

S.l. Stafe Mihai


Cercetări asupra fenomenului de abla t ie laser pulsată a metalelor utilizând modelarea teoretică fototermică s i analiza experimentală optodinamică (2006), UPB Bucuresti, conducator: prof. dr. Ion

M. Popescu


Ba. Articole publicate în reviste de specialitate

1. M. Stafe, ‘A spectroscopic and theoretical photo-thermal approach for analysing the laser ablated structures’, proceedings of MATADOR 2012 conference, paper 12–2, 417 (2012)

2. M. Stafe, C. Negutu, A.N. Ducariu, N. N. Puscas, ‘A spectroscopic and theoretical study of the laser ablation rate of Al’, proceedings of SPIE, paper PS2-17 (2012)

3. Mihai Stafe and Constantin Negutu, 'Ablation plasma spectroscopy for monitoring in real-time the pulsed laser ablation of metals', Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, Volume 32, Issue 3, June 2012,

Pages 643-653 (2012).

4. Mihai Stafe, Constantin Negutu, Adrian Ducariu, 'Pulsed laser ablated craters in aluminium in air and aqueous environments', Romanian Reports in Physics, Vol. 64, No. 1, P. 155–162 (2012)

5. C. Negutu, M. Stafe, S. S. Ciobanu, N. N. Puscas, ‘Characterization of the laser-ablation plasmas using optical spectroscopy and opto-acoustic methods’, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials

13 (2011) 812-820

6. N.N. Puscas, M. Stafe, C. Negutu, A. Ducariu, ‘A spectroscopic study of the ablation plasma produced on

Er-doped Ti:LiNBO3’, Scientific Bulletin of University ‘Politehnica’ of Bucharest, Series A: Applied

Mathematics and Physics 73 (2011) 147

7. M. Stafe, C. Negutu, N. N. Puscas, I.M. Popescu, ‘Pulsed laser ablation of solids’, Rom. Reports in Physics

62 (4) (2010)

8. P. Heissler, R. Horlein, M. Stafe, J.M. Mikhailova, Y. Nomura, D. Herrmann, R. Tautz, S.G. Rykovanov,

I.B. Foldes, K. Varju, F. Tavella, A. Marcinkevicius, F. Krausz, L. Veisz, G.D. Tsakiris ‘Towards single attosecond pulses using harmonic emission from solid density plasmas’, Appl. Phys. B , DOI:

10.1007/s00340-010-4281-6 (2010)

9. M. Stafe, C. Negutu, I. Vladoiu, S. S. Ciobanu, N. N. Puscas, ‘Spectroscopic study of the plasmas generated by nanosecond laser ablation of Er3+-doped Ti:LiNbO3 targets’, Proceedings SPIE of

ROMOPTO 2009 (Micro- to Nano-Photonics II - ROMOPTO 2009 Sibiu, Romania (Aug. 31-Sept. 3,


10. N. N. Puscas, C. Negutu, M. Stafe, ‘Modelling of the Er3+-doped Ti:LiNbO3 optical waveguide couplers,

Proceedings SPIE of ROMOPTO 2009 (Micro- to Nano-Photonics II - ROMOPTO 2009 Sibiu,

Romania (Aug. 31-Sept. 3, 2009)), accepted

11. Mihai Stafe, Ionut Vladoiu, Constantin Negutu, Ion M. Popescu, ‘Experimental investigation of the laserdrilled holes in aluminium’, Scientific Bulletin of University ‘Politehnica’ of Bucharest, Series A:

Applied Mathematics and Physics , 71 (2009), 73-80


12. Mihai Stafe, Constantin Negutu, Ionut Vladoiu, Adrian N. Ducariu, Ion M. Popescu, ‘Experimental investigation of the dimensions and quality of laser-drilled holes in metals’, 2009 Proceedings of SPIE,

The International Society for Optical Engineering 7426, art. no. 742614 (ISBN: 978-0-819477-16-3)

13. I. Vladoiu, M. Stafe, C. Negutu, I.M. Popescu, ‘Influence of the pulses number and fluence of a nanosecond laser on the ablation rate of metals, semiconductors and dielectrics’, European Physical

Journal-Applied Physics 47 (2009), 30702

14. E.C. Niculescu, A. Radu, M. Stafe, ‘Laser effects on the donor states in V-shaped and inverse V-shaped quantum wells’, Superlattices and Microstructures 46 (2009), pp. 443-450

15. I. Vladoiu, M. Stafe, C. Neguţu , I. M. Popescu, ‘The dependence of the ablation rate of metals on nanosecond laser fluence and wavelength‘, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 10

(12) (2008), pp. 3177-3181

16. Mihai Stafe, Ionut Vladoiu, Constantin Negutu and Ion M. Popescu, ‘Effect of Laser Fluence on the

Ablation Rate of Metals in the Infrared, Visible, and Ultraviolet Nanosecond Pulses Irradiation

Regime’, 2008 ICALEO Conference Proceedings (ICALEO 27th International Congress on

Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics, Temecula, California, USA (Oct. 20-23, 2008)), (2008)

P130. (ISBN: 978-0-912035-12-3)

17. M. Stafe, I. Vladoiu, C. Negutu, I. M. Popescu, ‘Experimental investigation of the nanosecond laser ablation rate of aluminium’, Rom. Reports in Physics 60 (3) (2008), pp. 789-796

18. Ionuţ Vlădoiu, Mihai Stafe , Constantin Neguţu, Ion M. Popescu, ‘Nanopulsed ablation rate of metals dependence on the laser fluence and wavelength in atmospheric air’, Scientific Bulletin of University

‘Politehnica’ of Bucharest, Series A: Applied Mathematics and Physics 70 (4) (2008) pp. 119

19. C. Negutu, M. Stafe, S. S. Ciobanu, I. Vladoiu, N. N. Puscas, ‘Spectroscopic study of the plasmas generated by nanosecond laser ablation of Al and Cu targets’, Scientific Bulletin of University

‘Politehnica’ of Bucharest, Series A: Applied Mathematics and Physics 70 (3) (2008) pp. 85

20. Mihai Stafe, Ionut Vladoiu and Ion M. Popescu, ‘Impact of the laser wavelength and fluence on the ablation rate of aluminium’, Central European Journal of Physics 6 (2) (2008) pp. 327-331

21. M. Stafe, C. Neguţu, and I. M. Popescu, ‘Theoretical determination of the ablation rate of metals in multiple-nanosecond laser pulses irradiation regime’, Appl. Surf. Sci ., 253 (2007), pp. 6353-6348

22. I. Vladoiu, M. Stafe, and I. M. Popescu , ‘The influence of spot diameter, fluence and wavelength of the nanosecond laser pulses on the ablation rate of aluminum’, Scientific Bulletin of University

‘Politehnica’ of Bucharest, Series A: Applied Mathematics and Physics 69 (3) (2007) pp. 81-88

23. M. Stafe, C. Neguţu, and I. M. Popescu, ‘ Combined experimental and theoretical investigation of multiplenanosecond laser ablation of metals’, J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater . 8 (3) (2006) pp. 1180-1186.

24. M. Stafe, C. Negutu, and I. M. Popescu, ‘Real-time determination and control of the laser-drilled holes depth’, Shock Waves 14 (2005) pp. 123-126

25. M. Stafe, C. Negutu, and I. M. Popescu, ‘Real-time determination of the hole depth drilled with a pulsed laser’, Scientific Bulletin of University ‘Politehnica’ of Bucharest, Series A: Applied Mathematics and Physics 65 (2003) pp. 137-144

26. A. Ducariu, G. Valceanu, M. Stafe, and N.N. Puscas, ‘Analysis of photon statistics on dopant concentration in Er




Waveguides’, Scientific Bulletin of University Politehnica of

Bucharest, Series A: Applied Mathematics and Physics 63 (2001) pp. 25-34


Bb. Lucrari publicate în volumele unor manifestări internaţionale

1. J. M. Mikhailova, P. Heissler, R. Hoerlein, M. Stafe, Y. Nomura, D. Herrmann, R. Tautz, S.G. Rykovanov,

I.B. Földes, K. Varju, F. Tavella, A. Marcinkevicius, F. Krausz, M. Zepf, L. Veisz, G. D. Tsakiris‚

‚ Broadband Relativistic High-Harmonic Generation Using Fewcycle Multi-TW Light Pulses ’, Frontiers in

Optics conference (Rochester, October 24 - 28, 2010).

2. C. Negutu , I. Vladoiu, M. Stafe, A. Rizea, N. N. Puscas, I. M. Popescu, Effect of pulse number on the ablation rate of metals in PLA multi-pulse regime , ATOM N 2010.

3. M. Stafe, C. Negutu, S. S. Ciobanu, N. N. Puscas , Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of the Er


doped Ti:LiNbO


target irradiated with IR, VIS and UV nanosecond pulses , ATOM N 2010.

4. M. Stafe, C. Negutu, I. Vladoiu, S. S. Ciobanu, N. N. Puscas, ‘Spectroscopic study of the plasmas generated by nanosecond laser ablation of Er3+-doped Ti:LiNbO3 targets’, Micro- to Nano-Photonics II -

ROMOPTO 2009 , to be held in Sibiu, Romania (Aug. 31-Sept. 3, 2009)

5. N. N. Puscas, C. Negutu, M. Stafe, ‘Modelling of the Er3+-doped Ti:LiNbO3 optical waveguide couplers,

Micro- to Nano-Photonics II - ROMOPTO 2009 , to be held in Sibiu, Romania (Aug. 31-Sept. 3, 2009)

6. M. Stafe, I. Vladoiu, C. Negutu, A. Ducariu, I.M. Popescu, ‘Experimental investigation of the dimensions and quality of the laser-drilled holes in metals’, International Symposium on SPIE Optical Engineering and

Applications , San Diego, California, USA (Aug. 2-6, 2009)

7. Mihai Stafe, Ionut Vladoiu, Constantin Negutu and Ion M. Popescu, ‘Effect of Laser Fluence on the

Ablation Rate of Metals in the Infrared, Visible, and Ultraviolet Nanosecond Pulses Irradiation Regime’,

ICALEO 27th International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics , Temecula, California,

USA (Oct. 20-23, 2008)

8. Istvan Foldes, Nikoletta Jegenyes, Mihai Stafe, ‘Plazmatukor-kiserletek KrF lezer Ultrovid impulzusa kontrasztjanak javitasaho’ (Experiments on plasma mirror obtained by using KrF pulses with improved contrast) - poster in Hungarian, Hungarian Quantum Electronics Symposium 2008 (Kvantumelektronika 08

Symposium) , Budapest, Hungary (Oct. 17, 2008)

9. Ionut Vladoiu, Mihai Stafe, Constantin Negutu and Ion M. Popescu, ‘Dependence of the nanopulsed ablation rate of aluminium and silicon on laser fluence’, CNF 2008 , Bucuresti- Magurele, Romania (Sept. 10-

13, 2008)

10. S.S. Ciobanu, C. Negutu, M. Stafe, I. Vladoiu, V. Pais, V. Stancalie, N.N. Puscas, ‘Spectroscopic studies of laser induced aluminum and copper plasmas in air’, 35 EPS Plasma Physics Conference , Hersonissos,

Crete, Greece (June 9-13, 2008)

11. N. Jegenyes, M. Stafe, I. Foldes, ‘Experimental study on VUV radiation generatied on LiF target by using femtosecond uv laser pulses’, poster presented at MP0601 COST meeting- Short Wavelength Laboratory

Sources , Warsaw, Poland (May 29, 2008)

12. M. Stafe , C. Neguţu, and I. M. Popescu, ‘ Combined experimental and theoretical investigation of multiplenanosecond laser ablation of metals’, The 5th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and

Applications , Charlottesville, Virginia, USA(September 3-7, 2006).


1. I.M. Popescu, G. Cone, C. Negutu, M. Stafe, ‘Fizica- Mecanica Cuantica (Probleme)’, Politechnica Press,

Bucharest, Romania (2009).

2. C. Ghizdeanu, R. Atasiei, M. Stafe, L. Burileanu, ‘Culegere de probleme de fizica’-vol.1, Printech,

Bucharest, Romania (2008)

3. M. Stafe in authors group coordinated by Prof. I.M. Popescu, ‘Teste de Fizica’, Politechnica Press,

Bucharest, Romania (2001, 2003, and 2006).

