Physics 215 Winter 2003 Prof. Ioan Kosztin Introduction to Modern Physics Lecture #27 Nuclear Physics ! Properties of nuclei ! Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) ! Binding energy and nuclear forces ! Nuclear models ! Radioactivity Atomic Nucleus d ~ 10−14 − 10−15 m nucleon = proton or neutron d = d 0 A1/ 3 Z protons A Z Z=atomic number X N=A-Z neutrons A=mass number m p ≈ mn ≈ 1u M nuc ≈ Au 1u = 1.66 ×10−27 kg = −4 me ≈ 5 ×10 u m12C 12 1 Nuclear Stability Nuclei are held together by very short range (~2 fm), very strong attractive nuclear forces acting between the constituent nucleons (nuclear forces are much stronger than EM forces!) line of stability Nuclear Forces ! one of the 4 fundamental forces in nature (are “charge-blind”) ! very strong and always attractive ! extremely short range (r~10 -15 m) ! saturated (i.e., a nucleon interacts with a limited number of other nucleons) ! are mediated by exchange of massive particles called mesons (Yukawa, 1934) 2 Nuclear Spin and Magnetic Moment LI = I ( I + 1) ! M I = I !, ( I − 1)!,..., − I ! e! µI = L 2m p I "#$ = µn nuclear magneton Potential energy in magnetic field U = − µI ⋅ B = − µ n B M I Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) • Splitting of the nuclear energy levels in magnetic field • Quantum (resonant) transitions between magnetic nuclear energy levels 3 Nuclear Magnetic Imaging (MRI) strong permanent magnet (2-5 T) MRI signal ~ 10-7 eV X-ray signal ~ 105 eV MRI image → Nuclear Binding Energy Eb = ( Zm p + Nmn − M A ) c 2 = ( Zm p + Nmn − M A ) × 931.5 MeV / u 4 Binding Energy per Nucleon Nuclear Models Liquid-Drop Model Eb = C1 A − C2 A 2/3 Z ( Z − 1) ( N − Z )2 − C3 − C4 A1/ 3 A semi empirical formula for the binding energy Independent-Particle Model protons and neutrons are fermions which in nucleus are filling up single particle states in the order of increasing energy (similarly to electrons in atoms) 5 Radioactivity Spontaneous emission of nuclear radiation by nuclei Radiation Detectors 6 Law of Radioactive Decay dN = −λ N dt decay constant N (t ) = N 0 e− λt R= dN = R0e − λt dt decay rate T1/ 2 = ln 2 / λ half time 1Ci ≡ 3.7 × 10 Bq (decay / s) 10 Radioactive Decay Alpha decay A Z X→ disintegration energy: A− 4 Z −2 Y + 24 He Q = ( M X − M Y − M α )c 2 (Application: smoke detector) Beta decay Y + e− +ν A Z X→ A Z +1 A Z X→ A Z −1 Y + e+ +ν n → p + e− +ν Gamma decay A Z X * → ZA X + γ 7 Carbon Dating C → 147 N + e − +ν 14 6 T1/ 2 ≈ 5, 730 years 12 6 C is a stable carbon isotope N ( C) ≈ 1.3 × 10 in the atmosphere N ( C) 14 6 −12 12 6 age of the sample t = T1/ 2 ln ( Ratmosphere / Rsample ) Problem A freshly prepared sample of a certain radioactive isotope has an activity of 10 mCi. After 4 h, its activity is 8 mCi. (a) Find the decay constant and half-life. (b) How many atoms of the isotope were contained in the freshly prepared sample? (c) What is the sample’s activity 30 h after it is prepared? 8 Problem 9