Resident Teacher Seminar in Secondary Education I CURR 5018 OL1 Fall 2013 Professors COE Mission We prepare teachers, leaders, and counselors who embrace equity, inquiry and innovation. COE Student Resource Office Office Hours 8:00am-5:00pm M-F Contact Phone: 719-255-4996 Fax: 719-255-4110 Columbine Hall 1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Beth Cutter Stephanie Dewing Barbara Frye Laura Kadlecek Chuck Leggiero Barbara Toney Email Phone Content 719-337-5002 719-255-4170 303-941-5248 English Spanish Director Math Science Soc Studies 719-594-6748 Required Textbook: Dean, C.B., Hubbell, E.R., Pitler, H. & Stone, B. (2012). Classroom instruction that works: Research-based strategies for increasing student achievement (2nd ed.). Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Additional Resources: Differentiation Central <> PBS Teachers <> Read Write Think <> Thinkfinity <> Course Format: This course provides the clinical supervision component of the Alternative Licensure Program. It is conducted both online (Resident Teachers and University Supervisors use the web-based management tool TaskStream to create, reflect on, and evaluate lesson plans) and in person (University Supervisors conduct at least three formal observations on site). Resident Teachers and University Supervisors communicate frequently by email and phone as well. Course Expectations: 1) Complete all assignments and assigned readings and be prepared to discuss them via threaded discussion or in person. 2) Familiarize yourself with TaskStream functions (Unit Builder, Lesson Builder, etc.). TaskStream has downloadable Help guides for most functions, and their Mentoring Services offers pre-scheduled webcasts. Monthly work sessions in a computer lab on campus are available as well. 3) Work as a member of a team with your Building Administrator, your Mentor, and your University Supervisor, arranging for a minimum of three formal observations by your UCCS supervisor. 4) Accept and act upon constructive feedback on practice, products, and behavior from your Building Administrator, your Mentor and your UCCS Supervisor in order to be rated at least Proficient on each element of the Colorado Teacher Quality Standards. 5) Demonstrate responsibility, collaboration, professional behavior, respect for diversity, and personal well-being as described on the Professional Dispositions Evaluation form. 6) Ensure timely completion and submission of forms from your Building Administrator. 7) For each formal observation: Complete all TaskStream lesson plan fields with high quality content at least 24 hours beforehand; provide the University Supervisor with a hard copy of the lesson plan when he/she arrives; and enter a reflection on your lesson’s effectiveness in the appropriate TaskStream field within 24 hours afterwards. 8) Complete and submit all edTPA requirements. 9) Complete and submit all Standards Portfolio requirements. Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of the course the Resident Teacher will demonstrate the following abilities (aligned with select elements of the Colorado Teacher Quality Standards): 1) Provide instruction that is aligned with the Colorado Academic Standards; their District's organized plan of instruction; and the individual needs of their students [I.a]. 2) Make instruction and content relevant to students and take actions to connect students’ background and contextual knowledge with new information being taught [I.f]. 3) Foster a predictable learning environment in the classroom in which each student has a positive, nurturing relationship with caring adults and peers [II.a]. 4) Demonstrate a commitment to and respect for diversity, while working toward common goals as a community and as a country [II.b]. 5) Adapt their teaching for the benefit of all students, including those with special needs across a range of ability levels [II.d]. 6) Create a learning environment characterized by acceptable student behavior, efficient use of time, and appropriate intervention strategies [II.f]. 7) Demonstrate knowledge of current developmental science, the ways in which learning takes place, and the appropriate levels of intellectual, social, and emotional development of their students [III.a]. 8) Plan and consistently deliver instruction that draws on results of student assessments, is aligned to academic standards, and advances students’ level of content knowledge and skills [III.b]. 9) Thoughtfully integrate and utilize appropriate available technology in their instruction to maximize student learning [III.d]. 10) Demonstrate that they analyze student learning, development and growth and apply what they learn to improve their practice [IV.a]. 11) Demonstrate high ethical standards [V.d]. Accreditation Standards: This course aligns with accreditation standards from the Colorado Department of Education and the Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation. Please see the crosswalk chart at the end of this syllabus. Technology Competencies. It is expected that students begin our program with foundational technology skills that include digital word processing, digital and online formats (e.g. Blackboard) and using online research databases. Knowledge of the use of technology-supported multimedia, such as PowerPoint and other audio/video resources, is expected. Students who need assistance with building technological skills should speak with their professor to learn about technology resources in the COE and at UCCS. Using your UCCS email account is a requirement of this course due to digital delivery of course content. All students must obtain a UCCS email address and check it regularly (every day) so as not to miss announcements. If your UCCS email address is not your primary one, please have emails from UCCS rerouted to the one you check daily. Attendance, Preparation, and Participation: Students are expected to maintain high standards of ethical and professional conduct. This includes attending class, being adequately prepared, contributing to class discussions, submitting high caliber work and representing your own work fairly and honestly. As an important member of a classroom community, attendance and punctuality is mandatory. You must actively engage in class and group work to maximize your learning in this course. If you must miss a class, please inform the professor by phone or email prior to class. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain course information that is missed during the absence. Unexcused absences will result in a lower grade. 2 Professional Behavior: Professional behavior is necessary for you to be a successful member of a learning community. Please monitor your participation in class discussions and group work and find ways to contribute intelligently to the discussion without silencing others. All written assignments must be computer generated unless otherwise indicated by the professor. Professional behavior will be expected in your future teaching/counseling career and is often the hallmark of career success. Ethical Conduct: The responsibility for ethical conduct, academic honesty and integrity rests with each individual member of the UCCS community. The Student Code of Conduct may be found at In general, academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating on assignments or examinations, plagiarism (which means misrepresenting as your own work done by another person or from a web page source), misuse of academic materials, or interfering with another student’s work. Violations of the Student Code of Conduct may result in dismissal from your academic program. Diversity Statement: The faculty of the College of Education is committed to preparing students to recognize, appreciate, and support diversity in all forms – including ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, economic, sexual orientation and ability – while striving to provide fair and equitable treatment and consideration for all. Any student who believes that he/she has not been treated fairly or equitably for any reason should bring it to the attention of the instructor, Department Chair or the Dean of the College of Education. Accommodations: The College of Education wishes to fully include persons with disabilities in this course. In compliance with section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), UCCS is committed to ensure that “no otherwise qualified individual with a disability … shall, solely by reason of disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity…” If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to contact and register with the Disabilities Services Office, and provide them with documentation of your disability, so they can determine what accommodations are appropriate for your situation. To avoid any delay in the receipt of accommodations, you should contact the Disability Services Office as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive and disability accommodations cannot be provided until an accommodation letter from the Office has been given to the professor. Please contact Disability Services for more information about receiving accommodations at Main Hall room 105, 719-2553354 or . Military Students: Military students who have the potential to participate in military activities including training and deployment should consult with faculty prior to registration for any course, but no later than the end of the first week of classes. At this time, the student should provide the instructor with a schedule of planned absences, preferably signed by the student’s commander, in order to allow the instructor to evaluate and advise the student on the possible impact of the absences. In this course, the instructor will consider absences due to participation in verified military activities to be excused absences, on par with those due to other unavoidable circumstances such as illness. If, however, it appears that military obligations will prevent adequate attendance or performance in the course, the instructor may advise the student to register for the course at another time, when she/he is more likely to be successful. Appeals: In any academic issue, including attendance decisions, students may exercise their right to appeal. Should the faculty member and student be unable to agree on appropriate accommodations under this policy, 3 the student has the right to appeal as outlined in the grievance policies of the College of Education and the UCCS student standards. Curriculum & Instruction Department Grading Scale: A 94-100 C+ A90-93 C B+ 87-89 CB 84-86 D+ B80-83 D 77-79 74-76 70-73 67-69 64-66 A semester grade lower than B- is unacceptable and the course must be repeated or work must be improved. 4 Course Assignments and Assessments Your grade in CURR 5018 will be derived from five areas, as follows: 1. STARTER CHECKLIST/WRITEUP (Blackboard) Check with your Mentor Teacher to make sure you understand the items on this list before they catch you by surprise. Write a short paper about the most important one(s). SUBTOTAL 2. DISPOSITIONS: All Semester POINTS 20 Dispositions are summarized in a holistic score which reflects ratings by the School Administrator and University Supervisor. SUBTOTAL 3. OBSERVATIONS (TaskStream and Classroom) As indicated in the table below, the clinical supervision process consists of at least three observations by your University Supervisor. Each observation is worth 100 points. SUBTOTAL 4. edTPA (TaskStream) 100 300 This performance-based assessment demonstrates your ability to (1) plan for instruction and assessment, (2) instruct and engage students in learning, and (3) assess student learning. While you will complete the majority of your edTPA next semester, you will complete some of the templates and practice developing artifacts this fall. SUBTOTAL 5. ELECTRONIC PORTFOLIO (TaskStream) Your electronic standards portfolio in TaskStream will be the official body of evidence that you have met each element of Colorado Teacher Quality Standards I-V. (Your edTPA will demonstrate proficiency in Standard VI.) By the time your portfolio is evaluated in April, it needs to contain at least 1-2 artifacts for each of the 27 elements. These can be lesson plans, projects/papers from methods courses, material you prepare for your classroom, etc. This semester, you are responsible for producing and uploading evidence for 5 elements as defined in the table below. SUBTOTAL TOTAL 5 100 100 620 STARTER CHECKLIST/WRITEUP – Due by September 29 (Notes) (0-2) Checklist is missing or less than half completed. (3-5) Some checklist topics are missing and/ or notes are too general to be helpful or convincing. Reflection (Paper) Paper is missing or of very poor quality. Paper addresses only one checklist topic. Checklist (6-8) All checklist topics contain helpful notes. (9-10) All checklist topics addressed thoroughly, with helpful notes and/or references to pertinent documents. Candidate demonstrates serious thought about each topic, possibly by adding to or modifying the questions to suit the teaching context. Paper addresses two checklist Paper describes in detail how the topics, describing how they can be topics can be useful now or in the useful now or in the future. future. TOTAL for Starter Checklist/Writeup Assignment /10 `/10 /20 BA & US DISPOSITIONS No submission needed. Your University Supervisor and School Administrator will evaluate. Responsibility Collaboration Respect for Diversity Professional Behavior Personal Well-Being Indicator Not Met Many scores lower than 3 Many scores lower than 3 Many scores lower than 3 Many scores lower than 3 Many scores lower than 3 Indicator Partially Met Mostly 3’s, some 4’s Mostly 3’s, some 4’s Mostly 3’s, some 4’s Mostly 3’s, some 4’s Mostly 3’s, some 4’s 6 Indicator Met Mostly all 4’s Mostly all 4’s Mostly all 4’s Mostly all 4’s Mostly all 4’s Indicator Fully Met and More All 4’s All 4’s All 4’s All 4’s All 4’s TOTAL for Dispositions PTS /20 /20 /20 /20 /20 /100 POSTCONFERENCES (Reflections in TaskStream) OBSERVATIONS (University Supervisor) PRECONFERENCE (Lesson Plans in TaskStream) FORMAL OBSERVATIONS: FINISH BY DECEMBER 6 Level 1 Few template fields complete Lesson not in TaskStream 24 hours prior AND hard copy not provided to University Supervisor Level 2 Most template fields complete Lesson not in TaskStream 24 hours prior OR hard copy not provided to University Supervisor Level 3 All template fields complete Lesson in TaskStream 24 hours prior and hard copy provided to University Supervisor RT allows disruptive behavior to interfere with student learning. There is little or no evidence that the RT links students’ prior academic learning or personal, cultural, or community assets with new learning. RT responses include significant content inaccuracies that will lead to student misunderstandings. RT provides a learning environment that serves primarily to control student behavior, and minimally supports the learning goals. RT makes vague or superficial links between prior academic learning and new learning. RT primarily asks surfacelevel questions and evaluates student responses as correct or incorrect. RT provides a positive, low-risk social environment that reveals mutual respect among students. RT links prior academic learning to new learning. RT elicits student responses related to constructing meaning. Reflections entered in TaskStream 24-72 hours later RT proposes changes that are focused primarily on improving directions for learning tasks or task/ behavior management. Reflections entered in TaskStream within 24 hours RT proposes changes that address students’ collective learning needs related to the central focus. Reflections in TaskStream ˃72 hours later or not at all RT suggests changes unrelated to evidence of student learning. Level 4 All template fields complete with high quality content Lesson in TaskStream at least 48 hours prior and hard copy provided to University Supervisor along with other relevant documents (e.g. handouts, seating charts) RT provides a challenging learning environment that promotes mutual respect among students. RT links both prior academic learning and personal, cultural, or community assets to new learning. RT elicits and builds on students’ responses. Reflections entered in TaskStream within 24 hours RT proposes changes that address individual and collective learning needs related to the central focus. Level 5 All template fields complete with high quality content Lesson in TaskStream at least 72 hours prior and hard copy provided to University Supervisor along with other relevant documents (e.g. handouts, seating charts) RT provides a challenging learning environment that provides opportunities to express varied perspectives and promotes mutual respect among students. RT prompts students to link prior academic learning and personal, cultural, or community assets to new learning. RT facilitates interactions among students so they can evaluate their own abilities. /20 /60 Level 4 plus: RT justifies changes using principles of research and/or theory. SUBTOTAL for Formal Observation 1 SUBTOTAL for Formal Observation 2 SUBTOTAL for Formal Observation 3 TOTAL for 3 Observations 7 PTS /20 /100 /100 /100 /300 Here are the questions to address in the “Author’s Comments and Reflections” field in TaskStream before uploading your lesson plan for evaluation: 1. What went well? In other words, if I had the opportunity to teach this lesson again to the same group of students, what parts would I keep? Why? 2. What opportunities did I miss? In other words, if I had the opportunity to teach this lesson again, what changes would I make to better support student learning of the central focus? Why? 3. 4. 5. 6. Did the students learn what I intended? Were my instructional goals met? How can I be sure? As I reflect on the lesson, to what extent were the students productively engaged? Did I alter my goals or plans as I taught the lesson? What was the outcome? How did I demonstrate mutual respect for, rapport with, and responsiveness to students with varied needs and backgrounds, and challenge students to engage in learning? 7. Other comments, observations and self reflection? 8. What artifacts from this lesson or observation could be used in my teacher performance standards portfolio? 8 edTPA Your complete edTPA assessment will be due next semester. This semester you will practice completing a partial set of the required components. You will need to consult the specific edTPA Handbook for your content area (English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, or World Language) for the templates and instructions necessary for this assignment. edTPA Handbooks can be found both in Blackboard and in TaskStream. The components you will practice (and submit for a grade) this semester are as follows: 1. Context for Learning Template: Find this template in your edTPA Handbook. This template will ask you to supply specific information about the school where you are teaching, about the class that will be featured in your video clip, and about the students in that class. Your completed Context for Learning Template should be no more than 3 pages, including prompts. Use Arial 11-point type, and single space with 1” margins on all sides. This portion of the edTPA is due no later than September 29. 2. Video Clip: In your edTPA Handbook, locate Task 2: Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning. Arrange to videorecord at least one clip (no more than 10 minutes in length) that demonstrates the components asked for in the handbook (typically how you interact with students in a positive learning environment). Upload this videoclip into TaskStream. This portion of the edTPA is due no later than October 27. 3. Instruction Commentary: In your edTPA Handbook, locate Task 2: Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning. Find the instructions for writing your Instruction Commentary about the video clip you uploaded. Your commentary should address the questions pertaining to Promoting a Positive Learning Environment Engaging Students in Learning The full edTPA Instruction Commentary that you write next semester will need to address all the questions, and it will be longer (about 6 pages). The one you write as “practice” during CURR 5018 only needs to be about 3 pages. It is due no later than November 24. Level 1 Context for Learning Template Video Clips Instruction Commentary Level 2 Incomplete Level 3 Level 4 Partially complete and/or inaccurate Level 5 PTS Complete, detailed, accurate, /20 The clips reveal evidence of disrespectful interactions between teacher and students or between students. OR Candidate allows disruptive behavior to interfere with student learning. The candidate demonstrates respect for students. Candidate provides a learning environment that serves primarily to control student behavior, and minimally supports the learning goals. The candidate demonstrates rapport with and respect for students. Candidate provides a positive, low-risk social environment that reveals mutual respect among students. The candidate demonstrates rapport with and respect for students. Candidate provides a challenging learning environment that provides mutual respect among students. The analysis is superficial or not supported by either student work samples or the summary of student learning. The analysis focuses on what students did right OR wrong using evidence from the summary or work samples. The analysis focuses on what students did right AND wrong and is supported with evidence from the summary and work samples. Analysis includes some differences in whole class learning. Analysis uses specific examples from work samples to demonstrate patterns of student learning consistent with the summary. Patterns are described for whole class. 9 The candidate demonstrates rapport with and respect for students. Candidate provides a challenging learning environment that provides opportunities to express varied perspectives and provides mutual respect among students. Analysis uses specific evidence from work samples to demonstrate the connections between quantitative and qualitative patterns of student learning or individuals or groups. /40 /40 STANDARDS PORTFOLIO – DUE NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 8 Basic (1) Partially Proficient (2) Proficient Accomplished (4) Exemplary (5) (Meets State Standard) (3) I.a Teachers provide instruction that is aligned with the Colorado Academic Standards; their District's organized plan of instruction; and the individual needs of their students. . . . and . . . and . . . and . . . and The teacher candidate: The teacher candidate: The teacher candidate: Students: Students: Uses lesson plans that Implements lesson plans based Collaborates with other Interact with the rigorous and Discuss strengths and next reflect: on: school staff to vertically and challenging content. steps regarding their Daily review and Student needs. horizontally articulate the learning with their teacher. Perform at a level consistent revision. Colorado Academic curriculum. with or above that expected of Standards. Instructional objectives students at their ability level. District’s plan of instruction. appropriate for students. Learning objectives. Linkages to specific learning objectives and approved curriculum. PTS* /20* II.d Teachers adapt their teaching for the benefit of all students, including those with special needs across a range of ability levels. The teacher candidate: . . . and . . . and . . . and . . . and Adapts lesson plans to The teacher candidate: The teacher candidate: Students: Students: address individual Designs instruction to address Solicits input from families Advocate for themselves. Apply coping skills to student needs. specific learning needs of all and significant adults, Articulate their learning needs classroom situations. students. colleagues, specialists, and to their teacher and/or parent. Share coping strategies with Implements others to understand students’ fellow students. Monitors the quality of recommendations made learning needs. Help fellow classmates by student participation and by specialists and Uses multiple strategies to offering support. performance. colleagues to address teach and assess students. student needs. Challenges and supports all students to learn to their greatest ability. III.d Teachers thoughtfully integrate and utilize appropriate available technology in their instruction to maximize student learning. . . . and . . . and . . . and . . . and The teacher candidate: The teacher candidate: The teacher candidate: Students: Students: Has high expectations Employs strategies and Uses available technology to: Engage in virtual or face-toUse available technology to: for all students. procedures to ensure that all Enhance student learning. face learning activities Accelerate their learning. Holds students students have equal and Develop students’ knowledge enhanced by appropriate use Apply team building and accountable for their appropriate access to and skills. of available technology. networking skills. learning. available technology. Enhance creative and Produce creative and Deepen critical thinking Monitors the use of available innovative skills. innovative products. skills. 10 /20* Basic (1) Partially Proficient (2) technology in the classroom. Proficient (Meets State Standard) (3) Provide engaging and motivating learning experiences. Accomplished (4) Exemplary (5) PTS* Communicate effectively. /20* IV.a Teachers demonstrate that they analyze student learning, development, and growth and apply what they learn to improve their practice. . . . and . . . and . . . and The teacher candidate: The teacher candidate: The teacher candidate: The teacher candidate: The teacher candidate: Collects and analyzes Collects multiple examples of Applies knowledge of student Develops student learning plans Monitors and evaluates student data to inform student work to determine learning, development, and based on: personal behavioral changes instruction. student progress over time. growth to the development of: Multiple examples of to determine what works for Lesson plans student work. students. Uses data to: Instructional strategies Other data points. Support student Information gathered from learning. students, families, and Inform practice. colleagues. V.d Teachers demonstrate high ethical standards. . . . and . . . and . . . and The teacher candidate: The teacher candidate: The teacher candidate: The teacher candidate: Students: Maintains Models ethical behavior, Maintains confidentiality of Helps students understand the Demonstrate: confidentiality of including honesty, integrity, student and fellow teacher importance of ethical Honesty. student records as fair treatment, and respect for interactions as well as student behavior as an individual and Respect for others. required by law. others. data. member of society. Adheres to standards of professional practice. TOTAL for 5 Portfolio Artifacts* /20* /20* /100* *Normally a 5-point rubric should mean that each row adds up to 25. However, the rating of “Exemplary” is supposed to be used very sparingly, and first-year teachers are not likely to attain it often. Making each row worth 20 points means that a candidate who receives all 4’s would still receive an A on his/her portfolio assignment. 11 The table below gives an overview of requirements for CURR 5018. It isn’t as detailed week-to-week as most syllabi. Instead, it is arranged like a checklist of tasks that roughly coincides with each of your three scheduled formal observations. Feel free to complete any and all tasks ahead of schedule. DATE Aug 26-Sept 1 Sept 2-8 Sept 9-15 Sept 16-22 Sept 23-29 Sept 30—Oct 6 Oct 7-13 Oct 14-20 Oct 21-27 Oct 28-Nov 3 Nov 4-10 Nov 11-17 Nov 18-24 Dec 2-8 CURR 5018 Arrange for a 15-30 minute time your University Supervisor can meet with you, your mentor, and you at your school. (This meeting may be on the same day as your first observation.) Schedule a date and time for your University Supervisor to observe you for the first time. Develop a lesson plan and submit it for feedback in TaskStream at least 24 hours prior to the observation. Within 24 hours after the observation, enter a reflection on your lesson and submit it for evaluation in TaskStream. Meet with your Mentor and get answers to the questions on the “Starter Checklist” assignment. Upload the completed checklist in Blackboard. Complete one 2-3 page reflection addressing at least two of the topics on the “Starter Checklist” and upload it in Blackboard. Complete and submit your Context for Learning Template in Blackboard. Schedule a date and time for your University Supervisor to observe you for a second time. Develop a lesson plan and submit it for feedback in TaskStream at least 24 hours prior to the observation. Within 24 hours after the observation, enter a reflection on your lesson and submit it for evaluation in TaskStream. Complete all arrangements (permissions, etc.) for videorecording an instructional segment. Plan the lesson you will record. Make a list of artifacts you might be able to use for your Standards Portfolio. Remind your Building Administrator that s/he will need to send the Dispositions form to your University Supervisor before the end of the semester. Schedule a date and time for your University Supervisor to observe you for a third time. Develop a lesson plan and submit it for feedback in TaskStream at least 24 hours prior to the observation. Within 24 hours after the observation, enter a reflection on your lesson plan and submit it for evaluation in TaskStream. Upload your video clips into TaskStream. Complete your Instruction Commentary and upload it into Blackboard. Complete and submit all five Standards Portfolio artifacts. Make sure your Building Administrator has completed a Dispositions form and sent it to your University Supervisor. 12 Alignment of Course Objectives, Standards, and Conceptual Framework Course Objective 1) 2) 3) 4) Provide instruction that is aligned with the Colorado Academic Standards; their District's organized plan of instruction; and the individual needs of their students [I.a]. Make instruction and content relevant to students and take actions to connect students’ background and contextual knowledge with new information being taught [I.f]. Foster a predictable learning environment in the classroom in which each student has a positive, nurturing relationship with caring adults and peers [II.a]. Demonstrate a commitment to and respect for diversity, while working toward common goals as a community and as a country [II.b]. 5) Adapt their teaching for the benefit of all students, including those with special needs across a range of ability levels [II.d]. 6) Create a learning environment characterized by acceptable student behavior, efficient use of time, and appropriate intervention strategies [II.f]. Demonstrate knowledge of current developmental science, the ways in which learning takes place, and the appropriate levels of intellectual, social, and emotional development of their students [III.a]. Plan and consistently deliver instruction that draws on results of student assessments, is aligned to academic standards, and advances students’ level of content knowledge and skills [III.b]. Thoughtfully integrate and utilize appropriate available technology in their instruction to maximize student learning [III.d]. 7) 8) 9) 10) Demonstrate that they analyze student learning, development and growth and apply what they learn to improve their practice [IV.a]. 11) Demonstrate high ethical standards [V.d]. Assignment, Activity, or Required Reading(s) Formal observations Artifacts for Standards Portfolio Colorado PBSCT 5.04(2) Formal observations CTQS INTASC I.a 7(f) I.f 1(b); 2(c); 4(d) 3(a) Formal observations 5.05; 5.05(1); 5.05(2); 5.05(3) II.a Formal observations Context for Learning Template Dispositions form Formal observations Artifacts for Standards Portfolio 5.08(1); 5.08(1)(a); 5.08(1)(b); 5.08(2) II.b 5.06; 5.06(2); 5.06(3); 5.06(4); 5.06(5); 5.06(7); 5.08(3); 5.08(3)(a); 5.08(3)(b) 5.05; 5.05(1); 5.05(2); 5.05(3) II.d 2(d); 3(b) 5(b); 5(d); 5(g) 2(f) II.f 3(d) Formal observations 5.05(4); 5.05(5); 5.06(1) III.a 1(b); 8(i) Formal observations 5.03(5); 5.05(4) III.b Formal observations Artifacts for Standards Portfolio 5.07; 5.07(1); 5.07(2); 5.07(5); 5.05(6) 5.03(4); 5.03(5) III.d 1(b); 6(a); 6(g) 7(d) 3(g) IV.a 7(f) V.d 9(f) Formal observations Formal observations Artifacts for Standards Portfolio Instruction Commentary Artifacts for Standards Portfolio Dispositions form 13 COE Conceptual Framework 1.B 2.A