Fall 2014 Classes begin August 25, 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 17 18 18 19 21 28 31 118 119 120 121 123 124 Campus Directory Campus Map Campus Calendar Admission Information Registration Information Addt’l Registration Information Refund Policies and Procedures Tuition and Fees Payment Policies and Deadlines Undergraduate Tuition Rates Graduate Tuition Rates Total Bill Estimator Payment Information (Online) Frequently Asked Questions Refund Deadlines Academic Procedures Student Resources University Policies Immunization Requirement Short Course Information Final Exam Policy Final Exam Schedule COF Information Course Directory Abbreviations Index COURSE OFFERINGS 33 34 42 49 57 104 113 Pre-Term Classes College of Business College of Education College of Engr & Applied Sciences College of Letters, Arts, & Sciences College of Nursing & Health Sciences School of Public Affairs Campus Directory Department To call from off campus, dial 255 and the extension - Long Distance 1-800-990-8227 and ask for the extension below Location Extension Department Location Admissions & Records MAIN 108 Admissions 3383 Records/Registration 3361 Transcripts 3376 Advising (Undergrad.) MAIN 2nd Floor 3260 Affirmative Action MAIN 318 3359 Aging Center LANE 320 8002 Art Gallery CENT 202 3567 Beth-El Nursing & Health Sciences UHAL 4420 Bookstore UCTR3247 Bursar‑Cashier MAIN 211 3391 Business, Dean’s Office DWIR 310 3113 Advising (Undergrad) MAIN 2nd Floor 3260 Advising (Grad) DWIR 333 3408 Campus Activities Office UCTR 150 3470 Career Center MAIN 201 3340 Center of Active Living LANE 128 8004 Centers for Excellence Communication Center COLU 312 4770 Mathematics Center ENGR 233 3687 Language Center DWIR 270 3690 Science Center CENT 145 3689 Writing Center COLU 316 4336 Child Care Center FDCT 3483 Communication Center COLU 312 4770 Copy Center UCTR 108 3213 Counseling Center MAIN 324 3265 CU-NET EPC 117 3597 Dean of Students, Office of the MAIN 322 3901 Disability Services MAIN 105 3354 Discrimination & Harassment, Office of KEY 3107 4324 Education, College of COLU 3023 4996 Engineering & Appl Sci Dean’s Office ENGR 201 3543 Advising (undergrad) MAIN 2nd Floor 3260 Family Development Center FDCT 3483 Financial Aid CRAG 201 3460 Disbursements MAIN 210 3398 Student Employment CRAG 201 3454 First Year Experience MAIN 202 3688 Gerontology Center LANE 350 8005 Graduate Administration MAIN 306 3417 Graduate Recruitment MAIN 310 3072 Health Center PGPS 109 4444 Housing (Off-Campus) MAIN 2nd Floor 3260 Housing Village Office MON 4042 Identification Cards UCTR Info Desk 3450 Information Technology EPC 3536 Institutional Research MAIN 416 3640 Intercollegiate Athletics UCTR 310 3575 International Affairs, Office of COPR 9202 5018 Language Center DWIR 270 3690 Letters, Arts and Sciences Dean’s Office COLU 2025 4550 Advising (Undergrad) MAIN 2nd Floor 3260 2 Library, Kraemer Family EPC Administration Circulation Reference Loan Disbursement MAIN 210 Mathematics Center ENGR 140 Math Placement Test Info MAIN 201 Media Services EPC Multicultural Office (MOSAIC) UCTR 110 MOSAIC Gateway UCTR 110A LGBT Resource Center UCTR 110B Nursing & Health Sci UHAL Orientation MAIN 2nd Floor Parking PGPS 104 Peak Nutrition Center LANE 137 Photo ID Cards UCTR Info Desk Pre-collegiate Program MAIN 303 Primary Care Clinic LANE 250 Public Affairs, School of AOB 3rd Floor Public Safety PGPS 104 Records Office MAIN 108 Recreational Sports UCTR 228 Registration MAIN 108 Science Center CENT 145 Student Employment CRAG 201 Student Government UCTR 128B Student Health Center PGPS 109 Student Recruitment and CRAG 008 Admissions Counseling Student Success Center Advising, Undergrad MAIN 2nd Floor Orientation Program MAIN 2nd Floor Testing Center MAIN 105 Theater (Box Office) UHAL Third-Party Billing MAIN 210 Transportation & Traffic PGPS 104 University Center Veterans’ Affairs FORS Veteran’s Health and Trauma Clinic LANE 380 Writing Center (English) COLU 316 BUILDING CODES ABBR BUILDING AOB Acad Office Bldg B Eaglerock Complex BRECBreckenridge CENT Centennial Hall CRAG Cragmor Hall COLU Columbine Hall COPR Copper Hall CSB Campus Services Bldg DWIR Dwire Hall EPC El Pomar Center ENGR Engineering Building FDCT Family Dvlpmnt Cntr FINE Fine Arts Building ABBR FORS GLRY KEY LANE LIBR MAIN MON OCSE PGPS UCTR UHAL ULR UOPK Extension 3060 3296 3295 3398 3687 3260 3536 3040 3040 3447 4422 3098 3528 7524 3450 3239 8001 4182 3111 3361 3448 3361 3689 3454 3470 4444 3084 3260 3098 3354 3232 3399 3528 3450 3253 8003 4336 BUILDING Forster House Art Gallery and Studio Keystone House Lane Ctr for Acad Hlth Sci Kraemer Family Library Main Hall Monarch House Osborne Center for Science & Engineering Pkg Garage/Pub Safety University Center University Hall Ulrich House Univ. Office Park Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs Campus map University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 3 Campus Calendar - fall 2014 may 14 august 14 SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 111213141516 17 181920212223 24 252627282930 31 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 30 june 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15161718192021 22232425262728 2930 September 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 151617181920 21 222324252627 28 29 30 december 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14151617181920 21222324252627 28293031 july 14 october 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1213141516 1718 19202122232425 262728293031 january 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11121314151617 18192021222324 25262728293031 SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 121314151617 18 192021222324 25262728293031 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14151617 1819 20 21222324 2526 2728293031 SMTWTFS 1 november 14 *** SHORT COURSES (those fewer than 8 weeks in the summer, 16 weeks in the fall and spring) have special academic and financial deadlines. Click “Deadlines” Priority Application Deadline Begin Online Registration Fall 2014 Mar 15 April 14 Tentative Spring 2015 Sept 26 Oct 27 Tentative Summer 2015 Feb 14 March 30 Regular Application Deadline June 21 Nov 7 April 18 Open enrollment begins July 31 Begin parking permit and photo ID pick-up/validations July 29 1st E-Bills Available on Student Portal Aug 19 First Day of Classes Aug 25 Jan 20 June 8 Labor Day Holiday Sept 1 & 2 Total Tuition/Deferred Payment #1 Due Sept 11 above your schedule in the Student Self Service Center to see these deadlines. **Census Date: Last Day to Register (Regular semester courses) ‘Withdrawals (complete schedule dropped) through this date receive a 100% adjustment ‘Drops (partial schedule remaining) through this date will be refunded 100%. IMPORTANT NOTE: No drop refunds after this date Sept 11 Feb 4 Instructor and dean’s signature required on adds after Sept 11 **Final date to Withdraw completely (drop all courses) from school with 80% adjustment (Regular semester courses) Sept 19 **Final Day to Withdraw completely (drop all courses) from school with 60% adjustment. (Regular semester courses) Deferred Payment #2 Due Oct 3 June 15 Oct 12 **Last day to drop or withdraw without special permission from your dean (Regular semester courses) Oct 31 Deferred Payment #3 Due Nov 11 Thanksgiving Holiday (no classes, offices open Wednesday) Nov 26 - 30 Semester Ends Dec 20 May 16 July 31 Commencement - (Tentative date for fall 2014 and spring and summer 2015) Dec 19, 2014 4 May 15, 2015 Dec 18, 2015 Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs Admission Information New Student You have never attended any campus of the University of Colorado. You must apply and be admitted before you can register. The chart on page 6 will help you determine your applicant type. See below to determine when and where to apply. Former Student Your last term of attendance at UCCS was prior to fall 2013 or you gradu­ated the last term you enrolled or a previous admission was for one term only. The chart on page 6 will help you determine your applicant type. See below to determine when and where to apply. You need NOT apply if you are a... Continuing Student You were enrolled on the Colorado Springs campus during fall 2013 or later and have none of the exceptions noted above. When to apply... Submit your applications as early as possible. All credentials must be in the Admissions office before your application can be processed. Check page 6 for credential requirements and ap­plication fees. Fall 2014 Application Deadlines Priority Deadline: Mar 14 Completed files (application and ALL supporting documents) as of this date will be given top priority for prompt notification of acceptance or rejection. Late Application and Registration: July 21 - Sept 11 During this period, late applica­tions will be accepted in person during the following times: Monday Tues - Friday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. The following categories of applicants will be processed while you wait: New Freshmen: Never attended any college or university before. Must have official records, sealed, in hand. Former CU Students: CU student re­turning after missing over one year and who has not attended over 12 hours else­where. Unclassified Students: See page 6 for entrance criteria. [NOTE: Unclassified students are not eligible for most forms of financial aid. Transfer Applications cannot be accepted during this time. If you have prior college work, you may apply as an unclassified student and change to degree status for a later term. Submit Application Materials to: Apply Online: http://www.uccs.edu/~apply/ Regular Deadline: Mar 17 - June 20 Mail: University of Colorado Colorado Springs Office of Admissions Main Hall 108 1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway Colorado Springs, CO 80918-3733 Transfer credit evaluations may be delayed until sometime during the term. Office Hours: Monday Tues. - Fri. Transfer credit evaluations will be given priority for degree appli­ cants who are admitted by this date. Students admitted by this date will be given priority registration dates. Applications will be processed as time permits. Students admitted during this time will receive secondary ­registration dates. Extended Application: June 23 - July 18 Only the following applicant types will be considered for this deadline: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Email: Ugapp@uccs.edu Phone: 719-255-3383 Fax: 719-255-3116 Future Application Dates Freshmen: Applications accepted if creden­tials are complete (official H.S. tran­script in sealed envelope, test scores, etc.) Spring 2015 Sept 26, 2014Priority Nov 7, 2014 Regular Unclassified Students: Transfer students having missed the deadline, may be permitted to enroll as Unclassified Stu­dents, see page 6 for entrance criteria. Summer 2015 Feb 13, 2015 Priority April 17, 2015Regular [NOTE: Those students under 20 years of age may be admitted Fall 2015 March 13, 2015 Priority June 19, 2015 Regular for a summer term as an Unclassified student for one term only. Former Students: Attended prior to fall 2013 and are re-entering previously at­tended school/college. University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 5 Admission Information ˜ Applications and required credentials should be filed no later than July 1 for Fall, December 1 for Spring, and May 1 for Summer ˜ Type of Applicant Criteria for Admission1 Required Credentials2,3,4 Notes • Rank in upper 40% of high school graduating class. • Have 15/16 units of acceptable academic high school work. • G.P.A. 2.8 • Minimum test scores: ACT Comp. 24 or SAT Comb. 1080 • Complete application. • $50 application fee (nonrefundable). • Official high school transcript showing rank-in-class and date of graduation. If still enrolled in high school, 7th semester grades and 8th semester courses in progress. • Official ACT or SAT score report. For specific unit requirements refer to the college sections of the Catalog. • Must be in good standing and eligible to return to all institutions previously attended. • Minimum GPA requirements vary from 2.0 to 2.5 depending on the transfer institution and the number of college level hours attempted. • Complete application. • $50 application fee (nonrefundable). • One official transcript from each college attended. • Freshmen credentials may be required. • Non-high school graduates must submit copies of GED scores and state equivalency certificates. • Must be at least 20 years of age by Sept. 15 for fall semester or summer term or Feb. 15 for spring semester. • Must be a high school graduate or possess equivalency certificate. • Must have at least a 2.0 G.P.A. and be in good standing and eligible to return to all institutions previously attended. • Complete application. • $25 application fee (nonrefundable). • Non-high school graduates must submit copies of GED scores and state equivalency certificates. • Unclassified students without a degree must maintain a “C” grade(2.0 G.P.A.) to remain eligible to continue. • After completing 12 semester hours, degree-seeking students must change to degree status. • Not eligible for most forms of financial aid. • Must be in good standing. • Former student application. Degree students must have official transcripts sent for any work attempted since last CU attendance. Students under academic suspension in certain schools and colleges at CU may enroll during the summer term as a means of improving their G.P.A. FORMER CU RE-ENTERING (Degree student who has attempted 12 or more hours at another institution since attending CU.) • Same as for transfers. • Same as for transfers. Application fee required. Will be considered for previous major unless a different major is requested on the application. Must meet same criteria as transfer student. CHANGE OF STATUS: UNCLASSIFIED TO DEGREE (Current or former CU unclassified students who wish to enter a degree program.) • Same as for transfers. • Same as for transfers. Application fee required. • Must have completed degree. • Must be in good standing and eligible to return to all institutions attended. • Unclassified student application. • NO application fee required. Only students who have completed and received a degree are eligible for change from degree status to unclassified. • Must be in good standing. • Former student application. • Credentials as required by campus Admissions Office. Transfers from Colorado Springs to another campus of CU should refer to appropriate Catalog for any additional requirements. FRESHMEN (Students seeking a bachelor’s degree who have never attended a collegiate institution.) TRANSFER (Students seeking a bachelor’s degree who have attended a collegiate institution other than CU.) UNCLASSIFIED (NON-DEGREE) (Students who are not seeking a degree at this institution or who have not yet been admitted to degree status.) FORMER CU SET-UP (Returning unclassified student; returning degree student with fewer than 12 semester hours at another institution since attending CU) CHANGE OF STATUS: DEGREE TO UNCLASSIFIED* (Current or former CU degree students who have graduated and wish to take additional work.) INTER-CAMPUS TRANSFER (Students who have been enrolled on one CU campus and wish to take courses on another.) GRADUATE G.P.A. 2.75 or higher Contact your (Students seeking a masters’ program of interest for criteria. or PhD who have a bachelor’s degree) Complete application $60 domestic nonrefundable. Contact your program directly. Official college transcripts Official GRE or GMAT scores may be required. Non-high school graduates must submit copies of GED scores and a state equivalency certificate in addition to a high school transcript showing work completed through highest grade. While credits from an institution may appear on the transcript of a second institution, transcripts must be submitted from all institutions where credit has been earned. Contact program for specific requirements. Applicants not meeting these criteria are considered on an individual basis. Requirements for individual schools and colleges may vary or exceed the stated minimum. 1 Transcripts must be sent directly to the University of Colorado from each issuing institution. All documents submitted become the property of the University. 2 Any applicant who did not graduate from a high school must submit GED scores and a State Equivalency Certificate in addition to other required credentials. 3 Additional credentials may be required in individual cases. 4 6 Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs Registration — online READ Before Registering Please read through ALL the registration instructions before registering. All new undergraduates – freshmen, transfer and returning students - are required to attend a new student orientation (see page 20). Registration occurs at orientation. Graduate students are not required to attend an orientation; but, may if they choose to. See page 20 for details. New graduate, unclassified and current students will need to use their username and password to access the Student Self Service Center. New students will be assigned a campus username to access student systems prior to registering. Go to http://www.uccs.edu/ helpdesk/top5/password.html to find your logon information. Your Invitation to Register An “Invitation to Register” will be emailed to you before your assigned online registration appointment day/time. Once you receive your “invitation,” go to the home page www.uccs..edu, click on Students, then My UCCS Student Portal, log into the Student SelfService Center and check the following: Check the address on your Invitation to Register: If it is incorrect, please update it through your Student Self-Service Center, or visit the Admissions and Records Office in Main Hall, Room 108, to complete an Address/Phone Change form. Update and verify emergency contact information. Make sure you have no financial, academic, or other holds that will prevent your registration. Check your assigned enrollment appointment. You may register at or after your assigned time, but no later than census date September 11, 2014, for fall 2014. [NOTE: Online Registration identifies a particular course section by a 5 digit “COURSE NUMBER.” Each number is unique and is found in the class schedule to the right of the section number. Be sure to have alternate selections listed in case the class is canceled or closed. Some courses require a separate Course ID number for lecture, lab, and recitation. Register Online Select Courses => Put Courses in Shopping Cart => Move Courses from Shopping Cart into Schedule 1. Connect to campus home page www.uccs.edu. 2. Click on STUDENTS. 3. Click “MyUCCS Student Portal” link. 4. Click “MyUCCS Current Student Portal” and Log-on. 5. Click on the “Student” tab and navigate to the Student Self-Service Center. 6. Select Enrollment Shopping Cart under Academics. 7. On the Add Classes to Shopping Cart page, enter the Course ID of the class you wish to add in the Enter Class Nbr field, or search for courses based on specific criteria. Courses will remain in the Enrollment Shopping Cart until you complete the enrollment process. Placing courses in the shopping cart does not hold a spot for you. [NOTE: You are NOT fully enrolled in courses until courses are moved from your Shopping Cart and posted to your class schedule. 8. To place courses into your schedule, check the select box next to the classes you want from your shopping cart click the “Step 2 of 4 Button”. If space is available and there are no requisites, or conflicts, click the “finish enrolling” button at the bottom of the screen, to register. [NOTE: You may search for and select classes before your registration time and place in your Shopping Cart. Then at your assigned time select “Enroll” from your Shopping Cart & click finish enrolling. 9. At the end of your registration session, be sure to print a copy of your course schedule. Understanding Waitlists Closed courses may have waitlists.. If you try to register for a closed class which has a waitlist, you will need to select the Class Details link and check the Waitlist box.The message, “Waitlist if class is full”, will display. As openings occur in a waitlisted course, you will automatically be registered in the course. It is your responsibility to check your waitlist positions and enrollment status in the web registration system. You will be financially responsible for the courses that change from waitlist status to registered status. Waitlists are deleted 7 to 10 days before the term CENSUS DATE. If you are still on a waitlist when the purge occurs, you will be dropped from the waitlist. For short classes, the last day to Waitlist is the DAY PRIOR to the class begin date. Waitlists will be purged the following working day. [NOTE: You may still add courses with instructor written permission after waitlists are purged through Sept 11, after which you will also need the dean’s signature. Time Conflicts, Credit Overloads, and Requisites The registration system will not permit you to register for time conflicts, credit overloads (over 18 hours, fall or spring and 12 hours for summer), or courses with special restrictions. Contact the Student Success Center for overloads. Add slips with appropriate signatures of approval are required for time conflicts and course restrictions/ requisites. [NOTE: Registering in a course without meeting a course requisite is subject to disenrollment from that course. After your initial registration, you may drop a course or add additional classes. [WARNING` Always print your schedule at the end of each online registration session for your record. University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 7 Additional Registration Information ­Adding Courses The deadline to add a course using the online registration system is Sept 11. After this date courses must be added in person at the Admissions and Re­cords Office with approval signatures from the professor and dean. If a student doesn’t register for their first fullsemester class(es) until after Census Date, a $50 late registration fee is assessed. Concurrent Registration A student may enroll for not more than 2 courses or 6 semester hours in the fall and spring (whichever is greater) or 3 hours in the summer at another CU campus with the approval of the aca­demic dean. Tuition and fees will be assessed at the student’s home cam­pus rate. Students must be enrolled at the home campus and classified as degree students. Concurrent registra­tions will only be ap­proved for courses that are required for graduation and are not available at the home campus. Concurrent Registration forms are available in the Admissions and Re­cords Office. Concurrent registration deadlines are the same as regular registration dead­lines. Students who register at more than one campus of the University must apply, be admitted and pay tuition and fees to each campus for the num­ber of credits carried at each campus. Credit Changes To change credit for variable credit courses you are registered in, complete a Credit Change form at the Admis­sions and Records Office. Dead­lines and rules for changing are the same as for DROP/­ ADD. Exceptions are noted below. PLEASE NOTE: After Sept 11, courses in the College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences, the School of Pub­lic Affairs and the College of Busi­ness require dean’s approval for credit change. If you are receiving Financial Aid or Veterans’ benefits, you must obtain applicable approval signatures. Dropping a Course The deadline to drop a course is Sept 11. Before Sept 11, you must use the web registration system. After this date, changes must be initiated at the Ad­missions and Records Office with ap­proval signatures from the professor, the Financial Aid Office (if you have scholarships, grants, loans or work-study), and the Veterans’ Affairs Office (if you have scholarships, grants, loans or work-study). [NOTE: Special academic & financial deadlines apply to short courses (those fewer than 8 weeks in the summer, 16 weeks in the fall and spring). Click “Deadlines” above your schedule in the Student Self Service Center to see these deadlines. After Sept 11 and through Oct 31, instructor approval to drop a course will be based on the instructor’s course drop policy at the date of the drop. If the instructor judges that the situation does not meet the course drop policy, the drop will not be appro­ved. After Oct 31, no drops are allowed with­out special permission of the dean of the college or school offering the course. 8 Important NO REFUND for courses dropped after Sept 11, if you have at least one course remain­ing in your schedule. If you are dropping ALL of your courses, the University con­siders you to be WITHDRAWING. See WITHDRAWING in this section for more information. No-Credit Enrollment Students wishing to enroll for no credit must pay regular tuition. To register for no credit, the student should complete a Credit Change form at Admis­sions and Records. Dead­lines and rules for changing are the same as for DROP/ADD. Exceptions follow. PLEASE NOTE: Business and gradu­ate level courses in the School of Public Affairs, Nursing and Health Sciences courses will not be approved for no credit. Letters, Arts and Sciences courses require dean’s ap­proval for changes to occur on or after Sept 11. Pass/Fail Enrollment Pass/Fail regulations vary according to the school or college offering the course and the student’s college. Please check with your advising office for the limits that may exist for taking courses in a given term and/or the maximum which may count toward gradua­tion. To enroll Pass/Fail, enroll in the course following normal enrollment proce­dures. Once you are enrolled, complete a Pass/Fail Registration form at the Admissions and Records Office. The deadline for pass/fail registrations is Sept 11. [NOTE These Exceptions: With the exception of BUAD 3010, 3020, and 3030, business students need permission of the advising office to take a nonbusiness elec­tive pass/fail. Graduate level courses in the School of Public Affairs and Nursing and Health Sciences courses cannot be taken on a pass/fail basis. Graduate Students Please refer to the Graduate School policies and procedures. In reference to pass/fail grading: http://www.uccs.edu/~gradschl/ Schedule Changes Changes to the published schedule: Additions Cancellations Day and Time Changes Room Changes will be listed on the web weekly. [NOTE: The most recently updated course changes can be found online throughout the registration period at http://www. uccs.edu/~cic/. Withdrawing from Schooll Important note: The University defines WITHDRAWING as the termination of your enrollment for the term. You are no longer regis­ tered for ANY courses. You have completed NO courses. Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs withdrawal & refund policies Withdrawal refunds are based on appeals submitted by the pub­lished dead­lines outlined below. Rebates/Adjustments are made less any non-re­fundable fees such as the matriculation and campus I.D. fee. Parking permits MUST BE RE­TURNED to the Public Safety Office IMMEDIATELY after withdrawing from UCCS by the dates and times stated below in order to obtain a refund. Parking Services is located on the first floor of the Public Safety building, just east of the parking garage. If you live in on-campus housing, you must fill out a housing petition to can­cel your housing agreement. This form is available online at http://www.uccs.edu/residence, or at the Monarch or Crestone Offices. If you do not do so, you will be responsible for all of your housing charges for the semester. This should be done AFTER you withdraw from the University. Please see your Student Handbook and Planner for refund details, they are different than the tuition and fees schedule. Withdrawal Procedures Until 11:59 pm, Sept 11, the web registration sys­tems must be used to withdraw from school. To with­draw during this period and receive a 100% rebate for regular semester classes (less any nonrefundable fees): 1. Follow the registration instructions on page 7 and drop ALL of your courses by 11:59 pm on Sept 11. 2. If you are receiving Financial Aid or Veterans’ benefits, notify the appli­cable office. 3. Turn in any address changes to the Admissions and Records Office. 4. RETURN your parking permit to the Public Safety Office, Pkg Garage/Pub Safety Building 104. 5. Refund processing will begin approximately two weeks after census date. [IMPORTANT REMINDER: ALL refunds must be by Direct Deposit. All students MUST set up their direct deposit information online through the student portal. If you have any questions call 719-255-3391. After Sept 11, withdrawals must be initiated at the Admissions and Records Office. Important Notice Withdrawals and Drops re­ceived after Sept 11, will be recorded with a grade of “W” on the student’s per­manent record. To withdraw from school be­tween Sept 11 through Oct 31: 1. Obtain the Withdrawal Form from the Admissions and Records Office. 2. If you are receiving Financial Aid or Veterans’ benefits, obtain the ap­propriate signatures on the With­drawal form. PLEASE NOTE: Fi­ nancial Aid recipients may be required to repay their financial aid. Veteran’s benefits recipients will be required to repay benefits. 3. Take the Withdrawal form to the Bursar/Cashier Window (Main Hall, second floor) for approval. 4. Submit the Withdrawal form to the Admissions and Records Office for final approval and recording. University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 WITH­DRAWALS are record­ed and be­come effective when the completed Withdrawal form is received at the Admis­sions and Records Office. 5. Unless you follow these proce­dures, you have not withdrawn, “F” grades will be recorded on your record, and you will be liable for full payment of all tuition and fees. 6. If students withdraw during a published refund period, the refund processing will begin approximately 2 weeks after a withdrawal is com­plete. 7. RETURN your parking permit to the Public Safety Office, Pkg Garage/ Pub Safety Building 104. Financial Aid recipients who do not properly withdraw and receive “F”s, will have enrollment verification forms sent to their instructors. The withdraw­al date will be calculated according to the last date the student attended class. If this falls within the first 60% of class, some or all of the financial aid may have to be repaid. Veterans using benefits who stop attending a class (or classes) at any time during the semester and receive an F grade will have to repay Veteran’s Benefits. Withdrawal Deadlines There are no refunds for withdrawals after Oct 31, except by appeal and following the steps below. Sept 11 is the last day to withdraw and receive the 100% credit against your TOTAL bill minus any non-refundable fees. Sept 19, 5:00 p.m., is the last day to withdraw and receive the 80% credit against your TOTAL bill. PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT a REBATE equal to 80% of your down­ payment. You will still be liable for 20% of your TOTAL bill. Oct 3, 5:00 p.m. is the last day to withdraw and receive the 60% credit against your TOTAL bill. PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT a REBATE equal to 60% of your down payment. You will still be liable for 40% of your TOTAL bill. After Oct 3, no further adjustments will be made. Oct 31, 5:00 p.m., is the last day to withdraw. You must offi­cially withdraw to avoid “F” grades on your record. After Oct 31, you may not with­draw without special writ­ten permission of your academic dean. Tuition Appeals Tuition Appeals are for students who are requesting a refund of their tuition charges due to extenuating circumstances for dropped classes that occurred during the semester. Tuition Appeals must be submitted by the end of the next semester to be considered (fall appeals due by end of spring semester; and spring/summer appeals due end of fall semester). Tuition appeal forms are available at the Admissions and Records Office. [NOTE: Short Courses have special academic and financial deadlines. Click “Deadlines” by your classes in the Student Self Service Center to see these deadlines. 9 Tuition & Fees Avoid Costly Mistakes... Tuition and Fee Bills - To avoid costly mistakes and unnecessary late and service charges, carefully review this section of the schedule. If you register on or before Aug 18, 2014, by 5:00 pm, your tuition and fee bill will be available online on Aug 19, 2014. If you register after Aug 18, 2014, your account balance will be available on the Student Self Service Center after you register. Estimate your tuition and fees at: http://www.uccs.edu/bursar/pages/estimate.shtml. Students who register on or before Sept 11, 2014: You must pay your tuition and fees in full or enroll in a deferred payment plan by Sept 11, 2014. See page 17 for details. Fees Nonrefundable Fees for First Time Students; regardless if the student withdraws. Matriculation Fee $25.00 Student ID Fee $15.00 Orientation Fee $60.00 General Fees - MANDATORY APPLY TO UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS ONLY Student Life Fees Univ Center Bond Base Fee................................ ......................$33.00 PLUS per credit hour.....................................................................$9.50 Recreation Fee per Credit Hour.................................................$1.00 Athletics Fee, per credit hour.....................................................$4.85 Student Activity Fee.................................... ...............................$14.00 Family Development Op Fee......................................................$3.00 Family Development Bond Fee........................... ...................$10.00 Campus Recreation Center Bond Fee��������������������������������� $80.00 Other Fees Wellness Center Fee .....................................................$60.00 ISIS Fee per credit hour ..................................................$2.00 Learning Technology Fee per cr hour�����������������������$6.00 Student Events/Performance Fee...............................$4.00 (Students enrolled 6 hrs or less pay $2.50) Safety & Transportation Fee....................................... $70.00 Solar Energy Fee (per semester)..................................$3.00 Fees - all students, if applicable College of Business All Online Courses...........................................................................$100 Program Fee-QUAN........................................... $15 per credit hour Includes all courses with QUAN prefix Program Fee-INFS.............................................. $15 per credit hour Includes all courses with INFS prefix Program Fee-Business.........................................$5 per credit hour Includes all other business courses Program Fee-PGM/PGA Qualifying Level..................................................................$930 Level 1....................................................................................$900 Level 2................................................................................ $1,400 Level 3................................................................................ $1,300 PGM 3rd Checkpoint Fee.......................................................... $1,025 Program Fee-PGM PGA Access Fee...........................................$575 Paid on a yearly basis each fall semester while in PGA Golf Management Program. Program Fee-Sport Management.............................................$175 College of Education All Online Courses...........................................................................$100 Program Fee – Counseling.........................................$5 per cr hour Program Fee – Curriculum.........................................$3 per cr hour Program Fee – Leadership..........................................$3 per cr hour Program Fee – Special Education............................$6 per cr hour Program Fee – Teacher Education...........................$4 per cr hour All Online Courses...................................................................$100 Program Fee-EAS................................................ $15 per cr hour Includes all courses except those numbered 7000, 8000 with a max of $180 per term College of Letters, Arts and Sciences All Online Courses...................................................................$100 Program Fee-Art History Level 1.......................................... $10 Includes AH 1500 Program Fee-Art History Level 2.......................................... $20 Includes AH 2000, 3000, 3280, 3860, 4000, 4450, 4930, 9400 Program Fee-Anthropology Rsch Methods�������������������� $75 Includes ANTH 3500 Program Fee-Anthropology Field........................................ $10 Includes ANTH 2220, 3010, 3210 Program Fee-Anthropology Lab.......................................... $20 Includes ANTH 3170, 3190, 4200 Program Fee-Biology Lab 1......................................$70 or $40 Includes BIOL 1060, 1200, 1210, 1530 Program Fee-Biology Lab 2......................................$80 or $60 Includes all BIOL 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000 and 9000 level BIOL-prefix courses with lab Components Program Fee-Chemistry Lab.................................................. $75 Includes all CHEM prefix courses with lab component Program Fee-Communication Level 2............................... $30 Includes COMM 2250, 2270, 3100, 3270, 3400 4170, 4270 Program Fee-Communication.............................................. $20 Includes COMM 3500 Program Fee-English................................................................ $10 Includes ENGL 1300, 1305, 1310, 1410, 1800, 2030, 2040., 2050, 2080, 2090, 3010, 3020, 3040, 3050, 3080, 3120, 3130, .3140, 3160, 3750, 3850, 4080, 4100, 4800, 4820, 4860, 5800, 5860, Program Fee-English................................................................ $15 Writing Assessment/Portfolio Fee Program Fee-Geology Field Trip 1....................................... $10 Includes GEOL 1010, 3700 Program Fee-Geology Field Trip 2....................................... $15 Includes GEOL 1020 Program Fee Geography Lab 1............................................. $10 Includes GES 1050, 4060, 4090, 4 . 270, 5060, 5090, 5270 Program Fee Geography Lab 2............................................. $15 Includes GES 3200, 4310, 4340,.5310, 5340 Program Fee Geography Lab 3............................................. $20 Includes GES 2050, 3050, 4050, 4080, 4120, 4130, 5050, 5080, 5120, 5130 Program Fee Geography Lab 4............................................. $30 Includes GES 4100 Program Fee-Languages......................................................... $10 Includes ASL 1010, 1020, 2110, 2120, 3590; FR 1010, 1020, 2110, 2120; GER 1010, 1020, 2110, 2120; GRK 1010, 1020; ITAL 1010, 1020, 2110; JPNS 1010, 1020, 2110, 2120; LAT 1010, 1020, 2110, 2120; RUSS 1010, 1020, 2110, 2120; SPAN 1010, 1020, 2110, 2120 Program Fee-Foreign & Cultural Studies�������������������������� $25 Includes FCS 3890, 5890 Program Fee - Lab................................................... $20 per cr hr Includes ENSC, PES, PHYS Program Fee-Math..................................... $20 per credit hour Maximum of $120 per semester Excluding 7000-8000 level MATH Program Fee-Theatre Level 1................................................ $25 Includes THTR 1000, 2000, 2020, 2030, 2050, 2500, 3020, 3030, 3050, .3100, 3280, 3390, 3391, 3392, 3600, 3700, 3920, 3930, 4390 Program Fee-Music Level 1......................................................... $30 Includes MUS 1000, 1010, 1030, 1310, 2010, 2030, 2050, 2100, 2 . 150, 2850, 3010, 3150, 3200, 3750, 3850, 4500 Program Fee-Music Level 2......................................................... $40 Includes MUS 2250, 2300, 2350, 2400 Program Fee-Visual Art Level 1.................................................. $20 Includes all VA not listed below at $40 Program Fee-Visual Art Level 2.................................................. $40 Includes VA 2100, 2110, 3100, 3110, 4100, 4110 Program Fee-Film Level 1............................................................ $15 Includes FILM 1000, 2000, 3550, 3900, 4250, 4500 PhD psychology Students fall/spring term................................................................$423 summer term....................................................................$211 Course Fee Psychology....................................................................$7 Includes PSY 2110, 3840 Psychology – MA students........................................$72 per term Program Fee VAPA Level 1........................................................... $30 Includes VAPA 1020, 1050, 1100, 1500, 3900, 3950, 4000 Program Fee-Visual and Performing Arts............$40 per term Includes any VA, Art History, Film Theatre, Music and/or VAPA courses College of Nursing and Health Sciences All Online Courses........................................................................$100 Program Fee-Nursing..................................... $10 per credit hour Program Fee-Health Sciences........................$2 per credit hour School of Public Affairs All Online Courses..................................................$100 per course Includes any PAD and/or CJ course offered online Non-refundable after census date national Student exchange program National Student Exchange Program Fee...........$150 per sem Includes all students in the National Student Exchange Program Candidate for Degree Students enrolled only to defend or submit a thesis/dissertation will pay grad­uate resident tuition at zero credit hour rate. [NOTE: The Board of Regents reserves the right to change tuition and fees at any time. Questions regarding tuition and fees should be addressed to the Student Financial Services, 719-255-3391. College of Engineering 10 Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs Tuition & Fees Safety and Transportation Fee All students are automatically charged a Safety and Transportation fee. This is not a parking fee and is not used for parking facilities. The fee is used to provide enhanced police and shuttle services from far parking lots to the campus. The anticipated fee for the fall 2014 semester is $77.00, pending CU Regent approval. Non-restricted Parking Areas Students who are waitlisted for a parking permit or those not wishing to purchase a permit may park free of charge at the Four Diamonds Sports Complex, 5025 N. Nevada Avenue. Free bus service between Four Diamonds and the main campus is offered during the semester from 6:40 a.m. to 10:35 p.m. Monday through Friday. Shuttles do NOT operate between semesters. Shuttles usually arrive about every 5-15 minutes. Due to high demand on this system, students parking at Four Diamonds should arrive at least 30 minutes before the start of class. For detailed transportation schedules, including bus service to and from Alpine Village and University Hall, visit the Public Safety web­site at www.uccs.edu/pts and click on Transportation. Restricted Parking Areas and Parking Permits With the exception of the parking lots at the Four Diamonds area, a valid parking permit is required to park in most parking lots on campus. A valid permit MUST be displayed on your vehicle by the first day of classes, August 25, 2014. There is NO grace period. Tickets WILL be written for violations the FIRST day of the semester. Parking Services enforces permit violations Monday through Thursday, 8a.m. to 10p.m. and Fridays from 8a.m. to 4p.m. Semester permits are valid for the fall 2014 semester only and will expire December 20, 2014. Parking spaces are available on a firstcome, first-served basis only. Parking in restricted lots without a permit between semesters and on weekends is allowed. Students should direct all inquiries concerning parking to Parking Services at 719-255-3528. Cars violating parking regulations are subject to ticket, tow and/or booting. View parking info and regulations at: www.uccs.edu/pts. Only enrolled students at UCCS for the fall 2014 semester are eligible to purchase permits. Please read the following information regarding parking options. Online Registration for parking permits is required for the fall semester and begins July 29, 2014. The website for registration is www.uccs.edu/pts. You MUST be registered for classes in order to apply on-line. Students selected to receive a permit will be given a unique registration number from the website. Bring this number, an official photo I.D. card, and full payment to Parking Services. Payment is required at the time a permit is issued and cannot be billed to the student’s account. Students may also elect to have their permit mailed to their home by purchasing the permit on-line using MasterCard, VISA, Discover, or AMEX and agreeing to pay a $4.00 shipping and handling charge. Academic Year Commuter “S” Permit: Available to commuter students only. Valid anytime M-F during the fall 2014 and spring 2015 semesters in specific main campus parking lots only. Price - $409.00 Semester Commuter “S” Permit: Available to commuter students only. Valid anytime M-F during the fall 2014 semester in specific main campus parking lots only. Price - $205.00 Semester Commuter “S” Mon/Wed/Fri only Permit: Available to commuter students only. Valid anytime on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays during the fall 2014 semester in specific main campus parking lots only. Price - $131.00 Semester Commuter “S” Tue/Thur/Fri only Permit: Available to commuter students only. Valid anytime on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays during the fall 2014 semester in specific main campus parking lots only. Price - $131.00 University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 Student Commuter “S” Friday only Permit: Available to commuter students only. Valid anytime on Fridays during the fall 2014 semester in specific main campus parking lots only. Price- $25.00 Student Commuter “B” Border Permit: Available to commuter students only. Valid M-F anytime during the fall 2014 semester in BORDER parking lots and anytime on Fri in specific main campus parking lots. Price - $131.00 Student Commuter “P” Permit: Available to commuter students only. Valid Mon-Thu after 4:15p.m. and anytime on Friday during the fall 2014 semester in specific main campus parking lots only. Price $78.00 Motorcycle Permit: Valid in designated motorcycle parking only. Price - $52.00. Resident Permit: Available to campus residents only. Valid anytime M-F in the Stanton Garage and Border Lots only. The price of this permit is incorporated into the room and board plan and will be issued during check-in process. Refunds: Permits may be returned for a full refund through September 11, 2014. Bicycle Registration Bicycles on campus must be registered. Inquire at the Parking Services Office. PARKING SERVICES OFFICE Parking Garage First Floor 719-255-3528 Office Hours: Monday 8:00 am - 7:00 pm Tuesday-Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Fall Permits go on sale July 29, 2014 Special Office Hours Saturday, August 23 from 9am-4pm Closed: September 1 & November 27-28 General Fees Description Student I.D. Card Fee For Photo I.D.s or questions concerning photos, please contact the University Center Information Desk at (719) 255-3450. The cost of the UCCS Student I.D. card is $15.00. All new students will be billed automatically for an I.D. card and should have the I.D. card made during their first semester at UCCS. Transfer students from other CU campuses, or students who need a replacement I.D. card must pay $15.00 at the time the card is made. All Students/Faculty/Staff are required to have a UCCS I.D. card. Student ID fee is non-refundable, even if the student withdraws. Matriculation Fee: $25.00 This is a one-time, non-refundable, and mandatory fee to all new students (including transfer students) assessed at the time of their first registration entering UCCS. The one-time charge covers the normal costs of transcripts and the establishment of a permanent record at UCCS. The fee is assessed during registration at the time of initial enrollment and it is non-refundable, even if the student withdraws. 11 Tuition & Fees Learning Technology Fee All undergraduate students pay a $5.00 per credit hour fee. The learning technology fee provides for the purchase of new computer equip­ment and software accessible to all students; the maintenance and upgrade of telecommunication equipment used in all current and future learning centers, and the development of a broad set of informational communication offerings accessible to all students. Orientation Fee It is necessary for the orientation program to charge a one-time fee ($60) on your student bill in order to provide program staffing and materials. The orientation program does not charge this fee for profit. This fee is assessed once you attend orientation (or online orientation is initiated) and you enroll in at least one class. Even if you drop all of your classes and choose not to attend UCCS, this fee will not be reversed. Please remember to check your student bill at least once a month (even if you drop all of your classes and choose not to attend UCCS). Student Event/Perfor­mance Fee: $2.50/$4.00 For all undergraduate students enrolled in more than 6 hours the fee is $4.00. Undergraduate students enrolled in six or fewer credit hours pay $2.50. The fee provides free access for all UCCS students to all Theatreworks performances and events in the Bon Vivant Theater in University Hall. Wellness Center Fee Student Activities Fee : ($14 base) Support for student organizations, student newspaper, student government operations, and other student activities. Student Recreation Fee : ($1.00 per credit hour) - Support for recreation programs and activities and campus fitness center. Athletics Fee : ($4.85 per credit hour) - Support for six wom­en’s and six men’s intercollegiate sports programs. Family Development Center Operating Fee ($3.00 base) : Sup­port for programs and services. Family Development Center Bond Fee ($10.00 base): Repayment of bonded indebtedness on building as well as support for child care operations. Payment Options Option 1: Pay in Full Due date is September 11, 2014. Option 2: 3-Pay Deferred Payment Plan A payment equal to 1/3 of initial bill + $35 non-refundable deferred payment fee is due on or before Sept 11, 2014. 1/3 installment due Oct 12, 2014. 1/3 installment due Nov 11, 2014 The Wellness Center Fee is mandatory for all students. It provides access to all of the services and programs of the UCCS Student Health Center and Counseling Center. Option 3: Financial Aid ISIS Information System Fee: $2.00 Per Credit Hour Students enrolled for fall 2014, will have until Sept 11, 2014, to pay for any charges not covered by their financial aid awards, or enroll in a Deferred Payment Plan. The ISIS fee is mandatory for all students and is used by the University to provide better service to students using technology for maintaining student records, course sche­duling, data manage-ment, transcripts, financial aid, student ac­counts, registration, academic advising, etc. Solar Energy Fee: $5.00 The Solar Energy Fee is mandatory for all students and is used by the University to support the installation of energy producing solar panels, a clean and renewable energy source on campus buildings. Student Life Fees: $140.00 Plus $15.35 Per Credit Hour Every undergraduate student enrolled for courses will be assessed mandatory student life fees for the term. These fees finance the student facilities, programs, and services that are not supported by the University’s general fund budget. The seven Student Life Fees are: University Center Bond Fee : ($33.00 base plus $9.50 per credit hour) - Repayment of bonded indebtedness on building as well as support for entertainment, cultural and educational programs, and the Center’s operation. Campus Recreation Center Bond Fee: ($80.00 base) Repayment of bonded indebtedness on building as well as support for operations and programs. 12 All financial aid must be applied to the tuition and fee bill, any overpayment will be refunded to the student. Please Note: Students failing to pay according to the above payment options are subject to late fines and service charges. Do not wait for a bill, your account balance can be checked and your bill can be viewed on the Student Portal. [NOTE: Postmarks are not honored Payments by Mail University of Colorado Colorado Springs Cashier 1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway Colorado Springs, CO 80918-3733 Payments in Person Credit Card, Cash or Check The Cashier is located on the 2nd Floor, Main Hall Online Payments UCCS Student Portal http://www.uccs.edu/portal We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and electronic check payments. Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs tuition & fees Financial Aid Disbursement Complete appropriate direct deposit information online for financial aid refunds (funds remaining after payment of charges on student account). Disbursements begin within the week before start of classes. [NOTE: Be sure your address is correct. You may make changes on the web at www.uccs.edu. Direct questions to Loan Disbursement 719-255-3391 or Financial Aid at 719-255-3460. Third Party Assistance 719-255-3399 Cashier Window, Main Hall, 2nd Floor. Fax 719-255-3023. Pres­ent tuition voucher to the Cashier Window, or fax as early as possible. Sept 11 - Last day to turn in authorization to avoid late fees and service charges. Oct 10- Last day to charge books and supplies paid for by agencies. Students receiving Chapter 30 GI Bill benefits must pay according to payment options on page 12. For Chapter 33 GI Bill info, please call 719-255-3739. General Billing and Payment Information Tuition, fees, room and board, for the semester are accessible on the Student Portal approximately three weeks before the start of classes. Bills are available on the Student Portal. Contact Student Financial Services at 719-255-3391, if you do not receive an E-bill notification. (Bills are online only). Payments not received by the deadline may be assessed a prorated late fine up to $50 and 1% per month service charge on the unpaid balance. (12%APR) UCCS may require payment in cash/or in advance, if the student is deemed to be a poor credit risk. Semester certified receipts are free to the student for semester receipts from fall 2010 through the current semester. A $5 fee will be charged for semesters prior to fall 2010. Do not stop payment on your check. A stop payment will result in a $20 fine. Credit card charge backs are treated like a returned check. Financial Responsibility By registering for classes at UCCS, each student is taking on a financial obligation, as stated in the Tuition and Fee Agreement and Disclosure, and as explained here in the Schedule of Courses. Please read the Withdrawal & Refund Policies section and Tuition & Fees section carefully so that there are no surprises. If a student fails to pay by published deadlines, any or all of the following may apply: 1. Late fees 2. Monthly service charges 3. Financial Stops preventing registration, add/drop, re-admittance or the release of transcripts, diplomas, and official verification forms. 4. Referral to the State of Colorado Central Collection Services or an outside collection agency, which will result in: a. collection costs and interest b. attorney fees (when a judgement is pursued) c. reporting to national credit bureaus d. withholding of state income tax refund If your account is not paid by the published deadline, the debt becomes past due. A Special Payment Arrangement, requiring a predetermined monthly payment can be requested from Student Debt Management 719-255-3412. REMEMBER: All charges associated with a past due balance and the past due balance must be paid-in-full before students will be allowed to register or receive transcripts, regardless if the student arranged a payment plan. Attention Students please review this page carefully. if you have any questions, comments or concerns please call 719-255-3391. Refunds for withdrawals and dropped classes will be processed after Sept 11, 2014. Contact Student Financial Services at 719-2553391 with any questions. [IMPORTANT REMINDER: ALL refunds will be by Direct Deposit. All students MUST fill out a direct deposit form online. If you have any questions call 719-255-3391. Returned Checks Students will be assessed a $20 returned check charge and may be subject to disenroll­ment, service charges, and late fines. The student may also be liable for up to three times the amount of the re­turned check, for collection costs, and for pros­ecution under Colorado Statutes. University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 13 Fall 2014 Payment Policies and Deadlines PAYMENT DUE DATE SEPTEMBER 11, 2014. YOU CAN PAY IN FULL OR ENROLL IN A DEFERRED PAYMENT PLAN. DEFERRED 3 PAY PAYMENT PLAN: 1/3 – SEPTEMBER 11, 2014 1st INSTALLMENT + $35 NON-REFUNDABLE PAYMENT PLAN FEE DUE 1/3 – OCTOBER 12, 2014 2nd INSTALLMENT DUE 1/3 – NOVEMBER 11, 2014 FINAL INSTALLMENT DUE First Student Electronic Bills Will Be Available Online: AUGUST 19, 2014. DO NOT WAIT FOR A BILL! YOU CAN MAKE YOUR PAYMENT ON THE STUDENT PORTAL: www.uccs.edu/portal STUDENTS WHO HAVE REGISTERED AND HAVE NOT MADE PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS BY SEPTEMBER 11, 2014 WILL BE SUBJECT TO LATE FINES AND SERVICE CHARGES. THERE WILL BE NO DISENROLLMENT FOR NON-PAYMENT. IF YOU DO NOT INTEND TO ATTEND CLASSES, YOU WILL HAVE TO WITHDRAW OR DROP ALL OF YOUR CLASSES. BILLS WILL ONLY BE ACCESSIBLE ONLINE. YOU WILL RECEIVE AN E-MAIL REMINDER WHEN A NEW BILL IS AVAILABLE ONLINE. If you have set up any Authorized Payers, they will also receive an E-Mail Reminder. Access your bill @ “my UCCS” student portal Additional Information about Payment Policies, Call 719.255.3391 Payments by Mail Payments in Person Online Payments UCCS-Cashier 1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway Colorado Springs, CO. 80918 Credit Cards, Cash or Checks Cashier Office 2nd floor Main Hall Credit Cards & Electronic Checks UCCS Student Portal http://www.uccs.edu/portal We accept MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discover REVIEW THIS PAGE CAREFULLY. PLEASE CALL 719-255-3391, IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, COMMENTS OR CONCERNS. 14 Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs tuition rates Tuition Schedule for Fall 2014 Tuition is based on your student status NOT the level of the courses Credit Hour *Resident Non-resident 1 $313 $869 2 $626 $1,739 3 $939 $2,608 4 $1,252 $3,478 5 $1,565 $4,347 6 $1,878 $5,217 7 $2,191 $6,086 8 $2,504 $6,956 9 $2,817 $7,825 10 $3,130 $8,694 11 $3,443 $8,694 12 $3,756 $8,694 13 $4,069 $8,694 14 $4,382 $8,694 15 $4,695 $8,694 ** See note for greater than 15 hours. UNDERGRAD. JUNIOR AND SENIORS IN LETTERS, ARTS, AND SCIENCES, SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS, or nondegree/unclassified students without an undergraduate degree with greater than 60 semester hours completed Credit Hour *Resident Non-resident 1 $332 $882 2 $664 $1,764 3 $996 $2,646 4 $1,328 $3,528 5 $1,660 $4,410 6 $1,992 $5,292 7 $2,324 $6,174 8 $2,656 $7,056 9 $2,988 $7,938 10 $3,320 $8,820 11 $3,652 $8,820 12 $3,984 $8,820 13 $4,316 $8,820 14 $4,648 $8,820 15 $4,980 $8,820 ** See note for greater than 15 hours. UNDERGRADUATE JUNIOR AND SENIOR STUDENTS IN THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS or ENGINEERING UNDERGRADUATE JUNIORS AND SENIORS BETH-EL COLLEGE OF NURSING AND HEALTH SCIENCES Credit Hour *Resident Non-resident 1 $370 $898 2 $740 $1,796 3 $1,110 $2,694 4 $1,480 $3,592 5 $1,850 $4,490 6 $2,220 $5,388 7 $2,590 $6,286 8 $2,960 $7,184 9 $3,330 $8,082 10 $3,700 $8,980 11 $4,070 $8,980 12 $4,440 $8,980 13 $4,810 $8,980 14 $5,180 $8,980 15 $5,550 $8,980 ** See note for greater than 15 hours. Credit Hour *Resident Non-resident 1 $421 $898 2 $842 $1,796 3 $1,263 $2,694 4 $1,684 $3,592 5 $2,105 $4,490 6 $2,526 $5,388 7 $2,947 $6,286 8 $3,368 $7,184 9 $3,789 $8,082 10 $4,210 $8,980 11 $4,631 $8,980 12 $5,052 $8,980 13 $5,473 $8,980 14 $5,894 $8,980 15 $6,315 $8,980 ** See note for greater than 15 hours. UNDERGRAD. FRESHMAN OR SOPHOMORE RATES * NOTE: Resident student tuition is before COF (College Opportunity Fund) is deducted. ** For additional details and information on tuition rates, fees, and payment options, go to http://www.uccs.edu/~bursar/ or call the Bursar's Office at 719-255-3391. To estimate your tuition go to http://www.uccs.edu/~bursar/pages/estimate.shtml University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 15 tuition rates Tuition Schedule for Fall 2014 Tuition is based on your student status NOT the level of the courses 16 GRADUATE ENROLLMENT FEE: Master of Basic Sciences, Communication, Geography, History, Psychology, or Sociology or non-degree/unclassified students with a bachelor's degree: GRADUATE STUDENTS IN THE SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS or GRADUATE STUDENTS IN THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION: Credit Hour Resident Non-resident 0 $507 $507 1 $605 $1,090 2 $1,101 $2,071 3 $1,603 $3,058 4 $2,096 $4,036 5 $2,589 $5,014 6 $3,083 $5,993 7 $3,577 $6,972 8 $4,071 $7,951 9 $4,564 $8,929 10 $4,711 $9,908 11 $4,803 $9,931 12 $4,874 $9,954 13 $4,908 $9,978 14 $4,931 $10,001 15 $4,954 $10,024 ** See note for greater than 15 hours. Credit Hour Resident Non-resident 0 $551 $551 1 $649 $1,158 2 $1,189 $2,207 3 $1,735 $3,262 4 $2,272 $4,308 5 $2,809 $5,354 6 $3,347 $6,401 7 $3,885 $7,448 8 $4,423 $8,495 9 $4,960 $9,541 10 $5,112 $10,588 11 $5,305 $10,611 12 $5,492 $10,634 13 $5,585 $10,658 14 $5,608 $10,681 15 $5,631 $10,704 ** See note for greater than 15 hours. GRADUATE STUDENTS IN THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE or BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION or GEROPSYCHOLOGY : GRADUATE STUDENTS IN BETH-EL COLLEGE OF NURSING AND HEALTH SCIENCES: Credit Hour Resident Non-resident 0 $585 $585 1 $683 $1,158 2 $1,257 $2,207 3 $1,837 $3,262 4 $2,408 $4,308 5 $2,979 $5,354 6 $3,551 $6,401 7 $4,123 $7,448 8 $4,695 $8,495 9 $5,266 $9,541 10 $5,338 $10,588 11 $5,477 $10,611 12 $5,548 $10,634 13 $5,585 $10,658 14 $5,608 $10,681 15 $5,631 $10,704 ** See note for greater than 15 hours. Credit Hour Resident Non-resident 0 $614 $614 1 $712 $1,158 2 $1,315 $2,207 3 $1,924 $3,262 4 $2,524 $4,308 5 $3,124 $5,354 6 $3,725 $6,401 7 $4,326 $7,448 8 $4,927 $8,495 9 $5,527 $9,541 10 $6,128 $10,588 11 $6,728 $10,611 12 $7,328 $10,634 13 $7,483 $10,658 14 $7,506 $10,681 15 $7,529 $10,704 ** See note for greater than 15 hours. Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs online PAYMENT NOTE: DO NOT WAIT FOR YOUR BILL!!! Your account balance is due on September 11, 2014. You can make your payment on the student portal. There will be No Disenrollment for Non-Payment. If you do not intend to attend classes, you will have to withdraw from all of your classes. You can make your payment via the Student Portal. Please visit the Student Financial Services web site at www.uccs.edu/bursar or call 719-255-3391 for more details. An electronic version of this form can be found at the following URL http://www.uccs.edu/~bursar/pages/estimate.shtml. Estimating Tuition and Fees Use the following as a guideline for estimating your TOTAL tuition and fees if you wish to pay in full. Any difference between the actual billing calculation and the estimation below may result in an additional amount due to the University or in a refund to you. *COF stipend applicable for undergraduate resident students only Enter the number of hours enrolled in for fall 2014 Semester: ______________ hrs x (to be determined) 1. Tuition (see tables on pp 18 &19) $ _____________ Tuition and Fees for fractional hours are prorated based on 1 hour rate. Less: *COF Stipend amount x hours entered above - _____________ Student Share of Tuition = _____________ 2. Student Life Fees (mandatory each semester): University Center Bond Base Fee $33.00 Campus Recreation Center bond Fee $80.00 Additional $9.50 per credit hour $9.50 x hrs = _____________ Student Recreation Fee ($1.00 per credit hour) $1.00 x hrs = _____________ Athletic Fee ($4.85 per credit hour) $4.85 x hrs = _____________ Student Activities Fee = $14.00 Family Development Operating Fee = $3.00 Family Development Center Bond Fee = $10.00 3. Wellness Center Fee $60.00 (mandatory each semester) _______________ = _____________ 4. Student Event/Performance Fee($2.50 - Up to 6 hrs.; $4.00 - 6+ credit hrs) _______________ = _____________ (mandatory each semester) 5. ISIS Fee (mandatory each semester) $2.00 x ______ hrs = ______________ 6. Learning Technology Fee (mandatory each term., $5 per credit hour) $5.00 x ______ hrs = ______________ 7. Matriculation Fee ($25 assessed only for the first term enrolled - nonrefundable) = ______________ 8. Student Orientation Fee (nonrefundable -please see page 15) = $60.00 9. Student Photo I.D. ($15.00 assessed only for the first term enrolled - nonrefundable.) = _______ 10. Solar Energy Fee (mandatory each semester) = $5.00 11. Transportation and Safety Fee (mandatory each semester) = $70.00 12. Lab Fees/Course Specific Fees (call department with questions) = ___________ 13. Housing Village Room and Board (contact Housing (719) 255-4042 or see Housing Application for details) = ___________ Total Estimation (Total Lines 1 through 12) = ___________ A payment must be received by 5:00 pm, september 11, 2014. If sending by mail, allow 5 days for delivery. Postmarks will not be honored. NOTE: The Board of Regents reserves the right to change tuition and fees at any time. University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 17 frequently asked questions What are the semester dates? August 25 to December 20. A few courses have special start dates (check individual course listings for these). How do I apply for admission, and what is the deadline for applying? See admission information on pp 5 & 6. I have already been admitted. How do I register for classes? You will register using the Student Self Service Center registration system, see p 7 for specific instructions. New freshmen and transfer students must attend orientation before registering, see p 20. When can I register? You will be able to find your registration date/time through the Self Service Center. See p 5 for application dates and deadlines and p 7 for registration instructions. New freshmen and transfer students must attend orientation before registering. www.uccs.edu/orientation. What is the payment policy? If you register by 5:00 pm, Sept 11, 2014, you are required to pay in full or enroll in a payment plan by Sept 11, 2014. What if I drop a course but am still enrolled in other courses? Will I get a refund? Yes, if you drop by the Sept 11, 2014, deadline. No drop refunds after this date. See p 4. What if I withdraw from school completely? Will I receive an adjustment against my total bill? Yes, less non-refundable fees, if you withdraw by Sept 11 (100% adjustment), or by Sept 19 (80% adjustment), or by Oct 3 (60% adjustment). No adjustments after this date. See p 9 for details. What if I need academic advising? You can get academic advising at the Student Success Center, Main Hall, Room 208 (719-255-3260). New students also attend a required Orientation session before the semester begins. See Student Success Center under Student Resources section for more information. DO NOT WAIT FOR A BILL!!! Your account balance is due on Sept 11, 2014. You can make your payment on the student portal. In order to view your account information, bills and make payments, you will need to disable your Pop-Up Blocker. There will be No Disenrollment for Non-Payment. If you do not intend to attend classes, you will have to withdraw from all of your classes. fall semester 2014 - refund deadline REGULAR SEMESTER CLASSES (Aug 25 - Dec 20) sept 11 • 100% adjustment if ALL courses are dropped by this date. • 100% if individual courses are dropped by this date. NO refunds for individual dropped courses after this date sept 19 • 80% adjustment if ALL courses are dropped (withdrawn) by this date. Oct 3• 60% adjustment if ALL courses are dropped (withdrawn) by this date. NO refunds for complete withdrawal from the University after this date. Use the Web registration system to drop courses through Sept 11 See the instructions on page 10 of the Schedule of Courses. After Sept 11and through Oct 31 instructor approval must be obtained on a Course Change form to drop a course. After Sept 11 Withdrawals must be initiated at the Admissions and Records Office. [NOTE: Special academic and financial deadlines apply to short courses. 18 Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs Academic Procedures Academic Advising See Student Success Center under Student Resources Commencement Commencement is held twice a year at the end of the fall and spring semesters. The date for fall 2014 commencement is Friday, Dec 19, 2014. 11:30am for the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences. 3:30pm for Beth-El College of Nursing and Health Sciences, College of Business, School of Public Affairs, College of Education, and College of Engineering and Applied Science. Only those stu­dents graduating during the summer and fall can participate in the Fall Com­mencement ceremony. Only those students graduating during the spring can participate in the Spring Commencement ceremony. Graduation Requirements for Bachelor’s Degree Candidates Students who expect to graduate at the end of the term must contact their aca­­­­­­­­­d­emic advisor in the college­/school from which they expect to receive the degree. In addi­tion they must apply to graduate no later than the first week of classes. Only those students who have contacted their academic advisor and applied to graduate may be certified for graduation. Students who are graduat­ing from Business, Engineering, LAS, Health Sciences, or Public Affairs should contact the Stu­dent Success Center the semester before their planned graduation for the Senior Audit appointment. Requirements for Master’s & Doc­toral Degree Candidates Policy of the Board of Regents requires that students declare a major by the time they have 60 hours towards their degree - by the start of their Junior Year. Any candidate for a graduate degree is required to take a comprehensive exami­nation, and/or thesis/dissertation defense, and/or capstone project according to departmental requirements after the other requirements for the degree have been subs­tantially completed. Degree Audit Report To be eligible for graduation, stu­dents must: Declaration of Major A degree audit report provides current information as to a student’s aca­demic status: requirements to be com­pleted and requirements remaining. Available from the UCCS Student Portal through DARS, or from the Student Success Center, 2nd Floor, Main Hall, 719-255-3260. E-Mail Policy UCCS uses e-mail as an official means for communicating with students. To ensure students have access to this critical form of communication, students will be assigned a campus e-mail account at the time of acceptance at UCCS. Students are expected to check their official e-mail address on a frequent basis, in order to stay current with university communications. It is recommended that students check their official e-mail account at least once a week because some no­tices may be time sensitive. E-mail com­munication will be used to replace printed communication. In addition, faculty may use the e-mail account for their courses. Details about campus e-mail policies can be found at www.uccs.edu/helpdesk. Enrollment Verification/FERPA (Student Permission) Forms Current students can view their enrollment history, print enrollment verifications, complete and submit FERPA (Student Permission) Forms, and check loan deferments sent to their lenders by logging into the MyUCCS Portal using their student logon and password. The Enrollment Verification, and FERPA Form links are available in the Academic Resources section of the Student Portal. For questions, please contact registrar@uccs.edu or 719-255-3361. Final Grades Faculty are urged to POST grades ONLINE no later than 90 hours after the final exam. Grades will be accessible for student viewing and printing on the web through the Student Self Service Center. [NOTE: please refer to the student portal to see grades. An official copy of grades can be obtained by ordering an official transcript. University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 • fulfill appropriate require­ments as established by their major department and the Graduate School • complete and have approved the Ap­plication for Admission to Can­didacy form and the Diploma Card • successfully pass the comprehensive examination, thesis/ dissertation defense accord­ing to the following dead­lines: During Registration for Summer: Complete the Application for Admission to Candidacy, any Trans­ fer of Credit from another school if needed, the Diploma Card and the Depart­mental comprehensive exam, project, report, thesis/ dissertation defense forms and submit to major department. Department submittal to Graduate School by Sept 19, 2014.. No later than Nov 21, 2014: Defend thesis/dissertation. No later than Dec 19, 2014: Submit thesis/dissertation to library. By Jan 5, 2015: After defense, submit report forms, showing a satis­ factory pass, with at least three departmental signatures to the gradu­ate school. Process all grade changes for any incomplete grades on courses needed for the degree. Students must submit completed thesis to the Library by the last day of finals of the semester in which they intend to graduate. Candidate for Degree Students who are not taking regular courses during the term in which the compre­hensive exam or thesis defense occurs must enroll as “Can­di­date for Degree.” Tuition for “Can­di­date for Degree” enrollment is the equiv­alent of one semester hour resi­dent gradu­ ate tuition, plus appro­priate fees described in the “Tuition and Fees” section of this Sche­dule. A student need not be regis­tered to submit the thesis/dissertation. Students on F-1 visas need to check with the Office of International Affairs for minimum registration requirements. Copies of the University The­sis Manual and Dissertation are available in the departmental offices, www.uccs.edu/gradschl, the Graduate School, and the Library. Students using human, animal and biohazard subjects in research must obtain approval from the appropriate committee (IRB, IACUC, IBC) before beginning such research. Please consult the Office of Sponsored Programs website for compliance information, www.uccs.edu/~osp. 19 Academic Procedures Degrees Degrees are verified, awarded, and posted approxi­mately 7 weeks after the end of the semester. Official tran­scripts previously requested that were being held for degree posting are mailed out within a week to ten days. For the dates and times and to register for orientation sessions, please go to http://www.uccs.edu/orientation. Specific questions regarding new student orientation should be addressed to 719-255-3098, or check the campus web site at http://www.uccs.edu/orientation Honor Code Orientation for Grad­uate Students Academic honesty and integrity are vital elements of a dynamic aca­ demic institu­tion. The responsibility for ethical con­duct rests with each indi­vidual mem­ber of the academic com­munity: students, faculty, and staff. The University of Colorado Colorado Springs has an ongoing commitment to maintain and encourage aca­demic integ­rity. Copies of the University’s Academic Honor Code, a set of standards of aca­demic honesty and procedures governing violations of these principles, are avai­lable in the University Library, the Office of Dean of Students, or the Vice Chan­cellor’s of­fi ce. Forms of Academic Dishonesty Plagiarism: Use of distinctive ideas or words be­longing to another person, without ade­quately acknow­ledging that person’s contribution. Cheating: Intentionally possessing, communicating, using or attempting to use unauthorized (by the instructor) materials, information, notes, study aids, or other devices, in any academic exercise. Fabrication and Falsification: Intentional and unauthorized altera­tion or invention of any information or cita­tion in an academic exercise. Multiple Submission: Submission of substantial portions of either written or oral academic work which has previously earned credit, when such submission is made with­out instructor authorization. Misuse of Academic Materials: Intentionally or knowingly destroying, stealing or making inaccessible, library or other academic resource material. Complicity in Academic Dishon­esty: Intentionally or know­ingly contrib­uting to the academic dishonesty of another. Graduate students are NOT required to attend an orientation unless otherwise instructed to do so by the program in which they plan to enroll. The Graduate School hosts a New Graduate Student Welcome Reception at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters, and new students are encouraged to attend. Contact the Graduate School at 719-255-3072 or gradinfo@uccs.edu for more details. Student Outcome Assessment Agreement UCCS requires a series of student out­come assessments at the beginning of the freshman year and at the end of the sophomore and senior years as part of the educa­tional experience. Assessments are kept confidential and will not affect a stu­dent’s academic standing. Assessments are used along with other students’ test scores to identify rela­tive strengths and weaknesses in the educational program for the continual improvement of UCCS. Transcripts Current students can order official transcripts on the myUCCS Portal with no cost for standard processing. Transcripts will be processed 5-7 business days from the date the transcript is ordered and mailed through the United States Postal Service via first class mail. Former students and those requesting special processing (Fed Express, PDF, or Pickup) can visit www.uccs.edu/admrec/transcripts. html for detailed ordering information, special handling charges and easy online payment. Transcripts will be withheld for students with current financial obligations to the university, or disciplinary actions that are in progress from any CU campus. Please visit www.uccs.edu/admrec/transcripts.html or call 719-255-3376 if you have further questions. These examples of academic dishon­esty are not comprehensive, and in­fractions will be dealt with on an indi­vidual basis. Each student is expected to assist in the enforcement of aca­demic standards. Infractions should be first brought to the attention of the in­structor, then to the dean of the college. Orientation for New Students Sessions of the Student Orientation, which includes advis­ing and registration program will be held before the start of each semes­ter for all new students. The program is meant to prepare new students for their initial enrollment and to help ensure suc­cess at UCCS. Attendance is required for all new undergraduate students before they will be allowed to register for classes. Because classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis, students should attend the earliest program possi­ble. Academic advisors from the Student Suc­cess Center will be available to answer questions and help students plan their class schedules so they can register that same day. 20 Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs Student Resources Bookstore 719-255-3247 University Center The Bookstore is a full service campus store that sells snacks, gifts, spirit wear, supplies, and course materials. The Bookstore is University owned and operated. The Bookstore accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. Personal checks are also accepted with proper iden­tification. www.uccsbookstore.com Textbooks Courses that require textbooks or optional course materials are available for purchase in-store or online through www.uccsbookstore. com. The Bookstore’s price comparison shopping tool on their website allows students to search for the most competitively priced book option. The Bookstore offers book formats that are New, Used, Rental, and e-Books for purchase. Textbook Return Policy Please refer to the most up-to-date policy stated on www. uccsbookstore.com. All returns, refunds, and exchanges require the original receipt. The credit card used for the original purchase must be present to credit back refunds on the return. Refunds for checks normally take 7-10 business days to clear before a cash refund can be given. New textbook returns must be in new selling condition. If originally shrink wrapped, the wrap must still be intact. Restocking Fee A restocking fee will be charged for all books returned except in the following instances: 1. Courses cancelled by the University. 2. Textbook requirements changed by the faculty member. 3. Courses you dropped before the semester Census Date. MyUCCS portal printout required to show course was dropped. Books must be returned within 7 days of dropping the course. Textbook Buy Back Textbook Buy Back is normally scheduled during the first week of the semester and Finals week. Please check the website for the most up-to-date dates. Books are bought back by the wholesalers based on the demand for the book next semester on our campus, as well as nationally by other bookstores. Buy Back payouts are generally 50-25% of the original retail price; however, some books may not be worth as much due to changes in the supply market. Hours Open year-round, Monday - Friday. Daily hours and holiday hours vary and are posted at www.uccsbookstore.com . The Bookstore is also open select Saturdays throughout the year. Campus Closure Procedures Decision to cancel classes due to incle­ment weather will nor­mally be made prior to 6:00 a.m. The decision to cancel evening classes will nor­mally be made prior to 3:00 p.m. Fac­ulty, staff and students should call the emergency information line, 719-255-3346 or listen to the following stations for cancellation information. Colorado Springs KVUU KVOR KRDO KSSS KRCC KTLF KMAX KKLI KILO KKFM KATM Pueblo KRYT KCFJ KCCY KGHF Denver KOA KYGO TV KKTVKOAA KRDO University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 Barricades and signs will be placed at all campus entrances. Access to the campus will be restricted. No one will be allo­wed on campus until the campus officially re­­opens. Campus Recreation 719-255-3463 Campus Recreation Center The Campus Recreation Center houses lap & leisure pools, a hot tub, a two court gymnasium, a running track, a full service fitness center, aerobics/dance studio and a bouldering wall. These services support the leisure and wellness needs of students, faculty and staff. This is accomplished in a variety of ways, including: • Open Recreation - access to the gym and fitness center. • Intramurals - Competitive and recre­ational teams, individual leagues, and special events. • Club Sports - offering instruc­tional, educational, and competitive activi­ties for members. • Outdoor equip­ment rental - an in­creasing inventory of equipment at nom­inal rates. • Outdoor facilities and programs -access to sport facilities by reserva­tion, and various outdoor trips. Career Center 719-255-3340 Main Hall 201 Career counseling and resources are available for all aspects of a student’s career path. Office hours are from 8am to 5pm, Mon-Fri., and appointments are required. We offer various assessment tools to help you decide on a major or if you are changing career paths. We help your job search skills with personal resume reviews and mock interviews. We host many career events and recruiters on campus each year, including two Career Fairs. The Career Center also sponsors online career tools: Clyde’s Careers allows students to view internship and job postings, track career events on campus and allows employers to view your resume for potential employment. Clyde’s Careers also offers a resume building tool as well as specific information regarding international jobs and internships. Access Clyde’s Careers and other helpful information from the Career Center website at www.uccs.edu/ career.. For other information regarding Career Center services, visit www.uccs.edu/career often. Center for Excellence in Communication 719-255-4770 Columbine Hall 312 The Center for Excellence in Communication focuses on the development and enhancement of the oral communi­cation competency of all mem­bers of the campus community ‑ students, faculty, and staff. The Center provides several programs and presentations that can be utilized in the classroom through work­ shops, or within the Center through one‑to‑one assistance. Regardless of academic major, communication skills play an important role in the advance­ment and success of all college students. Center for Excellence in Languages 719-255-3690 Dwire Hall 270 The Center provides support to students in the study of language and culture. Services in­ clude tutoring, place­ ment exams, conversation tables, and interna­ tional travel information. A wide variety of instructional aids is available. Center for Excellence in Mathematics 719-255-3687 Engineering Bldg 233 The Center for Excellence in Mathematics provides drop‑in mathematics, computer science, physics, statistics, and engineering. In addition, we provide supplemental instruction, space for small group study and a limited amount of one-on-one tutoring for UCCS students free of charge. The computers in the Math Center have a variety of mathematical and statistical software for student use. 21 Student Resources Center for Excellence in Science 719-255-3689 Centennial Bldg 204 The Science Center pro­vides services to students who need help in understanding basic scientific concepts in specific science courses and in mas­tering laboratory instru­ment skills. A wide variety of instructional aids is available at the center. These Include: • Drop-in Tutoring • Computer-Aided Instruction • Audio-Visual Presentations • Hands-on Lab Instrument Practice • Self-paced Learning Mo­dules • Calculators • Word Processing/Graphing Programs • Test Banks Center for Excellence in Writing 719-255-4336 Columbine Hall 316 The Writing Center, offers individual consulting in writing for all students. Students may schedule 45-minute appointments Monday through Saturday by visiting our website at http://www. uccs.edu/~writingcenter/. Consultants provide support for idea development, organization, structure, revisions, audience analysis, and other concerns students may have. Chancellor’s Leadership Class 719-255-3065 Main Hall 104 Provides a leadership development program for undergraduate students that includes a leadership studies curricu­lum, personal enrichment activities, mentoring, and community services. www.uccs.edu/clc/ Childcare 719-255-3483 Family Development Center www.uccs.edu/fdc The Family Development Center is a fully accredited, high quality, affordable preschool and child care center serving UCCS families and the community at large. We offer educational programs for children from 1 year of age to 10 years. At the Center we strive to help children build self-esteem and to feed each child’s curiosity and enthu­siasm. We create a positive environment that supports the intellectual, social, emotional and physical growth of children. The Center maintains a staff of highly qualified and caring teachers. The activities in the class­rooms are planned and implemented by professional lead teachers who are train­ed in early child­hood/child development and are responsi­ble for coordinating the program. Lead teach­ers are assisted by additional teach­ers and aides. The Center strives to meet the standards for low child/staff ratios adopted by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). The Center is open from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Competitive rates are avail­able, with discounts for stu­dents, staff, faculty, and alumni. Some scholarships are available for students. Subsidies for military families are also available. Enrollment is on a first come, first served basis, with priority given to UCCS students. Phone or visit the Center for further enrollment information. 22 Copy Center 719-255-3213 University Center 108 www.uccs.edu/copycenter The Copy Center offers full service printing, copying and faxing services to students, faculty, and staff. Ask us about using your Paw Prints!! Dean of Students, Office of 719-255-3901 Main Hall 322 The Office of the Dean of Students is responsible for maintaining and administering the University Student Code of Conduct. They also network with University departments and programs to provide clarity on University protocols, policies, and rules. They advise and make recommendations on student initiatives, interests and needs in the areas of student complaints, appeals and referrals. The Office also provides problem solving assistance and can help students connect with campus resources. Disability Services 719-255-3354 Main Hall 105 Provides equal access to reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. Qualified students must meet the academic standards requisite to admission and provide documentation of a physical or mental impair­ment which substantially limits one or more major life activities. Please call for an appointment. Discrimination and Harassment, Office of 719-255-4324 Keystone 3107 The ODH enforces the CU Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures, the CU Conflict of Interest in Cases of Amorous Relationships Policy, and the UCCS Discrimination and Harassment Policy and Procedures, as well as the Student Sexual Misconduct Policy (Appendix I of the Student Code of Conduct), in conjunction with the Dean of Students. The Office handles investigations involving students, staff and faculty; and investigates allegations of sexual harassment, Protected Class discrimination and harassment, and claims of retaliation related to an investigation. Diversity and Inclusiveness UCCS inclusively engages diverse people and perspectives in learning, discovery, and innovation to prepare students for successful futures, to build knowledge, and to inform the greater public good. Diversity represents, among other things, differences in ethnicity, race, gender, age, class, sexual orientation, abilities, religious and spiritual values, political viewpoints, veteran status, and gender identity and expression. The principle of diversity advocates being inclusive of all while overcoming the legacies of exclusion in order to foster equity within the university experience. Financial Aid, Student Employment and Scholarships 719-255-3460 Cragmor Hall 201 Office website: www.uccs.edu/finaidse Office Facebook: UCCSFinAid Via Email: General Financial Aid: finaidse@uccs.edu Student Employment: stuemp@uccs.edu Scholarships: scholarships@uccs.edu Office Hours Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs student resources The UCCS Financial Aid Office is available to assist students and their parents with funding options through federal, state and institutional aid programs. Financial aid counselors are available to meet with students on a walk-in basis. Colorado No‑Need Work‑Study To apply for financial aid, first complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at www.fafsa.gov and list UCCS School code 004509. Priority filing date for the FAFSA is March 1st. The UCCS Scholarship Application is completed through the myUCCS student portal or for incoming students through the goUCCS student portal. Not based on financial need and offers part‑time, subsidized employment (approximately 10‑15 hours per week), on campus or at selected employers off cam­pus. Applications are available online during each summer and are due by the end of the first week of fall classes. Undergraduate degree students who are eligible for resident tuition (not military or Olympic status), take at least six credit hours and who comply with the financial aid policy on Satisfactory Academic Progress(SAP), may apply for Colorado No-Need Workstudy. Grants Student Employment Grants are financial aid awards that do not have to be repaid. Grants may be used for tuition, fees, books, room and board, and other miscellaneous educational expenses. The Financial Aid Office awards grants based on financial need. Students who complete the FAFSA are automatically considered for grants. The Financial Aid/Student Employment Office offers a self-referral employment service to currently enrolled students, and to students who have been accepted for the following term. Students need not document financial need to apply for these jobs. There is no charge for any of these services. Scholarships On-campus (hourly/non work-study) employment is available to fulltime or part-time degree status students and full-time unclassified students. Additionally, during the summer, degree-seeking students may work on campus without being enrolled if they were enrolled as half-time students during the previous spring semester and will return in the fall semester. Jobs are generally part-time and are listed throughout the year depending upon employer needs. However, the majority of openings are at the beginning of each term. Federal Direct Stafford Loans Off-campus employment, both part-time and full-time, is available throughout the year depending upon employer needs. Openings range from highly skilled technicians and computer assistants to clerical work, food service, and general labor. Temporary and on-call positions in such areas as day care, house cleaning and furniture moving are also listed. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of need or merit. All available institutional scholarships are listed on the web at www.uccs.edu/finaid. The deadline for most institutional scholarships is March 1st. Postmarks will not be honored. Many of the scholarships require that students have completed the FAFSA. Outside scholarship search databases (all free) are also listed on the scholarship web page. Stafford Loans are federal student loans available to university students. Nearly all students are eligible to receive Stafford Loans regardless of credit. Interest on Stafford Loans may be subsidized by the U.S. Government depending on the student’s financial need. Federal Parent Loans (PLUS) The Federal Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) enables parents and legal guardians to borrow up to the cost of education for dependent undergraduate students. PLUS Loans are credit-based and a parent will need to apply at www.studentloans.gov in order to qualify. Current job openings, both on and off campus, work-study and nonwork-study, are listed on SEAN’S, an online student employment assistance network for students. This service is strictly self-referral, and to apply for any job the student must contact the employer directly. Students may access SEAN’S at seans.uccs.edu Federal Graduate Loans (PLUS) Short-Term Loans PLUS Loans are available to Graduate Students to borrow up to their cost of attendance. PLUS Loans are credit-based and in order to qualify, the graduate student will need to apply at www.studentloans.gov. Federal Perkins Loans Perkins Loans are a low interest federal student loan for graduate and undergraduate students. These loans are awarded based on exceptional financial need. The University has a short term loan program for students in need of emergency financial assistance. These loans are temporary in nature and have a maximum repayment period of one semester. These loans are available starting five calendar days prior to class start. Applications are available in the Office of Financial Aid/Student Employment. The fee to borrow is $5.00 per $100.00 borrowed. The fee is added to the student’s bill. Eligibility for a short term loan is determined by a Financial Aid Advisor. The maximum loan is $700. Work-Study Work-study is a financial aid program that allows students to work on-campus or with an approved off-campus employer to earn money to pay educational expenses. This offers part-time, subsidized employment (approximately 6-15 hours per week) with both on and off-campus employers. Students must also be enrolled at least half time and comply with the financial aid policy on Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) to maintain eligibility for work-study. University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 23 Student Resources First Year Experience 719-255-3688 Main Hall 202 The Office of First Year Experience offers transitional, academic, and student development support services to all freshmen and transfer students. The mission of the office is to assist students with academic success. The Office of First Year Experience provides academic support through interactive workshops (time management, study skills, test-taking), academic coaching, tutoring, and mentoring. All of these services are offered at no cost to the student. http://www.uccs.edu/fye Health Insurance 719-255-4444 Student Health Center UCCS does not have a mandatory insurance policy. Although medical insurance is not necessary for students to attend the University or to utilize Student Health Center (SHC) services, it is recommended that all students consider having insurance coverage. The SHC offers their own plan, Clyde’s Care, which offers students an unlimited number of office visits each semester at the SHC along with free in-office labs and procedures. This plan is strictly for visits at the SHC and is limited in coverage. For more information, please visit: www.uccs.edu/shc Housing - On-Campus 719-255-4042 Monarch House Welcome home! Join the 900 students who are living in some of the best on-campus student housing facilities in Colorado. We invite you to explore the UCCS Summit and Timberline Village Residence Halls or the new Alpine Village Apartments. Both Villages are just a short walk or shuttle ride from campus classroom buildings, the Student Recreation Center, the Kraemer Family Library and the University Center. Our Villages are nestled at the foot of the scenic Austin Bluffs hillside and provide residents with some of the most spectacular views of the Pikes Peak region including the Rock Mountain Front Range and the Garden of the Gods. All our on-campus living options offer the perfect mix of privacy with the opportunity to study, play, relax and meet friends. In-room cable TV and Ethernet connections, and convenient laundry facilities make on-campus living the right choice for students. If you are a freshman or an upper classman wanting the traditional residential experience, look at the Summit Village Residence Halls. Summit also offers unique learning communities and theme floors like the Colorado Living and Outdoor Recreation Floor, Nursing Floor, Honors Floor, the Arts Connection and Substance-Free Floor. If you are over 21 or are transferring in with 30 or more credits, check out the Alpine Village Apartments. It’s easy - just complete our downloadable application, print it and forward the application and fees to: UCCS Housing Village, 1010 Austin Bluffs Parkway, Colorado Springs, CO 80918. More on-line at: www.uccs.edu/housing. Come join the “Village People” and begin making a lifetime of on-campus college friendships and memories. Housing - Off-Campus Assistance 719-255-4042 The University’s off-campus housing referral service, maintained by Residential Life, has listings of rooms, apartments, and houses, as well as students seeking roommates to share accommodations. For more informa­tion, go to www.uccs.edu/commuter. 24 Information Technology 719-255-3536 El Pomar Center Each student is automatically assigned an IT account for access to email and the university network. See www.uccs.edu/it and www. uccs.edu/helpdesk for more information. IT Help Desk EPC, 1st Flr Columbine Hall Lab COLU 231 Library Computer Lab EPC, 2nd Flr 719-255-3536 719-255-4963 719-255-3422 International Affairs, Office of 719-255-5018 Copper Hall, Suite 9202 Email: international@uccs.edu The Office of International Affairs (OIA) supports the following activities: recruitment, enrollment, and retention of inbound international students and scholars to support diversity; education abroad, exchange, and other global engagement programs for UCCS students and faculty; development of programs, curriculum and strategies in collaboration with UCCS colleges and schools to increase multicultural experiences and global competencies of students, faculty and staff; and advocacy, formation and maintenance of strategic international partnerships. Lane Center for Academic Health Sciences 719-255-4401 4863 North Nevada Avenue www.UCCS.edu/HealthCircle The Lane Center for Academic Health Sciences houses multiple clinics operated by faculty providers where training and research are conducted, along with the Gerontology Center, Psychology labs, and the Colorado Springs branch of the CU School of Medicine. The academic clinics operate under the brand, UCCS HealthCircle. The clinics offer a continuum of health and wellness services to UCCS faculty and staff, including primary care, nutrition, physical activity engagement, health coaching, and mental and behavioral health. Services can be accessed in a single clinic, or in multiple clinics, with integration across the clinics to maximize efficiencies and scope of impact on health and wellness, as well as chronic disease prevention and self-management. Students from multiple disciplines learn evidence-based practices across the clinics along with integrated care best practices. Faculty and student research examines practice processes and outcomes. Collaborative training and service delivery are also available within the Peak Vista Lane Family Senior Health Center (primary care). Aging Center Lane Center, room 320 (719) 255-8002 Center for Active Living (CAL) Lane Center, room 128 (719) 255-8004 Peak Nutrition Clinic Lane Center, room 137 (719) 255-7524 UCCS HealthCircle Primary Care Clinic Lane Center, room 250 (719) 255-8001 Veterans Health and Trauma Clinic Lane Center, room 380 (719) 255-8003 Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs student resources Library, Kraemer Family 719-255-3296 El Pomar Center www.uccs.edu/library/ The Kraemer Family Library occupies the top two floors of the El Pomar Center. The collection contains over 1.2 million items ranging from tradi­tional print material to electronic databases, and a wide array of research services. The library’s online catalog and other elec­ tronic resources can be accessed via the library’s web page at www. uccs.edu/library. UCCS students with a valid University ID have access to the library’s services in­cluding reference assistance, interlibrary loan, database searching, and a course reserve col­lection. In addition, students and faculty have access to the collections of many of the state’s other academic libraries through personal visits, shared electronic catalogs, or interlibrary loan. The library’s interlibrary loan agreements provide students and faculty with access to the collections of most of the libraries in the U.S. and other countries. An assis­tive technology lab is available for students with special needs. Instruction in library use is provided in many of the courses taught on campus. Library hours during the fall term*: Mon-Thur 7:30 a.m. ‑ Midnight Friday 7:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. ‑ 8:00 p.m. Sunday 11:00 a.m. - Midnight During holidays and breaks, variable hours are posted at the door and on the library’s website. Check the library’s webpage for other services, events, and workshops. MOSAIC: Multicultural Office for Student Access, Inclusiveness and Community 719-255-3040 Univ Center 110A acordova@uccs.edu www.uccs.edu/mosaic Promotes cultural diversity by assisting in recruitment, retention, and academic success of students from diverse cultures. Also assists students who want to share their culture by con­necting them to campus re­sources, opportunities and information. LGBT + Resource Center 719-255-3447 Univ Center 110B lgbtrc@uccs.edu or vdelgado@uccs.edu www.uccs.edu/lgbtresourcecenter The LGBT Resource Center in MOSAIC exists as part of an on-going commitment to foster a positive and inclusive atmosphere for everyone at UCCS. The LGBT Resource Center is designed to provide resources and info to LGBT students, advocate for LGBT interests throughout campus, conduct outreach and education, and to ensure LGBT voices are represented among the campus at large. Much of the LGBT+ Rescource Center’s programming for events endorse National Coming Out Week, Transgender Day of Remembrance, National Day of Silence, World AIDS Day, LGBT Health Awareness Week, and Spirit Day. The LGBT Resource Center is known for Safe Zone Training, an ally training workshop for students, staff, and faculty. University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 MOSAIC Gateway Program 719-255-3040 Univ Center 110A acordova@uccs.edu The MOSAIC Gateway program provides holistic admission review and learning communities for students who show strong potential to succeed in college even though facing particular academic and social challenges. Nominations to the program are made by UCCS admissions committees upon review of a UCCS application and required support documents—www.uccs.edu/apply. A limited number of students are admitted on a case-by-case basis and are required to participate in MOSAIC Gateway programs. Students denied admission to the program are advised on alternative means of achieving a college education. The MOSAIC Gateway Program is coordinated by Anthony Cordova, Director of MOSAIC (Multicultural Office for Student Access, Inclusiveness and Community). MOSAIC provides support with admission, academic advising, mentoring, and college transition for all students. MOSAIC reaches out particularly to students who are ethnically diverse, LGBTQ, first generation, non-traditional, or face other challenges. High school principals, counselors, teachers and others mentors are encouraged to refer and recommend appropriate students for the MOSAIC Gateway Program by contacting Anthony Cordova, acordova@uccs.edu. Pre-Collegiate Development Program 719-255-3239 Main Hall 303 Assists in preparation of under-repre­sented and first generation college stu­dents (grades 9-12) to be com­pet­itive for entrance to the college. Public Safety 719-255-3111 Parking Garage/Public Safety, 104 The University Department of Public Safety is a full service agency. The officers of the department are certi­fied, commissioned police officers for the State of Colorado. Liability Limitation: The University does not provide medical support or pay ex­penses for students who are injured or become sick on campus. Should you become involved in a traffic accident on campus, Do Not move your vehicle. Call the University Department of Public Safety immedi­ately. If you witness a crime, contact the Univer­sity Department of Public Safety. If at all possible, the inform­ation you supply will be kept confi­ dential. There are times when a very small amount of information can be of considerable assistance in helping the victim. Report all crimes immediately upon discov­ery. The sooner the police are aware of the crime, the better the chance of recovering property and/or apprehending the perpe­trator. Should you become the victim of a sexual assault, report it immediately. Be confident that your case will be handled in a sensitive, discreet, and confidential manner. The University Department of Public Safety will assist you in any way it can. If for any reason you are appre­hensive about going to your vehicle, call the Department of Public Safety for an escort. If you see a safety problem on cam­pus, report it to the Public Safety Office. 25 student resources The Department of Public Safety maintains a Daily Crime/Fire Log. This daily log includes all criminal incidents and alleged criminal incidents that were reported to the UCCS Police Department. The daily log also includes reported fires that occurred within on-campus student housing facilities. The log can be viewed at: www.uccs.edu/pusafety/police/blotter. Campus Safety Information The University of Colorado Colorado Springs annually publishes the Campus Safety and Security & Fire Safety Report. This report contains a summary of: campus crime statistics, responsibilities to report, campus safety programs and other safety information. Additionally, pursuant to C.R.S. 18-3-412.5, the report contains information regarding persons who are required by Colorado Law to register as sex offenders. The Fire Safety Report includes information about Housing fire notifications, fire statistics, drills and evacuation procedures, fire alarm systems and fire education and training. This report can be read in full on the internet at: http://www.uccs.edu/asr/index.html. If you cannot access the report on the internet, please call Campus Police at 255-3111 to request a printed copy be sent to you. The Department of Public Safety can supply statistical information for research, general information or some­one to speak to your group. If you would like to know more about law enforcement and its career oppor­tunities, contact the Depar­t­ment of Public Safety. Drive safely, courteously and have a safe semester at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs. Student Health Center 719-255-4444 Parking Garage/ Public Safety 109 The Student Health Center provides convenient and affordable access to quality medical care for students. Appointments are recommended. The clinic is located on the east side of the Parking Ga­rage complex. Infor­mation is also avail­able at www.uccs.edu/shc. Both FULL time and PART time students are welcome at the Student Health Center. Students do NOT need to have medical insurance to be seen for an appointment. The Health Center is a fee-for-service clinic, payable with cash, check, and credit cards. The charge for each appointment will be based on the procedures and diagnosis. The clinic’s medical staff consists of a physician, nurse practitioners and other qualified health professionals The clinic hours are Monday through Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm and closed on holidays. Many professional services are provided including evaluations and treatment of illnesses, health problems and injuries, immunizations and preventative visits such as physicals and well women exams, just to name a few. Limited discount-priced medications and labs are also available on-site for patients seen at the clinic. For additional information or to schedule an appointment, please call or stop by. Student Life and Leadership (SLL) 719-255-3470 University Center 102 The Student Life and Leadership Office, located on the first level of the University Center, is your doorway to campus life. Involvement in sponsored activities provides for personal growth, leadership development, lifelong friendships, chances to develop new skills, and opportunities to have fun. The SLL office publishes the weekly Clyde’s Commons newsletter and serves as the administrative hub for the following areas: 26 Office of Student Activities (OSA) The Office of Student Activities (OSA) provides over 200 events per year which includes traditional programs like Disorientation Week, Homecoming, Roar Daze, concerts, speakers, and educational programs for the campus community. Combined with a wide variety of weekend programs, OSA seeks to meet the unique interests of our diverse student body. Student Government Association The Student Government Association is a student-led organization, representing and advocating for all UCCS students. They promote the overall welfare of the student body through advocacy and opportunities for student engagement. SGA strives to promote community by fostering a sense of pride through accountability and by providing an enriching university experience for all students. Student Clubs and Organizations With over 200 student-led clubs and organizations, there are a variety of ways to get involved on campus, meet people, and develop leadership skills. Students interested in media can work with the Scribe Student Newspaper or the UCCS Radio Station. From Greek Life to any number of interest groups, there is an option for everyone. Student Success Center 719-255-3260 Main Hall, 2nd Floor The Student Success Center is a one stop location where students can talk to an academic advisor, check on their degree progress, or access a wide variety of other services designed to help students be successful. Our office is open on Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Academic Advising 719-255-3260 Main Hall, 2nd Floor www.uccs.edu/ssc Advising is available for all undergraduate students. Appointments are recommended - please call 719-255-3260 to schedule. Walk-in hours for quick questions are offered weekly and are posted on our website:, http://www.uccs.edu/ssc. Orientation Pro­grams 719-255-3098 Main Hall, 2nd Floor Informative orientation/advising sessions, required for all new freshmen and transfer students, are held before the begin­ning of each semester. Please call for dates and locations, or check the web at http://www.uccs.edu/orientation. Information will be mailed to all new stu­dents. Degree Audit Report 719-255-3260 Main Hall, 2ndFloor A degree audit report provides current information as to a student’s aca­demic status: requirements to be com­pleted and requirements remaining. Available from the UCCS Student Portal through DARS. Math Placement Test The Math Placement Test is used to determine placement into the appropriate math class. The exam is offered online and the cost is nominal. Information and directions to take the Math Placement Test can be found on the Math Department’s website at www.uccs.edu/math. Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs student resources Prospective Students www.uccs.edu/futurestudents The Office of Student Recruitment and Admissions Counseling is happy to answer your questions about becoming a student at UCCS. We work with all high school and college transfer students. Our office is located in Cragmor Hall, Room 001. Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm. If you have questions call 719-255-3084 or 1-800-990-8227 extension 3084. UCCS Online Radio Radio@uccs.edu University Center The UCCS online radio airs student, staff, and faculty programs that showcase all areas of University life 24/7. Shows feature breaking campus news, sports events and interviews, individual college programs, concerts, University resource information, club highlights, and the latest musical hits. Facebook: UCCS Radio, Twitter: UCCS Online Radio. Email: radio@uccs.edu. University Center 719-255-3450 The University Center is the main gath­ering place for the campus: fostering a sense of community among the students, faculty, staff, alumni and community. The University Center is designed and maintained to provide a com­fortable and relaxing environment that facilitates the delivery of services, programs and special events. The University Center provides for a variety of cultural, recreational and educational needs. This multi-purpose facility contains lounge and study ar­eas, the Overlook Café, Jazzman’s Coffee, Clyde’s, meet­ ing rooms, Student Government offices, the commuter lounge, a game room, the office of Student Multicultural Affairs, the Information Desk, the UCCS Bookstore, and the Copy Center. Visit us at http://www.uccs.edu/uc. University Counseling Center 719-255-3265 Main Hall 324 counsel@uccs.edu The University Counseling Center (UCC) helps UCCS students address personal issues, relationship issues, and issues about career decisions. When encountered, such problems may get in the way of academic achievement and overall wellbeing. The UCC targets these issues through short-term psychotherapy interventions. The UCC provides the following: 1. Individual, couples, family and group counseling to help students address mental health related issues experienced while enrolled at the university. 2. Workshops and presentations to address various mental healthrelated topics like stress behaviors, sexual abuse and domestic violence, alcohol and substance abuse and academic issues such as study skills, stress management skills, time management and test anxiety. 3. Psychological and neuropsychological testing services are initiated to help identify conditions that may get in the way of academic success through the use of clinical and objective tests. The results are discussed both in person and in a comprehensive report that includes summary of gathered data through clinical interviews, test results, full interpretation of test results, formal diagnoses, and recommendations. University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 4. Consultation services for faculty, staff and students to help with mental health-related challenges and questions they may have. For information regarding services, costs and scheduling, please call 719-255-3265. University Testing Center 719-255-3354 Main Hall 105 Testing includes: •American College Test (ACT) Resid­ual: an entrance exam for undergradu­ates. The results are valid for admis­sion to the CU system only. Cost is $50. •Correspondence exams - Cost $20/exam. •Graduate Record Exams (GRE) - subject based only. An entrance exam for graduate programs. Visit www.gre.org to register and pay. •Miller Analogy Test (MAT) - an entrance exam for graduate programs. Cost is $80. •Reasoning Skills Test: an exam used to satisfy the LAS Quantitative and Quali­tative Reasoning Skills Require­ments. Cost is $20. For information, costs, and scheduling, please call 719-255-3354. Veteran and Military Student Affairs and UCCS Veterans Resource Center, Office of 719-255-3253 Forster House The Office of Veterans and Military Student Affairs (OVMSA) assists veterans and others eligible for Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) education benefits. The office is supervised by the university and bound to complete documentation and maintain records according to the guidelines of the DVA and the Colorado State Approving Agency for Veterans Education and Training. Veteran Education Ben­efits Chapters 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 901, 1606 and 1607: The veteran must establish eligibility for educational benefits from the DVA by filing the appropriate paperwork at this office and through the DVA’s website at www.gibill.va.gov. The student must be registered in classes before the term census date before this office can certify any classes to the DVA. Procedures For those enrolling at UCCS for the first time using VA education benefits, please attend a veteran/military orientation, visit the Forster Veteran Resource Center, or call our office as soon as possible to begin the process of starting your benefits. After registration each semester, the student must submit a Course Load Worksheet to the OVMSA for review in order for the certification to be processed by the DVA. Any changes in course load (i.e., adds, drops, withdrawals) must be reported to the OVMSA. Dependent Education Assistance Act, Chapter 35 Students between the ages of 18 and 26 who are eligible for educational benefits because of the death of a parent during active military duty or because of service-connected disability rated by the DVA as 100% permanent and total should file appropriate forms with the DVA according to the preceding paragraphs. The registration procedure is also the same as described above. 27 University policies Affirmative Action The University of Colorado Colorado Springs follows a policy of equal opportu­nity in education and em­­ployment. In pur­suance of this policy, no campus depart­ment, unit, discipline, or employee shall discri­minate against an individual or group on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, individual handicap, or veteran status. Under Colorado state law, sexual orientation includes a person’s orientation toward heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, or transgender status.This policy applies to all areas of the University affecting pre­sent and pros­pective students or employees. The institution’s educational programs, activities, and services offered to stu­dents and/or employees are non‑discrimin­atory and consis­tent with State Affirmative Action guide­lines, as well as with Federal laws and orders. For information about these provi­sions on equity, discrimination, or fairness, as well as internal and external complaint proce­dures, con­ tact the Director of Student Enrichment Services, Room 318, Main Hall or call 719-255‑3359. UCCS Affirmative Action/Equal Oppor­tunity Policy Statement The University of Colorado Colorado Springs is committed to creating and main­taining a work and study envi­ronment for faculty, staff, and students that does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, political affiliation, na­tional origin, individual handi­cap, sexual orientation, or veteran status. All employ­ees, faculty and students must be allowed to work, study and teach in an environment that is free of un­wanted sexual over­tures which undermine the integrity of employ­ment, teaching, and faculty‑student rela­tionships. The University of Colorado Colorado Springs is as a matter of princi­ple and legally committed to the cause and spirit of affirmative action and equal oppor­tunity. As Chancellor, I wish to emphasize my professional and personal commitment in assuring that the implementation of affirmative action programs thus yield positive, tangible results at CU Colorado Springs. Effective implementation requires the involvement, participation, and support of all segments of the Univer­sity. Positive, good faith efforts will be required of everyone, but particularly of those individuals who are responsible for recruiting, hiring, evaluating, and promoting others. Perfor­mance in this area will be an impor­tant element in the evaluation of all campus administrators and super­ vi­sors. The Direc­tor of Student Enrichment Services is avail­able to assist all employees, faculty, and students in this impor­tant area. Colorado Rioting Act No person who is convicted of a riot of­fense shall be enrolled in a state-sup­ported institution of higher education for a period of twelve months following the date of conviction. A student who is enrolled in a state-sup­ported institution of higher education and who is convicted of a riot offense shall be immediately suspended from the institution upon the institu­ tion’s notification of such conviction for a period of twelve months following the date of conviction; except that if a student has been suspended prior to the date of con­viction by the state-suppor­ ted institution of higher education for the same riot activity, the twelve month suspension shall run from the start of the suspension 28 im­posed by the institution. Nothing in this section shall be con­ strued to prohibit a state-supported institution of higher education from implementing its own policies and procedures or disciplin­ary actions, in addition to the suspension regarding students involved in riots stipu­lated above. (Colorado Revised Statutes, 23-5-124). Drugs and Alcohol In compliance with the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act, the Uni­versity of Colorado Colorado Sprin­gs prohibits the unlawful manu­facture, distribution, dispen­sation, posses­sion, or use of a con­trolled sub­stance, or of illicit drugs and alcohol, on university property or as part of any university activity. This prohibition applies to all students and to all employees. Any employee (including student employees) who act in violation of the above policy also results in a conviction under a crimi­nal drug statute must report the conviction in writing to the employee’s departmental supervisor within five days. The University, in turn, may be obliged by law to report certain con­victions to the federal govern­ment. The University, through regulated law, established governance commit­tees, pro­cedures, and state laws and policies, will impose sanctions for violation of this pol­icy, which may in­clude but is not limited to manda­tory participation in a rehabilitation program, or disciplinary action such as reprimand, suspension,alary reduction, demotion, or termination of employment for em­ployees, and for students a warning, probation, sus­pension, ineligibility for financial assistance, expulsion from uni­versity hous­ing, or dismissal or expulsion from the University itself. Many of the Acts which violate this policy also violate criminal law and must be re­ferred for prosecution. In such cases law enforcement authori­ties may administer a separate penalty such as a fine or impris­onment. For more information, go to: http://www.uccs.edu/~aod/ In addition to the imposition of legal and financial consequences associated with the abuse of drugs and alcohol, the phys­ical and psycho­logical effects of such abuse can have a devastating effect upon the ability to perform phys­ical and intel­lectual skills required of a student or em­ployee. It can also impair the ability to develop and main­tain the interpersonal skills and the working relationships essen­tial to an effective environment. The University of Colorado Colorado Springs provides education, counseling, and referral for rehabili­tative treatment relating to drug and alcohol abuse. Stu­dents should con­tact the Counseling Cen­ter for additional information. Privacy Act - FERPA The University of Colorado Colorado Springs informs students of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974. The University intends to comply fully with the Act, which was designated to protect the privacy of education records, to establish the right of students to inspect the privacy of education records, to establish the right of students to inspect and review their educational records, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data through informal and formal hearings. Students also have the right to file complaints with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Office (FERPA) concerning alleged failures by the institution to comply with the Act. Parents and eligible students who need assistance or who wish to file a complaint under FERPA or PPRA should do so in writing to the Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs University policies Family Policy Compliance Office, sending pertinent information through the mail, concerning any allegations to the following address: Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202 1-800-USA-LEARN (1-800-872-5327) The complete policy can be found in the University library and the Office of the Registrar web site. Information is also published in the Catalog. A directory of records, which lists all education records maintained on students by this institution, may be found in the Office of the Chancellor. The University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) has designated the following as directory information: student name; student address (mailing and permanent); telephone number; campus e-mail address; dates of attendance; previous educational institutions attended; School/College or division of enrollment; majors/minors and field of study; class level; degree(s), honors and awards applied for or conferred (including certificates, thesis and dissertation titles) and dates conferred with location; enrollment status; expected date of completion or graduation in enrolled course of study; student employment; College Opportunity Fund application and authorization status for Colorado residents; past and present participation in officially recognized activities and sports (including height and weight of athletes); and photo of student (Student ID). Although these items are designated by the institution as directory information, only a limited amount of this information is routinely disclosed by UCCS officials and the University retains the discretion to refuse to disclose directory information if it believes such disclosure would be an infringement of your privacy rights. One exception that permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. Examples of a school official is a person employed by the university in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff; a person or company with whom the university has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Regents; reporting to CO Dept of Education, Student Clearinghouse or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her duties. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. Upon request, the university discloses education records without consent to officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. Currently enrolled students may withhold disclosure of directory information under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. To withhold disclosure, written notification must be received in the Office of the Registrar. Forms requesting the withholding of “directory information” are available at the Admissions and Registrar’s Offices. The University of Colorado assumes that failure on the part of any student to request specifically the withholding of “directory information” indicates individual approval for disclosure. Questions concerning the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act may be referred to the Office of the Registrar. University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 Residency Classification For Tuition Purposes A student is classified initially as an in-state or out-of-state registrant for tuition purposes at the time an appli­cation and all supporting credentials have been received in the Office of Admissions and Records. The classifi­cation is based upon informa­tion fur­nished by the student and from other relevant sources. The requirements for establishing resi­dency for tuition purposes are de­fined by law of the State of Colorado (Chapter 23, Article 7, Colorado Revised Statute 1973, as amended). [NOTE: Due to the com­plexity of the statute, detailed information should be obtained directly from the Office of Admissions and Records, 719-255-3361. After the student’s status is determined, it remains unchanged in the absence of satisfactory evidence to the contrary. Classification standards conform to state statutes and judicial decisions and are applicable to all of Colorado’s state‑sup­ported colleges and universities. The student who, due to subsequent events, becomes eligible for a change in classification, whether from out‑of-state or the reverse, has the respon­sibility of in­forming the tuition classi­fication officer, Office of Admissions and Records, after such a change occurs. If an adult student or an eman­cipated minor establishes domi­cile outside of Colo­rado, he/she is to send written notification within five days to the tuition classification officer. Petitioning for Classification Change Any student who is 23 years of age or older, or is an emancipated minor as de­fined by law, is qualified to change his domicile and his or her tuition classi­fica­tion status. Detailed instructions as to the procedure to follow and the neces­sary petition forms are available from the tuition classification officer, University of Colo­rado Colorado Springs, Office of Admis­sions and Records. Classification Notes 1. Petitions will not be acted upon until an application for admission to the Uni­versity and complete supporting cre­dentials have been received. 2. Changes in classification are made effective at the time of the student’s NEXT registration term. 3. A student who willfully gives wrong information to evade pay­ment of the out‑of‑state tuition is subject to legal and disciplinary action. 4. Petitions must be submitted by August 25, 2014 for the fall term. 5. Late petitions will not be consi­dered until the next term. Residency‑Active Duty Military Special rules apply to active duty members of the U.S. and Canadian armed forces who are permanently stationed in Colorado, and their dependents. Military Certification Forms are available at base/post education offices, that once certified, give in-state tuition rates. These students, if undergraduate, also qualify to receive the Colorado College Opportunity Fund (COF) to be applied toward their tuition. Honorably Separated/Retired Military Per House Bill 09-1039, honorably separated or retired military from active duty are eligible to qualify for in-state tuition rates. If this is your first semester, please turn in your DD-214, Member 4, with 29 University policies Character of Service Honorable, along with your Tuition Classification Form. You will need to have your ties, i.e., driver’s license, car registration (pay ownership tax), etc., changed to Colorado. clearly state the University’s expectations for student behavior. Stu­ dents are expected to become familiar with these stan­dards and fully understand their respon­sibility as University community members. Sexual Harassment Policy and Discrimination and Harassment Policy The Standards of Conduct apply to all students at UCCS, regardless of designa­tion, program, or residence. These regula­tions apply primarily to misconduct on University premises; however, off campus violations that may impact the University’s mission fall under the jurisdiction of the Office of the Dean of Students and may lead to disciplinary action. The University of Colorado Colorado Springs is a collegial academic community whose mission requires an open learning and working environment which values and protects individual dignity. The University’s educational process is based upon mutual trust, freedom of inquiry, freedom of expression, and the absence of intimidation and exploitation. As a place of work and study, the University must be free of sexual harassment and discrimination and harassment based on an individual’s Protected Class status. Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when: submission to such conduct is made, either explicitly or implicitly, a term or condition of an individual’s employment, living conditions and/or academic evaluation; submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment or academic decisions affecting such individual; or such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work or academic performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or educational environ-ment. Discrimination occurs when an individual suffers a material adverse consequence on the basis of his or her Protected Class status, and includes harassment based on that status. Any person who desires information, or feels that he/she may have been sexually harassed or discriminated or harassed based on his or her Protected Class status is encouraged to seek advice from the Office of Discrimination and Harassment, Keystone 3107, 719-255-4324. Student Appeals The University has established procedures for students who believe that inappropriate decisions have been made that affect them. Academic issues (for example, grad­uation require­ments or course grades) should be addressed to the office of the dean of the appropriate school/­college. Appeals of administrative actions (for ex­ ample, financial aid awards, or parking tickets) should be directed to the office which made the decision. Allegations of any discrimi­natory prac­tices should be referred to the Office of the Dean of Students. Advice and assistance on appeal procedures is avail­able from the Office of the Dean of Students. Student Conduct The University of Colorado Colorado Springs has established a code of conduct Standards of Conduct to maintain the general welfare of the University commu­nity. The University strives to make the campus community a place of study, work and residence where people are treated with civility, respect and courtesy. Admis­sion to the University carries with it the expectation that students will be respo­ nsible members of the campus community. This includes respecting the personal safety and individual rights of all in the University community, acting in accor­dance with accepted standards of social behavior and abiding by the regulations of the Uni­versity and the laws of the city, state and nation. The Standards of Conduct 30 The Standards of Conduct help to promote a safe and civilized campus environment. All students enrolled at UCCS are required to abide by these stan­dards or they will be subject to discipline. An attempt to commit an act pro­hibited by these standards or attempts to aid, abet or incite others to commit acts are subject to discipline to the same extent as a completed act. Similar stan­dards of con­duct apply to other mem­bers of the Uni­versity community, faculty, staff and visitors. Allegations of any viola­tions should be directed to the office of the Office of the Dean of Students for resolution. The Standards of Conduct docu­ment details the rights and responsibilities of students accused of misconduct as well as victims of alleged student misconduct. Questions regarding behavioral issues should be directed to the Office of the Dean of Students in Main Hall, Third Floor, Room 322, 719-255-3091. See our web page at http://www.uccs.edu/dos/student-conduct.html for more information. Student Right-to-Know As required by the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act, the Uni­versity of Colorado Colorado Springs is complying fully with the pro­visions of this law by informing all currently enrol­led and pro­spective students of the “projected gradu­ation rate” of specific cohorts. The pro­jected completion or grad­uation rates of the cohorts reflects the percentage of stu­dents in the cohort who (1) have already com­pleted or grad­uated from their respec­tive programs, or (2) re-enrolled during the period of July 1 through Sep­tember 16, 2012. http://www.uccs.edu/ir/Data/Students.html Based on the above definition the pro­jected completion rate for: 1999 cohort equals 54% 2000 cohort equals 56% 2001 cohort equals 59% 2002 cohort equals 61% 2003 cohort equals 67% 2004 cohort equals 67% 2005 cohort equals 63% 2006 cohort equals 68% 2007 cohort equals 70% 2008 cohort equals 67% 2009 cohort equals 67% 2010 cohort equals 71% 2011 cohort equals 66% 2012 cohort equals 70% Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs Immunization Information Official Notice For New Students who have not Complied with the Requirement The Colorado Department of Health and Environment requires any student who is enrolled for one or more classes, born January 1, 1957, or later, be immunized against Measles, Mumps and Rubella (German Measles) (MMR), or provide documented proof of immunity. Individuals born before January 1, 1957 are presumed immune and are exempt from the immunization requirement. In order to meet this State Health Dept requirement, four options are available to you: 1)Provide proof of immunity consisting of an official Certificate of Immunization, signed by a physician, nurse, or school health authority, which documents two doses of rubeola measles, mumps, and rubella measles vaccine. A completed immunization certificate must: A) Include month, day and year of vaccination. B) Indicate, when applicable, that the first dose of MMR was administered on or after the first birthday and at least one month apart. C) Include a signature or stamp of a doctor, nurse, or school health authority, official letterhead, or have as an attachment, other signed documents evidencing immunity. Note: Documentation can be obtained from several sources: medical records, former college or high school records, military records, or personal/family (certified) shot records. 2)Blood test results, called “titers” proving immunity to all three diseases (rubeola measles, mumps and rubella measles) are acceptable. Note: The lab tests MUST be shown for all three diseases in order to meet the requirements. 3) Sign a personal, religious, or medical exemption. This option is available for people who are unwilling or unable to provide proof of immunizations. Note: By accepting this option, it is stressed that in the event of an outbreak, the Colorado Depart­ment of Health and Environment may dismiss all students with an exemption from campus for the duration of the outbreak. 4)The MMR immunizations are available for all students at the Student Health Center by appointment, or you may contact your personal health care provider or local Health Department to schedule an appointment to obtain the vaccine. Note: For the students who are unable to acquire any proof of immunization, the immunizations are a series of two shots, thirty days apart. This Certificate of Immunizations form should be completed or a COPY of your two CERTIFIED MMR’s should be mailed or faxed to the Student Health Center prior to, or upon your arrival on campus. Student Health Center Pkg Garage/Pub Safety 109 1420 Austin Bluffs Pkwy Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Phone 719-255-4444 Fax: 719-255-4403 University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 31 MMR Form 32 Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs pre-term courses | fall 2014 Biology BIOL 1010 001 12671 Intro. to Human Biol 08/13/2014 08/19/2014 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B215 Days: WThF Time: 08:30AM-05:00PM Dt: 08/13/2014-08/15/2014 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B215 Days: MTu Time: 08:30AM-05:00PM Dt: 08/18/2014-08/19/2014 Instructor: Huber,Nicole J BIOL 2050 002 12668 Nutrit for Health Sci 08/04/2014 08/08/2014 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: MTuWThF Time: 08:00AM04:30PM Dt: 08/04/2014-08/08/2014 Instructor: Berning,Jacqueline R Combined Section ID: 0003(BIOL 2050/HSCI 2070) Communication COMM 3440 001 12672 Orgl Leadership 08/06/2014 08/16/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 116 Days: W Time: 08:30AM-01:00PM Dt: 08/06/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 116 Days: Th Time: 08:25AM-05:30PM Dt: 08/07/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 116 Days: F Time: 08:30AM-01:00PM Dt: 08/08/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 116 Days: Sa Time: 08:25AM-05:30PM Dt: 08/09/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 116 Days: F Time: 08:30AM-01:00PM Dt: 08/15/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 116 Days: Sa Time: 08:25AM-05:30PM Dt: 08/16/2014 Instructor: Hackman,Michael Zane Meets 8/6, 8/7, 8/8, 8/9, 8/15, and 8/16. COMM 4100 001 12669 Adv Public Spkng 08/11/2014 08/15/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 317 Days: MTuWThF Time: 09:00AM05:30PM Dt: 08/11/2014-08/15/2014 Instructor: Morreale,Sherwyn Peltz Combined Section ID: 0005(COMM 4100/COMM 5100) Meets Mon 8/11, Tues 8/12, Wed 8/13, Thur 8/14, and Fri 8/15. COMM 5100 001 12670 Adv Public Spkng 08/11/2014 08/15/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 317 Days: MTuWThF Time: 09:00AM05:30PM Dt: 08/11/2014-08/15/2014 Instructor: Morreale,Sherwyn Peltz Combined Section ID: 0005(COMM 4100/COMM 5100) Meets Mon 8/11, Tues 8/12, Wed 8/13, Thur 8/14, and Fri 8/15. English ENGL 2080 011 30227 Bus & Admin Writing 08/04/2014 08/15/2014 3 Bldg: Travel Room: COURSE Dt: 08/04/2014-08/15/2014 Instructor: Dalton,Erin ; Trauth,Erin Add Consent : Instructor Consent Required Travel course to Greece. See online Class Search for details on required meetings. Geography and Environ Studies GES 3250 001 29661 Geography of Climate Change 08/11/2014 08/15/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 329 Days: MTuWThF Time: 08:00AM05:00PM Dt: 08/11/2014-08/15/2014 Instructor: Huber,Carole L Jones ; Huber,Thomas Patrick One week course, class meets every day M-F 8/11-8/15. Field trips required. Small fee for bus transportation will be charged. Health Sciences HSCI 1020 050 29982 Personal Fitness & Wellness 08/04/2014 08/08/2014 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 317 Days: MTuWThF Time: 02:30PM05:30PM Dt: 08/04/2014-08/08/2014 Instructor: Staff HSCI 2070 002 12667 Nutrition for Health Professionals 08/04/2014 08/08/2014 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: MTuWThF Time: 08:00AM04:30PM Dt: 08/04/2014-08/08/2014 Instructor: Berning,Jacqueline R Combined Section ID: 0003(BIOL 2050/HSCI 2070) HSCI 3280 001 12662 Herbal/ Dietary Suppl 08/04/2014 08/08/2014 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 216 Days: MTuWThF Time: 08:00AM04:30PM Dt: 08/04/2014-08/08/2014 Instructor: Harris,Margaret HSCI 4090 001 12676 Food/Culture/Community/Health 08/11/2014 08/15/2014 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 317 Days: MTuWThF Time: 08:30AM05:00PM Dt: 08/11/2014-08/15/2014 Instructor: Meyer,Nanna ; Rice-Jones,Judith Ann Combined Section ID: 0006(HSCI 4090/HSCI 6140) HSCI 4740 001 12663 Aging Physical Activity & Health 08/11/2014 08/15/2014 3 Bldg: Lane Center Room: 120 Days: MTuWThF Time: 08:00AM04:30PM Dt: 08/11/2014-08/15/2014 Instructor: LeCompte,Denise Michelle Combined Section ID: 0002(HSCI 4740/HSCI 6740) HSCI 6140 001 12677 Food/Culture/Community/Health 08/11/2014 08/15/2014 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 317 Days: MTuWThF Time: 08:30AM05:00PM Dt: 08/11/2014-08/15/2014 Instructor: Meyer,Nanna ; Rice-Jones,Judith Ann Combined Section ID: 0006(HSCI 4090/HSCI 6140) HSCI 6740 001 12664 Aging Physical Activity & Health 08/11/2014 08/15/2014 3 Bldg: Lane Center Room: 120 Days: MTuWThF Time: 08:00AM04:30PM Dt: 08/11/2014-08/15/2014 Instructor: LeCompte,Denise Michelle Combined Section ID: 0002(HSCI 4740/HSCI 6740) Nursing NURS 2990 001 12665 Basic Clinical Practicum 08/04/2014 08/08/2014 1 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: MTuWThF Time: 06:45AM-03:30PM Dt: 08/04/2014-08/08/2014 Instructor: Davis,Susan Elizabeth Combined Section ID: 0004(NURS 2990/NURS 3990) Meets 8/04/14-8/08/14. PASS/FAIL. NURS 3990 001 12666 Clinical Practicum 08/04/2014 08/08/2014 1 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: MTuWThF Time: 06:45AM-03:30PM Dt: 08/04/2014-08/08/2014 Instructor: Davis,Susan Elizabeth Combined Section ID: 0004(NURS 2990/NURS 3990) Meets 8/04/14-8/08/14. PASS/FAIL. Professional Golf Management PGMT 3212 001 33988 Advanced Golf Instruction Part 2 08/03/2014 08/07/2014 1 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 101 Days: MTuWThSu Time: 08:00AM06:00PM Dt: 08/03/2014-08/07/2014 Instructor: Sutherland,Mollie G HSCI 1020 002 12510 Personal Fitness & Wellness 08/04/2014 08/08/2014 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 317 Days: MTuWThF Time: 08:00AM02:30PM Dt: 08/04/2014-08/08/2014 Instructor: Staff Students enrolling in HSCI 1020 section 002 must also enroll in the recitation section 050. University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 33 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ADMINISTRATION (BU) & GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (BG) MBA Advisors are located in Dwire Hall, Room 333, Phone 719-255-3408 Undergraduate Advisors are located in the Student Success Center, Second Floor, Main Hall, Room 208, 719-255-3260 General Information The academic policies, rules, and regulations of the College of Business and the University of Colorado Colorado Springs are printed in the Academic Catalog. ALL STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR KNOWING AND FOLLOWING THE PROVISIONS SET FORTH IN THE ACADEMIC CATALOG AND IN THIS REGISTRATION HANDBOOK. These rules and regulations are subject to change. Any questions concerning these provisions are to be directed to the MBA Advising Office (graduate students) or the Student Success Center (undergraduate students) or the CoB Program Director, Undergraduate Programs (undergraduate students). The College cannot assume responsibility for problems resulting from the failure of a student to follow the policies stated in the Academic Catalog or from inaccurate information given by someone other than an appropriate staff member of the College. THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS EN­FORCES DEADLINES AND COURSE PREREQUISITES. College of Business Areas of Emphasis Undergraduate Graduate Accounting X X Business Administration X Finance X X General X Health Care Administration X Human Resource Management X Information Systems X Innovation Management X International Business X X Management X X Marketing X X Operations Management X Project Management X Service Management X Sport Management X X Option: PGA Golf Management X A student’s business program/catalog year is the one in effect at the time of a student’s most recent admission to UCCS College of Business or to LAS Pre-Business. Transfer students from Colorado Community Colleges may follow the graduation requirements in effect during the academic year the student began their study at the community college if they complete the AA Business Option (restrictions apply, please see UCCS Student Success Center). All others are evaluated on a case by case basis. The student bears primary responsibility for the fulfillment of degree requirements. Administrative Drops Business faculty or the dean MAY drop students for lacking proper course prerequisites and/­or class standing. Business faculty also may drop students who do not attend the first class without prior 34 permission from the instructor. This policy allows the adding of waitlisted students who attend the first class. Course Fees All students taking courses in the College of Business will pay a technology fee based upon the course subject heading. For Information Systems (INFS) and Quantitative Studies (QUAN) courses, the fee will be $15 per semester hour. For all other College of Business courses, the fee will be $5 per semester hour. Online business courses require a $100 fee. The maximum fee charged to a student for all College of Business courses taken in a semester is $120 except for PGMT and distance online courses. Graduating Students All students graduating from either the undergraduate or MBA program must contact the appropriate College of Business advising office for a complete academic evaluation (senior/MBA grad­uation audit) DURING THE SEMESTER PRIOR TO THEIR FINAL SEMESTER. Incomplete Grades Incomplete Grades (I’s) are appropriate for students who have completed a substantial portion of the semester but who then become ill or encounter other documentable extenuating circumstances beyond their control that prevent them from completing their coursework. Instructors have sole discretion to award a grade of I. The purpose of an I is to allow students to make up missing work or exams; therefore, a student must meet with his/her instructor to develop a plan for completion. Students may not attend any part of the course a second time, unless they register and pay for the course. To resolve an I, the student must complete the specified work by the specified deadline. In all cases where an I is not remedied, the I grade automatically converts to an F on the student’s permanent record one calendar year after award of the I. The student is responsible to ensure that incomplete grades are remedied at least four weeks prior to his/her scheduled graduation date. Pass/Fail Course Registration With the exception of BUAD 3010, 3020, 3030, internships numbered 4960 and 6960, and certain experimental courses, CoB students may not use courses taken on a pass/fail basis to satisfy required courses. Only open electives may be taken on a pass/fail basis and applied toward the undergraduate degree. No pass/fail courses may be taken and applied toward the Graduate degree program. Pass/Fail determination must be made within university deadlines and is irreversible. Undergraduate Undergraduate Standards of Performance Students are held to basic standards of performance established for their classes with respect to attendance, active participation in course work, promptness in completion of assignments, correct English usage both in writing and in speaking, accuracy in calculations, and general quality of scholastic workmanship. In general, examinations and scholarly papers are required in all courses and for all students. To be in good standing, (i.e.: not on probation) a minimum scholastic cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 is required for all coursework attempted, a 2.0 GPA for all business courses, and a 2.0 GPA for each semester. Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs business | fall 2014 attempted. These GPA requirements apply to work attempted at all University of Colorado (CU GPA) campuses. Remedial course work is not included in the overall average. Students are responsible for being aware of their academic standing at all times; late posting of grades and/or late notification by the College does not waive this responsibility. Course Eligibility - Prerequisites, as listed for individual courses in the Course Description section of the current Academic Catalog or Schedule of Courses, are enforced for all students, including nonbusiness students. In addition, it is expected for CoB students that all Skills Courses must be completed (with a grade of C- or better) prior to enrolling in the Junior Core and Emphasis classes. Priority for registration in business classes is given to business degree students. If you are uncertain about your eligibility for enrollment in a business course, contact the Student Success Center at 719-255-3260. Intra-university Transfer - Students who wish to transfer to the College of Business from another degree program at UCCS must submit an application in the Student Success Center upon completion of at least 15 semester hours of graded work on campus with a 2.7 cumulative CU GPA and with at least C- or better grades in Engl 1310 and Math 1040/1120; those with a GPA between 2.50 and 2.69 will be reviewed by the Business Admissions Committee. A minimum of 30 hours of business course work must be completed after admission to the College of Business including 18 hours in the area of emphasis and BUAD 4000 & 4500. Coursework taken prior to admission to the College will not be accepted toward area of emphasis requirements, nor are pre-Business (PRBU) students in the College of Letters, Arts & Sciences (LAS) permitted to enroll in any business courses 2020 or higher (except for MKTG 3000 and MGMT 3300). * Furthermore, declaration as a PRBU major does not guarantee transfer into the College of Business or application of any business credits earned while a LAS student. Non-degree students may enroll in upper division courses only with the permission of the Program Director, Undergraduate Programs for the College of Business. Repeating Courses (Undergraduate Office for undergraduate students or the MBA Office for graduate students) for final appproval and course processing. The Professional Program The Professional Program begins in the junior year and allows students to begin focused study in their chosen discipline. CoB students declare an Area of Emphasis (concentration) for their academic degree requirement and must follow the sequence of courses listed in the Model Degree Plan for their catalog year of acceptance. It is expected for CoB students that all Skills Courses must be completed (with a grade of C- or better) prior to enrolling in the Junior Core and Emphasis classes. ALL prerequisites will be enforced for ALL College of Business Courses. In order to graduate with a Professional Program Area of Emphasis, students must maintain the following criteria: • 2.0 cumulative GPA • 2.5 College of Business GPA • 2.5 Area of Emphasis GPA Students not meeting these requirements will not be permitted to graduate with a Professional Program Area of Emphasis, but will receive a Bachelor of Science in Business degree provided that their CU GPA and Business GPA are at least a 2.0. Graduate Course Eligibility - Students must be officially admitted to the MBA program or to another UCCS graduate program to register for 5000 or 6000 level courses. Those students who already have a Masters or a Ph.D. degree should consult with the College of Business MBA advising office to determine their eligibility for graduate level course work. MBA Foundation Requirements The College of Business provides the following series of business courses as required foundation courses for graduate study in business. These courses may be waived on a course-by-course basis by prior academic course work at the discretion of the MBA advising office. ACCT 5500 3.0 Introduction to Accounting BUAD 5500 3.0 Fundamentals of Economics BUAD 5600 3.0 Business, Government and Society QUAN 5500 3.0 Fundamentals of Business Statistics Repetition of College of Business coursework is permitted only with prior permission from the College. The repetition of coursework at other institutions will be permitted subject to receiving prior CoB approval and University transfer approval requirements. Area of emphasis, skills, junior core, and senior capstone courses must be completed with a grade of C- or higher; all repeated work grades do not replace prior grades but will be averaged into the student GPA. The determination of which (if any) of these foundation courses are required is made when the student meets with an MBA advisor at the time of his/her admission to the MBA program. Transfer Students Repeating Courses CoB transfer students must meet all requirements for admission to UCCS. For a detailed explanation of transfer student admission, requirements, and policies, please see the current Academic Catalog. Independent Study Students who wish to pursue a topic of interest in greater depth than that offered in the classroom may register for independent study courses with the approval of the program director and course instructor. Prior to registering for an independent study, the student must meet with the appropriate faculty member to design the independent study project and complete the independent study form. The form should then be returned to the program director. University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 Any grade below C (2.0) is not a passing grade for graduate students. A student may repeat a course once for which he or she has received a grade below C. Both the original grade and the grade for the repeated course count in the computation of the grade point average which is used to satisfy graduation requirements. All work attempted will appear on permanent records. Statement of Academic Standards To be in good standing, MBA students must have an overall grade point average of not less than 3.0 for degree program and degree program foundation course work attempted. Any individual grade below C (2.0) is not a passing grade for graduate students. See the Academic Catalog for more detailed information. 35 BUSINESS | fall 2014 College of Business Internships: Consent of College of Business Director of Placement is required. Refer to Director of Placement in Dwire 301. Please contact Business Career and Placement Center for more information. ACCT 4220 001 10305 Corp & Partnership Tax 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 101 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Sonnier,Blaise M Combined Section ID: 0011(ACCT 4220/ACCT 6720) Online Course Fee: $100 online course fee required. Online students are required to fulfill the technology requirement for online studies: http://www.uccs.edu/online/Current-Student/Technical Requirements.html. ACCT 4510 001 11634 Accounting Ethics & Institutns 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 101 Days: W Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Johnson,Robert Combined Section ID: 0219(ACCT 4510/ACCT 6510) ** For PC users, Office 2010 is required. For MAC users, Office 2011 is required. ACCT 4600 001 29430 Auditing 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 104 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Mc Allister,Brian Patrick Combined Section ID: 0366(ACCT 4600/ACCT 6600) Accounting ACCT 2010 001 11544 Intro to Financial Accounting 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 104 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Mc Allister,Brian Patrick ACCT 2010 002 10296 Intro to Financial Accounting 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 103 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Belger,Diane ACCT 2010 003 10297 Intro to Financial Accounting 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 103 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Belger,Diane ACCT 2010 004 11699 Intro to Financial Accounting 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 104 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Belger,Diane ACCT 2010 005 11929 Intro to Financial Accounting 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 101 Days: F Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Xu,Yang ACCT 2010 006 12032 Intro to Financial Accounting 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 101 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Xu,Yang ACCT 2020 001 10298 Intro to Managerial Accounting 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 101 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Trumpfheller,Sheri Lynn ACCT 2020 002 10005 Intro to Managerial Accounting 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 104 Days: F Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Trumpfheller,Sheri Lynn ACCT 2020 003 10299 Intro to Managerial Accounting 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 103 Days: W Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: di Stasio,John ACCT 2020 004 12067 Intro to Managerial Accounting 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 201 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: di Stasio,John ACCT 3010 001 10300 Intermediate Accounting I 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 101 Days: Tu Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Trumpfheller,Sheri Lynn ACCT 3010 002 10301 Intermediate Accounting I 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 201 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Xu,Yang ACCT 3020 001 10302 Intermediate Accounting II 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 104 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Trumpfheller,Sheri Lynn ACCT 3110 001 10303 Cost Accounting 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 103 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Zahller,Kimberly A ACCT 4210 001 10304 Individual Income Tax 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 103 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Sonnier,Blaise M Combined Section ID: 0010(ACCT 4210/ACCT 6710) 36 ACCT 4620 001 11822 Advanced Auditing 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 331 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Wilcox,Kirkland A Combined Section ID: 0250(ACCT 4620/ACCT 6620) ACCT Internship in Accounting 1 - 3 ACCT 4960 001 10306 Instructor: Trumpfheller,Sheri Lynn ACCT 4960 002 11982 Instructor: Leupp,David Gene ACCT 5500 001 10307 Introduction to Accounting 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 201 Days: W Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Green,Steve G ACCT 6100 001 10308 Accounting for Decision Making 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 101 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Zahller,Kimberly A ACCT 6510 001 11635 Acct. Ethics & Institutions 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 101 Days: W Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Johnson,Robert Combined Section ID: 0219(ACCT 4510/ACCT 6510) ACCT 6600 001 29431 Auditing 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 104 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Mc Allister,Brian Patrick Combined Section ID: 0366(ACCT 4600/ACCT 6600) ACCT 6620 001 11823 Advanced Auditing 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 331 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Wilcox,Kirkland A Combined Section ID: 0250(ACCT 4620/ACCT 6620) ACCT 6710 001 10310 Individual Income Tax 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 103 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Sonnier,Blaise M Combined Section ID: 0010(ACCT 4210/ACCT 6710) ACCT 6720 001 10313 Corporate and Partnership Tax 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 101 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Sonnier,Blaise M Combined Section ID: 0011(ACCT 4220/ACCT 6720) ACCT 6960 001 10316 Internship in Accounting 1 - 3 Instructor: Trumpfheller,Sheri Lynn Add Consent : Department Consent Required ACCT 6960 002 11991 Internship in Accounting 1 - 3 Instructor: Leupp,David Gene Add Consent : Department Consent Required Business Administration BUAD 1000 001 10331 Introduction to Business 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 201 Days: Th Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Thirion,Rodney Stephen BUAD 1000 002 10333 Introduction to Business 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 103 Days: M Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Van Ness,Scott Michael Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs business | fall 2014 BUAD 1000 003 11958 Introduction to Business 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 104 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Staff BUAD 4000 003 11879 Government, Law & Society 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 201 Days: F Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Curcio,James Anthony BUAD 1010 001 12584 Build Success in Bus 08/25/2014 11/10/2014 1 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: Th Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Dt: 08/25/2014-11/10/2014 Instructor: Staff **INTENSIVE COURSE** BUAD 4000 010 29433 Government, Law & Society Recitation 0 Instructor: Bluhm,Dustin J BUAD 3000 001 10334 Integrated Skills for Mgmt 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 103 Days: M Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Hirschfeld,Robert Roy BUAD 3000 002 10335 Integrated Skills for Mgmt 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 103 Days: Tu Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Tomlin,Kathleen BUAD 3000 003 10337 Integrated Skills for Mgmt 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 103 Days: Th Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Schlabs,Gregory R BUAD 3000 010 11824 Integrated Skills for Mgmt Recitation 0 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff BUAD 3000 020 11825 Integrated Skills for Mgmt Recitation 0 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff BUAD 3000 OL1 11636 Integrated Skills for Mgmt 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Hirschfeld,Robert Roy Students in OL1 must also enroll in one of the recitations, 010 or 020. BUAD 3010 001 12568 Career Strength Assessment 09/05/2014 09/13/2014 1 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: F Time: 05:00PM-08:30PM Dt: 09/05/2014-09/12/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: Sa Time: 09:00AM-12:30PM Dt: 09/06/2014-09/13/2014 Instructor: Von Breton,Sally **INTENSIVE COURSE** BUAD 3020 001 12569 Resume Writ/Intervw 09/26/2014 10/04/2014 1 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: F Time: 05:00PM-08:30PM Dt: 09/26/2014-10/03/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: Sa Time: 09:00AM-12:30PM Dt: 09/27/2014-10/04/2014 Instructor: Von Breton,Sally **INTENSIVE COURSE** BUAD 3020 002 12585 Resume Writ/Intervw 10/17/2014 10/25/2014 1 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: F Time: 05:00PM-08:30PM Dt: 10/17/2014-10/24/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: Sa Time: 09:00AM-12:30PM Dt: 10/18/2014-10/25/2014 Instructor: Von Breton,Sally **INTENSIVE COURSE** BUAD 3030 001 12570 Career Success: Image & Impact 11/07/2014 11/15/2014 1 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: F Time: 05:00PM-08:30PM Dt: 11/07/2014-11/14/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: Sa Time: 09:00AM-12:30PM Dt: 11/08/2014-11/15/2014 Instructor: Staff **INTENSIVE COURSE** BUAD 4000 001 10338 Government, Law & Society 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 104 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Bluhm,Dustin J BUAD 4000 002 10339 Government, Law & Society 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 104 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Bluhm,Dustin J University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 BUAD 4000 OL1 12068 Government, Law & Society 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Bluhm,Dustin J BUAD 4500 001 10340 Cases & Concepts in Bus Policy 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 101 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Van Scotter,James Robert BUAD 4500 002 10341 Cases & Concepts in Bus Policy 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 101 Days: Th Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Olson,Eric M BUAD 4500 003 11545 Cases & Concepts in Bus Policy 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 101 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Olson,Eric M BUAD 4500 010 12070 Cases & Concepts in Bus Policy Recitation 0 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Snow,Melinda BUAD 4500 020 12071 Cases & Concepts in Bus Policy Recitation 0 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Snow,Melinda BUAD 4500 OL1 12069 Cases & Concepts in Bus Policy 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Olson,Eric M Students in OL1 must also enroll in one of the recitations, 010 or 020. BUAD 4950 001 11826 Tpcs in Bus 3 Ethics in Org Decision Making Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 201 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Stringer,Gordon Michael Combined Section ID: 0251(BUAD 4950/FNCE 4590) BUAD 4960 Internship in General Business 1 - 3 BUAD 4960 001 10342 Instructor: Trumpfheller,Sheri Lynn BUAD 4960 002 11983 Instructor: Leupp,David Gene BUAD 5500 001 11661 Fundamentals of Economics 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 101 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: DeBoer,Dale R BUAD 6500 001 10344 Strategic Management 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: W Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Van Scotter,James Robert BUAD 6610 001 29434 Man Innov for Strategic Adv 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 101 Days: M Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Stock,Gregory N BUAD 6960 001 11619 Internship in General Business 1 - 3 Instructor: Trumpfheller,Sheri Lynn Add Consent : Department Consent Required BUAD 6960 002 11990 Internship in General Business 1 - 3 Instructor: Leupp,David Gene Add Consent : Department Consent Required Business Law BLAW 2000 001 10346 Business Law 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 121 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: LaRivee,Marianne Owens BLAW 2000 002 10347 Business Law 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 101 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: LaRivee,Marianne Owens 37 BUSINESS | fall 2014 BLAW 2000 003 10348 Business Law 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 121 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Keyser,Robert Bruce FNCE 4000 001 10616 Advanced Corporate Finance 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: M Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Woodward,George A BLAW 2010 001 10395 Bus/Intellectual Property Law 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 192 Days: MW Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Lewis,Rory A FNCE 4100 001 10617 Cases and Concepts in Finance 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 104 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Crowley,Frederick D Entreprenuership FNCE 4200 001 10618 Investment & Portfolio Mgmt 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 101 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Crowley,Frederick D ENTP 1000 001 10349 Intro to Entrepreneurshp 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A206 Days: M Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Stiles,Colleen Lynne ; Aquin,Victoria ENTP 1000 002 10350 Intro to Entrepreneurshp 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A206 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Stiles,Colleen Lynne ; Metzger,Matthew Lee ENTP 1000 003 11504 Intro to Entrepreneurshp 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A206 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Metzger,Matthew Lee ; Chassels,Angus McNab ENTP 1000 004 11900 Intro to Entrepreneurshp 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A206 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Stiles,Colleen Lynne ; Aquin,Victoria ENTP 3000 001 11594 Principles of Entrepreneurship 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 104 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Duening,Thomas N ENTP 3000 010 12072 Principles of Entrepreneurship Recitation 0 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff ENTP 3000 020 12073 Principles of Entrepreneurship Recitation 0 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff ENTP 3000 OL1 11902 Principles of Entrepreneurship 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Duening,Thomas N Finance FNCE 1200 001 11434 Personal Financial Planning 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 121 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Book,Robert Lansing FNCE 3050 001 11829 Basic Finance 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 201 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Stringer,Gordon Michael FNCE 3050 002 11830 Basic Finance 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 201 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Stringer,Gordon Michael FNCE 3050 003 11831 Basic Finance 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 201 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Stringer,Gordon Michael FNCE 3050 010 11833 Basic Finance Recitation 0 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff FNCE 3050 020 11834 Basic Finance Recitation 0 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff FNCE 3050 OL1 11832 Basic Finance 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Stringer,Gordon Michael Students in OL1 must also enroll in one of the recitations, 010 or 020. 38 FNCE 4400 001 12376 Int'l Financial Management 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 104 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Woodward,George A FNCE 4500 001 10619 Money and Banking 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 101 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Crowley,Frederick D FNCE 4590 001 11828 Ethics in Finance 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 201 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Stringer,Gordon Michael Combined Section ID: 0251(BUAD 4950/FNCE 4590) FNCE 4960 Internship in Finance 1 - 3 FNCE 4960 001 10620 Instructor: Trumpfheller,Sheri Lynn FNCE 4960 002 11984 Instructor: Leupp,David Gene FNCE 6000 001 10621 Corporate Financial Management 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 103 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Zwirlein,Thomas J FNCE 6200 001 29435 Investment Mgmt & Analysis 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 331 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Crowley,Frederick D Human Resource Management HRMG 4340 001 10663 Labor Relations & Negotiation 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 201 Days: Tu Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Sylvester,Kenneth J. HRMG 4380 001 10664 Human Resource Management 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 104 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Gardner,Donald Gene HRMG 4410 001 10665 Motivat/Rewrd/Devel Empl 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Milliman,John F HRMG 4960 Internship in Human Resources 1 - 3 HRMG 4960 001 10666 Instructor: Trumpfheller,Sheri Lynn HRMG 4960 002 11985 Instructor: Leupp,David Gene Information Systems INFS 1100 001 11539 MS Office Apps & PC Bscs 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Shepherd,Morgan M INFS 1100 002 11688 MS Office Apps & PC Bscs 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Staff INFS 1100 003 11837 MS Office Apps & PC Bscs 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Staff INFS 1100 004 12498 MS Office Apps & PC Bscs 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: F Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Staff INFS 1100 010 11835 MS Office Apps & PC Bscs Recitation 0 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs business | fall 2014 INFS 1100 020 11836 MS Office Apps & PC Bscs Recitation 0 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff INFS 1100 H01 10622 MS Office Apps & PC Bscs 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Dt: 08/25/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Dt: 09/15/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Dt: 09/29/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Dt: 10/13/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Dt: 10/27/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Dt: 11/10/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Dt: 11/24/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Dt: 12/08/2014 Instructor: Ayen,William Eugene Hybrid course. Log into Blackboard for specific course details the first day of the semester (8/25). Class meets every other Monday starting 8/25. Assignments completed online will require the latest version of Microsoft Office on your computer or on a campus system. INFS 1100 H02 10623 MS Office Apps & PC Bscs 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Dt: 09/08/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Dt: 09/22/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Dt: 10/06/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Dt: 10/20/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Dt: 11/03/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Dt: 11/17/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Dt: 12/01/2014 Instructor: Ayen,William Eugene Hybrid course. Log into Blackboard for specific course details the first day of the semester (8/25). Class meets every other Monday starting 9/8. Assignments completed online will require the latest version of Microsoft Office on your computer or on a campus system. INFS 1100 H03 10624 MS Office Apps & PC Bscs 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Dt: 08/25/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Dt: 09/15/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Dt: 09/29/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Dt: 10/13/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Dt: 10/27/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Dt: 11/10/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Dt: 11/24/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Dt: 12/08/2014 Instructor: Ayen,William Eugene Hybrid course. Log into Blackboard for specific course details the first day of the semester (8/25). Class meets every other Monday starting 8/25. Assignments completed online will require the latest version of Microsoft Office on your computer or on a campus system. INFS 1100 H04 10625 MS Office Apps & PC Bscs 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Dt: 09/08/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Dt: 09/22/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Dt: 10/06/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Dt: 10/20/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Dt: 11/03/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Dt: 11/17/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Dt: 12/01/2014 Instructor: Ayen,William Eugene Hybrid course. Log into Blackboard for specific course details the first day of the semester (8/25). Class meets every other Monday starting 9/8. Assignments completed online will require the latest version of Microsoft Office on your computer or on a campus system. INFS 1100 OL1 11641 MS Office Apps & PC Bscs 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Ayen,William Eugene Students in OL1 must also enroll in one of the recitations, 010 or 020. INFS 3000 001 12075 Intro to Managemt Info Systems 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: W Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Marasovich,Peggy Mary INFS 3000 002 11838 Intro to Managemt Info Systems 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Ma,Jian INFS 3000 003 11839 Intro to Managemt Info Systems 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Marasovich,Peggy Mary INFS 3000 010 11841 Intro to Managemt Info Systems Recitation 0 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff INFS 3000 020 11842 Intro to Managemt Info Systems Recitation 0 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff INFS 3000 OL1 11840 Intro to Managemt Info Systems 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Beranek,Margaret Marie Students in OL1 must also enroll in one of the recitations, 010 or 020. INFS 3080 001 10626 Business Programming 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 122 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Ma,Jian INFS 3700 001 29436 Computer Networks & Telecomm 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 122 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Shepherd,Morgan M INFS 4960 Internship in Information Syst 1 - 3 INFS 4960 001 10627 Instructor: Trumpfheller,Sheri Lynn INFS 4960 002 11986 Instructor: Leupp,David Gene INFS 6000 001 12076 Information Systems 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: F Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Shepherd,Morgan M International Business INTB 3600 001 10628 International Business 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 201 Days: M Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Ortiz,Alfred P INTB 4800 001 10629 International Management 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 103 Days: Th Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Staff University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 39 BUSINESS | fall 2014 INTB 4960 Internship 1 - 3 INTB 4960 001 10630 Instructor: Trumpfheller,Sheri Lynn INTB 4960 002 11987 Instructor: Leupp,David Gene MGMT 4960 Internship 1 - 3 MGMT 4960 001 Instructor: Trumpfheller,Sheri Lynn MGMT 4960 002 Instructor: Leupp,David Gene INTB 6100 001 29439 Managing in Global Markets 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 101 Days: Th Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Staff MGMT 6000 001 10646 Lead/Manage in Changing Times 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 104 Days: M Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Warrick,Donald D Management MGMT 6300 001 29440 Mng Hum Res Compet Adv 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 104 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Gardner,Donald Gene MGMT 3300 001 12077 Intro to Mgmt & Organization 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 201 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Sylvester,Kenneth J. MGMT 3300 002 10632 Intro to Mgmt & Organization 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 201 Days: M Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Sylvester,Kenneth J. MKTG 3000 001 10649 Principles of Marketing 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 103 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: McNulty,Margaret A MGMT 3300 003 10633 Intro to Mgmt & Organization 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 201 Days: W Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Smith,Gary James MKTG 3000 002 10650 Principles of Marketing 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 103 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: McNulty,Margaret A MGMT 3300 004 10639 Intro to Mgmt & Organization 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 201 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Bradley-Geist,Jill C MKTG 3000 003 10652 Principles of Marketing 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 201 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Ortiz,Alfred P MGMT 3300 005 12440 Intro to Mgmt & Organization 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 101 Days: F Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Bradley-Geist,Jill C MKTG 3000 004 10653 Principles of Marketing 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 101 Days: W Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Czaplewski,Andrew J MGMT 3300 010 11845 Intro to Mgmt & Organization Recitation 0 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Smith,Gary James MKTG 3000 005 12296 Principles of Marketing 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 104 Days: W Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Staff MGMT 3300 OL1 10634 Intro to Mgmt & Organization 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Milliman,John F Students in section OL1 must also enroll in the recitation 020. MKTG 3000 010 11847 Principles of Marketing Recitation 0 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff MGMT 3900 001 10642 Person/Team Creativity 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 331 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Lee,David Hiatt MGMT 3900 002 11500 Person/Team Creativity 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 201 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Lee,David Hiatt MGMT 4110 010 33835 Experiences in Leadershp Recitation 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff MGMT 4110 020 33836 Experiences in Leadershp Recitation 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff MGMT 4110 OL1 33834 Experiences in Leadershp 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Beck,Charles E MGMT 4370 001 10644 Organization Develop & Change 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 104 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Warrick,Donald D MGMT 4370 010 33837 Organization Develop & Change Recitation 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Warrick,Donald D MGMT 4370 OL1 12404 Organization Develop & Change 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Warrick,Donald D MGMT 4500 001 12078 Princ Negot & Conflict Mgmt 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 331 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Tomlin,Kathleen 40 Marketing MKTG 3000 020 11848 Principles of Marketing Recitation 0 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff MKTG 3000 OL1 10647 Principles of Marketing 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Czaplewski,Andrew J Students in section OL1 must also enroll in one of the recitations, 010 or 020. MKTG 3300 001 10654 Marketing Research 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 103 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: McNulty,Margaret A MKTG 4400 001 10655 Service Mgt & Marketing 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 101 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Ferguson,Jeffery M MKTG 4650 001 10656 Promotion Mgmt & Strategy 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 101 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Czaplewski,Andrew J MKTG 4700 001 10657 Internet Marketing & Soc Media 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 104 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Key,Martin MKTG 4800 001 10658 Marketing Planning/Strategies 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 103 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: McNulty,Margaret A MKTG 4900 001 10659 International Marketing 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 103 Days: F Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Staff MKTG 4960 Internship in Marketing Internship 1 - 3 MKTG 4960 001 10660 Instructor: Trumpfheller,Sheri Lynn MKTG 4960 002 11989 Instructor: Leupp,David Gene Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs business | fall 2014 MKTG 6000 001 10661 Marketing Strategy 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 103 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Ferguson,Jeffery M QUAN 2010 004 10670 Business Statistics 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 104 Days: M Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Staff MKTG 6700 001 29441 Internet Mktg & Soc Media 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 103 Days: F Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Key,Martin QUAN 2010 005 29443 Business Statistics 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Rappaport,Neal Operations Management QUAN 2020 001 10671 Proc & Stat-Based Decisions 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: Tu Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Leupp,David Gene OPTM 3000 001 11849 Fund of Operations Mgt 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 101 Days: M Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Leupp,David Gene OPTM 3000 002 11850 Fund of Operations Mgt 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 103 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Staff OPTM 3000 003 11851 Fund of Operations Mgt 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 104 Days: Tu Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Staff OPTM 3000 010 11853 Fund of Operations Mgt Recitation 0 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff OPTM 3000 020 11854 Fund of Operations Mgt Recitation 0 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff OPTM 3000 OL1 11852 Fund of Operations Mgt 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Fan,Ying Students in OL1 must also enroll in one of the recitations, 010 or 020. OPTM 3390 010 33840 Mng Proj for Compet Advantage Recitation 0 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff QUAN 2020 002 10672 Proc & Stat-Based Decisions 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Leupp,David Gene QUAN 2020 003 11865 Proc & Stat-Based Decisions 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: Th Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Batten,Albert QUAN 2020 004 10673 Proc & Stat-Based Decisions 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 109 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Neal,Jeffrey Alan QUAN 2020 010 11856 Proc & Stat-Based Decisions Recitation 0 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Leupp,David Gene QUAN 2020 OL1 11637 Proc & Stat-Based Decisions 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Leupp,David Gene Students in section OL1 must also enroll in recitation 010. QUAN 5500 001 10674 Fundamentals of Bus Statistics 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 101 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Dooley,Monique French Sport Management OPTM 3390 OL1 33839 Mng Proj for Compet Advantage 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Klein,Gary Stephen SPTM 1000 001 10675 Intro to Sport Management 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 201 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Steele,Darrin OPTM 6000 001 10662 Oper: Compete Thru Capability 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 103 Days: Tu Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Duray,Rebecca M SPTM 2000 001 10676 Principles of Sport Law 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: M Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Robers,William Joseph OPTM 6100 001 29442 Cust Focused Processes 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 103 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Duray,Rebecca M SPTM 2350 001 12082 Sport Science for Sport Admin 4 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 201 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Ratz,Ian Professional Golf Management SPTM 2350 010 12083 Sport Science for Sport Admin Laboratory 0 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 201 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Ratz,Ian PGMT 1002 001 11638 Qual/Lvl 1 PGA Golf Mgmt 2.0 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 331 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Sutherland,Mollie G PGMT 1202 001 11855 Lvl 1 Teach & Golf Club Perf 2 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 331 Days: Tu Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Miller,Chad Joseph Quantitative Methods QUAN 2010 001 10667 Business Statistics 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 103 Days: W Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Batten,Albert QUAN 2010 002 10668 Business Statistics 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 103 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Batten,Albert QUAN 2010 003 10669 Business Statistics 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 101 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Batten,Albert University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 SPTM 2960 001 11482 Field Experience in Sport Mgmt Practicum 1 Instructor: Ratz,Ian Registration is by permission number only. SPTM 3960 001 10677 Internship in Sport Management 1 - 3 Instructor: Ratz,Ian SPTM 4200 001 10678 Fund of Sport Mgmt 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 104 Days: W Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Harris,Spencer John SPTM 4300 001 11124 Facility/Ticket/Event Mgmt 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 104 Days: Th Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Harris,Spencer John SPTM 4960 001 10679 Internship in Sport Management 4 - 7 Instructor: Ratz,Ian Add Consent : Department Consent Required SPTM 9400 901 11481 Independent Study 1 - 3 Instructor: Ratz,Ian Add Consent : Department Consent Required 41 college of Education Columbine Hall Third Floor - Room 3023 719-255-4996 General Information The College of Education offers undergraduate and post baccalaureate licensure preparation and Master of Arts degrees. Within the Curriculum and Instruction Department, undergraduate and graduate pre-service teacher licensure programs in elemen­tary and secondary education are available. Students may also earn a Master of Arts degree in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in the specialty areas of reading, Linguistically Diverse Education (LDE), and science. Within the Special Education Department, undergraduate and graduate special education licensure programs are available. Students may also earn a Master of Arts degree in Special Education without licensure. The Department of Counseling and Human Services offers a Master of Arts degree in Counseling and Human Services with specialty areas in school counseling and clinical mental health counseling. The Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) credential may be obtained by graduates from both programs. School Counseling Licensure (Colorado) may be obtained by School Counseling graduates. The department also offers an Advanced Certificate (postmaster’s certificate) in Counseling and Human Services. The Department of Leadership, Research, and Foundations (LRF) offers a Master’s Degree in Leadership and Education, Foundations and Research, and Student Affairs in Higher Education (SAHE). The LRF department also offers a Principal Licensure Program and Administrator Preparation Program. Preparation Programs for Teachers The University of Colorado Colorado Springs offers three pre-service programs. The Teacher Education and Licensure Program (TELP) leads to teacher licen­sure for elementary (K-6) and secondary (7-12) education at both the undergraduate and post-baccalaureate levels. The UCCS Teach Program offers licensure for undergraduate and post-baccalaureate secondary (712) teacher candidates in the content areas of mathematics and science candidates. The Alternative Licensure Program (ALP) leads to teacher licensure for secondary (7-12) teaching only. Secondary programs are limited to the fields of English, mathematics, science, social studies, and Spanish. Application deadlines are in October and February. The Special Education program leads to recommenda­tions for teacher licensure or endorsements as a generalist for ages 5-21. Students in the Special Education Program acquire either a baccalaureate degree in Letters, Arts, and Sciences or a Master of Arts degree as part of their teacher preparation program. The Alternative Licensure Program (ALP) The Alternative Licensure Program (ALP) seeks self-motivated, committed, resourceful individuals who can readily assume teaching roles in a classroom. Paraprofessional, career change individuals, and retired military all may have potential for participat­ing in this rigorous, fast-paced program. The courses are graduate level and ALP may result in a master’s degree upon completion of an additional 6 semester hours. Applications are due by February 1, of each year. Please call at 719-255-4526 for information. Educational Technology Requirements All students admitted in College of Education programs after January 1, 1983, must demonstrate proficiency in educational technology use, applications, and issues prior to graduation. Graduate Studies The College of Education offers Master of Arts degrees in Special Education, Counseling and Human Services, Curriculum and Instruction, and Leadership in Education. The Curriculum and Instruction degree includes these specialty areas: Linguistically Diverse Education (LDE), Educational Technology, Leadership, Mathematics, Reading, Science Education, and Alternative Licensure Program. The Counseling and Human Services degree includes specialty areas in school counseling and clinical mental health counseling. Both programs are accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs (CACREP). Both programs consist of 60 credit hours and may be completed in two or three years. The Department of Counseling and Human Services also offers an Advanced Certificate (post42 master’s certificate) in Counseling and Human Services. This certificate program consists of 24 credits. The PhD program in Leadership, Research, and Policy is designed to meet the personal and professional needs of educational leaders in school districts, higher education, and non-governmental organizations through rigorous coursework and collaborative faculty-student research labs. The program for working professionals prepares graduates to engage in scholarly inquiry and culturally responsive practice, synthesize divers research perspectives in facilitating educational excellence, lead others in continuous improvement through implementation and evaluation, and communicate successfully through oral and written professional discourse. Principal and Administrator Licensure Program This licen­sure program fulfills requirements of the State of Colo­rado’s Licen­sure Law. Students who enroll in the Principal Licensure Program are required to have a master’s degree. Students completing a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership will have completed some course requirements for licen­sure. Students who enroll in the Administrator Licensure Program are required to have a master’s degree and a Principal Licen­sure or equivalent. Graduate Program Admissions Procedures Prospective students interested in a graduate degree program should obtain program descriptions and a graduate application packet from the office of the College of Education. After reading the printed material, an appointment should be scheduled with an advisor by calling 719-255‑4526 or 719-2554996. Counseling and Human Services applicants are admitted once a year with an application deadline of February 28. Counseling and Human Services applicants are required to complete a series of admissions activities. Consult with the program assistant from the Department of Counseling and Human Services to obtain more information about the activities and other admissions requirements. Application forms should be submitted to the College of Education, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, 1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918-3733. Applicants to the School Counseling, Special Education, Teacher Education, UCCS Teach Program, and Alternative Licensure Programs require successful completion of specific PRAXIS II or PLACE (Programs for Licens­ing Assessments for Colorado Educators) tests. Contact Teacher Education at 719255-4526 for appropriate PRAXIS or PLACE test for TELP and ALP. Applicants for graduate studies who do not already have a master’s degree, except and Sp. Ed. must take either the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or Miller Analogies Test (MAT) as a part of the requirements for admission. Educational leadership students must take the (GRE). The results should be sent directly to the College of Education, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, 1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway, Colorado Springs, CO 80918-3733. No application will be considered complete until the test scores are received. Graduate Work Done as an Unclassified Student If you are in education and would like to update your competencies or complete a specified amount of graduate study for license renewal, advancement in salary, or a change of assignment but are not interested in earning a graduate degree, you should apply to the Office of Admissions for admission as an unclassified student. Upon admission you may enroll, and after the end of the term (please allow four weeks for transcript processing) receive an official record of work completed. You may confer with the College of Education faculty about courses in which to enroll. If you decide to apply for graduate student status, you should be aware that only nine hours taken as an unclassified student may apply toward a degree. Graduation Procedures Please visit the College of Education the semester prior to the intended semester of graduation to pick up necessary paperwork. Application for graduation must be completed no later than January 30th for spring graduation, June 1st for summer graduation and September 1st for fall graduation. Depending on your degree program, paperwork may include the comp­rehensive exam registration form, the “application for diploma” card, and the “Application for Admission to Candidacy for an Advanced Degree.” Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs education | fall 2014 Counseling COUN 3000 001 11911 Intracultural Social Patterns 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Rivas,Bita A COUN 3400 001 12423 Ethics, Values & Case Mgmt 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Mc Guinness,Mary Anne COUN 3500 001 12288 Group Dynamics & Group Process 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Mc Guinness,Mary Anne COUN 4000 001 11416 Intro to Counseling Profession 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Bull,Michelle Andree COUN 4500 001 12128 Wellness, Resilience & EI 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 115 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Field,Julaine Ellen COUN 5100 001 10170 Theor/Tech Group Counselng 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: M Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Morgan,Leann Marie COUN 5100 002 10165 Theor/Tech Group Counselng 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 192 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Morgan,Leann Marie COUN 5100 003 11608 Theor/Tech Group Counselng 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: Th Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Saunders,James Dale AOC students only. COUN 5110 001 10180 Laboratory in Group Counseling Practicum 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 106 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Williams,Rhonda L COUN 5110 002 10174 Laboratory in Group Counseling Practicum 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: M Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Williams,Rhonda L COUN 5110 003 11609 Laboratory in Group Counseling Practicum 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Fenell,David L AOC students only. COUN 5160 001 29984 Field Work Coun & Leadership 1 - 6 Bldg: Off Site Days: W Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Ramsey,Richard T AOC students only. COUN 5250 001 29985 Leader & Leadership Develop 3 Bldg: Off Site Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Ramsey,Richard T AOC students only. COUN 5330 001 10200 Issues/Ethics/Trends Prof Coun 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 133 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Rivas,Bita A COUN 5330 002 10186 Issues/Ethics/Trends Prof Coun 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 324 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Rivas,Bita A COUN 5330 003 11716 Issues/Ethics/Trends Prof Coun 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: Tu Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Rivas,Bita A AOC students only. COUN 5410 001 11678 Measurement and Appraisal 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Mc Guinness,Mary Anne COUN 5410 002 11677 Measurement and Appraisal 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Mc Guinness,Mary Anne COUN 5440 001 10204 Adv Psychopath & Diagnosis 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Wehrman,Joseph D COUN 5510 001 12591 Princ of Addiction 08/25/2014 11/07/2014 2 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 322 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Saunders,James Dale **INTENSIVE COURSE** COUN 5510 WB1 12701 Princ of Addiction 10/10/2014 10/18/2014 2 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: F Time: 04:00PM-09:00PM Dt: 10/10/2014-10/17/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: Sa Time: 09:00AM-04:00PM Dt: 10/11/2014-10/18/2014 Instructor: Saunders,James Dale **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. Hybrid course. Meets Fridays 10/10 and 10/17, 4-9pm, and Saturdays 10/11 and 10/18, 9am-4pm. COUN 5520 001 12592 Infectious Diseases 11/10/2014 12/20/2014 1 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 322 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Saunders,James Dale **INTENSIVE COURSE** COUN 5520 WB1 12702 Infectious Diseases 10/24/2014 10/25/2014 1 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: F Time: 04:00PM-09:00PM Dt: 10/24/2014 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: Sa Time: 09:00AM-04:00PM Dt: 10/25/2014 Instructor: Saunders,James Dale **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. Hybrid course. Meets Fri., 10/24 4-9pm, and Sat., 10/25 9am-4pm. COUN 5570 001 12129 Play Therapy & Child Coun 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 114 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Wehrman,Joseph D COUN 5580 WB1 12680 Sexuality in Coun 09/05/2014 10/04/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: F Time: 04:00PM-09:00PM Dt: 09/05/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 324 Days: Sa Time: 09:00AM-04:00PM Dt: 09/06/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: F Time: 04:00PM-09:00PM Dt: 09/19/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 324 Days: Sa Time: 09:00AM-04:00PM Dt: 09/20/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 324 Days: Sa Time: 09:00AM-04:00PM Dt: 10/04/2014 Instructor: Staff **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. Hybrid course. Meets Fridays, 9/5 and 9/19, 4-9pm, and Saturdays 9/6, 9/20, and 10/4, 9am-4pm. COUN 5700 001 10205 Internship School Counseling Internship 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B211 Days: Th Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Moorman,Jordia E COUN 5700 002 10209 Internship School Counseling Internship 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B213 Days: Th Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: McElvogue,Colleen COUN 5700 003 12130 Internship School Counseling Internship 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B217 Days: Th Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: O Lonergan,Sherri Lynn COUN 5720 001 11469 Intern: Cln Mental Hlth Coun Internship 1 - 6 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 317 Days: Tu Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Flanagan,Jacqueline Lea University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 43 education | fall 2014 COUN 5720 002 11470 Intern: Cln Mental Hlth Coun Internship 1 - 6 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 322 Days: Tu Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Bull,Michelle Andree CURR 5014 OL1 12651 Sec Inst/Clsrm Mgt I 08/25/2014 10/21/2014 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Kaka,Sarah Jane COUN 5720 003 11897 Intern: Cln Mental Hlth Coun Internship 1 - 6 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 303 Days: Tu Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Fenell,David L CURR 5016 OL1 12661 Sec Inst/Cls Mgt II 10/22/2014 12/20/2014 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Kaka,Sarah Jane COUN 5800 001 10218 Roles/Func School Counslr 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 323 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Morgan,Leann Marie CURR 5018 OL1 12315 Res Tchr in Sec Ed I 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Cutter,Elizabeth Sykes COUN 5950 001 12563 Clinical Mental Health Couns 08/25/2014 11/07/2014 2 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 317 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Saunders,James Dale **INTENSIVE COURSE** CURR 5020 OL1 12490 Res Tchr in Sec Ed II 6 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Cutter,Elizabeth Sykes COUN 5960 001 12564 Psychopharmacol 11/10/2014 12/20/2014 1 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 317 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Saunders,James Dale **INTENSIVE COURSE** Curriculum and Instruction CURR 2009 001 34289 Succeed at UCCS 08/25/2014 09/29/2014 1 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:50PM Instructor: Grant,Leslie Truth Combined Section ID: 0012(CURR 2009/CURR 5009) **INTENSIVE COURSE** CURR 2010 001 34290 P-20 Educ in USA 10/06/2014 11/03/2014 1 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:50PM Instructor: Button,Gregory ; Button,Linda J Combined Section ID: 0013(CURR 2010/CURR 5010) **INTENSIVE COURSE** CURR 4170 OL1 30030 Intro to Technology in Educ 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Kupferman,Scott Combined Section ID: 0383(CURR 4170/CURR 5170) CURR 4800 001 11389 Schools/Society/Diversity 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Keating,Michele Louise Combined Section ID: 0156(CURR 4800/CURR 5800) CURR 4800 002 11409 Schools/Society/Diversity 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05PM04:20PM Instructor: Callahan,Timothy CURR 4800 003 11410 Schools/Society/Diversity 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: Th Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Staff CURR 5000 001 11514 Hist & Resrch in Curr Studies 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 333 Days: M Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Button,Linda J CURR 5002 OL1 10361 Issue/Strat/Model Curr Design 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Button,Linda J CURR 5009 001 34292 Succeed at UCCS 08/25/2014 09/29/2014 1 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:50PM Instructor: Grant,Leslie Truth Combined Section ID: 0012(CURR 2009/CURR 5009) **INTENSIVE COURSE** CURR 5010 001 34291 P-20 Educ in USA 10/06/2014 11/03/2014 1 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:50PM Instructor: Button,Gregory ; Button,Linda J Combined Section ID: 0013(CURR 2010/CURR 5010) **INTENSIVE COURSE** 44 CURR 5090 001 12267 Master's Research Project 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 323 Days: Tu Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Malone,Mark R CURR 5090 OL1 10885 Master's Research Project 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Tuthill,Laura CURR 5170 OL1 11193 Intro to Technology in Educ 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Kupferman,Scott Combined Section ID: 0383(CURR 4170/CURR 5170) CURR 5172 OL1 11194 Multimed Devel K-12 Educators 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Clapper,Timothy C CURR 5201 OL1 11668 Foundations of Gifted Educ 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Tuthill,Laura CURR 5202 OL1 34043 Assess/ID Gifted & Tal Studnts 4 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Kearney,Katheryn CURR 5204 OL1 34044 Giftedness in Poverty 2 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Phillips,Christine Estelle CURR 5211 OL1 34046 Curr Models & Prog for Gifted 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Leader,Wendy Shaub CURR 5214 OL1 34047 Diff Inst & Strats for Gifted 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Ewing,Vanessa Lynn CURR 5304 001 30052 Mathematics & Cognition 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 322 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: McGuire,Patrick R CURR 5400 OL1 12489 Tch Rdg&Wrtg in Content Areas 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Cutter,Elizabeth Sykes CURR 5401 001 34051 Teach Reading in Elem Sch 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B215 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Staff CURR 5491 OL1 11195 Secondary English Method 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Cutter,Elizabeth Sykes CURR 5492 OL1 11196 Secondary Math Methods 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs education | fall 2014 CURR 5493 OL1 11197 Secondary Science Methods 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Leggiero,Charles M CURR 5494 OL1 11198 Secondary Soc Studies Methods 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Toney,Barbara Anne CURR 5495 OL1 11199 Secondary Spanish Methods 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Dewing,Stephanie Elizabeth CURR 5520 001 30054 Activ for Tchng Phys Science 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 322 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Malone,Mark R CURR 5700 001 11493 Intro to ESL/Multicult Educ 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 325 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Staff CURR 5701 OL1 34053 Mats/Meth: LDE/Multicult Ed 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Bell,Angela CURR 5702 OL1 30216 Literacy Linguis Diffrnt Lrnrs 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Bell,Angela CURR 5704 001 11201 Pract in ESL/Multcult Educ Practicum 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: M Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Grant,Leslie Truth CURR 5800 001 11408 Schools/Society/Diversity 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Keating,Michele Louise Combined Section ID: 0156(CURR 4800/CURR 5800) CURR 5800 OL1 11204 Schools/Society/Diversity 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff CURR 9500 901 11208 Independent Study Reading 1 - 5 Instructor: Frye,Barbara Jane CURR 9600 901 11209 Independent Study 1 - 3 Instructor: Malone,Mark R CURR 9600 902 11210 Instructor: Button,Linda J CURR 9600 903 11211 Instructor: Frye,Barbara Jane CURR 9602 901 11212 Indep Study Gifted/Talented 1 - 3 Instructor: Tuthill,Laura Inclusive Early Childhood Educ IECE 1000 001 29993 Introduction to IECE 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 333 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Kasa,Christi IECE 2000 001 29994 Collaboration & Communication 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 322 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Follari,Lissanna Maria IECE 4010 H01 29997 Early Lit 2 (Ages 5-8) 10/22/2014 12/20/2014 3 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: M Time: 04:45PM-08:00PM Dt: 10/22/2014-12/20/2014 Instructor: Tygret,Jennifer Alayne Add Consent : Instructor Consent Required 8 week hybrid class; weekly online assignments. Meets in COLU 3023. IECE 4000 H01 29995 Math and Numeracy 08/25/2014 10/21/2014 3 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Dt: 08/25/2014-10/21/2014 Instructor: McGuire,Patrick R 8 week hybrid class; weekly online assignments. Meets in COLU 3023. University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 IECE 4020 H01 29998 Classroom Communities 3 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Dt: 08/26/2014 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Dt: 09/09/2014 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Dt: 09/23/2014 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Dt: 10/07/2014 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Dt: 10/21/2014 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Dt: 11/04/2014 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Dt: 11/18/2014 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Dt: 12/02/2014 Instructor: Staff Hybrid class that will meet every other week in Columbine 3023 starting Aug. 26, the remainder online. IECE 4030 001 30012 Block II Practicum 3 Instructor: Tygret,Jennifer Alayne Practicum course; most of semester spent in the field. Class will meet with IECE 4000, 4010, and 4020 four times during the semester. Leadership LEAD 4500 001 10787 Student Leadership 1 - 3 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: W Time: 07:30PM-09:00PM Instructor: Kremers,Kristi Louise Class meets in Cragmor. LEAD 5020 001 12639 Vision/Ethics/Ldrshp Dem Soc 08/25/2014 10/21/2014 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 186 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-10:05PM Dt: 08/25/2014-10/21/2014 Instructor: Strawn,Dallas H LEAD 5030 WK1 12696 Vis/Val/Admin of SA 08/30/2014 10/18/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 114 Days: Sa Time: 08:00AM-03:00PM Dt: 08/30/2014-10/18/2014 Instructor: Koback,Amanda Dawn Alle e; Bell,Megan E **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. LEAD 5070 OL1 12640 Human Res Devel 08/25/2014 10/21/2014 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Scott,Margaret Anne LEAD 5230 WK1 12716 Instructl Leadership 08/30/2014 10/18/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 216 Days: Sa Time: 08:00AM-03:00PM Dt: 08/30/2014-10/18/2014 Instructor: Dilley,David R **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. LEAD 5280 WK1 12697 Legal Iss/ Higher Ed 08/30/2014 10/18/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 323 Days: Sa Time: 08:00AM-03:00PM Dt: 08/30/2014-10/18/2014 Instructor: Hueth,Jeremy Robert **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. LEAD 5310 WK1 12698 Student Serv Prog Dev& Eval 10/25/2014 12/20/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 216 Days: Sa Time: 08:00AM-03:00PM Dt: 10/25/2014-12/20/2014 Instructor: Wilkerson III,Eugene Alfred **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. LEAD 5450 WK1 29799 The Principalship 10/25/2014 12/20/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 323 Days: Sa Time: 08:00AM-03:00PM Dt: 10/25/2014-12/20/2014 Instructor: Scott,Margaret Anne **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. LEAD 5600 001 12650 Social Found of Educ Trends 10/22/2014 12/20/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 214 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-10:05PM Dt: 10/22/2014-12/20/2014 Instructor: Martinez,Sylvia Lorraine Mendez 45 education | fall 2014 LEAD 5600 OL1 12641 Soc Found of Educ Trends 08/25/2014 10/21/2014 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Ramirez,Aldo Luis LEAD 5610 WK1 12699 Soc/Cult Found Higher Educ 10/25/2014 12/20/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 114 Days: Sa Time: 08:00AM-03:00PM Dt: 10/25/2014-12/20/2014 Instructor: Martinez,Sylvia Lorraine Mendez **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. LEAD 5700 001 12138 Intro Research and Statistics 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 245 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Dt: 08/25/2014-10/07/2014 Instructor: Khaliqi,David LEAD 5700 OL1 11491 Intro Research and Statistics 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Martinez,Sylvia Lorraine Mendez LEAD 5700 OL2 12046 Intro Research and Statistics 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Scott,Margaret Anne LEAD 6050 001 12660 Financing Sch/ Progr 10/22/2014 12/20/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 114 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-10:05PM Dt: 10/22/2014-12/20/2014 Instructor: Ramirez,Aldo Luis LEAD 6400 OL1 12659 Legal Iss / Schl Ldrs 10/22/2014 12/20/2014 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Ramirez,Aldo Luis LEAD 6820 H01 12491 Prac Sch Ldrshp/Principalship Practicum 3 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: Tu Time: 07:00PM-10:00PM Dt: 09/16/2014 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: Tu Time: 07:00PM-10:00PM Dt: 10/14/2014 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: Tu Time: 07:00PM-10:00PM Dt: 11/11/2014 Instructor: Strawn,Dallas H Hybrid course. Class meets on campus 9/16, 10/14, and 11/11, 7:0010:00pm, in COLU 3022. LEAD 6820 OL1 11492 Prac Sch Ldrshp/Principalship Practicum 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Strawn,Dallas H LEAD 6830 001 11501 Practicum for SAHE 3 Instructor: Martinez,Sylvia Lorraine Mendez LEAD 7000 OL1 11869 Master's Res Lab in Leadership 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Carpenter II,Dick Michael LEAD 7100 001 12652 Interm Quant Res & Stats 10/22/2014 12/20/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 231A Days: W Time: 04:45PM-10:05PM Dt: 10/22/2014-12/20/2014 Instructor: Carpenter II,Dick Michael LEAD 7600 001 11243 Doctoral Research Lab Main Lab Section 3 Instructor: Ramirez,Aldo Luis LEAD 7600 002 11244 Instructor: Scott,Margaret Anne LEAD 7600 003 11614 Instructor: Winters,Marcus LEAD 7600 004 12557 Instructor: Harmon,Corinne M LEAD 8100 001 12642 Adv Quant Resrch & Stats 08/25/2014 10/21/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 231A Days: Th Time: 04:45PM10:05PM Dt: 08/25/2014-10/21/2014 Instructor: Winters,Marcus 46 LEAD 8300 001 12643 Leadership Exclnce/Complx Orgs 08/25/2014 10/21/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 231A Days: W Time: 04:45PM-10:05PM Dt: 08/25/2014-10/21/2014 Instructor: Harmon,Corinne M LEAD 8350 001 12653 Economics of Education 10/22/2014 12/20/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 231A Days: Th Time: 04:45PM10:05PM Dt: 10/22/2014-12/20/2014 Instructor: Ramirez,Aldo Luis LEAD 8990 801 12452 Doctoral Dissertation 1 - 1 Instructor: Martinez,Sylvia Lorraine Mendez LEAD 9500 901 11415 Ind Study Educ Ldrshp 1 - 6 Instructor: Ramirez,Aldo Luis LEAD 9500 902 11245 Instructor: Harmon,Corinne M LEAD 9500 903 11246 Instructor: Carpenter II,Dick Michael LEAD 9500 904 11247 Instructor: Martinez,Sylvia Lorraine Mendez LEAD 9500 905 11248 Instructor: Winters,Marcus LEAD 9500 906 29797 Instructor: Scott,Margaret Anne Special Education SPED 3000 B01 11417 dis/Ability Studies 10/22/2014 12/20/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 128 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-08:30PM Dt: 10/22/2014-12/20/2014 Instructor: Nusbaum,Emily A Combined Section ID: 0001(SPED 3000/SPED5000/WEST 3030 8 week hybrid class; there will be weekly online assignments. SPED 3001 001 10239 Introduction to Special Educ 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 115 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Harmon,Julie SPED 3001 B01 10241 Intro to Special Educ 08/25/2014 10/21/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 128 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-08:30PM Dt: 08/25/2014-10/21/2014 Instructor: Nusbaum,Emily A Combined Section ID: 0001(SPED 3001 B01/SPED 5001 B01) 8 week hybrid class; there will be weekly online assignments. SPED 3004 OL1 10262 Self-Determ & Transition 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Kupferman,Scott Combined Section ID: 0105(SPED 3004/SPED 5004) SPED 4010 001 11372 Multisensory Language Ed 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Cheesman,Elaine A Combined Section ID: 0106(SPED 4010/SPED 5010) SPED 4011 001 12029 Assessment & Inst Monitoring 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 333 Days: W Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Cheesman,Elaine A Combined Section ID: 0301(SPED 4011/SPED 5011) SPED 4012 001 10263 Differentiated Instruction 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: Tu Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Cheesman,Elaine A Combined Section ID: 0108(SPED 4012/SPED 5012) SPED 4013 001 34110 Direct Instruction Practicum 2 Bldg: University Hall Room: 132 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Marshall,Laura Huber SPED 4030 001 10264 Elementary/Secondary Internshp 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Marshall,Laura Huber Combined Section ID: 0111(SPED 4030/SPED 5030) Meets with SPED 4031. Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs education | fall 2014 SPED 4031 001 10265 Elem/Sec Student Tchg Field Practicum 6 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Marshall,Laura Huber Combined Section ID: 0112(SPED 4031/SPED 5031) Meets with SPED 4030 in Columbine 117. Additional outside coursework required. SPED 5000 B01 11418 Dis/Ability Studies 10/22/2014 12/20/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 128 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-08:30PM Dt: 10/22/2014-12/20/2014 Instructor: Nusbaum,Emily A Combined Section ID: 0001(SPED 3000/SPED5000/WEST 3030) 8 week hybrid class; there will be weekly online assignments. SPED 5001 B01 10242 Intro to Special Educ 08/25/2014 10/21/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 128 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-08:30PM Dt: 08/25/2014-10/21/2014 Instructor: Nusbaum,Emily A Combined Section ID: 0001(SPED 3001 B01/SPED 5001 B01) 8 week hybrid class; there will be weekly online assignments. SPED 5004 OL1 10266 Self-Determ & Transitn 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Kupferman,Scott Combined Section ID: 0105(SPED 3004/SPED 5004) SPED 5010 001 10267 Multisensory Language Ed 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Cheesman,Elaine A Combined Section ID: 0106(SPED 4010/SPED 5010) SPED 5011 001 12030 Assessment & Inst Monitoring 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 333 Days: W Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Cheesman,Elaine A Combined Section ID: 0301(SPED 4011/SPED 5011) SPED 5012 001 10268 Differentiated Instruction 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: Tu Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Cheesman,Elaine A Combined Section ID: 0108(SPED 4012/SPED 5012) SPED 5030 001 10269 Elementary/Secondary Internshp 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Marshall,Laura Huber Combined Section ID: 0111(SPED 4030/SPED 5030) Meets with SPED 5031. SPED 5031 001 10270 Elem/Sec Student Tchg Field Practicum 6 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Marshall,Laura Huber Combined Section ID: 0112(SPED 4031/SPED 5031) Meets with SPED 5030 in Columbine 117. Additional outside coursework required. SPED 5090 001 11745 Applied Research Project 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: Th Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Kasa,Christi Additional outside coursework required. SPED 5091 001 34111 Curr Top in Special Education 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B134 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Nusbaum,Emily A SPED 9500 901 10271 Independent Study Special Ed 1 - 4 Instructor: Kasa,Christi SPED 9500 902 10272 Instructor: Cheesman,Elaine A SPED 9500 903 30025 Instructor: Kupferman,Scott SPED 9500 904 10273 Instructor: Marshall,Laura Huber SPED 9500 905 12292 Instructor: Nusbaum,Emily A University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 Teacher Education TED 3010 001 11223 Early School Diversity Pract 1 - 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: F Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Callahan,Timothy ; Kaka,Sarah Jane TED 3010 002 11224 Early School Diversity Pract 1 - 3 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: F Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Kaka,Sarah Jane ; Callahan,Timothy Meets with TED 3010 001. TED 4400 OL1 30110 Children's Literature 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff TED 4520 001 11225 Educational Psychology 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B215 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Blackwell,Nancy TED 4520 002 11516 Educational Psychology 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 116 Days: MW Time: 07:30PM08:45PM Instructor: Staff TED 4570 001 11226 Elementary Literacy Methods 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 116 Days: Tu Time: 05:15PM-08:40PM Instructor: Gibson,Karen TED 4570 002 11428 Elementary Literacy Methods 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 116 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-05:05PM Instructor: Gibson,Karen TED 4600 001 11227 Elementary - School Experience Internship 3 Instructor: Frye,Barbara Jane TED 4600 002 34086 Instructor: Frye,Barbara; Dewing,Stephanie TED 4600 003 34087 Instructor: Frye,Barbara; Callahan,Timothy TED 4600 004 34088 Instructor: Frye,Barbara; Griffis,Carolyn Phillips TED 4600 005 34089 Instructor: Frye,Barbara; Crist,Wendy W Wilke TED 4600 006 34090 Instructor: Frye,Barbara; Crist,Wendy W Wilke TED 4600 007 34091 Instructor: Frye,Barbara; Peterson,Blaine TED 4600 008 34092 Instructor: Frye,Barbara; Button,Gregory TED 4600 009 34093 Instructor: Frye,Barbara; Hogan,Sarah H TED 4630 801 11228 Elementary - Student Teaching Internship 12 Instructor: Frye,Barbara Jane TED 4640 001 11658 Elementary Mathematics Methods 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 322 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Lane,M Lynne Combined Section ID: 0280(TED 4640-1/TED 5640-1) Elementary and Special Education TED 4640 002 11659 Elementary Mathematics Methods 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 323 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Lane,M Lynne Combined Section ID: 0281(TED 4640-2/TED 5640-2) Elementary and Special Education TED 4650 001 11229 Elementary Science Methods 2 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Dt: 08/28/2014-09/11/2014 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Dt: 10/02/2014-10/09/2014 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Dt: 10/23/2014 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Dt: 11/06/2014-11/13/2014 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Dt: 12/04/2014-12/11/2014 Instructor: Staff Meets 8/28, 9/4, 9/11, 10/2, 10/9, 10/23, 11/6, 11/13, 12/4, 12/11. 47 education | fall 2014 TED 4650 002 12405 Elementary Science Methods 2 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: Tu Time: 05:15PM-07:50PM Dt: 08/26/2014 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: Tu Time: 05:15PM-07:50PM Dt: 09/09/2014 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: Tu Time: 05:15PM-07:50PM Dt: 09/30/2014-10/07/2014 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: Tu Time: 05:15PM-07:50PM Dt: 10/21/2014 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: Tu Time: 05:15PM-07:50PM Dt: 11/04/2014-11/11/2014 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: Tu Time: 05:15PM-07:50PM Dt: 11/25/2014-12/09/2014 Instructor: Staff Meets 8/26, 9/9, 9/30, 10/7, 10/21, 11/4, 11/11, 11/25, 12/2, 12/9. TED 4660 001 12577 Elem Social Studies Methods 09/18/2014 11/20/2014 1 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Dt: 09/18/2014-09/25/2014 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Dt: 10/16/2014 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Dt: 10/30/2014 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Dt: 11/20/2014 Instructor: Staff **INTENSIVE COURSE** Meets: 9/18, 9/25, 10/16, 10/30, and 11/20. TED 4660 002 12597 Elem Social Studies Methods 09/16/2014 11/18/2014 1 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: Tu Time: 05:15PM-07:50PM Dt: 09/16/2014-09/23/2014 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: Tu Time: 05:15PM-07:50PM Dt: 10/14/2014 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: Tu Time: 05:15PM-07:50PM Dt: 10/28/2014 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: Tu Time: 05:15PM-07:50PM Dt: 11/18/2014 Instructor: Staff **INTENSIVE COURSE** TED 4700 001 11230 School Experience - Secondary Field Studies 3 Instructor: Frye,Barbara Jane ; Yoo,Monica TED 4700 002 34097 Instructor: Frye,Barbara; Kaka,Sarah Jane TED 4700 003 34098 Instructor: Frye,Barbara; Weed,Patricia A White TED 4700 004 34099 Instructor: Frye,Barbara; Kane,Patrick Harold TED 4700 005 34100 Instructor: Frye,Barbara; Keating,Michele TED 4700 006 34101 Instructor: Frye,Barbara; Hampson,Nancy TED 4720 001 11231 Teach Rdg Content Area 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A343 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Staff Combined Section ID: 0351(TED 4720/UTED 4720) TED 4730 801 11232 Secondary - Student Teaching Internship 12 Instructor: Frye,Barbara Jane TED 4790 001 11682 Secndry Curr/Instr/ Eval 3 - 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 214 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Kaka,Sarah Jane TED 4800 001 11233 ESL for Educators 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 114 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Sepp,Anita Marie Combined Section ID: 0088(TED 4800/TED 5800) TED 4910 001 11739 Secondary English Methods 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B138 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Yoo,Monica TED 4940 001 11733 Secondary Soc St Methods 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B211 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Kaka,Sarah Jane 48 TED 4950 001 11234 Secondary Spanish Methods 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 325 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Dewing,Stephanie Elizabeth TED 5520 OL1 11235 Educational Psychology 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff TED 5640 001 11888 Elementary Mathematics Methods 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 322 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Lane,M Lynne Combined Section ID: 0280(TED 4640-1/TED 5640-1) Elementary and Special Education TED 5640 002 11640 Elementary Mathematics Methods 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 323 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Lane,M Lynne Combined Section ID: 0281(TED 4640-2/TED 5640-2) Elementary and Special Education TED 5800 001 11241 ESL for Educators 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 114 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Sepp,Anita Marie Combined Section ID: 0088(TED 4800/TED 5800) TED 5800 OL1 11239 ESL for Educators 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff TED 9400 901 11242 Independent Study 1 - 6 Instructor: Frye,Barbara Jane UTeach - Education UTED 1010 001 11620 Step I: Inquiry Appr to Teach 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A343 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Staff UTED 1010 002 11967 Step I: Inquiry Appr to Teach 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A343 Days: M Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Staff UTED 1020 001 11889 Step II:Inquiry-Bsd Lesson Des 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A343 Days: Th Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Staff UTED 2010 001 11621 Knowing & Learning Math/Sci 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A343 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Staff UTED 3020 001 12409 Classroom Interactions 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A343 Days: TuTh Time: 04:45PM-06:00PM Instructor: McGuire,Patrick R UTED 4710 001 12375 Project-Based Instruction Practicum 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A343 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Staff UTED 4720 001 11672 Reading in the Content Area 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A343 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Staff Combined Section ID: 0351(TED 4720/UTED 4720) UTED 4730 001 12521 Apprentice Teaching UCCS Teach 11 Instructor: Staff Students must also enroll in UTED 4731. UTED 4731 001 12522 Apprentice Teaching 1 Instructor: Staff Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & APPLIED SCIENCE Transfer Credit Evaluation Academic Advisors are located in the Student Success Center Main Hall, Second Floor 719-255-3260 Once a student has been admitted, an initial transfer evaluation will be completed. He/she will need to attend an orientation session. The stu­dent’s credits will be applied to their degree program once they have attended orientation. General Information The academic policies, rules and regulations of the College and University are online in the University of Colorado Colorado Springs Catalog. ALL STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR KNOWING AND FOLLOWING THE PROVISIONS SET FORTH IN THE CATALOG. The College cannot assume responsibility for problems resulting from a student’s failing to follow the policies stated in the Catalog or from advice given by someone other than a staff member of the college. Similarly, STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DEADLINES, RULES AND REGULATIONS IN THIS SCHEDULE. Graduation Check Graduating seniors need to schedule an appointment with the Engineering Advisor, 719-255-3260, during the semester prior to the intended date of graduation to conduct a Senior Audit. Graduate Students Academic Degree Programs Bachelor of Science Computer Engineering Computer Science Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Bachelor of Innovation Computer Science Computer Security Electrical Engineering Game Design and Development Master of Science Computer Science Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Master of Engineering - Options Engineering Management Media Convergence Software Engineering Systems Engineering Space Operations Information Assurance Doctor of Philosophy Computer Science Electrical Engineering Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Security Engineering Instruction Fee All students taking Engineering and Applied Science courses will be charged a $15.00 per credit hour instruction fee. The maximum charge per student is $180.00. Students are responsible and liable for damage to equipment caused by neglect, improper use or failure to follow operating instructions. Pre-Engineering Program Students who do not meet certain criteria are admitted into the College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences as Pre-Engineering students. Pre-Engineering is not a major and as soon as students meet the criteria for admission to the College of Engineering, they should make an appointment with their academic advisor to transfer into Engineering. Undergraduate Students Academic Advising All students must be advised prior to registering for courses in the fall or spring semesters. Information on the graduate programs may be obtained from the respective department offering the graduate degree. Computer Science - Engineering Bldg., Room 199 or visit the web page http://www.uccs.edu/cs/programs/graduate-programs/ mscs_overview.html or call Trish Rea at 719-255-3544. Electrical & Computer Engineering - Engineering Bldg, Room 299, or visit the webpage: http://www.uccs.edu/ece/gradiateprograms/msee_overview.html or call Eva Wynhorst at 719-255-3548. Mechanical Engineering students - Osborne Center for Science and Engineering building, A-437, or contact Dr. Rebecca Webb, OCSE A-440, 719-255-3674, rwebb@uccs.edu or visit http://www. uccs.edu/mae/graduate-programs/msme_overview.html Graduate students are responsible for knowing and complying with the Graduate School rules and regulations which can be found at http://www.uccs.edu/gradschl Curriculum Information Independent Study and Master’s Thesis Courses Students wanting to enroll in an independent study must obtain the signatures of the instructor and department chairman on the Independent Study Approval Form prior to registration. Forms are available at the Department Offices. Once you have obtained the necessary approvals, the forms should be returned to the secretary of the department offering the independent study. At that time, the department secretary will provide you with the appropriate call number for registration. Course Prerequisites Consult the UCCS Academic Catalog to determine course prerequisites. EAS Student Clubs/Special Services •American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) • Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) •Society of Women Engineers (SWE) •Colorado Alliance for Minority Participation (Co-AMP) •Engineers without Borders •SAE Society of Automotive Engineers •Historical Engineering Society Scholarships and Internships In addition to many scholarships available from the campus, the Engineering Dean’s Scholarship is offered for students with outstanding academic records. The College’s Intern/Co-Op Program is available to all Engineering students. Contact the Internship Coordinator (Nancy Hoist) at 719-255-3543, Engineering Bldg, Room 201, for additional information. University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 49 engineering | fall 2014 Computer Science CS 1070 001 10052 Intro Vis Basic Non-Majors 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 138 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Schlittler,Cheryl Susan CS 1080 001 29968 Exploring Computer Technology 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 138 Days: MW Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Glock,Jr,Albert E CS 1090 001 10053 Intro Prog with Matlab 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 136 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Schlittler,Cheryl Susan CS 1090 002 11683 Intro Prog with Matlab 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 136 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Schlittler,Cheryl Susan CS 1100 001 11891 Intro to Game Development 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A206 Days: TuTh Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Chamillard,Albert T Combined Section ID: 0283(GDD 1100 001/CS 1100 001) CS 1100 002 11892 Intro to Game Development 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A206 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Chamillard,Albert T Combined Section ID: 0284(GDD 1100 002/CS 1100 002) CS 1150 001 10054 Principles of Computer Science 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 138 Days: MW Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Kalita,Jugal K CS 1150 002 10055 Principles of Computer Science 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 138 Days: MW Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Lewis,Rory A CS 1150 003 30018 Principles of Computer Science 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 138 Days: MW Time: 04:45PM-06:00PM Instructor: Staff CS 1150 004 11689 Principles of Computer Science 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 138 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Carter,Pamela Jean CS 1150 005 11992 Principles of Computer Science 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 138 Days: TuTh Time: 04:45PM-06:00PM Instructor: Staff CS 1150 006 30019 Principles of Computer Science 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 138 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Staff CS 1300 001 11932 Computational Linear Algebra 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 192 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Boult,Terrance Edward CS 1450 001 10056 Data Structures and Algorithms 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 101 Days: MW Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Brouillette,Albert Alcide CS 1450 002 11767 Data Structures and Algorithms 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B216 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Brouillette,Albert Alcide CS 2060 001 10057 Programming with C 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 107 Days: MW Time: 04:45PM-06:00PM Instructor: Staff CS 2060 002 12456 Programming with C 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 105 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Carter,Pamela Jean CS 2080 001 12562 Programming with UNIX 08/25/2014 11/10/2014 2 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 136 Days: MW Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Dt: 08/25/2014-11/10/2014 Instructor: Carter,Pamela Jean **INTENSIVE COURSE** 50 CS 2080 002 12561 Programming with UNIX 08/25/2014 11/10/2014 2 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 136 Days: MW Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Dt: 08/25/2014-11/10/2014 Instructor: Carter,Pamela Jean **INTENSIVE COURSE** CS 2160 001 10058 Comp Org & Assembly Language 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 109 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Glock,Jr,Albert E CS 3050 001 12576 Computing Ethics 08/25/2014 10/01/2014 1 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 138 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Dt: 08/25/2014-10/01/2014 Instructor: Carter,Pamela Jean **INTENSIVE COURSE** CS 3050 002 12581 Computing Ethics 08/26/2014 10/02/2014 1 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 138 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Dt: 08/26/2014-10/02/2014 Instructor: Carter,Pamela Jean **INTENSIVE COURSE** CS 3060 001 10059 Object Oriented Progr with C++ 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 109 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Brouillette,Albert Alcide CS 3110 001 11919 Programming the Mobile Web 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 138 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Chow,Ching-Hua CS 3160 001 10060 Concepts of Program Languages 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Yi,Qing CS 3300 001 33887 Software Engineering I 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B216 Days: TuTh Time: 04:45PM-06:00PM Instructor: Walcott-Justice,Kristen CS 3350 001 10061 Intro to Game Design & Develop 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A206 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Wortman,Dana T CS 4200 001 12190 Computer Architecture I 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 109 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Glock,Jr,Albert E Combined Section ID: 0317(CS 4200/CS 5200) CS 4420 001 10062 Database Systems I 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 105 Days: MW Time: 04:45PM-06:00PM Instructor: Brouillette,Albert Alcide Combined Section ID: 0004(CS 4420/CS 5420) CS 4500 001 10063 Operating Systems I 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 109 Days: MW Time: 06:05PM-07:20PM Instructor: Rao,Jia Combined Section ID: 0005(CS 4500/CS 5500) CS 4700 001 10064 Comput/Automata/Formal Lang 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 109 Days: MW Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Yue,Chuan Combined Section ID: 0006(CS 4700/CS 5700) CS 4720 001 10065 Design & Analys of Algorithms 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 109 Days: TuTh Time: 04:45PM-06:00PM Instructor: Semwal,Sudhanshu Kumar Combined Section ID: 0007(CS 4720/CS 5720) CS 4800 001 10066 Computer Graphics 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 109 Days: TuTh Time: 06:05PM-07:20PM Instructor: Semwal,Sudhanshu Kumar Combined Section ID: 0008(CS 4800/CS 5800) CS 4910 001 12192 Intro to Computer Security 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 105 Days: MW Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Yue,Chuan Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs engineering | fall 2014 CS 5080 001 30066 Sel Topics in CS 3 High Performance Computing Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 105 Days: TuTh Time: 04:45PM-06:00PM Instructor: Yi,Qing CS 5200 001 12191 Computer Architecture I 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 109 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Glock,Jr,Albert E Combined Section ID: 0317(CS 4200/CS 5200) CS 5220 001 10067 Computer Communication 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 103 Days: MW Time: 04:45PM-06:00PM Instructor: Zhou,Xiaobo CS 5320 001 30069 Software Design 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 105 Days: TuTh Time: 06:05PM-07:20PM Instructor: Glock,Jr,Albert E CS 5371 001 30070 Soft Test for Mobile & Emb Sys 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B216 Days: MW Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Walcott-Justice,Kristen Rachelle CS 5420 001 10068 Database Systems I 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 105 Days: MW Time: 04:45PM-06:00PM Instructor: Brouillette,Albert Alcide Combined Section ID: 0004(CS 4420/CS 5420) CS 5500 001 10069 Operating Systems I 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 109 Days: MW Time: 06:05PM-07:20PM Instructor: Rao,Jia Combined Section ID: 0005(CS 4500/CS 5500) CS 5530 001 12195 Mobile & Wireless Systems 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 105 Days: MW Time: 06:05PM-07:20PM Instructor: CS 5700 001 10070 Comput/Autom/Formal Languages 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 109 Days: MW Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Yue,Chuan Combined Section ID: 0006(CS 4700/CS 5700) CS 5720 001 10071 Desgn & Analysis of Algorithms 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 109 Days: TuTh Time: 04:45PM-06:00PM Instructor: Semwal,Sudhanshu Kumar Combined Section ID: 0007(CS 4720/CS 5720) CS 5800 001 10072 Computer Graphics 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 109 Days: TuTh Time: 06:05PM-07:20PM Instructor: Semwal,Sudhanshu Kumar Combined Section ID: 0008(CS 4800/CS 5800) CS 5870 001 30071 Intro Artif Neural Networks 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B134 Days: MW Time: 04:45PM-06:00PM Instructor: Kalita,Jugal K CS 5910 001 10073 Computer/Network Security 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: TuTh Time: 04:45PM06:00PM Instructor: Chow,Ching-Hua CS 7000 Masters Thesis Dissertation 1 - 6 CS 7000 801 10074 Instructor: Lewis,Rory A CS 7000 802 10075 Instructor: Semwal,Sudhanshu Kumar CS 7000 803 12197 Instructor: Yi,Qing CS 7000 804 10076 Instructor: Yue,Chuan CS 7000 805 10077 Instructor: Kalita,Jugal K CS 7000 806 10078 Instructor: Chow,Ching-Hua CS 7000 807 10079 Instructor: Chamillard,Albert T CS 7000 808 10080 Instructor: Boult,Terrance Edward CS 7000 809 10081 Instructor: Zhou,Xiaobo CS 7000 810 12047 Instructor: Rao,Jia CS 7000 811 12048 Instructor: Walcott-Justice,Kristen Rachelle CS 7010 Masters Project Dissertation 1 - 3 CS 7010 801 10082 Instructor: Lewis,Rory A CS 7010 802 10083 Instructor: Semwal,Sudhanshu Kumar CS 7010 803 12198 Instructor: Yi,Qing CS 7010 804 10084 Instructor: Yue,Chuan CS 7010 805 10085 Instructor: Kalita,Jugal K CS 7010 806 10086 Instructor: Chow,Ching-Hua University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 CS 7010 807 10087 Instructor: Chamillard,Albert T CS 7010 808 10088 Instructor: Boult,Terrance Edward CS 7010 809 10089 Instructor: Zhou,Xiaobo CS 7010 810 12049 Instructor: Rao,Jia CS 7010 811 12050 Instructor: Walcott-Justice,Kristen Rachelle CS 7060 001 11551 GMI Portfolio Development Dissertation 1 - 6 Instructor: Semwal,Sudhanshu Kumar CS 8000 PhD Dissertation 1 - 15 CS 8000 801 10090 Instructor: Lewis,Rory A CS 8000 802 10091 Instructor: Semwal,Sudhanshu Kumar CS 8000 803 12199 Instructor: Yi,Qing CS 8000 804 10092 Instructor: Yue,Chuan CS 8000 805 10093 Instructor: Kalita,Jugal K CS 8000 806 10094 Instructor: Chow,Ching-Hua CS 8000 807 10095 Instructor: Chamillard,Albert T CS 8000 808 10096 Instructor: Boult,Terrance Edward CS 8000 809 10097 Instructor: Zhou,Xiaobo CS 8000 810 12051 Instructor: Rao,Jia CS 8000 811 12052 Instructor: Walcott-Justice,Kristen Rachelle CS 9200 Independent Study in CS 1 - 3 CS 9200 901 Instructor: Lewis,Rory A CS 9200 902 10703 Instructor: Semwal,Sudhanshu Kumar CS 9200 903 12200 Instructor: Yi,Qing CS 9200 904 10704 Instructor: Yue,Chuan CS 9200 905 10705 Instructor: Kalita,Jugal K CS 9200 906 10706 Instructor: Chow,Ching-Hua CS 9200 907 10707 Instructor: Chamillard,Albert T CS 9200 908 10708 Instructor: Boult,Terrance Edward CS 9200 909 10709 Instructor: Zhou,Xiaobo CS 9200 910 12201 Instructor: Rao,Jia CS 9200 911 12202 Instructor: Walcott-Justice,Kristen Rachelle CS 9600 Independent Study in CS 1 - 3 CS 9600 901 Instructor: Lewis,Rory A CS 9600 902 10122 Instructor: Semwal,Sudhanshu Kumar CS 9600 903 12203 Instructor: Yi,Qing CS 9600 904 10123 Instructor: Yue,Chuan CS 9600 905 10124 Instructor: Kalita,Jugal K CS 9600 906 10125 Instructor: Chow,Ching-Hua CS 9600 907 10126 Instructor: Chamillard,Albert T CS 9600 908 11524 Instructor: Boult,Terrance Edward CS 9600 909 11534 Instructor: Zhou,Xiaobo CS 9600 910 12053 Instructor: Rao,Jia CS 9600 911 12054 Instructor: Walcott-Justice,Kristen Rachelle CS 9990 001 30072 Candidate for Degree Dissertation 0 Instructor: Zhou,Xiaobo Electrical Engineering ECE 1001 001 10098 Introduction to Robotics 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 105 Days: TuTh Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Tekamp,Leslie Jon Combined Section ID: 0009(ECE 1001/ENGR 1001) ECE 1001 002 10099 Introduction to Robotics 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 324 Days: MW Time: 08:00-09:15AM Instructor: Tekamp,Leslie Jon ECE 1001 003 11980 Introduction to Robotics 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 105 Days: MW Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Tekamp,Leslie Jon ECE 1021 001 11935 Comp-Based Modeling & Methods 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 136 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Tekamp,Leslie Jon ECE 1021 002 12445 Comp-Based Modeling & Methods 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 136 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Staff ECE 1411 001 10100 Logic Circuits I 2 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 324 Days: TuTh Time: 04:45-06:00PM Instructor: Kressin,Robert William 51 engineering | fall 2014 ECE 1411 002 11908 Logic Circuits I 2 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B134 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Rynning,Irving George Combined Section ID: 0285(ECE 1411/ENGR 1411) ECE 4340 001 10110 VLSI Circuit Design I 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: M Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Kalkur,Thottam Subramanya Combined Section ID: 0117(ECE 4340/ECE 5340) ECE 2411 001 10101 Logic Circuits II 2 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 186 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Kressin,Robert William ECE 4510 001 10111 Feedback Control Systems 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 101 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Trimboli,Michael S Combined Section ID: 0120(ECE 4510/ECE 5510) ECE 2610 001 10102 Intro Signals and Systems 4 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 107 Days: MWF Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Harrison,Willie K ECE 3020 001 10103 Semiconductor Devices I 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 105 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Lojek,Bo ECE 3120 001 11910 Electromagnetic Fields II 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 317 Days: MW Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Song,Heather Hoyoung ECE 3205 001 11446 Circuits and Systems II 4 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 105 Days: MWF Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Trimboli,Michael S ECE 3210 001 11901 Electronics I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 116 Days: MW Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Staff ECE 3230 001 10104 Electronics Laboratory I Main Lab Section 1 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 229 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Tekamp,Leslie Jon ECE 3420 001 10105 Microprocessor Sys Lab Main Lab Section 1 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 229 Days: W Time: 03:05PM-04:45PM Instructor: Staff ECE 3420 002 12412 Microprocessor Sys Lab Main Lab Section 1 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 229 Days: W Time: 04:50PM-06:30PM ECE 3430 001 10106 Intro to Microcomputer Systems 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 103 Days: TuTh Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Staff ECE 4120 001 29943 Antenna Engineering 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 105 Days: MW Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Song,Heather Hoyoung Combined Section ID: 0379(ECE 4120/ECE 5120) ECE 4150 001 11906 Microwave Measure Lab Main Lab Section 1 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 105 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-06:25PM Instructor: Wigle,J Combined Section ID: 0240(ECE 4150 001/ECE 5150 001) ECE 4150 002 11941 Microwave Measure Lab Main Lab Section 1 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 105 Days: Th Time: 06:30PM-08:20PM Instructor: Wigle,J Combined Section ID: 0293(ECE 4150 002/ECE 5150 002) ECE 4242 001 10107 Adv Digital Design Methodology 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 101 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Tumbush,Gregory J Combined Section ID: 0194(ECE 4242/ECE 5242) ECE 4280 001 10108 Adv Verification Methodology 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B213 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Staff Combined Section ID: 0118(ECE 4280/ECE 5280) ECE 4330 001 10109 Embedded Systems Design 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 322 Days: M Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Staff Combined Section ID: 0119(ECE 4330/ECE 5330) 52 ECE 4530 001 10112 Control Systems Laboratory Main Lab Section 1 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 129 Days: W Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Tekamp,Leslie Jon ECE 4630 001 29947 Communications Systems II 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 105 Days: MW Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Wickert,Mark A Combined Section ID: 0381(ECE 4630/ECE 5630) ECE 4650 001 10113 Modern Digital Sig Processing 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B138 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Wickert,Mark A Combined Section ID: 0185(ECE 4650/ECE 5650) ECE 4680 001 12142 Signal Processing Lab Main Lab Section 1 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 242 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-06:25PM Instructor: Tekamp,Leslie Jon ECE 4690 001 34414 Satellite Communications 3 Bldg: Lane Center Room: 120 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Harrison,Willie K ECE 4890 001 10114 Senior Seminar 1 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: F Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Lindsey,John Ralph Meets with ECE 4899 in ENGR 103. ECE 4899 001 10115 Senior Design Project 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 103 Days: F Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B217 Days: F Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Kalkur,Thottam Subramanya ECE 4910 001 11844 Power Systems II 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 105 Days: TuTh Time: 07:30PM-08:45PM Instructor: Schaarschmidt,Steven D ECE 4990 001 29951 Sel Tpcs: 3 Nanoscale Corr-electron Device Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B215 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Paz De Araujo,Carlos A Combined Section ID: 0380(ECE 4990/ECE 5990) ECE 4990 002 30166 Sel Tpcs: 3 Bioelectronic Devices Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: TBA Time: TBA Instructor: Paz De Araujo,Carlos A Combined Section ID: 0390(ECE 4990-2/ECE 5990-3) ECE 5120 001 29953 Antenna Engineering 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 105 Days: MW Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Song,Heather Hoyoung Combined Section ID: 0379(ECE 4120/ECE 5120) ECE 5150 001 11741 Microwave Measure Lab Main Lab Section 1 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 105 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-06:25PM Instructor: Wigle,J Combined Section ID: 0240(ECE 4150 001/ECE 5150 001) ECE 5150 002 11942 Microwave Measure Lab Main Lab Section 1 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 105 Days: Th Time: 06:30PM-08:20PM Instructor: Wigle,J Combined Section ID: 0293(ECE 4150 002/ECE 5150 002) ECE 5242 001 10116 Advanced Digital Design 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 101 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Tumbush,Gregory J Combined Section ID: 0194(ECE 4242/ECE 5242) Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs engineering | fall 2014 ECE 5280 001 10117 Advanced Verif Methodology 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B213 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Staff Combined Section ID: 0118(ECE 4280/ECE 5280) ECE 5330 001 10118 Embedded Systems Design 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 322 Days: M Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Staff Combined Section ID: 0119(ECE 4330/ECE 5330) ECE 5340 001 10119 VLSI Circuit Design I 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: M Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Kalkur,Thottam Subramanya Combined Section ID: 0117(ECE 4340/ECE 5340) ECE 5510 001 10120 Feedback Control Systems 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 101 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Trimboli,Michael S Combined Section ID: 0120(ECE 4510/ECE 5510) ECE 5550 001 29960 Applied Kalman Filtering 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B138 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Plett,Gregory L ECE 5630 001 29961 Communication Systems II 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 105 Days: MW Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Wickert,Mark A Combined Section ID: 0381(ECE 4630/ECE 5630) ECE 5650 001 11422 Modern Digital Signal Proc 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B138 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Wickert,Mark A Combined Section ID: 0185(ECE 4650/ECE 5650) ECE 5710 001 29962 Battery Modelng/Sim./Identif. 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B217 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Plett,Gregory L ECE 5990 001 29963 Adv Tpcs: 3 Nanoscale Corr-electron Device Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B215 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Paz De Araujo,Carlos A Combined Section ID: 0380(ECE 4990/ECE 5990) ECE 5990 002 11465 Adv Topics: 3 Computational Electronics III Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 105 Days: W Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Lojek,Bo Combined Section ID: 0171(ECE 5990 002/6990 001) ECE 5990 003 30171 Adv Topics: Seminar 3 Bioelectronic Devices Instructor: Paz De Araujo,Carlos A Combined Section ID: 0390(ECE 4990-2/ECE 5990-3) ECE 6990 001 10197 Adv Tpcs Sem 3 Computational Electronics III Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 105 Days: W Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Lojek,Bo Combined Section ID: 0171(ECE 5990 002/6990 001) ECE 7000 Masters Thesis Dissertation 1 - 6 ECE 7000 801 10134 Instructor: Paz De Araujo,Carlos A ECE 7000 802 10135 Instructor: Boult,Terrance Edward ECE 7000 804 10137 Instructor: Dandapani,Ramaswami ECE 7000 805 10138 Instructor: Kalkur,Thottam Subramanya ECE 7000 806 10139 Instructor: Plett,Gregory L ECE 7000 807 10140 Instructor: Trimboli,Michael S ECE 7000 808 10141 Instructor: Song,Heather Hoyoung ECE 7000 809 10142 Instructor: Wang,Chia-Jiu ECE 7000 810 10143 Instructor: Wickert,Mark A ECE 7000 811 12145 Instructor: Harrison,Willie K ECE 8000 Ph D Dissertation 1 - 15 ECE 8000 801 10144 Instructor: Paz De Araujo,Carlos A ECE 8000 803 10146 Instructor: Dandapani,Ramaswami ECE 8000 804 10147 Instructor: Kalkur,Thottam Subramanya ECE 8000 805 10148 Instructor: Norgard,John D ECE 8000 806 10149 Instructor: Plett,Gregory L ECE 8000 807 10150 Instructor: Trimboli,Michael S ECE 8000 808 10151 Instructor: Song,Heather Hoyoung ECE 8000 809 10152 Instructor: Wang,Chia-Jiu University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 ECE 8000 810 10153 Instructor: Wickert,Mark A ECE 8000 811 12151 Instructor: Harrison,Willie K ECE 9200 Independent Study in ECE 1 - 3 ECE 9200 901 10154 Instructor: Paz De Araujo,Carlos A ECE 9200 903 10156 Instructor: Dandapani,Ramaswami ECE 9200 904 10157 Instructor: Kalkur,Thottam Subramanya ECE 9200 905 10158 Instructor: Plett,Gregory L ECE 9200 906 10159 Instructor: Trimboli,Michael S ECE 9200 907 10160 Instructor: Song,Heather Hoyoung ECE 9200 908 10161 Instructor: Wang,Chia-Jiu ECE 9200 909 10162 Instructor: Wickert,Mark A ECE 9200 910 12152 Instructor: Harrison,Willie K ECE 9300 Independent Study 1 - 3 ECE 9300 901 10163 Instructor: Paz De Araujo,Carlos A ECE 9300 903 10166 Instructor: Dandapani,Ramaswami ECE 9300 904 10167 Instructor: Kalkur,Thottam Subramanya ECE 9300 905 10168 Instructor: Plett,Gregory L ECE 9300 906 10169 Instructor: Trimboli,Michael S ECE 9300 907 10171 Instructor: Song,Heather Hoyoung ECE 9300 908 10172 Instructor: Wang,Chia-Jiu ECE 9300 909 10173 Instructor: Wickert,Mark A ECE 9300 910 12154 Instructor: Harrison,Willie K ECE 9400 Independent Study 1 - 3 ECE 9400 901 10175 Instructor: Paz De Araujo,Carlos A ECE 9400 903 10177 Instructor: Dandapani,Ramaswami ECE 9400 904 10178 Instructor: Kalkur,Thottam Subramanya ECE 9400 905 10179 Instructor: Plett,Gregory L ECE 9400 906 10181 Instructor: Trimboli,Michael S ECE 9400 907 10182 Instructor: Song,Heather Hoyoung ECE 9400 908 10183 Instructor: Wang,Chia-Jiu ECE 9400 909 10184 Instructor: Wickert,Mark A ECE 9400 910 12156 Instructor: Harrison,Willie K ECE 9500 Independent Study 1 - 3 ECE 9500 901 10185 Instructor: Paz De Araujo,Carlos A ECE 9500 902 10187 Instructor: Boult,Terrance Edward ECE 9500 904 10189 Instructor: Dandapani,Ramaswami ECE 9500 905 10190 Instructor: Kalkur,Thottam Subramanya ECE 9500 906 10191 Instructor: Plett,Gregory L ECE 9500 907 10192 Instructor: Trimboli,Michael S ECE 9500 908 10193 Instructor: Staff ECE 9500 909 10194 Instructor: Staff ECE 9500 910 10195 Instructor: Song,Heather Hoyoung ECE 9500 911 12157 Instructor: Wang,Chia-Jiu ECE 9500 912 12158 Instructor: Wickert,Mark A ECE 9500 913 12159 Instructor: Harrison,Willie K Energy Engineering ENE 5020 OL1 33807 Intro to Energy Management 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff Engineering ENGR 1001 001 10196 Introduction to Robotics 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 105 Days: TuTh Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Tekamp,Leslie Jon Combined Section ID: 0009(ECE 1001/ENGR 1001) ENGR 1411 001 11909 Digital Electronics 2 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B134 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Rynning,Irving George Combined Section ID: 0285(ECE 1411/ENGR 1411) Engineering Management EMGT 5010 OL1 12137 Intro to Systems Perspective 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Grimaldi,Lawrence Combined Section ID: 0311(EMGT 5010/SYSE 5010) EMGT 5050 OL1 12139 Engineering Project Mgmt 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Schmitt,Cynthia L. Combined Section ID: 0312(EMGT 5050/SYSE 5050) 53 engineering | fall 2014 EMGT 5310 OL1 12141 Project Estimat & Risk Analys 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Ayen,William Eugene Combined Section ID: 0313(EMGT 5310/SYSE 5310) Game Design and Development GDD 1100 001 11681 Intro to Game Development 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A206 Days: TuTh Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Chamillard,Albert T Combined Section ID: 0283(GDD 1100 001/CS 1100 001) GDD 1100 002 11769 Intro to Game Development 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A206 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Chamillard,Albert T Combined Section ID: 0284(GDD 1100 002/CS 1100 002) GDD 2100 001 11770 Game Design for Diverse Pops 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A206 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Wortman,Dana T GDD 2200 001 10127 Obj Oriented Anal,Des & Impl 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A206 Days: W Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Chamillard,Albert T GDD 3600 001 30032 Developing Serious Games 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A206 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Wortman,Dana T GDD 4990 Independent Study 1 - 3 GDD 4990 001 11644 Instructor: Chamillard,Albert T GDD 4990 002 11645 Instructor: Wortman,Dana T Innovation INOV 1010 001 11768 The Innovation Process 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A206 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Staff INOV 2010 001 10128 INOV Team: Analyze & Report 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A206 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Staff INOV 2010 002 10129 INOV Team: Analyze & Report 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A206 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Boult,Terrance Edward INOV 2100 001 12379 Tech Wrtg, Prop & Pres 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B134 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Staff INOV 3010 001 10130 INOV Team: Research & Execute 3 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Staff Meets in OCSE A206. INOV 3010 002 10131 INOV Team: Research & Execute 3 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Boult,Terrance Edward Meets in OCSE A206. INOV 3100 001 30029 Bldg Innovat Web for Business 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A206 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Wortman,Dana T INOV 4000 001 11715 Ind Study in Innovation 1 - 3 Instructor: Stiles,Colleen Lynne INOV 4010 001 10132 INOV Team: Design & Lead 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A206 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Staff INOV 4010 002 10133 INOV Team: Design & Lead 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A206 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Boult,Terrance Edward 54 Mech and Aerospace Engineering MAE 1005 001 11432 Introduction to Machine Shop 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A303 Cap: 6 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Wilkinson,Ronald Orris Contact instructor at rwilkins@uccs.edu or call 719-255-3662 to coordinate enrollment procedures for required lab. MAE 1005 010 11438 Introduction to Machine Shop Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A303 Cap: 6 Days: Tu Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Wilkinson,Ronald Orris Contact instructor at rwilkins@uccs.edu or call 719-255-3662 to coordinate enrollment procedures for required lab. MAE 1005 020 11439 Introduction to Machine Shop Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A303 Cap: 6 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Wilkinson,Ronald Orris Contact instructor at rwilkins@uccs.edu or call 719-255-3662 to coordinate enrollment procedures for required lab. MAE 1005 030 29899 Introduction to Machine Shop Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A303 Cap: 6 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Wilkinson,Ronald Orris Contact instructor at rwilkins@uccs.edu or call 719-255-3662 to coordinate enrollment procedures for required lab. MAE 1005 040 29900 Introduction to Machine Shop Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A303 Cap: 6 Days: F Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Wilkinson,Ronald Orris Contact instructor at rwilkins@uccs.edu or call 719-255-3662 to coordinate enrollment procedures for required lab. MAE 1502 001 10394 Principles of Engineering 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 203 Days: M Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Albertson,Julie A MAE 1502 010 12353 Principles of Engineering Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A218 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Albertson,Julie A MAE 1502 020 12354 Principles of Engineering Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A218 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Albertson,Julie A MAE 1502 030 29902 Principles of Engineering Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A218 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Staff MAE 1502 040 29903 Principles of Engineering Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A218 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Staff MAE 1502 050 29904 Principles of Engineering Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A218 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Staff MAE 1502 060 29905 Principles of Engineering Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A218 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Staff MAE 1502 070 29906 Principles of Engineering Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A218 Days: W Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Staff MAE 1502 080 29907 Principles of Engineering Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A218 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Staff MAE 1502 090 29908 Principles of Engineering Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A218 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Staff MAE 1502 100 12437 Principles of Engineering Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A218 Days: Th Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Staff Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs engineering | fall 2014 MAE 1502 110 12438 Principles of Engineering Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A218 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Staff MAE 2301 001 10400 Engineering Thermodynamics I 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B215 Days: MW Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Albertson,Julie A MAE 1502 120 12500 Principles of Engineering Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A218 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Albertson,Julie A MAE 3005 001 11648 Engineering Measurement Lab 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Adams,John R MAE 1503 001 12543 Intro to Engineering Design 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B215 Days: Tu Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Albertson,Julie A MAE 3005 010 11649 Engineering Measurement Lab Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A306 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Adams,John R MAE 1503 010 29909 Intro to Engineering Design Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A208 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Staff MAE 3005 020 11650 Engineering Measurement Lab Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A306 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Adams,John R MAE 1503 020 29910 Intro to Engineering Design Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A208 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Staff MAE 3005 030 11740 Engineering Measurement Lab Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A306 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Adams,John R MAE 2055 001 10398 Mech-Etronics I 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 109 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Adams,John R MAE 3040 OL1 29912 Engineering Ethics 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Albertson,Julie A MAE 2055 010 12355 Mech-Etronics I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A306 Days: M Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Staff MAE 2055 020 12356 Mech-Etronics I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A306 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Staff MAE 2055 030 12357 Mech-Etronics I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A306 Days: Th Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Staff MAE 2103 001 10399 Engineering Mechanics I 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 101 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: McBride,Edward MAE 2104 001 12381 Engineering Mechanics II 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 109 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Staff MAE 2104 002 29911 Engineering Mechanics II 3 Honors Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B136 Days: MW Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Tragesser,Steven G. MAE 2200 001 11647 Materials Engineering 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 103 Days: MW Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Staff MAE 2200 002 12468 Materials Engineering 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 107 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Staff MAE 2200 010 11466 Materials Engineering Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A304 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Staff MAE 2200 020 11467 Materials Engineering Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A304 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Staff MAE 2200 030 11883 Materials Engineering Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A304 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Staff MAE 2200 040 12469 Materials Engineering Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A304 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Staff MAE 2200 050 12470 Materials Engineering Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A304 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Staff University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 MAE 3055 001 10404 Mech-Etronics II 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 109 Days: MW Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Webb,Kyle Martin MAE 3055 010 12358 Mech-Etronics II Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A306 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-06:00PM MAE 3055 020 12359 Mech-Etronics II Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A306 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-06:00PM Instructor: Webb,Kyle Martin MAE 3055 030 12360 Mech-Etronics II Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A306 Days: F Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Webb,Kyle Martin MAE 3130 001 10405 Fluid Mechanics 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 107 Days: MW Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Lilly,Taylor Clark MAE 3131 001 10415 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory Main Lab Section 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A218 Days: F Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Staff MAE 3131 002 12401 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory Main Lab Section 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A218 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Staff MAE 3201 001 10410 Strength of Materials 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 109 Days: TuTh Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: McBride,Edward MAE 3302 001 10411 Engineering Thermodynamics II 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 109 Days: MW Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Stevens,James W MAE 3310 001 10412 Heat and Mass Transfer 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 105 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Webb,Rebecca Noel MAE 3311 001 10416 Heat Transfer Laboratory Main Lab Section 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A218 Days: F Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Staff MAE 3311 002 11468 Heat Transfer Laboratory Main Lab Section 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A218 Days: F Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Staff MAE 3401 001 10414 Model/Simul Dynamic Systems 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 101 Days: MW Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Adams,John R MAE 3401 002 29913 Model/Simul Dynamic Systems 3 Honors Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B217 Days: MW Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Webb,Kyle Martin 55 engineering | fall 2014 MAE 3501 001 10418 Machine Design I 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 105 Days: MW Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: McBride,Edward MAE 8000 808 10501 Instructor: Calvisi,Michael MAE 8000 809 10498 Instructor: Lilly,Taylor Clark MAE 8000 810 11696 Instructor: Ketsdever,Andrew David MAE 4000 001 29914 MAE Seminar 1 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 101 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Ketsdever,Andrew David MAE 9400 Independent Study: Undergrad 1 - 6 MAE 9400 901 10514 Instructor: Ketsdever,Andrew David MAE 9400 902 10515 Instructor: Schmidt,David MAE 9400 903 10516 Instructor: Gorder,Peter James MAE 9400 904 10528 Instructor: Lauderbaugh,Leal K MAE 9400 905 10530 Instructor: Webb,Rebecca Noel MAE 9400 906 10531 Instructor: Stevens,James W MAE 9400 907 10532 Instructor: Tragesser,Steven G. MAE 9400 908 10533 Instructor: Albertson,Julie A MAE 9400 909 10534 Instructor: Larson,Michael Charles MAE 9400 910 10535 Instructor: Calvisi,Michael MAE 9400 911 11624 Instructor: Lilly,Taylor Clark MAE 9400 912 11966 Instructor: McClure,Jesse Robert MAE 4120 001 10419 Machine Design II 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B216 Days: MW Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Lauderbaugh,Leal K MAE 4135 001 12380 Aerodynamics 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 101 Days: TuTh Time: 04:45PM-06:00PM Instructor: Staff MAE 4402 001 10421 Intermediate Dynamics 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B211 Days: TuTh Time: 06:05PM-07:20PM Instructor: Calvisi,Michael MAE 4421 001 10422 Cntrl of Aerospace & Mech Sys 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B216 Days: MW Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Gorder,Peter James MAE 4510 001 12520 Engineering Design I 1 - 2 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Gorder,Peter James MAE 5011 001 10424 Engineering Analysis I 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B215 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Lauderbaugh,Leal K MAE 5130 001 29925 Incompressible Flow 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 105 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Calvisi,Michael MAE 5131 001 29926 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 132 Days: MW Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Webb,Rebecca Noel MAE 5140 001 29927 Compressible Flow 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B215 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Staff MAE 5310 001 12345 Intermediate Heat Transfer 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B217 Days: MW Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Stevens,James W MAE 5410 001 10429 Astrodynamics 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B138 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Lilly,Taylor Clark MAE 5421 001 29929 Digital Control 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40PM02:55PM Instructor: Staff MAE 7000 Masters Thesis Dissertation 1 - 12 MAE 7000 801 10449 Instructor: Ketsdever,Andrew David MAE 7000 802 11433 Instructor: Schmidt,David MAE 7000 803 10452 Instructor: Gorder,Peter James MAE 7000 804 10453 Instructor: Lauderbaugh,Leal K MAE 7000 805 10444 Instructor: Webb,Rebecca Noel MAE 7000 806 10466 Instructor: Stevens,James W MAE 7000 807 10474 Instructor: Tragesser,Steven G. MAE 7000 808 10477 Instructor: Larson,Michael Charles MAE 7000 809 10478 Instructor: Calvisi,Michael MAE 7000 810 11527 Instructor: Webb,Rebecca Noel MAE 7000 811 11528 Instructor: Lilly,Taylor Clark MAE 7000 812 11529 Instructor: Albertson,Julie A MAE Doctoral Dissertation 1 - 12 MAE 8000 801 10486 Instructor: Schmidt,David MAE 8000 802 10487 Instructor: Gorder,Peter James MAE 8000 803 10488 Instructor: Lauderbaugh,Leal K MAE 8000 804 10485 Instructor: Webb,Rebecca Noel MAE 8000 805 10496 Instructor: Stevens,James W MAE 8000 806 10497 Instructor: Tragesser,Steven G. MAE 8000 807 10500 Instructor: Larson,Michael Charles 56 MAE 9500 Independent Study: Graduate 1 - 6 MAE 9500 901 10631 Instructor: Ketsdever,Andrew David MAE 9500 902 10635 Instructor: Schmidt,David MAE 9500 903 10636 Instructor: Gorder,Peter James MAE 9500 904 10637 Instructor: Lauderbaugh,Leal K MAE 9500 905 10638 Instructor: Webb,Rebecca Noel MAE 9500 906 10640 Instructor: Stevens,James W MAE 9500 907 10641 Instructor: Tragesser,Steven G. MAE 9500 908 10648 Instructor: Larson,Michael Charles MAE 9500 909 10651 Instructor: Calvisi,Michael MAE 9500 910 10643 Instructor: Lilly,Taylor Clark MAE 9500 911 12494 Instructor: McClure,Jesse Robert MAE 9510 001 11884 Special Topics: Graduate 3 Combustion Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B215 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Windom,Bret Colin MAE 9510 002 34107 Special Topics: Graduate 3 Instrumentation Bldg: Lane Center Room: 120 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Webb,Kyle Martin Space Operations SPCE 5005 OL1 11456 Eng Analysis for Space Appl 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Cochran,William Lee SPCE 5105 OL1 11457 Remote Sensing in Space 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Torley,James Robert SPCE 5595 OL1 11622 Space Mission Design 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Brown,Edward SPCE 5645 OL1 11656 Space Policy 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Hoversten,Michael R SPCE 5685 OL1 12390 Ent/Sys Arch for Space System 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff Systems Engineering SYSE 5010 OL1 11440 Intro to System Perspective 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Grimaldi,Lawrence Combined Section ID: 0311(EMGT 5010/SYSE 5010) SYSE 5050 OL1 11441 Engineering Project Management 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Schmitt,Cynthia L. Combined Section ID: 0312(EMGT 5050/SYSE 5050) SYSE 5310 OL1 11444 Project Estimat & Risk Analys 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Ayen,William Eugene Combined Section ID: 0313(EMGT 5310/SYSE 5310) SYSE 5450 OL1 12143 Systems Engineering Project 2 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Evans,Patricia Ann Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs COLLEGE OF LETTERS, ARTS & SCIENCES (LAS) Academic Advisors are located in the Student Success Center, Main Hall, Second Floor, 719-255‑3260 General Information The academic policies, rules, and regulations of the College and University are listed in the UCCS Catalog online at http://Catalog. uccs.edu. ALL STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR KNOWING AND FOLLOWING THE PROVISIONS SET FORTH IN THE CATALOG. Any questions concerning those provisions are to be directed to the Student Success Center. The College cannot assume responsibility for problems resulting from a student’s failure to follow the policies stated in the Catalog or from informa­tion given by someone other than a qualified university staff member of the College. SIMILARLY, STUDENTS ARE RESPON­SIBLE FOR ALL DEADLINES, RULES AND REGULATIONS IN THIS SCHEDULE. Majors AnthropologyHistory Biochemistry Mathematics Biology Philosophy Biology/Biochemistry Physics & Energy Science Biology/Chemistry Political Science Chemistry Psychology Communication Digital Filmmaking and Media Arts Sociology Distributed Studies Spanish Public Administration Visual & Performing Arts Business Economics Women’s & Ethnic Studies Economics English Geography & Environmental Studies Minors (Optional) Math as Liberal Art American Sign Language AnthropologyMathematics Art History Media Studies BiologyMilitary Science Biochemistry Museum Studies & Gallery Mgmt ChemistryMusic ClassicsMusic Performance Cognitive Studies Organiz & Strategic Comm Communication (General) Philosophy Contemporary Music Comp & Physics Sound Design Political Economy Contemporary Music History Political Science Creative WritingPre-Law DanceProfessional & Technical Writing Digital Filmmaking and Media Arts Psychology EconomicsRhetoric & Writing Energy ScienceSociology Film StudiesSpanish FrenchStatistics Geography & Environmental Studies Sustainable Development GeologyTheatre German Visual & Performing Arts (VAPA) Gerontology Women’s and Ethnic Studies History Japanese Leadership Studies Literature LAS students may also select a minor from the Colleges of Business, Engineering, Nursing, or the School of Public Affairs (see advisor in Student Success Center). Pre-Professional Programs Pre-professional programs of four years or less than four years which may be completed in the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences include: Pre-Dentistry Pre-Medicine (choose major) University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 Pre-Education: elementary (K-6) or special education (K12) choose major from biology, English, geography & environmental studies, history or Spanish. For secondary education (7-12) choose major from biology, chemistry, English, history, mathematics, physics or Spanish. Pre-Child Health Associate/Physician Assistant Pre-Physical Therapy (choose major) Pre-Veterinary Medicine For information see the “pre-professional curricula” section of the Catalog. Students are reminded that only the pre-professional portion of these programs may be completed on this campus and that they must apply for acceptance to the final stage of the program at the professional school offering the degree. Statement of Academic Standards-Undergraduate Students are held to basic standards of performance established for their classes with respect to attendance, active participation in course work, promptness in completion of assignments, correct English usage both in writing and in speaking, accuracy in calculation, and general quality of scholastic workmanship. In general, examinations are required in all courses and for all students including seniors. To be in good standing, students must have a cumulative CU grade-point average of not less than 2.0 (C=2.0) for all course work attempted. This applies to work taken at all University of Colorado campuses. Academic Suspension The normal suspension period in the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences is one academic year. However, students may request their suspension be held in abeyance for the term by making an appointment with the Associate Dean of the College or the Coordinator of Proba­tion/Suspension in the Student Success Center. Otherwise, students suspended for the first time will be reinstated after the normal suspension period has been served upon reapplying for admission to the University. Further information on academic probation and suspension can be found in the UCCS Catalog and at the Student Success Center, Main Hall, Second Floor. Admission and Academic Advising Admission Students should obtain an application form from the Office of Admission and Records and submit their application in accordance with the relevant deadlines. Academic Advising for New Students All entering students must attend an orientation prior to registering for courses. At these sessions, academic advisors will explain graduation requirements for a degree from the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences and will be available for academic advising. Call 719-255-3260 for dates and times of the orientation, or go to the web-site http://www.uccs.edu/~orientation. Unclassified Students Students who are at least 20 years old as of Sept. 15 for Summer Term and Fall Term or Feb. 15 for Spring Term and who are unable to meet application deadlines are encouraged to apply as Unclassified Students in order to begin work on an LAS program while completing application procedures. In general, a maximum of 12 semester hours taken as an unclassified student may be applied toward a degree. Unclassified students are encouraged to come to the Office of Student Recruitment and Admissions Counseling, in Cragmor Hall, Room 008, or call 719-255-3084. 57 LAS Juniors who wish to graduate with departmental honors should contact their major departments for requirements. LAS Seniors who expect to graduate during the current semester must contact the Student Success Center to schedule a final graduation appointment. Note: Prior to making this appoint­ ment it is preferred that you have completed the composition requirements and the reasoning skills requirement. All requirements must be completed by the last day of classes. Prospective Students The Office of Student Recruitment and Admissions Counseling is happy to answer your questions about becoming a student at UCCS. We work with all high school and college transfer students. Our office is located in Cragmor Hall, Room 001. Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm. If you have questions call 719-255-3084 or 1-800-990-8227, extension 3084. http://www.uccs.edu/futurestudents Miscellaneous Information The Catalog: Please refer to the Catalog for course descriptions, prerequisites, and a more complete description of admission requirements, programs, graduation requirements, etc. The Catalog is online at http://catalog.uccs.edu Prerequisites: Prerequisites are the courses which must have been completed prior to registering for another given course. If there are any doubts, see the course description in the Catalog, or ask a department representative. Non-LAS Courses: Students in the College of LAS may register for courses in other colleges such as Business, Education, Engineering, or the School of Public Affairs; however, only 30 hours in such courses may be credited toward the Bachelor’s degree. Pass/Fail: A maximum of 15 hours of P/F work may count toward a degree in the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences. Only electives may be taken pass/fail. Courses which satisfy requirements, including the major, must be taken for letter grades. Transfer students may take one hour pass/fail for every 8 semester hours attempted at this University. A maximum of 6 hours may be taken pass/fail during the fall and spring terms and no more than 3 hours during the summer. No Credit: Changes to No Credit (NC) will not be approved after the final day of the Drop/Add period without both the approval of the Instructor and the Dean of the College of LAS. Repeating Courses : If a course is repeated, credit for only one course will be counted toward a degree; however, if both courses were taken in the CU system, both grades will appear on the student’s record and will be applied to the CU grade point average. Incomplete Grades: Grades of incomplete (I) will be given only when there are clearly extenuating circumstances preventing a student from completing a course before the last day of the semester. The incomplete must be completed within one calendar year or it will be regarded as an F. Incomplete grades are NOT appropriate for students who have never attended or stopped going to class, are failing or are otherwise too busy to complete the work on time, or do not appear for the final examination. independent study courses with the approval of the appropriate department. Not more than 8 hours of independent study may be credited toward the major, and not more than 16 hours toward the Bachelor’s degree. No student may register for more than 8 hours of independent study in any one term. Prior to registering for independent study, the student must meet with the appropriate instructor to design the independent study project and complete the independent study form. This form should be returned to the Student Success Center. Correspondence Study: The College of LAS offers opportunities for correspondence study through Colorado Consortium. A maximum of 30 hours of such work may count toward the degree. This work carries resident credit if taken from CU. Summary Checklist of LAS Graduation Requirements 1. Area Requirements = 27 a. Humanities General =6 Core =3 b. Social Sciences =9 c. Natural Sciences =9 2. Composition = 6 3. Reasoning Skills = 3-6 4. Oral Communication (no additional hours) 5. Cultural Diversity (no additional hours) 6. Global Awareness (no additional hours) 7. Major (minimum) = 30 8.Electives (variable) Total = 120 (45 must be upper division) Explanations of the above requirements follow. The Area Requirements A liberal arts degree provides students with a breadth of experi­ences, and the Area Requirements are designed to help fulfill that goal. Consequently, each student must complete a minimum of 9 semester hours in each of the following areas: The Humanities The Natural Sciences The Social Sciences These 27 hours are referred to as the “Area Requirements.” •• please read - important information •• In this section you will find three lists of courses from various departments that have been approved to satisfy the Area Requirements. How to use these lists: 1. Select only courses from the lists to fill Area Requirements. 2. Don’t use courses in your major; they apply elsewhere. 3. Don’t take these courses on a pass/fail basis. 4. Don’t take more than 2 courses from one department to satisfy a combination of humanities, social science, natural science. 5. Consult the Catalog course descriptions for additional information, including cross-lists, pre-requisites and co-requisites; even 1000-level courses may have them. 6. Prospective teachers have further restrictions; see an advisor before selecting courses. 7. Any cross-list for the courses listed below will also satisfy the relevant requirement. Independent Study: Students who wish to pursue a topic of interest in greater depth than that offered in the classroom may register for 58 Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs I. Humanities Requirement -9 hours The humanities requirement is divided into two categories - General Humanities and Core Humanities. a. General Humanities Any 2 courses selected from the following groups: Art History 1000-3Art Through the Ages, Part I 1001-3Art Through the Ages, Part II 2800‑3Survey: Ancient Art 2810‑3Survey: Medieval Art 2820‑3Survey: Renaissance, Baroque & Rococo Art 2860-3Survey: Modern Art I 2890-3Survey: Nineteenth Century Art 3430-3African American Art Communication 2250-3Intro to Film and Video 3100-3Directing for Film and Television 3500-3American Cinema 4000-3Rhetorical Dimensions in Communication English 1500-3Intro to Lit for Non-Majors 2600-3Literature: The Global Perspective I 2610-3Literature: The Global Perspective II 3320-3Born in the USA: American Lit 3900-3Topics in Literature: Film Studies 1000-3Intro to Film Studies 2000-3Narrative Film 3690-3 Topics in Hispanic Film History 1110-3Asian History: Southeast Asia 1120-3Asian History: The Indian Subcontinent 1130-3Asian History: China 1140-3Asian History: Japan 1400-3Latin America to 1810 1410-3Latin America Since 1810 1600-3Making of the Modern Middle East I 1610-3Making of the Modern Middle East II Interdepartmental Studies 2000-3Mathematics - A Human Endeavor Languages and Cultures (listed under FCS; cross listed courses in GER, FR, FILM and SPAN are also eligible) 3180-3German and Austrian Civilization & Culture 3190-320th/21st Century German/Austrian Civ & Culture 3240-3French Culture from 1700-1917 3690‑3Topics in Hispanic Film 3890-1-6 Field Studies in Language and Culture 4210-3Hispanic Heritage of Colorado Music 1000-3Intro to Music 2050-3Jazz History 2850-3Classical Music History I Philosophy 1000‑3 Intro to Philosophy 1020-3Intro to Ethics 1120-3Critical Thinking 1300-1Intro to Philosophies of Asia 3100-3World Religions 3160-3Philosophical Issues in Death and Dying 3180-3Practical Ethics 4070-3Existentialism Theatre 1000-3Intro to Theatre 3201-3Topics in Early Theatre History 3202-3Topics in Modern Theatre History Visual Art 1010‑3Beginning Studio - 2D 1020‑3Beginning Studio - 3D Women’s and Ethnic Studies 2020-3 Hiphop & Performance of Identities 2040-3 Global Black Women Writers University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 3020-3 Autobiography & Creation of Self 3100-3Women of Color: Image & Voice 3460-3Race, Writing and Difference 3550-3 Native American Literature 4050-3From the Harem to the War Zone 4280-3 Native American Philosophical Thought B. Core Humanities Complete one course selected from the humanities department. Courses will have a prefix HUM. II. Social Science Requirement -9 Hours Anthropology 1020-4Intro to Archaeology 1040‑3 Intro to Cultural Anthro 2800-3The Nature of Language 3040-3Women Around the World 3260‑3 Agricultural Origins 3270-3Archaeology of the Recent Past Communication 1020‑3 Interpersonal Communication 2150‑3 Male/Female Communication 3440-3Organizational Leadership 4200‑3 Persuasion 4220-3Creative Communication 4250‑3 Adv Interpersonal Comm: Conflict Mgmt. Economics 1000‑3 Economics of Social Issues 1010‑3 Intro. to Microeconomics 1050-3Economics in Practice 2020‑3 Intro. to Macroeconomics 3150‑3 Hist of Economic Thought 3710‑3 Comparative Econ Systems Geography and Environmental Studies 1980‑4 World Regional Geog 1990‑4 Intro. to Human Geog Gerontology 3000-3Intro. to Gerontology Museum Studies & Gallery Management 4100-3Native American Perspectives Philosophy 3200-3Politics and the Law 4260-3Philosophy of Law Political Science 1010-3Intro to Global Politics 1100‑3 American Political System 2080-3Intro to Comparative Politics 2100-3Politics & Policy in State & Local Communities 3300‑3The Bureaucrats 4190-3Politics of Developing Areas 4210‑3International Politics 4470‑3Constitutional Law Psychology 1000‑4General Psychology Sociology 1110‑4 Intro. to Sociology 2120‑4 Intro. to Social Research 2200‑3 Intro. to Racial & Ethnic Groups 2220-3Communities in a Global Environment 2250-3Gender Images 2500‑3 Social Problems 3340-3Food, Health & Inequality 3610-3Gender & Society Women’s and Ethnic Studies 2010-3Intro to Social Justice Studies 3000-3Race & Gender at the Movies 3060-3Multi-Racial Identities 3070-3Global Men & Masculinities 3090-3 Peep Show: Sexuality in Pop Culture 3620-3Media and Consumption 4100-3 Native American Perspectives 4120-3 Indigenous Sustainability Views 59 III. Natural Science Requirement - 9 Hours The 9-hour natural science area requirement must include at least one laboratory science course. Laboratory science courses are indicated by an asterisk. When separate components, labs are listed directly after their corresponding lecture courses, of which they may or may not be corequisites. Students majoring in biology, chemistry, or physics are excepted from the laboratory portion of this requirement and should contact the Student Success Center for specific requirements. Anthropology 1030‑3 Intro. to Human Origins 3320‑3 Primatology 3340‑3 Human Evolution 3370‑3 Human Biology & Ecology Biology 1000‑3 Biology in the Modern World *1060-1 Biology in the Modern World Lab 1050-3 Personal Nutrition 1510‑3 Environmental Science I *1530-1 Environmental Science Lab 2000-3 Environmental Physiology Chemistry 1101‑3 Chem in the Modern World *1102-1 Chem in the Modern World Lab 1111-3 Environmental Science *1112-1 Environmental Science Lab 1121-3 CSI: Forensic Chemistry I *1122-1 CSI: Forensic Chemistry I Lab *1201‑4 Intro. to Chemistry *1211-4 Intro. to Organic and Biochemistry *1301‑5 General Chem I *1311‑5 General Chem II Energy Science 1500‑3 Intro. to Energy Science I 1510‑3 Intro. to Energy Science II 1600‑3 Intro to Solar Energy *1620-1 Intro to Solar Energy Lab 3200-4 Practical Meteorology Geography and Environmental Studies 1000‑4 Environmental Systems: Climate and Vegetation 1010‑4 Environmental Systems: Landforms and Soils *1050‑4 Map & Compass 3200‑4 Practical Meteorology 3250-3 Geography of Climate Change Geology *1010‑4 Physical Geology 1020-4 Historical Geology *1530‑4 Geol Development in Colo. and the West 3170‑3 Geology & Our National Parks 3700‑4 Environmental Geology 4660-.5-4 Field Study in Geology Interdepartmental Studies 2050-3 Beyond the Finite Physics and Energy Science 1000-3 Physics in Everyday Life *1140-1 Physics in Everyday Life Lab 1040-3 Physics in Science Fiction 1050-3 General Astronomy I *1090-1 General Astronomy I Lab 1060-3 General Astronomy II *1100-1 General Astronomy II Lab 1310-3 Science and Women: A Lab of Her Own 1710-4 Honors Physics I *1160-1 Advanced Physics I Lab *1170-1 Advanced Physics I Lab (Honors) 1720-4 Honors Physics II Psychology 3270‑4 Intro to Biopsychology 60 Composition Requirement This is a 3 part requirement: 1. Comp I (ENGL 1310) 2. Comp II (ENGL 1410) 3. Composition Competency For a more detailed explanation, please refer to the English department section of this course schedule. Quantitative and Qualitative Reasoning Requirement This is a proficiency requirement which may be satisfied by: 1. Passing the UCCS Qualitative and Quantitative Reasoning Exam. This exam is offered by the Testing Center (719)255-3255. A $20.00 test fee must be paid in advance. Credit hours are not awarded to those who meet the requirement by passing the proficiency examination. 2. Successfully completing ID 1050 Quantitative and Qualitative reasoning Skills OR ID 2000 Mathematics: A Human Endeavor OR MATH 1200 Reasoning about Data. 3. Successfully completing MATH 3010 and MATH 3020. 4. Successfully completing College Algebra (MATH 1040) or a mathematics course that has college algebra as a prerequisite, OR scoring a 20 or above on the Algebra Diagnostic Exam AND completing a course in statistics or a course in symbolic logic. For more information, including a comprehensive list of courses regarding this requirement, please see the UCCS Academic Catalog under General Education Requirements (LAS). Oral Communication Requirement Students are required to take a course with a substantial compo­nent involving oral communication. This course may be within a student’s major department, an elective, or an approved Area Requirements course (humanities, social science or natural science). Complete one course from: CHEM 4911, 4921; COMM 2010, 2100, 3240, 4100; PES 4810; PHIL 1040, 4950; TED 4600, 4700; THTR 2020, 2030, 2040, 2050, 3100. Cultural Diversity Requirement Students are required to take a course that increases their awareness of cultural diversity within the United States. This course may be within a student’s major department, an elective, or an approved Area Requirements course (humanities, social science or natural science). Complete one course from: AH 3430; ANTH 3250, 3420; ASL 4000; COMM 3280; ENGL 3320, 4060; FCS 3360, 4210; GES 4680; HIST 3520, 3580; MUS 2050; PHIL 3180, 3230, 4550; SOC 2200, 2220, 2250, 3220, 3250, 3290, 4240, 4290, 4390, 4680; SPAN 4210, 4420; THTR 3240; WEST 1010, 2020, 3090, 3130, 3150, 3250, 3290, 3360, 3420, 3520, 3580, 4120, 4280, 4390, 4550, 4680. Global Awareness Requirement Students are required to take a course that increases their awareness of global issues. This course may be within a student’s major department, an elective, or an approved Area Require­ments course (humanities, social science or natural science). Complete one course from: AH 3450, 3460, 4450, 4470; ANTH 1040, 3040; BIOL 1510; CHEM 1111, 4521; ECON 3590, 3710; ENGL 2600, 2610, 4065; FCS 3180, 3190, 3250, 3340, 3380, 3690, 3890; FILM 2000, 3690; FR 3250; GER 3180, 3190; GES 1980, 1990, 3070, 3400, 3820, 3980, 4640; GRNT 3560; HIST 1110, 1120, 1130, 1140, 1400, 1410, 1600, 1610, 3220, 3560, 3590, 3680, 4050, 4060, 4130, 4150, 4160, 4280, 4860; MUS 3150; PHIL 1300, 1400, 3100, 3240, 3400, 3480, 3490, 3500; PSC 1010, 2070, 2080, 2090, 4170, 4190, 4210, 4570, 4580, 4590; PSY 3560; SOC 2220, 3340, 4380, 4700; SPAN 3690; WEST 3340, 3380, 3480, 3560, 3680, 4050, 4060, 4150, 4170, 4380, 4700. Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 American Sign Language ASL 1010 001 10423 Amer Sign Language I 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 102 Days: MW Time: 03:05-04:20PM Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 102 Days: F Time: 03:05PM-03:55PM Instructor: Covell,John Andrew ASL 1010 002 10425 Amer Sign Language I 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 102 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15-01:30PM Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 102 Days: F Time: 12:15PM-01:05PM Instructor: Campbell,Jacinthe D ASL 1010 003 11479 Amer Sign Language I 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 102 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40-02:55PM Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 102 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-02:30PM Instructor: Covell,John Andrew ASL 1010 004 11800 Amer Sign Language I 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 102 Days: MW Time: 08:00-09:15AM Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 102 Days: F Time: 08:00AM-08:50AM Instructor: Eurek,Kenneth Wayne ASL 1010 WB1 34001 Amer Sign Lang I 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 4 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 303 Days: Sa Time: 08:30AM-12:30PM Dt: 09/13/2014-11/15/2014 Instructor: Wilding,Ida M Hybrid Course. Remaining hour of class satisfied on-line or in the Center for Excellence in Language as determined by the instructor. **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. ASL 1020 001 10426 Amer Sign Language II 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 102 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-12:05 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 102 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-11:40AM Instructor: Wilding,Ida M ASL 1020 002 12205 Amer Sign Language II 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 102 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-11:40AM Instructor: Eurek,Kenneth Wayne ASL 1020 003 30159 Amer Sign Language II 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 102 Days: TuTh Time: 06:05-07:50PM Instructor: Campbell,Jacinthe D ASL 1020 WB1 34002 Amer Sign Lang II 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 4 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 303 Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM Dt: 09/13/2014-11/15/2014 Instructor: Wilding,Ida M Hybrid Course. Remaining hour of class satisfied on-line or in the Center for Excellence in Language as determined by the instructor. **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. ASL 2110 001 11452 American Sign Language III 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 102 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05-04:50PM Instructor: Covell,John Andrew ASL 2110 002 30160 American Sign Language III 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 102 Days: MW Time: 06:05-07:50PM Instructor: Wilding,Ida M ASL 3110 001 11665 American Sign Language V 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 102 Days: MW Time: 12:15-01:30PM Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: F Time: 12:15PM-01:05PM Instructor: Covell,John Andrew ASL 3490 001 12329 Internship in Applied ASL 1 - 3 Instructor: Covell,John Andrew Add Consent : Instructor Consent Required ASL 3590 001 10427 Deaf Culture 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 102 Days: MW Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Covell,John Andrew Combined Section ID: 0026(ASL 3590/FCS 3590) University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 ASL 4000 WK1 34003 Linguistic Analysis 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 112 Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM Dt: 09/13/2014-11/15/2014 Instructor: Covell,John Andrew Combined Section ID: 0007(ASL 4000/ASL 5000) **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. ASL 5000 WK1 34004 Linguistic Analysis 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 112 Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM Dt: 09/13/2014-11/15/2014 Instructor: Covell,John Andrew Combined Section ID: 0007(ASL 4000/ASL 5000) **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. ASL 9300 901 12206 Independent Study in ASL 1 - 4 Instructor: Covell,John Andrew ASL 9400 901 12541 Independent Study in ASL 1 - 3 Instructor: Covell,John Andrew Anthropology ANTH 1020 001 10367 Introduction to Archaeology 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 106 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-08:05PM Instructor: Lindsey,Roche Mervin ANTH 1020 002 11697 Introduction to Archaeology 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 106 Days: F Time: 12:15PM-03:35PM Instructor: Lindsey,Roche Mervin ANTH 1030 001 10368 Introduction to Human Origins 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Tierson,Forrest D ANTH 1030 002 10369 Introduction to Human Origins 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Nichols,Kimberly Anne ANTH 1030 003 10370 Introduction to Human Origins 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: MW Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Dorne,Michelle J ANTH 1040 001 10371 Intro to Cultural Anthropology 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Carne,Glenda Lynn ANTH 1040 002 10372 Intro to Cultural Anthropology 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Carne,Glenda Lynn ANTH 1040 003 10373 Intro to Cultural Anthropology 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: F Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Lindsey,Roche Mervin ANTH 1040 H01 11818 Intro to Cultural Anthropology 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: Th Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Dt: 08/28/2014 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: Th Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Dt: 10/16/2014 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: Th Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Dt: 12/11/2014 Instructor: Carne,Glenda Lynn Hybrid course. Meets 8/28, 10/16, 12/11, and one day TBD. ANTH 1040 WK1 12689 Intro to Cultrll Anth 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 106 Days: Sa Time: 08:30AM-12:30PM Dt: 09/13/2014-11/15/2014 Instructor: Lindsey,Roche Mervin **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. ANTH 1040 WK2 12690 Intro to Cultrll Anth 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 106 Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM Dt: 09/13/2014-11/15/2014 Instructor: Lindsey,Roche Mervin **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. 61 Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 ANTH 2310 001 29708 Human Reproduction 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B216 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Dorne,Michelle J ANTH 2800 001 11402 The Nature of Language 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B216 Days: MW Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Watts,Linda Kay ANTH 3040 001 33719 Women Around the World 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: MW Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Watts,Linda Kay ANTH 3210 WK1 12693 Lab Tech Archaeol 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 125 Days: Sa Time: 08:30AM-12:30PM Dt: 09/13/2014-11/15/2014 Instructor: Larkin,Karin Tonya **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. ANTH 3220 001 12094 Arch of Native North America 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 125 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Church,Minette Carrier ANTH 3260 001 29728 Agric Orig/Emerg Urb Soc 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 133 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Segin,Robert Steven ANTH 3280 001 12096 Arch of Gender/Sexuality Seminar 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 125 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Church,Minette Carrier ANTH 9400 904 10384 Instructor: Church,Minette Carrier ANTH 9400 905 10386 Instructor: Lindsey,Roche Mervin ANTH 9400 906 11520 Instructor: Carne,Glenda Lynn ANTH 9400 907 12420 Instructor: Dorne,Michelle J ANTH 9500 901 10387 Independent Study in ANTH 1 - 4 Instructor: Tierson,Forrest D ANTH 9500 902 11502 Instructor: Church,Minette Carrier Arabic ARBC 1010 WK1 11899 Beginning Arabic I 09/12/2014 11/15/2014 5 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 106 Days: F Time: 06:05PM-08:45PM Dt: 09/12/2014-11/14/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 106 Days: Sa Time: 08:30AM-12:30PM Dt: 09/13/2014-11/15/2014 Instructor: Gaza,Nouha **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. Art History AH 1000 001 10388 Art Through the Ages, Part I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 214 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Lewis-Salem,Kathryn AH 1000 002 10389 Art Through the Ages, Part I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 214 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Lewis-Salem,Kathryn ANTH 3340 001 11819 Human Evolution 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 106 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50-12:05PM Instructor: Tierson,Forrest D AH 1000 OL1 12084 Art Through the Ages, Part I 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Cole,Julie Dawn ANTH 3370 001 12326 Human Biology and Ecology 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B215 Days: Th Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Dorne,Michelle J AH 1500 001 10390 Art and Ideas 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 216 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-12:05 Instructor: Steen,Michaela Lisa ANTH 3970 001 10375 History and Theory of Anth 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 133 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Smith,Kimbra Leigh AH 2000 OL1 29490 Spec Tpcs 08/25/2014 10/30/2014 3 Roman Art Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Dt: 08/25/2014-10/30/2014 Instructor: Couchman,Judy Carol **INTENSIVE COURSE** ANTH 3970 002 11587 History and Theory of Anth 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 133 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Smith,Kimbra Leigh ANTH 4400 001 11820 Adv Tpcs Cult Anth: 3 Nat Amer Phil Thought Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 106 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Gould,Janice Combined Section ID: 0265(WEST 4280/ANTH 4400) AH 2000 WK1 33841 Spec Tpcs 09/04/2014 10/15/2014 1 Latino/a Artists in the USA Bldg: Off Site - Contact Department Room: SITE Days: Th Time: 03:00PM-08:00PM Dt: 09/04/2014 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 203 Days: Sa Time: 09:00AM-05:00PM Dt: 09/13/2014 Bldg: TBA Days: TBA Time: TBA Dt: 09/14/2014-10/15/2014 Instructor: Herrera,C Andrea Combined Section ID: 0006(WEST 2900/AH 2000) This 1-credit class is based on the "We Are You" art exhibition, which opens at the UCCS Gallery of Contemporary Art on 9/4/14. For more information see: http://iberex.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/we-are-youus-latinization-new-wave.pdf and online Class Search. **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. ANTH 4710 Internship in Anthropology 1 - 6 ANTH 4710 001 10376 Instructor: Tierson,Forrest D ANTH 4710 002 10377 Instructor: Church,Minette Carrier ANTH 4710 003 12097 Instructor: Larkin,Karin Tonya AH 2800 OL1 10391 Survey: Ancient Art 08/25/2014 10/30/2014 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Dt: 08/25/2014-10/30/2014 Instructor: Couchman,Judy Carol **INTENSIVE COURSE** ANTH 4980 001 33721 Senior Seminar in Anthropology 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 125 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Church,Minette Carrier AH 2820 001 29491 Survey: Renaissance Art 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 214 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Staff ANTH 4990 001 10379 Honors Thesis Research 3 Instructor: Watts,Linda Kay AH 3000 001 33716 Topics in Art History 3 Art/Cult Equatorial Africa Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B134 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Soifer,Alexander Combined Section ID: 0397(ID 3700/AH 3000) Meets with ID 3700 ANTH 4200 001 33720 A Adv Tpcs in Arch 3 Ethnobotany Methods Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 125 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Staff ANTH 4300 001 29730 Adv Tpcs Phys Anth: 3 Forensic Anthropology Bldg: University Hall Room: 132 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Taala,Sabrina ANTH 7000 801 10380 Masters Thesis Dissertation 1 - 6 Instructor: Tierson,Forrest D ANTH 9400 Independent Study in Anth 1 - 6 ANTH 9400 901 10381 Instructor: Watts,Linda Kay ANTH 9400 902 10382 Instructor: Tierson,Forrest D ANTH 9400 903 10383 Instructor: Wynn,Thomas G 62 AH 3000 OL1 29514 Topics in Art History 3 History of Graphic Design Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Sider,Sandra Carol Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 AH 3250 OL1 12085 Women, Visual Arts & Culture I 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Medakovich,Molly A AH 3450 001 11623 Art of Japan 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 214 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: MacAulay,Suzanne P Combined Section ID: 0217(AH 3450/JPNS 3200) AH 4030 001 10392 Internship in Art History Internship 1 - 3 Instructor: Auther,Elissa A AH 4920 001 29516 Art since 1945 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 214 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Staff AH 4980 001 29515 Senior Seminar in Art History 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 303 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Auther,Elissa A AH 9400 901 11135 Independent Study in Art Hist 1 - 4 Instructor: Auther,Elissa A Biology BIOL 1000 001 10320 Biol in the Modern World 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 186 Days: TuTh Time: 08:00-09:15AM Instructor: Epperson,Susan Smith BIOL 1010 002 30073 Intro. to Human Biology 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 121 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Staff BIOL 1060 001 10491 Modern Biology Lab 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B314 Days: Tu Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Epperson,Susan Smith BIOL 1060 002 10492 Modern Biology Lab 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B314 Days: Tu Time: 12:15PM-02:55PM Instructor: Epperson,Susan Smith BIOL 1060 003 10493 Modern Biology Lab 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B314 Days: Tu Time: 03:05PM-05:45PM Instructor: Staff BIOL 1060 004 10489 Modern Biology Lab 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B314 Days: F Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Staff BIOL 1060 005 10490 Modern Biology Lab 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B314 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Staff BIOL 1300 001 30076 Gen Biol I:Organismic Biol 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 186 Days: MW Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Huber,Nicole J BIOL 1300 002 30077 Gen Biol I:Organismic Biol 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B134 Days: MW Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Huber,Nicole J BIOL 1300 003 30079 Gen Biol I:Organismic Biol 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 192 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Mesirow,Keri Lynn BIOL 1300 004 30081 Gen Biol I:Organismic Biol 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 128 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Mesirow,Keri Lynn BIOL 1300 005 30082 Gen Biol I:Organismic Biol 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 109 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Mesirow,Keri Lynn BIOL 1310 001 30083 Gen Biol I:Organismic Biol Lab 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B310 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Durrenberger,Lisa Ann University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 BIOL 1310 002 30084 Gen Biol I:Organismic Biol Lab 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B310 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Durrenberger,Lisa Ann BIOL 1310 003 30085 Gen Biol I:Organismic Biol Lab 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B310 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Durrenberger,Lisa Ann BIOL 1310 004 30086 Gen Biol I:Organismic Biol Lab 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B310 Days: Tu Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Durrenberger,Lisa Ann BIOL 1310 005 30087 Gen Biol I:Organismic Biol Lab 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B310 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Durrenberger,Lisa Ann BIOL 1310 006 30088 Gen Biol I:Organismic Biol Lab 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B310 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Durrenberger,Lisa Ann BIOL 1310 007 30089 Gen Biol I:Organismic Biol Lab 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B310 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Durrenberger,Lisa Ann BIOL 1310 008 30090 Gen Biol I:Organismic Biol Lab 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B310 Days: W Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Durrenberger,Lisa Ann BIOL 1310 009 30091 Gen Biol I:Organismic Biol Lab 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B310 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Durrenberger,Lisa Ann BIOL 1310 010 30092 Gen Biol I:Organismic Biol Lab 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B310 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Durrenberger,Lisa Ann BIOL 1310 011 30093 Gen Biol I:Organismic Biol Lab 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B310 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Durrenberger,Lisa Ann BIOL 1310 012 30094 Gen Biol I:Organismic Biol Lab 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B310 Days: Th Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Durrenberger,Lisa Ann BIOL 1310 013 30095 Gen Biol I:Organismic Biol Lab 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B310 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Durrenberger,Lisa Ann BIOL 1310 014 30096 Gen Biol I:Organismic Biol Lab 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B310 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Durrenberger,Lisa Ann BIOL 1310 015 30097 Gen Biol I:Organismic Biol Lab 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B310 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Durrenberger,Lisa Ann BIOL 1350 001 30100 Gen Biol II: Intro to the Cell 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 325 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Huber,Nicole J BIOL 1350 002 30101 Gen Biol II: Intro to the Cell 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B215 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Olesnicky Killian,Eugenia Christina BIOL 1360 001 30102 Gen Biol II:Intro to Cell: Lab 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B301 Days: M Time: 12:15PM-02:55PM Instructor: Durrenberger,Lisa Ann BIOL 1360 002 30103 Gen Biol II:Intro to Cell: Lab 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B301 Days: W Time: 12:15PM-02:55PM Instructor: Durrenberger,Lisa Ann BIOL 1360 003 30104 Gen Biol II:Intro to Cell: Lab 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B301 Days: Th Time: 12:15PM-02:55PM Instructor: Durrenberger,Lisa Ann 63 Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 BIOL 2010 001 10322 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 203 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Lykins,Daniel Robert BIOL 2010 180 12035 Human Anatomy & Physiology I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B414 Days: M Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM BIOL 2010 002 11975 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 203 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Lykins,Daniel Robert BIOL 2020 001 30116 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 4 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 121 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Allenspach,Sabine BIOL 2010 010 10517 Human Anatomy & Physiology I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B414 Days: F Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM BIOL 2020 010 30117 Human Anatomy & Physiology II Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B426 Days: F Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Allenspach,Sabine BIOL 2010 020 10518 Human Anatomy & Physiology I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B426 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM BIOL 2020 020 30118 Human Anatomy & Physiology II Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B426 Days: W Time: 12:15PM-02:55PM Instructor: Staff BIOL 2010 030 10519 Human Anatomy & Physiology I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B426 Days: Th Time: 12:15PM-02:55PM BIOL 2020 030 30119 Human Anatomy & Physiology II Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B426 Days: W Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Staff BIOL 2010 040 10520 Human Anatomy & Physiology I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B414 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM BIOL 2020 040 30120 Human Anatomy & Physiology II Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B426 Days: M Time: 12:15PM-02:55PM Instructor: Allenspach,Sabine BIOL 2010 050 10521 Human Anatomy & Physiology I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B414 Days: Th Time: 12:15PM-02:55PM BIOL 2030 001 10323 Microbiology 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 203 Days: TuTh Time: 08:00-09:15AM Instructor: Doughty,Cheryl Ann BIOL 2010 060 10522 Human Anatomy & Physiology I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B414 Days: Th Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM BIOL 2050 001 10529 Nutrition for Health Sciences 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 121 Days: F Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Berning,Jacqueline R Combined Section ID: 0097(BIOL 2050/HSCI 2070) BIOL 2010 070 10523 Human Anatomy & Physiology I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B426 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM BIOL 2010 080 10524 Human Anatomy & Physiology I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B414 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM BIOL 2010 090 10525 Human Anatomy & Physiology I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B414 Days: W Time: 12:15PM-02:55PM BIOL 2010 100 10526 Human Anatomy & Physiology I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B414 Days: W Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Lykins,Daniel Robert BIOL 2010 110 10527 Human Anatomy & Physiology I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B426 Days: Tu Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM BIOL 2010 120 11552 Human Anatomy & Physiology I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B414 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM BIOL 2010 130 11976 Human Anatomy & Physiology I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B414 Days: Tu Time: 12:15PM-02:55PM BIOL 2010 140 11977 Human Anatomy & Physiology I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B414 Days: Tu Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM BIOL 2010 150 11978 Human Anatomy & Physiology I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B426 Days: M Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM BIOL 2010 160 12024 Human Anatomy & Physiology I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B414 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM BIOL 2010 170 12025 Human Anatomy & Physiology I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B414 Days: M Time: 12:15PM-02:55PM 64 BIOL 2130 001 10536 Microbiology Laboratory 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B301 Days: WF Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Doughty,Cheryl Ann BIOL 2130 002 10540 Microbiology Laboratory 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B301 Days: WF Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Doughty,Cheryl Ann BIOL 2130 003 10541 Microbiology Laboratory 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B301 Days: WF Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Doughty,Cheryl Ann BIOL 2130 004 10542 Microbiology Laboratory 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B301 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Wallace,Brent E BIOL 2130 005 10543 Microbiology Laboratory 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B301 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Wallace,Brent E BIOL 2130 006 12496 Microbiology Laboratory 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B301 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Wallace,Brent E ; Doughty,Cheryl Ann BIOL 2500 001 30121 Plant Biology 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B211 Days: MW Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Berry-Lowe,Sandra L BIOL 3000 001 10537 Biostatistics 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B134 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Hines,Lisa Mei Combined Section ID: 0331(BIOL 3000/BIOL 5020) BIOL 3020 001 10538 Cell Biology 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 128 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05PM04:20PM Instructor: Wolkow,Thomas Dwight BIOL 3140 001 11777 Microbiology: Virology 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B216 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Doughty,Cheryl Ann BIOL 3300 001 12263 Exercise Physiology 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B134 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Staff Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 BIOL 3830 001 30122 Genetics 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B215 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Berry-Lowe,Sandra L BIOL 3830 002 12393 Genetics 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 186 Days: MW Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Olesnicky Killian,Eugenia Christina BIOL 3830 H01 30123 Genetics 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 192 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-05:30PM Dt: 08/28/2014 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 192 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Dt: 09/18/2014 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 192 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Dt: 10/16/2014 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 192 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Dt: 11/13/2014 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 192 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Dt: 12/11/2014 Instructor: Berry-Lowe,Sandra L Hybrid course. Required meeting Thursday 8/28, plus in class exams 9/18, 10/16, 11/13, 12/11. BIOL 3910 001 10544 Immunology 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B216 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Melamede,Robert Jean BIOL 4000 001 34008 Topics in Biology 3 Gastro-Intestinal Physiology Bldg: University Hall Room: 133 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Grichtchenko,Irina Ivan BIOL 4350 001 10551 Human Anatomy 4 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 121 Days: MW Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Broker,Jeffrey P ; Pigage,Jon Charles Combined Section ID: 0039(BIOL 4350/5350 001/HSCI 5350) BIOL 4350 010 10552 Human Anatomy Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B426 Days: Th Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Lawrence,Jagger Brock Combined Section ID: 0040(BIOL 4350/5350 010/HSCI 5350) BIOL 4350 020 10553 Human Anatomy Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B426 Days: Tu Time: 12:15PM-02:55PM Instructor: Partridge,Benjamin Robert Combined Section ID: 0041(BIOL 4350/5350 020/HSCI 5350) BIOL 4350 030 10554 Human Anatomy Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B426 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Partridge,Benjamin Robert Combined Section ID: 0042(BIOL 4350/5350 030/HSCI 5350) BIOL 4350 040 10555 Human Anatomy Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B426 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Allenspach,Sabine Combined Section ID: 0043(BIOL 4350/5350 040/HSCI 5350) BIOL 4360 B01 11673 Human Physiology 4 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B134 Days: M Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Grichtchenko,Irina Ivan Additional online coursework required. BIOL 4010 001 10545 Seminar in Biology 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B217 Days: Tu Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Hines,Lisa Mei BIOL 4600 001 10556 Biomech of Musculoskel Injury 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B216 Days: MW Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Broker,Jeffrey P Combined Section ID: 0173(BIOL 4600/5600/HSCI 5600) BIOL 4010 002 10546 Seminar in Biology Seminar 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B213 Days: W Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Berning,Jacqueline R BIOL 4610 001 34009 Evolutionary Genetics Methods 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B306 Days: Tu Time: 12:15PM-02:55PM Instructor: Bono,Jeremy M BIOL 4010 003 11714 Seminar in Biol 1 Spec Tpcs Evolution & Devel Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B217 Days: Th Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Olesnicky Killian,Eugenia Christina BIOL 4670 001 12370 Applied Molecular Genetics 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B216 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Wolkow,Thomas Dwight Combined Section ID: 0357(BIOL 4670/BIOL 5670) BIOL 4010 004 30124 Seminar in Biology 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B136 Days: Tu Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Berry-Lowe,Sandra L BIOL 4080 001 10548 Endocannabinoids 2 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B217 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-03:20PM Instructor: Melamede,Robert Jean BIOL 4220 001 12372 Epidemiology 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: MW Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Hines,Lisa Mei Combined Section ID: 0358(BIOL 4220/BIOL 5220) BIOL 4250 001 10549 Evolution 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 121 Days: MW Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Bono,Jeremy M BIOL 4280 001 30125 Mammalogy 4 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B402 Days: MW Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Pigage,Jon Charles Combined Section ID: 0384(BIOL 4280 001/BIOL 5280 001) BIOL 4280 010 30126 Mammalogy Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B402 Days: F Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Staff Combined Section ID: 0385(BIOL 4280 010/BIOL 5280 010) BIOL 4300 001 10550 Advanced Nutrition 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: MW Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Berning,Jacqueline R Combined Section ID: 0098(BIOL 4300/HSCI 4430) University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 CONSENT OF INSTRUCTOR REQUIRED FOR ALL EXTERNSHIPS BIOL 4710 Externship in Biology Internship 1 - 12 BIOL 4710 801 10557 Instructor: Melamede,Robert Jean BIOL 4710 802 10558 Instructor: Pigage,Jon Charles BIOL 4710 803 10559 Instructor: Pigage,Jon Charles BIOL 4710 804 10560 Instructor: Hines,Lisa Mei BIOL 4720 Externship Biol Exer Sci Internship 1 - 12 BIOL 4720 801 10561 Instructor: Broker,Jeffrey P BIOL 4720 802 11357 Instructor: Broker,Jeffrey P BIOL 4720 803 11358 Instructor: Berning,Jacqueline R BIOL 4730 801 10562 Extern in Biol Biochem Internship 1 - 12 Instructor: Wolkow,Thomas Dwight BIOL 4740 801 10563 Extern in Biol Biotech Internship 1 - 12 Instructor: Wolkow,Thomas Dwight BIOL 4840 001 30131 Molecular Biology 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B217 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Berry-Lowe,Sandra L BIOL 4940 Resch Prct in Biochem Research 3 BIOL 4940 001 10566 Instructor: Melamede,Robert Jean BIOL 4940 002 10567 Instructor: Wolkow,Thomas Dwight BIOL 4940 003 10568 Instructor: Bono,Jeremy M BIOL 4950 Resch Prct Exerc Physiol Research 3 BIOL 4950 001 10569 Instructor: Berning,Jacqueline R BIOL 4950 002 10570 Instructor: Broker,Jeffrey P BIOL 4950 003 10571 Instructor: Subudhi,Andrew Warren 65 Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 BIOL 4970 001 10572 Research Pract in Immunology 3 Instructor: Melamede,Robert Jean BIOL 5020 001 12262 Biostatistics 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B134 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Hines,Lisa Mei Combined Section ID: 0331(BIOL 3000/BIOL 5020) BIOL 5220 001 12373 Epidemiology 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: MW Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Hines,Lisa Mei Combined Section ID: 0358(BIOL 4220/BIOL 5220) BIOL 5280 001 30128 Mammalogy 4 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B402 Days: MW Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Pigage,Jon Charles Combined Section ID: 0384(BIOL 4280 001/BIOL 5280 001) BIOL 5280 010 30127 Mammalogy Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B402 Days: F Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Staff Combined Section ID: 0385(BIOL 4280 010/BIOL 5280 010) BIOL 5350 001 10611 Human Anatomy 4 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 121 Days: MW Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Broker,Jeffrey P ; Pigage,Jon Charles Combined Section ID: 0039(BIOL 4350/5350 001/HSCI 5350) BIOL 5350 010 10612 Human Anatomy Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B426 Days: Th Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Lawrence,Jagger Brock Combined Section ID: 0040(BIOL 4350/5350 010/HSCI 5350) BIOL 5350 020 10613 Human Anatomy Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B426 Days: Tu Time: 12:15PM-02:55PM Instructor: Partridge,Benjamin Robert Combined Section ID: 0041(BIOL 4350/5350 020/HSCI 5350) BIOL 5350 030 10614 Human Anatomy Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B426 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Partridge,Benjamin Robert Combined Section ID: 0042(BIOL 4350/5350 030/HSCI 5350) BIOL 5350 040 10615 Human Anatomy Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B426 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Allenspach,Sabine Combined Section ID: 0043(BIOL 4350/5350 040/HSCI 5350) BIOL 5600 001 10573 Biomech of Musculoskel Injury 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B216 Days: MW Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Broker,Jeffrey P Combined Section ID: 0173(BIOL 4600/5600/HSCI 5600) BIOL 5670 001 12371 Applied Molecular Genetics 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B216 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Wolkow,Thomas Dwight Combined Section ID: 0357(BIOL 4670/BIOL 5670) CONSENT OF INSTRUCTOR REQUIRED FOR ALL EXTERNSHIPS BIOL 5710 Externship in Biology Internship 1 - 12 BIOL 5710 801 10574 Instructor: Melamede,Robert Jean BIOL 5710 802 10575 Instructor: Bono,Jeremy M BIOL 5710 803 10576 Instructor: Pigage,Jon Charles BIOL 5720 Externshp Biol Exercise Sci Internship 1 - 12 BIOL 5720 801 10577 Instructor: Berning,Jacqueline R BIOL 5720 802 10578 Instructor: Broker,Jeffrey P BIOL 5720 803 10579 Instructor: Subudhi,Andrew Warren BIOL 5730 801 10580 Extern in Biol Biochem Internship 1 - 12 Instructor: Wolkow,Thomas Dwight BIOL 5740 801 10581 Extern in Biol Biotech Internship 1 - 12 Instructor: Wolkow,Thomas Dwight BIOL 6930 001 10582 Resch Prct in Genetics Research 3 Instructor: Wolkow,Thomas Dwight 66 BIOL 6940 001 10583 Resch Prct in Biochem Research 3 Instructor: Berning,Jacqueline R BIOL 6950 Resch Prct Exerc Physiol Research 3 BIOL 6950 001 10584 Instructor: Berning,Jacqueline R BIOL 6950 002 10585 Instructor: Broker,Jeffrey P BIOL 6950 003 10586 Instructor: Subudhi,Andrew Warren BIOL 7000 801 10587 Masters Thesis Dissertation 1 - 6 Instructor: Berry-Lowe,Sandra L BIOL 9400 Independent Study 1 - 3 BIOL 9400 901 Instructor: Melamede,Robert Jean BIOL 9400 902 10589 Instructor: Wolkow,Thomas Dwight BIOL 9400 903 10590 Instructor: Bono,Jeremy M BIOL 9400 904 10591 Instructor: Hines,Lisa Mei BIOL 9400 905 10592 Instructor: Haggren,Wendy BIOL 9400 906 30132 Instructor: Berry-Lowe,Sandra L BIOL 9410 901 10593 Indep Study Biochemistry 1 - 3 Instructor: Berning,Jacqueline R BIOL 9420 901 10594 Ind Study in Genetics 1 - 3 Instructor: Wolkow,Thomas Dwight BIOL 9430 Ind Study Exercise Science 1 - 3 BIOL 9430 901 10595 Instructor: Broker,Jeffrey P BIOL 9430 902 10597 Instructor: Subudhi,Andrew Warren BIOL 9450 901 11778 Ind Study Neurobiology 1 - 3 Instructor: Olesnicky Killian,Eugenia Christina BIOL 9480 Ind Stdy Organismic Biol 1 - 3 BIOL 9480 901 10596 Instructor: Pigage,Jon Charles BIOL 9480 902 10598 Instructor: Bono,Jeremy M BIOL 9490 901 11925 Senior Thesis Dissertation 3 Instructor: Berning,Jacqueline R BIOL 9500 Independent Study 1 - 3 BIOL 9500 901 10599 Instructor: Melamede,Robert Jean BIOL 9500 902 10600 Instructor: Pigage,Jon Charles BIOL 9500 903 10601 Instructor: Wolkow,Thomas Dwight BIOL 9500 904 10602 Instructor: Berning,Jacqueline R BIOL 9500 905 10603 Instructor: Bono,Jeremy M BIOL 9510 901 10604 Indep Study Biochem 1 - 3 Instructor: Hines,Lisa Mei BIOL 9520 Ind Study Genetics 1 - 3 BIOL 9520 901 10605 Instructor: Wolkow,Thomas Dwight BIOL 9520 902 10606 Instructor: Bono,Jeremy M BIOL 9530 Ind Study Exercise Science 1 - 3 BIOL 9530 901 10607 Instructor: Subudhi,Andrew Warren BIOL 9530 902 10608 Instructor: Broker,Jeffrey P BIOL 9530 903 10609 Instructor: Berning,Jacqueline R BIOL 9550 901 11779 Ind Study Neurobiology 1 - 3 Instructor: Olesnicky Killian,Eugenia Christina BIOL 9560 901 10610 Ind Study Cell Biology 3 - 5 Instructor: Wolkow,Thomas Dwight BIOL 9990 001 30133 Candidate for Degree Dissertation 0 Instructor: Berry-Lowe,Sandra L Chemistry CHEM 1001 001 12558 Preparatory Chem 09/08/2014 12/20/2014 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 192 Days: MWF Time: 08:00-09:15AM Dt: 09/08/2014-12/20/2014 Instructor: Epperson,Susan Smith **INTENSIVE COURSE** Class begins Sept. 8. CHEM 1101 001 12174 Chemistry in the Modern World 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 102 Days: MW Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Neely,Mary B Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 CHEM 1102 001 29757 Chem in the Modern World Lab 1 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 254 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Neely,Mary B CHEM 1221 010 11803 Intro to Gen, Org and Biochem Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 270 Days: W Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Applegate,Cynthia Lynn CHEM 1201 001 10317 Introduction to Chemistry 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-2:05PM Instructor: Neely,Mary B CHEM 1301 001 10319 General Chemistry I 5 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 203 Days: MWF Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Eagan,Lisa Kathleen CHEM 1201 002 10985 Introduction to Chemistry 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: TuTh Time: 08:00-9:15AM Instructor: Applegate,Cynthia Lynn CHEM 1301 002 11027 General Chemistry I 5 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 186 Days: MWF Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Eagan,Lisa Kathleen CHEM 1201 003 10986 Introduction to Chemistry 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 186 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Applegate,Cynthia Lynn CHEM 1301 003 11028 General Chemistry I 5 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 203 Days: MWF Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Eagan,Lisa Kathleen CHEM 1201 010 10987 Introduction to Chemistry Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 270 Days: M Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM CHEM 1301 004 29756 General Chemistry I 5 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 186 Days: TuTh Time: 04:45-06:50PM Instructor: Henry,Renee Monica CHEM 1201 020 10988 Introduction to Chemistry Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 270 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM CHEM 1201 030 10989 Introduction to Chemistry Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 270 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM CHEM 1201 040 10990 Introduction to Chemistry Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 270 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM CHEM 1201 050 10991 Introduction to Chemistry Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 270 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM CHEM 1201 060 10992 Introduction to Chemistry Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 270 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM CHEM 1201 070 10993 Introduction to Chemistry Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 270 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM CHEM 1201 080 10994 Introduction to Chemistry Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 270 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM CHEM 1201 090 10995 Introduction to Chemistry Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 270 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM CHEM 1201 100 10996 Introduction to Chemistry Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 270 Days: Th Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM CHEM 1201 110 10997 Introduction to Chemistry Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 270 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM CHEM 1201 120 11702 Introduction to Chemistry Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 270 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM CHEM 1201 130 12020 Introduction to Chemistry Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 270 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM CHEM 1201 140 12475 Introduction to Chemistry Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 270 Days: F Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM CHEM 1201 150 12501 Introduction to Chemistry Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 270 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM CHEM 1211 001 11008 Intro to Organic & Biochem 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 192 Days: MW Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Neely,Mary B CHEM 1211 010 11009 Intro to Organic & Biochem Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 270 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM CHEM 1211 020 11010 Intro to Organic & Biochem Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 270 Days: M Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM CHEM 1211 030 12012 Intro to Organic & Biochem Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 270 Days: Tu Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM CHEM 1221 001 11802 Intro to Gen, Org and Biochem 5 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B136 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25AM-11:05AM Instructor: Applegate,Cynthia Lynn University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 CHEM 1301 010 11029 General Chemistry I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 248 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Oppenheim,Keith Cochrane CHEM 1301 020 11030 General Chemistry I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 248 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM CHEM 1301 030 11031 General Chemistry I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 248 Days: Tu Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM CHEM 1301 040 11032 General Chemistry I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 248 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM CHEM 1301 050 11033 General Chemistry I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 248 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM CHEM 1301 060 11034 General Chemistry I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 248 Days: W Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM CHEM 1301 070 11035 General Chemistry I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 248 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM CHEM 1301 080 11036 General Chemistry I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 248 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM CHEM 1301 090 11037 General Chemistry I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 248 Days: Th Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM CHEM 1301 100 11054 General Chemistry I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 248 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM CHEM 1301 110 11055 General Chemistry I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 248 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM CHEM 1301 120 11056 General Chemistry I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 248 Days: Th Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM CHEM 1301 130 11057 General Chemistry I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 248 Days: F Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM CHEM 1301 140 11058 General Chemistry I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 248 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM CHEM 1301 150 11059 General Chemistry I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 248 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM CHEM 1301 160 11713 General Chemistry I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 254 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM CHEM 1301 170 12013 General Chemistry I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 254 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM CHEM 1301 180 12021 General Chemistry I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 254 Days: Tu Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM CHEM 1301 190 12476 General Chemistry I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 254 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM 67 Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 CHEM 1301 200 12502 General Chemistry I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 254 Days: Tu Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM CHEM 3102 050 11071 Organic Chemistry Lab I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 256 Days: W Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM CHEM 1301 210 12515 General Chemistry I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 254 Days: W Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM CHEM 3102 060 11072 Organic Chemistry Lab I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 256 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM CHEM 1301 220 12537 General Chemistry I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 254 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM CHEM 3102 070 11804 Organic Chemistry Lab I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 256 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM CHEM 1311 001 11060 General Chemistry II 5 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 192 Days: MWF Time: 10:50AM-12:05 Instructor: Ruminski,Ronald R CHEM 3111 001 11065 Organic Chemistry II 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 106 Days: MWF Time: 08:00-09:15AM Instructor: Schoffstall,Allen M CHEM 1311 010 11061 General Chemistry II Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 254 Days: Th Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Oppenheim,Keith Cochrane CHEM 3112 001 11471 Organic Chemistry Lab II 2 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 106 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Geiger,Terry Alan CHEM 1311 020 11062 General Chemistry II Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 254 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM CHEM 3112 010 11073 Organic Chemistry Lab II Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 268 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM CHEM 1311 030 11063 General Chemistry II Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 254 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM CHEM 3112 020 11074 Organic Chemistry Lab II Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 268 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM CHEM 2904 Research: Lower Division Practicum 1 - 3 CHEM 2904 001 29758 Instructor: Anderson,David Richard CHEM 2904 002 29759 Instructor: Braun Sand,Sonja Beth CHEM 2904 003 29760 Instructor: Staff CHEM 2904 004 29761 Instructor: Haggren,Wendy CHEM 2904 005 29762 Instructor: Henry,Renee Monica CHEM 2904 006 29763 Instructor: Owens,Janel Elizabeth CHEM 2904 007 29764 Instructor: Phillips,Jerry Lee CHEM 2904 008 29765 Instructor: Ruminski,Ronald R CHEM 2904 009 29766 Instructor: Schoffstall,Allen M CHEM 2904 010 29767 Instructor: Tvrdy,Kevin C CHEM 2904 011 34123 Instructor: Weiss,David J. CHEM 3201 001 29769 Organic Chem for Majors I 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 192 Days: MWF Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Schoffstall,Allen M CHEM 3001 001 11952 Organic Chemistry 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 186 Days: MWF Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Gaddis,Barbara Ann Ellen CHEM 3002 001 11954 Organic Chemistry Laboratory 2 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: F Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Mayer,Brett John CHEM 3002 010 11077 Organic Chemistry Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 268 Days: Tu Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM CHEM 3002 020 11078 Organic Chemistry Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 268 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM CHEM 3002 030 11079 Organic Chemistry Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 268 Days: Th Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM CHEM 3002 040 12008 Organic Chemistry Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 268 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM CHEM 3002 050 29768 Organic Chemistry Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 268 Days: Th Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM CHEM 3101 001 11064 Organic Chemistry I 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 203 Days: MWF Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Anderson,David Richard CHEM 3102 001 11066 Organic Chemistry Lab I 2 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 186 Days: F Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Geiger,Terry Alan CHEM 3102 010 11067 Organic Chemistry Lab I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 256 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM CHEM 3102 020 11068 Organic Chemistry Lab I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 256 Days: Tu Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM CHEM 3102 030 11069 Organic Chemistry Lab I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 256 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM CHEM 3102 040 11070 Organic Chemistry Lab I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 256 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM 68 CHEM 3203 001 12503 Organic Chem Lab for Majors I 2 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 268 Days: MW Time: 08:00-10:40AM Instructor: Mayer,Brett John CHEM 3203 002 11076 Organic Chem Lab for Majors I 2 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 268 Days: MW Time: 01:40-04:20PM Instructor: Balyeat,John Robert CHEM 3203 003 11075 Organic Chem Lab for Majors I 2 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 268 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40-04:20PM Instructor: Mayer,Brett John CHEM 4001 001 11084 Analytical Chemistry 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 106 Days: TuTh Time: 08:00-09:15AM Instructor: Zimmerman,Laura Bollinger CHEM 4002 001 29770 Analytical Chemistry Lab 1 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 246 Days: Tu Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Zimmerman,Laura Bollinger CHEM 4002 002 29771 Analytical Chemistry Lab 1 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 246 Days: W Time: 06:05PM-08:45PM Instructor: Zimmerman,Laura Bollinger CHEM 4002 003 29772 Analytical Chemistry Lab 1 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 246 Days: Th Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Zimmerman,Laura Bollinger CHEM 4101 001 12547 Phys Chem: Quantum & Spectrosc 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 186 Days: MWF Time: 08:00-09:15AM Instructor: Tvrdy,Kevin C Combined Section ID: 0365(CHEM 4101/CHEM 5101) CHEM 4102 001 29773 Expmtl Phys Chem: Quant & Spec 1 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 245 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Dymek,Chester Joseph CHEM 4102 002 29774 Expmtl Phys Chem: Quant & Spec 1 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 245 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Dymek,Chester Joseph CHEM 4211 001 10565 Biochemistry 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 192 Days: MW Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Phillips,Jerry Lee CHEM 4221 001 10564 Biochemistry I 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 186 Days: MW Time: 10:50-12:05PM Instructor: Staff Combined Section ID: 0029(CHEM 4221/CHEM 5221) Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 CHEM 4222 001 12211 Biochemistry Laboratory 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 246 Days: MW Time: 08:00-10:40AM Instructor: Haggren,Wendy Combined Section ID: 0324(CHEM 4222/CHEM 5222) CHEM 5521 001 29784 Environmental Chemistry 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 106 Days: MW Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Owens,Janel Elizabeth Combined Section ID: 0373(CHEM 4521/CHEM 5521) CHEM 4232 001 29775 Adv Techniques in Biochem 2 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 246 Days: MW Time: 12:15-02:55PM Instructor: Haggren,Wendy Combined Section ID: 0375(CHEM 4232/CHEM 5232) CHEM 5711 001 11383 Bioinorganic Chemistry 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 106 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Henry,Renee Monica Combined Section ID: 0134(CHEM 4711/CHEM 5711) CHEM 4251 001 12300 Membrane Structure & Function 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B217 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Braun Sand,Sonja Beth Combined Section ID: 0345(CHEM 4251/CHEM 5251) CHEM 5901 001 12546 Topics in Chem & Biochem 1 - 4 Instructor: Oppenheim,Keith Cochrane Combined Section ID: 0269(CHEM 4901/CHEM 5901) CHEM 4301 001 11082 Inorganic Chemistry I 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 106 Days: MW Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Ruminski,Ronald R CHEM 4521 001 11748 Environmental Chemistry 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 106 Days: MW Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Owens,Janel Elizabeth Combined Section ID: 0373(CHEM 4521/CHEM 5521) CHEM 4701 001 12299 Biophysical Chemistry 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 106 Days: MW Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Dymek,Chester Joseph CHEM 4711 001 11382 Bioinorganic Chemistry 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 106 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Henry,Renee Monica Combined Section ID: 0134(CHEM 4711/CHEM 5711) CHEM 4901 001 12545 Topics in Chem & Biochem 1 - 4 Instructor: Oppenheim,Keith Cochrane Combined Section ID: 0269(CHEM 4901/CHEM 5901) CHEM 4904 Research: Upper Division Practicum 1 - 3 CHEM 4904 001 11554 Instructor: Anderson,David Richard CHEM 4904 002 11555 Instructor: Braun Sand,Sonja Beth CHEM 4904 003 11556 Instructor: Staff CHEM 4904 004 11557 Instructor: Haggren,Wendy CHEM 4904 005 11558 Instructor: Henry,Renee Monica CHEM 4904 006 11559 Instructor: Owens,Janel Elizabeth CHEM 4904 007 11560 Instructor: Phillips,Jerry Lee CHEM 4904 008 11561 Instructor: Ruminski,Ronald R CHEM 4904 009 11562 Instructor: Schoffstall,Allen M CHEM 4904 010 12220 Instructor: Tvrdy,Kevin C CHEM 4904 011 34124 Instructor: Weiss,David J. CHEM 4905 001 34125 Internship 3 Instructor: Schoffstall,Allen M CHEM 5101 001 12551 Phys Chem: Quantum & Spectrosc 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 186 Days: MWF Time: 08:00-09:15AM Instructor: Tvrdy,Kevin C Combined Section ID: 0365(CHEM 4101/CHEM 5101) CHEM 5221 001 11095 Biochemistry I 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 186 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05 Instructor: Staff Combined Section ID: 0029(CHEM 4221/CHEM 5221) CHEM 5222 001 12239 Biochemistry Laboratory 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 246 Days: MW Time: 08:00-10:40AM Instructor: Haggren,Wendy Combined Section ID: 0324(CHEM 4222/CHEM 5222) CHEM 5232 001 29846 Adv Techniques in Biochem 2 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 246 Days: MW Time: 12:15-02:55PM Instructor: Haggren,Wendy Combined Section ID: 0375(CHEM 4232/CHEM 5232) CHEM 5251 001 12301 Membrane Structure & Function 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B217 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Braun Sand,Sonja Beth Combined Section ID: 0345(CHEM 4251/CHEM 5251) University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 CHEM 5904 Research: Graduate Practicum 1 - 3 CHEM 5904 001 11564 Instructor: Anderson,David Richard CHEM 5904 002 11565 Instructor: Braun Sand,Sonja Beth CHEM 5904 003 11566 Instructor: Staff CHEM 5904 004 11567 Instructor: Haggren,Wendy CHEM 5904 005 11568 Instructor: Henry,Renee Monica CHEM 5904 006 11569 Instructor: Owens,Janel Elizabeth CHEM 5904 007 11570 Instructor: Phillips,Jerry Lee CHEM 5904 008 11571 Instructor: Ruminski,Ronald R CHEM 5904 009 11572 Instructor: Schoffstall,Allen M CHEM 5904 010 12221 Instructor: Tvrdy,Kevin C CHEM 5904 011 34126 Instructor: Weiss,David J. CHEM 7000 Masters Thesis Dissertation 1 - 6 CHEM 7000 801 11098 Instructor: Anderson,David Richard CHEM 7000 802 11099 Instructor: Braun Sand,Sonja Beth CHEM 7000 803 11100 Instructor: Staff CHEM 7000 804 11101 Instructor: Henry,Renee Monica CHEM 7000 805 11102 Instructor: Owens,Janel Elizabeth CHEM 7000 806 11103 Instructor: Phillips,Jerry Lee CHEM 7000 807 11104 Instructor: Ruminski,Ronald R CHEM 7000 808 12222 Instructor: Schoffstall,Allen M CHEM 7000 809 11450 Instructor: Tvrdy,Kevin C CHEM 7000 810 34127 Instructor: Weiss,David J. Chinese CHIN 1010 001 11896 Beginning Chinese I 5 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B217 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B136 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-12:30PM Instructor: Yang,Yang Communication COMM 1000 001 10842 Contemporary Mass Media 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 192 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Bell,Christopher Edward COMM 1000 002 29716 Contemporary Mass Media 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B134 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Bell,Christopher Edward COMM 1020 001 10843 Interpersonal Communication 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: W Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Staff COMM 1020 002 10844 Interpersonal Communication 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 323 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Cantu,Marguerite A COMM 1020 003 10845 Interpersonal Communication 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Staff COMM 1020 004 10846 Interpersonal Communication 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 192 Days: W Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Benavidez,Josephine COMM 1020 005 10847 Interpersonal Communication 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 214 Days: Th Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Reed,Rachel Lynne 69 Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 COMM 1020 006 12529 Interpersonal Communication 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 115 Days: Th Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Staff COMM 2100 001 10855 Public Speaking 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 317 Days: M Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Reed,Rachel Lynne COMM 1020 WK1 12692 Interpers Comm 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 115 Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM Dt: 09/13/2014-11/15/2014 Instructor: Staff **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. COMM 2100 002 10856 Public Speaking 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 317 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Reed,Rachel Lynne COMM 1440 001 12586 Found of Leadershp 09/19/2014 10/11/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: F Time: 05:00PM-09:00PM Dt: 09/19/2014-09/26/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: F Time: 05:00PM-09:00PM Dt: 10/10/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: Sa Time: 08:30AM-05:25PM Dt: 09/20/2014-09/27/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: Sa Time: 08:30AM-05:25PM Dt: 10/11/2014 Instructor: Gatlin,Garrett **INTENSIVE COURSE** Meets 9/19, 9/20, 9/26, 9/27, 10/10, 10/11. COMM 2010 001 10848 Oral Comm in Workplace 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 303 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Eberhardt,Liesl Hutchins COMM 2010 002 10849 Oral Comm in Workplace 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: Tu Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Blackmann,Connie Sue COMM 2010 003 10850 Oral Comm in Workplace 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 333 Days: Tu Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Staff COMM 2010 004 10851 Oral Comm in Workplace 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B215 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Stansbery,Janae COMM 2010 005 10852 Oral Comm in Workplace 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 106 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Benavidez,Josephine COMM 2010 006 10853 Oral Comm in Workplace 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 333 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Staff COMM 2010 007 11459 Oral Comm in Workplace 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 333 Days: Th Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Staff COMM 2010 008 12467 Oral Comm in Workplace 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: M Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Staff COMM 2010 WK1 12686 Oral Comm in Workplace 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 333 Days: Sa Time: 08:30AM-12:30PM Dt: 09/13/2014-11/15/2014 Instructor: Staff **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. COMM 2030 001 10854 Intro to Communication Theory 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 325 Days: M Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Staff COMM 2030 002 11602 Intro to Communication Theory 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 325 Days: W Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Staff COMM 2030 OL1 33915 Intro to Communication Theory 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Blackmann,Connie Sue COMM 2030 WK1 12707 Intro Comm Theory 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 325 Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM Dt: 09/13/2014-11/15/2014 Instructor: Blackmann,Connie Sue **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. 70 COMM 2100 003 10857 Public Speaking 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 317 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Reed,Rachel Lynne COMM 2100 010 10858 Public Speaking Recitation 0 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 317 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM COMM 2100 020 10859 Public Speaking Recitation 0 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 317 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM COMM 2100 030 10860 Public Speaking Recitation 0 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 105 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM COMM 2100 040 10861 Public Speaking Recitation 0 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: Tu Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM COMM 2100 050 10862 Public Speaking Recitation 0 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: Th Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM COMM 2100 060 10863 Public Speaking Recitation 0 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 317 Days: W Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM COMM 2100 070 10864 Public Speaking Recitation 0 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 106 Days: W Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM COMM 2100 080 10865 Public Speaking Recitation 0 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 106 Days: M Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM COMM 2100 090 12036 Public Speaking Recitation 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B213 Days: Th Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM COMM 2100 110 33916 Public Speaking Recitation 0 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM COMM 2150 001 10866 Male/Female Communication 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 116 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Stansbery,Janae COMM 2150 002 10867 Male/Female Communication 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 324 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Stansbery,Janae COMM 2240 001 10868 Principles Org/Strategic Comm 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 115 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Kopaneva,Irina COMM 2250 001 11994 Introduction to Film and Video 3 Bldg: El Pomar Center Room: 103 Days: Tu Time: 09:25am-12:05 Instructor: Morgan,Matthew Ryan COMM 2250 010 11995 Introduction to Film and Video Laboratory 0 Bldg: El Pomar Center Room: 106 Days: Tu Time: 12:10-01:20PM Instructor: Morgan,Matthew Ryan COMM 2270 001 10869 TV Studio Production 3 Bldg: El Pomar Center Room: 103 Days: M Time: 06:00PM-08:30PM Instructor: Uhalt III,Alfred Hunt COMM 2270 010 10870 TV Studio Production Laboratory 0 Bldg: El Pomar Center Room: 106 Days: M Time: 08:40PM-10:00PM Instructor: Uhalt III,Alfred Hunt COMM 2440 001 11603 Leadership Theory & Practice 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 214 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Hill,Amy Kirlin COMM 2500 001 10871 Research Methods 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05 Instructor: Morley,Donald D Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 COMM 2500 002 10872 Research Methods 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: MW Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Morley,Donald D COMM 3280 001 10880 Intercultural and Global Comm 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 128 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Cantu,Marguerite A COMM 2500 003 11877 Research Methods 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 333 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Thorpe,Janice G COMM 3280 002 10881 Intercultural and Global Comm 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 115 Days: Tu Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Staff COMM 2900 001 10873 Writing for the Media 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B213 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Austin-Eurich,Laura COMM 3280 003 10882 Intercultural and Global Comm 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 323 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Cantu,Marguerite A COMM 3100 001 12394 Directing for Film and TV 3 Bldg: El Pomar Center Room: 103 Days: W Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Nelson,David R COMM 3280 004 10883 Intercultural and Global Comm 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 322 Days: F Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Staff COMM 3100 010 12395 Directing for Film and TV Laboratory 0 Bldg: El Pomar Center Room: 106 Days: W Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Nelson,David R COMM 3280 005 10884 Intercultural and Global Comm 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 214 Days: Th Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Staff COMM 3150 001 29718 Comm Comptncy in Grps & Teams 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Kopaneva,Irina COMM 3280 WK1 12687 Intercultural and Global Comm 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 115 Days: Sa Time: 08:30AM-12:30PM Dt: 09/13/2014-11/15/2014 Instructor: Staff **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. COMM 3200 001 10874 Princ/Prac of Public Relat 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 216 Days: F Time: 12:15PM-02:55PM Instructor: Austin-Eurich,Laura COMM 3230 001 10875 Nonverbal Communication 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 116 Days: M Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Blackmann,Connie Sue COMM 3240 001 10876 Business & Professional Comm 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B138 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Staff COMM 3240 002 10877 Business & Professional Comm 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B138 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Staff COMM 3240 003 10878 Business & Professional Comm 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B213 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Eberhardt,Liesl Hutchins COMM 3240 H01 10879 Business & Professional Comm 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Dt: 08/28/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Dt: 09/11/2014-09/25/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Dt: 10/16/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Dt: 11/13/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Dt: 12/04/2014-12/11/2014 Instructor: Thorpe,Janice G Hybrid course. Meets 8/28, 9/11, 9/18, 9/25, 10/16, 11/13, 12/4, 12/11. COMM 3280 WK2 12688 Intercultural and Global Comm 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 214 Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM Dt: 09/13/2014-11/15/2014 Instructor: Staff **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. COMM 3300 001 11956 Screenwriting Seminar 3 Bldg: El Pomar Center Room: 109Days: W Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Walker,Kim B COMM 3330 001 12582 Gender & Leadrshp 10/24/2014 11/15/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: F Time: 05:00PM-09:00PM Dt: 10/24/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: F Time: 05:00PM-09:00PM Dt: 11/07/2014-11/14/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: Sa Time: 09:00AM-04:30PM Dt: 10/25/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: Sa Time: 09:00AM-04:30PM Dt: 11/08/2014-11/15/2014 Instructor: Eberhardt,Liesl Hutchins Combined Section ID: 0007(COMM 3330/5330) **INTENSIVE COURSE* Meets 10/24, 10/25, 11/7, 11/8, 11/14, 11/15. COMM 3400 001 11405 Digital Comm Technologies 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 220 Days: F Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Thorpe,Janice G COMM 3440 002 29722 Organizational Leadership 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 317 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Eberhardt,Liesl Hutchins COMM 3240 WK1 12708 Bus & Prof Comm 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: Sa Time: 08:30AM-12:30PM Dt: 09/13/2014-11/15/2014 Instructor: Staff **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, 9/13-11/15. COMM 3500 001 12257 American Cinema 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 203 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Walker,Kim B COMM 3250 001 33918 Princ & Prac of Advertising 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: Tu Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Staff COMM 3650 OL1 11805 Mass Media and Society 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Krakowiak,K Maja COMM 3250 OL1 11406 Princ & Prac of Advertising Seminar 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Krakowiak,K Maja COMM 3650 WH1 12718 Mass Media & Soc 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 333 Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM Dt: 09/13/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 333 Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM Dt: 11/15/2014 Instructor: Krakowiak,K Maja Hybrid Course. Mandatory classroom meetings on 9/13 and 10/11. **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. COMM 3270 001 29719 Digital Cinematography 3 Bldg: El Pomar Center Room: 103 Days: Tu Time: 01:30-04:10PM Instructor: Morgan,Matthew Ryan COMM 3270 010 29720 Digital Cinematography Laboratory 0 Bldg: El Pomar Center Room: 106 Days: Tu Time: 04:15-05:25PM Instructor: Morgan,Matthew Ryan University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 71 Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 COMM 3770 001 11404 Ethical Leadership 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Eberhardt,Liesl Hutchins COMM 3800 001 11806 Strategic Comm Tactics 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 216 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Brengarth,Lauren Bacon COMM 4000 001 10886 Rhetorical Dimensions in Comm 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 216 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Stansbery,Janae COMM 4000 002 10887 Rhetorical Dimensions in Comm 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 322 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Stansbery,Janae COMM 4010 001 11970 Priv & Oppr in Pop Culture Seminar 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B134 Days: Th Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Bell,Christopher Edward Combined Section ID: 0299(COMM 4010/COMM 6010) COMM 4050 OL1 33964 PR & Social Media 08/25/2014 10/21/2014 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Dt: 08/25/2014-10/21/2014 Instructor: Brengarth,Lauren Bacon Combined Section ID: 0002(COMM 4050/COMM 6050) COMM 4090 OL1 29723 Emerg Comm Tech 08/25/2014 09/26/2014 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Dt: 08/25/2014-09/26/2014 Instructor: Stavrositu,Carmen D Combined Section ID: 0011(COMM 4090 OL1/COMM 6090 OL1) **INTENSIVE COURSE** COMM 4090 WH1 29755 Emrg Comm Tech 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 322 Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM Dt: 09/13/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 322 Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM Dt: 11/15/2014 Instructor: Stavrositu,Carmen D Hybrid Course. Mandatory classroom meetings on 9/13 and 11/15. **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. COMM 4140 WH1 12709 Media Effects 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B211 Days: Sa Time: 08:30AM-12:30PM Dt: 09/13/2014 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B211 Days: Sa Time: 08:30AM-12:30PM Dt: 11/15/2014 Instructor: Stavrositu,Carmen D Hybrid Course. Mandatory classroom meetings on 9/13 and 11/15. **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. COMM 4160 001 12333 Comm/Training/Development 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 333 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Staley,Constance M Courtney Combined Section ID: 0353(COMM 4160/COMM 6160) COMM 4170 001 12258 Documentary Film and Video 3 Bldg: El Pomar Center Room: 103 Days: Th Time: 09:25-12:05PM Instructor: Walker,Kim B COMM 4200 001 10889 Persuasion 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 324 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Blackmann,Connie Sue COMM 4200 002 10890 Persuasion 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 322 Days: W Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Blackmann,Connie Sue Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Dt: 10/21/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Dt: 11/04/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Dt: 11/18/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Dt: 12/09/2014 Instructor: Brengarth,Lauren Bacon Hybrid course. Meets in class 9/9, 9/23, 10/7, 10/21, 11/4, 11/18, 12/9. COMM 4510 001 11878 Quan Methods for Comm Resrch 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Morley,Donald D COMM 4690 801 10891 Internship in Communication 3 - 6 Instructor: Austin-Eurich,Laura All Communication Department Internships will be coordinated by Laura Austin-Eurich beginning Spring 2014. Please contact her for Permission to Register and specific information at leurich@uccs.edu. COMM 4770 001 12058 Leadershp Comm in Global Envir 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 103 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Kopaneva,Irina COMM 4800 H01 29729 Strategic Comm & Campaigns 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Dt: 08/26/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Dt: 09/16/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Dt: 09/30/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Dt: 10/14/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Dt: 10/28/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Dt: 11/11/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Dt: 12/02/2014 Instructor: Brengarth,Lauren Bacon Hybrid course. Meets 8/26, 9/16, 9/30, 10/14, 10/28, 11/11, 12/2. COMM 4900 001 29732 Spec Topics 3 Remote & Sports TV Prod Bldg: El Pomar Center Room: 103 Days: M Time: 02:50PM-05:30PM Bldg: El Pomar Center Room: 106 Days: M Time: 02:50PM-05:30PM Instructor: Uhalt III,Alfred Hunt COMM 4900 003 29736 Spec Topics 3 UCCS TV Workshop Bldg: El Pomar Center Room: 103 Days: F Time: 09:25AM-01:30PM Instructor: Staff COMM 4900 H01 29735 Spec Topics 1 - 3 TV Workshop - Writing Bldg: El Pomar Center Room: 109 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM07:20PM Dt: 08/26/2014 Bldg: El Pomar Center Room: 109 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM07:20PM Dt: 09/09/2014-09/16/2014 Bldg: El Pomar Center Room: 109 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM07:20PM Dt: 10/07/2014 Bldg: El Pomar Center Room: 109 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM07:20PM Dt: 10/28/2014 Bldg: El Pomar Center Room: 109 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM07:20PM Dt: 11/11/2014 Bldg: El Pomar Center Room: 109 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM07:20PM Dt: 12/02/2014 Instructor: Nelson,David R Hybrid Course. Meets in class 8/26, 9/9, 9/16, 10/7, 10/28, 11/11, 12/2. COMM 4500 H01 29727 Media Management 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Dt: 09/09/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Dt: 09/23/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Dt: 10/07/2014 72 Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 COMM 4950 001 12566 Ldrshp/ Org Change 08/22/2014 12/06/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: F Time: 05:30PM-09:55PM Dt: 08/22/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: F Time: 05:30PM-09:55PM Dt: 09/19/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: F Time: 05:30PM-09:55PM Dt: 12/05/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: Sa Time: 08:25AM-05:30PM Dt: 09/06/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: Sa Time: 08:25AM-05:30PM Dt: 09/20/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: Sa Time: 08:25AM-05:30PM Dt: 12/06/2014 Instructor: Hackman,Michael Zane **INTENSIVE COURSE** Meets Fridays 8/22, 9/19, and 12/5 and Saturdays 9/6, 9/20, and 12/6. COMM 5010 001 11407 Intro to Comm Grad Studies 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 333 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Morreale,Sherwyn Peltz COMM 5020 001 10895 Grad Comm Research Methods 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 323 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Krakowiak,K Maja COMM 5330 001 12583 Gender & Leadrshp 10/24/2014 11/15/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: F Time: 05:00PM-09:00PM Dt: 10/24/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: F Time: 05:00PM-09:00PM Dt: 11/07/2014-11/14/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: Sa Time: 09:00AM-04:30PM Dt: 10/25/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: Sa Time: 09:00AM-04:30PM Dt: 11/08/2014-11/15/2014 Combined Section ID: 0007(COMM 3330/5330) **INTENSIVE COURSE** Class meets Fri. 10/24, 11/7, 11/14 and Sat. 10/25, 11/8, 11/15. COMM 6010 001 11969 Priv & Oppr in Pop Culture Seminar 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B134 Days: Th Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Bell,Christopher Edward Combined Section ID: 0299(COMM 4010/COMM 6010) COMM 6020 Comm Research Practicum 1 - 3 Contact instructor for permission to register instructions. COMM 6020 001 11531 Instructor: Bell,Christopher Edward COMM 6020 002 11723 Instructor: Brengarth,Lauren Bacon COMM 6020 003 11725 Instructor: Eberhardt,Liesl Hutchins COMM 6020 004 11726 Instructor: Hackman,Michael Zane COMM 6020 005 11727 Instructor: Kopaneva,Irina COMM 6020 006 11728 Instructor: Krakowiak,K Maja COMM 6020 007 11729 Instructor: Morley,Donald D COMM 6020 008 11730 Instructor: Morreale,Sherwyn Peltz COMM 6020 009 11731 Instructor: Nelson,David R COMM 6020 010 11732 Instructor: Reed,Rachel Lynne COMM 6020 011 11965 Instructor: Shockley-Zalabak,Pamela COMM 6020 012 12531 Instructor: Staley,Constance M Courtney COMM 6020 013 29744 Instructor: Stavrositu,Carmen D COMM 6030 001 29745 Statistical Data Analysis 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 245 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Stavrositu,Carmen D COMM 6050 OL1 33965 Graduate Capstone 08/25/2014 10/21/2014 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Brengarth,Lauren Bacon Combined Section ID: 0002(COMM 4050/COMM 6050) COMM 6090 OL1 29725 Emerg Comm Tech 08/25/2014 09/26/2014 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Stavrositu,Carmen D Combined Section ID: 0011(COMM 4090 OL1/COMM 6090 OL1) **INTENSIVE COURSE** COMM 6160 001 12335 Comm/Training/Development 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 333 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Staley,Constance M Courtney Combined Section ID: 0353(COMM 4160/COMM 6160) University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 COMM 7000 Masters Thesis Dissertation 1 - 9 Contact instructor for permission to register instructions. COMM 7000 801 10896 Instructor: Bell,Christopher Edward COMM 7000 802 12374 Instructor: Brengarth,Lauren Bacon COMM 7000 803 12384 Instructor: Eberhardt,Liesl Hutchins COMM 7000 804 33923 Instructor: Hackman,Michael Zane COMM 7000 805 33952 Instructor: Kopaneva,Irina COMM 7000 806 33953 Instructor: Krakowiak,K Maja COMM 7000 807 33954 Instructor: Morley,Donald D COMM 7000 808 33955 Instructor: Morreale,Sherwyn Peltz COMM 7000 809 33956 Instructor: Nelson,David R COMM 7000 810 33957 Instructor: Reed,Rachel Lynne COMM 7000 811 33958 Instructor: Shockley-Zalabak,Pamela COMM 7000 812 33959 Instructor: Staley,Constance M Courtney COMM 7000 813 33960 Instructor: Stavrositu,Carmen D COMM 7000 814 33962 Instructor: Walker,Kim B COMM 9400 Indep Study Undergrad 1 - 6 Contact instructor for permission to register instructions. COMM 9400 901 11606 Instructor: Austin-Eurich,Laura COMM 9400 902 10897 Instructor: Bell,Christopher Edward COMM 9400 903 10898 Instructor: Blackmann,Connie Sue COMM 9400 904 10899 Instructor: Brengarth,Lauren Bacon COMM 9400 905 10900 Instructor: Cantu,Marguerite A COMM 9400 906 10901 Instructor: Eberhardt,Liesl Hutchins COMM 9400 907 10902 Instructor: Hackman,Michael Zane COMM 9400 908 10903 Instructor: Kopaneva,Irina COMM 9400 909 10904 Instructor: Krakowiak,K Maja COMM 9400 910 10905 Instructor: Morley,Donald D COMM 9400 911 10906 Instructor: Morreale,Sherwyn Peltz COMM 9400 912 10907 Instructor: Nelson,David R COMM 9400 913 10908 Instructor: Reed,Rachel Lynne COMM 9400 914 11453 Instructor: Shockley-Zalabak,Pamela COMM 9400 915 11454 Instructor: Staley,Constance M Courtney COMM 9400 916 11455 Instructor: Stansbery,Janae COMM 9400 917 11604 Instructor: Stavrositu,Carmen D COMM 9400 918 11605 Instructor: Thorpe,Janice G COMM 9400 919 29748 Instructor: Walker,Kim B COMM 9500 Independent Study - Grad 1 - 6 COMM 9500 901 Instructor: Bell,Christopher Edward COMM 9500 902 10910 Instructor: Brengarth,Lauren Bacon COMM 9500 903 10911 Instructor: Eberhardt,Liesl Hutchins COMM 9500 904 10912 Instructor: Hackman,Michael Zane COMM 9500 905 10913 Instructor: Kopaneva,Irina COMM 9500 906 10914 Instructor: Krakowiak,K Maja COMM 9500 907 10915 Instructor: Morley,Donald D COMM 9500 908 10916 Instructor: Morreale,Sherwyn Peltz COMM 9500 909 10917 Instructor: Nelson,David R COMM 9500 910 10918 Instructor: Reed,Rachel Lynne COMM 9500 911 10919 Instructor: Shockley-Zalabak,Pamela COMM 9500 912 10920 Instructor: Staley,Constance M Courtney COMM 9500 913 11607 Instructor: Stavrositu,Carmen D COMM 9500 914 12530 Instructor: Walker,Kim B COMM 9990 001 29749 Candidate for Degree Dissertation 0 Instructor: Morreale,Sherwyn Peltz Dance DNCE 2700 001 12167 Fund of Dance Technique Studio 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 233A Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-12:05 Instructor: Tinsley-Weeks,Tiffany Additional outside coursework required. DNCE 2700 002 12168 Fund of Dance Technique Studio 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 233A Days: MW Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Baker,Mary Ripper Additional outside coursework required. DNCE 3700 001 30176 Spec Tpcs Dance Tech 3 Devised Perf Bldg: University Hall Room: 233 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:35PM Instructor: Landis,Kevin P Combined Section ID: 0391(THTR 3020/DNCE 3700) Physical theatre technique geared towards a residency with artist Eiko Otake. Evening rehearsals required Nov 20-Dec 12. THTR prerequisite: THTR 2030. DNCE prerequisite: consent of instructor. 73 Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 DNCE 3700 WK1 30175 Spec Tpcs Dance Tech 08/29/2014 12/20/2014 3 Hip Hop Bldg: University Hall Room: 233A Days: F Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Dt: 08/29/2014-12/19/2014 Bldg: University Hall Room: 233A Days: Sa Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Dt: 08/30/2014-12/20/2014 Instructor: Staff **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY ** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. Additional outside coursework required. DNCE 3710 001 30177 Basic Modern Dance Tech I Studio 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 233A Days: MW Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Baker,Mary Ripper Additional outside coursework required. DNCE 4900 001 12170 Spec Tpcs in Music and Dance: Studio 3 Dance/Music Collaboration Bldg: University Hall Room: 233A Days: TuTh Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Tinsley-Weeks,Tiffany Combined Section ID: 0315(DNCE 4900/MUS 4900) Meets with MUS 2300 and MUS 4900. Additional outside coursework required. Economics ECON 1000 001 10004 The Economics of Social Issues 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 324 Days: F Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Shaffer,Patricia G. ECON 1010 001 10002 Introduction to Microeconomics 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: TuTh Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Shaffer,Patricia G. ECON 1010 002 10003 Introduction to Microeconomics 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Shaffer,Patricia G. ECON 1010 003 10006 Introduction to Microeconomics 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Shaffer,Patricia G. ECON 1010 004 10007 Introduction to Microeconomics 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 325 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Lucchesi,Michael S. ECON 1010 005 11615 Introduction to Microeconomics 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 324 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Lucchesi,Michael S. ECON 1010 006 11676 Introduction to Microeconomics 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: MW Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Craig,Joe Dean ECON 1010 007 11771 Introduction to Microeconomics 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 115 Days: MW Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Craig,Joe Dean ECON 1010 008 11964 Introduction to Microeconomics 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 325 Days: MW Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Mullin,David ECON 1010 009 29402 Introduction to Microeconomics 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: MW Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Brock,John R ECON 1050 001 10012 Economics in Practice 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: MW Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Brock,John R ECON 2020 001 10013 Introduction to Macroeconomics 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 121 Days: MW Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: DeBoer,Dale R ECON 2020 002 11867 Introduction to Macroeconomics 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 322 Days: W Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Driscoll,Daniel 74 ECON 2020 OL1 33577 Introduction to Macroeconomics 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Mullin,David ECON 2210 001 11540 Personal Economics 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: MW Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Brock,John R ECON 2810 001 29403 Intro to Stats & Computing 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Hoang,Edward C ECON 3010 001 12062 Intermediate Microeconomics 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Craig,Joe Dean ECON 3160 001 33578 Austrian Economics Seminar 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 114 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Eubanks,Larry S ECON 3610 001 29404 Work and Pay 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: MW Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Greenwood,Daphne T ECON 4020 001 29405 Advanced Macroeconomic Theory 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 317 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-12:05 Instructor: Hoang,Edward C ECON 4250 001 29406 Urban Economics 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 303 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Eubanks,Larry S ECON 4520 001 29407 Economic Freedom 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 214 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Eubanks,Larry S ECON 4990 001 33579 Senior Seminar Seminar 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 106 Days: MW Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: DeBoer,Dale R ECON 9400 Independent Study in Economics 1 - 3 ECON 9400 901 10719 Instructor: Brock,John R ECON 9400 902 10720 Instructor: Eubanks,Larry S ECON 9400 903 10721 Instructor: Greenwood,Daphne T ECON 9400 904 11541 Instructor: DeBoer,Dale R ECON 9500 Independent Study in Economics 1 - 3 ECON 9500 901 10014 Instructor: Brock,John R ECON 9500 902 10015 Instructor: Eubanks,Larry S ECON 9500 903 10016 Instructor: Greenwood,Daphne T ECON 9500 904 11542 Instructor: DeBoer,Dale R Energy Science ENSC 1500 001 10009 Intro to Energy Science I 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 107 Days: MW Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Tirado,Ramon A Combined Section ID: 0001(PES 1500/ENSC 1500) ENSC 1600 001 10011 Introduction to Solar Energy 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 109 Days: MW Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Tirado,Ramon A Combined Section ID: 0002(PES 1600/ENSC 1600) ENSC 1620 001 10039 Solar Energy Laboratory 1 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 113 Days: Th Time: 09:25AM-11:05AM Instructor: Tirado,Ramon A Combined Section ID: 0003(PES 1620/ENSC1620) ENSC 3200 001 11218 Practical Meteorology 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 334 Days: F Time: 08:15AM-11:35AM Instructor: Kilgore,Brock James Combined Section ID: 0074(GES 3200/ENSC 3200) Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs first year rhetoric and writing - pLACEMENT rEQUIREMENTS To qualify for a bachelor’s degree from the University of Colorado Colorado Springs, a student must complete C01 and C02 core writing requirements and demon­strate writing competency by passing the junior-level writing portfolio assessment. Students who do not complete the writing portfolio assessment should enroll in ENGL 3010, ENGL 3080, or another course as approved by the Director of the Writing Portfolio. ESL or ELL students enrolled in ENGL 1300 + 1305 or engl 1310: The First-Year Rhetoric and Writing Program advises ESL students to enroll in ENGL 1310 sections with faculty who are qualified for ESL writing instruction for non-native speakers. Please contact the Rhetoric and Writing Program, Columbine 1041 for ESL placement and enrollment consultations and advising. Students may meet core C01 and C02 writing requirements in the following ways: 1. Successfully complete ENGL 1300 + ENGL 1305 Stretch (C01 ENGL 1310 equivalent) and ENGL 1410 at UCCS and then pass the junior-level portfolio assessment. A. Any student admitted to the university is eligible to register for ENGL 1300. B. To be admitted to ENGL 1305 Stretch, students must meet the following requirement: 1) Complete ENGL 1300 Stretch with a C- or better. 2) For individual placement questions, contact the Director of First-Year Rhetoric and Writing. 2. Successfully complete ENGL 1310 and ENGL 1410 at UCCS and then pass the junior-level portfolio assessment. A. To be admitted to ENGL 1310, students must meet one of the following requirements: 1) Score 19-28 on the English ACT. 2) Score 450 to 640 on the verbal SAT. 3) Students with high school diplomas or GEDs, but without ENGL ACT or SAT scores may submit a writing sample to the Director of First-Year Rhetoric and Writing Program, Columbine 1041, for placement. 4) Early college or high school concurrent students without high school diplomas or GEDs must present an ENGL ACT score of 19-28 (UCCS on site ACT testing is available) or a SAT score of 450-640. B. To be admitted to ENGL 1410, students must meet one of the following requirements: 1) Complete ENGL 1300 + 1305 Stretch with a C- or better, or ENGL 1310 at UCCS. 2) Score 29+ on the English ACT. 3) Score 650+ on the ENGL SAT. 4) Score 4 on the CEEB Advanced Placement English Language and Composition Exam. 5) Score a 5 on the IB English Examination. 6) Successfully complete a first semester writing course (an approved equivalent to ENGL 1310) at an accredited college or university with a C- or better. 7) Score 50 and receive a ‘pass’ on the essay portion of the CLEP College Composition Modular Exam with essays. Not an option for Engineering majors. C. To demonstrate writing competency after C01 and C02 core writing, students must pass the writing portfolio competency assessment. The “final” C02 rhetoric and writing course for each undergraduate program is listed below: i. For LAS, SPA, and Nursing students: ENGL 1410 ii. For BUS students: ENGL 2080 or INOV 2100 iii. For EAS students: ENGL 2090 or INOV 2100 Students may transfer C01 and C02 writing courses if approved as equivalents by successfully completing one or two semesters of writing at an accredited college or university with a C- or better. Transfer students must also demonstrate writing competency by passing the junior-level writing portfolio assessment at UCCS or by taking ENGL 3010 or ENGL 3080. All UCCS undergraduate students must demonstrate competency by passing the Writing Portfolio assessment at least 2 semesters prior to graduation. Portfolios should be submitted online by registering for PORT 3000 and following the email prompts. Students may choose not to submit a writing portfolio and instead meet the competency requirement successfully completing, with a C- or better, ENGL 3010 or ENGL 3080. 3. Qualify for a waiver of writing coursework through the CEEB Advanced Placement Examination. A. Score 4 to receive credit for ENGL 1310, successfully complete ENGL 1410, then either pass the portfolio assessment or take ENGL 3010 or ENGL 3080 and earn a C- or better. B. Score 6 or 7 to receive credit for both ENGL 1310 and 1410, and then pass the portfolio assessment. 4. Qualify for a waiver of composition coursework through the International Baccalaureate higher-level English exam. A. Score 5 to receive credit for ENGL 1310, successfully complete ENGL 1410, then pass the portfolio assessment. B. Score 6 or 7 to receive credit for ENGL 1310 and 1410, and then pass the portfolio assessment, or take ENGL 3010 or ENGL 3080. CLEP College Composition Modular Exam with Essays Students who would like to earn CLEP credit for ENGL 1310 may take the College Composition Modular Exam with essays at PPCC Testing Center. For testing information, contact the University Testing Center in MAIN 105C, 719-255-3354. Not an option for Engineering. Writing Portfolio Competency Assessment For information and applications, walk into the Portfolio Office in COB 1046, call 255-4038, or email portfoli@uccs.edu. A $15.00 assessment fee will be billed to all students who submit a portfolio to demonstrate writing competency. ACT Exam All students may take or retake the ENGL ACT exam on site in the UCCS Testing Center. To retake the ACT, contact the University Testing Center in MAIN 105C, 719-255-3354. Computer-Mediated Instruction All composition courses are taught in computer classrooms. Students are billed $10.00 per course to cover technological support for the classrooms and printed materials for these courses. University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 75 Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 English ENGL 1300 001 11625 Rhet/Writing I Stretch A 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 224 Days: M Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Edsen,Elizabeth ENGL 1300 002 11626 Rhet/Writing I Stretch A 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 224 Days: W Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Edsen,Elizabeth ENGL 1300 003 11627 Rhet/Writing I Stretch A 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 209 Days: MW Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Loterbauer,June A ENGL 1300 004 11628 Rhet/Writing I Stretch A 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 220 Days: TuTh Time: 04:45-06:00PM Instructor: Heasley,Phillip Kyle ENGL 1300 005 11629 Rhet/Writing I Stretch A 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 220 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Edsen,Elizabeth ENGL 1300 006 11679 Rhet/Writing I Stretch A 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 220 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05 Instructor: Loterbauer,June A ENGL 1300 007 11680 Rhet/Writing I Stretch A 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 231A Days: MW Time: 08:00-09:15AM Instructor: Loterbauer,June A ENGL 1300 008 11709 Rhet/Writing I Stretch A 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 209 Days: MW Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Loterbauer,June A ENGL 1300 009 11981 Rhet/Writing I Stretch A 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 220 Days: MW Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Heasley,Phillip Kyle ENGL 1300 010 12009 Rhet/Writing I Stretch A 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 220 Days: MW Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Heasley,Phillip Kyle ESL students only. ENGL 1300 011 12010 Rhet/Writing I Stretch A 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 220 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Edsen,Elizabeth ENGL 1300 012 12477 Rhet/Writing I Stretch A 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 220 Days: F Time: 12:15PM-02:55PM Instructor: Montoya,Omar ENGL 1300 013 12485 Rhet/Writing I Stretch A 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 230 Days: TuTh Time: 08:00-09:15AM Instructor: Montoya,Omar ENGL 1310 003 10742 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 221 Days: MW Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Tucker,Justin Pierce ENGL 1310 004 10743 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 220 Days: MW Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Baldoni-Rus,Gina M ENGL 1310 005 10744 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 223 Days: MW Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Myers,William C ENGL 1310 006 30137 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 230 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM ENGL 1310 007 10745 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 221 Days: MW Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Siebert,Matthew Nathaniel ENGL 1310 008 10746 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 221 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Myers,William C ENGL 1310 009 10747 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 224 Days: MW Time: 06:05-07:20PM Instructor: Robinson,Christina L ENGL 1310 010 10748 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 221 Days: MW Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Lawson,Chelsea Adrien ENGL 1310 011 10749 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 224 Days: MW Time: 04:45-06:00PM Instructor: Lawson,Chelsea Adrien ENGL 1310 012 10750 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 224 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Grandorff,Catherine ENGL 1310 013 10751 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 223 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Grandorff,Catherine ENGL 1310 014 10752 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 220 Days: MW Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Lawson,Chelsea Adrien ENGL 1310 015 10753 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 224 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Wenker,Andrea May ENGL 1300 014 30134 Rhet/Writing I Stretch A 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 231A Days: TuTh Time: 09:25-10:40AM ENGL 1310 016 10755 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 223 Days: MW Time: 10:50-12:05PM Instructor: Tifft,Meghan E ENGL 1300 015 30135 Rhet/Writing I Stretch A 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 220 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Montoya,Omar ENGL 1310 017 12004 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 224 Days: MW Time: 08:00-09:15AM ENGL 1305 001 11808 Rhet/Writing I Stretch B 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 220 Days: MW Time: 08:00-09:15AM Instructor: Heasley,Phillip Kyle ENGL 1305 002 11809 Rhet/Writing I Stretch B 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 221 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05 Instructor: Heasley,Phillip Kyle ENGL 1305 003 30136 Rhet/Writing I Stretch B 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 221 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Montoya,Omar ENGL 1310 001 10740 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 221 Days: MW Time: 08:00-09:15AM Instructor: Myers,William C 76 ENGL 1310 002 10741 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 223 Days: MW Time: 08:00-09:15AM Instructor: Syn,Benjamin Lyric ENGL 1310 018 10756 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 220 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Johnson,Stacey Jean ENGL 1310 019 10757 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 223 Days: MW Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Garrett,Bennie Denise ENGL 1310 020 10758 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 223 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Ross,Kacey Galloway ENGL 1310 021 10759 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 221 Days: MW Time: 04:45-06:00PM Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 ENGL 1310 022 10761 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 224 Days: TuTh Time: 09:250:40AM Instructor: Wenker,Andrea May ENGL 1310 043 11703 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 230 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05 Instructor: Robinson,Christina L ENGL 1310 023 10762 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 221 Days: MW Time: 06:05-07:20PM Instructor: Lawson,Chelsea Adrien ENGL 1310 044 11704 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 224 Days: MW Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Baldoni-Rus,Gina M ENGL 1310 024 10763 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 224 Days: MW Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Finger,Susan Clare ENGL 1310 045 11943 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 223 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40-02:55PM ENGL 1310 025 10764 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 230 Days: MW Time: 08:00-09:15AM Instructor: Finger,Susan Clare ENGL 1310 026 10765 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 223 Days: MW Time: 04:45-06:00PM Instructor: Tifft,Meghan E ENGL 1310 027 10766 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 220 Days: MW Time: 07:30P08:45PM Instructor: Tucker,Justin Pierce ENGL 1310 028 10767 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 221 Days: F Time: 12:15PM-02:55PM Instructor: Thomas,Richard Andrew ENGL 1310 029 10768 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 220 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Siebert,Matthew Nathaniel ENGL 1310 030 10769 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 223 Days: MW Time: 06:05-07:20PM Instructor: Baldoni-Rus,Gina M ENGL 1310 031 12005 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 224 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05 Instructor: Syn,Benjamin Lyric ENGL 1310 032 10770 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 221 Days: MW Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Tucker,Justin Pierce ENGL 1310 033 10771 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 221 Days: TuTh Time: 04:45-06:00PM Instructor: Johnson,Stacey Jean ENGL 1310 034 30138 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 221 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-12:05 ENGL 1310 035 12003 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 230 Days: MW Time: 09:25-10:40AM ENGL 1310 036 11480 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 223 Days: MW Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Finger,Susan Clare ENGL 1310 037 11663 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 220 Days: TuTh Time: 06:05-07:20PM Instructor: Grandorff,Catherine ENGL 1310 038 11669 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 223 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-12:05 ENGL 1310 039 11670 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 221 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Grandorff,Catherine ENGL 1310 040 11671 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 221 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Siebert,Matthew Nathaniel ENGL 1310 041 11686 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 220 Days: TuTh Time: 08:00-09:15AM ENGL 1310 042 12000 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 223 Days: MW Time: 12:15-01:30PM University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 ENGL 1310 046 11944 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 221 Days: TuTh Time: 08:00-09:15AM Instructor: Myers,William C ENGL 1310 047 11945 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 220 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-12:05 Instructor: Johnson,Stacey Jean ENGL 1310 048 30139 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 230 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15-01:30PM ENGL 1310 049 11959 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 221 Days: MW Time: 07:30-08:45PM Instructor: Robinson,Christina L ENGL 1310 050 11974 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 224 Days: MW Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Tucker,Justin Pierce ENGL 1310 051 11998 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 230 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Thomas,Richard Andrew ENGL 1310 052 12001 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 223 Days: F Time: 12:15PM-02:55PM ENGL 1310 053 12002 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 224 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-12:05 Instructor: Garrett,Bennie Denise ENGL 1310 054 12230 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 224 Days: TuTh Time: 04:45-06:00PM Instructor: Garrett,Bennie Denise ENGL 1310 055 12231 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 223 Days: TuTh Time: 08:00-09:15AM Instructor: Ross,Kacey Galloway ENGL 1310 056 12232 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 223 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Thomas,Richard Andrew ENGL 1310 057 12233 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 231A Days: MW Time: 09:25-10:40AM ENGL 1310 058 12234 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 231A Days: MW Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Syn,Benjamin Lyric ENGL 1310 059 12235 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 224 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Wenker,Andrea May ENGL 1310 060 12236 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 220 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Ross,Kacey Galloway ENGL 1310 061 12479 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 230 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-12:05 ENGL 1310 062 12519 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 224 Days: MW Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Syn,Benjamin Lyric ENGL 1310 063 12526 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 224 Days: TuTh Time: 08:00-09:15AM 77 Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 ENGL 1310 064 12534 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 231A Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05 ENGL 1310 065 30140 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 223 Days: MW Time: 07:30-08:45PM ENGL 1310 066 30141 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 220 Days: TuTh Time: 07:30-08:45PM ENGL 1310 067 30142 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 220 Days: MW Time: 08:50-10:05PM ENGL 1310 068 30143 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 223 Days: MW Time: 08:50-10:05PM ENGL 1310 069 30144 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 221 Days: MW Time: 08:50-10:05PM ENGL 1310 070 30145 Rhetoric and Writing I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 220 Days: TuTh Time: 08:50-10:05PM ENGL 1410 001 10777 Rhetoric and Writing II 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 245 Days: MW Time: 08:00-09:15AM Instructor: Johnson,Kathleen Kay ENGL 1410 002 11920 Rhetoric and Writing II 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 245 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05 Instructor: Baldoni-Rus,Gina M ENGL 1410 003 10778 Rhetoric and Writing II 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 221 Days: TuTh Time: 06:05-07:20PM Instructor: Alvarado,Mary Margaret ENGL 1410 004 11922 Rhetoric and Writing II 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 333 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Hemenway,Keri S Laptop Section. Students must have their own laptops for this section. ENGL 1410 005 10779 Rhetoric and Writing II 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 245 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25-10:40AM ENGL 1410 006 10780 Rhetoric and Writing II 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 128 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Alvarado,Mary Margaret Laptop Section. Students must have their own laptops for this section. ENGL 1410 018 12486 Rhetoric and Writing II 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 192 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05-04:20PM Laptop section. Students must have their own laptop for this course. ENGL 1410 019 12518 Rhetoric and Writing II 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 245 Days: MW Time: 03:05-04:20PM ENGL 1410 020 12524 Rhetoric and Writing II 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 112 Days: MW Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Laptop section. Students must have their own laptop for this course. ENGL 1410 021 30146 Rhetoric and Writing II 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 221 Days: Tu Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM ENGL 1410 022 30147 Rhetoric and Writing II 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 221 Days: Th Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM ENGL 1410 023 30148 Rhetoric and Writing II 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 192 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40-02:55PM Laptop Section. Students must have their own laptops for this section. ENGL 1410 024 30149 Rhetoric and Writing II 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 209 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM ENGL 1410 H01 11923 Rhetoric and Writing II 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 245 Days: Tu Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Hemenway,Keri S Hybrid course. Meets on campus Tuesdays, online Thursdays. ENGL 1410 H02 12237 Rhetoric and Writing II 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 245 Days: Th Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Hemenway,Keri S Hybrid course. Meets on campus Thursdays, online Tuesdays. ENGL 1450 001 10783 Independent Writing Workshop 1 Instructor: Brooks Gillies,Marilee Elizabeth ENGL 1500 001 10785 Intro to Lit for Non-Majors 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B136 Days: MW Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Posusta,Rebecca Craft ENGL 1500 002 10784 Intro to Lit for Non-Majors 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B211 Days: MW Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Posusta,Rebecca Craft ENGL 1410 007 10781 Rhetoric and Writing II 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 245 Days: TuTh Time: 08:00-09:15AM ENGL 1800 001 10786 Fund of Creative Writing 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 216 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Staff ENGL 1410 008 10782 Rhetoric and Writing II 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 231A Days: TuTh Time: 08:00-09:15AM Instructor: Hemenway,Keri S ENGL 2010 001 12481 Intro to Lit for English Major 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 323 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Posusta,Rebecca Craft ENGL 1410 009 11509 Rhetoric and Writing II 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 230 Days: MW Time: 12:15-01:30PM ENGL 2010 002 10839 Intro to Lit for English Major 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B136 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Posusta,Rebecca Craft ENGL 1410 010 11687 Rhetoric and Writing II 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 224 Days: F Time: 12:15PM-02:55PM ENGL 1410 011 11921 Rhetoric and Writing II 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 245 Days: MW Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Johnson,Kathleen Kay ENGL 1410 013 11979 Rhetoric and Writing II 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B213 Days: MW Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Laptop section. Students must have their own laptops for this course. ENGL 1410 014 12006 Rhetoric and Writing II 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 223 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM ENGL 1410 015 12007 Rhetoric and Writing II 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 223 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM ENGL 1410 017 12474 Rhetoric and Writing II 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 245 Days: MW Time: 01:40-02:55PM 78 ENGL 2030 001 30150 Intro to Creatv Writing Poetry 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 224 Days: TuTh Time: 06:05-07:20PM Instructor: Staff ENGL 2040 001 11810 Intro to Creat Writ Nonfiction 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 106 Days: MW Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Malek,Cecile French ENGL 2050 001 12238 Intro to Creat Writing Fiction 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 317 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Staff ENGL 2050 002 11690 Intro to Creat Writing Fiction 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 317 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Alvarado,Mary Margaret ENGL 2080 001 10789 Bus & Admin Writing 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B213 Days: MW Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Dalton,Erin Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 ENGL 2080 002 10790 Bus & Admin Writing 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B138 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Dalton,Erin ENGL 2080 003 10791 Bus & Admin Writing 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B211 Days: MW Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Dalton,Erin ENGL 2080 004 10792 Bus & Admin Writing 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 115 Days: MW Time: 08:00-09:15AM Instructor: Trauth,Erin ENGL 2080 005 10794 Bus & Admin Writing 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B136 Days: TuTh Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Wahl,Thomas R ENGL 2080 006 10793 Bus & Admin Writing 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B138 Days: MW Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Trauth,Erin ENGL 2080 007 10795 Bus & Admin Writing 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 186 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Wahl,Thomas R ENGL 2080 H01 11385 Bus & Admin Writing 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 231A Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Dt: 08/25/2014-09/29/2014 Bldg: Online Dt: 09/30/2014-12/20/2014 Instructor: Birkelo,Cheryl Ann Hybrid course. Meets in class 8/25-9/29, the remainder online. ENGL 2080 H02 12016 Bus & Admin Writing 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 231A Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM07:20PM Dt: 08/26/2014-09/30/2014 Bldg: Online Dt: 10/01/2014-12/20/2014 Instructor: Birkelo,Cheryl Ann Hybrid course. Meets in class 8/26-9/30, the remainder online. ENGL 2080 H03 30226 Bus & Admin Writing 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 209 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Dt: 08/28/2014-10/02/2014 Bldg: Onine Dt: 10/03/2014-12/20/2014 Instructor: Birkelo,Cheryl Ann Hybrid course. Meets in class 8/28-10/2, the remainder online. ENGL 2080 H04 11384 Bus & Admin Writing 3 Instructor: Herald,Crystal Baye Hybrid course. Mandatory meeting 8/29, 10:50-1:30, in EPC 239. ENGL 2090 007 12403 Tech Writing & Presentation 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 325 Days: MW Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: McMichael,Melonie Rose Section 007 designated for Nursing students. ENGL 2090 008 12462 Tech Writing & Presentation 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 230 Days: MW Time: 04:45-06:00PM Instructor: Trauth,Erin Section 008 designated for Nursing students. ENGL 2510 001 10797 British Literature Before 1600 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B138 Days: MW Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Napierkowski,Thomas Joseph ENGL 2530 001 10798 19th Century British Lit 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B211 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Taylor,Susan B ENGL 2530 002 11894 19th Century British Lit 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B211 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Taylor,Susan B ENGL 2600 001 30033 Global Literature I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 216 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Laroche,Rebecca Lyn ENGL 3000 001 10799 Lit Crit: Theory-Practice 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B211 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Taylor,Susan B ENGL 3000 002 11811 Lit Crit: Theory-Practice 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B213 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Carter,Stephen D ENGL 3000 003 30036 Lit Crit: Theory-Practice 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B213 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Carter,Stephen D ENGL 3010 001 10804 Advanced Rhetoric and Writing 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 245 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-12:05 Instructor: Neely,Michelle Elizabeth ENGL 3010 002 10805 Advanced Rhetoric and Writing 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B138 Days: MW Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Staff Laptop section. Students must have their own laptop for this course. ENGL 2080 H05 12303 Bus & Admin Writing 3 Instructor: Herald,Crystal Baye Hybrid course. Mandatory meeting 8/29, 10:50-1:30, in EPC 239. ENGL 3010 003 10806 Advanced Rhetoric and Writing 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B136 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Malek,Cecile French Laptop section. Students must have their own laptop for this course. ENGL 2090 001 10796 Tech Writing & Presentation 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 322 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Filpi,Jamie May ENGL 3010 004 10807 Advanced Rhetoric and Writing 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 245 Days: MW Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Malek,Cecile French ENGL 2090 002 11386 Tech Writing & Presentation 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 303 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Filpi,Jamie May ENGL 3010 005 12240 Advanced Rhetoric and Writing 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 209 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Staff ENGL 2090 003 11701 Tech Writing & Presentation 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 245 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Filpi,Jamie May ENGL 3040 001 30152 Intermediate Creative Non-Fict Workshop 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B211 Days: F Time: 12:15PM-02:55PM Instructor: Malek,Cecile French ENGL 2090 004 12015 Tech Writing & Presentation 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 230 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Filpi,Jamie May ENGL 3050 001 12242 Interm Creat Writing Fiction 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B213 Days: MW Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Tifft,Meghan E ENGL 2090 005 12392 Tech Writing & Presentation 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B138 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Filpi,Jamie May ENGL 3080 001 10809 Adv Bus & Tech Writing 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 216 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Wahl,Thomas R ENGL 2090 006 12402 Tech Writing & Presentation 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 209 Days: MW Time: 04:45-06:00PM Instructor: McMichael,Melonie Rose ENGL 3080 H01 12304 Adv Bus & Tech Writing 3 Instructor: Herald,Crystal Baye Hybrid course. Mandatory meeting 8/29, 8:00-10:40 in EPC 239. University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 79 Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 ENGL 3080 H02 30228 Adv Bus & Tech Writing 3 Instructor: Herald,Crystal Baye Hybrid course. Mandatory meeting 8/29, 8:00-10:40 in EPC 239. ENGL 3110 001 10812 Advanced Grammar 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B217 Days: MW Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Johnson,Kathleen Kay ENGL 3110 002 10813 Advanced Grammar 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B211 Days: MW Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Johnson,Kathleen Kay ENGL 3110 003 12516 Advanced Grammar 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B211 Days: MW Time: 04:45PM-06:00PM Instructor: Johnson,Kathleen Kay ENGL 3120 001 10814 Technical Editing and Style 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 245 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Dalton,Erin ENGL 3150 001 10815 Prof Writing Internship 1 - 3 Instructor: Ilyasova,Ksenia ENGL 3160 001 30229 Tools for Technical Writers 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 230 Days: MW Time: 06:05-07:20PM Instructor: McMichael,Melonie Rose ENGL 3350 001 12244 Amer Romanticism thru Realism 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B138 Days: MW Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Ginsberg,Lesley Ellen ENGL 3350 002 11580 Amer Romanticism thru Realism 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: TuTh Time: 06:05-07:20PM Instructor: Martin,Quentin Ellis ENGL 3600 001 30043 African American Literature 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B136 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Ortega,Kirsten Kay ENGL 3850 001 11812 Tpcs Prof Writ 1 - 3 Design Eff Presntatn Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B213 Days: TuTh Time: 06:05PM-07:20PM Instructor: Wahl,Thomas R ENGL 3900 001 30045 Topics in Literature 3 Hip Hop Poetics Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B136 Days: MW Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Ortega,Kirsten Kay ENGL 3910 001 30046 Topics in Literature 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B211 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Staff ENGL 4060 001 12305 Diversity Tpcs 3 Emot Intell/Identity in Wrkplc Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B213 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Ilyasova,Ksenia Combined Section ID: 0346(ENGL 4060/ENGL 5060) ENGL 4090 001 12493 Senior PTW Portfolio Seminar 1 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 105 Days: M Time: 08:00AM-09:00AM Instructor: Ilyasova,Ksenia ENGL 4100 001 30154 Advanced Creative Writing Seminar 3 Fiction Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B136 Days: MW Time: 07:30PM-08:45PM Instructor: Tifft,Meghan E ENGL 4300 001 11887 Stds Amer Lit 3 Amer Prose Narr of Cold War Bldg: University Hall Room: 133 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Carter,Stephen D Combined Section ID: 0202(ENGL 4300/ENGL 5300) ENGL 4500 001 12245 Anglo-Saxon & Medieval Lit 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B211 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Napierkowski,Thomas Joseph Combined Section ID: 0330(ENGL 4500/ENGL 5500) ENGL 4800 001 10816 Writing Ctr Theory & Practice Seminar 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 209 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Brooks Gillies,Marilee Elizabeth Combined Section ID: 0045(ENGL 4800/ENGL 5800) 80 ENGL 4830 001 12250 Contemp Apprch Teach Writ 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B138 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Staff Combined Section ID: 0327(ENGL 4830/ENGL 5830) ENGL 4850 001 30049 History of English Language 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 325 Days: MW Time: 08:00-09:15AM Instructor: Napierkowski,Thomas Joseph Combined Section ID: 0396(ENGL 4850/ENGL 5850) ENGL 4860 001 12246 Spec Tpcs Rhet/Writ: 3 Rhetorics of the Family Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 324 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Mack,Katherine Elizabeth Combined Section ID: 0325(ENGL 4860/ENGL 5860) ENGL 4880 001 12248 Tpcs in Public Rhetorics 3 Public Writing Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 317 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Mack,Katherine Elizabeth Combined Section ID: 0326(ENGL 4880/ENGL 5880) ENGL 4950 001 12396 Seminar in Literary Topics 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 132 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Staff Combined Section ID: 0360(ENGL 4950/ENGL 5950) ENGL 5060 001 12306 Diversity Tpcs 3 Emot Intell/Identity in Wrkplc Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B213 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Ilyasova,Ksenia Combined Section ID: 0346(ENGL 4060/ENGL 5060) ENGL 5300 001 11581 Stds Amer Lit 3 Amer Prose Narr of Cold War Bldg: University Hall Room: 133 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Carter,Stephen D Combined Section ID: 0202(ENGL 4300/ENGL 5300) ENGL 5500 001 12252 Anglo-Saxon Literature 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B211 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Napierkowski,Thomas Joseph Combined Section ID: 0330(ENGL 4500/ENGL 5500) ENGL 5800 001 10817 Peer Tutoring Seminar 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 209 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Brooks Gillies,Marilee Elizabeth Combined Section ID: 0045(ENGL 4800/ENGL 5800) ENGL 5830 001 12251 Contemp Apprch Teach Writ 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B138 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Staff Combined Section ID: 0327(ENGL 4830/ENGL 5830) ENGL 5850 001 30197 History of English Language 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 325 Days: MW Time: 08:00-09:15AM Instructor: Napierkowski,Thomas Joseph Combined Section ID: 0396(ENGL 4850/ENGL 5850) ENGL 5860 001 12247 Spec Tpcs Rhet/Writ: 3 Rhetorics of the Family Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 324 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Mack,Katherine Elizabeth Combined Section ID: 0325(ENGL 4860/ENGL 5860) ENGL 5880 001 12249 Tpcs in Public Rhetorics 3 Public Writing Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 317 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Mack,Katherine Elizabeth Combined Section ID: 0326(ENGL 4880/ENGL 5880) ENGL 5950 001 12397 Seminar in Literary Topics 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 132 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Staff Combined Section ID: 0360(ENGL 4950/ENGL 5950) ENGL 9400 Independent Study in English 1 - 3 ENGL 9400 901 10820 Instructor: Pellow,C Kenneth ENGL 9400 902 10821 Instructor: Napierkowski,Thomas Joseph ENGL 9400 903 10822 Instructor: Ortega,Kirsten Kay ENGL 9400 904 10823 Instructor: Laroche,Rebecca Lyn ENGL 9400 905 10824 Instructor: Ginsberg,Lesley Ellen ENGL 9400 906 10825 Instructor: Ilyasova,Ksenia ENGL 9400 907 10826 Instructor: Taylor,Susan B Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 ENGL 9400 908 10827 Instructor: Mack,Katherine Elizabeth ENGL 9400 909 30199 Instructor: Ilyasova,Ksenia ENGL 9400 910 30200 Instructor: Staff ENGL 9500 Independent Study in English 1 - 3 ENGL 9500 901 10829 Instructor: Pellow,C Kenneth ENGL 9500 902 10830 Instructor: Napierkowski,Thomas Joseph ENGL 9500 903 10831 Instructor: Ortega,Kirsten Kay ENGL 9500 904 10832 Instructor: Laroche,Rebecca Lyn ENGL 9500 905 10833 Instructor: Ginsberg,Lesley Ellen ENGL 9500 906 10835 Instructor: Ilyasova,Ksenia ENGL 9500 907 10836 Instructor: Taylor,Susan B ENGL 9500 908 10837 Instructor: Mack,Katherine Elizabeth ENGL 9500 909 30201 Instructor: Ilyasova,Ksenia ENGL 9500 910 30202 Instructor: Staff Film Studies FILM 2000 001 30064 Narrative Film 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B134 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 325 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Meadows,Teresa Lin FILM 3550 001 12340 Hollywood History 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 186 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B134 Days: F Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Staff FILM 3900 001 30068 Sp Tpc in Film Studies: 3 Beyond Document Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 209 Days: ThF Time: 01:40-04:20PM Instructor: Sullivan,Mary Jane FILM 4000 001 30065 Italian Film 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B134 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Feliu-Moggi,Fernando FILM 4030 001 11533 Internship in Film Studies Internship 1 - 3 Instructor: Meadows,Teresa Lin Refer to department for permission number. FILM 4500 001 30074 Film Theory 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 324 Days: ThF Time: 10:50AM-01:30 Instructor: Sullivan,Mary Jane FILM 9400 901 10841 Independent Study 1 - 3 Instructor: Meadows,Teresa Lin Foreign and Cultural Studies FCS 2110 WB1 12330 Tpcs in Strategic Language III 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 4 Arabic Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 102 Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM Dt: 09/13/2014-11/15/2014 Instructor: Gaza,Nouha This class is a Hybrid Course with the remaining 2 hours taught online. **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. FCS 3390 Internship in Foreign Cultures 1 - 3 FCS 3390 001 10430 Instructor: Meadows,Teresa Lin FCS 3390 002 11940 Instructor: Covell,John Andrew FCS 3390 003 11950 Instructor: France Smith,Mary Ellen FCS 3490 001 10431 Internship in Foreign Cultures 1 - 3 Instructor: Meadows,Teresa Lin FCS 3590 001 10428 Deaf Culture 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 102 Days: MW Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Covell,John Andrew Combined Section ID: 0026(ASL 3590/FCS 3590) FCS 3890 001 10432 Fld Study Lang/Culture: Field Studies 1 - 3 Instructor: Meadows,Teresa Lin FCS 5890 001 10433 Fld Study Lang/Culture Field Studies 3 Instructor: Meadows,Teresa Lin University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 FCS 9300 Independent Study - Undergrad 1 - 4 FCS 9300 901 10710 Instructor: Meadows,Teresa Lin FCS 9300 902 11667 Instructor: Von Dassanowsky,Robert FCS 9300 903 11706 Instructor: France Smith,Mary Ellen French FR 1010 001 10434 Beginning French I 4 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 106 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 106 Days: F Time: 09:25AM-10:15AM Instructor: Cook,Suzanne E FR 1010 002 10435 Beginning French I 4 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 106 Days: TuTh Time: 04:45PM-06:30PM Instructor: Kozhevnikov,Gail Louise FR 1020 001 11546 Beginning French II 4 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 106 Days: MW Time: 04:45PM-06:30PM Instructor: Cornish,Amy Lueen FR 2110 001 10436 Intermediate French I 4 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 106 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 106 Days: F Time: 12:15PM-01:05PM Instructor: Cook,Suzanne E FR 3000 001 30163 French Grammar & Composition 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 106 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Cook,Suzanne E FR 3230 001 10437 Applied Conversation 1 Instructor: Cook,Suzanne E FR 3390 Internship in Applied French Internship 1 - 3 FR 3390 001 10438 Instructor: Meadows,Teresa Lin FR 3390 002 10439 Instructor: Cook,Suzanne E FR 9300 901 10440 Independent Study 1 - 4 Instructor: Meadows,Teresa Lin FR 9400 901 10441 Independent Study 1 - 4 Instructor: Meadows,Teresa Lin FR 9500 901 10442 Independent Study 1 - 4 Instructor: Meadows,Teresa Lin Gateway Program Seminar MEETS 8/21/14 - 11/18/14 ** GPS 1010 is an early start-up class. It meets from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 21 and Friday, August 22. After these two full days, Gateway Seminar courses continue to meet once a week at their listed time for the first 12 weeks of the semester, ending by 11/18/14. ** GPS 1010 is a course designed to introduce students to academic life at UCCS. As you pursue a topic, you will be introduced to a wide range of disciplines and campus resources that can make you more successful in your academic work. Topic groups break into sections of 15 students. GPS 1010 001 12609 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Sustainable Me Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Kogan,Linda Gail ; Botts,Brent GPS 1010 002 12610 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Rotten Tomatoes Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B215 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Bell,Christopher; Martorella,James; Green,Caitlin GPS 1010 003 12611 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Unreality Bldg: Breckenridge Room: 5101 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Austin-Eurich,Laura ; Larkin,Michael; Anderson,David 81 Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 GPS 1010 004 12612 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Globetrotters Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Moraco,Donna A ; Brehm,Andrea GPS 1010 018 12624 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Studio A Bldg: University Hall Room: 132 Days: F Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Cook-Levy,Joye; Andrus,Kathryn V ; McAllister,Colin GPS 1010 005 12613 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Survivor Bldg: Breckenridge Room: 5101 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Hanenberg,Stephanie; Linhart,Stephen; Stoecklein, Timothy J; Morris,Phillip GPS 1010 019 12635 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Serenity Now Bldg: Breckenridge Room: 5101 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Larkin,Michael l; Staley,Constance; Polok,Nina Ann GPS 1010 006 12614 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Driven Bldg: Breckenridge Room: 5101 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Gaddis,Barbara; Kumm,Carol; Hoffman,Mark; Williams, Rhonda GPS 1010 007 12615 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 School in the Woods Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Jennings,Steven A ; Bowan,Daniel Meets with GPS 1010 001 in Centennial 191. GPS 1010 008 12616 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Storytelling: Soaps/Star Trek Bldg: Breckenridge Room: 5101 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Nelson,David R ; Hunt,Kelsey GPS 1010 009 12617 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Mindstorms Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 109 Days: F Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Tekamp,Leslie Jon ; Ami,Claire GPS 1010 010 12618 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 "25" Bldg: University Hall Room: 133 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Braker,Patrick J ; San Agustin,Juan S ; Johnson,Kurt GPS 1010 011 12619 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Modern Family Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Montez de Oca,Jeffrey; Wienholtz,Sabrina; Cordova, Anthony Add and Drop Consent : Instructor Consent Required GPS 1010 012 29983 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Flying High Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: W Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Albertson,Julie A ; Block,Robert THIS IS FOR PRE-ENGINEERING MAJORS ONLY. GPS 1010 013 12634 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 So You Think You Can Speak? Bldg: Breckenridge Room: 5101 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Blackmann,Connie; Hureau,Marcelle; Mc Cormick,Lindsey GPS 1010 014 12620 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Restore Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B216 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Albertson,Julie A GPS 1010 015 12621 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 DOA Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 116 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Kosloski,Anna Elizabeth ; San Agustin,Juan S GPS 1010 016 12622 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Homicide Bldg: Breckenridge Room: 5101 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Martinez,Michael; Walker,Rodney; Weir,Henriikka GPS 1010 017 12623 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Off and Running Bldg: Breckenridge Room: 5101 Days: F Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Barrett,Matthew B ; Augspurger,Gregory ; Gibson,Rachel; Harmer,David 82 GPS 1010 020 12625 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 You Majored in What? Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 317 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Dawahre,Nashla; Doane,Tamarinde; Williams,Branden GPS 1010 021 12626 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Gray Matters - Honors Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 128 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Hackman,Michael; Kaukinen,Catherine ; Sackett,Robert E Combined Section ID: 0001(GPS 1010 021/GPS 3010 001) GPS 1010 022 12628 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Sleuth Bldg: El Pomar Center Room: 237 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30 GPS 1010 023 12627 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Baseball Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 121 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Burnett,Brian; Wood,Martin ; Beiswanger,Chris M ; Butterworth,Gary A. GPS 1010 024 12629 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Tech Revolution Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A206 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Polok,Nina; Jordan,Rita GPS 1010 025 12630 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Head of the Class Bldg: Breckenridge Room: 5101 Days: Tu Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Winters,Marcus ; Martinez,Sylvia ;Marshall,Laura r; Koback,Amanda GPS 1010 026 12631 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Family Tree Bldg: Breckenridge Room: 5101 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Reyes,Michael GPS 1010 027 12632 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Heroes Bldg: Breckenridge Room: 5101 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Eberhardt,Liesl ; Waters,Todd ; Callahan,Timothy ; McClinton,Valerie GPS 1010 028 30034 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 React to the Past Bldg: Breckenridge Room: 5101 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Martinez,Roger; Frischmann,Christina ; Bairn,Christopher ; Steen,Michaela Lisa GPS 1010 029 30038 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Learning Liberty Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 324 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Dunn,Joshua M ; Postell,Joseph ; Postell,Allison GPS 1010 030 30044 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Football Bldg: Breckenridge Room: 5101 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Clarke,Jennifer; Burkart,Ellen ; Wesley,Homer A ; Bannister,Bill GPS 1010 031 12636 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Club Med Bldg: Breckenridge Room: 5101 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Davis,Susan; Schober,Vicki M ; Renn,Brenna Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 GPS 1010 032 12637 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Club Med Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 114 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Davis,Susan; Schober,Vicki M ; Renn,Brenna GPS 1010 033 30258 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Numbers Bldg: Breckenridge Room: 5101 Days: Th Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Dorrington,Jenny Ellen ; Rus,George Adrian GPS 1010 034 30259 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Be Your Own Boss Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Mc New,Lisanne; Zwirlein,Christine GPS 1010 035 30260 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Circle of Life Bldg: University Hall Room: 141 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Kirby,Jessica Brooke GPS 1010 036 30261 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Link In! Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 116 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Redella,Richard; Belger,Diane GPS 1010 037 30262 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Dig Deeper Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 114 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Jimenez,Christina; Tragesser,Steven G. ; Pearce,Casey GPS 1010 038 34171 Gateway Program Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 3 Flying High Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: W Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Albertson,Julie A ; Block,Robert Michael THIS IS FOR PRE-ENGINEERING MAJORS ONLY. GPS 3010 001 12633 Transition Seminar 08/21/2014 11/18/2014 1 - 3 Gray Matters - Honors Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 128 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Hackman,Michael Zan e; Kaukinen,Catherine Elizabet h; Sackett,Robert E Combined Section ID: 0001(GPS 1010 021/GPS 3010 001) MEETS 8/21/14 - 11/18/14 ** GPS 3010 is an early start-up class. It meets from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 21 and Friday, August 22. After these two full days, Transition Seminar courses continue to meet once a week at their listed time for the first 12 weeks of the semester, ending by 11/18/14. ** GPS 3010 is a course designed to introduce students to academic life at UCCS. As you pursue a topic, you will be introduced to a wide range of disciplines and campus resources that can make you more successful in your academic work. Topic groups break into sections of 15 students. SECTION 001 FOR UNIVERSITY AND MOUNTAIN LION HONORS STUDENTS ONLY. GPS 3010 002 12638 Transition Seminar 3 Transitions Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 333 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Walda,Kevin Christopher ; Reyes,Michael Steven Sec 002 is for active duty military and veterans only. Geography and Environ Studies GES 1000 001 11083 Env Sys: Climate & Vegetation 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 334 Days: TuTh Time: 09:50-11:30AM Instructor: Holder,Curtis Duane GES 1000 002 33912 Env Sys: Climate & Vegetation 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 334 Days: M Time: 09:50AM-01:10PM Instructor: Staff GES 1000 H01 11080 Env Sys: Climate & Vegetation 4 Instructor: Huber,Carole L Jones Hybrid course. Class meets on 8/ 27, 4:45-5:30 in Columbine Hall 329, and for three exams on 10/1, 11/5, and 12/10, 4:45-7:15. GES 1010 001 11085 Envir Sys: Landforms and Soils 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 334 Days: F Time: 01:00PM-04:20PM Instructor: Billmeyer,Eric Robert University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 GES 1010 002 11815 Envir Sys: Landforms and Soils 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 334 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-05:00PM Instructor: Vogt,Brandon James GES 1010 H01 11089 Envir Sys: Landforms and Soils 4 Instructor: Kopteva,Irina Anatolievna Hybrid course. Class meets once only, Monday 8/25, from 7:007:55am in Columbine Hall 329. GES 1050 001 12567 Intro Map & Compass 08/29/2014 09/13/2014 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 329 Days: FSa Time: 08:00AM05:00PM Dt: 08/29/2014-09/13/2014 Instructor: Larkin,Michael Paul **INTENSIVE COURSE** Class meets 8am-5pm, 8/29-9/13. Field work in Palmer Park required. GES 1050 002 12573 Intro Map & Compass 10/17/2014 11/01/2014 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 329 Days: FSa Time: 08:00AM05:00PM Dt: 10/17/2014-11/01/2014 Instructor: Botts,Brent **INTENSIVE COURSE** Class meets 8am-5pm 10/17-11/1. Field work in Palmer Park required. GES 1050 H01 11477 Introduction to Map & Compass 4 Instructor: Larkin,Robert Paul Hybrid course. Field work in Palmer Park required. Class meets for exams 10/6 and 12/8 from 4:45-7:15pm in Columbine Hall 334. Meets at Palmer Park 10/3 and 12/5 from 8:00am-5:00pm. GES 1980 001 11090 World Regional Geography 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 334 Days: TuTh Time: 08:00-09:40AM Instructor: Huber,Carole L Jones GES 1980 002 11091 World Regional Geography 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 334 Days: TuTh Time: 11:40AM-01:20 Instructor: Havlick,David Gregory GES 1990 001 11093 Intro to Human Geography 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 334 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-05:00PM Instructor: Larkin,Michael Paul GES 1990 002 11543 Intro to Human Geography 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 334 Days: W Time: 01:00PM-04:20PM Instructor: Harner,John P GES 1990 H01 11092 Intro to Human Geography 4 Instructor: Kopteva,Irina Anatolievna Hybrid course. Meets once only 8/25, 8:00-8:55am in COLU 329. GES 2050 001 11094 Digital Earth 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 329 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Vogt,Brandon James GES 2050 002 11903 Digital Earth 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 329 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Gibbes,Cerian GES 3050 001 11105 Introduction to Cartography 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 329 Days: M Time: 01:00PM-04:20PM Instructor: Jennings,Steven A GES 3070 001 29655 Geog of Sub-Saharan Africa 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 334 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Gibbes,Cerian GES 3160 001 11816 Geographic Education 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 115 Days: TuTh Time: 09:50-11:05AM Instructor: Larkin,Michael Paul GES 3170 001 33913 Saving Place 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 329 Days: Tu Time: 01:00PM-04:20PM Instructor: Huber,Carole L Jones GES 3200 001 11106 Practical Meteorology 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 334 Days: F Time: 08:15AM-11:35AM Instructor: Kilgore,Brock James Combined Section ID: 0074(GES 3200/ENSC 3200) 83 Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 GES 3400 001 12424 Geopolitics 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 334 Days: Tu Time: 05:15PM-07:50PM Instructor: Siebert,Matthew Nathaniel GES 4050 001 11108 Introduction to GIS 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 329 Days: Th Time: 01:00PM-04:20PM Instructor: Harner,John P Combined Section ID: 0075(GES 4050/GES 5050) GES 4060 001 11109 Introduction to Remote Sensing 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 329 Days: M Time: 09:30AM-12:50PM Instructor: Gibbes,Cerian Combined Section ID: 0076(GES 4060/GES 5060) GES 4120 001 11110 Internet GIS 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 329 Days: W Time: 01:00PM-04:20PM Instructor: Dodge,Somayeh Combined Section ID: 0077(GES 4120/GES 5120) GES 4160 Teaching Geography Practicum 1 - 4 GES 4160 801 11111 Instructor: Huber,Carole L Jones GES 4160 802 11112 Instructor: Larkin,Michael Paul GES 4160 803 12549 Instructor: Billmeyer,Eric Robert GES 4260 001 11114 Biogeography 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 115 Days: M Time: 08:15AM-11:35AM Instructor: Jennings,Steven A Combined Section ID: 0078(GES 4260/GES 5260) GES 4320 001 12091 Mountain Environments 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 329 Days: W Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Huber,Thomas Patrick Combined Section ID: 0305(GES 4320/GES 5320) GES 4340 001 11116 Soils 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 115 Days: TuTh Time: 08:00-09:40AM Instructor: Huber,Thomas Patrick Combined Section ID: 0080(GES 4340/GES 5340) GES 4420 001 29656 Conserv & U.S. Public Lands 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 334 Days: W Time: 09:50AM-12:30PM Instructor: Havlick,David Gregory Combined Section ID: 0082(GES 4420/GES 5420) GES 4680 001 29658 Inequality USA 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 329 Days: Tu Time: 09:30AM-12:50PM Instructor: Skop,Emily Combined Section ID: 0367(GES/SOC/WEST 4860 (5 courses) GES 4770 001 11118 Develop of Geographic Thought 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 115 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Holder,Curtis Duane Combined Section ID: 0084(GES 4770/GES 5770) GES 4910 001 29660 The World of Wines and Vines 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 334 Days: W Time: 06:05PM-08:45PM Instructor: Larkin,Michael Paul GES 4970 Honors in Geography Research 3 GES 4970 001 11119 Instructor: Jennings,Steven A GES 4970 002 11120 Instructor: Skop,Emily ` GES 4970 003 11121 Instructor: Havlick,David Gregory GES 4970 004 11123 Instructor: Holder,Curtis Duane GES 4970 005 11125 Instructor: Vogt,Brandon James GES 4970 006 11126 Instructor: Huber,Thomas Patrick GES 4970 007 11127 Instructor: Harner,John P GES 4970 008 11128 Instructor: Huber,Carole L Jones GES 4980 Professional Experience II Internship 1 - 12 GES 4980 801 11129 Instructor: Havlick,David Gregory GES 4980 802 11130 Instructor: Harner,John P GES 4980 803 11131 Instructor: Huber,Thomas Patrick GES 4980 804 11132 Instructor: Vogt,Brandon James GES 5050 001 11219 Intro to GIS for Graduate Stud 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 329 Days: Th Time: 01:00PM-04:20PM Instructor: Harner,John P Combined Section ID: 0075(GES 4050/GES 5050) 84 GES 5060 001 11134 Sem: Adv Remote Sensing Seminar 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 329 Days: M Time: 09:30AM-12:50PM Instructor: Gibbes,Cerian Combined Section ID: 0076(GES 4060/GES 5060) GES 5120 001 11220 Internet GIS 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 329 Days: W Time: 01:00PM-04:20PM Instructor: Dodge,Somayeh Combined Section ID: 0077(GES 4120/GES 5120) GES 5260 001 11221 Biogeography 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 115 Days: M Time: 08:15AM-11:35AM Instructor: Jennings,Steven A Combined Section ID: 0078(GES 4260/GES 5260) GES 5320 001 12092 Mountain Environments Seminar 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 329 Days: W Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Huber,Thomas Patrick Combined Section ID: 0305(GES 4320/GES 5320) GES 5340 001 11222 Seminar: Soils Seminar 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 115 Days: TuTh Time: 08:00-09:40AM Instructor: Huber,Thomas Patrick Combined Section ID: 0080(GES 4340/GES 5340) GES 5420 001 29657 Conserva & U.S. Public Lands 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 334 Days: W Time: 09:50AM-12:30PM Instructor: Havlick,David Gregory Combined Section ID: 0082(GES 4420/GES 5420) GES 5680 001 29659 Inequality USA 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 329 Days: Tu Time: 09:30AM-12:50PM Instructor: Skop,Emily ` Combined Section ID: 0367 GES 4680, SOC 4680, SOC 5680, WEST 4680 GES 5770 001 11161 History & Nature of Geography 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 115 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Holder,Curtis Duane Combined Section ID: 0084(GES 4770/GES 5770) GES 7000 Master's Thesis Dissertation 1 - 6 GES 7000 801 11390 Instructor: Jennings,Steven A GES 7000 802 11391 Instructor: Harner,John P GES 7000 803 11392 Instructor: Huber,Thomas Patrick GES 7000 804 11393 Instructor: Holder,Curtis Duane GES 7000 805 11394 Instructor: Skop,Emily ` GES 7000 806 11487 Instructor: Vogt,Brandon James GES 7000 807 11488 Instructor: Havlick,David Gregory GES 7000 808 11817 Instructor: Gibbes,Cerian GES Independent Study 1 - 4 GES 9400 901 11174 Instructor: Jennings,Steven A GES 9400 902 11175 Instructor: Harner,John P GES 9400 903 11176 Instructor: Bolling,George GES 9400 904 11177 Instructor: Skop,Emily ` GES 9400 905 11178 Instructor: Holder,Curtis Duane GES 9400 906 11179 Instructor: Vogt,Brandon James GES 9400 907 11180 Instructor: Huber,Thomas Patrick GES 9400 908 11181 Instructor: Larkin,Michael Paul GES 9400 909 11182 Instructor: Huber,Carole L Jones GES 9400 910 11183 Instructor: Havlick,David Gregory GES 9400 911 12056 Instructor: Gibbes,Cerian Geology GEOL 1010 001 11192 Physical Geology 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 115 Days: TuTh Time: 05:50-07:05PM Instructor: Bolling,George GEOL 1010 010 11200 Physical Geology Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 115 Days: Tu Time: 07:15PM-09:00PM Instructor: Bolling,George GEOL 1010 020 11202 Physical Geology Laboratory 0 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 115 Days: Th Time: 07:15PM-09:00PM Instructor: Bolling,George Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 GEOL 1020 001 12087 Historical Geology 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 115 Days: W Time: 01:00PM-04:20PM Instructor: Billmeyer,Eric Robert GEOL 3170 H01 11813 Geol of National Parks 3 Instructor: Larkin,Robert Paul Hybrid course. Meets for exams 10/ 8, 12/3, 4:45-7:15pm, COLU 329. Greek GRK 1010 001 10454 Beginning Classical Greek I 4 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B216 Days: MW Time: 04:45PM-06:30PM Instructor: France Smith,Mary Ellen GRK 9400 901 11870 Independent Study 1 - 4 Instructor: France Smith,Mary Ellen GEOL 3170 H02 12461 Geol of National Parks 3 Instructor: Larkin,Robert Paul Hybrid course. Meets for exams 10/ 8, 12/3, 7:30-9:30pm, COLU 329. History GEOL 3700 001 11904 Environmental Geology 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 115 Days: F Time: 08:15AM-11:35AM Instructor: Billmeyer,Eric Robert HIST 1010 001 10680 The Ancient World 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 116 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Duvick,Brian Marshall GEOL 4310 001 29585 Sedimentology and Stratigraphy 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 115 Days: TuTh Time: 11:15AM-12:55 Instructor: Bolling,George HIST 1020 001 11451 Medieval World 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 325 Days: TuTh Time: 08:00-09:15AM Instructor: Bairn,Christopher William GEOL 4360 001 29586 Glacial & Periglacial Geology 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 115 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40-03:20PM Instructor: Bolling,George HIST 1030 001 10681 Rise of Modern Eur 1500-1815 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 216 Days: Tu Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Myers,Janet L Dietzen GEOL 9400 901 11213 Independent Study 1 - 4 Instructor: Bolling,George HIST 1110 001 11760 Asian Hist: SE Asia 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Brumlik,Kymberly C German GER 1010 001 10443 Beginning German I 4 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 106 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 106 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-11:40AM Instructor: Brehm,Andrea GER 1020 001 10445 Beginning German II 4 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B217 Days: TuTh Time: 04:45PM-06:30PM Instructor: Moraco,Donna A GER 2110 001 10446 Intermediate German I 4 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 106 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 106 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-02:30PM Instructor: Brehm,Andrea GER 3020 001 12226 Adv Convers & Comp II 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 112 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Brehm,Andrea GER 3230 001 10447 Applied Conversation 1 Instructor: Brehm,Andrea GER 3390 001 10448 Internship 1 - 3 Instructor: Brehm,Andrea GER 3500 001 33997 Tpcs Ger/Austr Stds 3 Intro German Literature Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: TuTh Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Brehm,Andrea Gerontology GRNT 3000 001 11374 Intro to Gerontology 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 323 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Staff GRNT 4630 001 11375 Psychology of Aging 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 103 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Staff Combined Section ID: 0129(PSY 3510/GRNT 4630) GRNT 4980 801 11376 Fld Placement Grntology 1 - 6 GRNT 9400 Independent Study 1 - 6 GRNT 9400 901 11377 Instructor: Qualls,Sara Honn GRNT 9400 902 12266 Instructor: Staff University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 HIST 1130 001 10682 Asian History:China 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 322 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Wei,Yang HIST 1400 001 11371 Latin America to 1810 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05 Instructor: Clay,Sarah Elizabeth HIST 1510 001 10683 U.S: Birth of Nation 1607-1789 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 325 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Headle,Barbara Ann HIST 1520 001 29987 U.S.: Expan & Div 1789-1877 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: MW Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Frischmann,Christina Marie HIST 1600 001 29988 Making of Modern Mid East I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 214 Days: W Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Woodall,Gay C HIST 3000 002 10686 Spec Tpcs: 3 King Arthur in Legend & Film Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 317 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Sartin,Roy Jo HIST 3000 003 10687 Spec Tpcs: 3 Panorama World Civ to 1500 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 115 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Forrest,Bernice Elizabeth LaCroix HIST 3000 004 10688 Spec Tpcs: 3 Dirty Wars Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 323 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Knipe,Angela Helen Argentina and Chile in 20th Cen. See online Class Search for details. HIST 3000 005 11711 Spec Tpcs: 3 Roman History Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 324 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Duvick,Brian Marshall HIST 3000 006 12060 Spec Tpcs: 3 Istanbul Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 116 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Woodall,Gay C HIST 3020 001 11403 Internship: Heller Center Internship 1 - 6 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A321 Days: Tu Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Cunningham,Perrin Combined Section ID: 0314(HIST 3020/GM 4030) 85 Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 HIST 3200 WK1 30009 The Crusades 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 116 Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM Instructor: Bairn,Christopher William **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. HIST 3730 001 29996 Visn/Hist:Nat&Africn Am Narr 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 115 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Forrest,Bernice Elizabeth LaCroix Analyze and evaluate realities of life for representative Native American Indians, African-Americans, and Afro-Native Americans. HIST 3750 WK1 30011 Orphans, Paupers, Vagabonds 09/12/2014 11/14/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 116 Days: F Time: 05:30PM-09:30PM Instructor: Headle,Barbara Ann **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. HIST 3890 001 29999 History of Colonial India 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 333 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Hill,Christopher V HIST 3920 001 30000 History of British Empire 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Hill,Christopher V HIST 3990 001 30001 European Film - European Hist 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 325 Days: F Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Sackett,Robert E HIST 3995 001 30172 Undergrad Internship in Hist Internship 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 105 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Davis-Witherow,Leah Marie HIST 4230 001 30002 Renaissance/Late Middle Ages 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 216 Days: W Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Myers,Janet L Dietzen HIST 4520 001 34012 Cemeteries & Memory in America Seminar 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 317 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Headle,Barbara Ann HIST 4690 001 30003 Colorado History 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 324 Days: Th Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Davis-Witherow,Leah Marie HIST 4803 001 30005 The American West 1800-1910 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 322 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Brumlik,Peter Ronald HIST 4990 001 10689 SR Sem:Apprchs to Stdy Hist Research 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Brumlik,Peter Ronald HIST 4990 002 11495 SR Sem:Apprchs to Stdy Hist Research 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 114 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Woodall,Gay C HIST 6000 001 11595 Historiography Seminar 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 323 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Harvey,Paul William HIST 6690 001 12155 Spec Tpcs 3 Modern China Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 216 Days: Th Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Wei,Yang HIST 6690 002 30007 Spec Tpcs Readings 3 City & Citiz - Comp Hist Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: W Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Jimenez,Christina Marie HIST 6995 001 30173 Graduate Internship in History 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 303 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Jimenez,Christina Marie HIST 7350 001 30008 Res in Mod Eur 1870-Pres Dissertation 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 105 Days: Tu Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Sackett,Robert E 86 HIST 9400 Independent Study 1 - 3 HIST 9400 901 10692 Instructor: Sackett,Robert E HIST 9400 902 10693 Instructor: Duvick,Brian Marshall HIST 9400 903 11530 Instructor: Woodall,Gay C HIST 9400 904 11662 Instructor: Martinez,Roger HIST 9400 905 11761 Instructor: Hill,Christopher V HIST 9400 906 11762 Instructor: Jimenez,Christina Marie HIST 9400 907 11763 Instructor: Forrest,Bernice Elizabeth LaCroix HIST 9400 908 11764 Instructor: Harvey,Paul William HIST 9400 909 12160 Instructor: Davis-Witherow,Leah Marie HIST 9400 910 12161 Instructor: Wei,Yang HIST 9600 Independent Study 1 - 3 HIST 9600 901 10694 Instructor: Sackett,Robert E HIST 9600 902 10695 Instructor: Duvick,Brian Marshall HIST 9600 903 11596 Instructor: Harvey,Paul William HIST 9600 904 11597 Instructor: Hill,Christopher V HIST 9600 905 11598 Instructor: Jimenez,Christina Marie HIST 9600 906 11599 Instructor: Forrest,Bernice Elizabeth LaCroix HIST 9600 907 11600 Instructor: Woodall,Gay C HIST 9600 908 11601 Instructor: Martinez,Roger HIST 9600 909 12162 Instructor: Wei,Yang Humanities HUM 3990 001 10201 Tpcs: 3 Once Upon a Time Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 121 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Cunningham,Perrin HUM 3990 002 11214 Tpcs: 3 Once Upon a Time Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 121 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Headle,Barbara Ann HUM 3990 003 11215 Tpcs: 3 World War I Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 121 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Sackett,Robert E HUM 3990 004 11216 Tpcs: 3 World War I Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 106 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Larkin,Michael Paul Meets with section 003 in Dwire 121 the first day of class. HUM 3990 005 29886 Tpcs: 3 Hurricane Katrina Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 103 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Herrera,C Andrea Combined Section ID: 0376(HUM 3990 005/WEST 4140 001) HUM 3990 006 29887 Tpcs: 3 Hurricane Katrina Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 103 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Larkin,Michael Paul Combined Section ID: 0377(HUM 3990 006/WEST 4140 002) HUM 3990 007 29891 Tpcs: 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 192 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Bannister,Bill Keith HUM 3990 008 29892 Tpcs: 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Meets with section 007 in Centennial 192 the first day of class. HUM 3990 009 34005 Tpcs: 3 Hurricane Katrina Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 103 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Skahill,Eileen Loretta Combined Section ID: 0403(HUM 3990 009/WEST 4140 003) HUM 3990 OL1 29894 Tpcs: 3 Digital Media & the Humanities Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Laroche,Rebecca Lyn HUM 3990 OL2 29895 Tpcs: 3 Digital Media & the Humanities Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Rigler,Jane Agatha HUM 3990 OL3 29897 Tpcs: 3 Digital Media & the Humanities Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff HUM 3990 OL4 29898 Tpcs: 3 Digital Media & the Humanities Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 HUM 3990 WK1 12681 Tpcs: 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 3 On the Border Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM Instructor: Feliu-Moggi,Fernando **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. HUM 3990 WK2 12682 Tpcs: 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 3 On the Border Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM ** Weekend University ** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. Meets in DWIR 121 the first day of class. HUM 3990 WK3 12691 Tpcs: 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 192 Days: Sa Time: 08:30AM-12:30PM Instructor: Sullivan,Mary Jane **WEEKEND University** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. HUM 3990 WK4 12705 Tpcs: 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 192 Days: Sa Time: 08:30AM-12:30PM **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. HUM 3990 WK5 34006 Tpcs: 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 3 On the Border Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. HUM 9400 901 11217 Independent Study 1 Instructor: Meadows,Teresa Lin Interdepartmental Studies ID 1050 001 11378 Quant & Qual Reasoning Skills 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: W Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Gist,Robert George ID 1110 011 29977 Academic Fitness 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B117 Days: Th Time: 12:15PM-01:15PM ID 1110 012 29978 Academic Fitness 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B117 Days: W Time: 09:25AM-10:25AM ID 1110 013 29979 Academic Fitness 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B117 Days: F Time: 09:25AM-10:25AM ID 1110 014 12458 Academic Fitness 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B117 Days: W Time: 11:00AM-12:00PM ID 1110 015 29980 Academic Fitness 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B117 Days: F Time: 12:15PM-01:15PM ID 2000 001 11305 Mathematics: A Human Endeavor 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B134 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Soifer,Alexander ID 3700 001 29561 Art/Culture Equatorial Africa 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B134 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Soifer,Alexander Combined Section ID: 0397(ID 3700/AH 3000) Meets with AH 3000 ID 4090 B01 12571 Peer Mentoring for JTAs 08/21/2014 12/20/2014 3 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Dt: 08/25/2014-11/18/2014 Instructor: Arnold,Carrie Hybrid course. Students meet on 8/ 21 and 22 and periodically throughout the semester on Mondays 4:45-6:00pm. ID 1110 001 11472 Academic Fitness 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B117 Days: M Time: 11:00AM-12:00PM ID 4950 001 11893 Honors Capstone Seminar 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 333 Days: F Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Hackman,Michael Zane For University Honors and Mountain Lion Honors students only. ID 1110 002 11473 Academic Fitness 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B117 Days: M Time: 12:15PM-01:15PM Japanese ID 1110 003 11474 Academic Fitness 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B117 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-05:45PM Instructor: Staff ID 1110 004 11475 Academic Fitness 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B117 Days: Tu Time: 11:00AM-12:00PM ID 1110 005 11476 Academic Fitness 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B117 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-02:40PM ID 1110 006 11972 Academic Fitness 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B117 Days: Tu Time: 03:05PM-04:05PM ID 1110 007 11973 Academic Fitness 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B117 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-02:40PM ID 1110 008 12459 Academic Fitness 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B117 Days: W Time: 03:05PM-04:05PM ID 1110 009 29975 Academic Fitness 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B117 Days: M Time: 09:25AM-10:25AM ID 1110 010 29976 Academic Fitness 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B117 Days: Th Time: 11:00AM-12:00PM University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 JPNS 1010 001 10455 Beginning Japanese I 5 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 303 Days: MW Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Mc Adams,Rieko Y JPNS 1020 001 10456 Beginning Japanese II 5 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 303 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Mc Adams,Rieko Y JPNS 2110 001 10457 Intermediate Japanese I 5 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 303 Days: MW Time: 04:45PM-07:05PM Instructor: Mc Adams,Rieko Y JPNS 2120 001 12513 Intermediate Japanese II 5 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: MW Time: 04:45-07:20PM Instructor: Staff JPNS 3000 001 12209 Advanced Japanese I 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 303 Days: MW Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Mc Adams,Rieko Y JPNS 3200 001 11547 Japanese Culture/Civilization 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 214 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: MacAulay,Suzanne P Combined Section ID: 0217(AH 3450/JPNS 3200) JPNS 9300 901 10458 Independent Study 1 - 3 Instructor: Mc Adams,Rieko Y Latin LAT 1010 001 10459 Beginning Latin I 4 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B136 Days: TuTh Time: 04:45PM-06:30PM Instructor: France Smith,Mary Ellen 87 Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 LAT 9300 901 11537 Independent Study 1 - 4 Instructor: France Smith,Mary Ellen Mathematics **Mathematics Placement Requirements: Students are required to demonstrate that they have met the course prerequisites BEFORE enrolling in any Math course. Prerequisites are specific to each course, to review prerequisites for a specific course please visit: http://www.uccs.edu/~cic/search-courseschedule.html. If you have not met the prerequisites for MATH 99 Algebra II: Intermediate Algebra, MATH 1040 College Algebra, MATH 1050 Elementary Functions for Calculus (Precalculus), MATH 1120 Calculus for Business & Economics, MATH 1310, MATH 1320, or MATH 1350 Calculus I, you will be unable to register for your course. Students who have not met the prerequisite requirement for a course can take the Online Math Placement Test (MPT) in order to demonstrate appropriate prerequisite knowledge. The Math Placement Test (MPT) is only available online. To register for the Online Mathematics Placement Test (MPT) please visit http://www.uccs.edu/~math/student-resources/mpt.htmlIf you have questions about the registration process for the Online Math Placement Test (MPT) please contact the Student Success Center at (719) 255-3260 or go to Main Hall 2nd Floor. **Students are strongly encouraged totake the Online Math Placement Test (MPT) well before the start of the semester in order for theregistration system to recognize your test score and allow you to register for your course. Math courses fill up quickly and if your score is not recorded in time, there may be no more open seats in your chosen section. **MATH 90/99 Students:These courses are recommended for students who do not meet the prerequisites for Math 1040 College Algebra. Successful completion of MATH 99 Algebra I: Fundamentals of Algebra satisfies the prerequisite for MATH 1040 College Algebra. Please note that MATH 90 and MATH 99 do not count towards a BA or BS degree. To register for MATH 90 or MATH 99, enter your myUCCS student portal online and register as you would for a regular course. If you are looking for MATH 90 or MATH 99 in the Course Search function, remember to search under the “Colorado Springs Extended Studies” listings. You will have the option of adding yourself to a waitlist if your preferred section is full. More information about these courses can be found at http://www.uccs.edu/lases/MATH-9099.html. MATH 1040 001 11395 College Algebra 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 109 Days: MW Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Staff MATH 1040 002 11396 College Algebra 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 101 Days: MW Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Staff MATH 1040 003 11397 College Algebra 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 103 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Staff MATH 1040 004 11398 College Algebra 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B134 Days: W Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Staff MATH 1040 005 11399 College Algebra 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 325 Days: MW Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Staff MATH 1040 006 11400 College Algebra 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 114 Days: TuTh Time: 08:00-09:15AM Instructor: Staff MATH 1040 007 11401 College Algebra 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: MW Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Staff MATH 1040 008 11707 College Algebra 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B215 Days: F Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Staff MATH 1040 009 12014 College Algebra 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 101 Days: TuTh Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Staff MATH 1040 010 12212 College Algebra 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 109 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Staff 88 MATH 1040 011 30155 College Algebra 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 101 Days: TuTh Time: 07:30PM-08:45PM Instructor: Staff MATH 1040 WK1 12712 College Algebra 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 101 Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM Dt: 09/13/2014-11/15/2014 Instructor: Bakalyan,David W **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. MATH 1050 001 10227 Elem Functions for Calculus 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 216 Days: TuThF Time: 08:00AM09:15AM Instructor: Staff MATH 1050 002 10228 Elem Functions for Calculus 4 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B134 Days: TuThF Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Staff MATH 1050 003 10229 Elem Functions for Calculus 4 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 107 Days: TuThF Time: 04:45PM-06:00PM Instructor: Staff MATH 1050 004 11735 Elem Functions for Calculus 4 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B216 Days: TuThF Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Staff MATH 1050 005 12213 Elem Functions for Calculus 4 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 101 Days: MWF Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Staff MATH 1050 006 30156 Elem Functions for Calculus 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 325 Days: MWF Time: 12:15PM01:30PM Instructor: Staff MATH 1120 001 10230 Calc for Business & Economics 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 107 Days: TuTh Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Staff MATH 1120 002 10231 Calc for Business & Economics 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B215 Days: F Time: 12:15PM-02:55PM Instructor: Staff MATH 1120 003 10232 Calc for Business & Economics 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 115 Days: MW Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Staff MATH 1120 004 10233 Calc for Business & Economics 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 214 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Staff MATH 1120 005 12214 Calc for Business & Economics 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 101 Days: MW Time: 07:30PM-08:45PM Instructor: Staff MATH 1310 001 10234 Calc I w/ Refresher Precalc A 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 322 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Parmenter,James Jeoffery MATH 1330 001 11797 Calculus for Life Sciences 4 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 107 Days: MWF Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Staff MATH 1350 001 10235 Calculus I 4 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 103 Days: TuThF Time: 04:45PM-06:00PM Instructor: Oman,Greg MATH 1350 002 10236 Calculus I 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 325 Days: TuThF Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Abrams,Gene D MATH 1350 003 10237 Calculus I 4 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 101 Days: TuThF Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Abrams,Gene D MATH 1350 004 10238 Calculus I 4 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B216 Days: TuThF Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Staff Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 MATH 1350 005 10240 Calculus I 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 214 Days: MWF Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Parmenter,James Jeoffery MATH 1350 006 11993 Calculus I 4 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B215 Days: MWF Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Staff MATH 1350 007 12337 Calculus I 4 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 101 Days: TuThF Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Staff MATH 1350 008 30157 Calculus I 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: MWF Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Staff MATH 1360 001 10243 Calculus II 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: TuThF Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Parmenter,James Jeoffery MATH 1360 002 11458 Calculus II 4 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 101 Days: TuThF Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Michaux,Shannon A MATH 1360 003 11463 Calculus II 4 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 107 Days: TuThF Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Rus,George Adrian Lectures archived and available for viewing over the internet. High school students and distance students should go to http://www.uccs.edu/mathonline for registration information. MATH 1360 004 12215 Calculus II 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: TuThF Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Staff MATH 2150 001 10244 Discrete Math 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 115 Days: MW Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Staff MATH 2150 002 30158 Discrete Math 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 107 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Michaux,Shannon A Lectures archived and available for viewing over the internet. High school students and distance students should go to http://www.uccs.edu/mathonline for registration information. MATH 2350 001 10245 Calculus III 4 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 107 Days: MWF Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Dorrington,Jenny Ellen Lectures archived and available for viewing over the internet. High school students and distance students should go to http://www.uccs.edu/mathonline for registration information. MATH 2350 002 10246 Calculus III 4 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 109 Days: TuThF Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Zhang,Yu MATH 2350 003 10247 Calculus III 4 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 107 Days: TuThF Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Chakravarty,Sarbarish MATH 2650 001 11684 Intro to Computational Math 1 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 224 Days: F Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Staff MATH 3010 001 10248 Math for Elementary Teachers I 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 101 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Staff MATH 3010 002 10249 Math for Elementary Teachers I 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B134 Days: MW Time: 06:05PM-07:20PM Instructor: Staff MATH 3020 001 10250 Math for Elementary Teacher II 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 101 Days: TuTh Time: 06:05PM-07:20PM Instructor: Staff University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 MATH 3130 001 10251 Introduction to Linear Algebra 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 107 Days: MW Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Cascaval,Radu Cristian Lectures archived and available for viewing over the internet. High school students and distance students should go to http://www.uccs.edu/mathonline for registration information. MATH 3130 002 10252 Introduction to Linear Algebra 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 325 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Mesyan,Zachary MATH 3400 001 10253 Introduction to Diff Equations 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-12:05 Instructor: Prinari,Barbara MATH 3400 002 11461 Introduction to Diff Equations 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 107 Days: MW Time: 06:05PM-07:20PM Instructor: Popovic,Michael MATH 3480 001 11575 Functions and Modeling 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B302 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Schinazi,Rinaldo Bruno Combined Section ID: 0220(MATH 3480/UTLS 3480) MATH 3810 001 10254 Intro to Prob and Statistics 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 107 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Rus,George Adrian Lectures archived and available for viewing over the internet. High school students and distance students should go to http://www.uccs.edu/mathonline for registration information. MATH 3810 002 12216 Intro to Prob and Statistics 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 101 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Morrow,Gregory MATH 4130 001 10255 Linear Algebra I 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 107 Days: TuTh Time: 06:05PM-07:20PM Instructor: Chakravarty,Sarbarish Combined Section ID: 0020(MATH 4130/MATH 5130) MATH 4140 001 12385 Modern Algebra I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: TuTh Time: 04:45-06:00PM Instructor: Mesyan,Zachary MATH 4210 001 10256 Higher Geometry 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: MW Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Dorrington,Jenny Ellen Combined Section ID: 0025(MATH 4210/MATH 5210) MATH 4310 001 10257 Modern Analysis I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 114 Days: MW Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Schinazi,Rinaldo Bruno MATH 4420 001 30161 Optimization 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B136 Days: MW Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Cascaval,Radu Cristian Combined Section ID: 0386(MATH 4420/MATH 5420) MATH 4470 001 10258 Methods of Applied Mathematics 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 112 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Prinari,Barbara Combined Section ID: 0022(MATH 4470/MATH 5470) MATH 4650 001 10259 Numerical Analysis 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B213 Days: TuTh Time: 04:45PM-06:00PM Instructor: Rus,George Adrian Combined Section ID: 0023(MATH 4650/MATH 5650) MATH 4810 001 10260 Mathematical Statistics I 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Zhang,Yu Combined Section ID: 0024(MATH 4810/MATH 5810) MATH 5130 001 11373 Linear Algebra I 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 107 Days: TuTh Time: 06:05PM-07:20PM Instructor: Chakravarty,Sarbarish Combined Section ID: 0020(MATH 4130/MATH 5130) 89 Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 MATH 5170 001 30164 Rings and Modules I 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 303 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Oman,Greg Combined Section ID: 0387(MATH 5170/MATH 6170) MATH 5210 001 10420 Higher Geometry 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: MW Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Dorrington,Jenny Ellen Combined Section ID: 0025(MATH 4210/MATH 5210) MATH 5330 001 30167 Real Analysis I 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B211 Days: TuTh Time: 04:45PM-06:00PM Instructor: Morrow,Gregory Combined Section ID: 0388(MATH 5330/MATH 6330) MATH 5420 001 30162 Optimization 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B136 Days: MW Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Cascaval,Radu Cristian Combined Section ID: 0386(MATH 4420/MATH 5420) MATH 5470 001 10261 Methods of Applied Mathematics 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 112 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Prinari,Barbara Combined Section ID: 0022(MATH 4470/MATH 5470) MATH 5620 001 30169 Complex Analysis II 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B216 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Carlson,Robert Charles Combined Section ID: 0389(MATH 5620/MATH 6620) MATH 5650 001 10274 Numerical Analysis 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B213 Days: TuTh Time: 04:45PM-06:00PM Instructor: Rus,George Adrian Combined Section ID: 0023(MATH 4650/MATH 5650) MATH 5810 001 10275 Mathematical Statistics I 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Zhang,Yu Combined Section ID: 0024(MATH 4810/MATH 5810) MATH 6170 001 30165 Rings and Modules I 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 303 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Oman,Greg Combined Section ID: 0387(MATH 5170/MATH 6170) MATH 6330 001 30168 Real Analysis I 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B211 Days: TuTh Time: 04:45PM-06:00PM Instructor: Morrow,Gregory Combined Section ID: 0388(MATH 5330/MATH 6330) MATH 6620 001 30170 Complex Analysis II 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B216 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Carlson,Robert Charles Combined Section ID: 0389(MATH 5620/MATH 6620) MATH 7000 Masters Thesis Dissertation 1 - 6 MATH 7000 801 10276 Instructor: Abrams,Gene D MATH 7000 802 10277 Instructor: Carlson,Robert Charles MATH 7000 803 10278 Instructor: Cascaval,Radu Cristian MATH 7000 804 10279 Instructor: Chakravarty,Sarbarish MATH 7000 805 10280 Instructor: Dorrington,Jenny Ellen MATH 7000 806 10281 Instructor: Mesyan,Zachary MATH 7000 807 10282 Instructor: Morrow,Gregory MATH 7000 808 11798 Instructor: Oman,Greg MATH 7000 809 10283 Instructor: Prinari,Barbara MATH 7000 810 10284 Instructor: Schinazi,Rinaldo Bruno MATH 7000 811 10285 Instructor: Zhang,Yu MATH 8000 801 10286 Ph.D Dissertation Dissertation 1 - 10 Instructor: Staff MATH 9400 Independent Study 1 - 3 MATH 9400 901 10727 Instructor: Abrams,Gene D MATH 9400 902 10728 Instructor: Carlson,Robert Charles MATH 9400 903 10729 Instructor: Cascaval,Radu Cristian MATH 9400 904 10730 Instructor: Chakravarty,Sarbarish MATH 9400 905 10731 Instructor: Dorrington,Jenny Ellen MATH 9400 906 10732 Instructor: Mesyan,Zachary 90 MATH 9400 907 10733 Instructor: Morrow,Gregory MATH 9400 908 11799 Instructor: Oman,Greg MATH 9400 909 10734 Instructor: Prinari,Barbara MATH 9400 910 10735 Instructor: Schinazi,Rinaldo Bruno MATH 9400 911 11576 Instructor: Zhang,Yu MATH 9500 Independent Study Math, Grad 1 - 3 MATH 9500 901 10287 Instructor: Abrams,Gene D MATH 9500 902 10288 Instructor: Carlson,Robert Charles MATH 9500 903 10289 Instructor: Cascaval,Radu Cristian MATH 9500 904 10290 Instructor: Chakravarty,Sarbarish MATH 9500 905 10291 Instructor: Dorrington,Jenny Ellen MATH 9500 906 10292 Instructor: Mesyan,Zachary MATH 9500 907 10293 Instructor: Morrow,Gregory MATH 9500 908 10294 Instructor: Oman,Greg MATH 9500 909 10295 Instructor: Prinari,Barbara MATH 9500 910 11577 Instructor: Schinazi,Rinaldo Bruno MATH 9500 911 11880 Instructor: Zhang,Yu Military Science MS 1010 001 10800 Leadership & Pers Development 1 Bldg: Eagle Rock Room: 404 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Stealey,Michael D MS 1010 010 10801 Leadership & Pers Development Laboratory 0 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: Th Time: 12:30PM-03:30PM Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: MWF Time: 06:00AM-07:30AM Instructor: Stealey,Michael D REQUIRED for all MS 1010 students. Meets at Eagle Rock Complex. MS 2010 001 10808 Innovative Team Leadership 2 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: TuTh Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Celestino,Pedro Meets at Eagle Rock Complex. MS 2010 010 10810 Innovative Team Leadership Laboratory 0 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: Th Time: 12:30PM-03:30PM Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: MWF Time: 06:00AM-07:30AM Instructor: Celestino,Pedro REQUIRED for all MS 2010 students. Meets at Eagle Rock Complex. MS 3010 001 11912 Adaptive Tactical Leadership 3 Bldg: Eagle Rock Room: 404 Days: Tu Time: 09:00AM-11:00AM Instructor: Hayes,Eric MS 3010 002 11913 Adaptive Tactical Leadership 3 Bldg: Eagle Rock Room: 404 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Hayes,Eric MS 3010 010 10818 Adaptive Tactical Leadership Laboratory 0 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: Th Time: 12:30PM-03:30PM Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: MWF Time: 06:00AM-07:30AM Instructor: Hayes,Eric REQUIRED for all MS 3010 students. Meets at Eagle Rock Complex. MS 4010 001 10819 Developing Adaptive Leaders 3 Bldg: Eagle Rock Room: 404 Days: W Time: 09:00AM-11:40AM Instructor: Thompson,Mark W MS 4010 002 33713 Developing Adaptive Leaders 3 Bldg: Eagle Rock Room: 404 Days: M Time: 02:00PM-03:30PM Instructor: Thompson,Mark W MS 4010 010 10828 Developing Adaptive Leaders Laboratory 0 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: Th Time: 12:30PM-03:30PM Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: MWF Time: 06:00AM-07:30AM Instructor: Thompson,Mark W REQUIRED for all MS 4010 students. Meets at Eagle Rock Complex. MS 4980 001 33717 Special Studies in Leadership 3 Instructor: Thompson,Mark W Meets at Eagle Rock Complex. MS 4980 010 33718 Special Studies in Leadership Laboratory 0 Instructor: Thompson,Mark W Meets at Eagle Rock Complex. Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 Museum Studies & Gallery Pract MSGP 4030 001 11933 Internship 1 - 6 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A321 Days: Tu Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Cunningham,Perrin Combined Section ID: 0314(HIST 3020/GM 4030) MSGP 4030 002 12098 Internship 1 - 6 Instructor: Larkin,Karin Tonya MSGP 4040 001 29517 Gallery Management I Seminar 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 322 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Staff MSGP 4060 001 29518 Exhibit Design & Devel 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B138 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Larkin,Karin Tonya MSGP 9400 Independent Study 1 - 4 MSGP 9400 901 11934 Instructor: Cunningham,Perrin MSGP 9400 902 12550 Instructor: Auther,Elissa A Music MUS 1000 001 10357 Introduction to Music 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Minzer,Abram M MUS 1000 002 10358 Introduction to Music 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Olsen,Solveig Maria MUS 1000 003 11751 Introduction to Music 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Minzer,Abram M MUS 1000 OL1 10353 Introduction to Music 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Walton,Scott L MUS 1000 OL2 29692 Introduction to Music 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Walton,Scott L MUS 1010 001 10359 Music Theory I 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 233C Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05 Instructor: Malone,William J. MUS 1010 002 12480 Music Theory I 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 233C Days: MW Time: 08:00-09:15AM Instructor: Smith,Curtis M MUS 1030 001 10360 Sight Singing & Ear Trng I Practicum 1 Bldg: University Hall Room: 233C Days: MW Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Olsen,Solveig Maria MUS 1040 001 10362 Class Piano Practicum 1 Bldg: University Hall Room: 233C Days: F Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Gadeliya,Angelina MUS 1040 002 10363 Class Piano Practicum 1 Bldg: University Hall Room: 233C Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Gadeliya,Angelina MUS 1310 001 12383 University Choir Studio 1 Bldg: University Hall Room: 168 Days: Th Time: 06:05PM-08:45PM Instructor: Burrichter,Vicki MUS 2010 001 29693 Advanced Music Theory 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 233C Days: TuTh Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Smith,Curtis M MUS 2050 001 11573 Jazz History 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Malone,William J. MUS 2050 002 11752 Jazz History 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Hennessy,Sean S University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 MUS 2050 003 29694 Jazz History 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: Th Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Staff MUS 2050 OL1 10364 Jazz History 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Walton,Scott L MUS 2050 OL2 11882 Jazz History 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Walton,Scott L MUS 2100 001 10365 Rock and Roll Music 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Feder,Janet Beth MUS 2100 002 29695 Rock and Roll Music 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 233C Days: Th Time: 03:05PM-05:45PM Instructor: Burrichter,Vicki MUS 2150 001 12173 The Computer in Music 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 209 Days: Th Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Smith,Curtis M MUS 2150 002 11734 The Computer in Music 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 209 Days: Tu Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Smith,Curtis M MUS 2200 001 29696 Gamelan Ensemble Studio 1 Bldg: University Hall Room: 168 Days: M Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Lasmawan,I Made MUS 2210 001 29697 Mountain Lion Pep/Concert Band Studio 1 Bldg: University Hall Room: 168 Days: W Time: 06:05PM-08:45PM Instructor: Staff MUS 2250 001 11578 Jazz & Improvisation Ensemble Studio 1 Bldg: University Hall Room: 168 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Staff MUS 2300 001 12175 Electronic Acoustc Ensemble Studio 2 Bldg: University Hall Room: 168 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Whitehead,Glen C MUS 2310 001 10366 VAPA Vocal Ensemble Studio 2 Bldg: University Hall Room: 168 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Olsen,Solveig Maria MUS 2400 001 11652 Chamber Music Ensemble Studio 2 Bldg: University Hall Room: 168 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Staff Additional outside coursework required. MUS 2450 001 11753 Mus Theatre Perfom & Practice 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 168 Days: WF Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Olsen,Solveig Maria ; Chandler Mills,Leah Combined Section ID: 0294(MUS 2450/THTR 2060) MUS 2850 001 11754 Classical Music Hist I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Minzer,Abram M MUS 2950 001 12325 Intro Sound & Audio Recording 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 168 Days: M Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Cloutier,Jeffrey Michael MUS 2950 002 29698 Intro Sound & Audio Recording 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 168 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Cloutier,Jeffrey Michael MUS 3010 001 11655 Music Theory III/Form/Analysis 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 233C Days: MW Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Malone,William J. MUS 3030 001 12176 Sight Singing Ear Trng III Practicum 1 Bldg: University Hall Room: 233C Days: MW Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Olsen,Solveig Maria 91 Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 MUS 3150 001 29866 Intro to Ethnomusicology 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 233C Days: W Time: 03:05PM-06:00PM Instructor: Rigler,Jane Agatha PHIL 1020 003 10318 Introduction to Ethics 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Jensen,Jennifer MUS 3200 001 29699 Adv Computer Music Comp 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 209 Days: F Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Smith,Curtis M PHIL 1020 004 11962 Introduction to Ethics 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 322 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Jensen,Jennifer MUS 3700 001 12559 Film Scoring & Composition 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 209 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Hennessy,Sean S PHIL 1120 001 10324 Critical Thinking 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 216 Days: MW Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Arangno,Lorraine Marie MUS 4030 001 10393 Internship in Music Internship 1 - 3 Instructor: Whitehead,Glen C PHIL 1120 002 10326 Critical Thinking 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 324 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Arangno,Lorraine Marie MUS 4900 001 12188 Spec Tpcs 3 Dance/Music Collaboration Bldg: University Hall Room: 233A Days: TuTh Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Tinsley-Weeks,Tiffany Combined Section ID: 0315(DNCE 4900/MUS 4900) Additional outside coursework required. MUS 4950 001 29701 Spec Tpcs cv3 Music Composition/Orchestratn Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 209 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Hennessy,Sean S MUS 4960 001 12187 Adv Topics 3 Adv Sound and Audio Recording Bldg: University Hall Room: 168 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Cloutier,Jeffrey Michael MUS 4960 002 29702 Adv Topics 3 Advanced Sound Editing Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 209 Days: W Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Staff MUS 9400 Independent Study in Music 1 - 4 MUS 9400 901 11692 Instructor: Rigler,Jane Agatha MUS 9400 902 11693 Instructor: Smith,Curtis M MUS 9400 903 11694 Instructor: Whitehead,Glen C Philosophy PHIL 1000 001 10309 Introduction to Philosophy 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 214 Days: MW Time: 08:00-09:15AM Instructor: Postell,Allison PHIL 1000 002 10311 Introduction to Philosophy 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 323 Days: MW Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Postell,Allison PHIL 1000 003 10312 Introduction to Philosophy 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 115 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Hanson,Erik Martin PHIL 1000 004 11960 Introduction to Philosophy 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 116 Days: Tu Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Hanson,Erik Martin PHIL 1000 005 12346 Introduction to Philosophy 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Tanner,Sonja M PHIL 1000 006 12347 Introduction to Philosophy 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-12:05 Instructor: Tanner,Sonja M PHIL 1000 007 29569 Introduction to Philosophy 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: Tu Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Yarnell,Patrick Henry PHIL 1020 001 10314 Introduction to Ethics 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 115 Days: TuTh Time: 08:00-09:15AM Instructor: Arangno,Lorraine Marie PHIL 1020 002 10315 Introduction to Ethics 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B215 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Staff 92 PHIL 1120 003 10328 Critical Thinking 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Jensen,Jennifer PHIL 1120 004 10329 Critical Thinking 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 216 Days: F Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Jensen,Jennifer PHIL 1120 005 11616 Critical Thinking 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 323 Days: MW Time: 08:00-09:15AM Instructor: Yarnell,Patrick Henry PHIL 1120 006 11765 Critical Thinking 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 324 Days: MW Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Yarnell,Patrick Henry PHIL 1120 007 11766 Critical Thinking 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 322 Days: Th Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Kuzma,Joseph Dlaboha PHIL 1120 WK1 12695 Critical Thinking 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 116 Days: Sa Time: 08:30AM-12:30PM Instructor: Hanson,Erik Martin **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. PHIL 1300 001 12349 Intro to Philosophies of Asia 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 115 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Ashton,Geoffrey R PHIL 3080 001 29570 Relig & Spirit of Capitalism 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 324 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Scholes,Jeffrey E PHIL 3100 001 10330 World Religions 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 114 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Scholes,Jeffrey E PHIL 3100 002 10332 World Religions 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 323 Days: F Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Hanson,Erik Martin PHIL 3100 003 29571 World Religions 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 322 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Scholes,Jeffrey E PHIL 3130 OL1 12120 Biomedical Ethics 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Cutter,Mary Ann PHIL 3160 OL1 10336 Phil Issue in Death and Dying 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Cutter,Mary Ann PHIL 3180 001 11588 Practical Ethics 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 214 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Cutter,Mary Ann PHIL 3200 001 29572 Politics and the Law 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 114 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Sassower,Raphael Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 PHIL 3200 002 29573 Politics and the Law 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 325 Days: Tu Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Kuzma,Joseph Dlaboha PHIL 3200 WK1 29583 Politics and the Law 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM Instructor: Kuzma,Joseph Dlaboha **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. PHIL 3340 001 29574 Love & Hate:Phil, Lit, Cog Sci 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 324 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Olkowski,Dorothea PHIL 3420 001 10345 Symbolic Logic I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 128 Days: MW Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Yarnell,Patrick Henry PHIL 3480 001 29575 Hist of Phil: Phil of India 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 106 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Ashton,Geoffrey R PHIL 3550 001 29640 History of Phil: Aristotle 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B215 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Tanner,Sonja M PHIL 3580 001 29577 From Hegel to Nietzsche 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 323 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Sassower,Raphael PHIL 3610 OL1 12125 Heb Bible & Soc Context 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Balogh,Amy Lynn PHIL 4140 001 29578 Phil. of Nature:Sustainability 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B213 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Welshon,Robert C PHIL 4400 001 29580 Philosophy of Science 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 216 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Sassower,Raphael PHIL 4420 001 29579 Symbolic Logic II 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 325 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05 Instructor: Welshon,Robert C PHIL 4800 001 12441 Internship in Philosophy Internship 1 - 3 Instructor: Scholes,Jeffrey E PHIL 4950 001 11486 Senior Seminar and Thesis 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 303 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Olkowski,Dorothea PHIL 9400 Independent Study in Phil-Und. 1 - 4 PHIL 9400 901 11643 PHIL 9400 902 12366 Physics - Undergrad PES 1000 001 10017 Physics in Everyday Life 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 103 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Gist,Robert George PES 1010 001 10018 Phys Life Sci I: Algebra Bsd 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 203 Days: TuThF Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Milazzo,Samuel A PES 1050 001 10019 General Astronomy I 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 103 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Gist,Robert George PES 1050 002 11381 General Astronomy I 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 103 Days: MW Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Milazzo,Samuel A PES 1060 WK1 12684 General Astronomy II 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B134 Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM Dt: 09/13/2014-11/15/2014 Instructor: Tirado,Ramon A **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. PES 1090 001 12037 General Astronomy Laboratory I 1 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 113 Days: M Time: 08:35PM-10:15PM Instructor: Tirado,Ramon A PES 1090 002 12038 General Astronomy Laboratory I 1 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 103 Days: M Time: 08:35PM-10:15PM Instructor: Tirado,Ramon A PES 1090 003 12039 General Astronomy Laboratory I 1 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 113 Days: Tu Time: 08:35PM-10:15PM Instructor: Tirado,Ramon A PES 1090 004 12040 General Astronomy Laboratory I 1 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 103 Days: Tu Time: 08:35PM-10:15PM Instructor: Tirado,Ramon A PES 1090 005 12041 General Astronomy Laboratory I 1 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 113 Days: W Time: 08:35PM-10:15PM Instructor: Tirado,Ramon A PES 1090 006 12042 General Astronomy Laboratory I 1 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 103 Days: W Time: 08:35PM-10:15PM Instructor: Tirado,Ramon A PES 1090 007 12043 General Astronomy Laboratory I 1 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 113 Days: Th Time: 08:35PM-10:15PM Instructor: Tirado,Ramon A PES 1090 008 12495 General Astronomy Laboratory I 1 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 103 Days: Th Time: 08:35PM-10:15PM Instructor: Tirado,Ramon A PES 1100 WK1 12685 Gen Astronomy Lab II 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 1 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 103 Days: Sa Time: 06:00PM-08:40PM Dt: 09/13/2014-11/15/2014 Instructor: Tirado,Ramon A **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. PES 1110 001 10020 General Physics I - Calc Based 4 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 103 Days: MWF Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Gist,Robert George PES 1110 002 10021 General Physics I - Calc Based 4 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 103 Days: MWF Time: 06:05PM-07:20PM Instructor: Pinchuk,Anatoliy O PES 1110 003 11997 General Physics I - Calc Based 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 114 Days: MWF Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Staff PES 1120 001 10022 General Physics II 4 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 103 Days: MWF Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Milazzo,Samuel A PES 1140 001 10023 Introduction to Physics Lab 1 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 113 Days: Tu Time: 12:15PM-01:55PM Instructor: Anderson,Nicholas Reed PES 1150 001 10024 Gen Phys Lab 1 Algebra Based 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B210 Days: Th Time: 03:05PM-04:45PM Instructor: Kravets,Vira V PES 1150 002 10025 Gen Phys Lab 1 Algebra Based 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B210 Days: Th Time: 09:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Goldman,Sara M PES 1150 003 10026 Gen Phys Lab 1 Algebra Based 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B210 Days: F Time: 09:25AM-11:05AM Instructor: Hartman,Jewell Anne University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 93 Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 PES 1150 004 11510 Gen Phys Lab 1 Algebra Based 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B210 Days: W Time: 06:05PM-07:45PM Instructor: Bair Jr,William Lee PES 4170 001 29885 Optics Lab 2 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B138 Days: F Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Glushchenko,Anatoliy Volodymyro PES 1150 005 11796 Gen Phys Lab 1 Algebra Based 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B210 Days: W Time: 09:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Vedral,James L PES 4250 001 10037 Quantum Mechanics 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A204 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Grabowski,Marek PES 1150 006 12523 Gen Phys Lab 1 Algebra Based 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B210 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-12:30PM Instructor: Couture,Paul Alexander PES 4460 001 29888 Intro Solid State Physics I 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A204 Days: MW Time: 04:45PM-06:00PM Instructor: Celinski,Zbigniew Jan Combined Section ID: 0378(PES 4460/PHYS 5460) PES 1160 001 10027 Adv Physics Lab I - Calc Based 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B210 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-12:30PM Instructor: Rush Jr,Ted Willard PES 1160 002 10028 Adv Physics Lab I - Calc Based 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B210 Days: M Time: 03:05PM-04:45PM Instructor: Pastuer,Joseph Eric PES 1160 003 10029 Adv Physics Lab I - Calc Based 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B210 Days: M Time: 06:05PM-07:20PM Instructor: Pastuer,Joseph Eric PES 1160 004 10030 Adv Physics Lab I - Calc Based 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B210 Days: M Time: 01:15PM-02:55PM Instructor: Hartman,Jewell Anne PES 1160 005 11526 Adv Physics Lab I - Calc Based 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B210 Days: Tu Time: 01:15PM-02:55PM Instructor: Kravets,Vira V PES 1500 001 10008 Intro to Energy Science I 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 107 Days: MW Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Tirado,Ramon A Combined Section ID: 0001(PES 1500/ENSC 1500) PES 1600 001 10010 Introductory Solar Energy 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 109 Days: MW Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Tirado,Ramon A Combined Section ID: 0002(PES 1600/ENSC 1600) PES 1620 001 10031 Solar Energy Laboratory 1 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 113 Days: Th Time: 09:25AM-11:05AM Instructor: Tirado,Ramon A Combined Section ID: 0003(PES 1620/ENSC1620) PES 2130 001 10032 General Physics III 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 109 Days: MW Time: 04:45PM-06:00PM Instructor: Spendier,Kathrin PES 2150 001 10033 Physics Lab II Algebra Based 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B214 Days: Tu Time: 03:05PM-04:45PM Instructor: Vedral,James L PES 2160 001 10034 Advanced Physics Lab II 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B214 Days: Th Time: 03:05PM-04:45PM Instructor: Hartman,Jewell Anne PES 3060 001 29884 Astrophysics 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A204 Days: TuTh Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Christensen,Thomas M PES 3130 001 10035 Modern Physics 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 101 Days: MW Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Livesey,Karen Lee PES 3170 001 12105 Instrumentation Laboratory I 2 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 116 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Glushchenko,Anatoliy Volodymyro PES 3250 001 10036 Math Methods Phys-Engr 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A204 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Milazzo,Samuel A PES 4810 001 10038 Senior Physics Seminar 2 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 247 Days: W Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Burkhart,James Frederick PES 9300 Independent Study 1 - 3 PES 9300 901 10711 Instructor: Burkhart,James Frederick PES 9300 902 10712 Instructor: Celinski,Zbigniew Jan PES 9300 903 10713 Instructor: Camley,Robert E PES 9300 904 10714 Instructor: Glushchenko,Anatoliy Volodymyro PES 9300 905 10715 Instructor: Grabowski,Marek PES 9300 906 10716 Instructor: Spendier,Kathrin PES 9300 907 10717 Instructor: Pinchuk,Anatoliy O PES 9300 908 10718 Instructor: Livesey,Karen Lee Physics - Grad PHYS 5030 001 29889 Mathematical Physics 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A204 Days: MW Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Livesey,Karen Lee PHYS 5460 001 29890 Intro to Solid State Physics I 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A204 Days: MW Time: 04:45PM-06:00PM Instructor: Celinski,Zbigniew Jan Combined Section ID: 0378(PES 4460/PHYS 5460) PHYS 5960 001 29893 Spec Tpcs 1 - 6 Intro to Elem Particle Physics Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A204 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Stringer,Thomas J PHYS 6250 001 29896 Intro to Quantum Mechanics 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A204 Days: TuTh Time: 04:45PM-06:00PM Instructor: Grabowski,Marek PHYS 7000 Masters Thesis Dissertation 1 - 6 PHYS 7000 801 10040 Instructor: Camley,Robert E PHYS 7000 802 10041 Instructor: Celinski,Zbigniew Jan PHYS 7000 803 10042 Instructor: Spendier,Kathrin PHYS 7000 804 10043 Instructor: Grabowski,Marek PHYS 7000 805 11722 Instructor: Pinchuk,Anatoliy O PHYS 7000 806 11721 Instructor: Glushchenko,Anatoliy Volodymyro PHYS 7000 807 12508 Instructor: Livesey,Karen Lee PHYS 8000 Dissertation 1 - 12 PHYS 8000 801 10044 Instructor: Camley,Robert E PHYS 8000 802 10045 Instructor: Celinski,Zbigniew Jan PHYS 8000 803 10046 Instructor: Pinchuk,Anatoliy O PHYS 8000 804 11521 Instructor: Grabowski,Marek PHYS 8000 805 11737 Instructor: Glushchenko,Anatoliy Volodymyro PHYS 8000 806 12031 Instructor: Livesey,Karen Lee PHYS 9500 Independent Study: Graduate 1 - 6 PHYS 9500 901 10048 Instructor: Burkhart,James Frederick PHYS 9500 902 10047 Instructor: Camley,Robert E PHYS 9500 903 10049 Instructor: Celinski,Zbigniew Jan PHYS 9500 904 10050 Instructor: Christensen,Thomas M PHYS 9500 905 10051 Instructor: Grabowski,Marek PHYS 9500 906 11736 Instructor: Glushchenko,Anatoliy Volodymyro PHYS 9500 907 11738 Instructor: Pinchuk,Anatoliy O PHYS 9500 908 12512 Instructor: Livesey,Karen Lee PES 3310 001 11675 Electricity & Magnetism 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A204 Days: MW Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Pinchuk,Anatoliy O 94 Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 Political Science PSC 1010 001 10351 Intro to Global Politics 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 317 Days: F Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Sondrol,Paul C PSC 1100 001 10352 The American Political System 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 322 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Riley II,Leonard PSC 1100 002 10401 The American Political System 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 115 Days: M Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Foster Jr,Donald Richard PSC 1100 003 10402 The American Political System 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 216 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Sondrol,Paul C PSC 1100 004 12419 The American Political System 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 114 Days: F Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Foster Jr,Donald Richard PSC 2100 001 10354 Polit State/Local Comm 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: Th Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Null,James A PSC 2500 001 11653 Intro to Political Inquiry 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B213 Days: Tu Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Pittz,Steven Francis PSC 3030 001 11654 Political Parties 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 105 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Postell,Joseph PSC 3480 001 10355 Legislative Internship 3 - 6 Instructor: Null,James A PSC 4510 001 11938 Defendants' Rights 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 323 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Simmons,Tim PSC 4600 001 29859 The Politics of Terrorism 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: W Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Riley II,Leonard PSC 4980 001 11759 Special Probs: 3 International Security Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Kim,Inhan PSC 4980 002 29841 Special Probs: 3 Law and Literature Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 114 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Dunn,Joshua M PSC 4980 003 29860 Special Probs: 3 Civic Engagement Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: Tu Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Makepeace,Mary Lou PSC 4980 004 33995 Special Probs: 1 - 3 Law, Politics, and Society Bldg: Lane Center Room: 120 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Kim,Inhan PSC 9400 Independent Study 1 - 6 PSC 9400 901 10722 Instructor: Null,James A PSC 9400 902 10723 Instructor: Sondrol,Paul C PSC 9400 903 10724 Instructor: Riley II,Leonard PSC 9400 904 10725 Instructor: Postell,Joseph PSC 9400 905 10726 Instructor: Dunn,Joshua M PSC 9480 001 11708 Prelaw Internship 3 - 6 Instructor: Dunn,Joshua M Psychology PSC 3980 001 10356 Internship: Public Admin Internship 3 - 6 Instructor: Null,James A PSY 1000 001 11511 General Psychology 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 203 Days: MW Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Clarke,Jennifer Anne PSC 4070 001 11895 Urban Politics 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 128 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Makepeace,Mary Lou PSY 1000 002 12417 General Psychology 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 203 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05 Instructor: Clarke,Jennifer Anne PSC 4130 001 33994 Latin Amer Pol & Devel 3 Bldg: Lane Center Room: 120 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Sondrol,Paul C PSY 1000 003 12478 General Psychology 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 203 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Staff PSC 4140 001 33992 European Politics 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Foster Jr,Donald Richard PSY 1100 001 10921 Profession of Psychology 1 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 128 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Coolidge,Frederick Lawrence PSC 4220 001 33993 Comparative Politics 3 Bldg: Lane Center Room: 120 Days: Th Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Sondrol,Paul C PSY 1100 002 29933 Profession of Psychology 1 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 128 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Coolidge,Frederick Lawrence PSC 4230 001 11758 US in World Politics 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 115 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Kim,Inhan PSY 2100 001 10325 Intro to Psych Statistics 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 128 Days: MW Time: 08:30-11:15AM Instructor: Coolidge,Frederick Lawrence PSC 4280 001 12338 International Political Econ 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 115 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Pittz,Steven Francis PSY 2110 001 10327 Intro Psych Res/Measrmt 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: MW Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Clarke,Jennifer Anne Class also meets Saturday, November 1, 2014, 9AM-4PM. PSC 4450 001 12334 American Political Thought 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Null,James A PSC 4460 001 10403 Administrative Law 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 106 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Postell,Joseph PSC 4470 001 12377 Constitutional Law 3 Bldg: Lane Center Room: 120 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Dunn,Joshua M University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 PSY 2110 010 10922 Intro Psych Res/Measrmt Laboratory 0 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 231A Days: F Time: 09:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Schmank,Christopher PSY 2110 020 10923 Intro Psych Res/Measrmt Laboratory 0 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 230 Days: F Time: 09:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Davis,Isabel Adelaide PSY 2110 030 10924 Intro Psych Res/Measrmt Laboratory 0 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 231A Days: F Time: 10:50AM-12:30PM Instructor: Darrell,Alexander 95 Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 PSY 2110 040 10925 Intro Psych Res/Measrmt Laboratory 0 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 231A Days: F Time: 12:40PM-02:20PM Instructor: Morgan,Laura Kathleen PSY 4400 001 11775 Sem in Soc Psych 3 Existential Psychology Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 303 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Pyszczynski,Thomas A PSY 2110 050 11579 Intro Psych Res/Measrmt Laboratory 0 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 231A Days: F Time: 02:30PM-04:10PM Instructor: Goring,Sara Anne PSY 4400 002 29940 Sem in Soc Psych 3 Psychology of War Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B217 Days: MW Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Giles,Jessica W PSY 2110 060 12229 Intro Psych Res/Measrmt Laboratory 0 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 230 Days: F Time: 03:05PM-04:40PM Instructor: Davis,Isabel Adelaide PSY 2120 OL1 10926 Two-Factor Anova 1 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Coolidge,Frederick PSY 3100 001 10927 Statistical Models in Psych 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: MW Time: 09:00-10:40AM Instructor: Durham,Robert Lewis PSY 3240 001 12290 Theories of Personality 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 128 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-12:05 Instructor: Lewing,Chad PSY 3270 001 12507 Intro to Biopsychology 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 128 Days: TuTh Time: 08:50-10:40AM Instructor: Kisley,Michael Anthony PSY 3280 001 12378 Abnormal Psychology 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 121 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Staff PSY 3400 001 11924 Social Psychology 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 128 Days: MW Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Staff PSY 3480 001 11513 Sel Tpcs 3 Sports Psychology Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 214 Days: Tu Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Riewald,Suzanne PSY 3480 002 29934 Sel Tpcs 3 Positive Psychology Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: Th Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Staff PSY 3480 003 29935 Sel Tpcs 3 Trauma Psychology Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 116 Days: MW Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Staff PSY 3510 001 10928 Psychology of Aging 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 103 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Staff Combined Section ID: 0129(PSY 3510/GRNT 4630) PSY 3620 001 10929 Developmental Psychology 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 203 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Staff PSY 3660 001 11774 Service-Learning Internship 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Wurtele,Sandy K PSY 3930 001 29939 Industrial/Organizationl Psych 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 325 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Staff PSY 4210 Practicum in Exper Psychology Practicum 1 - 3 PSY 4210 001 10930 Instructor: Coolidge,Frederick Lawrence PSY 4210 002 10931 Instructor: Davis,Hasker P PSY 4210 003 10932 Instructor: Durham,Robert Lewis PSY 4210 004 10933 Instructor: Greene,Edith L PSY 4210 005 10934 Instructor: James,Lori E. PSY 4210 006 10935 Instructor: Klebe,Kelli PSY 4210 007 10936 Instructor: Pyszczynski,Thomas A PSY 4280 001 10937 Abnormal Psych Seminar 3 Sexual Deviance Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 106 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Lewing,Chad 96 PSY 4620 001 12436 Sem in Devel Psych 3 Adolescent Development Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 115 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Staff PSY 4620 002 29941 Sem in Devel Psych 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 115 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Staff PSY 4990 001 10938 Teaching of Psychology 1 - 3 Instructor: Wurtele,Sandy K PSY 5210 001 29942 Psychology of Aging I 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 303 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Maxfield,Molly Anne Sims PSY 5710 001 10939 Clinical Skills Lab 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 333 Days: M Time: 12:15PM-02:55PM Instructor: Staff Class meets 12:15-1:30 in COLU 333 and 1:40-2:55 in COLU 403. PSY 5710 002 10940 Clinical Skills Lab 3 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: M Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: M Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Staff Class meets with section 001 12:15-1:30 in COLU 333, and 3:05-4:20 in COLU 403. PSY 5810 001 10941 Research Stats & Methods I 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 333 Days: MW Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Gavett,Brandon E PSY 5810 010 11957 Research Stats & Methods I Laboratory 0 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 231A Days: W Time: 02:50PM-04:35PM Instructor: Gavett,Brandon E PSY 5830 001 11999 Appl Multivariate Techniques I 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 333 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05P Instructor: Durham,Robert Lewis PSY 6030 Research Practicum 3 PSY 6030 001 10942 Instructor: Benight,Charles C PSY 6030 002 10943 Instructor: Coolidge,Frederick Lawrence PSY 6030 003 10944 Instructor: Davis,Hasker P PSY 6030 004 10945 Instructor: Durham,Robert Lewis PSY 6030 005 10946 Instructor: Feliciano,Leilani PSY 6030 006 10947 Instructor: Gavett,Brandon E PSY 6030 007 10948 Instructor: Greene,Edith L PSY 6030 008 10949 Instructor: James,Lori E. PSY 6030 009 10950 Instructor: Kisley,Michael Anthony PSY 6030 010 10951 Instructor: Klebe,Kelli PSY 6030 011 10952 Instructor: Maxfield,Molly Anne Sims PSY 6030 012 10953 Instructor: Pyszczynski,Thomas A PSY 6030 013 10954 Instructor: Qualls,Sara Honn PSY 6030 014 10955 Instructor: Segal,Daniel L PSY 6030 015 10956 Instructor: Wurtele,Sandy K PSY 6110 001 29948 Cognition Seminar 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 303 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: James,Lori E. PSY 6150 001 29949 Psychology and Law Seminar 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 105 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Greene,Edith L PSY 6430 001 10957 Contemporary Issues in Psych Seminar 1 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 303 Days: Tu Time: 09:30AM-10:30AM Instructor: Greene,Edith L Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 PSY 6610 001 29950 Clinical Geropsychology I Seminar 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 105 Days: Tu Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Qualls,Sara Honn PSY 8000 809 11006 Instructor: Pyszczynski,Thomas A PSY 8000 810 11007 Instructor: Qualls,Sara Honn PSY 8000 811 11743 Instructor: Segal,Daniel L PSY 6720 001 10958 Ethics & Prac: Prof Devel I Seminar 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A321 Days: W Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Lewing,Chad PSY 9300 Independent Study 1 - 3 PSY 9300 901 11038 Instructor: Benight,Charles C PSY 9300 902 11039 Instructor: Coolidge,Frederick Lawrence PSY 9300 903 11040 Instructor: Davis,Hasker P PSY 9300 904 11041 Instructor: Durham,Robert Lewis PSY 9300 905 11042 Instructor: Feliciano,Leilani PSY 9300 906 11043 Instructor: Greene,Edith L PSY 9300 907 11044 Instructor: James,Lori E. PSY 9300 908 11045 Instructor: Kisley,Michael Anthony PSY 9300 909 11046 Instructor: Klebe,Kelli PSY 9300 910 11047 Instructor: Maxfield,Molly Anne Sims PSY 9300 911 11048 Instructor: Staff PSY 9300 912 11049 Instructor: Pyszczynski,Thomas A PSY 9300 913 11050 Instructor: Qualls,Sara Honn PSY 9300 914 11051 Instructor: Segal,Daniel L PSY 9300 915 11052 Instructor: Wurtele,Sandy K PSY 9300 916 11053 Instructor: Gavett,Brandon E PSY 6740 001 10959 Clinical Practicum Clinical 1 - 3 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: TuTh Time: 12:00PM-01:00PM Instructor: Feliciano,Leilani Meets at Peak Vista. PSY 6740 002 10960 Clinical Practicum Clinical 1 - 3 Bldg: CUAC Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Segal,Daniel L PSY 6740 003 11724 Clinical Practicum Clinical 1 - 3 Bldg: CUAC Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Kenny,Michael P. PSY 6780 001 10961 Advanced Psychopathology 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 324 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Segal,Daniel L PSY 6790 001 12593 Psychopharmacology 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A321 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Beecher-Nitka,Catharine PSY 6860 001 29956 Cognitive Assessment 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 303 Days: Tu Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Maxfield,Molly Anne Sims PSY 6880 001 10963 Clinical Neuropsych Lab Clinical 1.5 -3 Bldg: CUAC Days: Th Time: 09:00AM-12:00PM Instructor: Gavett,Brandon E PSY 6880 002 10964 Clinical Neuropsych Lab Clinical 1.5 Bldg: CUAC Days: F Time: 09:00AM-12:00PM Instructor: Gavett,Brandon E PSY 7000 Masters Thesis Dissertation 1 - 6 PSY 7000 801 10965 Instructor: Benight,Charles C PSY 7000 802 10966 Instructor: Coolidge,Frederick Lawrence PSY 7000 803 10967 Instructor: Davis,Hasker P PSY 7000 804 10968 Instructor: Durham,Robert Lewis PSY 7000 805 10969 Instructor: Feliciano,Leilani PSY 7000 806 10980 Instructor: Gavett,Brandon E PSY 7000 807 10971 Instructor: Greene,Edith L PSY 7000 808 10972 Instructor: James,Lori E. PSY 7000 809 10973 Instructor: Kisley,Michael Anthony PSY 7000 810 10974 Instructor: Klebe,Kelli PSY 7000 811 10975 Instructor: Maxfield,Molly Anne Sims PSY 7000 812 10976 Instructor: Pyszczynski,Thomas A PSY 7000 813 10977 Instructor: Qualls,Sara Honn PSY 7000 814 10978 Instructor: Segal,Daniel L PSY 7000 815 10979 Instructor: Wurtele,Sandy K PSY 7000 816 10970 Instructor: Staff PSY 7030 Doctoral Research Practicum 3 PSY 7030 001 10981 Instructor: Qualls,Sara Honn PSY 7030 002 10982 Instructor: Segal,Daniel L PSY 7030 003 10983 Instructor: Gavett,Brandon E PSY 7990 001 10984 Clinical Internship 1 - 5 Instructor: Segal,Daniel L PSY 8000 Dissertation 0.5 - 12 PSY 8000 801 10998 Instructor: Benight,Charles C PSY 8000 802 10999 Instructor: Coolidge,Frederick Lawrence PSY 8000 803 11000 Instructor: Davis,Hasker P PSY 8000 804 11001 Instructor: Feliciano,Leilani PSY 8000 805 11002 Instructor: Gavett,Brandon E PSY 8000 806 11003 Instructor: Greene,Edith L PSY 8000 807 11004 Instructor: Klebe,Kelli PSY 8000 808 11005 Instructor: Maxfield,Molly Anne Sims University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 PSY 9500 Independent Study 1 - 6 PSY 9500 901 11011 Instructor: Benight,Charles C PSY 9500 902 11012 Instructor: Coolidge,Frederick Lawrence PSY 9500 903 11013 Instructor: Davis,Hasker P PSY 9500 904 11014 Instructor: Durham,Robert Lewis PSY 9500 905 11015 Instructor: Feliciano,Leilani PSY 9500 906 11016 Instructor: Greene,Edith L PSY 9500 907 11017 Instructor: James,Lori E. PSY 9500 908 11018 Instructor: Kisley,Michael Anthony PSY 9500 909 11019 Instructor: Klebe,Kelli PSY 9500 910 11020 Instructor: Maxfield,Molly Anne Sims PSY 9500 911 11021 Instructor: Staff PSY 9500 912 11022 Instructor: Pyszczynski,Thomas A PSY 9500 913 11023 Instructor: Qualls,Sara Honn PSY 9500 914 11024 Instructor: Segal,Daniel L PSY 9500 915 11025 Instructor: Wurtele,Sandy K PSY 9500 916 11026 Instructor: Gavett,Brandon E Russian RUSS 1010 001 10460 Beginning Russian I 5 Bldg: Off Site Days: MW Time: 05:30PM-07:50PM Instructor: Kozhevnikov,Pavel Grigoryevich Meets in PPCC Downtown Campus, room S-230. RUSS 2110 001 12414 Intermediate Russian I 3 Bldg: Off Site Days: MW Time: 04:00PM-05:15PM Instructor: Kozhevnikov,Pavel Grigoryevich Meets in PPCC Downtown Campus, room S-230. Sociology SOC 1110 001 10406 Introduction to Sociology 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 186 Days: Tu Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 186 Days: Th Time: 09:25AM-11:40AM Instructor: Valkyrie,Zek Cypress SOC 1110 002 10407 Introduction to Sociology 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: MW Time: 07:30-09:15AM Instructor: Lee,Nicholas Branden SOC 1110 003 10408 Introduction to Sociology 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 128 Days: F Time: 09:25AM-12:55PM Instructor: Staff SOC 1110 004 12026 Introduction to Sociology 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 317 Days: MW Time: 07:30-09:10PM Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 128 Days: Th Time: 07:30PM-08:45PM Instructor: Lofton,Christy SOC 1110 005 12309 Introduction to Sociology 4 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 103 Days: F Time: 12:15PM-04:15PM Instructor: Valkyrie,Zek Cypress 97 Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 SOC 1110 OL2 12536 Introduction to Sociology 4 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Guasta,Lori Nicole SOC 3170 002 11387 Social Statistics 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 231A Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-12:05 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 231A Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30 Instructor: Lofton,Christy Combined Section ID: 0182(SOC 3170-2/SOC 5020-2/CJ3150-2) SOC 1110 WK1 34173 Intro to Sociology 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 4 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B215 Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM Dt: 09/13/2014-11/15/2014 Instructor: Valkyrie,Zek Cypress SOC 3170 003 33843 Social Statistics 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 245 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-08:15PM Instructor: Lofton,Christy Combined Section ID: 0399(SOC 3170-3/SOC 5020-3/CJ3150-3) SOC 2110 001 12099 Sex and Society 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Thomas,Morgen SOC 3170 WK1 12700 Social Statistics 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 230 Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM Instructor: Lofton,Christy Combined Section ID: 0005(SOC 3170/SOC 5020/CJ 3150 WK1) **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. SOC 1110 OL1 11937 Introduction to Sociology 4 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Guasta,Lori Nicole SOC 2120 001 10409 Social Research Methods 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 245 Days: F Time: 08:00AM-11:30AM Instructor: Marshall,Sherry Lee Combined Section ID: 0017(SOC 2120 001/CJ 3100 001) SOC 2120 002 11506 Social Research Methods 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 230 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 230 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Staff Combined Section ID: 0181(SOC 2120 002/CJ 3100 002) SOC 2120 003 12119 Social Research Methods 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 230 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 230 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Staff Combined Section ID: 0334(SOC 2120 003/CJ 3100 003) SOC 2120 004 33842 Social Research Methods 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 230 Days: TuTh Time: 07:30-09:10PM Instructor: Lofton,Christy Combined Section ID: 0402(SOC 2120 004/CJ 3100 004) SOC 2120 OL1 12425 Social Research Methods 4 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Valkyrie,Zek Cypress Combined Section ID: 0361(SOC 2120 OL1/CJ 3100 OL1) SOC 2220 001 11136 Communities Global Environment 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Warner,Kee Robert Consent required for the Gateway Learning Community students. SOC 2220 002 29808 Communities Global Environment 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: F Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Staff Consent required for the Gateway Learning Community students. SOC 3210 001 11863 American Minority Communities 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 323 Days: F Time: 12:15PM-02:55PM Instructor: Staff SOC 3220 OL1 11657 Urban and Community Sociology 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Guasta,Lori Nicole Hamlet SOC 3240 001 29831 African American Community 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 323 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Dickson,Lynda Faye SOC 3250 OL1 33845 Power, Privilege & Social Diff 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Ferber,Abby L Combined Section ID: 0400(SOC 3250/WEST 3150) SOC 3310 001 12102 Sociology of the Family 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 114 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Dickson,Lynda Faye Combined Section ID: 0307(SOC 3310/WEST 3310) SOC 3350 OL1 12451 Sociology of Health & Illness 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff SOC 3360 001 11140 Sociology of Drugs & Addiction 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 216 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Staff SOC 3400 OL1 11141 Criminology 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Portillos,Eddie Luis Combined Section ID: 0068(SOC 3400 OL1/WEST 3470 OL1) SOC 2240 001 29809 Childhood Socialization 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 323 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-12:05 Instructor: Skahill,Eileen Loretta SOC 3410 001 11142 Sociology of Law 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: MW Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Staff SOC 2400 001 29810 Digital Society 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 317 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Valkyrie,Zek Cypress SOC 3490 001 12103 Youth Gangs 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 214 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Portillos,Eddie Luis Combined Section ID: 0308(SOC 3490/WEST 3490) SOC 2500 001 11137 Social Problems 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 114 Days: MW Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Companion,Michele L SOC 3150 001 11138 Modern Sociological Theory 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: M Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 333 Days: W Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Montez de Oca,Jeffrey David Combined Section ID: 0064(SOC 3150 001/SOC 5150 001) SOC 3170 001 10802 Social Statistics 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 231A Days: Tu Time: 01:40-04:20PM Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 231A Days: Th Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Lofton,Christy Combined Section ID: 0044(SOC 3170-1/SOC 5020/CJ 3150-1) SOC 4010 OL1 29832 Special Topics 3 Advanced Social Psychology Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Guasta,Lori Nicole SOC 4010 OL2 12413 Special Topics in Sociology 3 Sex Trafficking Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Mitra,Aditi Combined Section ID: 0398(SOC 4010 OL2/5010 OL1/WEST4900) SOC 4040 001 12104 Sociology Gender & Sexuality 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 116 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Montez de Oca,Jeffrey David Combined Section ID: 0309(SOC 4040/WEST 4040) SOC 4200 001 29833 Sociology of Poverty 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 216 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Dickson,Lynda Faye SOC 4230 OL1 33860 Foundations of Disability Seminar 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Nusbaum,Emily A 98 Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 SOC 4320 001 33869 Religion in Society 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: TuTh Time: 06:05-07:20PM Instructor: Staff SOC 5020 WK1 12717 Prosem: Social Stats 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 1 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 230 Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM Instructor: Lofton,Christy Combined Section ID: 0005(SOC 3170/SOC 5020/CJ 3150 WK1) **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. SOC 4380 OL1 29835 Globalization and Development 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Mitra,Aditi Combined Section ID: 0374(SOC 4380/WEST 4380) SOC 5050 001 11388 Proseminar in Sociology Seminar 1 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B136 Days: Th Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Portillos,Eddie Luis SOC 4490 001 12106 Sociology Internship 3 Instructor: Companion,Michele L SOC 5100 001 11705 Teach Pract: Grad Stu Inst Practicum 1 - 3 Instructor: Albanesi,Heather Powers SOC 4680 001 29850 Inequality USA 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 329 Days: Tu Time: 09:30AM-12:50PM Instructor: Skop,Emily Combined Section ID: 0367 GES 4680, GES 5680, SOC 5680, WEST 4680 SOC 5150 001 11139 Social Theory I Seminar 1 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: M Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 333 Days: W Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Montez de Oca,Jeffrey David Combined Section ID: 0064(SOC 3150 001/SOC 5150 001) SOC 4980 001 12059 Capstone Preparatory Seminar 1 Bldg: University Hall Room: 132 Days: M Time: 09:25AM-11:25AM Dt: 08/25/2014 Bldg: University Hall Room: 132 Days: M Time: 09:25AM-11:25AM Dt: 09/08/2014 Bldg: University Hall Room: 132 Days: M Time: 09:25AM-11:25AM Dt: 09/22/2014 Bldg: University Hall Room: 132 Days: M Time: 09:25AM-11:25AM Dt: 10/13/2014 Bldg: University Hall Room: 132 Days: M Time: 09:25AM-11:25AM Dt: 10/27/2014 Bldg: University Hall Room: 132 Days: M Time: 09:25AM-11:25AM Dt: 11/17/2014 Bldg: University Hall Room: 132 Days: M Time: 09:25AM-11:25AM Dt: 12/08/2014 Instructor: Montez de Oca,Jeffrey David Class meets 8/25, 9/8, 9/22, 10/13, 10/27, 11/17, and 12/8. SOC 5160 001 11144 Social Theory II Seminar 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 115 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Albanesi,Heather Powers SOC 4250 001 29834 Sociology of the Environment Seminar 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: Th Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Skahill,Eileen Loretta SOC 4980 OL1 12107 Capstone Preparatory Seminar 1 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Portillos,Eddie Luis SOC 4990 001 11590 The Sociology Capstone Seminar 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 105 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Montez de Oca,Jeffrey David SOC 4990 OL1 29838 The Sociology Capstone Seminar 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Portillos,Eddie Luis SOC 5010 001 33862 Seminar: Special Topics in Soc 3 Media Studies Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 303 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Montez de Oca,Jeffrey David SOC 5010 OL1 33861 Special Topics in Soc 3 Sex Trafficking Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Mitra,Aditi Combined Section ID: 0398(SOC 4010 OL2/5010 OL1/WEST4900) SOC 5020 001 11494 Proseminar: Social Statistics 1 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 231A Days: Tu Time: 01:40-04:20PM Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 231A Days: Th Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Lofton,Christy Combined Section ID: 0044(SOC 3170-1/SOC 5020/CJ 3150-1) SOC 5020 002 12457 Proseminar: Social Statistics 1 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 231A Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-12:05 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 231A Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30 Instructor: Lofton,Christy Combined Section ID: 0182(SOC 3170-2/SOC 5020-2/CJ3150-2) SOC 5020 003 33863 Proseminar: Social Statistics 1 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 245 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-08:15PM Instructor: Lofton,Christy Combined Section ID: 0399(SOC 3170-3/SOC 5020-3/CJ3150-3) SOC 5380 OL1 33864 Globalization and Development Seminar 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Mitra,Aditi Combined Section ID: 0374(SOC 4380/WEST 4380) SOC 5560 001 33865 Internship Applied Sociology Internship 3 Instructor: Companion,Michele L SOC 5590 001 29842 Teaching Sociology Seminar 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 216 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Albanesi,Heather Powers SOC 5640 001 29843 Power and Privilege Seminar 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 192 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Ferber,Abby L SOC 5680 001 29851 Inequality USA 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 329 Days: Tu Time: 09:30AM-12:50PM Instructor: Skop,Emily Combined Section ID: 0367 GES 4680, GES 5680, SOC 4680, WEST 4680 SOC 5950 001 29844 Criminology Seminar 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 115 Days: W Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Portillos,Eddie Luis SOC 7000 Masters Thesis Dissertation 1 - 6 SOC 7000 801 11145 Instructor: Dickson,Lynda Faye SOC 7000 802 11146 Instructor: Dukes,Richard Louis SOC 7000 803 11147 Instructor: Ferber,Abby L SOC 7000 804 11148 Instructor: Portillos,Eddie Luis SOC 7000 805 11150 Instructor: Warner,Kee Robert SOC 7000 806 11151 Instructor: Albanesi,Heather Powers SOC 7000 807 11152 Instructor: Companion,Michele L SOC 7000 808 11153 Instructor: Mitra,Aditi SOC 7000 809 11154 Instructor: Smith,Hilary R SOC 7000 810 11591 Instructor: Montez de Oca,Jeffrey David SOC 9400 Indep Study in Soc: Undergrad 1 - 4 SOC 9400 901 11155 Instructor: Companion,Michele L SOC 9400 902 11156 Instructor: Dickson,Lynda Faye SOC 9400 903 11157 Instructor: Dukes,Richard Louis SOC 9400 904 11158 Instructor: Ferber,Abby L SOC 9400 905 11159 Instructor: Portillos,Eddie Luis SOC 9400 906 11160 Instructor: Warner,Kee Robert SOC 9400 907 11162 Instructor: Albanesi,Heather Powers SOC 9400 908 11163 Instructor: Mitra,Aditi SOC 9400 909 11164 Instructor: Smith,Hilary R SOC 9400 910 11592 Instructor: Montez de Oca,Jeffrey David SOC 9500 Independent Study in Soc: Grad 1 - 3 SOC 9500 901 11165 Instructor: Companion,Michele L SOC 9500 902 11166 Instructor: Dickson,Lynda Faye SOC 9500 903 11167 Instructor: Dukes,Richard Louis University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 99 Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 SOC 9500 904 11168 Instructor: Ferber,Abby L SOC 9500 905 11169 Instructor: Portillos,Eddie Luis SOC 9500 906 11170 Instructor: Warner,Kee Robert SOC 9500 907 11171 Instructor: Albanesi,Heather Powers SOC 9500 908 11172 Instructor: Mitra,Aditi SOC 9500 909 11173 Instructor: Smith,Hilary R SOC 9500 910 11593 Instructor: Montez de Oca,Jeffrey David SPAN 3200 001 10473 Intro Hispanic Literature II 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 303 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Feliu-Moggi,Fernando SOC 9990 001 29845 Candidate for Degree 0 Instructor: Portillos,Eddie Luis SPAN 3490 Internship in Applied Spanish 1 - 3 SPAN 3490 001 10476 Instructor: Steen,Maria Sergia SPAN 3490 002 11538 Instructor: Frank,Carmen Aida Spanish SPAN 1010 001 10461 Beginning Spanish I 5 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 303 Days: TuTh Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: F Time: 08:00AM-09:40AM Instructor: Frank,Carmen Aida SPAN 1010 002 10462 Beginning Spanish I 5 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 303 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-11:55AM Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B213 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-12:30PM Instructor: Staff SPAN 1010 003 10463 Beginning Spanish I 5 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 112 Days: MW Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Rainey,Maura Leon SPAN 1020 001 10464 Beginning Spanish II 5 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B136 Days: MW Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Frank,Carmen Aida SPAN 1020 002 11951 Beginning Spanish II 5 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 112 Days: TuTh Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Glisson,Blanca Esther SPAN 1020 003 12484 Beginning Spanish II 5 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 112 Days: MW Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 112 Days: F Time: 09:25AM-11:05AM Instructor: Goni,Maria Jose SPAN 2110 001 10465 Intermediate Spanish I 5 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 112 Days: MW Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 112 Days: F Time: 12:15PM-01:55PM Instructor: Goni,Maria Jose SPAN 2110 002 10467 Intermediate Spanish I 5 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 112 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 303 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-03:20PM Instructor: Glisson,Blanca Esther SPAN 2120 001 10468 Intermediate Spanish II 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 112 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Cota,Edgar SPAN 3000 001 10470 Spanish Grammar & Composition 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 112 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Goni,Maria Jose SPAN 3000 WK1 30198 Spanish Grammar & Composition 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 106 Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM Instructor: Glisson,Blanca Esther **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. SPAN 3010 001 11801 Advanced Spanish Conv & Comp 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 106 Days: MW Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Rainey,Maura Leon SPAN 3010 002 30182 Advanced Spanish Conv & Comp 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B217 Days: MW Time: 04:45PM-06:00PM Instructor: Glisson,Blanca Esther SPAN 3100 001 10472 Literary Analysis 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 106 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Steen,Maria Sergia 100 SPAN 3250 001 10475 Hispanic Culture Studies 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 106 Days: MW Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Steen,Maria Sergia SPAN 4250 001 12210 Cultur Heritage Latin America 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 102 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Cota,Edgar SPAN 4400 001 30188 Topics in Contemporary Litera 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Feliu-Moggi,Fernando Combined Section ID: 0393(SPAN 4400-1/SPAN 5400-1) SPAN 4460 001 30192 Stdies US-Mexico Border Lit 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 112 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Cota,Edgar Combined Section ID: 0395(SPAN4460/SPAN 5460) SPAN 4620 001 34000 Don Quijote I 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 112 Days: MW Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Steen,Maria Sergia Combined Section ID: 0027(SPAN 4620/SPAN 5620) SPAN 5400 001 30190 Topics in Contemp Literature 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Feliu-Moggi,Fernando Combined Section ID: 0393(SPAN 4400-1/SPAN 5400-1) SPAN 5460 001 30193 Stdies US-Mex Border Lit 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 112 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15PM-01:30PM Instructor: Cota,Edgar Combined Section ID: 0395(SPAN4460/SPAN 5460) SPAN 5620 001 33999 Don Quijote I 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 112 Days: MW Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Steen,Maria Sergia Combined Section ID: 0027(SPAN 4620/SPAN 5620) SPAN 9200 Independent Study in Spanish 1 - 4 SPAN 9200 901 10481 Instructor: Steen,Maria Sergia SPAN 9200 902 30194 Instructor: Cota,Edgar SPAN 9200 903 11674 Instructor: Feliu-Moggi,Fernando SPAN 9300 Independent Study in Spanish 1 - 4 SPAN 9300 901 10482 Instructor: Steen,Maria Sergia SPAN 9300 902 10483 Instructor: Feliu-Moggi,Fernando SPAN 9300 903 30195 Instructor: Cota,Edgar SPAN 9400 Independent Study in Spanish 1 - 4 SPAN 9400 901 10484Instructor: Steen,Maria Sergia SPAN 9400 902 30196 Instructor: Cota,Edgar SPAN 9400 903 11939 Instructor: Feliu-Moggi,Fernando Theatre THTR 1000 001 11237 Introduction to Theatre 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 233A Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05 Instructor: Chandler Mills,Leah THTR 1000 002 11749 Introduction to Theatre 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 233A Days: WF Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Chandler Mills,Leah THTR 2000 001 11238 Introduction Technical Theatre 4 Bldg: University Hall Room: 233 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: F Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Ballard,Roy Charles Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 THTR 2020 001 11252 Acting Workshop I 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 233A Days: MW Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Cook-Levy,Joye Heather THTR 3900 001 30185 Tpcs World Theat 3 Vaudeville/Variety Shows Bldg: University Hall Room: 233A Days: F Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Staff THTR 2020 002 11630 Acting Workshop I 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 233A Days: TuTh Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Cook-Levy,Joye Heather THTR 3960 001 30186 Nationlsm/Romantcsm/Melodrama 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 233 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-12:05 Instructor: Landis,Kevin P Combined Section ID: 0392(VAPA 3960/THTR 3960) THTR 2020 003 11750 Acting Workshop I 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 233A Days: TuTh Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Ballard,Roy Charles THTR 2020 WK1 30178 Acting Workshop I 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 233 Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM Instructor: Ballard,Roy Charles **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. THTR 2030 001 30179 Acting Workshop II Seminar 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 233A Days: TuTh Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Paradise III,Thomas Anthony THTR 2040 001 11253 Voice and Articulation I 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 132 Days: MW Time: 03:05PM-04:20PM Instructor: Chandler Mills,Leah THTR 2040 WK1 12715 Voice & Articul I 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 233A Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM Instructor: Chandler Mills,Leah **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. THTR 2050 001 12171 Improvisational Theatre 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 233 Days: TuTh Time: 12:15-01:30PM Instructor: Rais,Robert Brian THTR 2060 001 11946 Mus Theatre Perform & Practice 1 - 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 168 Days: WF Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Olsen,Solveig Maria ; Chandler Mills,Leah Combined Section ID: 0294(MUS 2450/THTR 2060) THTR 3020 001 11359 Adv Acting Studio I 3 Devised Performance Bldg: University Hall Room: 233 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:35PM Instructor: Landis,Kevin P Combined Section ID: 0391(THTR 3020/DNCE 3700) Physical theatre technique geared towards a residency with artist Eiko Otake. See online Class Search for details. THTR 3201 001 30181 Tpcs Early Thtr Hist: 3 Eur Drama1600-1800 Bldg: University Hall Room: 233 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Ross,Murray A survey of some of the great plays from England, France, Italy and Spain. See online Class Search for details. THTR 3230 001 30180 What's Funny? Dramatic Comedy 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 233 Days: MW Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Rais,Robert Brian THTR 3240 001 30183 Women in Theatre 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 233 Days: TuTh Time: 03:05-04:20PM Instructor: Meadows,Teresa Lin THTR 3390 001 10788 Theatre Practicum: Acting 1 - 3 Instructor: Landis,Kevin P THTR 3390 002 12339 Theatre Practicum: Acting 1 - 3 Instructor: Landis,Kevin P Sec 002 for Nursing students in the acting practicum collaboration. THTR 3391 001 11631 Theatre Practicum: Technical 1 - 3 Instructor: Landis,Kevin P THTR 4060 001 11360 Directing I 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 233 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Ross,Murray THTR 4400 001 11613 Culminating Directing Project 1 - 3 Instructor: Landis,Kevin P THTR 9400 Independent Study in Theatre 1 - 6 THTR 9400 901 11361 Instructor: Chandler Mills,Leah THTR 9400 902 11362 Instructor: Ross,Murray THTR 9400 903 11363 Instructor: Martorella,James Drewry THTR 9400 904 11364 Instructor: Landis,Kevin P THTR 9400 905 11365 Instructor: Ballard,Roy Charles UTeach - CLAS UTLS 3040 001 11968 Science Research Methods 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: A343 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-05:00PM Instructor: Christensen,Thomas M ; Burkhart,James Frederick UTLS 3480 001 11633 Functions and Modeling 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B302 Days: MW Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Schinazi,Rinaldo Bruno Combined Section ID: 0220(MATH 3480/UTLS 3480) Visual Arts VA 1010 001 10690 Beginning Studio-2D 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 280 Days: MW Time: 09:25-12:05PM Instructor: Staff VA 1010 002 10696 Beginning Studio-2D 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 132 Days: MW Time: 01:40-04:20PM Instructor: Eckler,Marina Olivia VA 1010 003 10697 Beginning Studio-2D 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 132 Days: MW Time: 04:45-07:20PM Instructor: Eckler,Marina Olivia VA 1010 004 30015 Beginning Studio-2D 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 132 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25-12:05PM Instructor: Staff VA 1010 005 11821 Beginning Studio-2D 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 132 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40-04:20PM Instructor: Staff VA 1020 001 10698 Beginning Studio 3D 3 Bldg: Fine Arts Bldg Eaglerock Cmplx Room: 1 Days: MW Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Rau,Claire J VA 1020 002 10699 Beginning Studio 3D 3 Bldg: Fine Arts Bldg Eaglerock Cmplx Room: 1 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Barton,Matthew R VA 1020 003 30026 Beginning Studio 3D 3 Bldg: Fine Arts Bldg Eaglerock Cmplx Room: 1 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Barton,Matthew R THTR 3392 001 11632 THTR Prac: Direct/Stage Mgmt 1 - 3 Instructor: Landis,Kevin P VA 1040 001 10700 Beginning Drawing 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 126 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25AM-12:05 Instructor: Foss,Pauline Lenore THTR 3550 001 30184 Lighting for Theatre 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 233 Days: F Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Staff VA 1040 002 10701 Beginning Drawing 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 126 Days: WF Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Foss,Pauline Lenore University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 101 Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 VA 2000 001 30023 Special Topics Studio 3 Press-less Printmaking Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 132 Days: MW Time: 09:25AM-12:05 Instructor: Eckler,Marina Olivia Combined Section ID: 0382(VA 2000-1/VA 3000-1) VA 2000 002 12310 Special Topics Studio 3 The Figure in 2-D Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 280 Days: TuTh Time: 04:45-07:20PM Instructor: Lundberg,Olivia Dawn Combined Section ID: 0348(VA 2000-2/VA 3000-2) VA 2000 OL1 33937 Spec Tpcs 3 New Genres Distance Collab Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Days: MW Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Steen,Eric Combined Section ID: 0401(VA 2000 OL1/VA 3000 OL1) Class will meet online as a group on MW 4:45-7:20. Students must have access to high-speed internet and a computer with a webcam. See online Class Search for more details. VA 2080 001 10736 Beginning Sculpture 3 Bldg: Fine Arts Bldg Eaglerock Cmplx Room: 1 Days: MW Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Rau,Claire J VA 2110 001 10738 Introduction to Photography 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 135 Days: MW Time: 04:45-07:20PM Instructor: Schubert,Erik R VA 2110 002 10739 Introduction to Photography 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 135 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40-04:20PM Instructor: Dass,Carol S VA 2130 001 33939 Beginning Painting Studio 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 280 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40-04:20PM Instructor: Lundberg,Olivia Dawn VA 3000 001 30024 Spec Topics Advanced 3 Press-less Printmaking Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 132 Days: MW Time: 09:25AM-12:05 Instructor: Eckler,Marina Olivia Combined Section ID: 0382(VA 2000-1/VA 3000-1) VA 3000 002 12311 Special Topics Advanced 3 The Figure in 2-D Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 280 Days: TuTh Time: 04:45-07:20PM Instructor: Lundberg,Olivia Dawn Combined Section ID: 0348(VA 2000-2/VA 3000-2) VA 3000 003 11843 Spec Tpcs Advanced 3 Photographic Landscapes Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 135 Days: MW Time: 09:25AM-12:05 Instructor: Schubert,Erik R VA 3000 OL1 33938 Spec Tpcs Adv 3 New Genres Distance Collab Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Days: MW Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Steen,Eric Combined Section ID: 0401(VA 2000 OL1/VA 3000 OL1) Class will meet online as a group on MW 4:45-7:20. Students must have access to high-speed internet and a computer with a webcam. See online Class Search for more details. VA 3080 001 30027 Advanced Sculpture 3 Bldg: Fine Arts Bldg Eaglerock Cmplx Room: 1 Days: MW Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Rau,Claire J VA 3110 001 12163 Intermediate Photography 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 135 Days: MW Time: 01:40-04:20PM Instructor: Schubert,Erik R VA 3170 001 10754 The Plastic Camera Studio 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 135 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25AM-12:05 Instructor: Dass,Carol S VA 4010 001 30028 Contemporary Drawing Studio 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 126 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40-04:20PM Instructor: Foss,Pauline Lenore VA 4030 001 11717 Internship in Visual Arts Internship 1 - 3 Instructor: Barton,Matthew R VA 9400 Independent Study Visual Art 1 - 4 VA 9400 901 10772 Instructor: Barton,Matthew R VA 9400 902 10774 Instructor: Dass,Carol S 102 VA 9400 903 10776 Instructor: Foss,Pauline Lenore VA 9400 904 11427 Instructor: Rau,Claire J VA 9400 905 11518 Instructor: Lundberg,Olivia Dawn Visual and Performing Arts VAPA 1020 001 30113 Ethnography of Performing Arts 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 216 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: MacAulay,Suzanne P VAPA 1050 001 12164 VAPA Foundation: Seminar 3 Arts Innovations Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 209 Days: W Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Rigler,Jane Agatha VAPA 1050 002 12165 VAPA Found 3 Art Works: Devise/Collaborate Bldg: University Hall Room: 233 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Cook-Levy,Joye Heather VAPA 3900 001 30114 Thry/Prac VAPA 3 Sculptural Forms & Sustain Bldg: Fine Arts Bldg Eaglerock Cmplx Room: 1 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Barton,Matthew R Explores intersections of sculpture, architecture, and landscape design with sustainable systems. See online Class Search for details. VAPA 3900 002 30115 Thry/Prac VAPA: Seminar 3 Visual Studies Bldg: University Hall Room: 133 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Sullivan,Mary Jane VAPA 3900 OL1 33897 Thry/Prac VAPA 3 Art and Social Practice Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Steen,Eric Class will meet online as a group on MW 1:40-4:20. Students must have access to high-speed internet and a computer with a webcam. See online Class Search for more details. VAPA 3950 001 11885 Sound Art:Creative Sonic Wrlds 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 209 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Whitehead,Glen C VAPA 3960 001 30187 Nationlsm/Romantcsm/Melodrama 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 233 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-12:05 Instructor: Landis,Kevin P Combined Section ID: 0392(VAPA 3960/THTR 3960) Women's and Ethnic Studies WEST 1010 001 12415 Intro to Soc Justice Studies 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B134 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Holcomb,Kimberly Ann WEST 1010 002 29791 Intro to Soc Justice Studies 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B134 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Spaulding,Stephany Rose WEST 1010 003 11254 Intro to Soc Justice Studies 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B134 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Herrera,C Andrea WEST 1010 004 11255 Intro to Soc Justice Studies 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: F Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Holcomb,Kimberly Ann WEST 1010 005 11755 Intro to Soc Justice Studies 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 216 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Samuels,Dena Renee WEST 1010 006 12019 Intro to Soc Justice Studies 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 191 Days: Th Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Holcomb,Kimberly Ann WEST 1010 OL1 12416 Intro to Soc Justice Studies 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Smith,Kerianne WEST 1010 OL2 33901 Intro to Soc Justice Studies 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Smith,Kerianne Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs Letters, arts & sciences | fall 2014 WEST 1010 OL3 33902 Intro to Soc Justice Studies 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff WEST 2030 001 29792 Hiphop/Perform of Identities 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 333 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Spaulding,Stephany Rose WEST 2900 WK1 33908 Spc Tpcs Lwr Div 09/04/2014 10/15/2014 1 Latino/a Artists in the USA Bldg: Off Site Days: Th Time: 03:00PM-08:00PM Dt: 09/04/2014 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 203 Days: Sa Time: 09:00AM-05:00PM Dt: 09/13/2014 Instructor: Herrera,C Andrea Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: TBA Time: TBA Dt: 09/14/201410/15/2014 Instructor: Herrera,C Andrea Combined Section ID: 0006(WEST 2900/AH 2000) This 1-credit class is based on the "We Are You" art exhibition, which opens at the UCCS Gallery of Contemporary Art on 9/4/14. For more information see: http://iberex.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/we-are-youus-latinization-new-wave.pdf and online Class Search. **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. WEST 3030 B01 11868 Dis/Ability Stds Educ 10/22/2014 12/20/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 128 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-08:30PM Dt: 10/22/2014-12/20/2014 Instructor: Nusbaum,Emily A Combined Section ID: 0001(SPED 3000/SPED5000/WEST 3030) 8 week hybrid class; weekly online assignments. WEST 3100 001 29793 Women of Color: Image/Voice 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 333 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Spaulding,Stephany Rose WEST 3150 OL1 33903 Power/Privilege/Social Diff 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Ferber,Abby L Combined Section ID: 0400(SOC 3250/WEST 3150) WEST 3300 H01 11256 Methodologies in WEST 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B213 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Gould,Janice Meets with WEST 4950; additional hybrid and internship components. WEST 3310 001 12131 Sociology of the Family 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 114 Days: TuTh Time: 09:25-10:40AM Instructor: Dickson,Lynda Faye Combined Section ID: 0307(SOC 3310/WEST 3310) WEST 3470 OL1 11589 Criminology 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Portillos,Eddie Luis Combined Section ID: 0068(SOC 3400 OL1/WEST 3470 OL1) WEST 3480 OL1 33904 Global Women's Issues 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Mitra,Aditi WEST 3490 001 12133 Youth Gangs 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 214 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Portillos,Eddie Luis Combined Section ID: 0308(SOC 3490/WEST 3490) WEST 3620 001 11756 Media & Consumption Seminar 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 333 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Samuels,Dena Renee WEST 4140 002 29795 Hurricane Katrina 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 103 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Larkin,Michael Paul Combined Section ID: 0377(HUM 3990 006/WEST 4140 002) WEST 4140 003 33911 Hurricane Katrina 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 107 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Skahill,Eileen Loretta Combined Section ID: 0403(HUM 3990 009/WEST 4140 003) WEST 4280 001 11757 Native Amer Phil Thought Seminar 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 106 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Gould,Janice Combined Section ID: 0265(WEST 4280/ANTH 4400) WEST 4380 OL1 29796 Globalization and Development 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Mitra,Aditi Combined Section ID: 0374(SOC 4380/WEST 4380) WEST 4680 001 29852 Inequality USA 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 329 Days: Tu Time: 09:30AM-12:50PM Instructor: Skop,Emily Combined Section ID: 0367 GES 4680, GES 5680, SOC 4680, SOC 5680 WEST 4900 OL1 33907 Spc Tpcs Upper Div 3 Sex Trafficking Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Mitra,Aditi Combined Section ID: 0398(SOC 4010 OL2/5010 OL1/WEST4900) WEST 4950 H01 11258 Capstone Senior Seminar 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B213 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Herrera,C Andrea This class will have additional hybrid and internship components. WEST 9400 Independent Study 1 - 4 WEST 9400 901 12135 Instructor: Herrera,C Andrea WEST 9400 902 11484 Instructor: Ferber,Abby L WEST 9400 903 11485 Instructor: Gould,Janice WEST 9400 904 11610 Instructor: Mitra,Aditi WEST 9400 905 11611 Instructor: Spaulding,Stephany Rose WEST 9400 906 11612 Instructor: Samuels,Dena Renee Writing Portfolio PORT 3000 fulfills the Writing Portfolio assessment that undergraduate students must complete prior to graduation. Go to http://www.uccs.edu ~writingportfolio and online Class Search for more information. PORT 3000 Writing Portfolio Assessment 0 PORT 3000 001 12600 09/01/2014 09/30/2014 PORT 3000 002 12601 09/01/2014 09/30/2014 PORT 3000 003 12602 10/01/2014 10/31/2014 PORT 3000 004 12603 10/01/2014 10/31/2014 PORT 3000 005 12604 11/01/2014 11/30/2014 PORT 3000 006 12605 11/01/2014 11/30/2014 PORT 3000 007 12608 12/01/2014 12/20/2014 Instructor: Neely,Michelle Elizabeth WEST 4040 001 12134 Gender & Sexuality 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 116 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Montez de Oca,Jeffrey David Combined Section ID: 0309(SOC 4040/WEST 4040) WEST 4100 001 33905 Nat Amer Perspectv on Museums Seminar 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 115 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Gould,Janice WEST 4140 001 29794 Hurricane Katrina 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 103 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Herrera,C Andrea Combined Section ID: 0376(HUM 3990 005/WEST 4140 001) University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 103 BETH-EL COLLEGE OF NURSING & HEALTH SCIENCES Department of Graduate Studies 719-255-4424 Department of Health Sciences/Graduate 719-255-4421 Undergraduate Department 719-255-4169 Undergraduate Advising is available in the Student Success Center, 2nd Floor, Main Hall 719-255-3260 or 719-255-3473 Undergraduate Health Science Advising: 719-255-3312 General Information The academic policies, rules and regulations of the College and University are printed in the UCCS Catalog. All students are responsible for knowing and following the provisions set forth in the Catalog and in this schedule of courses. Students in the College of Nursing and Health Sciences are responsible for the information set forth in the Student Handbook and the Graduate Student Handbook which are accessible on our website at http://www.uccs. edu/bethel. These rules and regula­tions are subject to change. The Catalog that governs a student’s graduation requirements is the one in effect at the time of a student’s most recent admission into the College of the student’s degree program. Any questions concerning these provisions are to be directed to the Graduate program for graduate students or the Student Success Center for undergraduate students. The College cannot assume responsibility for problems resulting from the failure of a student to follow the policies stated in the Catalog or Handbook or from inaccurate information given by someone other than an appropriate staff member of the College. Similarly, students are responsible for all deadlines, rules and regulations in this schedule. Programs Offered Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Accelerated BSN Program (second degree) RN to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Distance Option Available Bachelor of Science in Health Care Science (BS) Nutrition Health and Wellness Promotion Senior Fitness Instructor Strength & Conditioning Pre-Professional Allied Health Completion Program Clinical Laboratory Specialist (Med Tech) Minors:Health & Wellness Promotion, Nutrition Master of Sciences (MSC) Options:Sports Medicine, Health Promotion, Sports Nutrition Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Nurse Practitioner Options: Adult/Gero Nurse Practitioner Family Nurse Practitioner Post MSN NP certificate program Nursing Education Doctorate of Nursing Practice (NRSD) BSN to DNP (NRBD) Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program The graduate is prepared to practice professional nursing while provid­ing care for individuals, families, groups and communities. Entering students are advised to consult the University Catalog to determine program requirements. 104 Freshmen Students who meet admission criteria are admitted into the Nursing program as Pre-Professional Nursing majors. Students who are admitted to the Program with a 3.0 GPA must maintain a 3.0 GPA. Once the first level course work is completed with a 3.0 GPA, they may apply for admission to the nursing program as a Nursing major. This application would include the following: GPA of 3.0 or greater, Completion of a background check, and Completion of a PreAdmission Exam. The Pre-Admission Exam tests the course material the student has completed during the first level coursework. The admission committee will review all applicants at that time to determine who will be accepted as a nursing major. For students who are accepted as a nursing major, they will start their second year course work and continue to progress through the curriculum. For those students who are not selected for admission, they may change their major to another field of study, apply to another school or choose to apply the following semester. Students are only allowed to apply twice and will be considered along with all of the other students applying with no preferential consideration because they are seeking admission again. Students entering as freshmen are able to complete the program in four years if a full academic load with successful completion of course work is maintained. Transfer Students Students who have attended a collegiate institu­tion other than CU may apply as transfer students if they have completed 30 credit hours of transferable college level work. Applicants for the nursing program must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better. Transfer students must be in good standing and eligible to return to all institutions previously attended. While transferability of credit is determined by the Admissions Office, final application to the degree program is determined by the College of Nursing and Health Sciences. Students who meet admission criteria are admitted into the Nursing program under Pre-Professional Nursing. Students who are admitted to the Program with a 3.0 GPA must maintain a 3.0 GPA. Once the first level course work is completed with a 3.0 GPA, they may apply for admission to the nursing program as a Nursing major. This application would include the following: GPA of 3.0 or greater, Completion of a background check, and Completion of a Pre-Admission Exam. The Pre-Admission Exam tests the course material the student has completed during the first level coursework. The admission committee will review all applicants at that time to determine who will be accepted as a nursing major. For students who are accepted as a nursing major, they will start their second year course work and continue to progress through the curriculum. For those students who are not selected for admission, they may change their major to another field of study, apply to another school or choose to apply the following semester. Students are only allowed to apply twice and will be considered along with all of the other students applying with no preferential consideration because they are seeking admission again. Continuing Students Once students have accepted an invitation for a clinical spot their status will be changed from Pre-Professional Nursing to Nurs­ing. The nursing curriculum is a very structured program and must be adhered to in order. Second year courses must be successfully com­ pleted prior to progression of third year courses. Third year courses must be suc­cessfully completed prior to progression of fourth year courses. If an interruption of the sequencing of courses is necessary, Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs students accept their Leave of Absence knowing that a possible delay in pro­gram completion may occur. RN to Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program A registered nurse with an associate degree or diploma can choose the RN to BSN curriculum option. Beth‑El participates in the Colorado articulation plan which facilitates mobility from one educational pro­gram to another. Each student will have variations in the plan due to completion of course work prior to entering Beth‑El or due to schedul­ing variation (full‑time or part‑time). RN students are advised to apply to the nursing program prior to completion of general education re­quirements. Include a copy of RN License with application and a letter from the clinical manager stating that the applicant has completed 1,000 clinical hours in the last 3 years. If the applicant is within 3 years of graduation, a letter is not necessary. This program is offered online. Pre-requisites are not necessarily offered online. Accelerated BSN Program Students who have completed a bachelor’s degree in a non-nursing field may be eligible to apply for the accelerated BSN program. The cumulative GPA must be at least 2.5 or higher and a passing score on the pre-admission assessment test in order to be considered for this program. All required general education, pre-requisite courses and degrees must be completed by the end of the fall semester of the application year. Contact the Accelerated Option Coordinator (719-255-4465) or the Nursing Advisor (719-255-3473) for specific information. Master of Science in Nursing The graduate nursing program at Beth‑El College of Nursing and Health Sciences builds upon and expands on the knowledge, values, and skills of the baccalaureate prepared nurse. Beth-El College of Nursing and Health Sciences offers a program of advanced study to become a Nurse Educator, or primary care nurse practitioner. Graduate nursing courses prepare the student for advanced nursing practice in primary care practice settings. The student gains experience with research, health care policy, nursing theory and holistic practice. Nurse Practitioner specialty areas include Adult/ Gero or Family. Master of Science in Nursing Education is also available. Graduate Nursing Academic Progression First grade less than B (less than 84%): A minimum grade of 84% or greater is required in all graduate coursework, including required courses, electives and transfer courses. A student who receives a grade below a B (less than 84%) may repeat that course with permission of \the graduate director. The grade received in the repeated course will substitute for the original grade and only the latter grade will be used in calculating the graduate program grade point averages. However, all grades received appear on the student’s transcript and will be used in calculating the student’s university grade point average. Two or more grades less than a B (less than 84%): If a student receives a second grade below a B (less than 84%), including the first which may have been repeated for a higher grade, dismissal from the graduate program will occur. Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences The Bachelor of Science in Health Care Science prepares the graduate for professional practice in health related settings. The program in­cludes a foundation in general education as well as a broad understand­ing of health care delivery systems. It is possible to choose options within the program to develop advanced specialization in a specific or chosen discipline such as sport health and wellness promotion, or nutrition. An upper division bachelor degree completion option is available for students in allied health disciplines with associates degrees or certificates in Paramedicine, Radiation Technology, Dental Hygiene, Respiratory Therapy, etc. Health Care Science Options Nutrition Health and Wellness Promotion Senior Fitness Instructor Strength & Conditioning Pre-Professional Allied Health Completion Program Clinical Laboratory Specialist (Med Tech) Minors:Health & Wellness Promotion, Nutrition Master of Sciences in Health Sciences For further information on the Graduate Degree options offered in the Health Science Department, contact: A major goal of the graduate program is to prepare the graduate nurse to be an active participant in this country’s health care reform and to function as an advanced practice nurse in the evolving health care delivery system. The graduate of this program will be prepared to function in a variety of primary care settings with collaboration skills which promote interaction with all members of the health care team. Dr. Mandi Elder, Sports Medicine: 719-255-4315 Dr. Margaret Harris, Sports Nutrition: 719-255-4558 Dr. Cheryl Kelly, Health Promotion: 719-255-4466 Doctorate of Nursing Practice For application information please contact: The Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) provides the course work and practice experience necessary for the highest level of clinical nursing practice. The DNP develops and builds upon the advanced practice roles of the nurse practitioner and clinical nurse specialist, expanding the leadership, policy, clinical nursing scholarship and practice expertise. Graduate Program Advising All graduate students must obtain their initial degree plan of study from the Director of the Graduate Nursing program. Any alterations in degree plan must be approved by the student’s academic advisor or director. Alterations may change date of graduation. NOTICE: Graduate students are responsible for the content and policies of the Graduate Department Student Handbook from the Beth-El website: http://www.uccs.edu/bethel/current/studenthandbooks.html University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 Hope Hoch: 719-255-4421 Dr. Craig Elder, Graduate Coordinator: 719-255-5157 Sports Medicine The Master of Science Degree in Sports Medicine provides BOC Certified Athletic Trainers the coursework and practical experience necessary to obtain advanced knowledge and skills in the discipline of Sports Medicine. The program allows students to further develop theoretical knowledge and clinical skills, increase their ability to critically evaluate current sports medicine related literature, and obtain the ability to conduct clinically relevant sports medicine research. For further information on the graduate degree options offered in the Health Science Department contact Hope Hoch. 105 nursing & health sciences | fall 2014 Sports Nutrition The Master of Science degree in Sport Nutrition provides registered dietitians (RDs or RD eligible) and/or nationally and internationally recognized nutritionists the coursework and practical experience necessary to take leadership roles in providing nutrition services to high school, collegiate, recreational, elite, and professional athletes and active individuals of all sports. This degree prepares students for the Board Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics Examination offered to RDs through the Commission for Dietetic Registration of the American Dietetic Association. Health Promotion The Master of Sciences degree in Health Promotion is designed to prepare students for advanced study and practice in health promotion related areas. Graduates are prepared to take leadership roles in designing, implementing, and evaluating health promotion programs in various public and private/worksite agencies at local, state, and national levels. The Health Promotion professionals trained in this program will possess the skills and knowledge to affect lifestyle choices and improve a person’s, community’s or organization’s health and wellness. Certificate Programs Beth-El offers courses that lead to certificates in specialty areas for graduate and undergraduate students. Contact the Extended Studies office (Sharon Clark) at 719-255-4486 or check the web site at http://www.uccs.edu/bethel/. Statement of Academic Standards Students are held to basic standards of performance established for their classes with respect to attendance, active participation Health Sciences HSCI 1020 001 11445 Personal Fitness and Wellness 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 141 Days: Tu Time: 08:00AM-09:40AM Instructor: Dawes,James Jay Students enrolling in HSCI 1020 section 001 must also enroll in one of the recitation sections: 010, 020, or 030. HSCI 1020 010 29922 Personal Fitness and Wellness 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 141 Days: Tu Time: 09:50AM-10:40AM Instructor: Staff HSCI 1020 020 29923 Personal Fitness and Wellness 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 117 Days: Tu Time: 09:50AM-10:40AM Instructor: Staff HSCI 1020 030 29924 Personal Fitness and Wellness 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 317 Days: Tu Time: 09:50AM-10:40AM Instructor: Staff HSCI 1020 040 29928 Personal Fitness and Wellness 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff HSCI 1020 OL1 11306 Personal Fitness and Wellness 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff Students enrolling in HSCI 1020 section OL1 must also enroll in recitation section 040. 106 in course work, promptness in completion of assignments, correct English usage both in writing and in speaking, accuracy in calculations, and general quality of scholastic workmanship. In general, examinations are re­quired in all courses and for all students including seniors. Undergraduate To be in good standing, undergraduate students must have an overall grade point average of not less than 2.0 (C=2.0) for all course work attempted with no grade below a C- counting toward the degree. In addition, undergraduate nursing students must receive a 74% (C) in all required nursing and health science courses. Undergrad­uate health care science students must receive no less than 70% (C-) in all required health science and option courses. Two failures of any required nursing and/or health sciences core and specialty courses of two credits or greater will result in dismissal from the College. Students may petition in writing to the department chair for readmission to the College within 30 calendar days. Dismissal from the Nursing or Health Care Science program does not imply dismissal from the University of Colorado. Exceptions to this policy are only given by the Chairs of the Undergraduate Departments. Incomplete Grades Grades of incomplete (I) will be given only when there are clearly extenuating circumstances preventing a student from completing a course before the last day of the semester. Incomplete grades must be completed within one calendar year. Incomplete grades are not appropriate for students who have never attended or stopped going to class, are failing or are otherwise too busy to complete the work on time, or do not appear for the final exam. HSCI 1030 001 12178 Fitness Through Tai Chi 2 Bldg: University Hall Room: 214 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-03:20PM Instructor: LeCompte,Denise Michelle HSCI 1040 001 11780 Belly Dancing 1 Bldg: University Hall Room: 214 Days: Tu Time: 12:15PM-01:05PM Instructor: Van Hoy,Barb Ferrill HSCI 1060 001 11307 Personal Nutrition 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 216 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Roeca,Dora Alicia HSCI 1080 001 12565 Outdoor Adventure Fundamentals 08/25/2014 09/26/2014 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 132 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-05:20PM Dt: 08/25/2014-09/26/2014 Instructor: Guenther,Debra **INTENSIVE COURSE** Outdoor Experience. Students will participate in a 3-day hiking/backpacking expedition on September 13-15. Students will need to provide own backpacking equipment for expedition weekends. HSCI 1110 001 11308 Weight Training 2 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: TuTh Time: 08:00AM-08:50AM Instructor: Staff Class meets in Rec Center weight room. HSCI 1110 002 12455 Weight Training 2 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: MW Time: 08:00AM-08:50AM Instructor: Staff Class meets in Rec Center weight room. Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs nursing & health sciences | fall 2014 HSCI 1130 001 11309 Pilates Theory and Practice 2 Bldg: University Hall Room: 214 Days: Tu Time: 09:25AM-11:15AM Instructor: Staff HSCI 2470 001 11971 Spanish for Health Care 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 216 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Arguello,Yvonne DE Miranda HSCI 1130 002 11781 Pilates Theory and Practice 2 Bldg: University Hall Room: 214 Days: W Time: 09:25AM-11:15AM Instructor: Staff HSCI 3201 001 12369 Health Behavior Change 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 141 Days: Th Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Kirby,Jessica Brooke HSCI 1140 001 11310 Yoga Practice and Theory 2 Bldg: University Hall Room: 214 Days: Th Time: 09:25AM-11:15AM Instructor: Staff HSCI 3201 002 12511 Health Behavior Change 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 216 Days: F Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Kirby,Jessica Brooke HSCI 1140 002 11311 Yoga Practice and Theory 2 Bldg: University Hall Room: 214 Days: F Time: 11:40AM-01:20PM Instructor: McGregor,Margaret Anne HSCI 3201 OL1 11464 Health Behavior Change 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Elder,Craig Lamar HSCI 1140 003 11949 Yoga Practice and Theory 2 Bldg: University Hall Room: 214 Days: F Time: 09:50AM-11:30AM Instructor: McGregor,Margaret Anne HSCI 3230 OL1 12185 Medical Terminology 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Schenck,Kimberly Lane HSCI 1210 001 11782 Boot Camp Toning & Condition 1 Bldg: University Hall Room: 214 Days: M Time: 09:25AM-10:40AM Instructor: Staff HSCI 3230 OL2 12410 Medical Terminology 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Schenck,Kimberly Lane HSCI 1222 001 11890 Zumba 2 Bldg: University Hall Room: 214 Days: TuTh Time: 08:00AM08:50AM Instructor: Reyes,Hazel Diane HSCI 3320 001 12181 Group Fitness Instruction 3 Bldg: Lane Center Room: 120 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Reyes,Hazel Diane HSCI 1222 002 29932 Zumba 2 Bldg: University Hall Room: 214 Days: MW Time: 08:00AM-08:50AM Instructor: Reyes,Hazel Diane HSCI 1230 001 11936 Intro to Distance Running Field Studies 2 Bldg: University Hall Room: 140 Days: W Time: 12:15PM-01:55PM Instructor: Harmer,David James HSCI 1240 001 33715 Special Tpcs Activities 1 Practical Self Defense Bldg: University Hall Room: 214 Days: W Time: 12:15PM-01:05PM Instructor: Staff HSCI 1350 001 11312 Fad Diets 1 Bldg: University Hall Room: 216 Days: Th Time: 09:25AM-10:15AM Instructor: Anderson,Julie Ann HSCI 1400 001 11948 Core Strength 2 Bldg: University Hall Room: 214 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-03:20PM Instructor: Staff HSCI 1500 001 29936 Circuit Training 2 Bldg: University Hall Room: 214 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-12:30PM Instructor: Staff HSCI 2010 001 11583 Intro to Hlth Science Prof. 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 133 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Craig,Kay Marie HSCI 2060 001 12527 Health Science Statistics 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 216 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Hunt,Margaret M HSCI 2060 002 12528 Health Science Statistics 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 216 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Hunt,Margaret M HSCI 2060 OL1 11666 Health Science Statistics 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Mc New,Lisanne Marie HSCI 2060 OL2 12180 Health Science Statistics 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Mc New,Lisanne Marie HSCI 2070 001 11313 Nutrition for Health Prof 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 121 Days: F Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Berning,Jacqueline R Combined Section ID: 0097(BIOL 2050/HSCI 2070) University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 HSCI 3330 001 11314 Sports Nutrition 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 141 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Viner,Rebecca Terese HSCI 3520 001 11316 Health Communication 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 216 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Craig,Kay Marie HSCI 3520 OL1 29944 Health Communication 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Kirby,Jessica Brooke HSCI 3520 WK1 12683 Health Comm 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 102 Days: Sa Time: 08:30AM-12:30PM Dt: 09/13/2014-11/15/2014 Instructor: Kirby,Jessica Brooke **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. HSCI 3630 001 11585 Culture and Health 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 133 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Kirby,Jessica Brooke HSCI 4010 001 12447 Health Science Research 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 165 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Dawes,James Jay HSCI 4020 001 11996 Food Sys Management II 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 165 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Schenck,Kimberly Lane HSCI 4030 001 11420 Sports Trng Princ Tech 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 317 Days: M Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Elder,Craig Lamar Combined Section ID: 0158(HSCI 4030/HSCI 5030) HSCI 4050 001 12182 Obesity and Weight Management 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 216 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Schenck,Kimberly Lane Combined Section ID: 0316(HSCI 4050/HSCI 5050) HSCI 4060 001 11315 Adv Sport Nutrition/Metabolism 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 165 Days: Tu Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Meyer,Nanna Combined Section ID: 0099(HSCI 4060/HSCI 5060) HSCI 4080 001 11871 Path for Health Sciences 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 317 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Grichtchenko,Irina Ivan Combined Section ID: 0237(HSCI 4080/HSCI 5080) 107 nursing & health sciences | fall 2014 HSCI 4430 001 29967 Advanced Nutrition I 3 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 188 Days: MW Time: 12:15PM01:30PM Instructor: Berning,Jacqueline R Combined Section ID: 0098(BIOL 4300/HSCI 4430) HSCI 5350 010 11322 Adv Function Human Anatomy Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B426 Days: Th Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Lawrence,Jagger Brock Combined Section ID: 0040(BIOL 4350/5350 010/HSCI 5350 HSCI 4580 001 11783 Physical Activity and Health 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 317 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Kelly,Cheryl M Combined Section ID: 0241(HSCI 4580/HSCI 5580) HSCI 5350 020 11323 Adv Function Human Anatomy Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B426 Days: Tu Time: 12:15PM-02:55PM Instructor: Partridge,Benjamin Robert Combined Section ID: 0041(BIOL 4350/5350 020/HSCI 5350) HSCI 4620 001 12045 Internship in Health Sciences Practicum 1 - 10 Instructor: Craig,Kay Marie Contact 719-255-4463 or kcraig@uccs.edu prior to beginning the semester for more information. HSCI 4620 002 11584 Internship in Health Sciences Practicum 1 - 10 Instructor: Craig,Kay Marie Contact 719-255-4463 or kcraig@uccs.edu prior to beginning the semester for more information. HSCI 4620 003 11710 Internship in Health Sciences Practicum 1 - 10 Instructor: Craig,Kay Marie Contact 719-255-4463 or kcraig@uccs.edu prior to beginning the semester for more information. HSCI 4620 004 12517 Internship in Health Sciences Practicum 1 - 10 Instructor: Craig,Kay Marie Contact 719-255-4463 or kcraig@uccs.edu prior to beginning the semester for more information. HSCI 5350 030 11324 Adv Function Human Anatomy Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B426 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Partridge,Benjamin Robert Combined Section ID: 0042(BIOL 4350/5350 030/HSCI 5350) HSCI 5350 040 11325 Adv Function Human Anatomy Laboratory 0 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B426 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Allenspach,Sabine Combined Section ID: 0043(BIOL 4350/5350 040/HSCI 5350) HSCI 5580 001 11784 Physical Activ & Public Hlth 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 317 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Kelly,Cheryl M Combined Section ID: 0241(HSCI 4580/HSCI 5580) HSCI 4640 001 11907 Program Planning 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 132 Days: Tu Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Kelly,Cheryl M HSCI 5600 001 11478 Biom Musculoskeletal Injury 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B216 Days: MW Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Broker,Jeffrey P Combined Section ID: 0173(BIOL 4600/5600/HSCI 5600) HSCI 4670 001 11785 Health Assessment 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 140 Days: W Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Elder,Craig Lamar HSCI 6040 001 11326 Theories in Health Behavior I 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 132 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Kluge,Mary Ann HSCI 4830 001 11873 Intervention Methods & Strat. 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 216 Days: W Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Bailey,Taryn HSCI 6070 001 11327 Health Promotion Practicum 1 - 6 Instructor: Kluge,Mary Ann HSCI 4930 001 11317 Medical Nutrition Therapy I 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 317 Days: TuW Time: 08:00AM09:15AM Instructor: Hutchins,Andrea M HSCI 4950 001 11319 Exercise Testing/Prescription 4 Bldg: Lane Center Room: 120 Days: Tu Time: 09:25AM-12:45PM Instructor: Craig,Kay Marie HSCI 5030 001 11421 Sports Trng Principles/Techniq 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 317 Days: M Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Elder,Craig Lamar Combined Section ID: 0158(HSCI 4030/HSCI 5030) HSCI 5050 001 12183 Obesity & Weight Mgmt 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 216 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Schenck,Kimberly Lane Combined Section ID: 0316(HSCI 4050/HSCI 5050) HSCI 5060 001 11320 Adv Sport Nutrition/Metabolism 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 165 Days: Tu Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Meyer,Nanna Combined Section ID: 0099(HSCI 4060/HSCI 5060) HSCI 5080 001 11872 Pathophys for Health Sciences 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 317 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Grichtchenko,Irina Ivan Combined Section ID: 0237(HSCI 4080/HSCI 5080) HSCI 5350 001 11321 Adv Function Human Anatomy 4 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 121 Days: MW Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Broker,Jeffrey P ; Pigage,Jon Charles Combined Section ID: 0039(BIOL 4350/5350 001/HSCI 5350) 108 HSCI 6070 002 11328 Instructor: Behrens,Timothy Karl HSCI 6070 003 11786 Instructor: Kelly,Cheryl M HSCI 6070 004 11931 Instructor: Harris,Margaret HSCI 6080 001 11329 Adv Eval of Upper Extremity 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 319 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Hunt,Margaret M HSCI 6090 001 11330 Graduate Research Project Seminar 3 Instructor: Elder,Amanda HSCI 6090 002 11331 Instructor: Behrens,Timothy Karl HSCI 6090 003 11332 Instructor: Meyer,Nanna HSCI 6090 004 11496 Instructor: Kluge,Mary Ann HSCI 6090 005 11505 Instructor: Elder,Craig Lamar HSCI 6090 006 11646 Instructor: Kelly,Cheryl M HSCI 6090 007 11742 Instructor: Harris,Margaret HSCI 6090 008 11787 Instructor: Hutchins,Andrea M HSCI 6090 009 12554 Instructor: Dawes,James Jay HSCI 6100 001 12033 Clin Sport Nutrition/Research 5 Bldg: University Hall Room: 317 Days: Th Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Meyer,Nanna HSCI 6100 010 12034 Clin Sport Nutrition/Research Laboratory 0 Bldg: University Hall Room: 317 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-04:05PM Instructor: Gibson,Jennifer Cecil HSCI 6120 001 11953 Health Science Leadership 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 133 Days: Tu Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Hunt,Margaret M Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs nursing & health sciences | fall 2014 HSCI 6150 001 11333 Health Science Internship 1 - 9 Instructor: Elder,Amanda HSCI 6150 002 11334 Instructor: Behrens,Timothy Karl HSCI 6150 003 11335 Instructor: Meyer,Nanna HSCI 6150 004 11788 Instructor: Harris,Margaret HSCI 6150 005 11789 Instructor: Kelly,Cheryl M HSCI 6150 006 11790 Instructor: Elder,Craig Lamar HSCI 6180 001 12184 Plan/Implem Health Promotion 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 317 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Behrens,Timothy Karl HSCI 6250 001 11664 Strength/Conditioning Prac 1 Instructor: Elder,Craig Lamar HSCI 6250 002 12044 Strength/Conditioning Prac 1 Instructor: Dawes,James Jay HSCI 6250 003 12552 Strength/Conditioning Prac 1 Instructor: Dawes,James Jay HSCI 6420 OL1 12428 Med Preparedness and Response 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Lofy,Peter A HSCI 6700 001 12389 Advanced Exercise Science 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 132 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Dawes,James Jay HSCI 7000 801 11336 Health Science Thesis Dissertation 1 - 6 Instructor: Kluge,Mary Ann HSCI 7000 802 12553 Instructor: Dawes,James Jay HSCI 7000 803 11337 Instructor: Behrens,Timothy Karl HSCI 7000 804 11338 Instructor: Elder,Craig Lamar HSCI 7000 805 11339 Instructor: Elder,Amanda HSCI 7000 806 11340 Instructor: Hutchins,Andrea M HSCI 7000 807 11503 Instructor: Meyer,Nanna HSCI 7000 808 11718 Instructor: Harris,Margaret HSCI 7000 809 11720 Instructor: Kelly,Cheryl M HSCI 7030 001 11642 Statistics 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 317 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Harris,Margaret HSCI 9400 901 11791 Independent Study 1 - 3 Instructor: Harris,Margaret HSCI 9400 902 11341 Instructor: Kluge,Mary Ann HSCI 9400 903 11342 Instructor: Hutchins,Andrea M HSCI 9400 904 11343 Instructor: Meyer,Nanna HSCI 9400 905 11344 Instructor: Schenck,Kimberly Lane HSCI 9400 906 11792 Instructor: Kelly,Cheryl M HSCI 9400 907 11345 Instructor: Behrens,Timothy Karl HSCI 9400 908 11346 Instructor: Elder,Amanda HSCI 9400 909 11347 Instructor: Craig,Kay Marie HSCI 9400 910 11793 Instructor: Elder,Craig Lamar HSCI 9400 911 29969 Instructor: Hunt,Margaret M HSCI 9400 912 29970 Instructor: Kirby,Jessica Brooke HSCI 9400 913 29971 Instructor: Dawes,James Jay HSCI 9600 901 11352 Independent Study 1 - 3 Instructor: Kluge,Mary Ann HSCI 9600 902 11794 Instructor: Harris,Margaret HSCI 9600 903 11353 Instructor: Hutchins,Andrea M HSCI 9600 904 11354 Instructor: Behrens,Timothy Karl HSCI 9600 905 11355 Instructor: Meyer,Nanna HSCI 9600 906 11356 Instructor: Elder,Amanda HSCI 9600 907 11795 Instructor: Kelly,Cheryl M HSCI 9600 908 11719 Instructor: Elder,Craig Lamar HSCI 9600 909 29972 Instructor: Dawes,James Jay HSCI 9990 001 29973 Candidate for Degree Dissertation 0 Instructor: Hutchins,Andrea M University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 Nursing NURS 1010 001 11249 Pharmacological Math 1 Bldg: University Hall Room: 109 Days: W Time: 08:00AM-09:15AM Instructor: Galatzan,Ben NURS 1230 001 11250 Foundations of Nurs Practice 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 141 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Finke,Susan Elaine NURS 2050 001 11251 Pharmacology 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 109 Days: F Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Staff NURS 2080 001 12057 Health Promotion 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 141 Days: TuTh Time: 01:00PM03:30PM Instructor: Garrett,Susan Lynn Accelerated nursing students only. Additional class days on 9/17 and 10/15 from 8am-3pm in UH 140. See program schedule and syllabus for more information. NURS 2100 001 11435 Basic Health Assessment 4 Bldg: University Hall Room: 140 Days: Tu Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: Finke,Susan Elaine NURS 2100 010 11436 Basic Health Assessment Laboratory 0 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: Tu Time: 01:00PM-03:30PM Instructor: Finke,Susan Elaine NURS 2100 020 11437 Basic Health Assessment Laboratory 0 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: Th Time: 10:00AM-12:30PM Instructor: Finke,Susan Elaine NURS 3010 001 11259 Pathophysiology 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 141 Days: M Time: 09:25AM-12:05PM Instructor: London,Marcia Louise NURS 3040 OL1 11260 Patterns of Knowing (RN) 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Lugo,Michelle For RN-BSN students only. No late registrations. NURS 3040 OL2 12463 Patterns of Knowing (RN) 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Lugo,Michelle For Dual Enrollment students only. No late registrations. NURS 3050 OL1 11261 Health Assessment (RN) 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Finke,Susan Elaine For RN-BSN students only. No late registrations. NURS 3050 OL2 12464 Health Assessment (RN) 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Finke,Susan Elaine For Dual Enrollment students only. No late registrations. NURS 3100 001 11914 Mental Health Nursing 6 Bldg: University Hall Room: 109 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Staff All students must meet for required skills labs 9:00am-4:30pm on 8/29, 9/5, and 9/19. Students must meet for clinical orientation on 9/11 from 8:00am-4:00pm. Students unable to attend these days will not be able to register for the course. NURS 3100 010 11262 Mental Health Nursing Clinical 0 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: W Time: 07:45AM-03:00PM Instructor: Sanchez,Eleanor S Meets in Pueblo. NURS 3100 020 11263 Mental Health Nursing Clinical 0 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: W Time: 07:00AM-02:00PM Instructor: Pina-Thomas,Deborah Maria Meets in-town. 109 nursing & health sciences | fall 2014 NURS 3100 030 11264 Mental Health Nursing Clinical 0 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: Th Time: 07:45AM-03:00PM Instructor: Gilbert,Lee Ann Meets in Pueblo. NURS 3100 040 11348 Mental Health Nursing Clinical 0 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: Th Time: 07:45AM-03:00PM Instructor: DE Niro,Dorothy A Meets in Pueblo. NURS 3100 050 11349 Mental Health Nursing Clinical 0 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: Th Time: 07:00AM-02:00PM Instructor: Gerrard-Gough,Eileen Meets in-town. NURS 3100 060 11350 Mental Health Nursing Clinical 0 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: F Time: 07:00AM-02:00PM Instructor: Brodrick,Nicole Rozek Meets in-town. NURS 3200 001 12644 Nurs Care Adults I 08/25/2014 10/21/2014 6 Bldg: University Hall Room: 109 Days: MTu Time: 08:00AM-12:05PM Dt: 08/25/2014-10/21/2014 Instructor: Phillips,Lynn NURS 3200 002 12645 Nursing Care of Adults I 08/25/2014 10/21/2014 6 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: MTu Time: 08:00AM-12:05PM Dt: 08/25/2014-10/21/2014 Instructor: Phillips,Lynn Accelerated Nursing Students only. Meets in UH 109. NURS 3200 010 12647 Nursing Care of Adults I Clinical 08/25/2014 10/21/2014 6 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: ThF Dt: 08/25/2014-10/21/2014 Instructor: Phillips,Lynn Clinical placements to be assigned by instructor. Section 010 meets days/evenings at Memorial. NURS 3200 020 12648 Nursing Care of Adults I Clinical 08/25/2014 10/21/2014 6 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: ThF Dt: 08/25/2014-10/21/2014 Instructor: Phillips,Lynn Clinical placements to be assigned by instructor. Section 020 meets days/evenings at Penrose. NURS 3200 030 12649 Nursing Care of Adults I Clinical 08/25/2014 10/21/2014 6 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: TBA Dt: 08/25/2014-10/21/2014 Instructor: Phillips,Lynn Accelerated Nursing Students only. Clinical placements to be assigned by instructor. Sec 030 meets days/evenings at Memorial or Penrose. NURS 3210 001 12654 Nursing Care of Adults II 10/22/2014 12/20/2014 6 Bldg: University Hall Room: 109 Days: MTu Time: 08:00AM-12:05PM Dt: 10/22/2014-12/20/2014 Instructor: Galatzan,Ben NURS 3210 002 12655 Nursing Care of Adults II 10/22/2014 12/20/2014 6 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: MTu Time: 08:00AM-12:05PM Dt: 10/22/2014-12/20/2014 Instructor: Galatzan,Ben Accelerated Nursing Students only. Meets in UH 109. NURS 3210 010 12656 Nursing Care of Adults II Clinical 10/22/2014 12/20/2014 6 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: ThF Dt: 10/22/2014-12/20/2014 Instructor: Galatzan,Ben Clinical placements to be assigned by instructor. Section 010 meets days/evenings at Memorial. NURS 3210 020 12657 Nursing Care of Adults II Clinical 10/22/2014 12/20/2014 6 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: ThF Dt: 10/22/2014-12/20/2014 Instructor: Galatzan,Ben Clinical placements to be assigned by instructor. Section 020 meets days/evenings at Penrose. NURS 3210 030 12658 Nursing Care of Adults II Clinical 10/22/2014 12/20/2014 6 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: TBA Dt: 10/22/2014-12/20/2014 Instructor: Galatzan,Ben Accelerated Nursing Students only. Clinical placements to be assigned by instructor. Sec 030 meets days/evenings at Memorial or Penrose. NURS 4010 001 11265 Nursing Research 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 133 Days: M Time: 09:00AM-12:05PM Instructor: Pina-Thomas,Deborah Mari a; Garrett,Susan Lynn NURS 4010 OL1 12363 Nursing Research 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Pina-Thomas,Deborah Maria Accelerated Nursing Students only. NURS 4015 OL1 29974 Nurs Resrch RN-BSN/Dual Enrl 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Pina-Thomas,Deborah Maria RN-BSN/Dual Enrollment Students only. No late registrations. NURS 4100 001 11351 Nursing Care of Children 6 Bldg: University Hall Room: 109 Days: Th Time: 08:00AM-12:05PM Instructor: Millot,Denise E NURS 4100 002 11366 Nursing Care of Children 6 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: Th Time: 08:00AM-12:05PM Instructor: Millot,Denise E Accelerated Nursing Students only. Meets in UH 109. NURS 4100 010 11367 Nursing Care of Children Clinical 6 Instructor: Millot,Denise E Clinical placements to be assigned by instructor. Section 010 meets days/evenings at Memorial Central on Tuesday/Wednesday. NURS 4100 020 11368 Nursing Care of Children Clinical 6 Instructor: Millot,Denise E Accelerated Nursing Students only. Clinical placements to be assigned by instructor. Section 020 meets days/evenings at Memorial Central in 12-hour shifts. NURS 4200 001 11369 Nurs Childbearing Family 6 Bldg: University Hall Room: 140 Days: M Time: 09:00AM-12:05PM Instructor: Wahl,Mary Claire NURS 4200 010 11370 Nurs Childbearing Family Clinical 0 Instructor: Wahl,Mary Claire Clinical placements to be assigned by instructor. Section 010 meets days/evenings at Memorial Central/St. Francis on Tues/Wed. NURS 4250 OL1 11535 Professional Nursing Practice 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Moore,Trellis For RN-BSN Students only. No late registrations. NURS 4290 001 12587 Advanced Nursing 08/25/2014 10/17/2014 6 Bldg: University Hall Room: 165 Days: MF Time: 08:00AM-12:05PM Dt: 08/25/2014-10/17/2014 Instructor: Tuffield,Deborah Sue **INTENSIVE COURSE** NURS 4290 010 12589 Adv Nursing Clinical 08/25/2014 10/17/2014 0 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: TuW Dt: 08/25/2014-10/17/2014 Instructor: Tuffield,Deborah Sue Clinical placements to be assigned by instructor. Section 010 meets days/evenings at Memorial/Penrose. **INTENSIVE COURSE** NURS 4300 001 11266 Leadership and Management 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 140 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Tompkins,Mysha 110 Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs nursing & health sciences | fall 2014 NURS 4350 OL1 12364 Nursing Management 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Summers,Sandra Lee Jackson RN-BSN/Dual Enrollment Students only. No late registrations. NURS 4350 OL2 12466 Nursing Management 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Davis,Susan Elizabeth RN-BSN/Dual Enrollment Students only. No late registrations. NURS 4400 001 12588 Comm Health Nurs 10/20/2014 12/20/2014 6 Bldg: University Hall Room: 165 Days: MF Time: 09:00AM-12:00PM Dt: 10/20/2014-12/20/2014 Instructor: Garrett,Susan Lynn **INTENSIVE COURSE** NURS 6740 OL2 12017 Advanced Pathophysiology 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Peterson,Kerry Ann NURS 6910 OL1 11586 Pri Care of Adlts and Families 6 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Brownrigg,Vicki Janine NURS 6910 OL2 12011 Pri Care of Adlts and Families 6 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Brownrigg,Vicki Janine NURS 6910 OL3 33996 Pri Care of Adlts and Families 6 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Brownrigg,Vicki Janine NURS 4400 010 12590 Community Health Nursing Clinical 10/20/2014 12/20/2014 0 Bldg: TBA Room: TBA Days: WTh Time: 08:00AM-05:00PM Dt: 10/20/2014-12/20/2014 Instructor: Garrett,Susan Lynn Clinical placements to be assigned by instructor. **INTENSIVE COURSE** NURS 6940 OL1 12265 Geriatric Clinical Syndromes 4 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Silva-Smith,Amy NURS 4450 OL1 12442 Community Health Nursing 6 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Stanley,Maryjo C RN-BSN/Dual Enrollment Students only. No late registrations. NURS 7000 801 11269 Research Thesis Dissertation 1 - 5 Instructor: Blair,Kathryn A NURS 4480 OL1 11660 Capstone Project - RN 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Lee,Sherry Ann For RN-BSN Students only. No late registrations. NURS 6980 OL1 11617 Synthesis Practicum 2 - 8 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Traylor,Carole Good NURS 7000 802 11270 Research Thesis Dissertation 1 - 5 Instructor: Silva-Smith,Amy NURS 7010 OL1 11447 Theor. Fndtn Reflect Pract. 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff NURS 4570 001 12429 Emergency Nursing 3 Bldg: University Hall Room: 140 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Staff NURS 7020 OL1 11271 Clinical Research Application Clinical 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Benton,Melissa J NURS 6060 OL1 12430 Multi-Facets of Child Maltreat 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Thede,Nicole Lynn NURS 7020 OL2 11876 Clinical Research Application Clinical 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Peterson,Kerry Ann NURS 6100 OL1 11267 Phil Found Adv Nurs Prac 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Katz,Gail Barbara NURS 7030 OL1 11448 Adv Hlth Policy, Ethics & Law 4 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Katz,Gail Barbara NURS 6100 OL2 11268 Phil Found Adv Nurs Prac 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Katz,Gail Barbara NURS 7100 OL1 11449 Org Sys Ldershp/Qual Improve 4 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Brownrigg,Vicki Janine NURS 6120 OL1 11411 Res & Knowlge Trans in Nurs 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff NURS 8030 OL1 11695 DNP Capstone 1 - 5 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff NURS 6120 OL2 11412 Res & Knowlge Trans in Nurs 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Staff NURS 8030 OL2 12316 Instructor: Brownrigg,Vicki Janine NURS 8030 OL3 12317 Instructor: Staff NURS 8030 OL4 12318 Instructor: Katz,Gail Barbara NURS 8030 OL5 12319 Instructor: Blair,Kathryn A NURS 8030 OL6 12320 Instructor: Silva-Smith,Amy NURS 8030 OL7 12321 Instructor: Kenny,Deborah Jean NURS 8030 OL8 12322 Instructor: Peterson,Kerry Ann NURS 8030 OL9 12323 Instructor: Staff NURS 8030 OL10 12324 Instructor: Traylor,Carole Good NURS 6180 OL1 12264 Technology for Teaching 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Peterson,Kerry Ann NURS 6210 OL1 11874 Transformational Tchng Strat 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Peterson,Kerry Ann NURS 6730 OL1 11413 Advanced Health Assessment 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Blair,Kathryn A NURS 6730 OL2 11875 Advanced Health Assessment 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Blair,Kathryn A NURS 6740 OL1 11424 Advanced Pathophysiology 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Peterson,Kerry Ann University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 NURS 9300 901 11272 Independent Study 1 - 3 Instructor: Shin,Ju Young Add Consent : Instructor Consent Required NURS 9300 902 11273 Instructor: Bay,Mary Josephine NURS 9300 903 11274 Instructor: Joyce,Barbara Lynn NURS 9300 904 11275 Instructor: Hacker,Marcia Jean NURS 9300 905 11276 Instructor: Gaydos,Honey Lea Barbato NURS 9300 906 11277 Instructor: Masters,Christel Angela Joy NURS 9300 907 11278 Instructor: Gilchrist,Wendi Cunningham NURS 9300 908 11279 Instructor: Bryant,Rebecca Lynne NURS 9300 909 11280 Instructor: Weaver,Linda Suzanne 111 nursing & health sciences | fall 2014 NURS 9400 901 11281 Independent Study 1 - 3 Instructor: Shin,Ju Young Add Consent : Instructor Consent Required NURS 9400 902 11282 Instructor: Bay,Mary Josephine NURS 9400 903 11283 Instructor: Joyce,Barbara Lynn NURS 9400 904 11284 Instructor: Weaver,Linda Suzanne NURS 9400 905 11285 Instructor: Gaydos,Honey Lea Barbato NURS 9400 906 11286 Instructor: Masters,Christel Angela Joy NURS 9400 907 11287 Instructor: Gilchrist,Wendi Cunningham NURS 9400 908 11288 Instructor: Bryant,Rebecca Lynne NURS 9500 901 11289 Independent Study 1 - 6 Instructor: Blair,Kathryn A Add Consent : Instructor Consent Required NURS 9500 902 11290 Instructor: Traylor,Carole Good NURS 9500 903 11291 Instructor: Silva-Smith,Amy NURS 9500 904 11292 Instructor: Kenny,Deborah Jean NURS 9500 905 11293 Instructor: Brownrigg,Vicki Janine NURS 9500 907 11295 Instructor: Peterson,Kerry Ann NURS 9500 908 11296 Instructor: Spicher,Jefferson M NURS 9500 909 11519 Instructor: Katz,Gail Barbara NURS 9600 901 11297 Independent Study 1 - 6 Instructor: Blair,Kathryn A Add Consent : Instructor Consent Required NURS 9600 902 11298 Instructor: Silva-Smith,Amy NURS 9600 903 11299 Instructor: Kenny,Deborah Jean NURS 9600 904 11300 Instructor: Brownrigg,Vicki Janine NURS 9600 905 11301 Instructor: Traylor,Carole Good NURS 9600 907 11303 Instructor: Peterson,Kerry Ann NURS 9600 908 11304 Instructor: Spicher,Jefferson M 112 Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs School of Public affairs Academic Advisors for the BA degree in Criminal Justice are located in the Student Success Center, Main Hall, 2nd Floor, 719-255-3260. Academic Advisors for graduate programs are located in the Academic Office Building, Third Floor Undergraduate Admission Candidates for regular admission to the Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice program are expected to meet the general requirements for undergraduate admission to the University, as described in the General Information section herein. The Catalog that governs a student’s graduation requirements is the one in effect at the time of a student’s most recent admission into the school/ college of the student’s degree program. Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice (BACJ) The BACJ program utilizes an interdisciplinary approach to capture both the academic liberal arts emphasis and professional and policy knowledge required to educate criminal justice professionals. Requirements for the BACJ Degree General Requirements Students completing a BACJ at UCCS will complete a minimum of 120 credit hours, including the 39 credit hours of Criminal Justice courses (with a 4-credit hour Internship), 25 credit hours of auxiliary courses, 29 credit hours of general education courses and 27 hours of general electives. Students may utilize their major elective courses for a concentration in one of the following areas: 1) Corrections; 2) Family Violence; 3) Forensic Studies; 4) Law; 5) Law Enforcement, and 6) Public Policy. Students can meet with the Criminal Justice academic advisor in the Student Success Center for more information. Required Coursework Criminal Justice Major Courses: CJ 1001 Introduction to Criminal Justice CJ 2041 Crime Theory and Causes CJ 3100 Criminal Justice Research Methods CJ 3150 Statistics for Criminal Justice CJ 3250 Violence in Society CJ 4042 Corrections CJ 4043 Law Enforcement CJ 4044 Courts and Judicial Process CJ 4121 Ethics in Criminal Justice CJ 4960 Internship in Criminal Justice 6-10 Elective credits in Criminal Justice Minor in Criminal Justice A minor in Criminal Justice requires 18 hours in Criminal Justice and includes the following courses: Required CJ 1001 Introduction to Criminal Justice CJ 2041 Crime Theory and Causes Electives At least two of the following: CJ 3250 Violence in Society CJ 4042 Corrections CJ 4043 Law Enforcement CJ 4044 Courts and Judicial Process CJ 4121 Ethics in Criminal Justice* Plus two additional elective courses in Criminal Justice, one of which must be upper division. *Senior standing only A minimum of 9 hours of upper-division C J courses are required for a minor in criminal justice. Students must earn a grade of C or better in each course required for the minor. Minor requirements may not be taken pass/fail. No more than 9 credit hours, including 6 upper-division credit hours, of transfer work may count toward the minor in criminal justice. University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 Course Load The minimum full-time course load is 12 hours. The normal maximum is 18 hours. If a student wishes to take more than 18 hours per semester, specialpermission must be obtained from the Criminal Justice director in the Academic Office Building. These totals include all courses taken for credit at any of the university’s three campuses but do not include correspondence courses, noncredit courses, or courses taken at other institutions. To receive credit, the student must be officially registered for each course. Students who hold or expect to hold full-or part-time employment while enrolled in the school must register for course loads they can expect to complete without unusual difficulty. Grading Policies Students should familiarize themselves with the General Information section of the UCCS Catalog, as well as with the introductory pages of each semester’s official Schedule of Courses, for information about the university grading system and the current procedures for registering on a pass/fail basis, for dropping and adding classes, and for withdrawing from the university. Academic Advising Students are expected to assume responsibility for planning their academic programs in accordance with school rules, policies and major requirements. Advisors in the Student Success Center can answer questions about school policies and graduation requirements and will assist students in course selection. Students expecting to graduate within one or two semesters should schedule a senior advising appointment by calling 719-255-3260 or by going to the Student Success Center. Although the advisors provide summary sheets of major requirements, it is the faculty who are responsible for major advising. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange such faculty consultation for questions involving major requirements and graduate school applications. Students should schedule appointments to discuss their questions well in advance of registration. Academic Probation Students who have attempted at least 12 hours at the University of Colorado with a cumulative grade point average below 2.0 will be placed on academic probation. While on probation, students will be required to achieve a minimum acceptable grade point average each term (determined by the individual academic record) or be subject to academic suspension. Students placed on probation will be informed in writing concerning their academic status and the conditions of continued attendance. A more comprehensive statement on the academic probation policy is available in the Student Success Center in Main Hall. Academic Suspension The normal suspension period for students in the School of Public Affairs is one academic year. Suspended students will be reinstated after the normal suspension period has been served, upon reapplying for admission to the university. Suspended students may not be reinstated before the end of the normal suspension period. Requests for reinstatement must be made in writing. A more comprehensive statement on the academic suspension policy is available in the Student Success Center in Main Hall. Independent Study Students who have completed a considerable portion of their undergraduate studies with distinction may register for independent study with the approval of the BACJ Director. The amount of credit to be given for an independent study project shall be arranged with the instructor. Not more than eight hours of independent study may be credited toward the major, and not more than 16 hours toward the bachelor’s degree. No student may register for more than eight hours of independent study in any one term (summer, fall, or spring). Master’s Programs The School of Public Affairs offers the following graduate programs: Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree Master of Criminal Justice (MCJ) degree Master of Public Administration/Master of Criminal Justice (MPA/MCJ) dual degree. 113 School of Public Affairs In addition to the full master’s programs, the School of Public Affairs offers six graduate certificate programs, each requiring twelve semester hours of coursework. The graduate certificate programs offered through the School of Public Affairs include the Graduate Certificate in Public Management, Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management, Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Fund Development, Graduate Certificate in Criminal Justice, Graduate Certificate in Homeland Defense, and the Graduate Certificate in Security Intelligence. MPA Program Requirements (36 - 39 hours) Core Courses (18 hours): PAD 5001 Intro to Public Administration and Public Service PAD 5002 Organizational Management and Behavior PAD 5003 Research and Analytic Methods PAD 5004 Economics and Public Finance PAD 5005 The Policy Process and Democracy PAD 5006 Ethics and Leadership Students are expected to complete PAD 5001 within their first two semesters of enrollment. Electives (15 hours) Internship (3 hours), if required Capstone (3 hours) or Thesis (6 hours) MCJ Program Requirements (36 hours) Core Courses (12 hours): CJ 5001 CJ Systems, Policy and Practice CJ 5002 Criminological Theory CJ 5005 Law and Society CJ 5321 Research Methods in Criminal Justice) Electives (21 hours) Internship (3 hours), if required Capstone (3 hours) or Thesis (6 hours) MPA/MCJ Dual Degree Program Requirements (54 hours) The School of Public Affairs also offers a dual degree in Public Administration and Criminal Justice. This degree provides an opportunity for students to complete both programs in a shorter period of time. Students pursuing the dual degree progam must apply separately and be admitted to each of the programs. It is possible for students currently admitted to one program to apply after admission to the other. The MPA and MCJ Directors serve as advisors for this program. Interested applicants should contact one of the directors prior to making an application. Core Courses (24 hours): PAD 5001 Intro to Public Administration and Public Service PAD 5002 Organizational Management and Behavior PAD 5004 Economics and Public Finance PAD 5005 The Policy Process and Democracy PAD 5006 Ethics and Leadership CJ 5001 CJ Systems, Policy and Practice CJ 5002 Criminological Theory CJ 5005 Law and Society Research Methods (3 hours): PAD 5003 Research and Analytic Methods, or CJ 5321 Research Methods in Criminal Justice (cross-listed course) Electives (18 - 24 hours depending on need for internship and choice of capstone or thesis) Internship (3 hours), if required Capstone (3 hours) or Thesis (6 hours) Capstone Seminar or Thesis: All graduate students are required to complete the Capstone Seminar or write a thesis. In the Capstone Seminar, students work with a client in a public, nonprofit or criminal justice agency to identify a problem; and then, using the knowledge and skills they have 114 gained in the program, carry out a project and write a paper to address the problem. The principle of the course is that it provides students with an opportunity to integrate what they have learned and apply their knowledge and skills to a real-world problem. The Capstone Seminar is taken during the last semester of the student’s degree program. All core courses must be completed before taking the Capstone Seminar. The thesis option is available in lieu of the Capstone Seminar for students who have an interest in pursuing a topic in-depth or who are planning to pursue a career in research or academia. The thesis requires six semester hours of credit that normally spans two semesters. Thesis students typically conduct a comprehensive review of the theoretical and research literature in the subject area of their thesis and collect original data or analyze existing data in new ways. Minimum eligibility requirements apply; check the UCCS Catalog for more information. Unclassified Student Status While your application to SPA is being assembled and pending the decision of the Admission Committee, prospective graduate students may take up to 12 semester hours of SPA coursework as an unclassified/non-degree student. Unless prior written approval is obtained from the Dean, coursework in excess of 12 semester hours as an unclassified student will not be applied toward the MPA or MCJ degree. Standards of Performance To be in good standing, students must have an overall grade point average of 3.0 or better in all course work. A grade of B- or better is required in all core and Capstone classes. The academic performance of each student will be reviewed at the end of each semester. A student who has a grade point average less than 3.0 will, at the Dean’s discretion, be placed on probation or suspen­sion. Nondegree students who do not maintain a 3.0 grade point average may not be allowed to enroll in SPA courses. See the UCCS Catalog for more detailed information. Transfer of Credit Up to nine semester hours of appropriate graduate work from an accredited college or university may be credited toward the master’s degree. Only courses taken within six years prior to the semester of graduation may be applied to the degree. All transfer work must be approved in writing by the Dean. Internship Students without significant public or nonprofit sector professional work experience (or, for the MCJ program, criminal justice experience) must enroll for a 3 credit hour internship as part of the graduation requirement. These credits are in addition to the 36 semester hour requirement in the MPA program and are part of the 36 hours in the MCJ program. Interns will not be placed until at least 9 hours of course credit have been completed. Students arranging their own internships must see the Internship Coordinator before committing to the placement. Graduating Students All students graduating from the MPA or MCJ program must notify the SPA office prior to the semester in which they intend to graduate. All students must complete a diploma card and an application for admission to candidacy before the start of the semester. Online Classes and Fees SPA students are welcome to enroll in online courses. Online courses are web-based versions of the same courses offered on campus. Online courses are not self-paced; they usually follow the regular semester schedule, but there is usually no set time that students need to be online. There is a $100 instruction fee for each online course. No portion of the $100 online instruction fee will be refunded after census date, regard­less of reason or date initiated. Class information will be sent to your UCCS email account. For information on how to access your account, call the IT helpdesk at 719255-3536 or access http://www.uccs.edu/~helpdesk/. Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs school of public affairs | fall 2014 Section OL1 = online course. $100 additional online course fee required. Check your UCCS email account on the first day of classes for more information. Criminal Justice CJ 1001 001 10216 Intro to Crim Justice 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 121 Days: TuTh Time: 10:50AM-12:05PM Instructor: Kosloski,Anna Elizabeth CJ 1001 002 10217 Intro to Crim Justice 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 317 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: McPike,Brian Sean CJ 1001 003 12432 Intro to Crim Justice 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 317 Days: MW Time: 08:00-09:15AM Instructor: Staff CJ 1002 WH1 29750 CSI: Fact or Fantasy? 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM Dt: 09/13/2014 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 114 Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM Dt: 11/01/2014 Instructor: Hervey,Stacey Renee **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. Hybrid course. Class meets on campus Saturday, September 13 and Saturday November 1 only. The balance of the class meets online. CJ 2041 001 10225 Crime Theory and Causes 3 Bldg: Engineering & Applied Sciences Room: 103 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Weir,Henriikka CJ 2041 OL1 11857 Crime Theory and Causes 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Weir,Henriikka CJ 3050 001 12269 Interview and Interrogation 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 115 Days: F Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Radabaugh,Richard Dix CJ 3100 001 10417 C J Research Methods 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 245 Days: F Time: 08:00AM-11:30AM Instructor: Marshall,Sherry Lee Combined Section ID: 0017(SOC 2120 001/CJ 3100 001) CJ 3100 002 11507 C J Research Methods 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 230 Days: Tu Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 230 Days: Th Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Staff Combined Section ID: 0181(SOC 2120 002/CJ 3100 002) CJ 3100 003 12270 C J Research Methods 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 230 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 230 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-02:55PM Instructor: Staff Combined Section ID: 0334(SOC 2120 003/CJ 3100 003) CJ 3100 004 33940 C J Research Methods 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 230 Days: TuTh Time: 07:30-09:10PM Instructor: Lofton,Christy Combined Section ID: 0402(SOC 2120 004/CJ 3100 004) CJ 3100 OL1 12426 C J Research Methods 4 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Valkyrie,Zek Cypress Combined Section ID: 0361(SOC 2120 OL1/CJ 3100 OL1) CJ 3150 001 10803 Statistics for CJ 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 231A Days: Tu Time: 01:40-04:20PM Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 231A Days: Th Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Lofton,Christy Combined Section ID: 0044(SOC 3170-1/SOC 5020/CJ 3150-1) CJ 3150 002 11508 Statistics for CJ 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 231A Days: Tu Time: 10:50-12:05 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 231A Days: Th Time: 10:50-01:30 Instructor: Lofton,Christy Combined Section ID: 0182(SOC 3170-2/SOC 5020-2/CJ3150-2) University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 CJ 3150 003 33942 Statistics for CJ 4 Bldg: Centennial Hall Room: 245 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-08:15PM Instructor: Lofton,Christy Combined Section ID: 0399(SOC 3170-3/SOC 5020-3/CJ3150-3) CJ 3150 WK1 12714 Statistics for CJ 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 4 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 230 Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM Dt: 09/13/2014-11/15/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM Dt: 09/13/2014-11/15/2014 Instructor: Lofton,Christy Combined Section ID: 0005(SOC 3170/SOC 5020/CJ 3150 WK1) **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. CJ 3250 001 12018 Violence in Society 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 214 Days: Tu Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Staff CJ 3250 OL1 12391 Violence in Society 3 Room: COURSE Instructor: Buchanan,Laurie Kathleen CJ 3400 001 29685 Pub Admin & Homeland Security 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: M Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Kistle,Joseph A Combined Section ID: 0368(CJ 3400/PAD 3400) CJ 3410 001 29687 Probation and Parole 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 116 Days: W Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Martinez,Michael Elias CJ 3530 WK1 29754 Mgmt of Offenders 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: Sa Time: 08:30AM-12:30PM Dt: 09/13/2014-11/15/2014 Instructor: Tapia,Glenn Anthony **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. CJ 3990 OL1 33945 Art, Graffiti, and Crime 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Dawahre,Nashla Nabila CJ 4033 001 29688 Crime Scene & Crime Lab 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: W Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: San Agustin,Juan S CJ 4034 001 12272 Criminal Profiling 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 116 Days: Th Time: 08:00AM-10:40AM Instructor: Millwright,Rick CJ 4042 001 12646 Corrections 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 116 Days: W Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Dt: 08/25/2014-10/21/2014 Instructor: Cathcart,Katrina CJ 4042 OL1 11881 Corrections 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Cathcart,Katrina CJ 4043 001 11859 Law Enforcement 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 116 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Walker,Rodney Stuart CJ 4043 OL1 11639 Law Enforcement 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Walker,Rodney Stuart CJ 4044 001 11918 Courts and Judicial Process 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 214 Days: W Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Radabaugh,Richard Dix CJ 4044 OL1 11860 Courts and Judicial Process 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Radabaugh,Richard Dix CJ 4050 WK1 33951 Adv Intervw/Interrog 09/13/2014 11/15/2014 3 Bldg: Osborne Center for Sci & Engr Room: B136 Days: Sa Time: 01:00PM-05:00PM Dt: 09/13/2014-11/15/2014 Instructor: Radabaugh,Richard Dix Instructor Consent Required Email rradabau@uccs.edu well before semester for more information. **WEEKEND UNIVERSITY** Condensed course, please refer to course dates because they differ from the traditional semester dates. 115 school of public affairs | fall 2014 CJ 4120 001 10226 Race, Class, and Crime 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 116 Days: Tu Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Cathcart,Katrina CJ 4121 001 12274 Ethics in Criminal Justice 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 116 Days: Th Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Martinez,Michael Elias CJ 4121 OL1 11861 Ethics in Criminal Justice 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Martinez,Michael Elias CJ 4175 001 12293 Homicide Investigation 3 Bldg: El Pomar Center Room: 103 Days: Tu Time: 04:45-07:20PM Instructor: Walker,Rodney Stuart CJ 4190 001 29703 Women and Crime 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: TuTh Time: 01:40-02:55PM Instructor: Kosloski,Anna Elizabeth CJ 4400 OL1 12275 Understanding Terrorism 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Kistle,Joseph A Combined Section ID: 0335(CJ 4400 OL1/PAD 4400 OL1) CJ 4401 OL1 11618 First Responder Orgs 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Hodges,Lori Renee Combined Section ID: 0211(CJ 4401 OL1/PAD 4401 OL1) CJ 4600 001 29704 Spec Tpcs: 3 Developing CJ Leadership Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Walker,Rodney Stuart CJ 4650 H01 12578 Teaching/ Practice of CJ 08/19/2014 12/20/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: TuW Time: 08:30AM05:30PM Dt: 08/19/2014-08/20/2014 Bldg: Online Dt: 08/21/2014-12/20/2014 Instructor: Kaukinen,Catherine Elizabeth Instructor Consent Required Combined Section ID: 0006(CJ 4650/CJ 5268/PAD 5268) Hybrid course. Meets on campus 8/19, 8/ 20 only, 8:30am-5:30pm, the remainder online. Students MUST attend both 8/19 and 8/20 sessions. CJ 4840 Independent Study 1 - 8 Department Consent Required CJ 4840 001 10219 Instructor: Staff CJ 4840 002 12542 Instructor: Staff CJ 4950 001 33947 Honors Research Capstone Exp. Research 3 Instructor: Staff Department Consent Required CJ 4960 001 11651 Criminal Justice Internship 1 - 8 Instructor: Martinez,Michael Elias Department Consent Required CJ 5001 001 11862 CJ Systems, Policy & Practice 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 114 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Kaukinen,Catherine Elizabeth CJ 5321 001 10220 Research Methods in C J 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 303 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Winters,Regina Hope Combined Section ID: 0054(PAD 5003/CJ 5321) CJ 5361 001 10221 Capstone Seminar 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Mc Conkie,Mark L Combined Section ID: 0058(PAD 5361/CJ 5361) CJ 5952 OL1 11498 Protect Critical Infrastructur 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Pearson,Randy Paul Combined Section ID: 0179(PAD 5952 OL1/CJ 5952 OL1) CJ 5954 OL1 11548 Democracy, Policy & Security 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Noll,Michael Combined Section ID: 0191(PAD 5954/CJ 5954) CJ 5955 OL1 29706 Counterterrorism Intelligence 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Coffer,Elizabeth Combined Section ID: 0371(PAD 5955/CJ 5955) CJ 5957 OL1 12278 Understanding the Threat 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Mujkic,Edin Combined Section ID: 0337(PAD 5957/CJ 5957) CJ 6600 001 11380 Spec Tpcs: 3 Intl Relations & US For Policy Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 114 Days: Th Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Mujkic,Edin Combined Section ID: 0340(PAD 6600 001/CJ 6600 001) CJ 6600 002 10224 Tpcs: Political Advocacy 09/12/2014 11/22/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: F Time: 04:30PM-09:30PM Dt: 09/12/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: Sa Time: 08:30AM-05:30PM Dt: 09/13/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: F Time: 04:30PM-09:30PM Dt: 10/17/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: Sa Time: 08:30AM-05:30PM Dt: 10/18/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: F Time: 04:30PM-09:30PM Dt: 11/21/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: Sa Time: 08:30AM-05:30PM Dt: 11/22/2014 Instructor: Sagen,Deborah Ann Combined Section ID: 0010(PAD 5460/CJ 6600 002) **INTENSIVE COURSE** CJ 6600 003 12388 Spec Tpcs: 3 Administrative Law Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Wonnett,Robert Andre Combined Section ID: 0359(PAD 5410/CJ 6600 003) CJ 6600 004 29733 Spec Tpcs: 3 Mng Multicultural Society Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: Tu Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Klingner,Donald Evans Combined Section ID: 0369(PAD 5260/CJ 6600 004) CJ 5002 OL1 12276 Criminological Theory 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Kaukinen,Catherine CJ 6910 002 12055 Field Study in C J Internship 3 Instructor: Martinez,Michael Elias Department Consent Required CJ 5220 001 29705 American Jury System 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: W Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Radabaugh,Richard Dix CJ 6950 801 10222 Master's Thesis in C J Dissertation 3 - 6 Instructor: Kaukinen,Catherine Elizabeth Department Consent Required CJ 5268 H01 12579 Pres/Trng/Teach PA/CJ 08/19/2014 12/20/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: TuW Time: 08:30AM05:30PM Dt: 08/19/2014-08/20/2014 Bldg: Online Dt: 08/21/2014-12/20/2014 Instructor: Kaukinen,Catherine Elizabeth Instructor Consent Required Combined Section ID: 0006(CJ 4650/CJ 5268/PAD 5268) Hybrid course. Meets on campus 8/19, 8/ 20 only, 8:30am-5:30pm, the remainder online. Students MUST attend both 8/19 and 8/20 sessions. CJ 9500 Independent Study 1 – 6 Department Consent Required CJ 9500 901 10223 Instructor: Kaukinen,Catherine Elizabeth CJ 9500 902 12279 Instructor: Kosloski,Anna Elizabeth 116 Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs school of public affairs | fall 2014 Public Administration PAD 3210 001 11379 Issues in Crime and CJ Policy 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: M Time: 01:40PM-04:20PM Instructor: Morris,Kenneth Marion PAD 3210 002 11917 Issues in Crime and CJ Policy 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: Tu Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Schultz,Paul Douglas PAD 3210 OL1 29738 Issues in Crime and CJ Policy 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Morris,Kenneth Marion PAD 3268 001 10198 Cont Iss Soc/Pub Policy 3 Bldg: El Pomar Center Room: 103 Days: M Time: 10:50AM-01:30PM Instructor: Cathcart,Katrina PAD 3268 OL1 11916 Cont Iss Soc/Pub Policy 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Dawahre,Nashla Nabila PAD 3400 001 29686 Pub Ad & Homeland Security 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: M Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Kistle,Joseph A Combined Section ID: 0368(CJ 3400/PAD 3400) PAD 4400 OL1 12280 Understanding Terrorism 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Kistle,Joseph A Combined Section ID: 0335(CJ 4400 OL1/PAD 4400 OL1) PAD 4401 OL1 11497 First Responder Orgs 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Hodges,Lori Renee Combined Section ID: 0211(CJ 4401 OL1/PAD 4401 OL1) PAD 5001 001 10199 Intro Pub Admin/Pub Serv 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: W Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Klingner,Donald Evans PAD 5002 OL1 10202 Organizational Mgmt & Behav 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Schwartz,Teresa Petito PAD 5003 001 10203 Research and Analytic Methods 3 Bldg: Dwire Hall Room: 303 Days: Tu Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Winters,Regina Hope Combined Section ID: 0054(PAD 5003/CJ 5321) PAD 5004 OL1 10206 Economics and Public Finance 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Williams,Kathleen Anne PAD 5005 OL1 10207 Policy Process and Democracy 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Winters,Regina Hope PAD 5006 001 10208 Ethics and Leadership 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 324 Days: M Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Mc Conkie,Mark L PAD 5140 OL1 29739 Nonprofit Financial Management Seminar 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Vincent,Brinah PAD 5260 001 29734 Managing in Multicult Society 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 127 Days: Tu Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Klingner,Donald Evans Combined Section ID: 0369(PAD 5260/CJ 6600 004) PAD 5268 H01 12580 Pres/Trng/Teach 08/19/2014 12/20/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 117 Days: TuW Time: 08:30AM05:30PM Dt: 08/19/2014-08/20/2014 Bldg: Online Dt: 08/21/2014-12/20/2014 Instructor: Kaukinen,Catherine Elizabeth Instructor Consent Required Combined Section ID: 0006(CJ 4650/CJ 5268/PAD 5268) Hybrid course. Meets on campus 8/19, 8/ 20 only, 8:30am-5:30pm, the remainder online. Students MUST attend both 8/19 and 8/20 sessions. University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 PAD 5361 001 10210 Capstone Seminar 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: M Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Mc Conkie,Mark L Combined Section ID: 0058(PAD 5361/CJ 5361) PAD 5410 001 29731 Administrative Law 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: Th Time: 04:45PM-07:20PM Instructor: Wonnett,Robert Andre Combined Section ID: 0359(PAD 5410/CJ 6600 003) PAD 5460 001 29721 Political Advocacy 09/12/2014 11/22/2014 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: F Time: 04:30PM-09:30PM Dt: 09/12/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: Sa Time: 08:30AM-05:30PM Dt: 09/13/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: F Time: 04:30PM-09:30PM Dt: 10/17/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: Sa Time: 08:30AM-05:30PM Dt: 10/18/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 136 Days: F Time: 04:30PM-09:30PM Dt: 11/21/2014 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 103 Days: Sa Time: 08:30AM-05:30PM Dt: 11/22/2014 Instructor: Sagen,Deborah Ann Combined Section ID: 0010(PAD 5460/CJ 6600 002) **INTENSIVE COURSE** PAD 5710 001 29742 Public Sector Technology 3 Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 114 Days: W Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Winters,Regina Hope PAD 5952 OL1 11499 Protction Critical Infrastruc 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Pearson,Randy Paul Combined Section ID: 0179(PAD 5952 OL1/CJ 5952 OL1) PAD 5954 OL1 11550 Democracy, Policy and Security 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Noll,Michael Combined Section ID: 0191(PAD 5954/CJ 5954) PAD 5955 OL1 29743 Counterterrorism Intelligence 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Coffer,Elizabeth Combined Section ID: 0371(PAD 5955/CJ 5955) PAD 5957 OL1 12286 Understanding the Threat 3 Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Mujkic,Edin Combined Section ID: 0337(PAD 5957/CJ 5957) PAD 6600 001 29707 Tpcs: 3 Intl Relation & US Foreign Pol Bldg: Columbine Hall Room: 114 Days: Th Time: 07:30PM-10:05PM Instructor: Mujkic,Edin Combined Section ID: 0340(PAD 6600 001/CJ 6600 001) PAD 6600 OL1 12387 Tpcs: 3 Public Sector Innovation Bldg: Online Room: COURSE Instructor: Fanning,Leigh Jordan PAD 6910 001 10211 Field Study in Public Admin Internship 3 Instructor: Schwartz,Teresa Petito Department Consent Required PAD 6950 Masters Thesis Dissertation 3 - 6 Department Consent Required PAD 6950 801 10212 Instructor: Klingner,Donald Evans PAD 6950 802 10213 Instructor: Mc Conkie,Mark L PAD 6950 803 10214 Instructor: Schwartz,Teresa Petito PAD 9500 901 10215 Independent Study 1 - 3 Instructor: Schwartz,Teresa Petito Department Consent Required 117 short course information | fall 2014 SHORT COURSE INFORMATION Short Course Refund Deadlines: Courses that meet less than 16 weeks during the fall and spring terms or 8 weeks during the summer have special refund deadlines. The deadlines for dropping short courses (or withdrawing for the term when only enrolled in a short course) without financial penalty are based upon the length of the course. See pages 8 and 9 for details regarding drops and withdrawals. If you have questions, please contact the Records Office at 719255-3361 or email registrar@uccs.edu . To find specific course deadlines, log into your myUCCS Portal, locate your classes under “academics” and click on the “deadlines” icon to the left of the class. Another window will open with the deadline information. It can also be found when you click on “My Class Schedule” for each course. Full-time/Part-time Definition 1. A full-time undergraduate degree student is one who is enrolled for at least 12 credit hours. Undergraduate degree students are considered part-time when they are enrolled for fewer than the hours described above. Undergraduates enrolled 6-11 hours are considered half-time. These criteria also apply to all unclassified (non-degree) students. 2. A full-time graduate student is one who is enrolled for 5 semester hours of graduate level course work, or at least 8 semester hours in a combination of undergraduate/graduate course work acceptable for graduate credit, or any number of thesis hours. 3. Unclassified (non-degree) students with a degree seeking student loan deferment must be enrolled for 12 semester hours to be considered full-time or 6-11 hours to be considered half-time. 118 Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs final Examination policy | fall 2014 It is the policy of the University of Colorado Colorado Springs to adhere to the final examination schedule as published in the Schedule of Courses each semester. While it may be appropriate not to give a final in some cases such as laboratory courses, seminars, and colloquia, final examinations should be given in all other undergradu­ate courses. Exceptions to this policy should be agreed upon by the faculty member and the chair of the department no later than the beginning of the semester in which an exception is requested. The resulting decision should be announced in writing to students in the class during the first week of classes. In addition to the principles stated above, the following guidelines should be followed by all faculty members and administrators in order to assure fairness and the best possible education experience for students: 3. The week of classes preceding the scheduled final examination period should be used primarily for continued instruction and may include the introduction of new material. No hourly examinations are to be given during the week preceding final examinations. 4. Individual students may be granted a variance from these policies provided the instructor is satisfied that (a)the exception is based on good and sufficient reasons (such as religious observances) and (b)such an exception for an early or late examination will not prejudice the interests of other students in the course. 1. The scheduled final examination period should be considered an important part of the course and used as a final examination period or additional instruction. 5. When students have three or more examinations on the same day, they will be entitled to arrange an alternative examination time for the 1st exam or exams scheduled on that day. Such arrangements must be made no later than the end of the 10th week of the semester (i.e. at the end of the drop period). Students will be expected to provide evidence that they have three or more examinations in order to qualify for exceptions. 2. The final examination in a course should be given as scheduled and not at other times even if the faculty member and all students in a course agree to such a change. 6. This policy applies to all undergraduate students, including seniors. Graduating seniors should not be exempt from final examinations. Such exemptions are inappropriate on both procedural and academic grounds. WEB Grades - Student portal Grade reporting service is available at the end of the term, Monday - Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. spring grades will be posted by Dec 30, 2014. Please call 719-255-3361 to report any problems. 1. Go to the campus home page at www.uccs.edu. 2. Click on Students> MyUCCS Student Portal. 3. Log on using your logon and password, click submit. 4. Click on the Records button, at bottom of the page. 5. Click on Final Grades button. Note: You may view your academic transcript by selecting the Transcript button. University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 119 Final Examination schedule | fall 2014 FINAL EXAM Day Date Time Final Exam Schedule Fall 2014 final exams are conducted the week of December 15-18. All classes meet according to the schedule below in the same classroom in w h i c h t h e i r c l a s s h a s been meeting all semester. Each class will meet once during the final exam period for a two-hour final exam. MON = M December 16 TUES = T December 17 WED = W December 18 THUR = R FRI = F Find the times and day(s) of your normal class meeting schedule. December 15 08:00am--10:40am 08:00am--09:15am 08:00am--10:40am W W MW 08:00am--10:40am 09:25am--12:05pm 09:25am--10:40am R R TR TR 08:00am--10:40am 09:25am--12:05pm 09:25am--10:40am 09:25am--12:05pm Commencement December 19 No Finals T TR TR 10:50am--01:30pm 12:15pm--02:55pm 10:50am--01:30pm 12:15pm--01:30pm 08:00am--10:40am 08:00am--09:15am 08:00am--10:40am R R TR TR M MW MW 10:50am--01:30pm 12:15pm--02:55pm 10:50am--01:30pm 12:15pm--01:30pm 8:00 AM TO 10:00 AM W W MW MW 09:25am--12:05pm 10:50am--01:30pm 09:25am--12:05pm 10:50am--12:05pm 09:25am--12:05pm 10:50am--01:30pm 10:50am--12:05pm M M MW MW T T TR 10:20 AM TO 12:20 PM 01:40pm--04:20pm 01:40pm--04:20pm 03:05pm--04:20pm 04:45pm--07:20pm 06:05pm--07:20pm R TR TR T T TR TR R TR 07:30pm--10:05pm 08:50pm--10:05pm 01:40pm--04:20pm 01:40pm--04:20pm 03:05pm--04:20pm 12:15pm--02:55pm 01:40pm--04:20pm 12:15pm--02:55pm 01:40pm--02:55pm 04:45pm--07:20pm 04:45pm--06:00pm R TR W MW MW M M MW MW 01:40pm--04:20pm W MW 07:30pm--10:05pm 08:50pm--10:05pm 12:15pm--02:55pm 01:40pm--04:20pm 12:15pm--02:55pm 01:40pm--02:55pm 12:40 PM TO 2:40 PM F 04:45pm--07:20pm 04:45pm--06:00pm 04:45pm--07:20pm W MW 04:45pm--07:20pm 08:00am--10:40am 09:25am--12:05pm T TR TR 07:30pm--10:05pm 07:30pm--08:45pm 07:30pm--10:05pm F F F 04:45pm--07:20pm 06:05pm--07:20pm 04:45pm--07:20pm 06:05pm--07:20pm T TR TR 10:50am--01:30pm 12:15pm--02:55pm M M MW MW 07:30pm--10:05pm 07:30pm--08:45pm 07:30pm--10:05pm F F 5:20 PM TO 7:20 PM M MW MW 3:00 PM TO 5:00 PM 7:40 PM TO 9:40 PM Note: (1) MWF classes meet according to the MW schedule. (2) TRF classes meet according to the TR schedule. (3) MTWR classes meet on either MW or TR schedule, but the exact date must be announced during week 1 of the term. (4) F classes will have their final exam during the 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm block on the day displayed above. (4) Saturday classes meet on the last Saturday of the semester at the regular time. (5) Classes with abnormal meeting patterns must make special arrangements for the final. (6) Classes that meet on Friday at 7:30 pm must make special arrangements for the final. Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs 120 You need this information if you are an undergraduate student classified for tuition purposes as a Colorado resident. Please take the time to figure out how COF applies to you, and how to work with the College Opportunity Fund (COF) ! 1. You MUST Apply once in your lifetime to College Assist to create a COF Account. Apply online at: http://cof.college-assist.org/. Click on Schools then College Opportunity Fund. 2. Authorize the use of COF when you Register for classes. If you authorize, all COF eligible hours will receive a COF per credit reduction on your tuition and fee bill. If you don’t authorize, you’ll have to pay the full tuition for all courses, without the COF voucher credit. 3. Important Information Concerning COF and Registration. Courses added after the close of registration drop/add period (census date) are not eligible for COF funding and will not count against the COF lifetime hours. Students will be required to pay full tuition, including the COF portion, for these courses. Courses dropped or withdrawals from school occurring after census date will result in the loss of COF eligible hours. These changes are based upon Colorado Commission on Higher Education (CCHE) policy. 4. Understand How Eligible COF Hours Will be Determined. Everyone at the undergraduate level begins this program with 145 COF lifetime hours. Students who were enrolled in fall 2004 or spring 2005 at any COF participating institution in Colorado have a class level set by data submitted to the CCHE. This class level results in a “remaining hours balance available” as follows: • • • • Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior 145 COF hours remaining 115 COF hours remaining 85 COF hours remaining 55 COF hours remaining COF lifetime hours, hours used, and hours available are updated each night from the College Assist data base. CU turns in your CU hours to College Assist twice a term – once at the end of the drop/add period, and again at the end of the term. COF lifetime hours available or used can be found on the College Assist website. You should check your balance at least twice each term – after drop/add ends; and at the end of the term. You can go either to the Student Self-Service Center’s registration web page; or to the College Assist account that you created when you applied for COF. University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 121 5. Know what the tuition rate will be for the upcoming academic year, and what the COF voucher per credit hour will be. This information will generally be available in early June and will be published to the campus home page at www.uccs.edu. Both of these rates, along with the hours that you decide to take, will determine your tuition and fees. Each time you drop and add a course before the end of the drop/add deadline, your bill will be adjusted, because COF is calculated on a per credit hour basis. So, if you begin registering for 15 COF eligible hours, drop 3, and add 2, your COF voucher will adjust each time, but will finally reflect 14 total COF eligible hours. 6. Know how decisions about courses and your degree program are impacted by COF. • You have a lifetime limit of 145 COF eligible hours to complete an undergraduate degree. Any hours above the 145 COF credit hour limit will be charged at the full tuition rate, without a COF voucher credit. • If you change majors or decide on a dual degree program later in your academic career, you could run out of COF hours. • If you decide to take a course through Continuing Education or Extended Studies, those courses will not be covered by COF because those courses are not currently subsidized by the State of Colorado. • COF hours are used whether or not you successfully complete a course during a term – so hours failed, or retaken, are counted against your COF lifetime balance. Courses dropped or withdrawals which occur after census date count against your COF lifetime total hours. Courses added after the term census date are not eligible for COF. You will have to pay the full tuition, including the COF portion, but the hours will not count against COF lifetime hours. Where do I go if I need help? Admissions & Records – questions about COF courses, schedule, etc, Main Hall 108, 719-255-3361 Bursar/Cashier’s Office – questions about your bill, tuition and fees, etc, Main Hall 209, 719-255-3391 COF Frequently Asked Questions: http://www.cu.edu/ums/cof/faq.html College Assist – if you have questions about your COF hours balance, and want to know what hours were reported each term by what Colorado participating institutions. E-mail: askCOF@college-access.net; or phone 1-800-7772757 (or 720-264-8550). 122 Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs Course Directory / Information Course Listing Business, College of ACCTAccounting..................................................................................36 BLAW Business Law...............................................................................37 BUAD Business Administration.........................................................36 ENTPEntrepreneurship......................................................................38 FNCE Finance..........................................................................................38 HRMG Human Resource Management...........................................38 INFS Information Systems................................................................38 INTB International Business.............................................................39 MGMTManagement..............................................................................40 MKTG Marketing.....................................................................................40 OPTM Operations Management.......................................................41 PGMT Professional Golf Management............................................41 QUAN Quantitative Methods.............................................................41 SPTM Sport Management..................................................................41 Education, College of COUN CURR IECE LEAD SPED TED UTED Counseling & Human Services.............................................43 Curriculum and Instruction...................................................44 Inclusive Early Childhood Education..................................45 Leadership, ED............................................................................45 Special Education......................................................................46 Teacher Education.....................................................................47 UTeach Education.....................................................................48 Engineering, College of CS Computer Science.....................................................................50 ECE Electrical & Computer Engr....................................................51 EMGT Engineering Management.....................................................53 ENE Energy Engineering..................................................................53 ENGREngineering.................................................................................53 GDD Game Design and Development.........................................54 INOVInnovation....................................................................................54 MAE Mechanical & Aerospace Engr..............................................54 SPCE Space Operations......................................................................56 SYSE Systems Engineering................................................................56 Letters, Arts and Sciences, College of AH Art History................................................................................... 62 ANTHAnthropology.............................................................................61 ARBCArabic.............................................................................................62 ASL American Sign Language.......................................................61 BIOLBiology..........................................................................................63 CHEMChemistry.....................................................................................66 CHINChinese.........................................................................................69 COMMCommunication.........................................................................69 DNCEDance.............................................................................................73 ECONEconomics....................................................................................74 ENGLEnglish...........................................................................................76 ENSC Energy Science...........................................................................74 FCS Foreign and Cultural Studies.................................................81 FILM Film Studies.................................................................................81 FRFrench............................................................................................81 GEOLGeology........................................................................................84 GERGerman.........................................................................................85 GES Geog. and Environmental Studies.......................................83 GPS Gateway Program Seminar....................................................81 GRKGreek..............................................................................................85 GRNTGerontology................................................................................85 HISTHistory...........................................................................................85 University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 HUMHumanities..................................................................................86 ID Interdepartmental Studies.....................................................87 JPNSJapanese.......................................................................................87 LATLatin...............................................................................................87 MATHMathematics...............................................................................88 MS Military Science..........................................................................90 MSGP Museum Studies and Gallery Practice...............................91 MUSMusic .............................................................................................91 PES/PHYSPhysics...........................................................................................93 PHILPhilosophy...................................................................................92 PORT Writing Portfolio..................................................................... 103 PSC Political Science.........................................................................95 PSYPsychology...................................................................................95 RUSSRussian..........................................................................................97 SOCSociology......................................................................................97 SPANSpanish....................................................................................... 100 THTRTheatre....................................................................................... 100 UTLS UTeach - LAS............................................................................. 101 VA Visual Arts.................................................................................. 101 VAPA Visual and Performing Arts................................................. 102 WEST Women’s and Ethnic Studies.............................................. 102 Nursing & Health Science, Beth-El College of HSCI Health Sciences ...................................................................... 106 NURSNursing....................................................................................... 109 Public Affairs, School of CJ PAD Criminal Justice....................................................................... 115 Public Administration........................................................... 117 Day Abbreviation Key Mo = Monday Fr = Friday Tu = Tuesday Sa = Saturday W = Wednesday Su = Sunday Th = Thursday Course Numbering System The course number is comprised of a subject abbreviation, a course number, and a section number. The subject is an abbreviation for the department offering the course. The course number consists of 4 digits. The first digit indicates in a general way the class level of the course: “1000” courses are primarily for freshmen; “2000” for sophomore; “3000” courses for juniors; “4000” for seniors; and “5000” and “6000” for graduate students. Level of courses numbered 9000-9980: 9000-9290, Lower Division, Undergraduate 9300-9490, Upper Division, Undergraduate 9500-9590, Graduate, Level 1 9600-9790, Graduate, Level 2 9800-9980, Other 123 index Academic Advising (Undergraduate)........................................................ 26 Account Balance Online................................................................................. 17 Add/Drop Courses .............................................................................................8 Admission Applicant Types .............................................................................6 Admission Information ....................................................................................5 Affirmative Action ........................................................................................... 28 Application Deadlines.......................................................................................5 Appeals, Student ............................................................................................. 30 Appeals, Tuition...................................................................................................9 Beth-El Nursing and Health Sciences......................................................104 Billing ................................................................................................................... 13 Bookstore............................................................................................................ 21 Business, College of ........................................................................................ 34 Calendar..................................................................................................................4 Campus Map.........................................................................................................3 Campus Safety Information (Public Safety)............................................ 25 Career Center..................................................................................................... 21 Chancellor Leadership Class.........................................................................22 Changes, Schedule.............................................................................................8 Childcare, Family Development Center .................................................. 22 Closing, Campus............................................................................................... 21 COF Information.............................................................................................121 Commencement .............................................................................................. 19 Communication Center.................................................................................. 21 Concurrent Registration ..................................................................................8 Copy Center........................................................................................................ 22 Counseling Center........................................................................................... 27 Course Offering Index...................................................................................123 Credit Changes ...................................................................................................8 Dean of Students, Office of the................................................................... 22 Declaration of Major........................................................................................ 19 Degree Audit............................................................................................... 19, 26 Directory.................................................................................................................2 Disability Services............................................................................................ 22 Discrimination & Harassment, Office of................................................... 22 Diversity and Inclusiveness........................................................................... 22 Drop/Add Courses..............................................................................................8 Drugs and Alcohol Policy.............................................................................. 28 Education, College of ..................................................................................... 42 E-Mail Policy....................................................................................................... 19 Engineering & Applied Science, College of ........................................... 49 Enrollment Verification................................................................................... 19 Extended Application/Registration..............................................................5 Federal Family Educ. Rights & Privacy Act(FERPA)................................ 28 Fees, Tuition and .............................................................................................. 10 Final Exam Policy............................................................................................119 Final Exam Schedule......................................................................................120 Financial Aid ...................................................................................................... 22 First Year Experience....................................................................................... 24 FAQ’s...................................................................................................................... 18 Gateway Program............................................................................................. 25 Grades, Final ...................................................................................................... 19 Graduation Requirements ............................................................................ 19 Health Center..................................................................................................... 26 Health Insurance............................................................................................... 24 Honor Code ....................................................................................................... 20 Housing, On-Campus...................................................................................... 24 Housing Assistance, Off-Campus............................................................... 24 ID, Student.......................................................................................................... 11 Immunization Information........................................................................... 31 Information Technology ............................................................................... 24 Insurance, Health.............................................................................................. 24 International Affairs, Office of...................................................................... 24 Invitation to Register......................................................................................... 7 124 Lane Center........................................................................................................ 24 Language Center.............................................................................................. 21 Letters, Arts & Sciences, College of ........................................................... 57 LGBT+ Resource Center.................................................................................. 25 Library, Kraemer Family.................................................................................. 25 Map, Campus........................................................................................................3 Math Center........................................................................................................ 21 Math Placement Test....................................................................................... 26 Military Student Affairs.................................................................................. 27 MMR Information............................................................................................. 32 Multicultural Affairs (MOSAIC)..................................................................... 25 No‑Credit Enrollment.........................................................................................8 Nursing and Health Sciences, Beth-El.....................................................104 Orientation ................................................................................................. 20, 26 Parking................................................................................................................. 11 Pass/Fail Enrollment...........................................................................................8 Payment Online................................................................................................ 17 Payment Policies and Deadlines................................................................. 14 Pre-Collegiate Development Program.....................................................25 Progress Report/Degree Audit............................................................. 19, 26 Prospective Students .....................................................................................27 Public Affairs, School of ...............................................................................113 Public Safety, Department of ...................................................................... 25 Rebates, Withdrawal from School ................................................................9 Recreation Center............................................................................................. 21 Refund Deadlines............................................................................................. 18 Registration, Online ...........................................................................................7 Residency Classification................................................................................. 29 Rioting Act, Colorado...................................................................................... 28 Schedule Changes .............................................................................................8 Science Center................................................................................................... 22 Sexual Harassment Policy............................................................................. 30 Short Course Information............................................................................118 Student Conduct ............................................................................................. 30 Student Employment...................................................................................... 23 Student Life & Leadership............................................................................. 26 Student Outcome Assessment.................................................................... 20 Student ID........................................................................................................... 11 Student Right-to-Know.................................................................................. 30 Student Success Center................................................................................. 26 Testing Center.................................................................................................... 27 Third Party Assistance..................................................................................... 13 Transcripts........................................................................................................... 20 Tuition and Fee Estimation .......................................................................... 17 Tuition and Fees ............................................................................................... 10 Tuition Appeals....................................................................................................9 Tuition Rates ...................................................................................................... 15 Tuition Payment Options............................................................................... 12 Tuition Payment Policies and Deadlines.................................................. 14 UCCS Online Radio...........................................................................................27 University Calendar............................................................................................4 University Center ............................................................................................. 27 Verification of Enrollment ............................................................................ 19 Veterans’ Affairs ................................................................................................ 27 Waitlists...................................................................................................................7 Withdrawing From School...............................................................................9 Writing Center................................................................................................... 22 Fall 2014 / University of Colorado Colorado Springs USE IT. DON’T LOSE IT. Have you applied for the College Opportunity Fund? What is the College Opportunity Fund? In fall 2005, the state of Colorado began providing direct funding to undergraduate resident students through the College Opportunity Fund or “COF.” This program is also known as “vouchers” or “stipends.” COF vouchers will be applied to an eligible student’s university bill, provided that the student has applied for COF and then authorized the use of the voucher each term of registration. Apply Online! Where can I get additional information? http://www.cu.edu/ums/cof/faq.html -= How can I make sure that the COF process works smoothly for me? Apply to College Assist to create your COF account. This needs to be done only once in your lifetime. New students should apply by August 25, 2014, to best help us provide better service during the registration and billing process for fall 2014. Where can I Authorize COF? Go to your student portal. Click the orange “Access Student Self Services” button. Under the “academics” section, click the blue link that says “COF Authorization/Review.” Authorize for lifetime or by term. The voucher will appear on your tuition and fee bill, reducing your tuition, IF you have applied for it and authorized its allocation for that term. (The tuition reduction will vary each term depending on the number of COF eligible credits registered for.) Your college’s total in-state tuition The College Opportunity Fund state stipend The share you pay for in-state tuition *Apply NOW! for your stipend at: https://cof.college-assist.org University Colorado Colorado Springs Schedule of Courses is published three times a year: March, April, and October by the University of Colorado Colorado Springs, 1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway, Colorado Springs, CO 80918-3733. Notice to Students: While this schedule of courses was prepared on the basis of the best information available, including statement of fees, courses, and admissions and graduation requirements, it is subject to change without notice or obligation. Students will be held responsible for all requirements and deadlines published in this schedule. The most current information is published on the web at www.uccs.edu/~cic/. University of Colorado Colorado Springs / Fall 2014 125