Optics Laboratory #1


Optics Laboratory #1

Session #1: Geometrical optics and calibration of the CCD camera


Reinforce geometrical optics of image formation.

Learn how to use image acquisition and image analysis software.

Calibrate the spatial scale of the CCD camera.

Observe the Gaussian intensity profile of a laser beam

I. Intensity Profile of Unexpanded Beam


Open the “FlashBus MV” image acquisition software in “live” mode.

Point the HeNe laser into the CCD camera. Increase the attenuation with

OD (optical density) filters, in combination with the variable attenuator, until the spot no longer saturates the CCD camera. (An OD=1 filter attenuates the beam by a factor of 10. An OD=2 filter attenuates the beam by a factor of 10




Save a bitmap of the image using the Flash Bus MV software program by clicking “Grab”, then “File”, then “Save as” . (Use descriptive filenames as you will be recording several images in each of the optics labs.)


Read the digital file into “Image J” analysis software and print an image for your report.


Measure the laser spot intensity profile: click on the line tool button, draw a line through the center of the spot (try to avoid any artifacts in the image due to defects or dust in the optical components), then click “Analyze”, then “Plot Profile”. Save a bitmap of the plot. To save the raw data, click

“List”, then “File” and “Save as”. (You may be able to reduce the amount of fluctuations in the intensity profile by using “rectangular selection” instead of a “line selection”.)


Beam Expansion


Expand and recollimate the HeNe laser beam using a combination of lenses of 150-mm (or 160-mm) and 25-mm focal length in the configuration of an “inverted telescope”. Use the black screen as an aid to convince yourself that the beam is being expanded and recollimated. Be sure to include a diagram in your report. Adjust the attenuation so that the signal is strong, but does not saturate the CCD.


Measure the intensity profile of the expanded beam, just as you did in




Calibration of the CCD


Use the expanded beam to illuminate the mm markings of a transparent ruler. Make an m=1, i.e., unmagnified, image of the mm markings of the ruler using a single 80-mm lens. (Hint: Use the lens equation 1/s + 1/s” =

1/ f , where s is the position of the object relative to the lens, s” is the position of the image relative to the lens, and f is the focal length, to determine the appropriate location of the 80-mm lens and the distance between the detector and the ruler). You may need to adjust the attenuation so that several ruler graduations are visible.


Print this image for your report and determine the number of pixels per mm with the Image J analysis software.


Analysis of Beam Intensity Profile

1. For your report, fit the intensity profiles of both the unexpanded and expanded beams to a Gaussian function by adjusting the width, center position, and peak intensity of a Gaussian fitting function until the calculated profile approximately overlaps the measured profile. Determine the 1/e

2 radius before and after expansion. (You will probably want to do this in Excel procedure in Excel or KaleidaGraph.) Calculate the magnification of your beam expander. Do your experimental results agree with the beam expansion you expected?

Homework Assignment due next lab session: A partial draft of the laboratory report, showing, at a minimum, your diagrams, any equations used to determine the experimental setups, and any images you collected.

Session #2: Optical diffraction in two-dimensions


Observe and quantify Fresnel and Fraunhoffer (far-field) 2-D diffraction from a

periodic array of apertures using 200- and 300-mesh Cu grids.

Use lenses to bring the far-field diffraction pattern to a sharp focus at a diffraction-plane to determine the lattice constant and wire widths of the grids.


Determination of the Fresnel and Fraunhoffer (far-field) regions for both the 200- and 300-mesh grids. Illuminate (in transmission) a 300-mesh Cu grid of square apertures with the (unexpanded) laser.


Calculate, for each grid, the distance, L which a



, from the diffraction source at



, is equal to 1, where a is the lattice constant of the grid, and

λ is the wavelength of light (632.8 nm in our case). For Fresnel diffraction,




For Fraunhoffer diffraction, L>>L





Mount the slide holder onto the fine-adjustment stage


First, view the Fresnel diffraction pattern of each grid. Position the CCD camera as close as you can to the diffraction grid (~5-6 cm w/ one OD attenuator). Once you have the diffraction image on the CCD, use the fine adjustment stage to translate the grid slowly in a direction perpendicular to the laser beam. In your report, describe your observations, and include an image of the diffraction pattern. i.

Repeat (I.3.) with the camera 10, 15, 20, and 30 cm away from the grid and observe the transition between Fresnel and Fraunhoffer regions. For your report, organize the series of images in a meaningful way. Compare and contrast what you observed for the two different grids. Relate your findings to the calculation you performed in (I.1.). Be sure to include a diagram of the setup to indicate positions and relative distances of each optical component.


Determination of the lattice constant from the diffraction pattern. Now use the 150mm lens to create a sharp image of the center portion of the diffraction pattern on the CCD camera. As before, avoid saturating the CCD camera. Record images in this arrangement for both the 200-mesh and the 300-mesh grid. Take line scans of both images using Image J.


For your report, include the following: i.

A basic diagram of the setup and the images you recorded for both grids. ii.

Intensity profiles of both images. Determine the full-width-at-halfmaximum (FWHM) of the individual peaks for each grid. Are they all the same? iii.

Comparison of the measured peak width w p

to the expected peak

( width w e

for an even illumination over a diameter (2 w


) = 0.6 mm w e

= f


/[2 w


]) for both grids. iv.

Calculation of the lattice constant a of each grid using the centerto-center distance x between peaks as measured from your intensity plot ( a = f


/ x ). Compare to the theoretical value of a for each grid (“300 mesh” means there are 300 wires per inch.)


Determine the width of the wires in each grid using the variations in diffraction spot intensity. Because the dynamic range of the CCD camera is limited (8 bits), we will need to take several images with different attenuations to accurately measure the intensities of both strong and weak diffraction spots.


Use an 80 mm lens to capture a wide range of diffraction angles on the

CCD. Use enough optical attenuation to avoid saturation of the CCD by the central diffraction spot.



Take the data again with the optical density of the attenuators reduced by

1.0 (ten times more light getting to the camera).


Take the data a third time with the optical density of the attenuators reduced by 2.0 (100 times more light getting to the camera). Record the best of these images for both grids.


For your report, include the following: i.

A diagram of the setup to indicate positions and relative distances of each piece ii.

Images obtained for both grids at the best level of optical attenuation.

iii. Determination of the width d ( d = a – l , where a is wire separation and l is wire width) of each individual aperture for both grids. There are two periodicities to observe in the diffraction pattern: one is the distance between diffraction spots, which you have already used in (II.3.iv.) to determine the lattice constant of the grid. The other is an oscillation of the spot intensity, which will allow you to measure the width of the wires in the grid, or equivalently the width of each individual aperture. What is the ratio of these periodicities? See section 7.4 of the text. Compare to the expected value of d

(200: d = 0.090 mm, 300: d = 0.058 mm).

