HPS@SHS Ch.10: Nuclear Chemistry

HPS@SHS Ch.10: Nuclear Chemistry
Student Outcomes:
Upon conclusion of this chapter the student will be able to:
1) Describe the process of nuclear decay.
2) Classify nuclear radiation& write nuclear equations for alpha, beta a& gamma decay.
3) Identify sources of nuclear radiation and describe how it affects matter.
4) Describe methods of detecting radiation.
5) Define half-life and relate half-life to the age of a radioactive sample.
6) Calculate the age of a bone sample through C-14 dating.
7) Describe and write balanced equations for transmutation.
8) Describe how transuranium elements are synthesized.
9) Compare and contrast nuclear forces.
10) Explain how nuclear reactors are used to produce electrical energy.
11) Compare and contrast fission and fusion.
Florida Sunshine State Standards:
S.C.A.2.4.3: knows that a number of elements have heavier, unstable nuclei that decay,
spontaneously giving off smaller particles and waves that result in a small loss of mass and
release a large amount of energy.
S.C.A.1.4.4: experiments and determines that the rates of reaction among atoms and
molecules depend on the concentration, pressure, and temperature of the reactants and the
presence or absence of catalysts.
S.C.A.2.4.4: knows that nuclear energy is released when small, light atoms are fused into
heavier ones.
S.C.C.2.4.4: knows that the forces that hold the nucleus of an atom together are much stronger
than electromagnetic force and that this is the reason for the great amount of energy released
from the nuclear reactions in the sun and other stars.
Help in Understanding this Chapter:
Study pg. 318 - Chapter 10 Study Guide. You can also get help with this chapter by going
to our web site, then select NetTutor: Chapter 10. Our Message Board is also available
to post questions you have concerning this chapter.
You can come in outside of class and get help or makeup work at the following times:
Before School : 7-7:25 AM M-F Mr. Gilliland's room, Bld. 14, Room 216
After School : See your teacher for available times.
Extra Credit Online Quizzes:
There are 3 Chapter 10 on-line quizzes you can take for extra credit. Obtain a score of 90% or
better, print out the first page with your score and have a parent sign it.
These can be found on our web site under On-Line Quizzes, Chapter 10:
1. Nuclear Physics Quiz (11/10 pts)
2. Nuclear Chemistry Crossword Puzzle (16/15 pts)
3. Nuclear Chemistry MatchUp Quiz (8/7 pts.)
Ch. 10 Study Sheet Questions:
Vocabulary: Define the following terms:
nuclear radiation
alpha particle
beta particle
gamma ray
E = mc2
radioactive decay
decay series
transuranium elements
nuclear chain reaction
Geiger counter
artificial transmutation
nuclear strong force
cloud chamber
1. What were the discoveries of Becquerel? Curie? Einstein? Fermi?
2. What are the 3 types of nuclear radiation? Give the symbol, mass, charge, & energy of each.
3. Read pg.459. Using E=mc2 explain why nuclear reactions give up more energy than chemical.
4. a. What do scientists believe causes an atom to be radioactive?
b. What elements are radioactive?
5. Write a nuclear reaction for:
a. Radon-222 going through alpha decay
b. Lead-214 going through beta decay
c. Bismuth - 214 going through beta decay
d. Radium - 226 going through alpha decay.
6. Radioactive element X has 108 protons and 178 neutrons. It transmutates to Y in the
following decay series: α, β, β β, α, α, β, α, β. What is the atomic # & mass of Y?
7. a. What are radioactive isotopes? List 3 examples.
b. Give 3 examples of how they are used in either medicine or industry.
8. What is meant by half life of a radioactive element?
a. The half-life of Co-60 is 5.26 years, how much of a 20.0 g piece is left after 26.3 yrs.?
b The half-life of I-131 is 8.07 days. How long would it take a 50.0 g sample to decay
to 3.125 grams?
9. What is carbon-14 dating? Write an equation for C-14 going through beta decay.
a. C-14 has a half-life of 5,730 years. How old is a bone that originally had 10.0 g and
now has only 1.25 grams of carbon - 14?
b. A 28,650 yr. old bone originally had 34.25 g. How much C-14 is left?
What happened to the rest?
10. What is the difference between FUSION and FISSION?
a. Which is being used in nuclear power plants?
b. Which is taking place on the sun?
c. What are the waste products in each type?
d. What is keeping fusion from being used in power plants?
e. Write an nuclear equation showing fusion.
f. Write an nuclear equation showing fission.
11. a. What is a nuclear chain reaction? Why is so much energy released?
b. What causes it and how can it be controlled?
12. a. How does a generator produce electricity?
b. What does electricity consist of?
c. Compare and contrast an AC and a DC current?
13. a. What are the main parts of a nuclear reactor?
b. What specific purpose does the Uranium serve?
c. What are the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power?
14. Do the following questions from your textbook:
A) Reviewing Content: 1-10 on page 319
B) Understanding Concepts: 11 -18, 20, 21 pg. 319
C) Critical Thinking: 23, 24, 26 pg. 320
D) Math Skills: 27 - 29 pg. 320
E) Concepts in Action: 30, 31, 32 pg. 320
F) Preparing for the FCAT, 1-6, pg. 321