PART SPECIFICATION COOE IOENT NO.�2�3�8�3�5 __________________ ___ SPEC NO. CS514376 ____ _ 1990 June ISSUE OATE 18 SUPERSEDING CS5'4376 C 1989 17 March OATEO REV. .:;0:.- OPTICAL FILTERS WIDE FIELD/PLANETARY CAMERA FLIGHT EQUIPMENT DETAIL SPECIFICATION FOR :#0a.(C . f1i� PREPAREO BV, SECTION 381 /./ L. A. Adams I:. 7D. 1,. UR PRE eo BV: SECTION 324 l.t.GEOBY RE , SECTION 648 J. Crisp 1J. Anderson PREPAREO BV, SECTION 381 (J.p� J, f.IJti!7� ; ie OA . APPRO�O BY, ____ J. T. 'fr,--,,/IS('i OATE Trau8� Project Sc�entist OATE �/fu-- AI'PROVEO BV, '- Technical Editor Documentation Section ./ /' D. H. Rogers OATE Project Manager / JPL PAGE 1 OF 12 PAGES l' • JPL Spec CSS14376 D CHANGE IN CORPORATION LOG CHG LTR RELEASED BY INITIAL SECTION PAGES AFFECTED AUTHORITY A JVR 648 WF/PC B JVR 648 WF/PC C JHA 648 D JWA 648 Init. ReI DATE ENG APPROVAL INITIAL SECTION 1 Feb 88 LAA 381 ** 28 Jun 88 LAA 381 WF/PC * 17 Mar 89 LAA 381 WF/PC ** 18 Jun 90 LAA 381 * Indicates change from prior release ** Revised and rewritten 2 JPL 2762 A 12/87 • JPL Spec CS5l4376 D CONTENTS Paragraph 1. 1.1 1.2 SCOPE Scope Change Control 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 REQUIREMENTS Conflicting Requirements Filter Conf igurations and Descriptions Filter Numbering Sys tem and Designations . Optical Performance Environmental Requirements Fabrication Requirements Materials Parts and Processes 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS Testing . . . Certification and Traceability Filter Identification and Serialization Handling and Storage Acceptance Criteria 8 8 10 10 10 10 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY 11 6. 6. 1 6.2 NOTES Refrac tion Index Filter Specif ications Summary • • • • • • • • • • • 3 3 3 • • 3 • • . • • • • . • . • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 8 . • • . . . • . • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 11 11 • • • • • APPENDIX A INDIVIDUAL FILTER SP ECIFICATION FIGURES AND TABLES B FILTER SPECIFICATIONS SUMMARY i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • A-l • • • B-1 ii JPL Spec CS5l 4376 D 1. SCOPE 1. 1 Scope . This spe cification establ ishes the detailed requirements for the fabrication and tes ting of the optical filters used in the Space Teles cope Wide Field/Planetary Camera II (WF/PC II) ins trumen t . 1.2 Change Control. Changes to .this specif ication shall require Engineering Change Require ment (ECR ) approval using JPL form No. 0495 • 2. . APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following documents, of the iss ue specif ied in the contract, form a part of this specification to the extent specif ied herein. For JPL internal use, the issue shall be spe cif ied by the cognizant engineer. SPECIFICATIONS Jet Propulsion Laboratory 751-6 WFPC Contract End Item Specif ication, Part II FS5l5 279A Cleaning, Handl ing, and Storage Requirements, Optical Filters, Wide Field/Planetary Camera II, Flight Equipment, Detail Specification for Military MIL-G-174 Glass, Optical MIL-M-13508 Mirror, Front Surface Al uminized for Optical Elements MIL-0-13830 Optical Components for Fire Control Ins trument, General Specif ication Governing the Manufacture, Assembly, and Inspection of PROJECT DOCUMENTS Jet Propulsion Laboratory 751-23 WFPC Environmental Requirements Document 751-38 WFPC Contamination Control Plan DRAWINGS Jet Propuls ion Laboratory 10089110 Grating, Filter, WFPC 10127237 Filter, Quad, WFPC II 3 JPL Spec CS514376 D 10127238 Filter, Jewel Quad, WFPC II 10127250 Filter, WFPC II 10127251 Substrate, Filter, WFPC II 10136830 Filter, Ramp, WFPC II (Copies of spe cifications, standards, procedures, drawings, and publications required by suppliers in connection with spe cific procurement funct ions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed b y such activity. ) 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Conflicting Requirement s. In case o f conflict between the requirements of this specification and the requirements of any 'document referenced herein, the conflict shall be referred to the JPL cognizant engineer for resolution. 3.2 Filter Configurations and Descriptions. The WFPC II instrument uses a set of 48 spectral filters, gratings, and polarizers (referred to collective­ ly as "filters") . Specifications for specific fil ters are given on the indi­ vidual filter specification sheets and spectral transmission graphs contained herein (Appendix A ) . The specification sheets are identified b y the JPL part number. Specifications common to more than one filter are contained in applicable paragraphs o f this specification or in the JPL drawings specified herein . The filters are grouped by function and by sub strate type as fo llows: Function a. Full aperture spe ctral filter. b. Quad aperture spe ctral filter. c. Jewel quad apert ure spectral filter. d. Quad aperture polarizer. e. Transmission grating (grism ) . f. Linear ramp filter. ' Substrate Type a. Single sub strate, plano/plano . b. Single sub strate, plano/conve x. c. Two substrate sandwich, plano/plano . d. Ruled grating . e. Replicated grating . 4 JPL Spec CS5l4376 D 3.3 Filter Numbering S ystem and Designations. Each filter, e xcept for the gratings, are de signated by a JPL part number consisting of the applicable drawing number and a three digit dash number. The gratings are de signated by the drawing number and a two digit dash number. 3.4 Optical Performance 3.4.1 Spectral Transmission Bandpass. The shape o f the one percent passband (defined as one percent o f peak transmission) for each filter i s specified on the individual filter spectral transmi ssion graphs. The so lid line indicates the nominal spectral profile. The dashed lines define acceptable limits of the one percent passband shape. For filters where the bandpass is de fined who lly or partially by the filter glass, the so lid and dashed lines are based upon Schott catalog values for the glass transmission. In cases where the actual transmi ssion o f avai lble glasses causes the peak transmi ssion to fall below the acceptable limit bY 101 and/or the 501 passband to e xceed the tolerance by 10 A, the deviation from the spe cification shall be referred to the JPL cognizant engineer for resolution. Additional passband re quirements for linear ramp filters are detailed in Linear Ramp Filters.. The passband at any point on the filter must have a full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of 1 .061 +0.21 o f the central wavelength (CW) . The wavelengths of peak transmission and 501 transmission must vary linearly with distance along the strip, with no detectable steps or discontinuities. The strips shall be deposited on the substrate such that the direction o f increasing central wave length alternat�s between adjacent strips, as indicated in Drawing 10136830. Each passband range, as defined in the individual filter data sheets, shall start 0.35 inche s from the physical edge of the filter, but the ramped interference coating must extend to the edge o f the clear aperture. Regions at the ends o f each strip will provide spectral overlap between adjacent strips. The passband specifications apply to all points on the filter when measured through a lmm slit aligned. perpendicular to the direction o f the ramp. Blocking. The re quired blocking outside o f the one percent passband for each filter is specified on the filter spectral transmission graphs. The solid line in these figures indicates the maximum acceptable transmission o utside o f the one percent passband. 3.4.1 .3 Uniformity. For all ramp or quad filters, the uniformity specifications apply over each individual strip or quadrant, rather than over the entire clear aperture. Full Aperture and Quad Filters. 3.4 . 1 . 3.1.1 Spectral Passband Shape . The shape of the spectral transmission curve and the blocking in any 10 mm diameter circle within the clear aperture shall fall within the enve lope formed by the dashed lines on the spe ctral transmi ssion graphs. 5 JPL Spec CS5l4376 D 3 . 4 . 1 . 3. 1 . 2 Integrated Spectral Transmission. The integrated spectral transmission within any 10 mm diameter c ircle within the c lear aperture shall differ by le ss than plus or minus three percent from its value averaged over the entire c lear aperture . 3 . 4 . 1 . 3 . 1 . 3 Bloc king. The b loc king requirements apply to any 10 mm diameter circle within the c lear aperture ·as well as to the average over the c lear aperture. Linear Ramp Filters. 3 . 4 . 1 . 3 . 2 . 1 Linearity. The central wavelength must vary linearly with distance along the strip . Deviations from linearity along the strip cannot exceed 20% of the FWHM at that location. 3 . 4 . 1 . 3 . 2 . 2 Perpendicular Uniformity. Variations in the central wavelength in the direction perpendicular to the strip cannot exceed 20% o f the FWHM at the center of the strip at that location. 3 . 4 . 1 . 3 . 2 . 3 Blocking. · The filters shall have a transmittance of le ss than 10-6 for all wave lengths which fall in the b loc king band. The b loc king band for linear ramp filters is defined as all regions o f the spectrum which are re moved from the central wave length by more than 10% o f the central wavele ngth. The bloc king spec ifications applies to all points on each strip when measured through a 7mm diameter circle . R ipple s in Passband . For filters that require thin film coatings, 3 . 4 . 1. 4 with central wave lengths greater than 3000 A, the bandwidth above 90 percent of peak transmission shall be no less than 65 percent of the bandwidth at half maximum. Ripples within this 90 percent passband must have amplitudes that are small enough so that the transmission never falls below 90 percent of the peak transmission, except side ripples may be a minimum of 50 percent of the peak transmission. 3.4.2 Antireflection Coatings. All filters with central wave lengths lo nger than 3200 A shall have anti-reflection (AR) coatings on o ne or more o f their outer surfaces. The individual filter specification sheets define which surfaces require an AR coat ing . The reflectance of the AR coat ing over the one percent passband o f the filter shall be less than 1 . 5 perce nt . Birefringence. The filter s, except for the MgF2 sub strate s, 3.4.3 shall show no evidence of birefringence when inspected through cro ssed polarizers. The MgF2 sub strates shall show no evidence o f multi-crystals when inspected through cro ssed polarizers. 3.5 Environmental Re quirements 3.5.1 Vacuum. The filters shall be capable of functioning for a period of five years in a vacuum of 10-5 torr without significant performance degradation. 6 .." JPL Spec CSS14376 D 3.5.2 Temperature . The filters shall be capab le of func tioning at temper­ . atures in the range between -20 to +3s·C without a significant performance degradation. Within this range , the spectr&l transmission curve of the narrow band filter shall shif t by no more than 0 . 2 A/·C, and the wideband filters by no more than 2 . 5 A/·c. 3.5.3 Humidity. The filters shall be capable of surv1v1ng exposure to 50 percent relative humidity·for 12 hours at +40·C with no significant performance degradation. 3.6 Fabrication Requirements. Fabrication requirements for the filters are specified herein, on the individual filter specification sheets, or on the JPL drawings listed in Section 2 . 3.6.1 Dimensions and Tolerances 3 . 6. 1 . 1 Overall Dimensions. Overall dimensions of the filters, e xcept thicknesses, are specif ied on the filter substrate drawing. Overall dimensions of the gratings, including thickness, are specified on the grating filter drawing. Thickness. The thickness for each filter an d the individual 3 . 6. 1 . 2 substrate thickness for the sandwich filters are specified on the individual filter data sheets. For the sandwich filters, the thickness of each substrate plus the overall thickness of the fil ter incl uding the nominal epoxy. bond line thickness is specified. The thicknesses have been chosen to compensate for the variation in index and dispersion between the various sub strate materials in order to maintain a parfocal condition between filters. If it is necessary to change the thickness of a blocking glass or blocking glass material in order to improve the passband throughput or blocking performance of a filter, a compensating change in the thickness of the cover glass wil l have to be made . Any changes to the thicknesses or blocking glass specified herein wil l re quire approval by the JPL Cognizant Engineer. If the actual index o f any substrate material differs by more than 0 . 005 from the index given on the filter specification sheets the JPL Cognizant Engineer shal l be notified. Wedge . The substrate allo wable wedge is specified on the substrate drawing. The total allowable wedge for a sandwich filter is specified on the filter drawings. 3 .6.1.4 Radius of Plano/Convex Filters. The radius of the spherical surface of the plano/convex filters is specified on the individual filter specif ication sheets. Clear Apertures. The clear apertures of the filters and gratings are specified on the applicable drawings. 3 . 6. 2 Optical Surface Quality. 3 . 6. 2 . 1 Wavefront Accuracy. For the sandwich filters the wavefront accuracy is specif ied in Note 4 of the substrate drawing ( 1002725 1 ) and applies to the completed filter rather than to the individual substrates. For the single substrate filters the wavefront accuracy is specified in Note 11 o f 7 JPL Spec CS5l4376 D the drawing. The wavefront accuracy is def ined as fraction of a wave of 6328 A light, al though it will have to be measured at a wavelength within the passband of the filter. 3.6 .2.2 Polish Qual ity. Scratch and dig, and surface roughness are specified on the substrate and grating drawings. 3.6 . 3 Narrow Band Filter Coating Construc tion. Full-aperture narrow band filters with a full width at half maximum that is 0 . 6 percent as large as their central wave length shall use identical coating configurations. All quad filters with a full width at half maximum that is two percent as large as their central wavelength shall use identical coating configurations. The different central wavelengths of these filters shall be achieved by scaling the thicknesses of all e lements o f these conf igurations by a constant factor. The narrow band filters are l i sted below by part number: . 0.6 percent filters 10127250-226� 228-231, 234, 236 10127238-291 2.0 percent filters 10127237-281, 282, 283, 284 3.6 . 4 S pectral Thin Film Coating Quality 3 .6 . 4 . 1 Adhesion. The thin film coatings shal l exhibit no spontaneous loss of adhesion to the substrate surfaces. 3 . 6.4.2 Visual Quality. The thin film coatings shal l exhibit no structural non-uniformities. sleeks, or scratches larger than 40-20 per MIL-0-13830 when inspected with the unaided eye. 3.6 . 4 . 3 Coverage . The thin film coatings shall e xtend to within 0.020 +0.005/-0.000 inch from the edge of the filter. 3 . 6 .4.4 Quad Filter Coating Overlap. The coating overlap between the strips or quadrants of the ramp, quad, and jewel quad filters is def ined on the applicable drawings. 3 . 6 .4.5 Hardness. Any external thin film coating shall show no signs of deterioration such as streaks or hairl ine scratches after being sub jected to the cheesecloth test as def ined in paragraph 4.4.5 of MIL-M-13508 . 3 . 6 .5 Antireflection Coating Quality 3 . 6 .5.1 Adhesion. Tne antireflection coating shall e xhibit no loss of adhe­ sion when sub jected to the tape test defined in paragraph 4 . 4.6 of MIL-M-13508 . Hardness. Tne antireflection coating shall show no signs of deterioration such as streaks or hairl ine scratches after being sub jected to the cheesecloth test as def ined in paragraph 4 . 4 . 5 of MIL-M-13508. 8 ) JPL Spec CS5l4376 D Visual Quality. The antireflection coating shall exhibit no .structural non-uniformities such as sleeks, scratches, or pin holes when inspected with the unaided eye. 3.6.6 Optical Adhesive Bond Quality Adhesive Defects. Bubbles, voids, blisters, and dirt ( l int or dust ) shall not exceed the limits of digs and bubbles specif ied for optical surface quality on the filter substrate drawing. Edge Separations. Edge separations (de1aminations) and edge defects in the adhesive shall not extend more than 0 .02 inch from the edge of the filter. 3.7 Materials Parts and Processes 3.7.1 Uniformit y of Processing. The manufacturing process for all copies of any filter must be as uniform as possible. The manufacturing process (temperature, humidity, bake time, interval between coating and lamination) must be careful ly monitored and documented so that copies with the most similar processing histories can be identified. 3.7.2 Substrate Materials. Substrate materials are defined for each filter on the individual filter data sheets. Any change in a substrate material will require that a new thickness be calculated. 3.7;3 Coating Materials. The coating materials shall be capable of surviv�ng the environmental conditions specified herein without damage. 3.7.4 Optical Adhesive. The sandwich ( laminated) filters shall be bonded together using Epo-Tek 30 1 , Epo-Tek UV, or Eccobond 24 as required. 3.7 .5 Edge Sealant Materials. Materials used to seal the edges of sandwich filters. will require approval of .the JPL Cognizant Eng�neer. The use of edge sealant materials is optional. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVIS IONS 4.1 Testing. The filters shall be tested for the following: a. Envelope dimensions. b. Thickness. c. Wedge . d. Clear aperture. e. Overlap between the strips or quadrants of the ramp , quad and je wel quad filters. f. Visual quality of substrates, thin film coatings, and optical adhesive bond. 9 JPL Spec CSS14376 D 4.2 g. Transmitted wavefront. h. Spectral transmission of the one percent passband and blocking regions. i. Grating eff iciency of the grism filters. j. Focus shif t . k. Birefringence. 1. Scratches and digs. m. Surface roughness. n. Abrasion resi stance. o. Thermal vacuum. p. Temperature/humidity. Certif ication and Traceability a. All materials and associated processes shal l be certif ied as having met the requirements of the applicable contro l l ing documents. All materials shal l be identified with a material lot number. Traceability of material s in a seriali zed assembl y or subassembl y shall be provided by identifying the materials in a particular serialized assemb ly or subassemb ly b y a procured lot number . b. This identif ication shall remain with the material a t all times to pro vide complete traceability and certification information f rom the procurement source. 4.3 Filter Identification and Serialization. Each filter shall be identified in accordance with the applicable filter drawings. The filter identification number shall consist o f the last t wo digits of the drawing number, the dash number and three digit serial number. The serial numbers for each filter t ype shall start with the number 201 . 4.4 Handling and Storage. The filters shall be stored in cabine ts or containers purged with high purity dry nitrogen. Precautions must be taken to minimize the e xposure of the filters to humidity leve l s greater than 30 percent relative humidity during handling, testing, and installation. The filters shal l not be e xposed to temperatures outside the range of -10 to +35°C during handling and storage . Appropriate procedures shall be followed during handling to insure that the filters will not be damaged or contaminated (per JPL Spec FSS15279A ) . 4.5 Acceptance Criteria. Acceptance o f the filters shall be based upon the tests def ined in 4.1, which will determine if the filters meet the requirement s as detailed in 3 . 10 JPL Spec CS514376 D 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY The completed fil ters will be hand-carried in shipping containers purged with high purity dry nitrogen (per JPL Spec FS515279A). 6. NOTES 6. 1 Refractive Inde x. Following is a table of the index of refraction used· for magnesium f 10uride in all thickness calculations (from Optovac Optical Crystals Catalog) : Wavelength (nm) Index 1 15 120 130 150 200 213.86 296. 73 404 . 66 508 . 58 643 . 85 694 . 76 1083 1 . 714 1 . 626 1 . 555 1 . 484 1 . 422 1 . 41566 1 . 39345 1 . 38359. 1 . 37954 1 . 3 7 682 1 . 37512 1. 37307 6.2 Filter S pecifications Summar y. specifications is found in Appendix B. 11 A summa ry of the filter JPL Spec CSSl4376 D This page intentionally left blank 12 JPL Spec CSS14376 A APP END IX A INDIVIDUAL FILTER SPECIFICATION FIGURES AND TABLES , I / JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No . 10127250-201 (Fil ter Name: F157W) 1.0 z 0 ...... 00 00 I I I I . 0.8 I I I I 0.6 ...... � �Il:: Eo< I 0.4 0.2 0.0 1 1 000 I I I I I 2000 1 500 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) 2500 Nominal passband profile ( soiid line) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 �--��� Hrl z o ...... 00 00 - � � Eo< 1 0-2 1 0-3 1 0-4 l cr 2000 8000 6000 4000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-I JPL Part No. 10127250-201 (Filter name F157W) Fil ter Type : Wide Band Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: 1354 90%. Passband : 1315 50%. Passband : 1 222 I%. Passband : Effect ive Wavelength: Maximum Error in 50%. Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: 1513 A 1637 A 2232 A 1513 A +20 A 0 . 150 The nominal spectral characteristics are given for reference purposes only, the transmission graphs are the control l ing specification . '"' '" t-" FILTER PRESCRI PTION: Start ing from the carat (OTA) side of the f i l ter . t '" Descript ion Substrate Drawing or Process No . Thick. (mm) Material ---- Thin Film A Substrate A 1012725 1-201 3 . 744 CaF 2 3 . 744 Totals � ------ To 1 . (mm) Radius (m) Effect ive Index --- ---- ,- ---- --- 0 . 100 ---- 1 . 572 1 . 362 0 . 100 ------- -- ----- 1 . 362 ----- Focus shift calculated for: 1513 A .,-" .',,--- ' en Focus Shift (mm) '2n o en VI .... � \.oJ " at:! I I JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No . 10127250-202 (Filter Name : NFl85W) 1.0 Z 0.8 0 ..... I I I I I I I I I I I I I • - I'll I'll 0.6 - I'll 0.4 - 0.2 - ..... :::! �� . Eo< 0.0 I 1500 • .A------� J I I A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . • - - - - l "", • 2000 2500 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS) Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed lines ). Z 0 ..... I'll I'll ..... � � � Eo< 1 1 0-1 I- - 1 0-2 I- - 1 cr - - 1£r 1 0-11 - - --' - 1«r' 1 0-7 - - • 2000 I . I I I 8000 4000 6000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS) I I 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-3 JPL Part No. 10127250-202 (Filter name : NF185W) Filter Type : Wide Band Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: 1 7 18 90'1, Passband : 1691 50'1, Passband : 1573 1'1, Passband : Effect ive Wavelength: Maximum Error in 50'1, Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: 1977 A 2062 A 2462 A 1850 A ±20 A 0 . 150 The nominal spectral characteristics are given for reference purposes only. the transmission graphs are the controll ing specification. Lo .... t-' FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Starting f rom the carat (OTA) side of the f ilter. t Descript ion Substrate Drawing or Process No . Thick. (mm) Material ---- Thin Film A Substrate A 10127251-202 Tol . (mm) Radius . (m) Effec tive Index --- -- -- ---- III 'gn Focus Shift (mm) n III 1.11 ... I=­ W ..... '" - -- Suprasil 3 . 998 0 . 100 ---- 1 . 5 75 1 . 460 I . Totals 3 . 998 0 . 100 ---- ----- 1 . 460 t::1 ------- Focus shi f t calculated for: 1850 A -" �" C/ ' -. . ",.-/ JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No . 10127250-203 (Filter Name : NF218W) 1 .0 I I I I :z; O.B 0 rI.l 0.6 rI.l I ...... ...... � � Il:: e-< 0.4 0.2 0.0 I I I I J I J J It AA I ____ 1 500 ..... I I I I I I I I I I J I I �l I � 2500 .2000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) 3000 Nominal passband profile (solid line) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . :z: 0 ...... I'll I'll .... � �Il:: e-< 1 1 0-1 1 0-2 l o-a 1 <T"" 1 0-& l crs 1 0-7 2000 4000 6000 8000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmiss ion outside o f the one percent passband . A-5 JPL Part No. 10127250-203 (Filter name : NF2l8W) Filter Type : Wide Band Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: 2036 90t. Passband : 1990 50t. Passband : 1 785 It. Passband : Effec tive Wavelength: Maximum Error in 50t. Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: 2249 A 2352 A 2703 A 2 1 79 A ±20 A 0 . 200 The nominal spectral characteristics are given for reference purposes only, the transmission graphs are the control l ing specification. ... .... t-" FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Starting from the carat (OTA) side of the f ilter. :r Description '" Substrate Drawing or Process No . Material Thin Film A Substrate A 10127251-203 Dynas i l Thin Film B Thick. (mm) Tol . (mm) Radius (m) Effec tive Index ---- --- ---- ---- 0 . 100 ---- 1 . 530 --- ---- ---- 0 . 100 ---- ----- 4 . 124 ---- Totals 4 . 124 , Focus Shift (mm) 1 .429 1 . 429 Focus shi f t calculated for: 2179 A til �n Cl til '" .... ". ... '" '" tl • Jpt �pec CS514376 D Jpt Part No . 10127250-204 (Filter Name : 1 .0 Z 0 .... l'Il l'Il .... � 0.8 0.6 0.4 � 0.2 E-t 0.0 2000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I J /. � I � I NF255W) ----_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "" � I ... I 3000 2500 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) 3500 Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 :z; o .... � � - _ E-t uri 1 0-2 ��--����-r��-�r-� lo-a 1� 1 0-& 1 <r' 1 0-7 2000 8000 6000 4000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmiss ion outside o f the one percent passband . A-7 JPL Part No. 10127250-204 (Filter name : NF255W) Filter Type : Wide Band Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: 2397 90'%. Pas sband : 2336 50'%. Pas sband : 2048 I'%. Passband : Effective Wavelength: Maximum Error in 501 Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: 2604 A 2761 A 3155 A 255 7 A +25 A 0 . 180 The nominal spectral characteristics are given for reference purposes only , the t ransmission graphs are the controll ing specification. :;; FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Start ing from the carat (OTA) side of the f ilter. t Descript ion Substrate Drawing or Process No . Thick. Material (II11II ) Substrate A 10127251-204 Dynas il Totals (mm) Radius (m) Effec tive Index Focus Shift (mm) ---- ----- 4 . 429 0 . 100 ---- 1 . 504 1 . 484 4 . 429 0 . 100 ---- -- --- 1 . 484 Focus shi f t calculated for: 2557 A ',-:,""", II> '1:1 .. n n II> I.n .... � w " '" --- ---- Thin Film A To 1 . t"' t:I JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No . 10127250-205 (Filter Name : F336W) 1.0 :z; 0 0.8 rt.l rt.l 0.6 ..... ..... � � Il:: E-< I 0.4 ,,---- ...... / / I I J I 0.2 0.0 '\ \ \ I I I 3500 3000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) 4000 . Nominal passband profile (solid line) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 :z; 0 ..... rt.l rt.l ..... � � Il:: E-< 1 0-1 1 0-2 • • • - '" - 1 <r - (\ 1� 1 0-'1 . - 1 0-3 1 <r' . - r • 2000 I I • 4000 600D 8000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) • 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside o f the one percent passband . A-9 JPL Part No. 10127 250-205 (Filter name : F336W) Fil ter Type : Wide Band Ful l Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: 3207 90% Passband : 3111 50% Passband : 2906 1% Passband : Effective Wavelength: Maximum Error in 50% Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: 3457 A 3583 A 3781 A 3345 A ±25 A 0 . 450 The nominal spectral charac teristics are given for reference purposes only, the t ransmission graphs are the controll ing specification. FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Start ing from the carat (OTA) side of the f i l te r . :r ... Description Substrate Drawing or Process No . Material Thick. (mm) o ---- AR Coat . A Substrate A 10127251-205 Cement Effec tive Index --- ---- ----- --- .,. w -.. '" t:l (mm) 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 587 .1. 111 Epo-Tek 301 0 . 025 0 . 020 ---- ----- 0 . 008 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 543 0 . 533 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 100 ---- ----- 1 . 652 1 . 5 12 UBK7 ---- AR Coat . B 4 . 537 Totals -- Focus shift calculated for: 3345 A .-."./ III 'tI II n Radius (m) <mm) 3 . 000 --- - 10127251-214 Focus Shift UG11 Thin Film B Substrate B To 1 . ... ." t" <) III VI .... JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No . 10127250-206 (Filter Name : F439W ) 1.0 :z 0 - 0.8 • &! 0 . 4- • Eoo 0.2 • � /' 0.8 � C'Il In - J J.J JJJ JJJ ''., J JJ JJ, JI J II : ! , , 0.0 3500 , ..,,-... ----- ..... ... , . II II II , II II I II II IJ I, II ,, I \ , · • · • , 5000 4500 4000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 :z 0 C'Il In - f7J � Eoo 1(,-1 , � • • . . · la-a • lo-S - 10""' - · · lo-G lo-G Hj" - · - · • 2000 , , • 4000 6000 8000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS) • 10000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-ll JPL Part No. 10027250-206 (Fil ter name : F439W) Filter Type : Wide Band Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: 4038 90'1 Passband : 3969 50'1 Passband : 3917 1'1 Pas sband : Ef fective Wavelength: Maximum Error in 50'1 Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: 4594 A 4665 A 4754 A 4320 A ±30 A 0 . 630 The nominal · spectral characteristics are given for reference purposes only . the t ransmission graphs are the control ling specification. :;; t"" FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Starting from the carat (OTA) side of the filter. ::.... Description '" Substrate Drawing or Process No . �1..lerial 10127251-216 BG 40 ---- Epo-Tek 301 Thin Film B Substrate B 1012725 1-206 BG 25 AR Coat . B (mm) Radius (m) Effect ive Index (mm) ---- ----- --- 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 542 1 . 076 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 025 0 . 020 ---- ----- 0 . 008 ---- --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 523 0 . 602 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 100 ---- ----- 1 . 686 3 . 060 1 . 752 ---- Totals To 1 . --- ---- Thin Film A Cement (mm) ---- AR Coa t . A Substrate A Thick. Focus Shift 4 . 837 , Focus shift calculated for : 4320 A III '0 II n o III '" .... � ..... ..... '" t:l JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No. 10127250-207 -(Fil ter Name : NF410M) 1 .0 :z; 0 0.8 - 00 00 0.6 ::s 00 0.4 E-o 0.2 - � � 0.0 3900 I I I I I /-----, I I , I / \ J / \ \ / / / I \ / I I -/ I I I I I I I I / I I / I I \ \ \ I I I I I \ \ \ \ \ , , , ,... 4 1 00 4200 4000 4300 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS) 4400 Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 :z; 0 - 00 00 - ::::s 00 � � E-o . • HTl - . 1 0-2 - - 1 0-3 1 0-' - - 1 0-6 1� 1 0-7 I- - I 2000 8000 6000 4000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS) 1 0000 Max imum acceptable transmiss ion outside of the one percent passband. A-l3 JPL Part No. 10127250-207 (Fil ter name: NF4l0M) Fi l t er Type:Mediurn Band Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: 4041 90% Passband: 4008 50% Passband: 3929 1% Passband: Effective Wavelength: Maximum Error in 50% Passband: Minimum Peak Transmiss ion: 4170 A 4197 A 4296 A 4105 A ±15 A 0 . 700 The nominal spectral characteris tics are given for reference purposes only, the transmission graphs are the controll ing spec if ication. FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Starting from the carat (OTA) side of the f i l ter. � t-' :r ..... Descript ion Substrate Drawing or Process No. Thick. Material (mm) Focus .Shift (mm) Radius (m) Effec tive Index --- ---- ------- --- To 1 . til 'gn ( mm ) � '-" J>o ---- AR Coa t . A Substrate A Cement 101 27251 -207 BG 25 1 . 699 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 527 0 . 586 --- Epo-Tek 301 0 . 025 0 . 020 ---- ----- 0 . 008 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 548 1 . 083 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 100 ---- ----..... 1.677 ---- Thin Film B Substrate B 10127251-216 BG 40 3 . 060 ---- AR Coa t . B Totals 4 . 784 ----- c _ ..... J>o W " '" t:I - Focus Shift Calculated for: 4105 A " ,p" �,,-p' JPL Spec CS5l4376 D JPL Part No. 10127250-208 (Filter Name : NF467M) 1 . 0 r-���----������T---� __--� � I I I I / I / I I I I I I I I 0.8 - � � 0.6 I �0 . 4 � I I I I 0.2 I 0 . 0��� �� 4 0 I I I ____ _ I I ,\ I I \ I \ I \ \ \ \ I \ I I I I I I I I I I I \ \ \, � I --�� �����-���� 4600 4800 500 0 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 � 0 rn rn - � � Il:: E-< • • • • . 1<,-1 - - 1 0-2 - - 1 0-3 � 1 0-' !- - - 1� 1 <r' 1 0-'1 !- . • 2000 • • 8000 6000 4000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) • 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-15 JPL Part No. 10127250-208 (Fil ter name : NF467M) Fil ter Type : Medium Band Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: 4592 901 Passband : 4559 501 Passband : 4473 11 Passband : Effective Wave length: Maximum Error in 501 Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: 4755 A 4787 A 4890 A 4675 A ±15 A 0 . 750 The nominal spectral charac teris t ics are given for reference purposes only, the transmission graphs are the controll ing specification. FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Start ing from the carat (OTA) side of the filter. Description =r ..... '" Substrate Drawing or Process No. Material Thick. ( nun ) To 1 . ( nun ) Radius (m) Effec tive Index Focus Shi ft ( nun ) � ten '8n o en AR Coa t . A Substrate A 10127251-208 Thin Film A --- Cement --- GG 435 ---- ----- - -- 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 551 0 . 6 28 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 020 ---- ----- 0 . 008 - -- ---- ----- --- 3 . 000 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 543 1 . 056 ---- --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 100 ---- ----- 1 . 692 1 . 76 7 - --- Epo-Tek 301 0 . 025 ---- Thin Film B Substrate B --- ---- 10127251-215 BG 39 AR Coat . B Totals 4. 792 Focus shift calculated for: 4675 '" ..... � w " at:! A • JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No . 10127250-209 (Filter Name : F569W) 1.0 , ' :z;.0 . 8 , I , I , I ' , I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I 0 - rIl rIl 0.6 � 0.4 � 0.2 - � 0.0 ,-- ..... " . 4000 I /, I 5000 6000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) 7000 Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 1 0-1 :z; 0 0-2 - 1 rIl rIl - � �� � 1 0-8 1� 1 <r 1 crs 1 0-7 ·2000 8000 6000 4000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) 1 0000 Max imum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-1 7 JPL Part No . 10127250-209 (Filter name : F569W) Filter Type : Wide Band Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: 5067 90'1 Passband : 50'1 Passband : 4953 4741 1'1 Passband : Effec t ive Wavelength: Maximum Error in 50'1 Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: 5672 A 6156 A 7077 A 5619 A ±50 A 0 . 860 The nominal spectral charac teristics are given for reference purposes only, the transmission graphs are the controll ing specif ication. ..... '"d t"' FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Starting from the carat ( OTA) side of the f i l ter . :r .... Description co Subs trate Drawing or Process No. Material Thick . (mm) AR Coa t . A Subs trate A Cement Substrate B -- - 10127251-218 GG 495 Epo-Tek 301 BG 38 AR Coa t . B --- 1 . 874 0 . 040 0 . 025 3 . 000 -- -- Totals (mm) - -- 10127251-209 Tol . 4 . 899 Radius (m) -- Effec tive Index --- -- - 1 . 540 0 . 658 0 . 020 - -- ---- 0 . 008 0 . 040 -- - 1 . 534 1 . 044 - - ---- - 0.100 ---- - -- - - - - - - - ---- - - o '" \J1 .... � w " at:! - - 1 . 710 ----- Focus shi f t calculated for: 5619 '." '8n (mm) -- - -- '" . Focus Shi f t A I JPL Spec CS5l4376 D JPL Part No . 10127250-210 (Filter Name : F547M) � � - I I I I I I I I 0.8 0.6 I I , " , , , I , I , I I , I , I , I , I 0.4 0.2 ,--------, , \ \ I I I I I I I I I I \ \ \ . \ \ \ \ \ \ 0.0 ��� ���� 5�0� �0 �5�0�0���� 50 0� WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) � Nominal passband profile (solid l ine) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 �rn rn - fJj � E-o • • y I I 1 0-1 l- l o-B - - 1 a-a - - 1 tr - - · 1� lo-e 1 0-7 · l- · I 2000 I '- I 4000 6000 8000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) I 10000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-19 JPL Part No . 10127250-210 (Fil ter name : F547M) Filter Type : Medium Band Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS : 5235 90'1 Passband : 5121 50'1 Passband : 4991 l'1 Passband : Effect ive Wavelength: Maximum Error in 50'1 Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: 5 710 A 5828 A 6002 A 5475 A ±30 A 0 . 700 The nominal spectral characteristics are given for reference purposes only, the transmission graphs are the controll ing specification. ... ... to' FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Starting from the carat (OTA) s ide of the f i lter. :;­ !3 Descript ion Material Substrate Drawing or Process No . AR Coat . A Subst· r ate A Cement Tol . ( mm ) Radius (m) Effective Index (mm) --- ---- ----- --- OG 515 1 . 803 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 540 0 . 632 Epo-Tek 301 0 . 025 0 . 020 ---- ----- 0 . 008 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 533 1 . 064 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 100 ---- ---- ---- Thin Film Substrate B ( mm ) ---10127251-210 --- Thick. Focus Shift BG 40 10127251-216 AR Coat . B 3 . 060 ---- Totals - ------ 4 . 888 1 . 704 --- Focus shift calculated for: 5475 A '" 'in C') '" U1 .... l'­ ..., " '" t:::I JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No. 10127250-211 (Filter Name : F675W) 1.0 • I .� 0.8 r- I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 - fIl fIl I - Eo< I I 0.6 r0.4 r0.2 f- • I �--------,, I I I I I I I I I I I I JJ ! 0.0 6000 • \ \ \ \ \ \ I I I I I I I • , , , , · I , I \ \ I \ \ \ \ · · · � • 7000 8000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) - Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 • • '/ \ I • . 1 0-1 - 1 0-8 - - fIl fIl 1 0-& - - � 1� - � - - � E-o · l a-e 1 <r' 1 0-'1' - • 2000 • • , 4000 8000 6000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) • 10000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-21 JPL Part No. 10127250-211 (Filter name : F675W) Filter Type : Wide Band Ful l Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: 6228 90% Passband : 6111 50% Passband : 5911 1% Passband : Effective Wavelength: Maximum Error in 50% Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: 1281 A 7401 A 7674 A 6 75 7 A ±60 A 0 . 880 The nominal spectral charac teristics are given for reference purposes only, the transmiss ion graphs are the controll ing specification. FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Start ing from the carat (OTA) side of the f i l ter . Description :r '" '" Substrate Drawing o r Process No . - Material Thick. (mm) To 1 . (mm) Radius (m) ... Effect ive Index Focus Shif t (mm) t!! '" 'in n '" AR Coat . A --- Subs trate A 10127251-213 Thin Film A --- Cement --- RG 610 ---- Epo-Tek 301 0 . 025 ---- Thin Film B Substrate B 3 . 000 10127251-250 BK 7 AR Coat . B 1 . 942 ---- Totals 4 . 96 7 VI --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 535 1 . 045 -- - ---- ----- --- 0 . 020 ---- ----- 0 . 008 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 514 0 . 660 -- - ---- ----- --- 0 . 100 ---- ----- 1 . 713 Focus shift calculated for: 6757 A .... � w .... '" t::I JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No . 10127250-212 (Fil ter Name : F791W) 1.0 :z; 0 I I I ,..----------- , I I I \ I I I \ I I I \ I I I \ I I I \ \ I I \ \ I I I \ I I I \ I I I \ I I I \ I I I \ I I I \ I I I \ . I I :\. I 0.8 - fIl fIl 0.6 Gl 0.4 - � 0.2 0.0 9000 7000 8000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and errOr envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 , , 1 0-1 . i:z; 0 0-2 i- 1 fIl fIl l a-a i- Gl 1 0-' i- - � E-o / , , · · . · l o-tS 1� 1 0-7 ' · l- · • 2000 • , 4000 6000 8000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) • 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-23 JPL Part No . 10127250-212 (Filter name : F791W) Filter Type : Wide Band Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: 7334 901 Pas sband : 7177 501 Passband : 6925 11 Passband : Effective Wave length: Maximum Error in 501 Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: 8872 A 9001 A 9445 A 8095 A +80 A 0 . 870 The nominal spectral characteristics are given for reference purposes only, the transmission graphs are the controll ing specification. � to< FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Starting from the carat (OTA) side of the f i lter. . If r-> Description � Substrate Drawing or Process No . Thick. Material ( mm ) Tol . ( mm ) Radius (m) Effect ive Index Focus Shift· ( mm ) rn 'gn C'l rn V1 ... ---- AR Coa t . A Substrate A 10127251-212 RG 715 3 . 500 Thin FUm A Cement --- - --- 0 . 025 Epo-Tek 301 Thin Film B Substrate B - --10127251-221 BK 7 1 . 478 AR Coat . B ---5 . 003 Totals - -- 0 .040 --0 . 020 --- ---- ----- --- -- 1 . 531 1 . 040 -- --- - - ---- 0 . 020 ---- ----- --- -- --- -- -- --- 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 511 --- ---- ----- 0 . 100 ---- ----- 0 . 662 - -- 1 . 722 , Focus shift calculated for: 8095 , •.•.•/j A � w ..... at::! JPL Spec CS5l4376 D JPL Part No. 10127250-213 . ( Filter Name : F12BLP) :z: e - � O.B� 'r-------�---------------------· 0.6 � · · 0.0 ��2�O�0�0�--4�0�0�0��6�0�O�0���B�O�0��1�0�0'�00� WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) Nominal passband profile (solid l ine ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 :z: e 10-1 . � - 10-2 l- - 1<r' Ul Ul � � E-o · · l- · 10-' · l a-e · 1� 10-'1' · I 2000 I , 4000 6000 BOOO WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) , 10000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-25 JPL Part No. 10127250-213 (Filter name : F128LP) Filter Type : Long Wavelength Pass Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: 1347 - 1 1000 A 90%. Passband : 1245 - 11000 A 50%. Passband : 1 243 - 11000 A I%. Passband : Effec tive Wave length: 6328 A Maximum Error in 50%. Passband : +30 A 0 . 890 Minimum Peak Transmission: The nominal spectral characteristics are given for reference purposes only, the transmis sion graphs are the controll ing specification. .... t"!l FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Start ing f rom the carat (OTA) side of the f ilter. =r � Description Substrate Drawing or Process No. Material Thick. (mm) To 1 . (mm) Radius (m) fIl Effec tive Index Focus Shift (mm) '&n o fIl '" .... to "" Substrate 10127251-222 CaF2 3 . 828 0 . 100 To tals 3 . 828 0 . 100 ---- 1 . 433 1 . 15 7 ----- 1 . 15 7 .--, Focus shift calculated for: 6328 A .... '" t::I JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No . 10127250-214 (Filter Name: NF170W) 1.0 Z O.B 0 ..... rIl rIl 0.6 � 0.4 Eo< 0.2 .... � 0.0 1 000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I _ - - - - - .... / "" -..; ./ r I ..-:./ I I ..... 20-00 1500 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) 2500 Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 Z 0 .... rIl rIl .... � � Eo< , , , , I 1 0-1 1 0-2 - l a-s - - 1� l tr - l a-e - ...; 1 0-7 2000 , , • 8000 4000 6000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) • 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-27 JPL Part No. 10127250-214 (Filter name : NF170W) Filter Type : Wide Band Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: 1566 90% Passband : 1419 50% Passband : 1 194 1% Passband : Effect ive Wavelength: Maximum Error in 50% Passbsnd : Minimum Peak Transmission: 1863 A 2021 A 2509 A 1 73 7 A ±40 A 0 . 200 The nominal spectral characteristics are given for reference purposes only, the transmission graphs are the contro l l ing specification. FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Starting from the carat (OTA) side of the f ilter. :r '" Description 00 Substrate Drawing or Process No. Material Thick. (mm) To 1 . (mm) ... ... t-' Radius (m) Effec t ive Index Focus Shift (mm) en 'in n en VI ..... --- Thin Film Substrate - 10127251-223 --- - --- ----- --- l:­ w .... t:I MgF2 4 . 814 0 . 100 -- -- 1 . 444 1 . 480 Totals 4 . 814 0 . 100 ---- ----- 1 . 480 Focus shift calculated for: 1 7 3 7 '".,�/ A '" JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No . 10127250-215 (Filter Name : NF300W) 1.0 :z: 0 J J J J J J J J J J J I 0.8 - 1'1.1 1'1.1 0.6 GJ 0.4 Eo< 0 .2 - � 0.0 I I I I 2000 3000 4000 WAVELENGTH ( ANGSTROMS ) Nominal passband profile (solid line) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 � - 1'1.1 1'1.1 - � �� Eo< 1 0-1 l o-B 1 0-3 10-' l a-e l a-e 1 0-7 2000 6000 8000 4000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) ' 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-29 JPL Part No . 10127250-215 (Filter name : NF300W) Filter Type : Wide Band Ful l Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS : 2718 90'1 Pas sband : 2461 50'1 Passband : 2251 1'1 Passband : Effec tive Wave length: Maximum Error in 50'1 Passband : Minimum Pesk Transmission: 325'7 A 3547 A 3 7 74 A 3007 A ±50 A 0 . 430 The nominal spectral characteristics are given for reference purposes only, the transmission graphs are the controll ing specification. FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Starting from the carat (OTA) side of the f ilter. ::- Descript ion w o Substrate Drawing or Process No. Thick. Material (mm) AR Coat. A Substrate A 10127251-224 UG 5 Thin Film A Cement --- Epo-Tek 301 Thin Film B Substrate B 10127251-224 UG 5 AR Coat. B (mm) Radius (m) Ef fective Index (mm) ---- --- ---- ----- --- 2 . 206 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 578 0 . 808 ---- --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 020 ---- ----- ---- --- ---- ----- 2 . 206 0 . 040 ---- 1 0 578 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 100 ---- ----- 1 . 624 0 .025 ---- 4 . 43 7 Totals Tol . Focus Shift . 0 . 008 , �:: I 0 8 Focus shift calculated for : 3007 """J .'--. A .� In 'gn n In '" .... .I:­ w ... at::! Nominal passband profile (solid l ine) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . :z: 0 1 1 0-1 • lo-B r- - l- &!j la-a 1 <r :- Eo< lcre � la-e 1 0-7 • • - - 00 00 I .... · · · · - • 2000 • • I 4000 6000 8000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) I 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmiss ion outside o f the one percent passband . A-3l JPL Part No. 10127250-216 (Filter name : NF380W) Filter Type : Wide Band Ful l Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS : 3644 90'1 Passband : 3452 50'1 Passband : 3192 1'1 Passband : Effec t ive Wave length: Maximum Error in 50'1 Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: 4190 A 4424 A 4330 A 3919 A ±60 A 0 . 550 The nominal spectral charac teristics are given for reference purposes only. the· transmission graphs are the controlling specification. FILTER PRESCR IPTION: Start ing from the carat (OTA) side of the f i lter. =:w Description Substrate Drawing or Process No. Material Thick. (rom) To 1 . (rom) Radius (m) Effect ive Index Focus Shift ( rom ) '" AR Coa t . A Substrate A ---- 10127251-240 BG 25 ----- --- 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 530 1 . 039 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 020 ---- ----- 0 . 008 ---- --- ---- ----- --- 1 . 758 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 551 0 . 624 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 100 ---- ----- 1 . 671 ------ Epo-Tek 301 Thin Film B Substrate B ---- 3 . 000 Thin Film A Cement --- 10127251-235 BG 39 AR Coat. B 0 . 025 ---- Totals 4 . 783 Focus shift calculated for: 3919 -,_ '"-0-" A � '" a: n n '" '" .... l'­ W .... '" t:l JPL S pec CS514376 D JPL Part No. 10127250-217 (Filter Name : NF450W) 1.0 � - 0.8 !'I.l !'I.l 0.6 � 0.4 E-o 0.2 - � 0.0 3000 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 ----------/ I\ I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I \ I I I \ I I I \ I . I \ 4000 5000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) 6000 Nominal passband profile (solid l ine ) and error envelope (dashed l ines ) . 1 � 0 !'I.l !'I.l - � � E-o I I t' I I 1 0-1 1 0-2 - - l a-s - - 1 0-' - - . 1 0-& l a-e 1 0-" fo . I 2000 • I • 6000 8000 4000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-33 JPL Part No. 10127250-217 (Filter name : NF450W) Filter Type : Wide Band Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: 3988 90t Passband : 3738 50t Passband : 3553 lt Passband : Effect ive Wavelength: Maximum Error in 50t Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: 5147 A 5200 A 5338 A 4480 A ±60 A 0 . 600 The nominal s pec.tral charac teristics are given for reference purposes only, th� transmission graphs are the. controll ing specification. FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Start ing from the carat ( OTA) side of the f i l ter. t Description w "" Substrate Drawing or Process No. Material AR Coa t . A Substrate A 101 27251-226 GG 385 --- Epo-Tek 301 Effective Index --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 595 0 . 6 21 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 020 ---- ----- 0 . 008 --- ---- ----- --- 3 . 000 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 545 1 . 058 ---- --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 100 ---- ----- 1 . 688 (mm) 1 . 665 0 . 025 ---- 10127251-215 BG 39 AR Coa t . B Totals Focus Shift Radius (m) ---- Thin Film B Substrate B To 1 . (mm) ---- Thin Film A Cement Thick. 4 . 690 , (mm) Focus shift calculated for: 4480 A .... '" t-' en 'tI .. n o en ..,. .... "" w " '" t:I JPL' Spe c CS514376 D JPL Part No. 10127250-218 (Fil ter Name : F555W) 1.0 � O.B fIl fIl 0.6 � 0.4 - - , , ,. - - - I , , , I , \ I , \ , I \ , f \ I I I I I I I I � 0.2 , 0.0 4000 I I I I I I I I I \ \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 6000 5000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) :-.. 7000 Nominal passband profile ( solid l ine) and error envelope (dashed l ines ) . 1 U,-1 , - � 1 (1"2 - fIl l a-s � - 1 0-' - fIl - � E-c , ' f · · · - l cr lcrs 1 (1"7 � I 2000 , , , 4000 6000 BOOO WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) _1. 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-35 JPL Part No. 10127250-218 (Filter name : F555W) Filter Type : Wide Band Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: 4737 901 Passband : 4572 501 Passband : 4341 11 Passband : Effective Wavelength: Maximum Error in 501 Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: 5687 A 6 1 74 A 6947 A 5412 A ± 75 A 0 . 890 The nominal spectral charac teristics are given for reference purposes only, the transmiss ion graphs are the controll ing specification. FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Start ing f rom the carat (OTA) side of the f ilter. :r IN Description Substrate Drawing or Procsee No . Material Thick. ( mm ) To 1 . (mm) Radius (m) Effec t ive Index '"' '" I"' Focus Shift '" 'gn ( mm ) n '" '" I.n AR Coa t . A Substrate A Cement Substrate B --- - 1012725 1-227 --101 27251-218 - -- ---- ----- --- GG 455 1 . 876 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 532 0 . 65 1 Epo-Tek 301 0 . 025 0 . 020 ---- ----- 0 . 008 BG 38 3 . 000 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 534 1 . 044 -- -- ----- --- ---- - ---- 1 . 703 AR Coa t . B ---- Totals 4 . 901 - -- 0 . 100 Focus shi f t calculated for: 5412 .... � IN '" '" o A ""/ JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No. 10127250-219 (Filter Name : F606W) 1 .0 � 0 - rJl rJl - . &'1 � Eo< . I 0.8 r 0.6 r .i I -------------I ( , I I \ I I , I I , I I , I I , I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I o' 0.4 l0.2 l0 04 I . 000 .J • , , , , , , , , , , , , , 0 0 0 0 \\ I 5000 7000 6000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) 8000 Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 I U T1 I- - lo-B I- - 1 0-& r 1 0-' I- � 0 rJl rJl &'1 � Eo< I . I , I • 0 0 0 1 <r la-e 1 0""7 0 I- 0 I 2000 I I I 4000 8000 6000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) , 10000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-37 JPL Part No . 10127250-219 (Filter name : F606W) Filter Type : Wide Band Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: 4924 90'1 Passband : 4783 50'1 Passband : 4593 1'1 Passband : Effective Wavelength: Maximum Error in 50'1 Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: 7018 A 7 1 25 A 7340 A 5956 A ±80 A 0 . 900 The nominal spectral characteristics are given for reference purposes only. the transmission graphs are the controll ing specification. FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Start ing from the carat (OTA) s ide of the filter. ::w Descript ion Substrate Drawing o r Process No . Material Thick. (mm) Tol . (mm) � Radius (m) Effect ive Index t"' Focus Shi f t '" '" It n (mm) o -- ---- ----- --- '" II> ... � w t::f co AR Coat . A Subs trate A ---10127251-228 Cement GG 475 2 . 949 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 562 1 . 06 1 Epo-Tek 301 0 . 025 0 . 020 ---- ----- 0 . 008 -- ----- --0 . 644 Thin Film Substrate B 10127251-265 - BK 7 AR Coat . B ---- --- 1 . 892 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 5 16 --- ---- ----- 0 . 100 ---- ----- -- -- Totals 4 . 866 -- -- " '" - 1 . 713 --- - Focus shift calculated for: 5956 A " ,c/ ,.• JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No . 10127250-220 (Filter Name : F622W) 1.0 � fIl fIl - f1.l � E-o • 0 . 8 l0 . 6 l0 . 4 l0.2 l0.0 , 5000 I I I -------, I I"" I \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I , ., J • �\ ! 6000 7000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROllS ) • · · · · , 8000 Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 • 10-1 l- - 10-1 l- - 10-3 l- :z: 0 fIl fIl f1.l � E-o • 1 -, ""\ • • · · · 10-' l1a-e · 1<r' l10-'1' · • 2000 . , , , 4000 6000 8000 WAVELENGTH ( ANGSTROllS ) , 10000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband. A-39 JPL Part No. 10127250-220 (Filter name : F622W) Filter Type : Wide Band Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: 5596 90'1. Passband : 5505 50'1. Passband : 5347 1'1. Passband : Effect ive Wavelength: Maximum Error in 50'1. Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: 6791 A 6905 A 7 1 22 A 6206 A ±70 A 0 . 890 The nominal spectral characteristics are given for reference purposes only, the transmission graphs are the controll ing specification. FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Starting from the carat (OTA) side of the f ilter. '-< '" t"' t g Description Substrate Drawing or Process No . Material Substrate A 10127251-229 OG 550 . Thin Film Radius (m) ---- --- ---- ----- 3 . 000 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 538 1 . 049 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 025 0 . 020 ---- ----- 0 . 008 1 . 926 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 515 0 . 655 ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- 4 . 951 0 . 100 ---- ----- ---- Epo-Tek 301 Cement Subs trate B (l1l1I) To 1 . (l1l1I ) Thick. AR Coat A 10127251-253 BK 7 AR Coat B Totals Focus Shift ' Effec tive Index '" '" II n (mm) n '" I/O .... � w " 0- --- t:! 1 . 713 ----- Focus shift calculated for : 6206 '-" -' A -",-".,,/ JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No . 10127250-221 (Fil ter Name : F702W) 1 . 0 r---;,�-:��_;:����;;�,��i,--�----r--, � � - O.B 0.6 , , , I" , I , ., , , , , , , , I I , , , , , I I I I I I I \ , , \ ' ' \ ' \ \ \ \ \I \ I \ I I \ I \ I \\ I \ 0 . 0 ��������7���--�����--��9-�-� 0 00 6000 B 0 00 0 00 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 � - fIl I'll - � � Eo< 10-1 1 0-2 1a-s 10-' 10-0 1<r' 10-7 2000 4000 6000 BOOO WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) 10000 Maximum acceptable transmiss ion outside of the one percent passband . A-41 JPL Part No . 10127250-221 (Filter name : F702W) Filter Type : Wide Band Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: 90% Passband : 6083 5931 50% Passband : 5798 1% Passband : Effect ive Wavelength: Maximum Error in 50% Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: 7971 A 8205 A 8748 A 7084 A + 80 A 0 . 950 The nominal spectral characteristics are given for reference purposes only, the transmission graphs are the contro l l ing specification. FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Start ing from the carat (OTA) side of the f i l ter. i Descript ion Substrate Drawing or Process No . Material Thick. ( mm ) To 1 . ( mm ) Radius (m) Effective Index .... ... to' Focus Shift (mm) en '" CD n --- .I:­ W '" (") en 1.11 .... -- AR Coa t . A -- --- -- -- -- --- .... a- Substrate A 10127251-230 OG 590 ---- Thin Film Cement Substrate B 3 . 000 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 524 1 . 032 --- ---- ----- --- Epo-Tek 301 0 . 025 0 . 020 ---- ----- 0 . 008 BK 7 1 . 999 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 513 0 . 678 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 100 ---- ----- 1 . 718 10127251-254 ---- AR Coa t . B Totals 5 . 024 - Focus shi f t calculated for: 7084 A t::! JPL Spec CS5l4376 D JPL Part No . 1012 7250-222 (Filter Name : F8l4W) l ' 0 r-�"--��� ���=-���-----' ---------- � - � , .... , I' I , I , I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I O.B 0.6 - .... , , , , \ \ I I , I I I I I : , , , , , , " I ' ' ' ' ' \ ' ' \, , 0.0 ��7���--�--�---�--0--�--��0�0--� �0 90 100 000 B 000 WA�LENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) Nominal passband profile (solid line) and error envelope (dashed l ines ) . 1 :z: 0 C'I.l C'I.l u r1 10-8 I � 10-' - E-t 1erG 1� 10-7 I I - - � I - l a-s - . - I- I 2000 I I I 4000 6000 BOOO WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) • 10000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-43 JPL Part No � 10127250-222 (Filter name : F814W) Filter Type : Wide Band Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: 7233 - 9295 A 901 Passband : 7061 - 9612 A 501 Passband : 6864 - 10223 A 11 Passband : 8353 A Effective Wavelength: Maximum Error in 501 Passband : ±80 A 0 . 930 Minimum Peak Transmission: The nominal spectral charac teristics are given for reference purposes only, the transmiss ion graphs are the controll ing specification. :;; FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Start ing from the carat (OTA) side of the fil ter. t Description Substrate Drawing or P.rocess No . (mm) Ef fective Index ---- --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 530 1 . 039 ---- --- ---- ----- --- Epo-Tek 301 0 . 025 0 . 020 ---- ----- 0 . 008 BK 7 2 . 008 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 510 0 . 678 --- ---- ----- --- ---- ----- 1 . 726 RG 695 3 . 000 Thin Film Substrate B Focus Shif t Radius (m) 10127251-231 Cement '" To 1 . (mm) Thick. Material AR Coa t . A Substrate A to< 10127251-255 ---- AR Coa t . B 5 . 033 Totals 0 . 100 . (mm) ------ --- -_. Focus shift calculated for: 8353 ...��o - '._�, A aln � VI .... � w -.. '" t:I JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No . 10127250-223 (Filter Name : F785LP ) 1.0 I Z O.B 0 I'll 0 . 6 I'll - � �Eo< 0.4 0.2 0.0 7000 �- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I ·1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I I BOOO I 1 0000 9000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) 1 1 000 Nominal passband profile (solid l ine) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 1<,-1 Z 0 I'll I'll - � � � Eo< • . • ( I- • - . 1 0""2 � 1 0-1 - .. - 1 0-' � - J 1 cr 1� 1 0""'1 - .. • 2000 .. • I 4000 6000 BOOO WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) • 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmiss ion outside of the one percent passband . A-45 JPL Part No . 10127250-223 (Filter name : F785LP ) Filter Type : Long Wavelength Pass Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: 8 1 22 - 11000 A 90'1 Passband : 7 9 1 7 - 1 1 000 A 50'1 Passband : 1'1 Passband : 7593 - 1 1 000 A 8200 A Effec t ive Wave length: Maximum Error in 50'1 Passband : ±30 A 0 . 950 Minimum Peak Transmission: The nominal spectral characteristics are given for reference purposes only, the transmiss ion graphs are the controll ing specification. FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Start ing from the carat (OTA) side of the f i l ter. t Description Substrate Drawing or Process No. . Material L, '" Radius (m) Effect ive Index Focus Shift (mm) --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 100 ---- 1 . 531 1 . 722 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 100 ---- ----- 1 . 722 Thick. (mm ) To 1 . (mm) ---4 . 966 a- AR Coat . A Substrate A 10127251-232 RG 780 ---- AR Coa t . B 4 . 966 Totals Focus shift calculated for: 8200 -'-'_-r ,,·> A tIII 'in n III \n .... � w .... at::! JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No . 10127250-224 (Filter Name : F850LP ) 1 .0 � r----,.-----! -::::�:::=== = =� , , , , , , , I I I I I I I I I O.B - � 0.6 � .0 . 4 - � Eo< 0.2 I I I I I I I � � - - - ---------- I I I I I I I I 0 . 0 �--����-6��-L --�9�0�0�0----�-----� B00 0 1 0000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . :z: 0 I'll I'll 1 u r1 , , , - ' /' • - lo-B - - 1 0-& I- - � 1� I- - Eo< lcr - - � 1 0-& 1 0-" I - I- • 2000 . . • • 4000 6000 BOOO WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-47 JPL Part No� 10127250-224 (Filter name : F850LP ) Fil ter Type : Long Wavelength Pass Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS : 8784 - 1 1000 A !l0%. Passband : 8579 - 1 1000 A 50%. Passband : 8211 - 1 1000 A I%. Passband : 8800 A Effec t ive Wavelength: Maximum Error in 50%. Passband : ±30 A 0 . 930 Minimum Peak Transmission: The nominal spectral characteristics are given for reference purposes only, the transmission graphs are the controll ing specification. FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Start ing from the carat ( OTA) side of the f il ter. t Description Substrate Drawing or Process No . Thick. (nan) Material To 1 . (nan) Radius (m) :;; t'" Focus Shift (nan) Effect ive Index <II '0 It n o � co AR Coa t . A Substrate A 10127251-234 RG 850 AR Coa t . B ---- --- ---- ----- 4 . 85 2 0 . 100 ---- 1 . 552 1 . 726 --- ---- ----- --- ---- .... � ... - -- ..... '" t::l . 4 . 852 Totals 0 . 100 --- - ----- 1 . 726 -------- Focus shift calculated for: 8800 _._,,_,f A '.�.,.--/ JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No. 10127250-225 (Fil ter Name : Fl22M) 1.0 :z; 0 ...... 00 00 i • - 0.4 - � 0.2 E-< - I I I - I I I - - 'AL 1. HI I 0.0 - I ...... � • I I I I I 0 . 8 f0.6 • I 1 000 3000 2000 WAVELENGTH ' (ANGSTROMS ) I 4000 Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 • .... E-< • • . � u r1 :z; 0 1 0-2 ...... 00 00 1 0-8 � �Il:: • ur' - - 10-15 l a-e 1 0-7 - roo I 2000 I I I 4000 6000 8000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) I 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmiss ion outside of the one percent passband . A-49 JPL Part No; 10127250-225 (Filter name : F122M) Filter Type : Medium Band Full Aperture Required Wheel : 1 NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: 1 148 90'1 Passband : 1 1 38 50'1 Passband : 1 1 22 1'1 Passband : Effec tive Wave length: Maximum Error in 50'1 Passband : Minimum .Peak Transmission: 1281 A 1324 A 3882 A 1216 A ±20 A 0 . 120 The nominal spectral characteristics are given for reference purposes only, the transmi ss ion graphs are the controlling specification. FILTER PRESCR IPTION: Start ing from the carat ( OTA) side of the filter . if> Descript ion Substrate Drawing or Process No . Material Thick. (mm) V> o To 1 . (mm) Radius (m) Effective Index :;; t"' Focus Shift (mm) '" '" co n n '" Thin Film Substrate ---- 101 27251-238 MgF2 4 . 593 --0 . 100 -- - - 50 . 0+0 . 5 ---- - 1 . 606 V> ..... � w ..... '" --- 0 . 702 t:I I Totals 4 . 593 0 . 100 - -- - ----- 0 . 702 Focus shi ft calculated for : 1564 A I JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No. 10127250-226 (Filter Name : . NF343N) 1.0 Z 0 .... 00 00 � , , , , , , , , , , , , 0.8 0.6 .... 0.4 E-o 0 . 2 /. 0.0 3400 ;' I I I I I I I I I I I. I , I I I \ \ , 3440 3420 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) ...... 3460 Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 1 0-1 Z 0 1 0-2 .... • • • • • - _. - - 00 00 1 0-3 - - GJ 1 0-' - - l o-G - - .... � E-o l a-a 1 0-7 • 2000 I I 8000 6000 4000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) I 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmiss ion outside of the one percent passband . A-51 JPL Part No� 10127250-226 (Filter name : NF343N) Filter Type : Narrow Band Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: 3422 901 Passband : 3419 501 Passband : 3384 11 Passband : Effec t ive Wavelength: Maximum Error in 501 Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: 3439 A 3444 A 3454 A 3430 A + 2 A 0 . 200 The nominal spectral characteristics are given for reference purposes only, the t ransmission graphs are the controlling specification. FILTER PRESCR IPTION: Start ing from the carat (OTA) side of the f ilter. � Description Substrate Drawing o r Process No. Material Thick. (mm) To 1 . (mm) Radius (m) Effec t ive Index Focus Shif t ( mm ) .., ---- AR Coat . A Substrate A 10127251-240 BG 25 Thin Film A Cement --- Epo-Tek 301 10127251-246 BK 7 AR Coat . B Totals ---- --- -- --- 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 540 1 . 052 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 020 ---- ----- 0 . 020 ---- --- ---- ----- --- 1 . 657 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 541 0 . 582 ---- --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 100 ---- --- --- Thin Film B Subs trate B 3 . 000 --- - 0 . 057 4 . 714 ------- ------- -- 1 . 654 -- Focus shift calculated for: 3430 A .... "d t"' '" in o '" '" .... � w .... at:! JPL Spec CS5l4376 D Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 • • • -, I 1 0-1 :z; 0 1 0-2 - - - - - 00 00 1 0-3 .. - � 1 0-' - - l a-e - - - � E-o l crs 1 0-7 • 2000 • • • 6000 8000 4000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmiss ion outside o f the one percent passband . A-5 3 JPL Part No. 10127250-227 (Fil ter name : F375N) Filter Type : Narrow Band Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS : 3723 901 Passband : 3719 501 Passband : 3687 11 Passband : Effective Wavelength: Maximum Error in 501 Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: 3742 A 3748 A 3760 A 3732 A ± 3 A 0 . 120 The nominal spectral characteristics are given for reference purposes only, the transmission graphs are the controlling specification. FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Starting f rom the carat (OTA) side of the f ilter. � Description Substrate Drawing or Process No. Material Radius (m) Effec t ive Index Focus Shift (mm) --- ---- ----- ,--- 3 . 000 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 533 1 . 043 ---- --- ---- - 0 . 020 ---- --- Thick. (mm) To 1 . (mm ) ---- � .... .... t"' til '<I II n o til \.11 .... AR Coat. A Substrate A 10127251-240 BG 25 Thin Film A Cement --- Epo-Tek 301 ---- Thin Film B Substrate. B 0 . 057 10127251-247 BK 7 1 . 728 ---- AR Coat . B Totals 4 . 785 - -- 0 . 040 - -- 0 . 100 ----- --- 0 . 020 - --- ----- --- ---- 1 . 535 0 . 602 ---- ----- --- --- - ---- - 1 . 665 Focus shi f t calculated for: 3732 A � '" ..... '" t:I JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No . 10127250-228 (Fil ter Name : F437N) 1.0 :z; 0 O.B C'Il C'Il 0.6 .� 0.4 - , , , , , , , , , , , , - � 0.2 J E-t I I .; 0.0 / I I I I I I I I I " ,- ------- ( I I I I I '\ \ \ I I , "- 4360 4340 43 80 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROllS ) .... 4400 Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 • • • • • l- · 0 1 0-1 1 0-2 l- · C'Il C'Il l a-s l- · 1 <r - · 1 <r - - :z; - - � � Il:: E-t 1 0-«' 1 0-7 • 2000 • • • 4000 6000 13000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROllS ) • 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside o f the one percent passband . A-55 JPL Part No; 10127250-228 ( Fi l ter name : F437N) Fi lter Type : Narrow Band Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS : 4358 90'1 Passband : 4354 50'1 Passband : 4316 1'1 Passband : Effective Wavelength: Maximum Error in 50'1 Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: 4380 A 4384 A 4380 A 4368 A ± 3 A 0 . 250 The nominal spectral charac teristics are given for reference purposes only, the transmiss ion graphs are the controll ing specification. FILTER PRESCRIPTION : Start ing f rom the carat (OTA) side of the f i lter. >- Description o!" Substrate Qrawing or Process No . Material Thick. (mm) To 1 . (mm) Radius (m) Effect ive Index Focus Shift (mm) ---- --- ---- ----- --- 3 . 000 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 526 1 . 077 --- ---- - 0 . 020 ---- - '"' '" t-' fIl 'gn n fIl VI a- AR Coat . A Substrate A 10127251-262 BG 23 ---- Thin Film A Cement --- 0 . 05 7 Epo-Tek 301 --- Thin Film B Subs trate B - 1012725 1-264 1 . 794 BG 38 ---- AR Coa t . B 4 . 85 1 Totals ---- --_._- --0 . 040 -- - 0 . 100 ------- .... at:) -- 0 . 020 - ----- --- ---- 1 . 542 0 . 631 ---- ----- --- --- ----- 1 . 728 ------_._- Focus shift calculated for : 4368 ,,�:,,/ � w - --- - .... A I I, JPL Spec CS514376 D Nominal passband profile (solid l ine) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . :z: 0 - Ul Ul - .� � Il:: E-o 1 1 0-1 . • • • I I- - - - - - 1 0-' . - - 1 <r - . 10-2 1 0-8 l a-e 1 0-7 . I 2000 I L I 6000 8000 4000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) ..L 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-57 JPL Part No. 10127250-229 (Fil ter name : F469N) Fil ter Type : Narrow Band Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: 90% Passband : 4683 4679 50% Passband : 4639 1% Passband : Effect ive Wavelength: Maximum Error in 50% Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: 4705 A 4709 A 4705 A 4692 A ± 3 A 0 . 300 The nominal spectral characteris tics are given for reference purposes only, the transmiss ion graphs are the contro l l ing specification. !;l t"' FILTER PRESCR IPTION: Start ing from the carat (OTA) side of the f i l te r . ! Description 00 Substrate Drawing or Process No . Material Thick. (mm) To 1 . (mm) Radius (m) Ef fective Index Focus Shift (mm) III 'in n III '" .... --- AR Coa t . A Substrate A - 10127251-241 GG 435 --- Thin Film A Cement - --- Epo-Tek 301 0.057 ---- Thin Film B Substrate B 2 . 468 10127251-249 BG HI AR Coa t . B 2 . 200 ---- Totals 4 . 725 -- - 0 . 040 -- - 0 . 020 -- - 0 . 040 -- - 0 . 100 - --- ----- ---- 1 . 5 71 0 . 897 ---- ----- --- ---- ----- 0 . 020 ---- ----- ---- 1 . 544 ---- ----- -- ----- -- -- - -- - 0 . 775 -- - 1 . 692 Focus shift calculated for: 4692 A I , i � .... " '" t::I JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No . 10127250-230 (Filter Name : F487N) 1 . 0 n---�---r--��/--�--'-��:z; O.B � 0.6 o - � - Eo< I I I I I I I I I I / I I I I 0.4 0.2 I I ,,/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , , I I I I I I I I I I I \ \ \ \ I I I I I I " ,.., 0 · ����---4��4�--�� �0-0�� �0��-4�B�B� 4� 49 B6 B2 0 B 0 0--�� WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dasbed lines ) . 1 :z; 0 u r1 - 1 0-2 - 1 <r rIl rIl · � � Il: Eo< 1 <r 1 0-0 I I I I • t- o 0 0 0 - 0 - 0 l a-a Hr7 I 2000 I I 4 000 6000 BOOO WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) • 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of tbe one percent passband . A-59 JPL Part No. 10127250-230 (Filter name : F487N) Filter Type : Narrow Band Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: 4854 90t. Passband : 4851 50t. Passband : 4808 It. Passband : Effec t ive Wavelength: Maximum Error in 50t. Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: 4881 1\ 4884 1\ 4902 1\ 4866 1\ ± 3 1\ 0 . 350 The nominal spectral characteristics are given for reference purposes only, the transmission graphs are the controll ing specification. FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Starting f rom the carat (OTA) s ide of the f i l ter. ! Description Substrate Drawing o r Process No. Thick. (mm) Material To 1 . (mm) Radius (m) !;1 to' Effect ive Index Focus Shi f t (mm) '2n ..... � w .... '" o ---- AR Coa t . A Substrste A 10127251-242 2 . 493 GG 455 ---- Thin Film A --- Cement 0 . 057 Epo-Tek 301 ---- Thin Film B Substrate B AR Coat . B 1012725 1-249 BG 18 2 . 200 ---- . Totals 4 . 750 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 569 0 . 904 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 020 ---- ----- 0 . 020 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 543 0 . 774 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 100 ---- ----- 1 . 698 , Focus shi f t calculated for: 4866 1\ til n til VI t:::I JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No . 1012 7250-231 (Filter Name : F502N) 1.0 I :z; 0 .... 00 00 I 0.8 I I I 0.6 I I I I .... � � Eo< 0 .4 I J I I I I 0.2 ..... / 0.0 , { I I I r-------, , , , , , , , , , , \ \ \ .\ , ',.. 4980 5000 5020 5040 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) 5060 Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 :z; 0 .... 00 00 .... � � P:: Eo< 1 (J'"1 1 (J'"2 • • • • • .- - - - 1 (J'"S - - ur - - 1 0-0 - - 1� 1 (J'"7 2000 • • • 8000 6000 4000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) • 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside o f the one percent passband . A-6l JPL Part No. 10127250-231 (Filter name : F502N) Fil ter Type : Narrow Band Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: 5001 90'1 Passband : 499 7 50'1 Passband : 49 53 1'1 Passband : Effective Wavelength: Maximum Error in 50'1 Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: 5027 A 5032 A 5050 A 5013 A ± 3 A 0 . 350 The nominal spectral charac teristics are given for reference purposes only, the transmiss ion graphs are the controll ing specification. FILTER PRESCR IPTION: Starting from the carat (OTA) side of the f i l ter. t '" Descript ion Subs trate Drawing or Process No. Material To 1 . (mm) Thick. (mm) Radius (m) Effec t ive Index Focus Shift (mm) III '0 It n '" .... � .., ..... '" N AR Coat . A Substrate A 10127251-242 GG 455 Cement --- Epo-Tek 301 Thin Film B Substrate B ---- --- ---- ----- --- 2 . 493 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 567 0 . 902 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 020 ---- ----- 0 . 020 --- ---- ----- --- 2 . 200 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 542 0 . 773 ---- --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 100 ---- ----- 1 . 695 ---- Thin Film A 0 . 057 ---- 10127251-249 BG 18 AR Coa t . B Totals 4 . 750 , Focus shift calculated for: 5013 . : :-'-" .... ... t-' A n III t::! . JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No . 10127250-232 (Fil ter Name : NF390N) 1.0 :z; 0 0-< , , , , , , , , , , , , I I / 0.8 00 00 0.6 � 0.4 E-t 0.2 0-< � , , , , , , , , , , , , \ ... ./ 0.0 3825 \ , ' ..... . 3875 3925 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 :z; 0 0-< 00 00 0-< � � Il:: E-o . I • I I 1(r1 t- - 1(r2 t- - 1 0-3 - - 1 0-' - - ur - - 1� 1 0-7 I 2000 I I I 4000 8000 8000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) I 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside o f the one percent passband . A-63 JPL Part No. 10127250-232 (Filter name : NF390N) Fi l ter Type : Narrow Band Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS : 3865-3908 A 90%. Passband : 3858-3916 A 50%. Passband : 381 2-3947 A 1%. Passband : 3883 A Effective Wave length: Maximum Error in 50%. Passband : ± 5 A 0 . 150 Minimum Peak Transmission: The nominal spectral characteris tics are given for reference purposes only, the t ransmission graphs are the controll ing specification. FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Starting from the carat (OTA) side of the fil ter . ! Description Substrate Drawing or Process No. Thick. (mm) Material Tol . (mm) Radius (m) Effec tive Index Focus Shift (mm) � � to' en �n (") en '" .... AR Coa t . A Substrate A . 10127251-240 - -- Epo-Tek 301 --- .... 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 531 1 . 040 t:! --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 020 ---- ----- 0 . 020 ---- --- ---- ----- --- 1 . 759 0 . 040 -- 1 . 533 0 . 612 ---- ----- - ----- 0 . 05 7 Thin Film B Subs trate B ----- ---- Thin Film A Cement - 3 . 000 BG 25 10127251-259 BK 7 ---- AR Coa t . B 4 . 816 Totals --- --- 0 . 100 -- --- -- - 1 . 6 72 Focus shift calculated for: 3883 oq'>_ � --- ---- A "J a- JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No . 10127250-233 (Filter Name : F588N) 1.0 :z; 0 0.8 fIl fIl 0.6 .... .... � , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 0.4 � 0.2 E-< ,/ 0.0 I I I I I \ / I , , -------- \ \ \ \ \ , I I I I , '- 5950 5900 5850 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) Nominal passband profile (solid line) and error envelope (dasbed lines ) . :z; 0 .... fIl fIl .... � � E-< 1 1 0-1 - - 1 0-2 r - 1 0-3 I- - 1� I- - l o-G - - • • I 1 <r' 1 0-'1' • 2000 • • 4000 6000 8000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) • 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside o f tbe one percent passband . A-65 JPL Part No . 10127250-233 (Filter name : F588N) Filter Type : Narrow Band Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS : 5872 90% Passband : 5864 50% Passband : 5800 1% Passband : Effec tive Wavelength: Maximum Error in 50% Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: 5920 A 5930 A 5964 A 5894 A ± 6 A 0 . 450 The nominal spectral characteristics are given for reference purposes only, the transmission graphs are the controll ing specification. FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Starting from the carat (OTA) s ide of the f ilter. � Description Substrate Drawing or Process No . . Material Focus Shift . (mm) (l11li ) Tol . (mm) ---- --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 565 1 . 050 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 020 ---- ----- 0 . 020 ---- --- ---- ----- --- 1 . 872 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 517 0. 638 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 100 ---- ----- 1 . 708 Thick. Radius (m) Effec tive Index '" AR Coat . A Substrate A 1012725 1-244 OG 550 ---- Thin Film A Cement --- Epo-Tek 301 Thin Film B Subs trate B 2 . 908 10127251-237 BK 7 0.057 ---- AR Coa t . B Totals 4 . 837 Focus shift calculated for: 5894 A :;; to' '" '0 ., n o '" III .... � w " '" t::I JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No . 10127250-234 (Filter Name : F631N) 1.0 :z; 0 0.8 - 00 00 - � Eo< 0.6 0 .4 0.2 ...., 0.0 6260 / / / / / / I '/ / / / I I I I I I I I I I I I �------- \ \ \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ \ \ \ \ ' , .... 6320 6340 6300 6280 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) 6360 Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 � - 1 0-1 1 0-2 • . • - - - 51 1� ,. l o-G - Eo< • - 1 0-a � • - 00 00 - • - l a-e 1 0-7 I 2000 I I I 8000 4000 6000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) I 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside o f the one percent passband . A-67 JPL Part No . 10127250-234 (Fil ter name : F631N) Filter Type : Narrow Band Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS : 6293 90%. Passband : 6287 50%. Passband : 6229 l%. Passband : Effective Wavelength: Maximum Error in 50%. Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: 6325 A 6331 A 6354 A 6307 A + 4 A 0 . 450 The nominal spectral characteristics are given for reference purposes only, the transmiss ion grapha are the controll ing specification. FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Star� ing f rom the carat (OTA ) s ide of the f i l ter . L< ... t"' ! Descript ion Substrate Drawing or Process No . Material Thick. (mm) Tol . (mm) Focus Shift (mm) Radius (m) Ef fec t ive Index --- ---- ----- --- ... .0W .... '" 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 563 1 . 048 t::j --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 020 ---- ----- 0 . 020 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 515 0 . 643 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 100 ---- ----- 00 ---- AR Coa t . A Substrate A 10127251-263 OG-590 ---- Thin Film A Cement --- Epo-Tek 301 Thin Film B Substrate B 2 . 909 0 . 05 7 ---- 101 27251-265 BK 7 1 . 892 ---- AR Coat. B Totals 4 . 858 In aln , 1 . 71 1 ------- Focus shif t calculated for: 6307 A C'l In VI JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No. 10127250-235 (Filter Name : F656N) 1.0 :z; 0 .... , , , , , , , , , I 0.8 00 00 0.6 � �� 0.4 ..... E-o 0.2 ,.. / 0.0 I I I I I r------ � \ J \ \ I I I I r I I I \ \ I \ \ \ \ I I \ \ \ \ \ , I r 6550 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROYS ) , '- 6600 Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 :z; 0 ..... 00 00 ..... � � � E-o • • • • 1 ()""1 - - 1 ()""2 - - 1� - - 1 0-:' - - 1 ()""Il - - 1 a-e 1 ()""7 I 2000 I I • 8000 6000 4000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROYS ) I 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmiss ion outside o f the one percent passband . A-69 JPL Part No. 10127250-235 (Filter name : F656N) Filter Type Narrow Band Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS : 6554 90'1 Passband : 6550 50'1 Passband : 6496 1'1 Passband : Effec tive Wavelength: Maximum Error in 50'1 Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: 6576 A 6580 A 6596 A 6563 A ± 3 A 0 . 450 The nominal spectral characteristics are given for reference purposes only, the transmiss ion graphs are the contro l l ing specification. FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Starting from the carat (OTA) side of the f i l te r . t " Descript ion Substrate Drawing or Process No . Material Thick. (II1II ) o Substrate A 10127251-211 RG 610 Cement Epo-Tek 301 Substrate B 10127251-251 BK 7 AR Coa t . B Totals 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 560 1 . 046 t::I --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 020 ---- ----- 0 . 020 ---- --- ---- ----- --- 1 . 910 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 514 0 . 648 ---- --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 100 ---- ----- 1 . 714 . ... Focus shift calculated for : 6563 A .,,-,, ' n til --- 4 . 881 '"" til 'gn ----- 0 . 057 Thin Film B Focus Shift (mm) ---- ---- --- Effec t ive Index --- 2. 914 Thin Film A (II1II ) Radius (m) .... .... J:'" .... '" ---- AR Coat . A To 1 . � t" JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part .No. 10127250-236 (Filter Name : F658N) 1.0 :z; 0 0.8 I'll I'll 0.6 - , , , , , , , , , , - f;j 0.4 � 0.2 ,- - - - - - - ""'" \ \ \ \ \ I I I I / E-o 0.0 6540 , , , , , , , , , , ..,/ , 6620 6600 6560 6580 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) '- 6640 Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 u ri :z; 0 - I'll I'll - f;j � tt: E-o • • I • • - - - - - - 1� - - 1 <r - - 1 0-2 1 0-1S 1 <r' 1 0-7 • 2000 • • • 6000 8000 4000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) • 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-71 JPL Part No : 10127250-236 (Fil ter name : F658N) Fil ter Type Narrow Band Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: 6579 90'1 Passband : 6573 50'1 Passband : 6514 1'1 Passband : Effect ive Wavelength: Maximum Error in 50'1 Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: 6609 A 6615 A 6637 A 6591 A ± 4 A 0 . 450 The nominal spectral characteristics are given for reference purposes only, the t ransmission graphs are the controll ing specification. FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Start ing f rom the carat (OTA) side of the f il ter. IF Description " N Substrate Drawing or Process No . Material Thick. ( mm ) AR Coat . A Substrate A 10127251-211 RG 610 Thin Film A Cement Epo-Tek 301 Thin Film B Substrate B 2 . 914 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 560 ---- ---- ---- ----- 0 . 020 - --- ----- --- 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 514 0 . 648 --- ---- --- 0 . 100 ---- - 0 . 057 1 . 910 -- AR Coa t . B -- Totals 4 . 881 - -- 0 . 020 --- - -- ---- en 'gn ( mm ) ----- -- BK 7 Focus Shift ---- -- 10127251-251 Ef fective Index --- -- . (mm ) Radius (m) . ---- -- --- Tol . � to' o en VI .... ". - -- '" " '" 1 . 045 t:I -- - - -- 1 . 713 .- . - Focus shift calculated for: 6591 A ·�.·,·,v· . -�" " '/ JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No . 10127250-237 (Filter Name : F673N) 1 . 0 �----�-----r--��� l§ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0.8 - � 0.6 0.0 ... / I I I I I I I I I ------- � / I \ I , , I , 1 I , I \ I I \ I I , I I '- 6800 6700 6750 WAVELENGTH ( ANGSTROMS ) 6650 Nominal passband profile (solid l ine ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 :z; 0 - fIl fIl - � � Eo< , , , I I 1 0-1 1 0-2 - la-s - 1 0-' - - 1 £r - - - - - - 1� 1 0-7 , 2000 , I , 4000 6000 8000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) • 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside o f the one percent passband . A-73 JPL Part No ; 10127250-237 (Fil ter name : F673N) Fil ter Type : Narrow Band Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS : 6712 90% Passband : 6 704 50% Passband : 6635 1% Passband : Central Wavelength: Maximum Error in 50% Passband : Minimum Peak Transmis s ion: 6 758 A 6 76 7 A 6 799 A 6 7 32 A + 6 A 0 . 450 The nominal spectral characteristics are given for reference purposes only, the transmission graphs are the controll ing specification. FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Starting from the carat (OTA) side of the f i l ter. t j;! Description Substrate Drawing or Process No . Material 10127251-211 RG 610 Focus Shift (mm) --- ---- ----- --- -- -- 1 . 559 1 . 044 --- ---- -- 0 . 020 ---- ----- ---- --- - --- -- 1 . 910 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 514 0 . 648 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 100 ---- ----- 1 . 712 2 . 914 0 . 040 --- - --- Epo-Tek 301 Thin Film B Substrate B Effec tive Index -- Thin Film A Cement Radius (m) -- AR Coa t . A Substrate A To 1 . (mm) Thick. (mm) 10127251-251 BK 7 0 . 05 7 ---- AR Coat . B Totals 4 . 881 . --- --- --0 . 020 --- L_ ___ Focus shift calculated for: 6 732 A � rIII '2n n III VI ..... � '" ... '" t:t JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No . 10127250-238 (Fit ter Name : Fl042M) 1.0 � 0 , , r 0 . 8 r- � E-o 0.6 - .. 0.0 l� ------- I . , , , , I , I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I , I ,I 0.4 0.2 I : - �� i ; • , 8000 , 1 1 000 1 0000 9000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROllS ) Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error 'envelope (dashed l ines ) . 1 � Ul Ul - �. � E-o • • • • 1 0-1 1 0-2 - · 1 <r' - · 1 0-' - 1 0-0 - 1 0-& 1 0-' · · I , 2000 , , , 6000 8000 40 00 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROllS ) · , 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-75 JPL Part No. 10127250-238 (Filter name : Fl042M) Filter Type : Narrow Band Full Aperture NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: 90% Passband : 10060 - 10901 A 50% Passband : 9969 - 10940 A 1% Pas sband : 9796 - 1 1018 A Effec t ive Wavelength : 10455 A Maximum Error in 50% Passband : ± 50 A Minimum Peak Transmission: 0 . 720 The nominal spectral characteristics are given for reference purposes only, the transmission graphs are the controll ing specification. FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Start ing from the carat (OTA) side of the f i l ter. ::- ..... '" Description ------------- Substrate Drawing or Process No. ------------------- Matetial --- ----------- To 1 . Thick. (mm) (mm) -------- ---------- AR Coat. A Radius (m) -------- Effective Index ----------- --- ---- 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 548 ---- ----- 0 . 020 ---- ----- --- ---- ---- ----- � t" Focus Shift II> 'in ( mm ) a ----- -- .... � w ..... --- '" Substrate A 10127251-233 RG 850 ---- Thin Film A Cement --- Epo-Tek 301 0 . 05 7 ---- Thin Film B Substrate B 3 . 000 10127251-220 BK 7 1 . 936 ---- AR Coat . B Totals 4 . 993 -- - 0 . 040 -- - -- 1 . 50 7 --- ---- -- 0 . 100 ---- -- --- --- 1 . 062 t:f -- - 0 . 020 -- - 0 . 651 ! --1 . 733 , Fo.cus shift calculated for: 10455 I A JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No . 10127237-281 (Filter Name : QF375N: Quadrant A ) 1.0 :z; 0 - 0.8 I I'll I'll 0.6 f;1 0.4 Eo< 0.2 - � , , , , , , , , , , , I I / " 0.0 3650 ;' I I I I I I I I I I I I � \ ,, - - - - - - - - - , , I I " I I 3800 3750 3700 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) .... 3850 Nominal passband profile (solid l ine ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 1 0"'"1 :z; 0 1 0"'"2 I'll I'll - f;1 � Eo< , , , , , - . - . 10"'"3 - - 1 0'"" "" - l o-G !- - 1� 1 0"'"7 ..1 2000 , -' , 8000 6000 4000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) , 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside o f the one percent passband . A-77 JPL Spec CS514376 D Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed l ines ) . 1 • • • • r- - I:Il I:Il - 1 0-1 10-2 .. - l o-B - - � 1� '" - 1 <r r- - :z: 0 � � l crs 1 0-' I 2000 I I I 8000 4000 6000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) I 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside o f the one percent passband . A-78 JPL Spec CSS14376 D JPL Part No. 10127237-281 (Filter Name : QF37SN: Quadrant C ) 1.0 :z; 0 .... 0.8 00 00 0.6 � 0.4 .... , , , , , , , , , , , , I I � 0.2 E-< I .; 0.0 3800 , - - - - - - - - - -,." , " I I I I I I I I I I I I \ \ , I I ..... '- 4000 3950 3850 3900 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) N ominal passband profile (solid l ine) and error envelope (dashed l ines ) . 1 • • • • • 1<r· I I- 0 1 0-2 r0- 00 00 1 0-3 I- 0 l tr r0- o 1� I- 0 :z; .... .... 51 � Il:: E-< o \ 1 <r' 1 0-7 _1 2000 i i. 8000 6000 4000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) I. 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside o f the one percent passband . A-79 JPL Spec CS5l4376 D Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 :z; 0 .... Ul Ul .... � �Il: E-< • u ri l- ur2 l- 1 a-a l- • • • • · · · 1 0-' l1 <r · - - 1� u r7 I 2000 • I I 8000 6000 4000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) • 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside o f the one percent passband . A-SO JPL Part No; 10127237-281 (Filter name : QF375N) Filter Type : Narrow Band Quad NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: 90% Passband : (A) 50% Passband : (A) 1 % Passband : (A) Effect ive Wavelength: (A) Maximum Error in 50% Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: !? !! 3731-3 794 3719-3807 .z . 3' {7 3661-3852 3759 ±8 0 . 150 3806-38 71 3 794-3884 3735-3931 3835 +8 0 . 150 d £ 1 3 :; ''': 3883-3949 3870-3962 ) . : : '; 3809-4010 3913 . +8 0 . 150 The nominal spectral characteristics are given for reference purposes only. graphs are the controll ing specification. 396 2-4030 3949-4043 3887-4093 3992 +8 0 . 150 :. ;� The transmiss ion !;; t"' FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Starting from the carat (OTA) side of the f ilter. . t ..... Descript ion Substrate Drawing or Process No. Material AR Coat . A Substrate A 1012725 1-240 BG 25 Thin Film A Cement --- Epo-Tek 301 (rom) BK 7 AR Coat. B Totals (rom) --- 3 . 000 ---- Radius (m) Effect ive Index Focus Shift <rom) - --- ----- --- 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 531 1 . 040 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 020 ---- ----- 0 . 020 --- ---- ----- --- 1 . 759 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 533 0 . 612 ---- --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 100 ---- ----- 1 . 672 0 . 057 - 10127251-259 Tol . ---- --- Thin Film B Substrate B Thick. 4 . 816 fIl 'tI ID n n fIl '" ..... � w .... '" t:I -- Focus shi f t calculated for: 3850 1" . A JPL Spec CS5l4376 0 This page intentionally left blank . A-82 JPL Spec CSS14376 D JPL Part No. 10127237-282 (Filter Name : QFS02N: Quadrant A ) Z o - � � - , , I I I I O.B 0. 6 , , , , , , I , I , II : II II II 0.4 \\ '\ \' I ' ,.. - - - - - - - , 0. 2 0.0 4 900 . I ..,/ I I I I ' I , '.... 4 9 50 5000 50 50 5 100 5 1 50 WAVELENGTH ( ANGSTROMS ) 5 200 Nominal passband profile (solid line) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 :z; 0 - I'll I'll - � � E-o ,. , , , . u ri � - 10-2 I- - 1 ()""s I- - 1� I- - l a-a � - \ 1� 1 ()""7 I 2000 • I 4000 6000 BOOO WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) I 10000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-83 JPL Spec CSS14376 D JPL Part No. 10127237-282 .(Filter Name : QFS02N: Quadrant B ) �� 1 . 0 �� ' � I ' I I I ' ' I ' O.B - ' I � 0.6 � 0.4 � 0.2 0.0 ' ' I I - ..,/ 5000 I , I I I I I ' ' \\ '\ \\ I I.- - - - - - - -, I I I I I \ I I I ',_ 5050 5 1 00 5 1 50 5200 5250 WAVELENGTH ( ANGSTROMS ) 5300 Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 • :z; 0 1 0-1 1 0-2 I'll I'll 1 0-8 fjj 1 0-' ... 1 <r .. - � E-t • • • i- · i'" · ,. · · · .\ 1� 1 0-'1' • I 2000 • I BOOO 6000 4000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) I 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside o f the one percent passband . A-84 JPL Spec CSS14376 D JPL Part No. 1012723 7-282 (Filter Name : QFS02N: Quadrant C ) 1 . 0'r-����--���-�,�� � 0.8 � 0.6 , , , , , , , , , , ..... I I I 0 . 0' �/ 5 1 00 I I , , , , , , , , ,.. - - - - - - - I I III I '' \\ \ \,_ , \\ II I I 5 1 50 5200 5250 5300 5350 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) 5400 Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 :z: 0 ..... fIl fIl ..... � � � Eo< , . • , , 1 0-1 1 0-2 � - � - 1 0-S I- - 1� I- - 1 <r - . J 1 <r' 1 0-7 I 2000 \ I 1 1 8000 6000 4000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) ..1 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-8S JPL Spec CSS14376 D JPL Part No . 10127237-282 (Filter Name : QFS02N: Quadrant D) 1.0 � , , , , , , , , , O.B - � 1 ��--�-r�---��,--r-���� , , 0.6 - °·4 &-0 I I / 0.2 0.0 .... / / I,. - - - - - - - ,\ 1 \ I I I I I I I I , , , , , , , , , \\ \ ' ',... 5250 5300 5350 5490 5450 WAVELENGTH ( ANGSTROMS ) 5200 5500 " Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 • • • • • :Z;" 0 u r1 1 0-2 I- I'll I'll 1 a-s I- - � 1� - - 1� - - - - � &-0 0 - I- 0 \ 1 a-e 1 0-7 I " 2000 • • BOOO 4000 6000 WAVELENGTH ( ANGSTROMS ) • 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-86 JPL Part No . 10127237-282 (Filter name : QF502N) Fil ter Type : Narrow Band Quad NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS : 90% Passband : (A) 50% Passband : (A) 1% Pas sband : (A) Effect ive Wavelength: (A) Maximum Error in 50% Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: !! 501 3-5098 4997-5 1 1 5 4917-51 76 5051 +11 0 . 400 !! � £. 5 1 1 3-5201 5097-5218 5015-5281 5 153 +11 0 . 400 521 7-5288 5201-5324 5 1 1 7-5388 5257 +11 0 . 400 The nominal spectral characteristics are given for reference purposes only. graphs are the contro l l ing specification. 5323-5414 5306-5432 5220-5497 5363 +11 0 . 400 The transmission '-< '" t'" FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Start ing from the carat (OTA) s ide of the f i l ter. ::- 00 .... Description Substrate Drawing or Process No . Material AR Coa t . A Substrate A 10127251-243 GG 475 -- - Epo-Tek 301 10127251-252 BG 38 Totals Radius (m) ( mm ) Effec tive Index Focus Shift ----- 2 . 000 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 542 0 . 703 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 020 ---- ----- 0 . 020 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 535 0 . 978 ---- ----- --- ---- ----- 1 . 701 2 . 805 4 . 862 -- - 0 . 100 '" ..... .,. w .... a- ---- 0 . 05 7 n rn ( mm ) --- ---- AR Coat . B Tol . ---- ---- Thin Film B Subs trate B ( mm ) ---- Thin Film A Cement Thick. rn �o t:! Focus shift calculated for: 5260 A JPL Spec CSS14376 D This page intentionally left blank. A-88 JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No. 10127237-283 (Fil ter Name : QF656N: Quadrant A ) 1 .0 :z; 0 .... , , , , , , , ., , , 0.8 00 00 0.6 � 0.4 .... � E-t 0.2 .;' 0.0 J I I I I r-------, I , , , , , , , , , , , \ \ \ \ I I I , I I I \ , 6500 6600 6700 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) "- ,.. . 6800 Nominal passband profile (solid line) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 1 0-1 :z; 0 .... 00 00 .... � �Il:: E-t I . . . I - · - · - - 1 0-' - · 1 <r - - 1 0-2 1 0-a I 1 <r' 1 0-7 I 2000 I I \ I 8000 6000 4000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) I 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-89 JPL Spec CSS14376 D JPL Part No. 10127237-283 (Filter Name : QF6S6N: Quadrant B) 1.0 :z; 0 - , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , I , �-------� I \ I \ 0.8 fIl fIl 0.6 � {) . 4 Eo< 0.2 - � I I I ..... '" 0.0 6600 / I I I I \ I I I \ \ \ , ',..., 6700 6800- . 6900 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) Nominal pBssband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 • • • • • I- - :z; 0 1 0-1 1 0-2 r- - fIl fIl 1 a-s I- - � 1 0-' r- - 1 o-G I- - - - � Eo< 1 a-e 1 0-'1' \ , 2000 , , , 4000 6000 8000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) , 1 0000 Maximum acceptable t ransmission outside of the one percent passband . A-90 JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No. 10127237-283 (Filter Name : QF656N: Quadrant C ) z o - � I , , , , , , , , , , 0.8 0.6 - E-o 0 .4 I I I I 0.2 / I .... ------- -,. , , , , , , , , , , , \ \ \ \ t I I I I I I \ , ,� �/ � � 0 . O L.-�---����-�--�� ��� -0 a--68 00 7 1 00 7� 6 9� 00 00 6 700 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) Nominal paasband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 • • • • • 1 0-1 - - 0 1 0-2 - - Ul Ul l a-s - - 1 <r' - - 1 <r - - Z - - � � E-o I l a-a 1 0-7 2000 • • I 6000 8000 4000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) • 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-91 JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No. 10127237-283 (Filter Name: QF656N: Quadrant D) 1.0 :z; 0 - , , , , , I I I I I �-------� J I , I ( , O.S I'll I'll 0.6 � 0.4 - �E-o 0.2 I I I "" O ' Rsoo I I I , , , , , , , , , , l \ \ \ I I I , 7000 6900 7 1 00 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) "- "- 7200 Nominal passband profile (solid line) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 :z; 0 - I'll I'll - � � E-o 1 0-1 1 0-2 , , , I I - - - - l o-a - - 1� .. l cr - - I 1 0-«' 1 0-" , 2000 , , - \ , 4000 6000 SOOO WAVELENGTH ( ANGSTROMS ) , 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A- 92 JPL Part No. 10127237-283 (Fil ter name : QF656N) Fi l ter Type : Narrow Band Quad NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: 901 Passband : (A) 501 Passband : (A) 1 1 Passband : (A) Effec tive Wavelength: (A) Maximum Error in 501 Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: !! !! 6702-6817 6681-6840 6571-6922 6754 +14 0-:-350 . 65 70-6683 6550-6705 6442-6785 6621 +14 0 . 350 !! £ 6839-6955 681 7-6978 6 705-7062 6891 +14 0 . 350 The nominal spectral charac teristics are given for reference purposes only. graphs are the controll ing specification. 6977-7097 6954-7121 6838-7207 7031 +14 0 . 350 The transmission � t'" FI LTER PRESCRIPTION: Start ing from the carat (OTA) side of the f il ter. :r '" w Descript ion Substrate Drawing or Process No . Thick. Material (nan ) ---- AR Coa t . A Substrate A 10127251-211 Cement --- Epo-Tek 301 Thin Film B Substrate B BK 7 AR Coat. B - (nan) n en VI .... � w " a- --- 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 560 1 . 045 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 020 ---- ----- 0 . 020 --- ---- ----- --- 1 . 910 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 515 0 . 649 ---- --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 100 ---- ----- 1 . 714 0 . 057 4 . 881 Totals Focus Shift ----- ---- 10127251-251 ( nan ) Effect ive Index ---- ---- Thin Film A Radius (m) --- 2 . 914 RG 610 Tol . en '1:1 tD n t:::I ------ Focus shift calculated for: 6800 A JPL Spec CS514376 D This page intentionally left blank. A-94 JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No. 10127237-284 (Filter Name : QF710N: Quadrant A) 1.0 � 0 - 0.8 rJl rJl 0.6 � 0.4 - �E-o I . I I I I I I I I I I 0.2 .... 0.0 7000 ./ I I I / r-------, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ \ \ \ , "- - 73 00 7200 7 1 00 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) 7400 Nominal passband profile (solid line) and error envelope ( dashed l ines ) " � 0 - rJl rJl - � � ll:: E-o 1 u ri I • • • l- 1 0""2 1 0""8 l- 1 0-' f. 1 (T"'i l- 1 ere 1 0""7 • · · l- · · / I 2000 • I I 4000 6000 8000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) I 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-95 JPL Spec CSS14376 D JPL Part No. · 10127237-284 (Filter Name: QF7l0N: Quadrant B ) 1 .0 � - I I I I I I I I O.B � 0.6 - I 0.4 I 0.2 I 1 1 0.0 -�---r.,---, r-�I ..-:/ 7 1 00 I r - - - - - - - '" ' , , , , , , , , , , \ \ \ \ 1 I. I \ 7300 7200 7400 WAVELENGTH ( ANGSTROMS ) ....,.. 7500 Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 Z 0 I'll I'll - � � I:t:: E-< • • • " • • - 1 0-1 1 0-2 ff- - 1 0-3 - - 1 0-' - 1 <r - l a-e 1 0-'1' - I , 2000 , , , 6000 BOOO 4000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) , 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-96 JPL Spec CSS14376 D JPL Part No. 1012723 7-284 (Filter Name : QF710N: Quadrant C ) 1.0 Z 0 0.8 rn rn 0.6 - , , , , I I I I - � �Eo< , 0.4 I I 0.2 ,. 0.0 ./ I I I / r - - - - - - - ""\ I , , , , , , , , , , , , \ \ \ \ \ I I I I I I I , ..... .... 7400 7600 7500 7300 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) 7700 Nominal passband profile (solid line) and error envelope ( dashed lines ) . 1 • • • ,.. I I 1 0-1 l- . 0 1 0-2 I- - rn rn 1 0-S I- - 10-' - - 10-& - - z - - � � � Eo< / 1 0-" 1 0-7 I 2000 • • \ • 6000 8000 4000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) . 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband. A-97 JPL Spec CSS14376 D JPL Part No. 1012723 7-284 (Fil ter Name : QF710N: Quadrant "D) 1.0 :z; 0 - I'll I'll , , , , , , , , , , 0.8 0.6 - f'-l � � 0.4 J I I I I Eo< 0 . 2 .... " 0.0 7400 I I I I I I I I I I � - - - - - - - "" \ , I \ \ \ \ I I I I I I I , " ,.. 7600 7700 7500 WAVELENGTH ( ANGSTROMS ) 7800 Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 :z; 0 - I'll I'll - f'-l � tt: E-o • • • • • 1 0-1 - . 1 0-2 � - la-a - - 1 0-' - - 1 <r - - I 1� 1 0-7 " 2000 • , • 6000 4000 8000 WAVELENGTH ( ANGSTROMS ) • 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-98 JPL Part No 1012723 7-284 (Fiter name : QF710N) •. Fil ter Type : Narrow Band Quad NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS : 90% Pas sband : (A) 50% Passband : (A) 1 % Pas sband : (A) Effec tive Wavelength: (A) Maximum Error i n 50% Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: !! 7118-7239 7095-7264 6977-7351 7173 +16 0 . 350 !! !! £ 7261-7385 7238-7410 71 18-7499 7317 :!:16 0 . 350 755 7-7688 7533-7714 7407-7807 7616 :!:16 0 . 350 7407-7534 7384-7559 7262-7650 7465 :!:16 0 . 350 The nominal spectral characteristics are given for reference purposes only. graphs are the controll ing specification. The t ransmission '-< .... t-' FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Start ing from the carat (OTA) side of the f i l ter. ::- '" '" Descript ion Substrate Drawing or Process No. Material 1012 7251-245 RG 630 Thin Film A Cement Effect ive Index --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 559 1 . 042 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 020 ---- ----- 0 . 020 ---- --- ---- ----- --- 1 . 936 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 521 0 . 663 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 100 ---- 2 . 906 ---- --- Epo-Tek 301 Thin Film B Substrate B Radius (m) Thick. (mm) ---- AR Coa t . A Substrate A Tol . (mm) Focus Shift (mm) 10127251-220 BK 7 0 . 05 7 ---- AR Coa t . B Totals 4 . 899 --- '" '0 .. o ! I . n '" '" ..... � w '" '" I t::l 1 . 725 . .. Focus shift calculated for: 7400 A JPL Spec CSS14376 D This page intentionally lef t blank. A-lOO · JPL Spec CS5 14376 D JPL Part No. 10127238-291 . (Filter Name : QFCB4N: Quadrant A ) 1.0 :z; 0 I I I I I I I I I I I 0·. 8 - 00 00 0.6 � 0.4 - �E-< I I I / 0.2 '" 0.0 ./ . I" - - - - - - - � I I I I I I I I I I I " I \ \ \ \ I I I I I I I 5450 5425 5400 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) , "- .... 547 5 Nominal passband profile (solid l ine) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 I :z; 0 u r1 1 0-2 l- 00 00 1 0-3 l- - � � Il:: E-< I I I I · - � · · 1 0"" 1 <r · l- · 1 <r' 1 0-7 . 2000 • • • 8000 6000 4000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) • 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside o f the one percent passband . A-lOl JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No. 10127237-291 (Fil ter Name : QFCB4N: Quadrant B ) � , , , , , , , , , , , 0.8 - � 0.6 - I E-o 0.4 I I I / 0.2 0.0 ;- - - - - - - - - , \ / , , , , , , , , , , , \ \ \ '' I I I , I I I / I �__�' �� L______..� '�____��������·� 6 1 50 6225 6 175 6200 WAVELENGTH ( ANGSTROMS ) .J ____ 6250 Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed l ines ) . 1 I I I I I � 0 1 0-1 1 0-2 � � · I'll I'll 1 0-3 � · 10-' � · - � � Il:: E-< - 1 0-& l- · 1� 1 0-" • 2000 . • • 4000 6000 8000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) • 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-102 JPL Spec CS514376 D Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dasbed lines ) . � 0 .... rIl rIl .... � � Eo< 1 1 0-1 • • • • • - - 1 0-2 1 0-8 - - - - 1� :- l cr I- 1 0-0 1 0-7 - • 2000 • • • 8000 6000 4000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) • 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of tbe one percent passband . A-I03 JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No. 10127237-291 (Filter Name : QFCB4N: Quadrant D) � I , , \ \ \ , \ , \ I \ , \ , \ , \ , \ ".,. - - - - - - - � , , \ I I \ \ I I \ I I I \ I I / , " I I ... 0.8 - � � - 0.6 � 0.4 0.2 0.0 8850 8900 8950 WAVELENGTH ( ANGSTROMS ) '- 9000 Nominal passband profile (solid line) and error envelope (dashed l ines ) . 1 Z 0 - fIl fIl - 6!j � E-o 1(,-1 • • • I • - - 1 0-2 I" l a-a ,. 1� :- 1 0-0 . · · · · l o-t 1('-" I 2000 • • 8000 6000 4000 WAVELENGTH ( ANGSTROMS ) • 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-I04 JPL Part No 10127238-291 (Fil ter name : QFCH4N) •. Fi l ter Type : Narrow Band Jewel Quad NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS : 90'1 Passband : 50'1 Passband : 1'1 Passband : Effec tive Wavelength: Maximum Error in 50'1 Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: ! !!. l! £ 6 1 1 7-6209 541 9-5446 7255-7292 8906-8952 5414-5452 , J o. ;Zo� 61 71-6215(V") C 7/�� 7248-7299(, I J :7. 70', 8898-8961 891 2-8993 5365-5473 7180-7326 6 1 1 4-6238 6190 5430 7270 8925 ±4 ±4 ±5 ±6 0 . 350 0 . 350 0 . 350 0 . 350 The nominal spectral characteris tics are given for reference purposes only. graphs are the contro l ling specification. ::.... Description o Subs trate Drawing or Process No. Material ( rnrn ) Tol . (rnrn ) Radius (m) I). C '"' The transmiss ion FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Starting f rom the carat (OTA) side of the f il ter. Thick. (::: "J Effect ive Index Focus Shift (rnrn) � t-' en 'gn o en '" '" .... AR Coa t . A Substrate A 10127251-261 OG 515 --- Epo-Tek 301 Thin Film B Substrate B - --- ----- --- 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 5 36 1 . 047 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 020 ---- ----- 0 . 020 ---- --- ---- ----- --- 1 . 840 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 5 16 0 . 626 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 100 ---- ----- 1 . 693 3 . 000 ---- Thin Film A Cement --- ---- 1012725 1-260 BK 7 AR Coa t . B 0 . 057 ---Totals 4 . 897 Focus shift calculated for: 6 1 90 A ". W .... at:! JPL Spec CSSl4376 D This page intentionally left blank . A-106 JPL Spec CSS14376 D JPL Part No. 10089110-20 (Filter Name : G200) Z O.8 1- Jr- � -----�----------------------� · o - � 1 °. 4' - 0.6 1- · · 0.2 - · 0.0 ��� -0� O� ��� �0 -0 -0·0-0��.� 0����6 O-���00 10 8� 2 O0 4 00 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) Nominal passband profile (solid line) and error envelope (dashed l ines ) . 1 Z 0 o-f. fIl fIl - � � ll:: E-o 1(r1 10-2 10-3' • • • • · r" - · · l cr - 1 <r - 1� - - 10-7 I 2000 , , , 8000 6000 4000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) , 10000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-l07 JPL Part No 100891 10-20 (Filter name : G200 ) • . Filter Type : Grating Required Wheel : 2 NOMINAL GRATING CHARACTERISTICS: 0 . 01269 rad Blaze Angle: 25 Grooves/rom: Effec tive Wavelength: 2400 A (First Order) 1500 A (Second Order) The nominal grating charac teristics are given for reference purposes only, JPL Drawing No . 10089110 is the controll ing specification. FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Start ing from the carat (OTA) side of the f i l ter. Descript ion ::.... o 00 Substrate (Grating) Substrate Drawing or Process No. 100891 10-20 Thick. (mm ) Material 4 . 00 CaF2 Tol . (mm) 0 . 200 Radius (m ) Effect ive Index ; t'" Focus Shift (rom) In 'in o In ---- . 1 . 471 '" 1 . 280 .... I:­ .... ..... '" t::I , Totals 4 . 00 0 . 200 ---- ----- 1 . 280 Focus shift calculated for: 2400 . ''''''. ' " A JPL Spec CS514376 D Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope ( dashed lines ) . 1 :z; 0 - 00 00 - .� � E-< I / I T U)""l - 1 0-2 - · l a-s - · 1 0-' I- - l o-G l a-a 1 0-7 · - · • 2000 • • . 6000 4000 8000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) • 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband. A-I09 JPL Part No . 10089110-21 (Filter name : G450) Filter Type : Grating Required Wheel : 2 NOMINAL GRATING CHARACTERISTICS : Blaze Angle: (approx) 0 . 0152 rad 16 . 2 Grooves/nan: Effec t ive Wave length: 5000 A The nominal grating characteristics are given for reference purposes only, JPL Drawing No . 10089110 is the controll ing specification. FILTER PRESCRIPTION : Starting f rom the carat (OTA) side of the f i lter. Descript ion :r ..... ..... o Substrate Drawing or Process No . Material AR Coa t . A Replicated Grating 10089110-23 Substrate 10089110-23 EPON 834 BG 38 To 1 . (nan) Radius (m) Effect ive Index Focus Shi f t (nan) ---- --- . ---- ----- --- 0 . 038 0 . 020 ---- 5 . 614 0 . 200 22 :to . 1 5 1 . 536 0 . 000 --- ---- ----- --- ---- ----- 0 . 000 Thick. ' (nan) ---- AR Coa t . B Totals 0 . 220 5 . 652 ---- - --_ . . _ - - ---- - !;l t"' en '" It n n en '" ..... "" w .... '" t::I ------_. Focus shift calculated for: 5000 A • JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No. 100891 10-24 . (Filter Name : G800 ) 1.0 i ---------------------------- :z; 0 0.8 - . I'll I'll 0.6 - � 0 . 4 I- - � Eo< 0 . 2 I0.0 r I I . I . ,f " " " 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I · · · , 6000 , , 8000 1 0000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) Nominal passband profile (solid line) and error envelope (dashed l ines ) . 1 • , r' , , - - - - I'll I'll u r1 1 0"'2 l o-a - - � 1 «r - - � - � Eo< - 1 <r l a-e 1 0"''' - · , 2000 , , 6000 4000 8000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) , 10000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-l l1 JPL Part No . 10089110-24 (Filter name : G800 ) Filter Type : Grating Required Wheel : 2 NOMINAL GRATING CHARACTERISTICS: Blaze Angl e : (approx) 0 . 0137 rad 8 . 22 Grooves /rom: Effective Wavelength: 8850 A The nominal grating characteristics are given for reference purposes only. JPL Drawing No. 10089110 is the controll ing specification. FILTER PRESCRIPTION : Start ing f rom the carat (OTA) side of the f i lter. Descript ion Subs trate Drawing or Process No . Material If" .... .... '" Thick. (DID) - SiOx Coa t . --- To 1 . (DID) Radius (m) Effective Index - ---- ----- -- Repl icated Grating 10089110-24 EPON 834 0 . 038 0 . 020 ---- Substrate 10089110-24 OG 570 5 . 686 0 . 200 22 ±0 . 1 5 --- ---- AR Coat . B --- - Totals 5 . 724 0 . 220 -- -- Focus ! Shift . (rom ) :;; toO '" 'tl .. n o '" -- '" .... - � ""' " '" tl 1 . 530 ---- - ----- 0 . 000 --- 0 . 000 Focus shi f t calculated for: 8850 A �"',, " JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No. 10127250-239 (Filter Name : F8ND) , , , , , I I I I I I , , , , , I I I I I I I I I I I \ \ \ , I � f� � f-. f-. t , I I I - - • • 0 0 0 0 0 0 - , , , I I I I I I I I I I I I \ \ \ I 10 t\Z - , , I I I I I I ...... _ - - 0 I \ 0 0 0 0 N O I S S I J( S N V H .t A-l l3 I - - 0 0 0 CD - 0 0 0 CD - 0 0 0 • - .... 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t\Z - rIl :::II 0 = E-< rIl t!J Z < - = E-< t!J Z /iii � /iii > < • JPL Part No. 10127250-239 (Fi l ter name : F8ND ) Filter Type : Neutral Dens ity Full Aperture Required Wheel : 2 NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: 160-1 1000 A Passband : 0 . 001 Maximum Transmission: Effect ive Wave length: 6328 A The nominal spectral characteristics are given for reference purposes only. the transmission graphs are the contro l l ing specification. FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Starting from the carat (OTA) side of the f i l ter. Descript ion =r .... .... � Substrate Drawing or Process No . Material ( mm ) --- Thin Film A Substrate Thick. - 10127251-257 Supras il 5 . 368 ---- Thin Film B Totals 5 . 368 To 1 . ( mm ) Radius (m) --- ---- 0 . 070 22 ±0 . 1 5 -- - 0 . 070 Effective Index --- 1 . 45 7 0 . 039 - --- - '"' '"II t'" ( mm ) ---- - ---- - Focus Shift ---- --- ---- 0 . 039 Focus shi ft calculated for : 6328 CI> 'gn n CI> '" .... � w " '" t:I A ,�/�j' JPL Spec CS514376 D JPL Part No . 10127237-285 (Filter Name: 1.0 Z 0 - rn rn - ::E � I I I I 0.8 I I 0.6 I I I I I J J 0.4 0.2 0.0 QPOL) 2000 - -- - 4000 6000 -- - -- - - - - - - - 8000 10000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS) Nominal passband profile ( solid line) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 10.-2 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS) Maximum acceptable transmission through a crossed polarizer. A-1l5 JPL Part No. 10127237-285 (Filter name : QPOL) Fil ter Type : Quad Polarizer NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS : 901 Passband : (A) 501 Passband : (A) 1 1 Passband : (A) Polarizer Orientation: Minimum Peak Transmission: Required Whee l : 1 1 ! !! 7 1 7 1-1 1500 2705-11500 2157-1 1500 O· 0 . 350 £. 7 1 71-11500 2705-11500 2157-11500 45 · 0 . 350 7 1 71-1 1500 2705-11 500 2157-11500 90· 0 . 350 The nominal spectral characteristics are given for reference purposes only. graphs are the controll ing specification. :r .... .... '" !! 71 71-1 1500 2705-11500 2157-11500 1 35· 0 . 350 The transmission t., ..., to< til .., ." n FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Starting from the carat (OTA) side of the f il ter. Descript ion Substrate Drawing or Process No. Material Thick. (-) Tol . (nun) Radius (m) Effect ive Index Focus Shift (nun) I , (') til I.n .... � w " '" Polarizer Substrate 10127251-258 Synasi l AR Coating 0. 305 0 . 050 ---- ----- --- 3 . 925 0 . 050 13 ±0 . 10 ----- 0 . 001 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 100 ---- ----- 0 . 00 1 ---- Totals 4 . 230 - ��- �- Focus shif t calculated for: 6328 " -- A '" JPL Spec CS 514376 D JPL Part No. 10127250-240 (Filter name : F165LP ) 1.0 I :z: 0 0.8 i- en en 0.6 - en 0.4 - · 0.2 - · I - I � � E-o · I - ::s · , O . O ��&-� I ����I....------_� I ����....--���.'��� 2000 4000 6000 8000 WAVELENGTH ( ANGSTROMS ) 1 0000 Nominal passband profile (solid l ine ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 1 :z: 0 - en en - �:z: < � E-o • • 1(,-1 r- · 1 0-2 i- · - · 1 0-' - · l a-e f-J - l a-e - - 1 0-3 1 0-7 I 2000 I I 4000 6000 8000 WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS ) I 1 0000 Maximum acceptable transmission outside of the one percent passband . A-117 JPL Part No . 10127250-240 (Filter name : NF165LP) Filter Type : Long Wavelength Pass Fq1 1 Aperture Required Wheel : 2 NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS : 90% Passband : 1750 50% Passband : 1650 1600 1% Passband : Effec tive Wavelength: (EW) Maximum Error in 50% Passband : Minimum Peak Transmission: 1 1000 11000 11000 5500 +30 0 . 950 A A A A A The nominal spectral charac teristics are given for reference purposes only, the transmission graphs are the contro l l ing specification. FILTER PRESCRIPTION : Start ing f rom the carat (OTA) side of the f i l ter. Descript ion t ..... ..... CD Substrate Drawing or Process No. Material Thic k . To 1 . ( mm ) ( mm ) Radius (m ) Effective Index Focus Shift ( mm ) � to' '" '8n n '" MgF2 AR Coa t . A Substrate AR Coat . B 10127251-257 Suprasil MgF2 ---5 . 368 --0 . 100 ---- -- - ---22:!:0 . 1 5 -- --- 1 . 457 - -- - -- --- -- - 0 . 039 --- --- --- 0 . 039 , . Totals 5 . 368 0 . 100 --------- Focus shift calculated for: 6328 A \J1 ..... ". W ..... '" t::! JPL Spec CS 5 14376 D JPL Part No. 10136830-271 (Filter name : ° RF418N) :z: o - oC'IJ C'IJ - ::a C'IJ % < p:: e" A / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J / \ \ '1-, WAVELENGTH W13= ( 1 . 0 0 5 J±0 . 0 0 0 5 ) *CW w14=1 . 0072 *CW wl,=0 . 9 92 8 *CW w1z= ( 0 . 9 947±0 . 0 0 0 5 ) *CW Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed l ines ) . 2.:56 1.906 (loC!ltion b) Z =.,. 0 - c:::: E- E< cr. U z .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. - - .. .. .. .. - - - " " - " " , " " , � c ..... � " qo " - " 0.350 " (loc:ltion :l) 0.000 .. " " " " " , , " " 0 " " " " " " ' " I 1 1 1I - - " /, C'"lla CENTRAL WAVELENGTH (CW) CWb 1 Central wavelength as a function of location on strip measured from edge of filter (solid) and its error envelope (dashed lines ) . All central wavelengths (o.a • o.b ) and the minimum peak transmission are found in the data sheet on the reverse side of this page. A-1l9 JPL Part No . 1 1036830-271 (Fil ter name : RF418N) Filter Type : Narrow Band Linear Ramp NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: Strip Number: Strip Location: (SL) Central Wave length At SL : (A ) 50% Passband Width: (FWHM) Maximum Error in FWHM : ( A ) Minimum Peak Transmission: Required Wheel : 12 1 a b 3700-3932 1 . 06% of CW 8 0 . 120 1 2 a b 3932-4179 1 . 06% of CW 8 0 . 150 4 a b 41 79-4441 1 . 06% of CW 8 0 . 250 The nominal spectral charac teristics are given for reference purposes only. graphs are the contro l l ing specification. a b 4441-4720 1 . 06% of CW 8 0 . 300 The transmiss ion l;; to< FILTER PRESCR IPTION: Start ing from the carat ( OTA ) s ide of the f il ter. ::.... 1:5 . Descript ion Substrate Drawing or Process No . Material Thick (mm) • . To 1 . (mm) Radius (m) en Effective Index 'gn Focus Shift (mm) n en '" .... ---- AR Coa t . A Substrate A 10127251-266 WG 305 ---- Thin Film A Cement ---- Epo-Tek 301 Thin Film B Substrate B 3 . 000 BK 7 ---- 1 . 5 35 1 . 046 ---- ----- --0 . 008 ---- ----- --- ---- ---- -- 1 . 774 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 5 29 0 . 614 --- - ---- - ---- --- 0 . 100 ---- ----- 1 . 668 - Totals --- o . o:w --- AR Coa t . B -- - ----- 0 . 05 7 - 10127251-267 0 . 040 ---- 4 . 831 --- l:­ w -.. at::! -- - Focus shi f t calculated for: 4179 A , JPL Spec CS 514376 D JPL Part No . 10136830-272 (Filter name : RF533N) , , , , , , I I I I :z o - I I I ,, / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ , , \ r------\ I \ I. I \ \ I I , \ I I I \ I I I I I I , I : : l \ "- - CW wI1 WAVELENGTH wI3= ( 1 . 00S3±0 . 0 0 0 S ) *CW wI4=1 . 0072 *CW wI1=0 . 9 9 2 8 *CW WI2= ( 0 . 9947±0 . 0 0 0 S ) *CW Nominal passband profile (solid line) and error envelope (dashed lines ) . 2.:56 L906 (Iocuion b) Z c.. 0 t::: -: - E- E< erU z � - .. .. . .. - - - - - - - - - .. - - � - " /, e: � " / /' qo / . , - I 1 1 i 1 ] 0.350 (Iocuion 3) 0.000 C"lla CENTRAL WAVELENGTH (CW) CWb I Central wavelength as a function of location on strip measured from edge of filter (solid) and its error envelope (dashed lines ) . Al l central wavelengths ( CWa • CWb ) and the minimum peak transmission are found in the data sheet on the reverse side of this page. A-1 21 JPL Part No . 1 1036830-272 (Filter name : RF533N) Filter Type : Narrow Band Linear Ramp NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: Strip Number : Strip Location: (SL) Central Wavelength At SL : (A ) 50% Passband Width: ( FWHM) Maximum Error in FWHM : (A) Minimum Peak Transmis s ion: Required Wheel : 1 2 ! b a 4720-5016 1 . 06% of CW 11 0 . 350 £ 1 4 a b 5331-5666 1 . 06% of CW 11 0 . 400 a b 5016-5331 1 . 06% of CW 11 0 . 350 The nominal spectral charac teristics are given for reference purposes on1�. graphs are the contro l l ing specification. b a 5666-6022 1 . 06% of CW 11 0 . 450 The transmission � t" FILTER PRESCR IPTION: Start ing from the carat (OTA) side of the f i l ter. :r ,.... '" '" Descript ion Subs trate Drawing or Process No. Material AR Coa t . A Substrate A 10127251-268 GG 375 Thin Film A Cement ---- Epo-Tek 301 Thin Film B Substrate B 10127251-269 BK 7 AR Coa t . B Totals til Thick. (mm) To 1 . (mm) Radius (m) Effective Index Focus Shift (mm) ---- ---- ---- ----- --- 3 . 000 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 527 1 . 035 ---- --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 057 0 . 020 ---- ----- 0 . 008 ---- ---- ---- ----- --- 1 . 892 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 519 0 . 646 ---- ---- ---- ----- --- 4 . 949 0 . 100 ---- ----- , 1 . 689 Focus shi f t calculated for : 5331 A '2n n til '" ..... � w ..... '" t::I JPL Spec CS 514376 D JPL Part No . 10136830-273 (Filter name : RF680N) 1.0 :z 0 I I I I I I I I I I 0.8 - In In 0.6 - ::s In � P:: E-o 0.4 I I I 0.2 I .... 0.0 I, / I I I I I I / I ----- - - - : I ( I I I I I \ \ \ I I I I WI, wIz WAVELENGTH Cit \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ).. I I \ "- - wI3 wI4 WI3= ( 1 . O O S 3±0 . O O O S ) *CW w14= 1 . 0 0 7 2 *CW wl,= O . 9 9 2 8 *CW wIz= ( 0 . 9 9 4 7±O .o O O S ) *CW • Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed l ines ) 2:$6 �� (IOCti � . .... ;'" �---�----���'�--�I - - - - - - - - - - Z c0 - t:::: -. E- E< cr. ....c � U z -.... .... ./ .... .... -; .... . . "" I , - 1 1 ] qo - I 1 0.3.50 (loction 3) 0.000 CENTRAL WAVELENGTH (CW) Central wavelength as a function of location on strip measured from edge o f filter (solid) and its error envelope (dashed lines) . All central wavelengths ( CWa • CWb ) and the minimum peak transmission are found in the data sheet on the reverse side of this page . A-1Z3 JPL Part No. 1 1036830-273 (Filter name : RF680N) Filter Type : Narrow Band Linear Ramp NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS: Strip Number : Strip Location: (SL) Central Wavelength At SL : (A ) 50% Passband Width: (FWHM) Maximum Error in FWHM : ( A ) Minimum Peak Transmission: Required Wheel : 1 2 ! 1 a b 6022-6400 1 . 06% of CW 14 0 . 450 3 b a 6400-6802 1 . 06% of CW 14 0 . 450 4 a b 6802-7229 1 . 06% of CW 14 0 . 450 The nominal spectral charac teristics are given for reference purposes only. graphs are the contro l l ing specification. a b 7229-7683 1 . 06% of CW 14 0 . 450 The transmiss ion c... .... I:"" FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Starting from the carat (OTA) side of the f i l ter. :r .... t-> .,. Description Substrate Drawing or Process No. Material AR Coa t . A Subs trate A 10127251-270 OG 530 Thin Film A Cement Epo-Tek 301 Thin Film B Substrate B Thick. (mm) To 1 . (mm) Radius (m) Effec tive Index Focus Shift (mm) ---- ---- ---- ----- --- 3 . 000 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 535 1 . 046 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 057 0 . 020 ---- ----- 0 . 008 ---- ---- ---- ----- --- 1 . 918 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 514 0 . 65 1 ---- ---- ---- ----- --- 4 . 975 0 . 100 ---- ----- 1 . 705 ---- ---- 10127251-271 BK 7 AR Coat. B Totals '" , Focus shift cal culated for: 6802 A ! 'gn n '" '" ... .,. w " '" t:::I JPL Spec CS 514376 D JPL Part No . 10136830-274 (Filter name : RF868N) 1.0 :z: 0 .... C/J C/J .... ::s C/J � Il:: 0.8 , , , , , , , , , I I I 0.6 I , I I I I 0 .4- E-o 0 . 2 0.0 I I I I .., I I I I t, " / I ( I I I I I I \ \ \ \ \ I I I I I I \ ).. I I W1l wlz WAVELENGTH W1l=O . 9 9 2 8 *CW w1z= ( O . 9 9 4 7±O . O O O 5 ) *CW I -------I \. , C:v I , "- .... w13 w10l wl� ( l . O O 5 3±O . O O O 5 ) *CW w14= 1 . O O 7 Z *CW Nominal passband profile (solid line ) and error envelope (dashed lines ) 1.906 - (loclIion b) " Z c.. 0 - c:: � � E- c: < c:.r. .... � U z ,, ./ ./ - .,.,-' ./ . " ./ ./ • " , q - o 0.350 (loclIion 3) 0.000 J J J I 1 i 1 CENTRAL WAVELENGTH (CW) Central wavelength as a function of location on strip measured from edge o f filter (solid) and its error envelope ( dashed lines ) . All central wavelengths ( CWa • CWb ) and the minimum peak transmission are found in the data sheet on the reverse side of . this page . A-125 JPL Part No. 11036830-274 (Filter name : RF868N) Filter Type : Narrow Band Linear Ramp NOMINAL SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS : Strip Number : Strip Location : (SL) Central Wave length At SL : (A ) 50% Passband Width: (FWHM) Maximum Error in FWHM : ( A ) Minimum Peak Transmission: Required Whee l : 1 2 1 a b 7683-8165 1 . 06% of CW 17 0 . 450 1 2 b a 8165-8678 1 . 06% of CW 17 0 . 450 4 a b 86 78-9223 1 . 06% of CW 17 0 . 450 The nominal spectral characteristics are given for reference purposes only. graphs are the controll ing specification. a b 9223-9802 1 . 06% of CW 17 0 . 450 The transmission :;; FILTER PRESCRIPTION: Start ing f rom the carat (OTA) side of the f i l ter. :r � .... Descript ion Substrate Drawing or Process No. Material Thick. ( mm ) To 1 . ( mm ) t"' en Radius (m) Effect ive Index Focus Shift ( mm ) -go n '" U1 .... AR Coa t . A Substrate A 1012725 1-272 RG 695 3 .000 0 .040 - --- - Epo-Tek 301 0 . 057 ---- Thin Film B Substrate B ---- --- Thin Film A Cement ---- 10127251-273 BK 7 1 . 984 ---- AIR Coa t . B Totals 5 . 041 ---- ----- -- -- 1 . 529 1 . 038 --- ---- ----- --- 0 . 020 ---- - --- -- -- -- 0 . 040 ---- 1 . 510 -- ---- --- 0 . 100 ---- - - -- ------ -- ---- -- - 0 . 008 --0 . 670 --1 . 716 Focus shift calculated for: 8678 A I>­ w ..... '" t::t FILTER OUTLI NES AND QUADRA NT ASSIG N M E NTS • "\ i'I 1 PlANo.coNVEX =r ..... I'> '" TYPE B C A d c a b 1 I A 1 I JL ·/ 1 A I "______ ____. I '-< ... t-' '" �n 3 STANDARD FILTERS TYPE A + B n QUAD FILTERS TYPE D / 1 JEWEL QUAD FILTERS TYPE E "'\ 2 3 I\... 1 1 1 I 4. A /1 LINEAR RAMP FILTER TYPE F 1 1 1 I '" V> ..... .t:­ v.> '" '" t:J JPL Spec CS 514376 D This page intentionally left blank A-128 • JPL Spec CSS14376 D APPENDIX B FILTERS SPECIFICATIONS SUMMARY , APPENDIX B FILTER SPECIFICATIONS SUHHARY Substrate A Passband Filter **Filter Type: DO I ..... FI'7W NF18'W NF218W NF2" W F336W F439W NF410H NF467H F569W F547W F675W F791W Error c� ) JPL Part Ho. 20 20 20 25 25 30 15 15 50 30 60 80 Thickness Thickness C "") Glaa. 101272'1-201 -202 -203 -204 -205 -206 -207 -208 -209 -210 -213 -212 3. 744 3.998 4 . 124 4.429 3 . 000 1 . 752 1.699 1 . 767 1 . 874 1.803 3 . 000 3. 500 CaF2 SupraaU Dynast1 DyaaoU UGll 00400 GG385 00435 GG495 OG515 RG610 RG7l5 10127251-222 -223 -224 -240 -226 -227 -228 -229 -230 -231 -232 -233 3 . 828 4 . 814 2.206 3 .000 1.665 1 . 876 2 . 949 3 . 000 3.000 3.000 4 . 966 4. 852 C8F2 HaF2 UG5 BG25 GG385 GG455 GG475 OG550 00590 RG695 RG780 RG850 JPL Part No. C ...) Radiu. Glaa. CGalents em) Phot01letric 101272'0-201 -202 -203 -204 -205 -206 -207 -208 -209 -210 -211 -212 **Filter Type : FI28LP NFl70W NF300W NFJ80W NF450W F555W F606W F622W F702W F814W F785LP F850LP IA ) JPL Part No. Substrate a 1340-1610 1700-2000 2000-23'0 23'0-27'0 3110-3580 3990-4670 4010-4200 4580-4760 5000-6150 5145-5780 6090-7440 7080-8980 IS Feature 10127251-214 -216 -216 -215 -218 -216 -250 -221 1 . 512 3. 060 3 . 060 3 . 000 3.000 3. 060 1.942 1.478 UJlK7 BG40 BG40 BG39 BG3D BG40 BK7 BK7 U snd u B v b V Narrow V and y Il I IUdeband 10127250-213 -214 -215 -216 -217 -216 -219 -220 -221 -222 -223 -224 13001400-2000 2400-3600 3120-4440 3800-5200 4590-6180 4750-7100 5500-6900 5950-8200 70'0-9950 79008550- 30 40 50 60 60 75 80 70 80 80 60 60 CaF2 Long Paaa 10127251-224 -235 -21, -218 -265 -253 -254 -255 2 . 206 1 . 758 3 . 000 3 . 000 1 . 892 1 . 926 1.999 2.008 UG5 BG39 BG39 BG38 BK7 DK7 BK7 DK7 Wide U Wiele B Wide V Wide R Wide J Long-Pass LoD8-Paa8 '-0 'd I""' en ... It n n en IJ1 .... I>W " '" tI APPENDIX B FILTER SPECIFICATIONS SUMMARY (Coatd) Substrate A FUter ( .) JPL Part No. ·*FUter Type: bj I N Fl22H NF343N F375N F437N F469N F487N n02N NF390N F588N F631N F656N F658N F673N Fl042H IA ) Error (� ) JPL Part Ho. Thickness (...) Gla.. JPL Part Ho. Thickne•• ( ...) Gla•• Comanta Radiul Narrowband 10127250-225 -226 -227 -228 -229 -230 -231 -232 -233 -234 -235 -236 -237 -238 UFUter Type: Passband Substrate a 1140-1320 3419-3444 3719-3748 4354-4384 4677-4709 4851-4885 4997-5032 3858-3916 5864-5930 6287-6331 6550-6580 6573-6615 6704-6767 10000-11000 20 2 3 3 3 3 3 5 6 4 3 4 6 50 10127251-238 -240 -240 -262 -241 -242 -242 -240 -244 -263 -211 -211 -211 -233 4 . 593 3. 000 3.000 3. 000 2.468 2.493 2.493 3. 000 2 . 908 2 . 909 2 . 914 2.914 2 . 914 3 . 000 H8r2 BG25 BG25 BG23 GG435 GG455 GG455 BG25 OG550 OG590 RG610 RG610 RG610 RG850 10127251-246 -247 -264 -249 -249 -249 -259 -237 -265 -251 -251 -251 -220 1.657 1 . 728 1. 794 2 . 200 2 . 200 2 . 200 1 . 759 1.872 1 . 892 1 . 910 1 . 910 1 . 910 1 . 936 81(7 BK7 BGJ8 BGIB BG18 BG18 BK7 BK7 BK7 BK7 BK7 BK7 BK7 L)'IDao"1l N. V 0 11 0 111 2t. He II H-B 1 0 Illl eN Comet Filter He I, N. I 0 1 H... I N III I S III .... '" t-' CI> '" III n -- n CI> U) .... "" w " '" t:I Quad QF375N 10127237-281 A3719-3807 B3794-3884 C3871-3962 D3929-4043 8 8 8 8 10127251-240 3 . 000 BG25 10127251-259 1 . 759 BK7 Quad 0 II QF502N 10127237-282 A4997-5115 85096-5218 C5201-5324 D5306-5432 11 11 11 11 10127251-243 2 .000 GG475 10127251-252 2 . 805 BG38 Quad U III ;-',' APPENOIX B FILTER SPECIFICATIONS SUMMARY (Contd) Substrate A Filter ••Filter or '" Passband JPL Part No. Type: (1 ) Error (� ) JPL Part Ho. Thickness (.... ) Substrate a Gla•• JPL Part No. TIlicluie88 ( ... ) Gla•• Coaaents Quad (Contd) QF656N 10127237-283 A6550-6704 B6682-6840 C6817-6978 06955-7120 14 14 14 14 10127251-211 2 . 914 RG610 10127251-251 1 . 910 BK7 �uad H� . 5 II QP710N 10127237-284 A7096-7263 B7239-7410 C73B5-7559 07534-7714 16 16 16 16 10127251-245 2 . 906 RG630 10127251-220 1 . 936 BK7 Extended H.,. Quad QFCII4N 10127238-291 A5414-5452 86171-6215 C7248-7299 08897-8961 4 4 5 6 10127251-261 3 . 000 OG515 10127251-260 1 . 840 BK7 Methane Quad **Filter type : .... ... to< In '0 C1I n n In 1.11 CriSIl BG38 00570 UV Cria. - 25 gr mm lat Order : 1600-4000 2nd Order : 1300-20UU 8lue Grlsa 16.2 gr mm Red Grb. 8.22 ar \l 1IIlIl l2 22 G200 10089110-20 1300-4000 50 10089110-220 4 . 000 CaF2 G450 G800 10089110-23 -24 3000-6000 6000-10000 50 50 10009110-231 -242 5. 61" 5.686 **Filter type: Radius .... � '" Special 10127250-239 10127237-285 1600-11000 1600-11000 30 30 10127251-257 -258 5.368 3.925 Supraal1 OynasU 10-3 NO Filter Quad Polarizer 22 13 NF165LP 10127250-240 1650-11000 30 10127251-257 5. 368 Supraa:U ( 0 . 45. 9U, 135·) Red Leak Filtera 22 F8NO QPOL .... '" t::1 APPfJlDIX D FILTER SPECIFICATIONS SUHlfARY (Coned) FUter JPL Part �o. ··FUter Type: RF418N Rallp No. RF'33N R?680N RF868N (A) Error (!:.A) Substrate 8 Substrate A Thiekne8. JPL Part No. ( ..) Glaa• . JPL Part No. Thiekne•• (...) Gla.a COIDIDeDU Radlu. (m) Linear RaIDP 10136830-271 1 � 3 4 b:I I � CW RaDge FWHH 10136830-272 10136830-273 10136330-274 3700-39'2 3932-4179 4179-4441 4441-4720 8 8 8 8 101272'1-26� 10127'1-268 1 4720-'016 11 2 4 � '016-'331 '331-'666 5666-6022 11 11 11 1 2 3 4 6022-6400 6400-6802 6802-7229 7229-7683 H 14 14 14 1 2 3 4 7683-8165 8165-8678 8678-9223 9223-9802 17 17 17 17 3 . 000 3.000 IIG30' GG37' 101272'1-267 101272'1-269 1 . 774 1 . 892 DR7 ... "II t"' <II .., III DR7 .., n <II '" .... 10127251-270 3 . 000 00530 10l27251-271 1 . 918 � DR7 ..., .... '" t::I 10127251-272 3. 000 RG695 101272'1-273 1 . 984 DR7 • -...�",y/ u