Nghia Trong Pham

Nghia Trong Pham
Home Address
: No. 1002, CT5C, KDT Van khe, HaDong district, Hanoi, Vietnam
Postal Address
: No. 166 Linden Lane, Princeton, New Jersey (08540), United States
From 1/2008 to 8/2010: School of Law, Brunel University, Middlesex, United Kingdom, UB8
- Diploma: PhD in Law.
- Thesis Title: Incorporating the Core International Labour Standards on Freedom of
Association and Collective Bargaining into Vietnam’s Legal System.
- Result: Successfully defended the PhD Thesis on 25/8/2010.
- First supervisor: Prof Ben Chigara, Brunel University.
- External examiner: Prof Evance Kalula, University of Cape Town.
Brunel University Walduck Prize for Research Impact 2010.
United Kingdom Overseas Research Student Awards (ORSAS) 2008/2009.
United Kingdom Overseas Research Student Awards (ORSAS) 2009/2010.
Brunel University Vice-Chancellor Travel Prize 2008.
From 2003 to 2006: Faculty of Law, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam
Diploma: Master of Law (LLM).
Thesis Title: Some Proposals to Fulfilling Vietnam’s Social Security Law System.
- Result: High Distinction. Ranked First in final exams (Graduation mark: 100%;
Average academic result: 82.20 %).
From 1998 to 2002: Faculty of Law, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam
Diploma: Bachelor of Law (LLB).
- Result: First class honor. Ranked Second with “Excellent” Degree. (Graduation
mark: 100%; Average academic result: 81.70 %).
“Best student of the year” – Vietnam National University in 2001.
“Best student of the year” – Vietnam National University in 2000.
- Yamada Scholarship for outstanding students of Vietnam National University
Sanwa Bank Scholarship 2002.
Work Experiences:
From 01/9/2015 to 31/8/2017: Research Fellow (Postdoctoral) of the Oxford-Princeton Global
Leaders Fellow Program.
From 01/09/2015 to 31/8/2016: Research Fellow of Woodrow Wilson School of
Public & International Affairs, Princeton University, United Kingdom.
From 01/09/2016 to 31/8/2017: Research Fellow of University College, Oxford
University, United Kingdom.
From 01/8/2012 to 31/8/2015: Deputy Director General, Department of Law under National
Assembly Office, Vietnam
Duties included:
- Member of the drafting groups for: Law on the Oversight of National Assembly and
local Council; Regulations on Operation of the Standing Committee of the National
Assembly; Regulations on Training of the Members of National Assembly.
- Reviewing bills submitted to the National Assembly, including: Law on
Organisation of the Government; Law on Occupational Safety and Health; Law on
Legal Documents; Law on Employment, Law on Social Insurance, Law on Medical
Insurance; Law on the Capital.
- Preparing presentations and opinions from legal aspect for Members of the
National Assembly (MPs).
- Preparing the Legislation Program of the National Assembly.
- Supporting the Law Committee and MPs in carrying out their duties.
- Supporting the Parliament’s Committee on Revising the Constitution of Vietnam.
From 15/11/2010 to 30/7/2012: Deputy Director General, Department of Legal Affairs,
Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, Vietnam
Duties included:
- Participating in the negotiation team for the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
- Drafting, commenting and reviewing legal documents on the field of labour and
social affairs including the New Labour Code, Law on Employment, Law on Social
Security of Vietnam.
- Preparing, reviewing national reports to the International Labour Organization
(ILO) and conducting research on the possibility of ratifying ILO Conventions which
led to the ratification of Convention No. 29 and Convention No. 122.
- Attending International Labour Conference held by the ILO as Government
- Drafting the first Ministry’s Report on the implementation of all ratified ILO
conventions in Vietnam as requested by the Prime Minister.
- Member of Vietnam Delegation in Vietnam – US Labour Dialogue.
From 30/9/2005 to 31/12/2007: Legal Officer, Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Labour,
Invalids and Social Affairs, Vietnam
Duties included:
- Drafting, commenting and reviewing legal documents on the field of labour and
social affairs.
- Preparing national reports to the International Labour Organization (ILO).
From 4/2003 to 8/2005: Labour Inspectorate, Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs,
Duties included:
- Carrying out visits to enterprises.
- Drafting legal documents on labour inspection issues.
- Writing reports to Chief Inspectorate.
From 01/9/2002 to 16/4/2003: Assistant to the Dean of Faculty of Law, Vietnam National
Duties included:
- Teaching assistant: labour law, criminal law for undergraduate classes.
- Making working weekly plan for the Dean.
- Making regular reports to The President of Vietnam National University, Hanoi.
Legislation Experiences:
- Member of drafting group for the Law on Anti-Family Violence.
- Member of drafting group for the Labour Code.
- Member of drafting group for the Law on Gender Equality.
- Member of drafting group for the Law on Social Orders.
- Member of drafting group for the Law on Social Security (revised).
- Member of drafting group for the Law on Vocational Training (revised)
- Member of drafting group for the Law on Employment.
- Member of drafting group for the Penal Code.
- Member of the Supporting Group for the Parliament’s Committee on Constitution
Teaching Experiences:
Giving lecture on “International Labour Law” (unpaid) to LLM students at Brunel
Associate lecturer on “Labour law” at University of Labour and Social Affairs.
Associate lecturer on “Labour law” Hanoi Law University.
Associate lecturer on “Labour law” Vietnam National University.
Supervise and Instruct writing dissertations of LLM students (5 have completed),
including PhD student at the Vrije University in Belgium.
I have been a speaker at various workshops and seminars on the fields of research interests for
both domestic and international participants, including:
Speaker for the “Leading Australia’s Future in the Asia-Pacific (LAFIA) Program”
funded by Australian Government held in Hanoi (November, 2013).
Speaker for the “Asian Region Law Enforcement Management Program” funded
by Australian Government held in Hanoi (April, 2014).
Consultation Experiences:
- 2003 - 2007: Legal assistant to The Director, Rural Technology Development
Company. (Part time).
- 11/2008 - 12/2008: National consultant to ILO experts on the Mission to evaluate
the needs of amending Vietnamese Labour Code.
- 01/2013 – 12/2013: National Consultant to the Research Project on International
Labour Standards funded by the ILO Office in Hanoi in cooperation with Ministry of
Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, Vietnam.
International Training Fellowships:
Training Course on Elimination of Forced Labour. Held by the International
Labour Organisation. Turin, Italy (from 26/8/2006 to 4/9/2006).
Training Course on International Labour Standards for Judges, Lawyers and Law
Educators. Held by the International Labour Organisation. Turin, Italy (from
01/9/2008 to 12/9/2008).
Training Course on Participatory Labour Law Making. Held by the International
Labour Organisation. Turin, Italy (from 22/6/2009 to 26/6/2009).
Training Course on Legislation in Japan. Held by Japanese International
Cooperation Agency (JICA) (January, 2013).
Training Course on Legislation he
IIIld by the Canadian International Development Agency (May, 2015).
Fields of Research Interests:
Labour Rights.
Human Rights.
Social Clause – The linkage between trade and labour rights.
International Labour Standards.
Labour law.
Social Security Law.
Research Grants:
- 2015 - 2017: Member of the Research Project on the Revision of Election Law in Vietnam.
Budget $40,000 funded by the National Assembly Legislation Research Institute, Vietnam.
- 2014 - 2016: Member of the Research Project on Proposals to Upgrade Legal
Regulations on Social Security in Vietnam. Budget $ 35,000 funded by the National Assembly
Legislation Research Institute, Vietnam.
- 2013 - 2014: Member of the Research Project on Proposals on Drafting the Law on
Occupational Safety and Health. Budget $30,000 funded by the National Assembly Legislation
Research Institute, Vietnam.
- 2012: Chair of the Research Project on the Implementation of ratified ILO Fundamental
Conventions in Vietnam. Budget $10,000 National Assembly Office.
- 2011: Member of the Research Project on Proposals on Drafting the Law on Employment.
Budget $10,000 funded by the Ministry of Labour, Invalids & Social Affairs, Vietnam.
- 2007 – 2008: Member of the Research Project on the Proposal to Revise Vietnam Labour
Code (2007-2008), Budget $20,000 funded by the Ministry of Labour, Invalids & Social Affairs,
1. Pham Trong Nghia (upcoming – contracted signed with Kluwer Law International)
Labour Law and Industrial in Vietnam, International Encyclopedia of Laws, Labour Law
and Industrial Relations.
2. Pham Trong Nghia (2014) Implementation of ILO Core Conventions in Vietnam:
Opportunities & Challenges, National Politic Publishing House, Hanoi.
3. Bui Sy Loi, Nguyen Tien Tung, Pham Trong Nghia (2004) 110 Cases and Solutions in
Industrial Relations, Labour and Social Publishing House, Hanoi.
4. Pham Trong Nghia (2003) “Some Issues on Resolving Void Labour Contracts” in
Theoretical and Practical Issues on Contract Law in Vietnam, eds. Faculty of Law,
People’s Security Publishing House, Hanoi, p. 273.
Journal Articles:
5. Pham Trong Nghia (2016) “Vietnam: The first Arrival of the TPP?” [online] at
6. Pham Trong Nghia (2016) “Labour committmentsin the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Agreement”, Vietnam Legislation Studies Journal, vol 202, p. 42
7. Pham Trong Nghia (2015): “Gender transformation in Vietnam: from offence to legal
right” [online] at
8. Pham Trong Nghia (2015) “Vietnam’s Labour Commitments in the TPP: A
9. Pham Trong Nghia (2015) “The Implementation of Ratified ILO Fundamental
Conventions in Vietnam: Successes and Challenges”, State Practice and International
Law Journal [English], vol.2 Issue 1 (2015), p. 143.
10. Pham Trong Nghia (2011) “Revised Labour Code Expands Workers’ Rights”, Vietnam
Law & Legal Forum [English], Vol 18 (No. 207), p. 7.
11. Pham Trong Nghia (2010) “On the Transplantation of Law”, Vietnam Legislation
Studies Journal, vol 169, p. 15.
12. Pham Trong Nghia (2009) “The Impacts of Implementing the Core International
Labour Standards on National Competitiveness”, Vietnam Legislation Studies Journal, vol
145, p. 46.
13. Pham Trong Nghia (2008) “Labour Law in the Process of Globalisation”, Vietnam
Legislation Studies Journal, vol 135, p. 19.
14. Pham Trong Nghia (2008) “Some Fundamental Issues of International Labour Law”,
Vietnam Legislation Studies Journal, vol 125, p. 51.
15. Pham Trong Nghia (2006) “Some Fundamental Issues of Social Security”, Vietnam
Legislation Studies Journal, vol 89, p. 43.
16. Pham Trong Nghia (2005) “Orientations to Fulfill Vietnam’s Social Security Law”,
Vietnam Social Insurance Journal, vol 82, p. 33.
17. Pham Trong Nghia (2005) “Some Fundamental Issues of Social Security Right”,
Vietnam Social Insurance Journal, vol 80, p. 32.
18. Pham Trong Nghia (2005) “Main Aspects of International Labour Law”, Vietnam
Labour and Social Journal, vol 264, p. 36.
19. Pham Trong Nghia (2003) “The Definition of Social Assistance”, Vietnam Social
Insurance Journal, vol 55, p. 23.
20. Pham Trong Nghia (2003) “Social Insurance Schemes in Thailand”, Vietnam Labour
and Social Journal, vol 223, p 32.
21. Pham Trong Nghia (2003) “Main Principles of an Independent Judiciary”, Vietnam
Legislation Studies Journal, Special Issue, No. 3, p. 136.
22. Pham Trong Nghia (2002) “Independent Judiciary –The Core of the Rule of Law”
[Translation], Science Magazine of Vietnam National University, No. 4, p. 64.
23. Pham Trong Nghia (2002) “On the Institution of Jury in Vietnam Criminal Procedural
Law”, Vietnam People’s Court Journal, vol 6/2002, p. 23.