T ED 3010 / SPRING, 2014 EARLY SCHOOL DIVERSITY PRACTICUM Sections 001 & 002 EARLY SCHOOL DIVERSITY Course Instructors: Tim Callahan and Sarah Kaka COE Mission: Office: Columbine 3020 (Callahan) & 3024 (Kaka) We prepare teachers, leaders, and counselors who embrace equity, inquiry and innovation. Phone: 719-255-4995 (Callahan) & 719-255-4020 (Kaka) E-mail: tcallaha@uccs.edu Office Hours: COE Student Resource Office Office Hours 8:00 a. m. - 5:00 p. m. M - F Contact education@uccs.edu Phone: 719-255-4996 Fax: 719-255-4110 Columbine Hall 1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway Colorado Springs, CO 80918 http://www.uccs.edu/~coe/ Thursday, 1:00 - 5:00 p. m. (Callahan) xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Kaka) Required Textbook: none Required Resources: • TaskStream data management system enrollment • CBI Background Check and Fingerprinting Additional Resources (or Recommended Textbooks): • David Sadker, Myra Sadker, & Karen R. Zittleman (2010). Teachers, Schools, and Society 9/e. (New York: McGraw-Hill). (This is the text used in CURR 4800.) Course Format: This course consists of observation/volunteerism in public school classrooms, instructional seminars, readings from supplementary text and journal articles, and classroom discussions. Course Overview: This course provides potential teachers with opportunities to observe the roles, responsibilities, and qualities of professional teachers in the public schools. Students are asked to help in varied classes and grade levels in order to give them as much exposure as possible to the wide career choices before beginning their formal program of study. Students will be instructed to view, identify various elements of classroom diversity, instruction, and school practice, and provide written reflection. Course Objectives: As a result of this experience, the student will be able to: 1) Recognize the roles, responsibilities, and rewards of being a professional teacher. 2) Identify the personal qualities and strengths the student brings to teaching as a career. 3) Identify areas for personal growth the student needs to address as an entering member of the teaching profession. 4) Recognize, reflect on, and develop an initial understanding of various elements of classroom diversity, instruction and school practice. 5) Develop questions related to teaching and schools that the student expects will be addressed in the Teacher Education and Licensure Program. T ED 3010 Early School Diversity Practicum Course Calendar Spring, 2014: (NOTE: FULL SYLLABUS IS POSTED ON BLACKBOARD W/ COMPLETE COURSE INSTRUCTION.) Date INITIAL COURSE MEETING—MANDATORY FOR ALL STUDENTS Friday, January 24, in Dwire 121@ 9:25 - 10:40 a. m. Content Course Orientation, Syllabus, Expectations, Assignments, Standards Assignments If you have already taken a credit of T ED 3010 during another semester, print and bring your Colorado Department of Education verification of completed CBI Background Check (fingerprinting). Due Date First Class Session If this is your first credit of T ED 3010, print and bring a copy of your Colorado Bureau of Investigation Instant Background check (see instructions, below.) Watch for an e-mail explaining this requirement. CLASSROOM OBSERVATION/VOLUNTE ER PLACEMENT Each student will secure their own observation/volunteer placement in a public school setting. (Note, most charter schools are public schools.) If you have already taken credit of T ED 3010 during another semester, you can arrange your classroom observation/volunteer placement immediately. For each credit hour of T ED 3010, you must complete 30 clock hours of observation/volunteerism in a public school classroom. If this is your first credit of T ED 3010, as soon as you have attended the TaskStream Enrollment/Background Check session (turned in both an Instant Background check and a completed fingerprint card), you may arrange your classroom observation/volunteer placement. Teacher candidates must schedule a minimum of one (of the three required) credit hour’s observation/volunteerism in an “urban” classroom setting (Free/Reduced Lunch rate > 50%). Elementary teacher candidates must schedule a minimum of one (of the three required) credit hour’s observations/volunteerism in a primary (K-2) classroom and a minimum of one (of the three required) credit hour’s observations/volunteerism in an intermediate (35) classroom. Secondary candidates must schedule a minimum of one (of the three required) credit hour’s observation/volunteerism in a Middle School (6 - 8) and a High School (9 - 12) classroom. 2 Be prepared to provide your classroom observation/v olunteer placement at your first seminar. TASKSTREAM ENROLLMENT SESSION/BACKGROUND CHECK VERIFICATION SUBMITTED ON EITHER: Friday, January 31, from 9:25 - 10:40 -orFriday, February 7, from 9:25 - 10:40 -orFriday, February 14, from 9:25 - 10:40 (NOTE: ON CAMPUS FINGERPRINTING AT UCCS CAMPUS SECURITY—LOWER LEVEL OF PARKING GARAGE—WILL BEGIN ON MONDAY, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10. OTHERWISE USE CSPD—SEE INFORMATION, BELOW.) COURSE SEMINARS (SELECT AND ATTEND 2 SEMINARS PER CREDIT HOUR ENROLLED IN) Friday, February 21—How Does the UCCS Teacher Education and Licensure Program (TELP) Work and what is the Professional Year? (Ms. Kaka) Friday, February 28— Working effectively with the wide range of student ability represented in a classroom (Mr. Callahan) Friday, March 7—Gender Considerations for the Classroom Teacher (Ms. Kaka) If you are not registered on TaskStream and/or have not completed a mandatory Criminal Background check including fingerprinting, you must sign up for and attend one of these sessions— See Course Expectations #5, below, re/ mandatory tasks to be completed during this session—(1) TaskStream enrollment; (2) submission of rapid background check; and (3) submission of fingerprints for Criminal Background Check.* (*You should bring A COPY OF YOUR INSTANT BACKGROUND CHECK and the completed fingerprinting card and Money Order payable to “CBI” for $39.50 to this meeting.) LOCATION: Columbine 220 COURSE SEMINARS: For each credit hour of T ED 3010 you are taking, you must sign up for and attend two of six available seminars. (If you are taking two credits of T ED 3010, sign up for four seminars.) Seminars will be in Dwire 121 from 9:25 10:40 a. m. On TaskStream, you must submit a 2 - 3 page paper related to each seminar attended w/in two weeks of the date of the seminar. Follow the assignment prompt which will be given at the seminar. APA style and a minimum of two sources are required. Friday, March 14—Students with Exceptionalities and the RtI Model (Mr. Callahan) Friday, April 11—Impact of Socio Economic Status (SES) on the Classroom (Ms. Kaka) Friday, April 18—Working with English Language Learners (Mr. Callahan) 3 MANDATORY END-OFCOURSE SESSION FOR ALL STUDENTS ON EITHER: Attend a final T ED 3010 session in Dwire 121to turn in your: Friday, May 2 or • completed Student Interaction in the Classroom form (hard copy and e-submission on TaskStream required). • completed Observation Log verifying the completion of 30 clock hours per credit hour enrolled (hard copy and e-submission on TaskStream required). • end-of-semester recommendation form from the cooperating teacher at the school site. • verification of thank you cards/notes you have written to teachers that have helped/worked with you. Friday, May 2, @ 9:25 a. m. or Friday, May 9, @ 9:25 a. m. in Dwire 121. Friday, May 9 (See additional information, below, on mandatory tasks to be completed during this session.) Completion of BACKGROUND CHECK SLOT on TaskStream. Usually by late-semester in your first enrollment in T ED 3010, your extensive background check will clear and a record will be established with Colorado Department of Education. You can check for your record @: https://edx.cde.state.co.us/PublicEducatorSearch/DOBS earch.jsp Save the record and submit it in the Background Check slot of TaskStream. Completion of LOW SOCIOECONOMIC (SES) SLOT on TaskStream. Placement for a minimum of one credit of T ED 3010 must be completed in a low socioeconomic status (SES) classroom environment. A low SES school has a rate of students qualifying for free/reduced lunch of >50%. To obtain this data, go to: http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdereval/rv2011pmlink s.htm Under “School Level Data” click on K – 12 Free and Reduced Lunch Eligibility by District and School and you can search for the school you are considering. Course Expectations: 1) Attend all required course sessions and complete assignments as outlined, above. 2) Each student will secure their own observation/volunteer placement in a public school setting (Note, most charter schools are public schools). 3) Each student must have a UCCS e-mail address. Please send all correspondence via e-mail to the instructor. Title your e-mail: T ED 3010 – include your full name. 4) Check Blackboard, regularly. The instructor will communicate any class changes, etc. to you via e-mail as recorded on Blackboard. 4 5 TaskStream Enrollment and Background Check Requirements: Criminal Background Check: If you have not already done so, before entering a school, you must complete College of Education criminal background check requirements. Carefully follow the instructions included in your folder. Prior to mailing your completed fingerprint card, you must present it to your instructor at the TaskStream Enrollment/Background Check course session. TaskStream Enrollment: If you have not already done so, it is mandatory that you enroll in TaskStream. TaskStream is the UCCS Department of Education data management system which will be used throughout your Teacher Education and Licensure Program. Course assignments for T ED 3010 must be turned in on TaskStream. The cost of TaskStream for three years for up to three years is $85.00, and will be payable by credit card at one of the above sessions. You may register for one or two years, at a reduced rate, depending on where you are in the TELP. If you have not already enrolled on TaskStream and/or have not completed a mandatory UCCS Background check, including fingerprinting, you must sign up for and attend one of the following sessions. Sessions will be in Columbine 220. • Friday, January 31, -or- Friday, February 7, -or- Friday, February 14, from 9:25 - 10:40 * Please be sure to bring a CREDIT OR DEBIT CARD with you to the above session. * The background check and fingerprint card must be completed and mailed in no later than Friday, February 14, 2014. For every week after February 14, your final grade will be reduced by a letter grade if your fingerprints and background check are left incomplete. Due to liability concerns, those without a submitted fingerprint card and completed background check cannot work in a school. Course Field Requirements: 1) Volunteer/observation hours must be completed in a public school setting. You must take the letter identifying you as a student enrolled in T ED 3010 and have completed the fingerprint card and a background check prior to beginning your field placement. You must complete a minimum of thirty observation/volunteer hours for each semester hour of credit in a content area classroom between January 21 - May 9, 2014. These hours must be recorded/documented on the TELP Observation Log form and signed-off, as indicated on the form. Scan (scanners are available for student use in the UCCS Library and campus Computer Labs) or use your cell phone to take a picture of your TELP Observation Log form. Then, follow the usual procedure to submit the document to TaskStream under the Volunteer Log assignment slot. 2) Complete the Classroom Observation Worksheet (one worksheet per credit hour). Scan or use your cell phone to take a picture of your Classroom Observation Worksheet. Then, follow the usual procedure to submit the document to TaskStream under the Volunteer Log assignment slot. 6 3) Give one confidential end-of-the-semester recommendation form to your cooperating teacher at the school site. (Note: Students volunteering in elementary school should work with one teacher. Students volunteering in secondary school may work with one or more teacher(s). This recommendation must be turned in directly to your professor at the May 3 or May 10 class session. The student should hand carry each completed recommendation in a sealed envelope with the classroom teacher’s signature across the seal. These recommendations become part of your TELP application and are kept on file in the College of Education. 4) Be sure to write a thank you card/note to each teacher who helps/works with you during this experience. (Documentation of this will include a photocopy of the card/note to be turned in during your final class session.) This verification must be turned in directly to your professor at the May 2 or May 9 class session. 5) Placement for a minimum of one credit of T ED 3010 must be completed in a low socioeconomic status (SES) classroom environment. A low SES school has a rate of students qualifying for free/reduced lunch of >50%. To obtain this data, go to: http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdereval/rv2011pmlinks.htm Under “School Level Data” click on K - 12 Free and Reduced Lunch Eligibility by District and School and you can search for the school you are considering. T ED 3010 Course Grading (for each credit hour taken): Completion of 30 clock hours of classroom observation/volunteerism per credit hour taken Attendance at Seminar #1 and reflection paper submitted on TaskStream Classroom Presentation #2 and reflection paper submitted on TaskStream Completed Student Interaction in the Classroom Form(s) (hard copy) and esubmission on TaskStream Completed Log Form(s) (hard copy) and esubmission on TaskStream Completed Recommendation(s) Documentation of thank you card(s)/note(s) TOTAL: 30 pts. 20 pts. 20 pts. 10 pts. (10 pts. included in 30 pts. for classroom observation/volunteerism per credit hour requirement, above) 10 pts. 10 pts. Varies per student/credit hour(s) taken Course Grading: The instructor will adhere to the following table when assigning letter grades for the course*: A AB+ 94 - 100 90 - 93 87 - 89 B B-* C+ 84 - 86 80 - 83* 77 - 79 C CD+ 74 - 76 70 - 73 67 - 69 D DF 64 - 66 60 - 63 59 and below (A grade lower than a B- is required for acceptance in TELP. Final grades lower than this will require repeat of this course.) 7 Technology Competencies: It is expected that students begin our program with foundational technology skills that include digital word processing, digital and online formats (e.g. Blackboard) and using online research databases. Knowledge of the use of technology-supported multimedia, such as PowerPoint and other audio/video resources, is expected. Students who need assistance with building technological skills should speak with their professor to learn about technology resources in the COE and at UCCS. Using your UCCS email account is a requirement of this course due to digital delivery of course content. All students must obtain a UCCS email address and check it regularly (every day) so as not to miss announcements. If your UCCS email address is not your primary one, please have emails from UCCS rerouted to the one you check daily. Attendance, Preparation, and Participation: Students are expected to maintain high standards of ethical and professional conduct. This includes attending class, being adequately prepared, contributing to class discussions, submitting high caliber work and representing your own work fairly and honestly. As an important member of a classroom community, attendance and punctuality is mandatory. You must actively engage in class and group work to maximize your learning in this course. If you must miss a class, please inform the professor by phone or email prior to class. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain course information that is missed during the absence. Unexcused absences will result in a lower grade. Professional Behavior: Professional behavior is necessary for you to be a successful member of a learning community. Please monitor your participation in class discussions and group work and find ways to contribute intelligently to the discussion without silencing others. All written assignments must be computer generated unless otherwise indicated by the professor. Professional behavior will be expected in your future teaching/counseling career and is often the hallmark of career success. Diversity Statement: The faculty of the College of Education is committed to preparing students to recognize, appreciate, and support diversity in all forms – including ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, economic, sexual orientation and ability – while striving to provide fair and equitable treatment and consideration for all. Any student who believes that he/she has not been treated fairly or equitably for any reason should bring it to the attention of the instructor, Department Chair or the Dean of the College of Education. Accommodations: The College of Education wishes to fully include persons with disabilities in this course. In compliance with section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), UCCS is committed to ensure that “no otherwise qualified individual with a disability … shall, solely by reason of disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity…” If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to contact and register with the Disabilities Services Office, and provide them with documentation of your disability, so they can determine what accommodations are appropriate for your situation. To avoid any delay in the receipt of accommodations, you should contact the Disability Services Office as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive and disability accommodations cannot be provided until a “Faculty Accommodation Letter” from the Disability Services office has been given to the professor by the student. Please contact Disability Services for 8 more information about receiving accommodations at Main Hall room 105, 719-255-3354 or dservice@uccs.edu . Military Students: Military students who have the potential to participate in military activities including training and deployment should consult with faculty prior to registration for any course, but no later than the end of the first week of classes. At this time, the student should provide the instructor with a schedule of planned absences, preferably signed by the student's commander, in order to allow the instructor to evaluate and advise the student on the possible impact of the absences. In this course, the instructor will consider absences due to participation in verified military activities to be excused absences, on par with those due to other unavoidable circumstances such as illness. If, however, it appears that military obligations will prevent adequate attendance or performance in the course, the instructor may advise the student to register for the course at another time, when she/he is more likely to be successful. Student Appeals: Students enrolled in programs or courses in the College of Education may access the COE Appeal/Exception Form @: http://www.uccs.edu/Documents/coe/studentresources/AppealsForm2009.pdf. This form is to be used for an appeal when a student is: (1) denied admission to professional education program (2) denied permission to student teach or complete professional internship (3) removed from a professional education program or internship (4) denied permission to graduate due to missing requirements (5) requesting an exception to specific policies, procedures, or requirements (6) requesting a grade change This form is not to be used for requests to take classes out of sequence or to take a class without the proper prerequisites. Such requests should be initiated with the department chair. UCCS Student Code of Conduct: The purpose of the Student Code of Conduct is to maintain the general welfare of the university community. The university strives to make the campus community a place of study, work, and residence where people are treated, and treat one another, with respect and courtesy. http://www.uccs.edu/~oja/student-conduct/student-code-of-conduct.html UCCS Student Rights and Responsibilities: http://www.uccs.edu/orientation/student-rights-and-responsibilities.html UCCS Academic Ethics Code: http://www.uccs.edu/Documents/vcaf/200-019%20StudentAcademic%20Ethics.pdf Course Alignment w/ Accreditation Standards: Objectives Assignment Alignment 1) Recognize the roles, responsibilities, and rewards of being a professional teacher. Observation Worksheet (Student Interaction in Classroom form) Colorado Performance Standards for Teachers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 INTASC/NCATE Standards COE Conceptual Framework 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 1) A - C 2) A - C 3) A - C 9 Seminar Discussion and Reflection Paper Volunteer Log Thank You Letters 2) Identify the personal qualities and strengths the student brings to teaching as a career. Observation Worksheet (Student Interaction in Classroom form) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10 1) A - C 2) A - C 3) A - C 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10 1) C 2) C 3) C 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 1) A - C 2) A - C 3) A - C 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10 1) A - C 2) A - C 3) A - C Seminar Discussion and Reflection Paper Volunteer Log Letter of Recommendation 3) Identify areas for personal growth the student needs to address as an entering member of the teaching profession. Volunteer Log Seminar Discussion and Reflection Paper Letter of Recommendation 4) Recognize, reflect on, and develop an initial understanding of various elements of classroom diversity, instruction and school practice. Volunteer Log 5) Develop questions related to teaching and schools that the student expects will be addressed in the Teacher Education and Licensure Program. Volunteer Log Seminar Discussion and Reflection Paper Seminar Discussion and Reflection Paper 10