doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2005.09.021 J. Mol. Biol. (2005) 353, 990–1000 Cofilin Increases the Torsional Flexibility and Dynamics of Actin Filaments Ewa Prochniewicz1, Neal Janson2, David D. Thomas1 and Enrique M. De La Cruz2* 1 Department of Biochemistry Molecular Biology and Biophysics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA 2 Department of Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry Yale University, New Haven CT 06520, USA We have measured the effects of cofilin on the conformation and dynamics of actin filaments labeled at Cys374 with erythrosin-iodoacetemide (ErIA), using time-resolved phosphorescence anisotropy (TPA). Cofilin quenches the phosphorescence intensity of actin-bound ErIA, indicating that binding changes the local environment of the probe. The cofilin concentrationdependence of the phosphorescence intensity is sigmoidal, consistent with cooperative actin filament binding. Model-independent analysis of the anisotropies indicates that cofilin increases the rates of the microsecond rotational motions of actin. In contrast to the reduction in phosphorescence intensity, the changes in the rates of rotational motions display non-nearestneighbor cooperative interactions and saturate at substoichiometric cofilin binding densities. Detailed analysis of the TPA decays indicates that cofilin decreases the torsional rigidity (C) of actin, increasing the thermally driven root-mean-square torsional angle between adjacent filament subunits from w48 (CZ2.30!10K27 Nm2 radianK1) to w178 (CZ0.13!10K27 Nm2 radianK1) at 25 8C. We favor a mechanism in which cofilin binding shifts the equilibrium between thermal ErIA-actin filament conformers, and facilitates two distinct structural changes in actin. One is local in nature, which affects the structure of actin’s C terminus and is likely to mediate nearest-neighbor cooperative binding and filament severing. The second is a change in the internal dynamics of actin, which displays non-nearestneighbor cooperativity and increases the torsional flexibility of filaments. The long-range effects of cofilin on the torsional dynamics of actin may accelerate Pi release from filaments and modulate interactions with other regulatory actin filament binding proteins. q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. *Corresponding author Keywords: cofilin; actin; cooperativity; anisotropy; torsional rigidity Introduction Members of the ADF/cofilin family of actinbinding proteins sever actin filaments1–3 and may accelerate subunit dissociation from the pointed- ends.4 Severing and enhanced depolymerization are likely to arise from cofilin-mediated changes in actin filament structure. ADF/cofilin binding changes the average twist and subunit tilt of a filament,5,6 increases the disorder of subdomain 27 Abbreviations used: TPA, transient phosphorescence anisotropy; ErIA, erythrosine iodoacetamide; t, triplet excitedstate lifetime of ErIA; I, phosphorescence emission intensity; Ivv, vertically polarized component of the phosphorescence emission; Ivh, horizontally polarized component of the phosphorescence emission; A, amplitude; G, instrument correction factor; R, anisotropy; r0, initial anisotropy; rN, final anisotropy; f, rotational correlation time; qa, angle between the absorption dipole of bound ErIA and the filament axis; qe, angle between the emission dipole of bound ErIA and the filament axis; hDxi, rms average fluctuation of the torsion angle between adjacent filament subunits; li, filament length distribution; k, amplitude reduction factor; a, actin filament radius; h, long-axis height of an individual actin filament subunit; C, torsional rigidity; a, torsional spring constant; g, rotational frictional coefficient; Dk, rotational diffusion coefficient; kB, Boltzmann’s constant; h, solvent viscosity. E-mail address of the corresponding author: 0022-2836/$ - see front matter q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 991 Cofilin Affects Actin Filament Torsional Dynamics and the DNase-binding loop,8 disrupts the interface between subdomains 1 and 2 along the long-pitch helix of filaments9 and weakens stabilizing lateral contacts in the filament.10,11 The change in filament twist is propagated along the filament to actin subunits without bound cofilin.6,7 Cofilin binding to actin filaments is cooperative5 and can be described by a nearest-neighbor cooperative binding model.12 Cooperative interactions may be mediated through conformational rearrangement of subdomain 2 of actin,12 which facilitates local changes in subunit tilt observed by electron microscopy.7 Actin filaments display two types of large-scale movements: long-axis (flexural) bending and longaxis (torsional) twisting (Figure 1). Bending and twisting depend on the bound nucleotide and cation,13,14 interactions with actin-binding proteins,13–16 and actin isoforms.17,18 The flexural rigidity of actin filaments is larger than the torsional rigidity so filaments twist more easily than they bend. The cofilin-induced change in average filament twist5,6 may modulate the mechanical properties of actin filaments. We are testing this hypothesis using transient phosphorescence anisotropy (TPA). TPA of erythrosin-labeled actin has been successfully applied to describe the microsecond timescale dynamics of actin filaments and structural changes in the region of actin’s C terminus.15,16,18–22 We have previously shown that (1) TPA of actin cannot be accounted for by rigid body rotations, but reflects primarily intra-filament torsional motions that can be explained in terms of the torsional twist model, and (2) changes in the phosphorescence intensity monitor local conformational changes in actin.15,16,18–20 Here, we demonstrate that cofilin binding increases the microsecond dynamics and the torsional flexibility of actin filaments, and that these effects can propagate to vacant sites on the filament. Figure 1. Conformational dynamics of actin filaments. Schematic representation of actin filament thermal motions. Results Effect of cofilin on time-resolved phosphorescence intensity decays of actin filaments The phosphorescence intensity decays of erythrosine iodoacetamide (ErIA)-actin filaments (Figure 2) were analyzed by fitting data to a sum of two exponentials (equation (3)) with amplitudes I1 and I2, and the corresponding lifetimes, t1 and t2. The observed phosphorescence intensity decay is dominated (I1 w0.8) by a long lifetime (t1Z w220 ms) component, with a small contribution (I2 w0.2) from a shorter lifetime (t2Zw30 ms, “intermediate”) component. The multiple components contributing to the decay imply that there exist multiple (at least two) actin conformations with microsecond lifetimes. The amplitudes and lifetimes of both the long (t1) and intermediate (t2) lifetime components are reduced in a cofilin concentration-dependent manner (i.e. both intensity decays are more rapid with bound cofilin; data not shown). There is also a rapidly decaying component (t/4 ms, short lifetime) in the presence of cofilin, as indicated by the reduction in initial phosphorescence intensities (Figure 2, inset). We refer to the amplitude of this rapidly decaying phase as I3 and the lifetime as t3. Cofilin binding increases the population of short (t3) and the intermediate (t2) lifetime components, and reduces the population of the long lifetime (t1) species (Figure 3). The mole fractional distribution of these three components depends sigmoidally on the cofilin concentration, consistent with cooperative cofilin binding to actin filaments.5,9,12 The reciprocal partitioning of the short and long lifetime components (X1 and X2; Figure 3) suggests that these two states are in equilibrium, and that cofilin binding shifts the equilibrium distribution of these two states. Detailed balance requires that if cofilin shifts the equilibrium between two conformations, it must bind preferentially to one of the two. Although equilibrium cofilin binding to actin filaments is well-described by a nearest-neighbor Figure 2. Effect of cofilin on the time-resolved phosphorescence intensity decays of ErIA-actin filaments. The [ErIA-actin] is 1.8 mM and the [cofilin] are: 0 (black), 0.3 (royal blue), 0.8 (red), 1.0 (green), 1.5 (violet), 2.0 (orange), and 6.0 (light blue) mM. The inset shows the same data with the time axis plotted on a log scale. 992 Cofilin Affects Actin Filament Torsional Dynamics anisotropy arise from the modulation of internal microsecond filament dynamics. Model-independent analysis: sum of exponentials Figure 3. Cofilin concentration-dependence of the observed intensity decay mole fractions (X). (a) Mole fractions of the slow (X1), intermediate (X2) and fast (X3) decays contributing to the phosphorescence decays. (b) Inset of data in (a) to show the fast decaying component. The continuous lines are drawn for clarity and have no physical significance. The effect of cofilin on actin dynamics was first analyzed in terms of a model-independent fit of the anisotropy decays to the sum (nZ2) of exponentials (equation (5)) to obtain the rotational correlation times (fi), the initial anisotropy (r0) and the final anisotropy (rN). The correlation times (fi; i.e. reciprocal rate constants) characterize the rates of rotational motions, the initial phosphorescence anisotropy (r0) characterizes the amplitude of local sub-microsecond motions of the dye and/or cysteine 374 relative to actin (a lower value means more mobile), and the final anisotropy (r N) characterizes the angular amplitudes of microsecond timescale filament motions (i.e. global motions). The initial phosphorescence anisotropy of actinbound ErIA (r0Z0.105) is significantly lower than that of immobilized ErIA (r0Z0.20519) due to fast, submicrosecond motion of the dye relative to actin. Cofilin binding reduces the initial anisotropy (r0) in a non-stoichiometric manner (Figure 5(a)). The best fits of the data to equation (11) show that a single bound cofilin affects the initial anisotropy of 90 G24 actin subunits. Thus, the cofilin-mediated effect can be propagated to vacant subunits in the cooperativity model,12 the multiple equilibrium conformations complicate the nearest-neighbor analysis. Effect of cofilin on time-resolved phosphorescence anisotropy (TPA) of actin filaments Cofilin binding has a significant effect on the phosphorescence anisotropy decays of ErIA-actin filaments (Figure 4). Light-scattering and sedimentation demonstrate that cofilin does not depolymerize actin under our experimental conditions (data not shown,12). Therefore, cofilin-induced changes in Figure 4. Effect of cofilin on the time-resolved phosphorescence anisotropy decays of ErIA-actin filaments. The [ErIA-actin] is 1.8 mM and the [cofilin] are: 0 (blue), 0.15 (red), 0.8 (green), 1.5 (violet) mM. The inset shows the same data with the time axis plotted on a log scale. Figure 5. Cofilin concentration-dependence of the initial (r0) and final (rN) anisotropies of ErIA actin. The continuous lines represent the best fits to equation (11) and indicate that cofilin affects the initial anisotropy of 90 G24 subunits and the final anisotropy of O400 subunits. Uncertainty bars represent standard deviations from data sets collected on four separate days. The actin concentration was 1.8 mM. The binding density was estimated from the data presented in Figure 3, which are comparable to our previous determinations with pyrene actin filaments.12 Cofilin Affects Actin Filament Torsional Dynamics filament (i.e. there are non-nearest-neighbor cooperative interactions). This range of cooperativity represents a lower limit, because the phosphorescence lifetimes and the total intensity signal (Figure 2) decrease with added cofilin. Consequently, the effect of cofilin on the observed anisotropy is less than the effect on the theoretical anisotropy (equation (7)), so the cooperative unit is larger than estimated from the concentrationdependence of the observed anisotropy reduction (i.e. if quenching did not occur, the slope would be steeper). The low signal-to-noise ratio at high [cofilin], due to quenching of phosphorescence intensity (Figure 2), decreases the reliability of the anisotropy data as cofilin concentration approaches saturation. The maximum observed decrease in the initial anisotropy (r0), from 0.105 G0.007 in actin to 0.069 G0.016 in cofilactin filaments (Figure 5(a)), indicates an increase in the half-cone angle of the submicrosecond wobble (qc) from 37(G2) 8 in actin to 47(G4) 8 in actin filaments saturated with cofilin (Equation (6)). The final anisotropy (rN) reaches a minimum at a cofilin binding density /0.1 (Figure 5(b)), indicating that the cofilin-induced increase in the angular amplitude of the microsecond rotational motions is also cooperative. The best fit of the data has a large uncertainty but indicates that the final anisotropy of several hundred actin subunits (427G355) are affected by bound cofilin. This maximal effect of rN at substoichiometric cofilin binding densities is consistent with long-range, non-nearest-neighbor cooperative interactions modulating the internal dynamics of actin filaments. Filament severing, predicted to occur at low binding densities and cluster sizes,12 would also lower rN. Model-dependent analysis: torsional twist The effect of cofilin on actin dynamics was analyzed in terms of the torsional twist model (equation (8)). In this model, the actin filament is regarded as an array of cylindrical elementary rods and the observed anisotropy decay results from the combined global motions, which represent overall rigid-body tumbling and intrafilament twisting motions. Therefore, to determine the intrafilament torsional constant (a) from the TPA data (equation (7)) accurately, corrections for rigid-body motions must be made. Thermal bending motions, which occur on the millisecond timescale, are too slow to be detected by TPA. Similarly, rigid-body tumbling motions can contribute to the microsecond TPA decay only for those filaments that are much shorter than the typical 4 mm long filaments observed in the absence of cofilin (Figure 6).15 Since cofilin-induced fragmentation of actin could produce filaments that tumble on the timescale of TPA measurements, the equilibrium length distribution (li) of actin filaments at saturating cofilin was measured by electron microscopy (Figure 6) and included in the fit function (equation (8)), allowing us to separate the effect of rigid-body 993 Figure 6. Length distribution of ErI-actin filaments. The [ErIA-actin] is 1.8 mM and the [cofilin] are: 0 (a) and 4.0 (b) mM. rotations of short actin-cofilin filaments on TPA from the intrafilament motions. The filament radius is constrained when fitting the data to determine the torsional constant (a), so our determination of a was limited to bare and fully decorated filaments, which have well-defined homogenous radii. The radius of an actin filament (a) was taken to be 4.5! 10K9 m based on the maximum diameter of 90–95 Å reported by Holmes.23 The diameter of a cofilindecorated actin filament was determined to be 6.7! 10K9 m by measuring the width of the bare and cofilin-decorated actin filament.5 The fit value for the torsional constant (a) increases by a factor of about 2 when the assumed radius of bare actin is reduced from 4.5 nm to 3.5 nm.24 With cofilinsaturated actin, when the assumed radius is reduced from 6.7 nm to 5.7 nm, the torsional constant increases by w50%. Therefore, although the best fit values of the torsional constant (a) depend on assumptions of actin filament radii, the uncertainty in determining a is no more than a factor of 2. Cofilin binding has minimal effects on the orientations of absorption and emission dipoles of ErIA (Table 1), but lowers the spring constant (a) and thus the torsional rigidity C (calculated as ah) by a factor of about 20 (Table 1). This indicates that while cofilin-induced changes in the average actin filament subunit orientation, as detected from the ErIA probe at the actin C terminus, are subtle (!108 tilt with respect to the long filament axis), filaments with bound cofilin are torsionally more flexible, displaying larger and more rapid microsecond twisting motions than native actin filaments. Actin filaments are best described as a continuous elastic rod.19 However, if the continuous elasticity is expressed as an elasticity per subunit rise in the 994 Cofilin Affects Actin Filament Torsional Dynamics Table 1. Effects of cofilin on the structure and dynamics of ErIA-actin filaments Filament d Actin Cofilactinf [cofilin]/ [actin] 0 2.2 qa (deg)a e 44.2 (G1.7) 44.5 (G0.3) qe (deg)a C (N m2 radianK1)a a (N m radianK1)b hDxic 41.9 (G3.5) 38.1 (G0.5) 2.30 (G1.00)!10 0.13 (G0.06)!10K27 8.36 (G3.6)!10 0.48 (G0.22)!10K19 4.08 16.88 K27 K19 Conditions: 1.8 mM ErIA-actin filaments in 50 mM KCl, 2 mM MgCl2, 2 mM DTT, 0.2 mM ATP, 1 mM NaN3, 20 mM imidazole (pH 6.6), 25 8C. a Determined by fitting of the data to equation (7) (subunit height Z5.5 nm). b Calculated using equation (9) and a subunit height (h) of 2.75 nm; 1 Nm radianK1Z107 dyn cm radianK1. c Calculated using equation (10). d Calculated using a filament radius of 4.5 nm. e Uncertainties representGone standard deviation from three separate data sets. f Calculated using a filament radius of 6.7 nm. filament (hZ2.75!10K9 m), the root mean squared average thermal fluctuation of the torsion angle (hDxi) between adjacent subunits in a filament (i.e. angular disorder) can be calculated from the torsional constant (equation (10)25). Cofilin binding increases the amplitude of the actin subunit torsion angle fluctuations from 4.08 to 16.88 at 25 8C (Table 1). This cofilin-induced fourfold increase in hDxi is independent of the subunit height h, since a is inversely proportional to h (equation (10)).19 The 48 torsional fluctuation of bare actin filaments measured here is comparable to the 5–68 angular disorder observed by electron microscopy image analysis,26 and more recently using total internal reflection fluorescence polarization microscopy.27 Effect of subsaturating phalloidin on cofilin binding and filament dynamics The ability of phalloidin to cooperatively stabilize intermonomer bonds in actin28 makes it a useful tool to examine the role of intersubunit interactions in the actin–cofilin interaction. Saturating phalloidin has minimal effects on the intensity (Figure 7) and anisotropy (Figure 7(a) inset) decay of ErIAactin filaments, consistent with previous reports.21,29 Saturating amounts of phalloidin protect actin from the cofilin-dependent decrease in phosphorescence intensity and anisotropy (data not shown) because cofilin does not bind phalloidin-stabilized actin. At subsaturating phalloidin concentrations (0.1 phalloidin per actin), cofilin can bind actin and quenches the phosphorescence intensity but minimally affects the changes in anisotropy (Figure 7(b) inset). This behavior suggests that cofilin binds to phalloidin-free regions on the filament, locally quenching the phosphorescence of ErIA, but phalloidin-induced long-range stabilizing effects on intermonomer contacts dampen cofilin-induced changes in torsional flexibility. The kinetics of cofilin binding to actin filaments was assayed from the quenching of pyrene actin fluorescence.12,30 Time-courses of 11.8 mM cofilin binding to actin filaments displayed a brief lag phase (Figure 7(c) inset). For simplicity, we treated the relaxation as a single process even though this is not an accurate reaction mechanism30 (E.D.L.C. and W. Cao, unpublished results). The observed time- course of cofilin (11.8 mM) binding to actin could be approximated by an exponential with an observed rate constant of w1.6 sK1. Time-courses of cofilin binding to phalloidin-stabilized actin filaments follow double exponentials (Figure 7(c) inset). Bound phalloidin slowed the observed rate constant of the fast phase and subsaturating phalloidin concentrations generated maximal inhibition (Figure 7(c)). The best fit of the data (Figure 7(c)) indicates that a single bound phalloidin inhibits cofilin binding to 8.6 G0.5 actin subunits in a filament. This inhibition can be explained by the stabilizing effect of phalloidin, which extends 10–20 filament subunits.28 The observed rate constants of the slow phases are 0.002–0.01 sK1, which may be limited by phalloidin dissociation. Contributions from photobleaching make it difficult to analyze the slow rates reliably. Discussion Relationship between phosphorescence intensity, anisotropy and the conformation of ErIA-actin filaments The analysis of the effect of cofilin on phosphorescence intensity and anisotropy of ErIA-actin indicates that cofilin has both local and long-range effects on actin’s structure and dynamics. Cofilininduced local structural changes in the environment of the C terminus are indicated by quenching of the phosphorescence intensity of actin-bound ErIA (Figures 2 and 3). These changes are probably facilitated by the proximity (11–30 Å) of cofilin binding sites to the label on Cys374.5 The subtle effect of cofilin on the absorption and emission dipoles of ErIA-actin filaments (Table 1) suggests that its binding occurs with minimal (!108) tilting of the ErIA probe with respect to the filament axis, but the observed decrease in phosphorescence intensity suggests structural changes in the environment of Cys374 that increase the exposure of the actin-bound ErIA to quenching by the solvent. Increased exposure of the dye to the solvent is also supported by the increased amplitude of the nanosecond wobbling motions, which are too fast for the motions of whole monomers, but are Cofilin Affects Actin Filament Torsional Dynamics Figure 7. Effect of substoichiometric phalloidin concentrations on cofilin-dependent changes in phosphorescence intensities and anisotropies. (a) Phosphorescence intensity decay of actin filaments (blue) and actin filaments saturated with phalloidin (red). Inset: Anisotropy decay of actin filaments (blue) and actin filaments saturated with phalloidin (red). Only the first 300 ms are shown for clarity. (b) Phosphorescence intensity decay of actin filaments (blue), actin filaments with a molar equivalent of cofilin (green), and actin filaments equilibrated with a molar equivalent of cofilin and 0.1 molar equivalent of phalloidin (red). Inset: Anisotropy decay of actin filaments (blue), actin filaments with a molar equivalent of cofilin (green), and actin filaments equilibrated with a molar equivalent of cofilin and 0.1 molar equivalent of phalloidin (red). Only the first 300 s are shown for clarity. (c) Phalloidin concentration-dependence of the observed rate constant for 11.8 mM cofilin binding to actin filaments as assayed from the quenching of pyrene fluorescence. The apparent stoichiometry (n) obtained from the best fit is 0.116 G0.007 phalloidin bound per actin. The continuous line is the best fit to equation (12). Uncertainty bars are within the symbols. The inset shows time-courses of fluorescence quenching after mixing 23 mM cofilin with pyrene actin filaments containing (a) 0, (b) 0.1, (c) 0.4, or (d) 0.8 molar equivalent of bound phalloidin. The final [ErIA-actin] is 1.8 mM in (a) and (b) and 0.85 mM in (c). 995 compatible with increased mobility of the C terminus. These local cofilin-induced structural changes could contribute to the reported changes at the interface between subdomain 1 and 29 of adjacent filament subunits, and because of conformational coupling between subdomain 1 and 231 within an individual subunit, to changes in subdomain 2 conformation.7 It has been proposed that cofilin binding shifts the equilibrium distribution of thermal conformers.6,7 The reciprocal, [cofilin]-dependent partitioning of the short and long phosphorescence lifetime conformational states (Figure 3) is consistent with this hypothesis. However, the cofilininduced increase in torsional amplitude between adjacent filament subunits (hDxi; Table 1) suggests that cofilin binding also allows actin filaments to sample novel conformational states by changing the filament torsional stiffness. In contrast, cofilin markedly reduces the variability in subunit torsion angles observed by electron microscopy.6 This observation suggests that electron microscopy is sampling the long-range cumulative component of the angular variability, while the spectroscopic measurements report the local rotations of an actin subunit or domain about the helical axis. The cofilin-induced cooperative change in phosphorescence anisotropy and the large decrease in torsional rigidity are likely to reflect the change in filament twist. Differential scanning calorimetry32 favors a mechanism where cofilin binding destabilizes (i.e. lowers the thermal transition) the filament lattice cooperatively, as would be expected from the increased torsional flexibility at substoichiometric cofilin concentrations. Our spectroscopic observations are also consistent with the results of electron microscopy, which showed that cofilin cooperatively changes the twist of the actin filament.6 The binding of cofilin induces long-range cooperative changes in the microsecond timescale actin filament dynamics (Figure 5). The nonnearest-neighbor effects on torsional dynamics may contribute to the acceleration of Pi33 release and weak Pi binding of cofilin-actin filaments, and may influence interaction with other regulatory proteins, particularly those that are sensitive to the nucleotide state of actin filaments such as the Arp2/ 3 complex.34 Long-range cooperative changes in actin filaments are expected to decrease (i.e. dampen) as the distance from bound cofilin increases. The number of subunits that could be affected would be dictated by the energy change of the two twisted conformations and the energy associated with cofilin binding. The product of the number of affected subunits and the free energy change of the transition could not exceed the free energy associated with cofilin binding. Therefore, the observation that dozens of subunits are affected by an individual cofilin molecule favors a mechanism 996 where the twist conformations are comparable in energy, perhaps thermal conformers. Comparison of methods used to measure the torsional rigidity of actin filaments Several methods have been used to estimate the angular disorder in the torsion angle between adjacent filament subunits (hDxi) and the torsional rigidity (C) of actin filaments, including electron microscopy,24,35,36 electron paramagnetic resonance,37,38 transient absorption and phosphorescence anisotropy,15,16,18–21 visualization of rotational motions of beads attached to actin filaments,39,40 and total internal reflection fluorescence polarization microscopy. 27 The values for the torsional rigidity of actin filaments obtained with these methods range from w2!10K27 Nm2 15,16,18–21,24,27,35–38 to w5!10K26 Nm2.39,40 This study estimates the torsional rigidity of actin filaments in solution as 2.3!10K27 Nm2 (Table 1), comparable to previous spectroscopy,15,16,18–21,37,38 electron microscopy24,35,36 and single-molecule measurements.27 Higher values were obtained with micromanipulation methods, using large beads in an optical trap,39,40 which more than likely lead to an overestimate of torsional rigidity.27 Implications for actin filament severing The observed local changes at the actin C terminus may account for the effect of cofilin on actin filament stability. Normal mode analysis of the actin filament led to the conclusion that the torsional flexibility of the whole filament could be significantly affected by reorientation of only a few residues, such as in the region of the hydrophobic plug and subdomain 2;23,41–43 such torsionally strained filaments fragment more easily than unloaded filaments.39 Cofilin binding to the C terminus of actin would interfere with formation of stabilizing longitudinal contacts established by subdomains 1 and 2 of adjacent subunits.5–7,9,23,28,44,45 Because subdomain 2 also forms lateral interstrand contacts through contact with residues 262–274,23,46,47 reorganization of subdomain 2 upon cofilin binding7,8 would disrupt the formation of stabilizing lateral 10,11 filament interactions as well. By destabilizing subdomain 2 interactions in the filament, cofilin makes the overall intersubunit contacts less stiff. Thus, cofilin serves as a molecular lubricant that allows actin filaments to adopt otherwise inaccessible conformations. The combination of compromised lateral and longitudinal filament contacts would, therefore, destabilize the filament locally and promote severing. The increase in the torsional flexibility of cofilinactin filaments (i.e. lower torsional constant, a, Table 1) and larger intersubunit angular disorder (hDxi, Table 1) is consistent with proposed cofilininduced disruption of longitudinal and lateral interactions in actin. It is, therefore, likely that the Cofilin Affects Actin Filament Torsional Dynamics increased angular disorder (hDxi) induced by cofilin binding causes local perturbations in filament conformation and dynamics that promote severing. Such a mechanism would account for efficient filament severing at low cofilin binding densities and cluster sizes.12 The observed effects of phalloidin provide further insight into the mechanism of cofilin-induced local and global changes in actin filament. Phalloidin binding changes the conformation of subdomain 2 cooperatively,28 dampens the cofilin-dependent torsional dynamics of actin filaments (Figure 7(b)), has long-range effects stabilizing intermonomer bonds, and cooperatively decreases the rate of cofilin binding (Figure 7(c)), supporting our hypothesis that the cofilin binding affinity is dictated by the conformation of subdomain 2 as well as actin filament torsional dynamics.12 Significant quenching of phosphorescence without binding-related changes in dynamics, as observed at substoichiometric concentrations of phalloidin (Figure 7(b)) further suggests that the mechanism of long-range effects of cofilin on actin’s dynamics involves destabilization of intermonomer bonds. Comparison with other actin-binding proteins The observed effect of cofilin on the microsecond dynamics of actin represents another example of cooperative changes in actin filaments induced by interaction with regulatory proteins. Both gelsolin15 and myosin subfragment 116 cooperatively affect the conformation and dynamics of actin filaments. Although each of these proteins affects the environment of the actin C terminus, the changes in TPA and dynamics are distinct (i.e. myosin increases but cofilin and gelsolin lower the torsional rigidity), indicating that the changes are specific to the structure of the binding interfaces. Materials and Methods Proteins Rabbit skeletal muscle actin was purified as described.19,48 Recombinant human cofilin was expressed and purified as described.12,49 All proteins were dialyzed exhaustively against KMI6.6 buffer (50 mM KCl, 2 mM MgCl2, 2 mM DTT, 0.2 mM ATP, 1 mM NaN3, 20 mM imidazole (pH 6.6)) prior to use. Labeling of actin with optical probes Actin (48 mM) was polymerized with 50 mM KCl, 20 mM Tris (pH 7.5), and ErIA, freshly dissolved in dimethylformamide, was added at a concentration of 480 mM. After 2 h incubation at 25 8C, the labeling reaction was quenched with 5 mM DTT, actin filaments were centrifuged for 1 h at 200,000g, pellets were suspended in G buffer and clarified by centrifugation at 350,000g. Samples were polymerized with 0.1 M KCl and centrifuged for 1 h at 200,000g. Pellets were suspended and dialyzed against KMI6.6 buffer without magnesium. 997 Cofilin Affects Actin Filament Torsional Dynamics Pyrene actin was prepared essentially as described.12 The labeling efficiencies were R90%. Phosphorescence Phosphorescence measurements were made at 25 8C in KMI6.6 buffer supplemented with an oxygen-scavenging enzyme mixture (36 mg mlK1 catalase, 45 mg mlK1 glucose, 55 mg mlK1 glucose oxidase). Actin filaments and cofilin-actin filaments were prepared by mixing preformed eryhrosine-labeled (ErIA) actin filaments with a range of cofilin concentrations and equilibrated at room temperature for at least 20 min. ErIA was excited at 540 nm with a vertically polarized 10 ns pulse from XeClpumped dye laser (Compex 120, Lambda Physics) using 5 mM coumarin 548 in ethanol, operating at a repetition rate of 100 Hz. Phosphorescence emission was selected by a colored glass cut-off 670 nm filter (Corion), detected by a photomultiplier (R928, Hamamatsu), and digitized by a transient digitizer (CompuScope 14100, GaGe) using time resolution of 1 ms/channel, with an analog filter time constant of 3 ms. The time-resolved phosphorescence intensity I(t) and anisotropy decays r(t) were calculated according to: IðtÞ Z Ivv ðtÞ C 2GIvh ðtÞ (1) Ivv ðtÞKGIvh ðtÞ Ivv ðtÞ C 2GIvh ðtÞ (2) and rðtÞ Z where Ivv(t) and Ivh(t) are vertically and horizontally polarized components of the emission signal that were detected at 908 with a single detector equipped with a Polaroid sheet polarizer alternating between vertical and horizontal orientations every 500 laser pulses. G is an instrumentation correction factor, determined by measuring the anisotropy of ErIA-labeled bovine serum albumin in 98% glycerol and adjusting G to give a residual anisotropy value of zero, the theoretical value for an isotropically tumbling chromophore. The timedependent anisotropy decays were obtained by recording 60 cycles of 1000 pulses (500 in each orientation of the polarizer) at a laser repetition rate of 100 Hz. The phosphorescence intensity decays (I(t)) were analyzed by fitting to a double-exponential: Kt=t1 IðtÞ Z I1 exp Kt=t2 C I2 exp C I3 Ii ti I1 t1 C I2 t2 C I3 t3 (4) The lifetime of the rapidly decaying component (t3) was assumed to be 1 ms, which is the upper limit, since it is not observed within the 3 ms dead-time for data acquisition (Figure 2). If the value of t3 is !1 ms, population of X3 (Figure 3) would be lower. The anisotropy decays (r(t)) were fitted to doubleexponentials (nZ2) plus a constant (rN): rðtÞ Z r1 expKt=f1 C r2 expKt=f2 C rN where, r0Z0.205 for ErIA immobilized in PMMA resin.19 The anisotropy decays (r(t)) were further analyzed in terms of the theory of Schurr51,52 describing the rotational diffusion of a flexible filament with mean local cylindrical symmetry, and applied to TPA of ErIA-actin.19 According to this model, the filament is regarded as a randomly labeled array of cylindrical subunits. The anisotropy (r(t)) describes the mean-squared displacements of the subunit elementary rods (and the rigidly bound probe) due to combined intrafilament twisting and rigid-body motions of the whole filament. If the filaments have a broad length distribution, where each filament of length li is composed of Ni elementary rods with height h equal to the height of an individual actin subunit, the anisotropy r(t) reflects the sum of contributions from the filaments within each particular group: rðtÞ Z k (5) where ri is the amplitude of the of the ith anisotropy iZp nZ2 X X A n Cni ðtÞ (7) nZ0 iZ1 where k is an “amplitude reduction factor” that accounts for motions on the timescale more rapid than the time resolution of detection,19 p is the total number of groups in the length distribution histograms (Figure 6) and Ān defines the amplitudes of the motions. The torsional correlation function (Cni (t)) for filaments in the length group li is defined as:19 h 2 i n tkB T exp K ðNiC1Þg Cni ðtÞ Z Ni C 1 " # N N i C1 i C1 X X 2 2 2 Kt=tsi exp Kn dsi Qmsi ð1Ke Þ ! mZ1 (3) where Ii is the amplitude and ti is the triplet excited-state lifetime of the ith relaxation, and t is time. Fits were performed with unconstrained amplitude and lifetime parameters, and then with the lifetimes constrained to the values of F-actin. Mole fractions (X) of the observed intensity decays were calculated from: Xi Z decay, fi is the rotational correlation time of the ith relaxation, and rN is the final anisotropy. The initial anisotropy (r0) is defined as r(tZ0). The cofilin-induced changes in the initial anisotropy were analyzed in terms of the wobble-in-a-cone model. The isotropic wobble of the observed transition dipole of the probe in a cone was described by the cone half angle qc:50 r0 cos qc ð1 C cos qc Þ 2 Z (6) 0:205 2 d2si Z kB Ttsi g sZ2 tsi Z 4a sin 2 g ðsK1Þp 2ðNiC1Þ and sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi mK 12 ðsK1Þp 2 cos ð1Kdsi Þ Qmsi Z ðNi C 1Þ ðNi C 1Þ sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 C dsi ðNi C 1Þ (8) where kB is Boltzmann’s constant (1.381!10K23 Nm KK1), T is the absolute temperature (298 K), Ni is the number of subunits in filaments with length li, t is the relaxation time, d2 is the mean-square amplitude of the sth normal mode, dsi is the Kronecker delta function, g is the frictional coefficient for rotation of an elementary rod of height h about the filament long axis, defined by gZ 4pha2h, h is the solvent viscosity (1 cP), a is the filament radius (4.5!10K9 m for pure actin and 6.7!10K9 m for cofilin-decorated actin), a is the intrafilament torsional 998 Cofilin Affects Actin Filament Torsional Dynamics constant and mZ1, 2,., N iC1. Note that kB T/g represents the long-axis rotational diffusion coefficient of an elementary rod, commonly referred to as Dk. Fitting r(t) to equation (7) with the values of h, a, h, and T constrained yields three parameters: qa and qe, the angles between the absorption and emission dipoles of the bound dye and the filament axis, respectively, and the torsional constant a, which characterizes the elastic properties of actin and reflects the torque force required to twist a 1 m radius filament by 1 radian (57.38). A larger torsional constant indicates a greater resistance to twisting (i.e. more stiff) under applied external rotational forces. The torsional rigidity C is defined by the torsional constant (a) and the long-axis height (h) of an elementary rod (i.e. filament subunit) as: C Z ah (9) The root-mean-square average fluctuation of the torsion angle (hDxi in radians, 1 rad Z57.38) between adjacent filament subunits was calculated from25: rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi kB T (10) hDxi Z a Equilibrium binding equations The cofilin concentration-dependence of the initial (r0) and final (rN) anisotropies were fitted to: robs Z rCA KðrCA KrA Þð1KvÞn (11) where robs is the observed anisotropy (initial or final), rA is the anisotropy (initial or final) of actin alone and rCA is that of a cofilin-decorated actin filament, v is the cofilin binding density (bound cofilin per actin), and n is the stoichiometry (molar ratio) of cofilin that maximally affects the robs of actin (i.e. number of actin subunits affected by bound cofilin). Pyrene fluorescence Phalloidin inhibition of cofilin binding was assayed from the time-courses of pyrene fluorescence quenching12,30 after mixing 11.8 mM cofilin with 0.85 mM pyreneactin filaments (final concentrations after mixing). Measurements were made at 25.0(G0.1) 8C in KMI6.6 buffer with an Applied Photophysics SX.18MV-R stopped-flow apparatus. A 400 nm colored glass emission filter was used to monitor fluorescence (lexZ366 nm). Time-courses of pyrene fluorescence changes were fitted to single or double-exponentials. The phalloidinconcentration-dependence of the fast observed rate constant (kobs) of fluorescence quenching was fitted to: kobs Z ko C ðkN Kko Þ 0 B !B @ ½Ph ½A Kd C ½A r ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi1 Cn K ½Ph ½A 2n Kd C ½A Cn 2 K4 ½Ph ½A n C C A (12) where ko is the observed rate constant of cofilin binding to actin filaments in the absence of phalloidin, kN fluorescence intensity is the observed rate constant of cofilin binding to actin filaments in the presence of saturating phalloidin, [Ph] and [A] are the total phalloidin and actin concentrations respectively, Kd is the apparent dissociation equilibrium constant of phalloidin binding to rabbit muscle actin filaments under our experimental conditions (20 nM 53), and n is the stoichiometry (molar ratio) of bound phalloidin that maximally inhibits cofilin binding. The stoichiometry (n), initial (ko) and final (kN) observed rate constants were allowed to float when fitting. Electron microscopy Actin filaments and cofilactin filaments were prepared by mixing preformed erythrosin-labeled actin filaments with a range of cofilin concentrations, equilibrated at room temperature for at least 20 min, adsorbed to glowdischarged carbon-coated copper grids, negatively stained with 1% (w/v) uranyl acetate and visualized with a JOEL 100 CX electron microscope at an accelerating voltage of 80 kV. Cosedimentation Samples (200 ml) of ErIA-F-actin (1.8 mM) and cofilin (0.1, 2 or 8 mM) were prepared with oxygen-removing enzymes as for TPA experiments. Samples were equilibrated at 25 8C for 10 min then centrifuged for 30 min at 400,000g in a TLA-100 rotor, which is sufficient to pellet even very short filaments (lavg w0.13 mm; w47 subunits).54 The fraction of ErIA-actin remaining in the supernatant was determined by measuring absorbance of the probe at 538 nm of samples before centrifugation and supernatants. Acknowledgements We thank Dr Wenxiang Cao for engaging discussions, Adrian O. Olivares and James P. Robblee for assistance with some of the cofilin preparations used in this study, and Brian Tucker for assistance with the kinetics of cofilin binding to pyrene actin filaments. This work was supported by a Hellman Family Fellowship (to E.M.D.L.C.), grants from the American Heart Association (0235203N to E.M.D.L.C.), the National Science Foundation (MCB-0216834 to E.M.D.L.C.), and the NIH (AR32961 to D.D.T.). References 1. Du, J. & Frieden, C. (1998). Kinetic studies on the effect of yeast cofilin on yeast actin polymerization. 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