Higher analytic indices and symbolic index pairing Joint work with H. Moscovici. Alexander Gorokhovsky University of Colorado, Boulder May 1, 2014 Alexander Gorokhovsky (CU Boulder) Higher analytic indices May 1, 2014 1 / 26 Connes-Moscovici construction Connes-Moscovici localized analytic indices Let D be an elliptic operator on a closed manifold M. Then D is Fredholm. ind D = dim Ker D − dim Coker D ∈ Z. Atiyah-Singer index theorem computes ind D in topological terms. Connes-Moscovici: for [φ] ∈ H • (M) define ind[φ] D ∈ C. This contains the Fredholm index: ind1 D = ind D. Connes-Moscovici also prove the corresponding index theorem. Alexander Gorokhovsky (CU Boulder) Higher analytic indices May 1, 2014 2 / 26 Connes-Moscovici construction Alexander-Spanier complex C k (M) = C ∞ (M k+1 ) δ : C k (M) → C k+1 (M) is defined by X δφ(x0 , x1 , . . . , xk+1 ) = (−1)i φ(x0 , . . . , xbi , . . . , xk+1 ). The complex (C • (M), δ) is acyclic in positive degrees. The locally zero subcomplex: C0k (M) = {φ ∈ C k (M) | φ = 0 near diagonal of M k+1 }. • CAS (M) = (C • (M)/C0• (M), δ) • H • (CAS (M)) = H • (M). Alexander Gorokhovsky (CU Boulder) Higher analytic indices May 1, 2014 3 / 26 Connes-Moscovici construction Variants of the definition Consider only antisymmetric cochains: φ(xλ(0) , xλ(1) , . . . , xλ(k) ) = sgn(λ)φ(x0 , x1 , . . . , xk ) for all λ ∈ Sk+1 . Consider (locally finite sums of) decomposable cochains. For fi ∈ C ∞ (M) (f0 ⊗ f1 ⊗ . . . fk )(x0 , x1 , . . . , xk ) = f0 (x0 )f1 (x1 ) . . . fk (xk ). Finite sum of such cochains form a subcomplex of (C • , δ). Note: X δ(f0 ⊗ f1 ⊗ . . . fk ) = (−1)i f0 ⊗ f1 . . . ⊗ fi−1 ⊗ 1 ⊗ fi ⊗ . . . fk From now on C • (M) denotes the subcomplex of the antisymmetric decomposable cochains. C0• (M) its locally zero subcomplex, • (M) = C • (M)/C • (M). CAS 0 Alexander Gorokhovsky (CU Boulder) Higher analytic indices May 1, 2014 4 / 26 Connes-Moscovici construction Cochains on smoothing opertors For φ = f0 ⊗ f1 ⊗ . . . fk and Ai ∈ Ψ−∞ (M) define τφ (A0 , A1 , . . . , Ak ) = Tr A0 f0 A1 f1 . . . Ak fk , extend by linearity to antisymmetric decomposable φ. Viewed as a cyclic cochain on Ψ−∞ (M), τφ satisfies bτφ = τδφ , Bτφ = 0 and hence φ 7→ τφ defines a morphism of complexes C • (M) → CC • (Ψ−∞ (M)). Alexander Gorokhovsky (CU Boulder) Higher analytic indices May 1, 2014 5 / 26 Connes-Moscovici construction Index and K -theory Let Q be a parametrix for D, and define S0 = 1 − QD, and S1 = 1 − DQ ∈ Ψ−∞ (M) Then S0 −(1 + S0 )Q UD = ∈ M2 (Ψ(M)) D S1 is an invertible operator with the inverse given by S0 (1 + S0 )Q −1 UD = . −D S1 Using UD form the idempotent 2 1 0 −1 S0 S0 (1 + S0 )Q PD = UD U = 0 0 D DS0 1 − S12 0 0 The index class PD − ∈ K0 (Ψ−∞ (M)) is well defined. 0 1 Alexander Gorokhovsky (CU Boulder) Higher analytic indices (1) May 1, 2014 6 / 26 Connes-Moscovici construction Definition of localized analytic indices 0 0 Notice that PD − is the matrix of smoothing operators, and 0 1 0 0 ind D = Tr PD − . 0 1 To define higher indices: Choose a representative φ ∈ C • (M) of [φ] ∈ H k (M). δφ = 0 in a neighborhood U of the diagonal in M k+2 . Chose a parametrix Q for D with Schwartz kernel supported in a sufficiently small (depending on U) neighborhood of the diagonal in M 2. Form PD and define ind[φ] D = ck τφ (PD , PD , . . . , PD ) The result is well-defined. Alexander Gorokhovsky (CU Boulder) Higher analytic indices May 1, 2014 7 / 26 Connes-Moscovici construction bφ Definition of Tr Let R ∈ Ψ1 (M), R ≥ 0, invertible. For A ∈ Ψ(M) form ζ(s) = Tr AR −s . ζ(s) has a meromorphic continuation and near 0 ζ(s) = 1 b A + O(s). Res A + Tr s bA Res A is the noncommutative residue, does not depend on R. Tr b depends on R, for A trace class Tr(A) = Tr A. For φ = f0 ⊗ f1 ⊗ . . . fk and Ai ∈ Ψ(M) define b φ (A0 , A1 , . . . , Ak ) = Tr(A b 0 f0 A1 f1 . . . Ak fk ) Tr b φ is a (discontinuous) cyclic cochain on Ψ(M). Tr Alexander Gorokhovsky (CU Boulder) Higher analytic indices May 1, 2014 8 / 26 Cyclic pairing interpretation Definition of χφ In the notations above set: b φ − Tr b δφ χφ = (b + B) Tr Lemma If φ ∈ C0• (M) then χφ = 0 If Ai ∈ Ψ−∞ (M) for some i, then χφ (A0 , A1 , . . . , Ak+1 ) = 0. Corollary The map φ 7→ χφ defines a morphism of complexes • CAS (M) → CC •+1 (S(M)), where S(M) = Ψ(M)/Ψ−∞ (M) is the algebra of the complete symbols. Alexander Gorokhovsky (CU Boulder) Higher analytic indices May 1, 2014 9 / 26 Cyclic pairing interpretation Index pairing To simplify notations, assume that D is an elliptic system (i.e. operates on a sections of a trivial bundle). σ(D) ∈ S(M) is an invertible element, therefore defines an element in K1 (S(M)), and Ch(σ(D)) ∈ HC• (S(M)). Theorem Let [φ] ∈ H • (M). ind[φ] D = hχφ , Ch(σ(D))i Alexander Gorokhovsky (CU Boulder) Higher analytic indices May 1, 2014 10 / 26 Cyclic pairing interpretation Proof of the Theorem Recall that PD = UD 1 0 −1 U 0 0 D From the (proof of) invariance of cyclic homology under inner automorphisms, Ch PD = Ch 1 + (b + B)TD ∈ CC• (Ψ(M)) for some explicit chain TD ∈ CC• (Ψ(M)). Complete symbol map induces a morphism σ : CC• (Ψ(M)) → CC• (S(M)), and (b + B)σ(TD ) = 0. Lemma [σ(TD )] = Ch(σ(D)) ∈ HC• (S(M)). Alexander Gorokhovsky (CU Boulder) Higher analytic indices May 1, 2014 11 / 26 Cyclic pairing interpretation Proof of the Theorem (contd.) Proof of the Theorem. Assume k > 0. b φ ((b + B)TD ) − Tr b δφ (TD ) = hχφ , Ch(σ(D))i = Tr b φ (Ch PD − Ch 1) − Tr b δφ (TD ) = ck τφ (PD , PD , . . . , PD ) − Tr b δφ (TD ) Tr If the parametrix Q used in construction of PD is supported in sufficiently small neighborhood of the diagonal, depending on φ, then b δφ (TD ) = 0. Tr Corollary For any choice of the parametrix Q ind[φ] D = ck τφ (PD , PD , . . . , PD ) − Trδφ (TD ) Alexander Gorokhovsky (CU Boulder) Higher analytic indices May 1, 2014 12 / 26 Cyclic pairing interpretation The odd case Assume that D is self-adjoint elliptic. One can define its index class in K1 (Ψ−∞ (M)) as follows. Let ρ ∈ C ∞ (R) be such that ρ(λ) = 1 for large λ, ρ(−λ) = −ρ(λ). Then U = e πiρ(D) is invertible operator, representing ind D. U is homotopic to 1 in Ψ0 (M) via the path t 7→ e πitρ(D) . Therefore Ch U = (b + B)T for certain chain T ∈ CC• (Ψ0 (M)). Let φ be Alexander-Spanier cocycle. Define then ind[φ] D = Trφ Ch U − Trδφ T Alexander Gorokhovsky (CU Boulder) Higher analytic indices May 1, 2014 13 / 26 Cyclic pairing interpretation The odd case (contd.) Let P be the spectral projection on the positive spectrum for D. ind[φ] D = hχφ , Ch(σ(P))i Toeplitz picture: for f ∈ C ∞ (M) set Tf = P f P ⊗ f1i . . . ⊗ fki X X indφ D = ck Tr sgn λTfλ(0) Tfλ(1) . . . Tfλ(k) Then if φ = i i f0 P i Alexander Gorokhovsky (CU Boulder) λ∈Sk+1 Higher analytic indices May 1, 2014 14 / 26 Computations Cyclic cohomology of symbols S 0 (M) = Ψ0 (M)/Ψ−∞ (M). Theorem ( Wodzicki) The principal symbol map σpr : S 0 (M) → C ∞ (S ∗ M) induces an isomorphism in periodic cyclic cohomology. Theorem ( Wodzicki, Brylinski-Getzler ) There exists an isomorphism HC • (S(M)) ∼ = H • (S ∗ M × S 1 ) Alexander Gorokhovsky (CU Boulder) Higher analytic indices May 1, 2014 15 / 26 Computations Zakharevich map There exists a canonical isomorphism Z : H • (S ∗ M × S 1 ) → HC • (S(M)) (induced by a morphism of complexes). It has the following properties: If φ = f0 ⊗ f1 . . . ⊗ fk is Alexander-Spanier cochain on M then Z (π ∗ φ)(A0 , A1 , . . . Ak ) = Res A0 f0 A1 f1 . . . Ak fk =: Resφ (A0 , . . . , Ak ), where π : S ∗ M × S 1 → M is the natural projection. If φ is a cocycle [χφ ] = Z (π ∗ φ ∪ [S 1 ]) Alexander Gorokhovsky (CU Boulder) Higher analytic indices May 1, 2014 16 / 26 Computations The diagram Theorem The following diagram commutes: i∗ • (S(M)) − • (S 0 (M)) HCper −−−→ HCper x x σ∗ Z pr I H • (S ∗ M × S 1 ) −−−−→ H• (S ∗ M) Here i : S 0 (M) ,→ S(M) is the inclusion map and I is given by Z I(α) = α ∩ [Td] S1 where [Td] ∈ H• (S ∗ M) is the dual of the pullback of the Todd class. Alexander Gorokhovsky (CU Boulder) Higher analytic indices May 1, 2014 17 / 26 Computations Index calculations Applying this result to [S 1 ] ∈ H • (S ∗ M × S 1 ) we obtain ∗ • χ1 = Z ([S 1 ]) = σpr ([Td]) ∈ HCper (S 0 (M)). Hence ind D = hχ1 , Ch(σ(D))i = hCh(σpr (D)), [Td]i More generally, in the even case ind[φ] D = hχφ , Ch(σ(D))i = hπ ∗ φ ∪ Ch(σpr (D)), [Td]i. Alexander Gorokhovsky (CU Boulder) Higher analytic indices May 1, 2014 18 / 26 Computations The odd case For φ = i i f0 P ⊗ f1i . . . ⊗ fki let DR(φ) = P i f0i df1i . . . dfki . DR is a morphism from Alexander-Spanier complex to de Rham complex. Corollary Assume φ = i i f0 P ⊗ f1i . . . ⊗ fki , δφ locally 0. Then Tr X X sgn λTf i Tf i λ(0) i λ(1) . . . Tf i = λ(k) λ∈Sk+1 Z DR(φ) ∧ Td ∧ π∗ (Ch(σpr (D))) M If k = dim M then δφ locally 0 for any φ (after modifying the notion of locally 0). This extends result of Helton-Howe . Alexander Gorokhovsky (CU Boulder) Higher analytic indices May 1, 2014 19 / 26 Computations Vanishing results Apply the diagram to 1 ∈ H • (S ∗ M × S 1 ). We obtain • [Res] = Z (1) = 0 ∈ HCper (S 0 (M)). Corollary (Wodzicki) Let P ∈ Ψ0 be an idempotent. Then Res P = 0 More generally, let φ = cocycle. Then P i i f0 ⊗ f1i . . . ⊗ fki be an Alexander-Spanier • [Resφ ] = Z (π ∗ φ) = 0 ∈ HCper (S 0 (M)). Alexander Gorokhovsky (CU Boulder) Higher analytic indices May 1, 2014 20 / 26 Computations Vanishing results (contd.) Corollary Let kPbe even and let P ∈ S 0 be an idempotent, φ = i f0i ⊗ f1i . . . ⊗ fki – an Alexander-Spanier cocycle. Then Resφ Ch(P) = const. · X Res Pf0i Pf1i . . . Pfki = 0 i Let k be odd, U ∈ S be a complete symbol of an elliptic operator (i.e. invertible). Then X Resφ Ch(U) = const. · Res Uf0i U −1 f1i . . . U −1 fki = 0 i Here const. is a nonzero constant. Alexander Gorokhovsky (CU Boulder) Higher analytic indices May 1, 2014 21 / 26 The case of manifolds with boundary Manifolds with boundary (M, ∂M) – compact connected manifold with connected boundary. Relative Alexander-Spanier complex: •−1 • • CAS (M, ∂M) = {(φ, ψ) | φ ∈ CAS (M), ψ ∈ CAS (∂M)} δ(φ, ψ) = (δφ, φ|∂M − δψ). Algebra of operators: bΨ operators of R. Melrose. b-trace: b Tr : b Ψ(M) → C. It is not a trace, even on b Ψ−∞ . But coincides with the operator trace on operators in b Ψ−∞ vanishing near the boundary. Alexander Gorokhovsky (CU Boulder) Higher analytic indices May 1, 2014 22 / 26 The case of manifolds with boundary Suspended operators Let Y be a compact manifold without boundary. Ψsus(Y ) is the space of order pseudodifferential operators on Y × R which are translation invariant and have Schwartz kernel rapidly decreasing off-diagonal. Let t be the variable on R, and τ the dual variable Given such an operator b ) on Y : A we can construct a family of operators A(τ b ) = e −itτ ◦ A ◦ e itτ A(τ The linear functional Tr: for operators of sufficiently small order Z∞ Tr(A) = b )dτ. A(τ −∞ then extended. Alexander Gorokhovsky (CU Boulder) Higher analytic indices May 1, 2014 23 / 26 The case of manifolds with boundary Indicial family: homomorphism I : b Ψ(M) → Ψsus (∂M). If A ∈ b Ψ−∞ (M), B ∈ b Ψ(M) b Tr [A, B] = Tr I (A)[t, I (B)]. Define for φ = f0 ⊗ f1 . . . ⊗ fk – Alexander-Spanier cochain on M – then b Trφ (A0 , A1 , . . . Ak ) = bTr A0 f0 A1 f1 . . . Ak fk , Ai ∈ b Ψ Similarly for ψ = g0 ⊗ g1 . . . ⊗ gk – Alexander-Spanier cochain on ∂M Trψ (B0 , B1 , . . . Bk , Bk+1 ) = TrB0 g0 B1 g1 . . . Bk gk [Bk+1 , t], Bi ∈ Ψsus (∂M) Alexander Gorokhovsky (CU Boulder) Higher analytic indices May 1, 2014 24 / 26 The case of manifolds with boundary • (M) For φ ∈ CAS ρφ = (b + B) bTrφ − bTrδφ −Trφ|∂M . • (∂M) For ψ ∈ CAS λψ = (b + B)Trψ − Trδψ and χ(φ,ψ) = ρφ + I ∗ λψ . Then (φ, ψ) 7→ χ(φ,ψ) defines a morphism of complexes • CAS (M, ∂M) → CC •+1 ( b Ψ(M)/ b Ψ−∞ (M)). Alexander Gorokhovsky (CU Boulder) Higher analytic indices May 1, 2014 25 / 26 The case of manifolds with boundary Index Theorem Let D be an elliptic first order b operator, σ(D) ∈ b Ψ(M)/ b Ψ−∞ (M) its d + D ∂ , xcomplete symbol. Assume that near the boundary D = dx normal coordinate, D ∂ – first-order invertible self-adjoint operator on the boundary. Theorem For (φ, ψ) – relative Alexander-Spanier cocycle Z hχ(φ,ψ) , Ch(σ(D))i = M DR(φ) ∧ Td(M) ∧ π∗ Ch(σpr (D)) Z − DR(ψ) ∧ Td(∂M) ∧ π∗ Ch(σpr (D ∂ )). ∂M Alexander Gorokhovsky (CU Boulder) Higher analytic indices May 1, 2014 26 / 26