Original Budget IT Equipment Replacement C14.86006-F1 C14.86007 Fund Source description 5 000 000 12 0 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description C14.86022 46 881 000 46 881 000 16 881 000 Additional funds are required for ageing infrastructure. 1 EFF 30 000 000 45 000 000 45 000 000 15 000 000 Additional funds are required for ageing infrastructure. Replace &Upgr Sew Pumpstns (citywide) 1 EFF 8 400 000 8 400 000 0 1 EFF 300 000 300 000 0 1 EFF 10 000 000 10 000 000 0 1 EFF 2 000 000 2 000 000 0 1 EFF 800 000 800 000 0 1 EFF 2 000 000 2 000 000 0 1 EFF 290 950 290 950 0 1 EFF 4 820 593 4 820 593 0 1 EFF 500 000 500 000 0 1 000 000 0 300 000 0 8 400 000 Sundry equipment at various WWTW 300 000 TMS Aquifer Deep Borehole 10 000 000 TOC Infrastructure Development 2 000 000 Tools & Equipment (design & contracts) 800 000 Tools & Equipment (Mech) 2 000 000 Tools & Equipment (PCS) 290 950 Replacement of Plant & Equipment (EAMS) 4 820 593 Small Plant & Equipment 500 000 Rehab of Sewer Network (MIG Citywide) C14.86035-F1 C14.86036 30 000 000 Small Plant & Equipment C14.86034-F1 C14.86035 1 EFF Replacement of Plant & Equipment (EAMS) C14.86033-F1 C14.86034 0 -7 750 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. Tools & Equipment (PCS) C14.86032-F1 C14.86033 0 Tools & Equipment (Mech) C14.86031-F1 C14.86032 7 750 000 Tools & Equipment (design & contracts) C14.86030-F1 C14.86031 4 NT USDG TOC Infrastructure Development C14.86029-F1 C14.86030 0 -5 500 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. TMS Aquifer Deep Borehole C14.86028-F1 C14.86029 Replace & Upgr Water Network (citywide) Rehab of Sewer Network (USDG Citywide) 4 NT USDG Extension of Bulk Water Pipeline C14.86036-F1 Utility Services Extension of Bulk Water Pipeline Total Project Cost 0 Sundry equipment at various WWTW C14.86027-F1 C14.86028 Replace & Upgr Sewer Network (Citywide) Motivation 5 500 000 Replace &Upgr Sew Pumpstns (citywide) C14.86026-F1 C14.86027 Rehab of Water Network (Citywide) Increase/ Decrease 4 NT USDG Replace & Upgr Water Network (citywide) C14.86025-F1 C14.86026 Rehab of Sewer Network (Citywide) Replace & Upgr Sewer Network (Citywide) C14.86024-F1 C14.86025 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Rehab of Water Network (Citywide) C14.86023-F1 C14.86024 2013/2014 Original Budget Rehab of Sewer Network (Citywide) C14.86022-F1 C14.86023 Fund Source description 1 EFF 13 0 -1 000 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 0 -300 000 To funded from the development of additional infrastructure project. 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description C14.86037 Fund Source description 2013/2014 Original Budget 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Increase/ Decrease Bulk Water Infrastructure Replacement 10 000 000 10 000 000 0 1 EFF 3 500 000 3 500 000 0 1 EFF 9 000 000 9 000 000 0 Total for Water & Sanitation 1 009 344 136 737 844 136 -271 500 000 Total for Utility Services 2 244 431 496 1 865 931 496 -378 500 000 50 000 50 000 0 50 000 50 000 0 4 NT USDG 2 000 000 2 000 000 0 4 NT USDG 2 500 000 2 500 000 0 4 NT USDG 750 000 750 000 0 1 EFF 150 000 150 000 0 1 EFF 50 000 50 000 0 2 400 000 2 400 000 0 1 EFF 250 000 250 000 0 1 EFF 150 000 150 000 0 C14.92100 Treated Effluent: Reuse & Inf Upgrades C14.92100-F1 C14.92101 Bulk Water Infrastructure Replacement Treated Effluent: Reuse & Inf Upgrades 3 500 000 Pressure Management: COCT C14.92101-F1 Pressure Management: COCT Total Project Cost 10 000 000 1 EFF C14.86037-F1 Motivation 9 000 000 Community Services Projects, Strategy and Support C14.92001 Furniture, Fittings, Tools & Equipment C14.92001-F1 Furniture, Fittings, Tools & Equipment 50 000 1 EFF Total for Projects, Strategy and Support City Parks C06.00282 Develop Metro South-East Cemetery C06.00282-F4 C07.00674 Regional Park Upg:Durbanville Rose Garde 1 408 163 Roads & stormwater system: Kraaifontein 429 925 Welmoed Cemetery Development 12 366 391 4 NT USDG Develop District Park: Zoo Park Kraaifon C09.94004-F1 C09.94005 2 081 495 Welmoed Cemetery Development C09.94001-F4 C09.94004 Sir Lowry's Pass Cemetery Upgrade Roads Roads&Stormwtr Sys:Kraaifontein Cemetery C08.94054-F1 C09.94001 9 086 836 Regional Park Upg:Durbanville Rose Garde C08.94050-F1 C08.94054 Maitland Cemetery Upgrade Roads & Infras Sir Lowry's Pass Cemetery Upgrade Roads C07.00703-F2 C08.94050 7 354 290 Maitland Cemetery Upgrade Roads & Infras C07.00674-F2 C07.00703 Develop Metro South-East Cemetery Develop District Park: Zoo Park Kraaifon 300 000 Upgrade Elizabeth Park, Bellville C09.94005-F1 Upgrade Elizabeth Park, Bellville Community Services 500 000 14 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description C09.94006 2013/2014 Original Budget 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Increase/ Decrease Develop Kuils River Corridor to Dist. Pk C09.94006-F1 C09.94007 Fund Source description Develop Kuils River Corridor to Dist. Pk 300 000 300 000 0 500 000 500 000 0 Develop District Park: Jack Muller,Bellv 10 445 720 Develop Districtpark: Jack Muller,Bellvi 1 EFF C09.94007-F3 Develop Districtpark: Jack Muller,Bellvi 4 NT USDG 2 000 000 2 000 000 0 4 NT USDG 1 500 000 1 500 000 0 0 Khayelitsha Wetlands Park Upgrade C09.94008-F3 C09.94009 Khayelitsha Wetlands Park Upgrade 6 325 663 Athlone Nantes Upgrade 17 340 707 C09.94009-F1 Athlone Nantes Upgrade 1 EFF 2 500 000 2 500 000 C09.94009-F3 Athlone Nantes Upgrade 4 NT USDG 1 000 000 0 4 NT USDG 200 000 200 000 0 4 NT USDG 400 000 400 000 0 1 EFF 300 000 300 000 0 4 NT USDG 1 000 000 1 000 000 0 4 NT USDG 1 500 000 3 500 000 500 000 500 000 0 4 NT USDG 3 000 000 3 000 000 0 4 NT USDG 900 000 900 000 0 4 NT USDG 4 000 000 4 000 000 0 4 NT USDG 3 500 000 1 500 000 500 000 500 000 C09.94010 C09.94011 Atlantis Cemetery Upgrade Gugulethu Cem: Implement Lscape Plans 7 000 000 2 000 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 1 994 431 1 EFF Vaalfontein Cemetery Development 6 416 660 Upgrade Kuils River Cemetery 2 206 000 Delft Cemetery Development 8 600 000 Klip Road Cemetery Extension C12.94002-F1 C12.94007 2 299 910 Delft Cemetery Development C11.94075-F1 C12.94002 Rusthof Cemetery Upgrade Upgrade Kuils River Cemetery C11.94027-F2 C11.94075 549 738 Vaalfontein Cemetery Development C10.94001-F3 C11.94027 Bellville Cemetery: Upgrade Roads Gugulethu Cem: Implement Lscape Plans C09.94018-F1 C10.94001 719 986 Atlantis Cemetery Upgrade C09.94014-F2 C09.94018 Modderdam Cem: Upgrade Roads Rusthof Cemetery Upgrade C09.94013-F2 C09.94014 1 152 880 Bellville Cemetery: Upgrade Roads C09.94012-F1 C09.94013 Westridge Park Upgrade Modderdam Cem: Upgrade Roads C09.94011-F3 C09.94012 -1 000 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. Westridge Park Upgrade C09.94010-F3 Klip Road Cemetery Extension 3 827 760 -2 000 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. Upgrade Camps Bay Beach Front C12.94007-F1 Upgrade Camps Bay Beach Front Community Services Total Project Cost 599 836 1 EFF C09.94007-F1 C09.94008 Motivation 500 000 1 EFF 15 0 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description C12.94008 1 EFF 201 447 201 447 0 4 NT USDG 1 000 000 1 000 000 0 4 NT USDG 500 000 500 000 0 4 NT USDG 2 000 000 1 000 000 4 NT USDG 500 000 500 000 0 1 EFF 500 000 500 000 0 4 NT USDG 650 000 650 000 0 4 NT USDG 700 000 0 0 -700 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 4 NT USDG 500 000 0 0 -500 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 4 NT USDG 500 000 0 0 -500 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 4 NT USDG 1 500 000 2 000 000 2 000 000 500 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 200 000 200 000 0 41 601 447 38 401 447 -3 200 000 500 000 201 447 Macassar POS system development 1 100 000 Upgrade of Watsonia Park 500 000 Upgrade of Kleinvlei Cemetery Upgrade of Parks in Mfuleni 1 000 000 -1 000 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 500 000 Adventure playground Gordons Bay beach 500 000 Fencing of Parks (Strand service Area) 650 000 Upgrade of Dam Park, Strand Dick Dent Bird Sanctuary Upgrade Lourens River PNE Corrodor Upgrade Cemetery Upgrades & Extensions C12.94029-F1 C12.94031 0 Lourens River PNE Corrodor Upgrade C12.94020-F1 C12.94029 500 000 Dick Dent Bird Sanctuary Upgrade C12.94019-F1 C12.94020 500 000 Upgrade of Dam Park, Strand C12.94018-F1 C12.94019 4 NT USDG Fencing of Parks (Strand service Area) C12.94017-F1 C12.94018 0 Adventure playground Gordons Bay beach C12.94016-F1 C12.94017 500 000 500 000 Upgrade of Parks in Mfuleni C12.94015-F1 C12.94016 Plant and Equipment Cemetery Upgrades & Extensions Water saving initiatives - Eastern Dist C12.94031-F1 Water saving initiatives - Eastern Dist Total for City Parks Community Services Total Project Cost 500 000 Upgrade of Kleinvlei Cemetery C12.94014-F1 C12.94015 Wesbank POS system development Motivation 1 EFF Upgrade of Watsonia Park C12.94013-F1 C12.94014 Company's Garden Macassar POS system development C12.94012-F1 C12.94013 Increase/ Decrease Plant and Equipment C12.94011-F1 C12.94012 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Wesbank POS system development C12.94010-F1 C12.94011 2013/2014 Original Budget Company's Garden C12.94008-F1 C12.94010 Fund Source description 200 000 1 EFF 16 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description Fund Source description 2013/2014 Original Budget 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Increase/ Decrease Motivation Total Project Cost Sport , Recreation and Amenities C08.95065 Blue Waters Resort : Upgrade C08.95065-F2 C09.95062 12 597 534 2 000 000 2 000 000 0 4 NT NDPG 15 000 000 15 000 000 0 0 4 STATE_NT_URP Monwabisi Coastal Node C09.95062-F1 C13.95016 Blue Waters Resort : Upgrade Monwabisi Coastal Node 25 000 000 New Swimming Pool Bloekombos 35 500 000 C13.95016-F1 New Swimming Pool Bloekombos 1 EFF 10 000 000 10 000 000 C13.95016-F2 New Swimming Pool Bloekombos 4 NT USDG 14 500 000 24 700 000 1 EFF 1 000 000 1 000 000 0 0 C13.95017 Community/Recreation Centr Bloekombos C13.95017-F1 C13.95018 10 200 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. Community/Recreation Centr Bloekombos 7 100 000 Lwandle Spectator Stand 1 300 000 C13.95018-F1 Lwandle Spectator Stand 1 EFF 1 000 000 1 000 000 C13.95018-F2 Lwandle Spectator Stand 4 NT USDG 6 500 000 0 1 EFF 2 000 000 2 000 000 0 1 EFF 2 000 000 2 000 000 0 1 EFF 1 000 000 1 000 000 0 1 EFF 2 000 000 2 000 000 0 6 730 794 6 730 794 0 13 768 300 4 268 300 77 499 094 71 699 094 -5 800 000 6 700 000 23 846 000 48 830 000 17 146 000 The increase to the project budget to the outer year is to accommodate the increase to project cost in terms of the current initial estimates. 0 1 462 000 C14.95001 Provision of Equipment for Facilities C14.95001-F1 C14.95002 Furniture fittings tools and equipment 2 000 000 IT Infrastructure and Equipment 1 000 000 Vehicles - S&R C14.95004-F1 C14.95005 2 000 000 IT Infrastructure and Equipment C14.95003-F1 C14.95004 Provision of Equipment for Facilities Furniture fittings tools and equipment C14.95002-F1 C14.95003 -6 500 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. Vehicles - S&R 2 000 000 Sport & Recreation Facilities Upgrade 10 999 094 C14.95005-F1 Sport & Recreation Facilities Upgrade 1 EFF C14.95005-F2 Sport & Recreation Facilities Upgrade 4 NT USDG Total for Sport , Recreation and Amenities -9 500 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. Library and Information Services C10.96010 New Regional Library Kuyasa Khayelitsha C10.96010-F1 C12.96005 New Regional Library Kuyasa Khayalitsha 4 NT NDPG ICT - Carnegie Kuyasa, Khayelitsha C12.96005-F1 ICT - Carnegie Kuyasa, Khayelitsha Community Services 4 PRIVATE SECTOR FIN 17 1 462 000 1 462 000 ICT requirements for Kuyasa Library project as per project business plan. 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description C12.96007 Increase/ Decrease Furniture,Fittings,Tools&Equipment Lis Library Upgrades and Extensions Books, Perio.& Subscription Books - Carnegie III Total Project Cost 2 071 000 2 071 000 Furniture requirements for Kuyasa Library project as per project business plan. 2 071 000 1 EFF 1 241 335 1 241 335 1 EFF 0 5 000 000 14 500 000 5 000 000 To establish a base budget for the department. 2 REVENUE 0 6 094 770 17 305 420 6 094 770 Additional funds required to acquire books. 4 PRIVATE SECTOR FIN 0 1 106 000 4 379 000 1 106 000 Budget adjusted in line with the business plan of the grant. 7 941 335 40 821 105 32 879 770 127 091 876 150 971 646 23 879 770 43 121 43 121 0 43 121 43 121 0 1 EFF 3 000 000 3 000 000 0 1 EFF 2 000 000 2 000 000 0 3 BICL T&Roads:Oos 1 000 000 1 000 000 0 3 BICL T&Roads:Hel 10 000 000 10 000 000 0 1 000 000 1 000 000 0 1 241 335 Books - Carnegie III C12.96030-F1 Motivation 0 4 PRIVATE SECTOR FIN Books, Perio.&Subsc : Libraries C12.96029-F1 C12.96030 Furniture Kuyasa Lib - Carnegie III Library Upgrades and Extensions C12.96018-F1 C12.96029 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Furniture,Fittings,Tools&Equipment Lis C12.96008-F1 C12.96018 2013/2014 Original Budget Furniture Kuyasa Lib - Carnegie III C12.96007-F1 C12.96008 Fund Source description Total for Library and Information Services Total for Community Services 0 Transport, Roads and Stormwater TRS Office Support C14.10021 Furniture & Fittings C14.10021-F2 Furniture & Fittings 43 121 1 EFF Total for TRS Office Support Roads and Stormwater C05.00956 Brackenfell Blvd - De Bron- Lang C05.00956-F2 C05.00973 17 018 634 Construct Rds:Bottelary/R300 2 124 179 Construct Rds:Broadway Extention C05.00986-F1 C05.01092 Construct Rds:De Villiers Rd : EFF Construct Rds:Bottelary/R300 C05.00981-F1 C05.00986 36 648 047 Construct Rds:De Villiers Rd C05.00973-F2 C05.00981 Brackenfell Blvd - De Bron - Lang Construct Rds:Broadway Extension 25 799 851 CSRM: Lotus Canal Widening:Gugulethu C05.01092-F1 CSRM: Lotus Canal Widening:Gugulethu Transport, Roads and Stormwater 47 673 881 1 EFF 18 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description C05.01503 0 5 000 000 4 STATE DEPT: OTHER 1 000 000 1 000 000 0 1 EFF 2 000 000 2 000 000 0 1 EFF 500 000 500 000 0 4 NT USDG 3 000 000 10 000 000 1 EFF 1 000 000 1 000 000 4 NT USDG 30 000 000 1 812 631 4 NT USDG 23 301 345 5 000 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 1 000 000 Atlantis Dev Corr 32 692 314 Buttskop Rd upgrading 500 000 Vlakteplaas Bulk Roads & S/water Dualling:Broadway Blvd:Beach Rd:MR27 13 100 001 7 000 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 1 200 000 Pelican Park: Strandfontein Road Upgr C08.10325-F3 C08.10502 Sheffield Rd Philippi:Plan and Design Pelican Park: Strandfontein Rd Upgr_USDG 0 158 425 568 -28 187 369 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. Khayelitsha Rail Extention TI 116 981 317 C08.10502-F2 Khayelitsha Rail Extention TI 4 NT NDPG 23 800 000 23 800 000 C08.10502-F3 Khayelitsha Rail Extension TI 4 NG DOT PTI&SG 32 000 000 5 000 000 1 EFF 300 000 300 000 0 1 EFF 1 500 000 1 500 000 0 1 EFF 2 000 000 2 000 000 0 1 EFF 1 000 000 1 000 000 0 C09.00021 C09.91030 Extension of Broadway Blvd : Broadlands 3 800 000 Croydon - Roads & Stormwater 7 000 000 Green Point Promenade Rehab: Sea Walls C11.10311-F1 C13.10309 -27 000 000 Availability of this funding for non-IRT related transport projects is still being clarified with NDOT. Finality and agreement is required before funds can be utilised for project. Due to this uncertainty the budget provision will be reduced in the 2013/14 financial year, subject to the approval by the NDOT. Croydon - Roads & Stormwater C09.91030-F1 C11.10311 0 Extension of Broadway Blvd : Broadlan C09.00021-F1 Green Point Promenade Upgrade 6 000 000 Okavango Road : Link :Brackenfell C13.10309-F1 Okavango Road : Link :Brackenfell Transport, Roads and Stormwater Total Project Cost 0 Dualling:Broadway Blvd:Beach Rd:MR27 C08.10285-F1 C08.10325 1 000 000 Vlakteplaas Bulk Roads & S/water C08.04407-F4 C08.10285 Bardale (erf 451): Bulk Roads (USDG) Motivation 13 658 402 1 000 000 1 EFF Buttskop Rd: L/Xing elimin & n/work imp C07.00507-F2 C08.04407 Flood Alleviation - Lourens River Atlantis Dev Corr - M12: C07.00500-F2 C07.00507 Increase/ Decrease Sheffield Rd Philippi:Plan and Design C06.41911-F1 C07.00500 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Bulk roads for Bardale (erf 451) C06.01194-F2 C06.41911 2013/2014 Original Budget Flood Alleviation - Lourens River C05.01503-F1 C06.01194 Fund Source description 2 000 000 19 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description C13.10318 1 EFF 1 000 000 1 000 000 0 1 EFF 1 000 000 1 000 000 0 1 EFF 300 000 300 000 0 1 EFF 2 000 000 2 000 000 0 1 EFF 4 000 000 4 000 000 0 1 EFF 500 000 500 000 0 1 EFF 500 000 500 000 0 1 EFF 4 000 000 4 000 000 0 20 000 000 20 000 000 0 1 000 000 1 000 000 0 20 000 000 35 000 000 2 000 000 2 000 000 10 000 000 0 39 843 829 Furniture, Fittings Tools & Equipment 1 000 000 Unmade Roads: Residential 1 000 000 OPS Upgrading of depot facilities 300 000 CSRM General Stormwater projects 2 000 000 IM: Construct Road Structures 4 000 000 Acquisition:Computer Hardware & Software 500 000 Construct Roads Signs City Wide 500 000 IM:Rehabilitation Coastal Structures:EFF 4 000 000 Non Motorised Transport: City Wide 20 000 000 4 NT USDG Prop. Acquis. - Hardship 1 000 000 1 EFF Roads & Stormwater Rehabilitation 4 NT USDG 35 000 000 15 000 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. SW: Coastal Water Quality Control Struct C14.10317-F1 C14.10318 0 Roads & Stormwater Rehabilitation C14.10316-F1 C14.10317 39 843 829 Prop. Acquis. - Hardship C14.10315-F1 C14.10316 39 843 829 Non Motorised Transport: City Wide C14.10313-F1 C14.10315 1 EFF CSRM: Rehabilitation Coastal Structures C14.10312-F1 C14.10313 IM: Reconstruct Roads Metro SW: Coastal Water Quality Control Struct 2 000 000 1 EFF WC: City-wide NMT Plan C14.10318-F2 WC:City-wide NMT Plan:PTIF Transport, Roads and Stormwater Total Project Cost 1 000 000 Construct Roads Signs City wide C14.10310-F1 C14.10312 0 Acquisition of computer hardware: roads C14.10309-F1 C14.10310 1 000 000 IM: Construct Road Structures C14.10308-F1 C14.10309 1 000 000 CSRM General Stormwater projects C14.10307-F1 C14.10308 1 EFF OPS Upgrading of depot facilities C14.10306-F1 C14.10307 10 000 000 Unmade Roads: Residential C14.10305-F1 C14.10306 Rehabilitation - Minor Roads Motivation 10 000 000 10 000 000 Funding re-phased from 2012/13 for anticipated implementation. 0 4 NG DOT PTI&SG Furniture, Fittings Tools & Equipment C14.10304-F2 C14.10305 NMT Network & Universal Access:PTI&SG Increase/ Decrease IM: Reconstruct Roads Metro C14.10303-F1 C14.10304 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Rehabilitation - Minor Roads C14.10302-F1 C14.10303 2013/2014 Original Budget WC: City-wide NMT Plan C13.10318-F2 C14.10302 Fund Source description 4 NG DOT PTI&SG 20 0 0 -10 000 000 Due to the uncertainty of availability of PTI&SG funding, implementation being delayed. 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description C14.10319 2013/2014 Proposed Budget WC:Klipfontein PT NMT Scheme:PTIF Increase/ Decrease IM: Construct Footway and Verges 5 000 000 Bulk Roads & Stormwater for Housing Proj Total Project Cost 0 4 NT USDG 10 000 000 0 4 NT USDG 43 017 700 43 017 700 0 281 261 529 243 074 160 -38 187 369 4 NT NDPG 23 000 000 23 000 000 0 0 -10 000 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. Bulk Roads & Stormwater for Housing Proj C14.10321-F1 Motivation 5 000 000 5 000 000 4 NG DOT PTI&SG IM: Construct Footway and Verges C14.10320-F2 C14.10321 2013/2014 Original Budget WC: Klipfontein PT NMT Scheme C14.10319-F2 C14.10320 Fund Source description 43 017 700 Total for Roads and Stormwater Transport C06.41752 Lentegeur & Mandalay Station PTI's:Dsg C06.41752-F2 C07.01059 Lentegeur & Mandalay Station PTI's:Dsg 50 162 471 Mitchell's Plain Station TI 109 847 209 C07.01059-F2 Mitchell's Plain Station TI 4 NT NDPG 6 000 000 6 000 000 0 C07.01059-F3 Mitchell's Plain Station TI 4 NG DOT PTI&SG 8 000 000 8 000 000 0 35 000 000 0 4 NG DOT PTI&SG 0 3 000 000 5 600 000 3 000 000 Funding re-phased from 2012/13 for anticipated implementation. 4 NG DOT PTI&SG 0 3 000 000 5 000 000 3 000 000 Funding re-phased from 2011/12 to complete project. 4 NG DOT PTI&SG 0 500 000 1 000 000 500 000 Funding re-phased from 2012/13 for anticipated implementation. 4 NG DOT PTI&SG 0 1 000 000 1 000 000 1 000 000 Funding re-phased from 2012/13 for anticipated implementation. 4 NG DOT PTI&SG 0 6 000 000 9 000 000 6 000 000 Funding re-phased from 2012/13 for anticipated implementation. 4 NG DOT PTI&SG 0 2 000 000 3 000 000 2 000 000 Funding re-phased from 2012/13 for anticipated implementation. 4 NG DOT PTI&SG 0 2 000 000 3 000 000 2 000 000 Funding re-phased from 2012/13 for anticipated implementation. 4 NG DOT PTI&SG 0 5 000 000 6 600 000 5 000 000 Funding re-phased from 2011/12 to complete project. C10.10584 Site C Transport Infrastructure Developm C10.10584-F1 C11.10536 Wynberg TI Holding Facility Nomzamo PTI: Strand C11.10544-F1 C11.10552 Nyanga Main Taxi Rank Wynberg TI Holding Facility C11.10541-F1 C11.10544 Masiphumelele (Site 5) Taxi Rank Nyanga Main Taxi Rank C11.10540-F1 C11.10541 Samora Machel Taxi Rank Philippi Masiphumelele (Site 5) Taxi Rank C11.10539-F1 C11.10540 Retreat PTI Samora Machel Taxi Rank Philippi C11.10538-F1 C11.10539 Dunoon Taxi Terminus Retreat PTI C11.10537-F1 C11.10538 4 NT USDG Dunoon Taxi Terminus C11.10536-F1 C11.10537 Site C Transport Infrastructure D Nomzamo PTI: Strand Somerset West PTI C11.10552-F3 Somerset West PTI Transport, Roads and Stormwater 21 0 -35 000 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description C14.95006 Traffic Signal and system upgrade Acquisition of computer hardware Transport Systems Management Projects Support Services: Photocopiers Furn, Fittings, Tools & Equip -Transport Total Project Cost 1 000 000 1 000 000 1 000 000 0 1 EFF 2 286 142 2 286 142 0 1 EFF 600 000 600 000 0 1 EFF 2 000 000 2 000 000 0 1 EFF 150 000 150 000 0 1 EFF 150 000 150 000 0 78 186 142 65 686 142 -12 500 000 81 534 81 534 0 81 534 81 534 0 4 NG DOT PTI&SG 16 895 130 6 904 386 279 895 123 -9 990 744 Amendment based on the latest cash flow projection as advised by the consulting project manager including actual work completed to date. 4 NG DOT PTI&SG 576 195 908 34 191 985 733 884 673 -542 003 923 Amendment based on the latest cash flow projection as advised by the consulting project manager. 4 NG DOT PTI&SG 0 1 407 012 198 090 828 1 407 012 Amendment based on the latest cash flow projection as advised by the consulting project manager. Funds required to fast-track construction of several trunk stations. 4 NG DOT PTI&SG 111 597 687 21 207 744 216 687 253 -90 389 943 Funding brought forward to 2012/13 to complete most of the construction. Balance required to complete project. 4 NG DOT PTI&SG 15 346 800 0 2 286 142 600 000 2 000 000 150 000 Furn, Fittings, Tools & Equip -Transport C14.95011-F1 Motivation 1 EFF Support Services: Photocopiers C14.95010-F1 C14.95011 Transport Active Network Systems Transport Systems Management Projects C14.95009-F1 C14.95010 Increase/ Decrease TR&S:Acquistion of computer hardware C14.95008-F1 C14.95009 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Traffic Signal and system upgrade C14.95007-F1 C14.95008 2013/2014 Original Budget Transport Active Network Systems C14.95006-F1 C14.95007 Fund Source description 150 000 Total for Transport TRS Strategic Support C14.10061 Furniture & Fittings C14.10061-F2 Furniture & Fittings 81 534 1 EFF Total for TRS Strategic Support IRT Implementation C09.00313 Intergrated Bus Rapid Transit System C09.00313-F1 C10.10327 IRT:WestCoastCorridor C10.10327-F1 C11.10501 IRT:Feeder Stations:Inner City:PTIF IRT: Trunk Stations C11.10502-F1 C11.10507 IRT:WestCoastCorridor:PTIF IRT: Inner City Feeder Stops C11.10501-F1 C11.10502 IRT:Integr Rapid Transit Syst(Ph1A):PTIF IRT: Trunk Stations:PTIF IRT: NMT C11.10507-F1 IRT: NMT:PTIF Transport, Roads and Stormwater 22 22 053 124 -15 346 800 Amendment based on the latest cash flow projection as advised by the consulting project manager. 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description C11.10508 Fund Source description 2013/2014 Original Budget 2013/2014 Proposed Budget IRT: Infrastructure SC1 C11.10508-F1 IRT: Infrastructure Scenario 1:PTIF Increase/ Decrease 0 1 134 027 742 63 711 127 4 NG DOT PTI&SG 211 745 979 0 4 NG DOT PTI&SG 0 868 743 4 NG DOT PTI&SG 7 656 753 3 746 226 4 NG DOT PTI&SG 0 205 517 274 219 402 732 210 132 243 -9 270 489 1 713 002 800 582 728 327 -1 130 274 473 1 EFF 1 210 370 1 210 370 0 1 EFF 100 000 100 000 0 1 EFF 200 000 200 000 0 1 EFF 200 000 200 000 0 1 710 370 1 710 370 0 Total for IRT Implementation Total Project Cost 0 -413 992 217 Amendment based on the latest cash flow , taking into account the completion schedule of the trunk stations and the bus delivery schedules. 413 992 217 4 NG DOT PTI&SG Motivation -1 070 316 615 IRT Operations C11.10122 IRT: Vehicle Acquisition C11.10122-F1 C11.10123 IRT: Control Centre C11.10123-F1 C11.10124 IRT: Control Centre IRT: Fare Collection C11.10124-F1 C11.10125 IRT: Vehicle Acquisition IRT: Fare Collection IRT: Vehicle Acquisitions C11.10125-F1 IRT: Vehicle Acquisitions Total for IRT Operations Total for Transport, Roads and Stormwater 482 477 640 -211 745 979 Amendment based on the latest cash flow taking into account the completion schedule of the trunk stations and the bus delivery schedules. 155 296 857 868 743 Additional funding required to accelerate equipment delivery. 288 969 489 -3 910 527 Amendment based on the latest cash flow projection taking into account the completion schedule of the trunk stations and the bus delivery schedules. 205 517 274 205 517 274 Amendment based on the latest cash flow taking into account the completion schedule of the trunk stations and the bus delivery schedules. Finance Revenue C14.11401 Furniture & Equipment C14.11401-F1 C14.11402 100 000 Replacement of IT Equipment 200 000 Security at Cash (MVR) Offices C14.11404-F1 Total for Revenue Finance Office Furniture - New Replacement of IT Equipment C14.11403-F1 C14.11404 1 210 370 Office Furniture - New C14.11402-F1 C14.11403 Furniture & Equipment Security at Cash (MVR) Offices 200 000 23 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description Fund Source description 2013/2014 Original Budget 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Increase/ Decrease Motivation Total Project Cost Supply Chain Management C14.11500 Furniture & Equipment C14.11500-F1 C14.11501 60 000 1 EFF 60 000 60 000 0 1 EFF 50 000 50 000 0 1 EFF 200 000 200 000 0 310 000 310 000 0 1 EFF 73 222 73 222 0 1 EFF 750 000 750 000 0 1 EFF 28 703 28 703 0 851 925 851 925 0 1 EFF 55 000 55 000 0 1 EFF 50 000 50 000 0 1 EFF 62 000 62 000 0 1 EFF 30 000 30 000 0 1 EFF 23 000 23 000 0 220 000 220 000 0 20 000 20 000 0 20 000 20 000 0 Warehouse Equipment C14.11501-F1 C14.11502 Furniture & Equipment Warehouse Equipment 50 000 Computer Equipment C14.11502-F1 Computer Equipment 200 000 Total for Supply Chain Management Valuations C14.11701 Computer Equipment C14.11701-F1 C14.11702 73 222 Objection Venue Hardware C14.11702-F1 C14.11703 Computer Equipment Objection Venue Hardware 750 000 Specialised Computer Equipment C14.11703-F1 Specialised Computer Equipment 28 703 Total for Valuations Expenditure C14.11805 Furniture & Equipment C14.11805-F1 C14.11806 50 000 Computer Equipment 62 000 Furniture & Equipment C14.11808-F1 C14.11809 Computer Equipment Computer Equipment C14.11807-F1 C14.11808 55 000 Computer Equipment C14.11806-F1 C14.11807 Furniture & Equipment Furniture & Equipment 30 000 Furniture & Equipment C14.11809-F1 Furniture & Equipment 23 000 Total for Expenditure Inter - Service Liaison C14.11900 Specialised Computer Equipment C14.11900-F1 Specialised Computer Equipment Total for Inter - Service Liaison Finance 20 000 1 EFF 24 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description Fund Source description 2013/2014 Original Budget 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Increase/ Decrease Motivation Total Project Cost Shareholders Management Unit C14.11101 Furniture & Equipment C14.11101-F1 Furniture & Equipment 50 000 50 000 50 000 0 50 000 50 000 0 1 EFF 50 000 50 000 0 1 EFF 19 000 19 000 0 69 000 69 000 0 1 EFF 100 000 100 000 0 1 EFF 150 000 150 000 0 250 000 250 000 0 3 481 295 3 481 295 0 41 500 41 500 0 1 000 000 1 000 000 0 1 041 500 1 041 500 0 1 EFF 10 000 10 000 0 1 EFF 30 000 30 000 0 1 EFF Total for Shareholders Management Unit Housing Finance & Leases C14.11121 Computer Equipment C14.11121-F1 C14.11122 Computer Equipment 50 000 Furniture & Equipment C14.11122-F1 Furniture & Equipment 19 000 Total for Housing Finance & Leases Property Management C14.17301 Furniture & Equipment C14.17301-F1 C14.17302 Furniture & Equipment 100 000 IT Equipment C14.17302-F1 IT Equipment 150 000 Total for Property Management Total for Finance Corporate Services Corporate Services Management C14.12013 IT Equipment C14.12013-F1 C14.12099 IT Equipment 41 500 1 EFF Corp contingency provision - Insurance C14.12099-F1 Corp contingency provision - Insurance 1 000 000 2 REVENUE: INSURANCE Total for Corporate Services Management Corporate Services Management Support C14.12201 Furniture, Fittings and Equipment C14.12201-F1 C14.12202 Furniture, Fittings and Equipment 10 000 IT Equipment C14.12202-F1 IT Equipment Corporate Services 30 000 25 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description Fund Source description Total for Corporate Services Management Support 2013/2014 Original Budget 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Increase/ Decrease 40 000 40 000 0 1 EFF 100 000 100 000 0 1 EFF 130 000 130 000 0 1 EFF 205 000 205 000 0 435 000 435 000 0 1 EFF 1 000 000 1 000 000 0 1 EFF 2 800 000 2 800 000 0 10 200 000 39 134 900 1 EFF 250 000 250 000 0 1 EFF 9 440 719 9 440 719 0 1 EFF 1 300 000 1 300 000 0 3 ASSETS SALE 2 000 000 2 000 000 0 1 EFF 50 000 50 000 0 1 EFF 806 622 806 622 0 1 EFF 571 747 571 747 0 28 419 088 57 353 988 28 934 900 Motivation Total Project Cost Legal Services C10.12323 Municipal Court infrastructure C10.12323-F1 C14.12302 1 315 046 Office Furniture and Equipment C14.12302-F1 C14.12303 Municipal Court infrastructure Office Furniture and Equipment 130 000 IT Equipment C14.12303-F1 IT Equipment 205 000 Total for Legal Services Specialised Technical Services C07.00621 Radio Trunking Infrastructure C07.00621-F1 C10.12501 FM Infrastructure C10.12501-F1 C11.12501 250 000 FS Replacement Vehicles 9 440 719 FS Replacement Plant 1 300 000 FS Fleet Replacements AFF 2 000 000 Plant & Equipment 50 000 IT Equipment C14.12533-F1 C14.12534 FM BM Equipment Plant & Equipment C14.12522-F1 C14.12533 164 282 851 28 934 900 Due to delays in 2011/12, the remaining financial years provisions need to be re-phased. FS Fleet Replacements AFF C14.12512-F1 C14.12522 3 CRR: FACILITY MAN FS Replacement Plant C14.12511-F1 C14.12512 FM Structurial Rehabilitation FS Replacement Vehicles C14.12510-F1 C14.12511 19 631 782 FM BM Equipment C14.12504-F1 C14.12510 FM Infrastructure FM Structurial Rehabilitation C11.12501-F1 C14.12504 Radio Trunking Infrastructure 53 335 147 IT Equipment 806 622 Furniture & Equipment C14.12534-F1 Furniture & Equipment Total for Specialised Technical Services Corporate Services 571 747 26 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description Fund Source description 2013/2014 Original Budget 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Increase/ Decrease Motivation Total Project Cost Employee Shared Services C07.00690 Record Management Storage C07.00690-F1 C10.12138 1 EFF 25 000 25 000 0 1 EFF 25 000 25 000 0 1 EFF 85 000 85 000 0 1 EFF 75 000 75 000 0 1 EFF 200 000 200 000 0 1 EFF 75 000 75 000 0 1 EFF 25 000 25 000 0 1 EFF 75 000 75 000 0 1 EFF 200 000 200 000 0 1 EFF 200 000 200 000 0 1 475 000 1 475 000 0 40 000 40 000 0 40 000 40 000 0 360 562 IT Equipment 25 000 Furniture and Equipment 25 000 IT Equipment 85 000 Furniture and Equipment 75 000 Printing Equipment 200 000 Replacement of Equipment 75 000 Furniture and Equipment 25 000 Computer Equipment 75 000 Furniture, Fittings and Equipment C14.12604-F1 C14.12605 0 Computer Equipment C14.12603-F1 C14.12604 100 000 Furniture and Equipment C14.12602-F1 C14.12603 100 000 Replacement of Equipment C14.12601-F1 C14.12602 1 EFF Printing Equipment C14.12148-F1 C14.12601 Fire and Security Protection Furniture and Equipment C14.12146-F1 C14.12148 0 IT Equipment C14.12144-F1 C14.12146 390 000 Furniture and Equipment C14.12142-F1 C14.12144 390 000 IT Equipment C14.12140-F1 C14.12142 3 014 443 1 EFF Fire and Security Protection C10.12138-F1 C14.12140 Record Management Storage Furniture, Fittings and Equipment 200 000 IT Equipment C14.12605-F1 IT Equipment 200 000 Total for Employee Shared Services Employment Equity C14.12701 Computer Equipment C14.12701-F1 Computer Equipment Total for Employment Equity Corporate Services 40 000 1 EFF 27 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description Fund Source description 2013/2014 Original Budget 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Increase/ Decrease Motivation Total Project Cost Customer Relations Management C14.12801 IT Equipment C14.12801-F1 C14.12802 IT Equipment 450 000 1 EFF 450 000 450 000 0 1 EFF 40 000 40 000 0 490 000 490 000 0 380 000 380 000 0 380 000 380 000 0 1 EFF 1 800 000 1 800 000 0 1 EFF 60 000 60 000 0 1 EFF 405 000 405 000 0 2 265 000 2 265 000 0 1 EFF 30 000 000 30 000 000 0 1 EFF 5 000 000 5 000 000 0 1 EFF 2 000 000 2 000 000 0 1 EFF 6 000 000 6 000 000 0 1 EFF 12 000 000 12 000 000 0 1 EFF 449 695 449 695 0 Furniture, Fittings and Equipment C14.12802-F1 Furniture, Fittings and Equipment 40 000 Total for Customer Relations Management Communication C14.12902 Furniture and Communication Equipment C14.12902-F1 Furniture and Communication Equipment 380 000 1 EFF Total for Communication Strategic Human Resources C10.12114 e-HR C10.12114-F1 C14.12112 8 827 747 Furniture, Fittings and Equipment C14.12112-F1 C14.12113 e-HR Furniture, Fittings and Equipment 60 000 IT Equipment C14.12113-F1 IT Equipment 405 000 Total for Strategic Human Resources Information Systems and Technology C10.16621 Dark Fibre Broadband Infrastructure C10.16621-F1 C11.16615 Corporate Reporting System 6 994 970 Microsoft Infrastructure Services 6 000 000 ERP Business Systems C14.16602-F1 C14.16605 10 000 000 Microsoft Infrastructure Services C14.16601-F1 C14.16602 Microsoft Systems Corporate Reporting System C11.16624-F1 C14.16601 198 800 880 Microsoft Systems C11.16615-F1 C11.16624 Dark Fibre Broadband Infrastructure ERP Business Systems 12 000 000 Furniture and Fittings C14.16605-F1 Furniture and Fittings Corporate Services 449 695 28 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description C14.16606 5 000 000 5 000 000 0 ERP Annual Disaster Recovery Growth ERP Annual Capacity Growth Renewal of back end IT Infrastructure Business Continuity Extention of Smart City Strategy Renewal of back-end Network Infra ERP Hardware Replacement Computers and Equipment 1 EFF 2 000 000 2 000 000 0 1 EFF 2 000 000 2 000 000 0 1 EFF 2 000 000 2 000 000 0 1 EFF 2 000 000 2 000 000 0 1 EFF 1 500 000 1 500 000 0 1 EFF 1 500 000 1 500 000 0 1 EFF 30 000 000 30 000 000 0 1 EFF 250 000 250 000 0 5 000 000 5 000 000 0 109 699 695 109 699 695 0 1 EFF 50 000 50 000 0 1 EFF 30 000 30 000 0 1 EFF 160 000 160 000 0 1 EFF 1 400 000 1 400 000 0 2 000 000 2 000 000 2 000 000 2 000 000 1 500 000 1 500 000 30 000 000 250 000 Broadband Connections C14.16630-F1 Broadband Connections Total Project Cost 5 000 000 Computers and Equipment C14.16629-F1 C14.16630 1 EFF ERP Hardware Replacement C14.16626-F1 C14.16629 0 Renewal of back-end Network Infra C14.16623-F1 C14.16626 3 000 000 Extention of Smart City Strategy C14.16620-F1 C14.16623 3 000 000 Business Continuity C14.16612-F1 C14.16620 Enterprise monitoring & mgt solution Motivation 3 000 000 1 EFF Renewal of back end IT Infrastructure C14.16610-F1 C14.16612 Data Storage- Security & Accessibility ERP Annual Capacity Growth C14.16609-F1 C14.16610 Increase/ Decrease ERP Annual Disaster Recovery Growth C14.16608-F1 C14.16609 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Enterprise monitoring & mgt solution C14.16607-F1 C14.16608 2013/2014 Original Budget Data Storage- Security & Accessibility C14.16606-F1 C14.16607 Fund Source description 5 000 000 4 PRIVATE SECTOR FIN Total for Information Systems and Technology Strategic Development Information & GIS C12.18605 Office Furniture C12.18605-F1 C12.18606 Office Equipment 30 000 GIS and IT equipment C12.18607-F1 C12.18608 50 000 Office Equipment C12.18606-F1 C12.18607 Office Furniture GIS and IT equipment 160 000 Aerial Photography for Informal Settleme C12.18608-F1 Aerial Photography for Informal Settleme Corporate Services 1 400 000 29 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description Fund Source description Total for Strategic Development Information & GIS 2013/2014 Original Budget 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Increase/ Decrease 1 640 000 1 640 000 0 145 925 283 174 860 183 28 934 900 150 000 150 000 0 150 000 150 000 0 1 396 466 1 396 466 0 1 396 466 1 396 466 0 4 500 000 500 000 1 EFF 500 000 500 000 1 EFF 500 000 0 1 EFF 200 000 200 000 0 5 700 000 1 200 000 -4 500 000 4 NT NDPG 0 3 000 000 4 NT USDG 0 500 000 Total for Corporate Services Motivation Total Project Cost City Health Health Management C12.13118 HS contingency provision - insurance C12.13118-F1 HS contingency provision - insurance 150 000 2 REVENUE: INSURANCE Total for Health Management Health Finance: PCU C12.13112 Furniture, fittings, tools and equipment C12.13112-F1 Furniture, fittings, tools and equipment 1 396 466 1 EFF Total for Health Finance: PCU Eastern Sub District C06.01025 New facility Eerste River C06.01025-F3 C10.13114 Bluedowns clinic - upgrade of security 18 596 040 -4 000 000 Rephasing of funding to complete project. Funds to be utilised for other health projects. 1 300 000 Gordons Bay Clinic - new security fence C12.13108-F1 C12.13109 4 NT USDG Bluedowns clinic - upgrade of security C10.13114-F1 C12.13108 New Facility Eerste River Gordons Bay Clinic - new security fence 0 0 -500 000 Need for urgent upgrade of security has prompted implementation to be brought forward. Funding made available in 2012 financial year will be used. Sarepta clinic - upgrade of TB area C12.13109-F1 Sarepta Clinic - upgrade of TB area 200 000 Total for Eastern Sub District Khayelitsha Sub District C11.13105 Khayelitsha EHO and Health Facilities C11.13105-F1 C12.13125 Site B youth clinic - replacement C12.13125-F1 City Health Khayelitsha EHO and Health Facilities Site B youth clinic - replacement 30 17 282 702 3 000 000 Additional donor funding allocated to cover costs which have been estimated higher than expected. 2 000 000 500 000 Funding provided for phase II of project, preparation of plans for permanent structure. 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Increase/ Decrease 0 3 500 000 3 500 000 0 3 500 000 8 100 000 3 500 000 Additional donor funding provided based on estimated cost of construction. 0 3 500 000 3 500 000 600 000 1 100 000 1 100 000 500 000 Funds identified from other projects used to supplement the budget for much needed specialized equipment for air pollution monitoring 600 000 1 100 000 500 000 1 EFF 1 500 000 1 700 000 2 900 000 200 000 Funds identified from other projects used to supplement the budget for this project based on the elemental estimate received. 1 EFF 1 000 000 1 000 000 0 1 EFF 500 000 500 000 0 3 000 000 3 200 000 200 000 1 EFF 500 000 500 000 0 1 EFF 200 000 0 700 000 500 000 -200 000 11 546 466 14 546 466 3 000 000 Fund Source description Total for Khayelitsha Sub District 2013/2014 Original Budget Motivation Total Project Cost Southern Sub District C12.13119 Seawinds Clin-upgrade and extensions ARV C12.13119-F2 Seawinds/Vrygrond - Extensions for ARV 4 NT USDG Total for Southern Sub District Specialised Support Services C12.13115 Air Pollution Control equipment C12.13115-F1 Air Pollution control equipment 1 EFF Total for Specialised Support Services Tygerberg Sub District C10.13121 St Vincent Clinic - Extensions C10.13121-F1 C12.13106 Kasselsvlei Clinic - extensions C12.13106-F1 C12.13107 St Vincent Clinic - Extensions Kasselsvlei clinic - extensions 1 000 000 Ravensmead clinic - upgrade of TB area C12.13107-F1 Ravensmead Clinic - upgrade of TB area 1 600 000 Total for Tygerberg Sub District Western Sub District C12.13104 Du Noon Clinic - upgrade of ventilation C12.13104-F1 C12.13105 Du Noon Clinic - upgrade of ventilation Melkbos Clinic - New security fencing C12.13105-F1 Melkbos Clinic - New security fencing Total for Western Sub District Total for City Health City Health 1 500 000 31 0 -200 000 Need for urgent upgrade of security has prompted implementation to be brought forward. Funding made available in 2012 financial year will be used. 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description Fund Source description 2013/2014 Original Budget 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Increase/ Decrease Motivation Total Project Cost Safety & Security Strategic Support C14.14101 Furniture, Fittings, Tools & Equipment C14.14101-F1 Furniture, Fittings, Tools & Equipment 1 290 947 1 290 947 1 290 947 0 1 290 947 1 290 947 0 63 612 63 612 0 63 612 63 612 0 1 EFF 300 000 300 000 0 1 EFF 613 400 613 400 0 1 EFF 300 000 300 000 0 1 EFF 1 100 000 1 100 000 0 2 313 400 2 313 400 0 1 EFF 600 000 600 000 0 1 EFF 348 160 348 160 0 1 EFF 200 000 200 000 0 1 EFF 200 000 200 000 0 1 EFF 600 000 600 000 0 1 948 160 1 948 160 0 1 EFF Total for Strategic Support Support Services - S&S C14.14304 Furniture Fittings & Tools C14.14304-F1 Furniture Fittings & Tools 63 612 1 EFF Total for Support Services - S&S Metro Police Services C14.14407 Acquisition of IT and related equipment C14.14407-F1 C14.14408 Acquisition of equipment 613 400 Property Improvement - Shooting range C14.14409-F1 C14.14410 300 000 Acquisition of equipment C14.14408-F1 C14.14409 Acquisition of IT and related equipment Property Improvement - Shooting range 300 000 Radio and related equipment C14.14410-F1 Radio and related equipment 1 100 000 Total for Metro Police Services Law Enforcement and Security Services C14.14705 Specialised Equipment C14.14705-F1 C14.14706 Furniture,fittings,tools and equipment 200 000 SPECIALISED EQUIPMENT C14.14710-F1 C14.14711 Furniture Fittings and Tools & Equipment 348 160 Furniture,fittings,tools and equipment C14.14707-F1 C14.14710 600 000 Furniture Fittings and Tools & Equipment C14.14706-F1 C14.14707 Specialised Equipment Specialised equipment 200 000 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT C14.14711-F1 Building improvement Total for Law Enforcement and Security Services Safety & Security 600 000 32 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description Fund Source description 2013/2014 Original Budget 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Increase/ Decrease Motivation Total Project Cost Traffic Service C14.14701 Traffic Licensing Central Equipment C14.14701-F1 C14.14702 Traffic Licencing Equipment 1 EFF 100 000 100 000 0 1 EFF 200 000 200 000 0 1 EFF 1 800 000 1 800 000 0 1 EFF 439 128 439 128 0 1 EFF 200 000 200 000 0 1 EFF 1 801 625 1 801 625 0 4 640 753 4 640 753 0 1 EFF 400 673 400 673 0 1 EFF 600 000 600 000 0 1 EFF 1 600 000 1 600 000 0 1 EFF 178 135 178 135 0 2 778 808 2 778 808 0 1 EFF 315 785 315 785 0 1 EFF 58 479 58 479 0 100 000 Spec Serv Public Safety Equipment 200 000 Property Improvement : City Wide 1 800 000 Furniture Fittings, tools and equipment 439 128 Furniture Fittings and Tools & Equipment C14.14709-F1 C14.14713 0 Furniture Fittings, tools and equipment C14.14708-F1 C14.14709 100 000 Property Improvement : City Wide C14.14704-F1 C14.14708 100 000 Spec Serv Public Safety Equipment C14.14703-F1 C14.14704 100 000 1 EFF Traffic Licencing Equipment C14.14702-F1 C14.14703 Traffic Licensing Central Equipment Furniture Fittings and Tools & Equipment 200 000 Replacement of Vehicles-Operational Coor C14.14713-F1 Replacement of Vehicles-Operational Coor 1 801 625 Total for Traffic Service Fire and Rescue Services C14.14302 Furniture Fittings & Tools C14.14302-F1 C14.14346 Replace communication equipment 600 000 Replace Fire Fighting Equipment C14.14348-F1 C14.14350 400 673 Replace communication equipment C14.14346-F1 C14.14348 Furniture Fittings & Tools Replace Fire Fighting Equipment 1 600 000 Replace Fire Fighting Equipment C14.14350-F1 Replace Fire Fighting Equipment 178 135 Total for Fire and Rescue Services Disaster Risk Management C10.14337 GEMC System Enhancement C10.14337-F1 C10.14341 GEMC System Enhancement 631 570 Wireless IT Connectivity C10.14341-F1 Safety & Security Wireless IT Connectivity 116 958 33 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description C10.14342 VOIP PABX Expansion Furniture Fittings & Tools DisMan Centre Additions/Alterations Laptops for DisMan Field Officers 315 785 315 785 0 1 EFF 94 404 94 404 0 Replacement of Furniture and Fittings Total Project Cost 1 EFF 315 785 315 785 0 1 EFF 116 958 116 958 0 1 EFF 46 783 46 783 0 1 263 979 1 263 979 0 1 EFF 126 194 126 194 0 1 EFF 221 050 221 050 0 1 EFF 129 822 129 822 0 477 066 477 066 0 14 776 725 14 776 725 0 1 EFF 1 100 000 1 100 000 0 1 EFF 864 318 864 318 0 1 EFF 50 000 50 000 0 500 000 500 000 0 94 404 315 785 116 958 Replacement of Furniture and Fittings C14.14344-F1 Motivation 631 570 1 EFF Laptops for DisMan Field Officers C14.14343-F1 C14.14344 Increase/ Decrease DisMan Centre Additions/Alterations C14.14319-F1 C14.14343 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Furniture Fittings & Tools C14.14301-F1 C14.14319 2013/2014 Original Budget VOIP PABX Expansion C10.14342-F1 C14.14301 Fund Source description 46 783 Total for Disaster Risk Management Public Emergency Call Centre-107 C14.14303 Furniture Fittings & Tools C14.14303-F1 C14.14305 126 194 System Enhancement - Incident Processing C14.14305-F1 C14.14306 Furniture Fittings & Tools System Enhancement - Incident Processing 221 050 Upgrade Communication Systems C14.14306-F1 Upgrade Communication Systems 129 822 Total for Public Emergency Call Centre-107 Total for Safety & Security Human Settlements Support Services - HS C12.15201 Computer Equipment C12.15201-F1 C12.15202 Furniture & Fittings 864 318 Trunking Radios C12.15203-F1 C12.15204 1 100 000 Furniture & Fittings C12.15202-F1 C12.15203 Computer Equipment Trunking Radios 50 000 Housin contingency provision - Insurance C12.15204-F1 Housin contingency provision - Insurance Human Settlements 500 000 2 REVENUE: INSURANCE 34 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description Fund Source description Total for Support Services - HS 2013/2014 Original Budget 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Increase/ Decrease Motivation Total Project Cost 0 2 514 318 2 514 318 4 PROV HOUSE DEV BRD 57 755 285 111 747 738 200 509 459 53 992 453 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding allocation. 4 PROV HOUSE DEV BRD 64 381 810 63 982 059 202 440 067 -399 751 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding allocation. 4 PROV HOUSE DEV BRD 24 478 235 24 478 235 4 PROV HOUSE DEV BRD 27 296 465 29 020 552 50 000 000 10 000 000 0 38 000 000 40 000 000 2 000 000 Existing Settlements C10.15430 Manenberg CRU Project (1584 units) C10.15430-F1 C10.15433 Hanover Park CRU Project C10.15433-F1 C10.15434 Heideveld CRU Project (864 units) 104 059 595 Marble Flats CRU Project C10.15435-F1 C11.15418 Hanover Park CRU Project (1680 units) Heideveld CRU Project C10.15434-F1 C10.15435 Manenberg CRU Project (1584 units) Marble Flats CRU Project (688 units) Langa Hostels CRU Project (579 units) C11.15418-F1 Langa Hostels CRU Project (1300 units) 4 NT USDG C11.15418-F2 Langa Hostels CRU Project (1300 units) 4 PROV HOUSE DEV BRD C11.15419 Hostels Redevelopment CRU Programme 0 96 292 438 1 724 087 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding allocation. 81 500 000 -40 000 000 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 38 000 000 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding allocation. 18 000 000 -38 000 000 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. C11.15419-F1 CRU: Gugulethu Hostels 4 NT USDG C11.15419-F2 CRU: Gugulethu Hostels 4 PROV HOUSE DEV BRD 0 15 000 000 15 000 000 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding allocation. 3 HOUSE DEV CPT FND 0 22 276 500 49 553 000 22 276 500 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames. C11.15439 Brick Skin Walls - Housing Flats C11.15439-F1 C11.15445 Brick Skin Walls - Housing Flats Manenberg SEFP & MIG Project 12 219 455 C11.15445-F1 Manenberg SEFP Project 4 PROV HOUSE DEV BRD 4 879 870 4 879 870 0 C11.15445-F2 Manenberg USDG Project 4 NT USDG 6 191 380 6 191 380 0 C11.15448 Hanover Park SEFP & MIG Project C11.15448-F1 Hanover Park SEFP Project 4 PROV HOUSE DEV BRD 2 518 170 3 564 098 C11.15448-F2 Hanover Park USDG Project 4 NT USDG 7 996 465 4 000 000 Human Settlements 35 22 762 015 1 045 928 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding allocation. -3 996 465 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description C11.15449 Fund Source description 2013/2014 Original Budget 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Heideveld SEFP & MIG Project Increase/ Decrease Heideveld SEFP Project 4 PROV HOUSE DEV BRD 1 526 880 1 004 332 C11.15449-F2 Heideveld USDG Project 4 NT USDG 4 102 710 0 3 874 595 1 125 104 737 030 0 1 EFF 1 500 000 1 500 000 0 1 EFF 300 000 300 000 0 1 EFF 50 000 50 000 0 150 000 150 000 0 1 EFF 2 000 000 2 000 000 0 3 HOUSE DEV CPT FND 6 000 000 6 000 000 0 3 HOUSE DEV CPT FND 0 7 996 000 305 738 895 355 265 868 4 NT USDG 0 11 000 000 4 NT USDG 7 000 000 7 000 000 4 NT USDG 6 000 000 0 Marble Flats SEFP & MIG Project C11.15450-F1 Marble Flats SEFP Project 4 PROV HOUSE DEV BRD C11.15450-F2 Marble Flats USDG Project 4 NT USDG C12.15401 C12.15402 Major Upgrading of Depots 300 000 Plant & Equipment 50 000 Land Acquisition - Buy Back 150 000 3 HOUSE DEV CPT FND Major Upgrading - Rental Units (EFF) 2 000 000 Major Upgrading - Rental Units (HDF) C12.15406-F1 C12.15425 1 500 000 Major Upgrading - Rental Units (EFF) C12.15405-F1 C12.15406 Major Upgrading of Offices Land Acquisition - Buy Back C12.15404-F1 C12.15405 -737 030 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. Plant & Equipment C12.15403-F1 C12.15404 6 553 109 -2 749 491 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding allocation. Major Upgrading of Depots C12.15402-F1 C12.15403 -4 102 710 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. Major Upgrading of Offices C12.15401-F1 Major Upgrading - Rental Units (HDF) 6 000 000 Brick Skin Walls - Marble Flats C12.15425-F1 Brick Skin Walls - Marble Flats Total Project Cost 10 962 707 -522 548 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding allocation. C11.15449-F1 C11.15450 Motivation Total for Existing Settlements 27 400 000 7 996 000 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames. 49 526 973 New Settlements C06.30881 Wallacedene - In-Situ Development Ph 10A C06.30881-F2 C06.41502 21 000 000 11 000 000 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. Nyanga Upgrading Project(PLF&UISP) C06.41502-F2 C06.41509 Wallacedene Phase 10A (PLS) Nyanga Upgrading Project(PLF&UISP) 37 578 212 Mitchell's Plain Infill Project Westgate C06.41509-F1 Mitchells Plain Infill Project Westgate Human Settlements 36 0 0 -6 000 000 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description C06.41518 13 795 000 7 795 000 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 4 NT USDG 11 043 000 10 000 000 10 000 000 -1 043 000 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 4 NT USDG 9 000 000 9 000 000 4 NT USDG 0 10 600 000 4 NT USDG 2 000 000 2 000 000 4 NT USDG 0 8 900 000 9 900 000 8 900 000 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 4 NT USDG 24 000 000 18 000 000 42 000 000 -6 000 000 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 4 NT USDG 0 3 500 000 11 000 000 3 500 000 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 4 NT USDG 18 245 500 5 000 000 5 000 000 -13 245 500 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 4 NT USDG 5 000 000 408 000 3 500 000 -4 592 000 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 4 NT USDG 0 5 925 000 9 925 000 5 925 000 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 4 NT USDG 2 000 000 10 000 000 18 000 000 8 000 000 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 9 000 000 Valhalla Park infill 500 units Driftsands Housing Project 0 13 600 000 10 600 000 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 2 224 126 Morkel's Cottage Strand Housing Project Delft - The Hague Housing Project Kanonkop (Atlantis Ext12)Housing Project Macassar Housing Project Sir Lowrys Pass (Pinetown & Balestra) Ocean View Infill Housing Project C09.15514-F1 C09.15515 7 795 000 Sir Lowrys Pass (Pinetown & Balestra) C09.15513-F1 C09.15514 0 Macassar Housing Project C09.15510-F1 C09.15513 4 NT USDG Kanonkop (Atlantis Ext 12) Housing Proje C08.15509-F2 C09.15510 8 675 000 4 575 000 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. Delft - The Hague Housing Project 1400 U C08.15508-F2 C08.15509 4 575 000 Morkel's Cottage Strand Housing Project: C08.15507-F2 C08.15508 Kalkfontein Phase 3 Housing Project Ocean View Infill Housing Project Gugulethu Infill Project Erf 8448/MauMau C09.15515-F1 Gugulethu Infill Project Erf 8448/MauMau Human Settlements Total Project Cost 0 Driftsands Housing Project C07.00438-F2 C08.15507 Vlakteplaas Strand Housing Project Motivation 4 NT USDG Valhalla Park Infill 500 units C07.00246-F2 C07.00438 The Downs : Housing Project Increase/ Decrease Kalkfontein Phase 3 Housing Project - 1 C06.41565-F1 C07.00246 Belhar/Pentech Strip: 350 Units Vlakteplaas Strand Housing Project C06.41533-F1 C06.41565 2013/2014 Proposed Budget The Downs : Housing Project C06.41531-F2 C06.41533 2013/2014 Original Budget Belhar/Pentech Strip: 350 Units C06.41518-F2 C06.41531 Fund Source description 37 0 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description C10.15503 6 000 000 6 000 000 0 4 NT USDG 5 600 000 0 4 PROV HOUSE DEV BRD 0 2 900 000 4 NT USDG 0 1 975 000 14 594 327 1 975 000 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 4 NT USDG 5 500 000 0 0 -5 500 000 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 4 NT USDG 0 4 000 000 4 500 000 4 000 000 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 4 NT USDG 10 000 000 0 97 700 000 -10 000 000 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 4 NT USDG 14 400 000 1 000 000 1 000 000 -13 400 000 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 10 000 000 10 000 000 0 5 000 000 5 000 000 0 0 6 000 000 Hangberg CRU 70 Units Heideveld Duinefontein Housing Project Mitchell's Plain Kapteinsklip HousingDev Imizamo Yethu - Hout Bay Housing Project Scottsdene New CRU Project - 200 unit Beacon Valley - Mitchell's Plain C11.15507-F1 C12.15501 4 NT USDG Scottsdene New CRU Project - 200 unit C11.15505-F1 C11.15507 4 000 000 0 Imizamo Yethu - Hout Bay Housing Project C11.15504-F1 C11.15505 Darwin Road Housing Project Beacon Valley - Mitchell's Plain 34 900 000 2 900 000 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding allocation. 86 190 599 Land Acquisition (EFF) 1 EFF C12.15501-F2 Land Acquisition (SDF) 3 SOC DEV CPT FUND:G C12.15501-F3 Land Acquisition (HDF) 3 HOUSE DEV CPT FND 25 000 000 25 000 000 C12.15501-F4 Land Acquisition (USDG) 4 NT USDG 40 000 000 46 190 599 5 043 801 5 043 801 12 500 000 5 000 000 6 190 599 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. BNG: Housing Developments C12.15502-F1 C12.15503 0 -5 600 000 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. Land Acquisition C12.15501-F1 C12.15502 BNG: Housing Developments 5 043 801 1 EFF Hanover Park Housing Project - 700 Units C12.15503-F1 Hanover Park Housing Project - 700 Units Human Settlements Total Project Cost 3 000 000 Mitchell's Plain Kapteinsklip HousingDev C10.15511-F1 C11.15504 Green Point Phase 3 Housing Project Motivation 3 000 000 Heideveld Duinefontein Housing Project C10.15510-F2 C10.15511 Increase/ Decrease 4 NT USDG Hangberg CRU 70 Units C10.15509-F2 C10.15510 Eureka & Leonsdale Housing Project Darwin Road Housing Project C10.15505-F1 C10.15509 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Green Point Phase 3 Housing Project C10.15504-F1 C10.15505 2013/2014 Original Budget Eureka & Leonsdale Housing Project C10.15503-F1 C10.15504 Fund Source description 4 NT USDG 38 0 5 000 000 -7 500 000 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description C12.15505 Mfuleni Ext 2 Housing Project Dido Valley Housing Development Morningstar Durbanville Housing Project Fisantekraal Garden Cities Hsg Project Total Project Cost 2 000 000 2 500 000 2 000 000 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 4 NT USDG 10 000 000 15 000 000 39 000 000 5 000 000 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 4 NT USDG 12 883 500 5 000 000 5 000 000 -7 883 500 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 4 NT USDG 5 000 000 12 100 000 16 400 000 7 100 000 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 4 NT USDG 0 1 233 400 3 000 000 1 233 400 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 4 NT USDG 0 13 000 000 20 500 000 13 000 000 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 254 215 801 277 145 800 33 622 000 0 0 -33 622 000 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 33 622 000 0 -33 622 000 350 415 0 0 -350 415 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 350 415 0 -350 415 86 095 000 50 000 000 101 700 000 -36 095 000 Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. 86 095 000 50 000 000 -36 095 000 682 536 429 684 925 986 2 389 557 Fisantekraal Garden Cities Hsg Project C12.15512-F1 Motivation 0 Morningstar Durbanville Housing Project C12.15510-F1 C12.15512 Pelican Park Phase 1 Housing Project Increase/ Decrease 4 NT USDG Dido Valley Housing Development C12.15509-F1 C12.15510 Masiphumelele Housing Project - Phase 4 Mfuleni Ext 2 Housing Project C12.15508-F1 C12.15509 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Pelican Park Phase 1 Housing Project C12.15507-F1 C12.15508 2013/2014 Original Budget Masiphumelele Housing Project - Phase 4 C12.15505-F1 C12.15507 Fund Source description Total for New Settlements 22 929 999 Informal Settlements C12.15701 Informal Settlements - Basic Services C12.15701-F1 Informal Settlements - Basic Services 4 NT USDG Total for Informal Settlements Development Services C12.15803 MIG Project Management Unit C12.15803-F1 MIG Project Management Unit 4 NT USDG Total for Development Services Urbanisation C12.15101 Urbanisation: Informal Settlements Upgra C12.15101-F1 Urbanisation: Backyards/Infrm Settl Upgr Total for Urbanisation Total for Human Settlements Human Settlements 4 NT USDG 39 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description Fund Source description 2013/2014 Original Budget 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Increase/ Decrease Motivation Total Project Cost Economic, Environment & Spatial Planning EESP Management C12.18101 Computer Equipment C12.18101-F1 Computer Equipment 56 828 56 828 56 828 0 56 828 56 828 0 4 NT NDPG 5 500 000 5 500 000 0 4 NT USDG 23 000 000 8 000 000 1 EFF 17 465 071 17 465 071 0 45 965 071 30 965 071 -15 000 000 1 EFF 430 000 430 000 0 1 EFF 250 000 250 000 0 1 EFF 500 000 500 000 0 1 EFF 800 000 800 000 0 1 EFF 240 000 240 000 0 1 EFF 145 000 145 000 0 1 EFF 550 000 550 000 0 1 EFF 140 000 140 000 0 1 EFF Total for EESP Management Spatial Planning and Urban Design C09.18331 Nyanga Civic&Transport Interchange Node C09.18331-F1 C12.18303 10 610 481 Quality Public Spaces - Citywide C12.18303-F1 C12.18306 Nyanga Civic&Transport Interchange Node Quality Public Spaces - Citywide 8 000 000 -15 000 000 Project in planning phase. Budget adjusted in line with project time frames and funding "DORA" allocation. Local Area Priority Initiatives [LAPIs] C12.18306-F1 Local Area Priority Initiatives [LAPIs] 17 465 071 Total for Spatial Planning and Urban Design Environmental Resource Management C12.18407 Local Agenda 21 Capital Projects C12.18407-F1 C12.18408 Local Environment and Heritage Projects 800 000 IT and Office Equipment 240 000 Specialised Biodiversity Equipment 145 000 Blaauwberg Conservation Area C12.18413-F1 C12.18414 500 000 Specialised Biodiversity Equipment C12.18412-F1 C12.18413 Fencing IT and Office Equipment C12.18411-F1 C12.18412 250 000 Local Environment and Heritage Projects C12.18410-F1 C12.18411 False Bay Ecology Park: Various Projects Fencing C12.18409-F1 C12.18410 430 000 False Bay Ecology Park: Various Projects C12.18408-F1 C12.18409 Local Agenda 21 Capital Projects Blaauwberg Conservation Area 550 000 Plant and Equipment C12.18414-F1 Plant and Equipment Economic, Environment & Spatial Planning 140 000 40 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012 WBS Element Project Description C12.18415 Fund Source description 2013/2014 Original Budget 2013/2014 Proposed Budget Increase/ Decrease IT Equipment 150 000 150 000 0 1 EFF 1 000 000 1 000 000 0 1 EFF 100 000 100 000 0 4 305 000 4 305 000 0 1 EFF 750 000 750 000 0 1 EFF 200 000 200 000 0 950 000 950 000 0 51 276 899 36 276 899 -15 000 000 1 EFF 4 000 000 4 000 000 0 1 EFF 4 910 262 4 910 262 0 1 EFF 2 000 000 2 000 000 0 Total for Service Delivery and Facilitation 10 910 262 10 910 262 0 Total for Social and Early Childhood Development 10 910 262 10 910 262 0 5 049 164 982 3 586 894 736 -1 462 270 246 C12.18416 Upgrade of reserves Infrastructure C12.18416-F1 C12.18417 IT Equipment Upgrade of reserves Infrastructure 1 000 000 Furniture and Fittings C12.18417-F1 Furniture and Fittings Total Project Cost 150 000 1 EFF C12.18415-F1 Motivation 100 000 Total for Environmental Resource Management Planning and Building Dev. Management C14.18500 Computer equipment C14.18500-F1 C14.18501 Replacement of Computer Equipment 750 000 Furniture and Equipment C14.18501-F1 Replacement of Furniture and Equipment 200 000 Total for Planning and Building Dev. Management Total for Economic, Environment & Spatial Planning Social and Early Childhood Development Service Delivery and Facilitation C14.17303 Construct ECD Centres-Atlantis(Philadelp C14.17303-F1 C14.17304 4 000 000 Construct ECD Centres-Du Noon C14.17304-F1 C14.17305 Construct ECD Centres-Atlantis(Philadelp Construct ECD Centres-Du Noon 4 910 262 Construct ECD Centres-Imizamo Yethu C14.17305-F1 Construct ECD Centres-Imizamo Yethu Grand Total Social and Early Childhood Development 2 000 000 41 2011/2012 to 2013/2014 Capital Adjustments Budget - January 2012