AP B Physics… Interference & Diffraction Topics 2 Diffraction Interference & Coherence of lasers Destructive & Constructive Interference Two-Slit Interference Interference in Thin Films Summary Diffraction: creates many tiny waves which may later interfer Diffraction is the bending of waves around boundaries Huygens’ Principle A wave behaves as if each point on its wave-front is a source of spherical wavelets Interference and Coherence Waves can interfere: that is, combine together to form complex wave patterns But interference is best demonstrated using coherent waves Interference and Coherence Coherence means that waves have a phase relationship that is maintained for many cycles Laser light is coherent Destructive and Constructive Interference Destructive interference occurs when two interfering waves are completely out of phase. Constructive interference occurs when two interfering waves are in phase. http://phet.colorado.edu/simulations/sims.php?sim=Wave_Interference Two-Slit Interference . Two light rays start in phase, but rb travels longer to reach point P d Constructive interference occur will P A rA y r rB B L if the path difference Dr = rB – rA = m l, m=1,2,3 Two-Slit Interference P Destructive interference will occur d if A Dr = (m + ½)lB =3/2,5/27/2 rA y r rB L Two-Slit Math Proof P How does the path difference depend on the angle d q? that Note r = (rB + rA)/2 when d << r A rA y r rB q B L Dr = rB rA Two-Slit Math Proof (sara?) P From 2r = rB + rA rA L we obtain 2rDr = rB2 rA2 rB q d and Dr = rB – rA y r Dr = rB rA which leads to Dr =d sin q Two-Slit Interference P Small angles : sin = tan = y/L But also Dr = d sin q ** Combine: rA d l y r rB q L Dr = rB rA Dy/L= d/path where thepath = l if constructive =l/2 if destructive Two-Slit Interference Examplesneed at least 2 sources! 1. Two speakers for sound (don’t sit on a node!) 2. Two barriers for light to diffract (see black/white fringes on a screen) 3. CD, DVD, rough surfaces (multiple reflections overlap) 4. Diffraction grating (many slits) slit size = d= 1mm/# lines Applications: Storage Media CDs use infrared lasers DVDsred lasers Blu-ray violet lasers Gratings- forensics, spectroscopy Two-Slit Interference: Intensity FYI: Intensity depends on the square of the amplitude ex. If the Electric field of light doubles, the intensity quadruples surfing tip: a wave twice as high has 4x the energy!) Two-Slit Interference: slit width vs. laser wavelength FYI: more diffraction happens if try to force a longer wavelength (red vs. blue) through a smaller slit more diffraction means lines are spread out, not as intense, fewer of them see web site: http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/wave-interference Diffraction Grating A device with multiple slits is called a diffraction grating The greater the number of slits the brighter and narrower the maxima The greater the number of slits the greater the contrast between the maxima and regions between them Single-Slit Interference Similar math to double slit, but just switch it: constructive if path = a sinq = ml/2 Destructive if path =a sinq = ml a is the slit width Single-Slit Math Proof Rays 1 and 3 differ in path length by ½ a sinq. So, if this equals ½ l there will be destructive interference In general, the condition for destructive interference is a sinq = ml Interference in Thin Films Iridescent butterfly http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk Interference in 1-2-3 Thin Film 1-2-3 means the refractive index keeps increasing as the light penetrates n=1 (air) n=2 (film) n=3 (main substance or substrate) (not an example: soap bubbles, glass/air/glass wedge) Interference in 1-2-3 Thin Film Math: use the wavelength in the film: If is the wavelength in air then f = / in the film n=1 (air) n=2 (film) n=3 (main substance or substrate) Interference in 1-2-3 Thin Film Same as double slit interference: Bright , constructive if path = 1 wavelength Only trick: two reflection so the film thickness is only ½ wavelength A d thin film B Interference in 1-2-3 Thin Film example: for bright constructive reflection if start with 400 nm light, n= 2 for film, then wave = 200nm in the film and the thickness is half of that lair = 400nm lfilm= 200 nm d = ½ wave = 100nm (d=1/4 wave = 50nm if want dark) A d B “staggered”Thin Films Staggered means the refractive index of the film is largest (opposite physics: d= ½ wavelength is darkest) n=1 (air) n=3 (film) n=2 (main substance or substrate) (example: soap bubbles, glass/air/glass wedge) Summary Diffraction waves bend around edges and objects Creates numerous waves for interference Limits the size of resolvable objects Interference Constructive or destructive overlap if 2 waves travel a different distance Slits, gratings, thin films Constructive if path difference is a full wave 25